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Shifting slash-and-burn agriculture is likely one of the main causes of forest degradation in southern Belize. Although many development projects have attempted to reduce the impacts of agriculture on the tropical rainforest, the situation is still a cause for concern. A study of the farming system of the San Jose Maya community was therefore carried out to examine agricultural production in its social, cultural, economic, and political context. Results demonstrate that agricultural production contributes to forest degradation because of the limited availability of agricultural land, the low level of investment in agricultural production, the land tenure system, limited marketing opportunities, and the exclusion of Mayas from the country's political and economic domains. Agroforestry could, however, offer a partial solution to the problem of forest degradation. Three types of traditional agroforestry systems are practised in San Jose: the milpa (a slash-and-burn agriculture system), cacao (Theobroma cacao) cultivation under shade trees, and the homegarden. These traditional agroforestry systems almost entirely meet a family's needs for food and wood, and generate at least 62% of family income. Improving the productivity of these systems could help to reduce pressure on the forest in southern Belize.This revised version was published online in November 2005 with corrections to the Cover Date.  相似文献   

Swidden cultivation can contribute to deforestation and land degradation, which can subsequently result in a number of serious environmental problems. This paper examines the economic and social potential of agroforestry systems and the barriers to their widespread adoption, as a land use alternative to swidden cultivation, which may potentially help protect local forest. The Gunung Salak valley in West Java, Indonesia is presented as a case study. Based on farmers’ and experts’ assessment, costs and benefits have been estimated, which show that the two investigated agroforestry systems have higher net present value and benefit-cost ratio (B/C) than the two swidden cultivation systems. Tree ownership also creates more permanent rights to farmland and is prestigious in the community. Agroforestry products (fruit, vegetables etc.) have high monetary value and help strengthen social cohesion when shared with neighbors. However, farmers are reluctant to implement agroforestry. Stated reasons are related to both culture and capacity. Farmers practicing agroforestry are less involved in forest clearing and forest products collection than swidden farmers indicating that it may contribute positively to conservation of local forests. Increasing the adoption of agroforestry farming in the study area will require support to overcome capacity constraints.  相似文献   

混农林业历史发展概述   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:1  
混农林业历经了游耕制和轮垦制,间作、套种制,混林农业和现代混农林业等发展阶段。混农林业的发展方向是经营模式多样化、系列化,经营技术集约化、科学化。  相似文献   

Smallholder perceptions of agroforestry projects in Panama   总被引:7,自引:1,他引:7  
The potential effects of agroforestry systems on conservation and development have been well documented. Panama has seen a substantial rise in the number of projects with an agroforestry component in the 1990s. There has been insufficient research on the actual impacts of these projects on smallholders and of farmers' attitudes towards these systems. This study explores the perceived socioeconomic and environmental impacts of five agroforestry projects in Panama. A total of 68 smallholders were administered semi-structured interviews. In addition, 13 agroforestry experts from NGOs, government departments and research institutes were interviewed, and their responses were compared with those of the smallholders. While the projects led to an increase in the standard of living by providing wood products and fruit for domestic consumption, farm income levels generally remained unchanged. This was due primarily to limited market development, the lack of marketing organizations and poor access roads. In terms of environmental impacts, the farmers' responses suggested a slight decline in slash-and-burn agriculture, and an increase in tree planting activities. Some environmental benefits were observed by farmers, including reduced soil erosion, increased soil fertility, and improved quality and quantity of water sources. Nevertheless, slash-and-burn agriculture was still the norm for the majority of farmers. Most farmers continued to harvest wood from primary and secondary growth to meet their domestic wood requirements, rather than relying on trees planted in agroforestry projects. The main obstacles preventing increased agroforestry adoption included insufficient agroforestry extension, inappropriate project design or management (such as top-down management approaches, and the use of food incentives), smallholders' economic constraints, and larger policy issues. Recommendations are proposed to improve project design and management, and to address the economic and policy constraints. This revised version was published online in June 2006 with corrections to the Cover Date.  相似文献   

This paper examines how agroforestry-based farming systems evolved in the Dhanusha district of Nepal following the conversion of forest into agriculture during the early 1950s. Some data are from two focus group discussions with agroforestry farmers and one meeting with agroforestry experts. The farmers?? discussion traced the development of farming practices from 1950 to 2010 to identify the drivers of land use change. The experts?? discussion resulted in a scale to differentiate the prevailing farming systems in the study area considering five key components of agroforestry: agricultural crops, livestock, forest tree crops, fruit tree crops and vegetable crops. Data related to the system components were collected from the randomly selected households. The study reveals that land use had generally changed from very simple agriculture to agroforestry, triggered by infrastructure development, technological innovations, institutional support (subsidies and buy-back guarantees) and extension programs. A range of farming systems with varying degrees of integration was evident in the study area: simple agriculture; less integrated agroforestry; semi-integrated agroforestry and highly integrated agroforestry. The three types of agroforestry systems, which are the focus of this study, varied significantly in terms of farm size, cropping intensity, use of farm inputs, tree species diversity, tree density, home to forest distance and agricultural labour force.  相似文献   

Land use was examined in three settlements – Pedro Peixoto in Acre and Theobroma in Rondonia, Brazil, and Pucallpa, in Peru. Research aimed at characterizing the differences in land use after initial slash-and-burn, and presenting hypotheses to assess the feasibility of improved land uses. Settlers in the Amazon practice slash-and-burn agriculture in forest lands to produce annual crops. After cropping, lands are converted to pasture, or planted with perennial crops, or fallowed in anticipation of future annual crop production. Land use after slash-and-burn cultivation in forest lands differed among the colonies examined. Whereas colonists in Pedro Peixoto converted lands to pasture for cattle production, settlers in Theobroma adopted a strategy encompassing both dual-purpose (milk and meat) cattle and perennial crop production. The more heterogeneous settlers in Pucallpa, who included small-scale cattle ranchers and riverine and forest slash-and-burn farmers, gave more importance to perennial crops. Hypotheses are suggested regarding the described land use differences, and implications for the adoption of agroforestry are discussed. This revised version was published online in June 2006 with corrections to the Cover Date.  相似文献   

苏北平原地区森林贡献与效率测算及分析   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
以苏北地区1991--2001年的数据,采用随机前沿生产函数的效率模型和超越对数生产函数对农田林网和小片林对农业总产值、种植业产值和畜牧业产值的贡献程度进行计量并分析,结果表明:农田林网对上述3个产值的生态贡献率为负值,小片林对上述3个产值的生态贡献率为正值,林业、种植业和畜牧业之间存在明显的联合生产效果。需要扩大小片林面积和对现有农田林网进行适当改造,以期取得更好的效果。  相似文献   

Under population pressure, the transition from the long-fallow shifting cultivation to short-fallow shifting cultivation with associated land degradation has been claimed to be unavoidable and sedentary cultivation would be advocated as the only future to replace the unsustainable short-fallow shifting cultivation in the mainstream research and development. The recent development of the shifting cultivation system in Yunnan, Southwest China demonstrates how local peoples hybridize elements of the traditional shifting cultivation and the new agriculture and forestry technologies as a new and dynamic rotational agroforestry system for economic development without losing the natural resource base. Comparing experiences in other regions and under some conditions, the rotational agroforestry system may be promoted as a viable option for development of the shifting cultivation system in the mountainous areas where the introduction of sedentary agriculture is much constrained.  相似文献   

Today the Black Forest is an internationally renowned tourist region in Germany. For centuries the Black Forest remained as a low mountain range regarded as not suitable for settlement due to its unfavourable climatic conditions and difficult terrain. Clearing the dense forests and settlement therefore started at a historically late stage compared to other regions of Germany, about 1000 years ago. Due to the special conditions in this area, the structure of the settlement had to be quite different to those landscapes with more favourable conditions for agriculture. A single-farm settlement developed, farms situated 200 to 400 m away from each other, surrounded by meadows, agricultural land and forests and owned by the farmer’s family. This structure has remained in some areas until today; in other areas different types of settlement took place, and great changes occurred during history. A special type of agroforestry — a slash-and-burn-management of forests — also took place 150 to 200 years ago.  相似文献   

Forested land cleared for agriculture in the Blue Mountains of Jamaica rapidly loses its productivity leading to further slash-and-burn cultivation and the degradation of more forest. Contour hedgerows of Calliandra calothyrsus Meissner have been shown to reduce water runoff and soil erosion, and products of the species have a wide range of uses in the local farming community. A trial was established at 1550 m in which the locally naturalised population of C. calothyrsus was compared with seven provenances from across the species' ecological range. There was considerable variation between provenances of C. calothyrsus in all the above-ground growth variables measured and, although the local provenance performed moderately well, it was clear that there is potential to improve the suitability of the species for a range of local uses by the introduction of new provenances. One provenance combined high above-ground productivity with low fine root-length density, especially in the inter-hedgerow area: it offers particular potential for use in simultaneous agroforestry systems providing wood and foliage products whilst not imposing high levels of competition with crop plants for below-ground resources. Although there were significant differences between provenances in the distribution of roots between the hedgerow and inter-row areas, they did not differ in the distribution of roots between soil depths. There were only limited differences between provenances in the response of their subsequent growth to harvesting. However, significant block × provenance interactions suggested that the performance of C. calothyrsus provenances may be difficult to predict between sites and farmers should be encouraged to carry out trial planting of a number of provenances to find those which best match their farm environment and needs.This revised version was published online in November 2005 with corrections to the Cover Date.  相似文献   

Understanding the factors affecting framers' adoption of improvedtechnologies is critical to success of implementing agroforestry developmentprograms. This paper evaluated the determinants of farmers' decisions to adoptand adapt alley farming technology and its variants in the farming systems ofNigeria, using econometric Logit models. Eleven variables were significant inexplaining farmers' adoption decisions. The model results show that farmercharacteristics that influenced adoption included the gender of the farmer,contact with extension agents, years of experience with agroforestry and tenancystatus in the village. Economic factors, proxied by village-levelcharacteristics that condition resource use incentives, were also significant.These variables include the extent of village land pressure, extent of erosionintensity, village fuel wood pressure, importance of livestock as an economicactivity in the village and the distance of the village locations from urbancenters. The paper showed that farmers are already making significantmodifications to the conventional alley farming technology introduced byscientists. The two most important modifications were the introduction of fallowperiods into the conventional system and changes in the pruning regime of thesystem. Model results showed that human capital variables were significant inexplaining farmers' decisions to adapt and modify the technology. Farmereducation and family size significantly influence the choice of pruning regime.Farmers' age, education, intensity of erosion in the farmers' village, andfarmers' land availability significantly influence whether or not fallowperiod is introduced into the conventional system. To promote greater adoptionof agroforestry alternatives to slash-and-burn agriculture, particular attentionshould be placed on the use of appropriate socioeconomic characterization, tobetter target technologies to areas with higher adoption potential. This revised version was published online in June 2006 with corrections to the Cover Date.  相似文献   

Agroforestry has been incorporated in education and training programs at an unprecedented level since 1982. A survey of educational institutions conducted by ICRAF in 1987 revealed that agroforestry is found as an option for specialization in undergraduate as well as in postgraduate M.Sc, diploma programs in forestry, agriculture, natural resources, and others. Courses and special seminars in agroforestry are organized in degree programs. Full undergraduate and postgraduate programs in agroforestry are being formulated and implementation started in quite a few universities, and many students are choosing agroforestry-oriented research projects for their dissertations. A good setting for higher degree training in agroforestry requires, however, staffing from combined faculties of at least agriculture, animal science and forestry; faculty commitment to a farming systems approach; and inter-departmental cooperation in teaching and research. It was difficult to asses whether these and other elements are present in existing programs where agroforestry has been incorporated. Emerging trends indicate that traditional forestry programs are broadening the scope of the discipline (from forests to integrated land-use systems) while agriculturists are recognizing that trees play important roles as soil improvers and protectors, fodder, food, fuel and other domestic and commercial purposes. New institutional structures are evolving to allow for educational programs with coursework and research projects spanning many disciplines. Nondegree training in agroforestry has seen an upsurge of activities equal, if not larger, to that in education. Attempts are being made by different institutions worldwide to inventory training opportunities; still the collection and dissemination of information is difficult. Efforts are needed at the international, regional, and national levels, to address training issues that if addressed collectively can improve the quality and effectiveness of human resource development efforts. ICRAF's approach to promote agroforestry research through education and training is an example of an action program currently under application.  相似文献   

While slash-and burn farmers convert forest to agriculture, they also regenerate significant areas of secondary fallow forests on their farms. Under what conditions does secondary forest cover persist on slash-and-burn farms? Survey data from Pará, Brazil show that secondary forests occupy 20% of farm area even after a century of settlement. In addition to restoring soil fertility, secondary forests contribute over 20% of farmers' income through products such as charcoal, fruit, game animals and firewood for on-farm processing. Econometric analysis shows that slow rates of population growth and increases in agricultural incomes through on-farm processing of agricultural products enable farmers to maintain long fallows and result in diversified systems compatible with secondary forest cover in the study area. On the other hand, declining agricultural productivity, subsidized credit, declines in the growth rate of secondary forests and policies favoring speculative land acquisition threaten secondary forest persistence. In older settlement areas, secondary forests are often the only forest resource available to the rural poor. Fallow areas should therefore be managed not only for agricultural productivity, but also for conserving forest resources.  相似文献   

Integrated land uses, many now referred to as agroforestry, have a long history in Europe. In the past, the main trend was the movement of agricultural and pastoral activities into forests. The introduction of trees into non-forested (or once forested) lands is a much more recent occurrence, particularly the cultivation of high value fruit and nut trees in the Mediterranean countries, hedgerows/windbreaks in northwestern Europe and windbreaks in eastern Europe and the southern Soviet Union. Environmental concerns of intensive agriculture are increasing the demand for alternate production systems such as agroforestry. Education and training in agroforestry in Europe is very diverse because of the country specific issues regarding land use.  相似文献   

Slash-and-burn shifting cultivation is the conventional farming practice in Sierra Leone, where communal land tenure is by far the most common form of land use. Alley farming, the alternative agricultural system, has been introduced as a technical option to increase yield, reduce or eliminate fallow and conserve soil water. This study uses a logistic regression model to determine the factors influencing the adoption of alley farming in Sierra Leone. Data for the study were collected from a total of 160 farmers in 16 farming communities across 4 ecotones in the Freetown Peninsula through a survey, interactive discussion and personal observation. It is found that although most of these communities are aware of alley farming, female farmers are less likely than males to adopt this farming technology. Also membership of farmers’ associations and access to extension services positively influences adoption of alley farming, but limited land availability hinders adoption in the region. Most of the farmers practicing or trying out alley farming prefer this farming system over slash-and-burn shifting cultivation. High demand for fuelwood, short or no fallow periods and replenishment of soil fertility are among the attributes driving farmers to switch to alley farming. Despite its merits, alley farming is not perceived as a complete substitute for slash-and-burn shifting cultivation in the study area. For wider adoption, there is the need to develop demonstration farms to show the feasibility of incorporating farmer-specific biophysical, hydro-climatic and socio-economic conditions into alley farming system in the region.  相似文献   

New initiatives in agroforestry are seeking to integrate into tropical farming systems indigenous trees whose products have traditionally been gathered from natural forests. This is being done in order to provide marketable products from farms that will generate cash for resource-poor rural and peri-urban households. This poverty-alleviating agroforestry strategy is at the same time linked to one in which perennial, biologically diverse and complex mature-stage agroecosystems are developed as sustainable alternatives to slash-and-burn agriculture. One important component of this approach is the domestication of the local tree species that have commercial potential in local, regional or even international markets. Because of the number of potential candidate species for domestication, one crucial first step is the identification of priority species and the formulation of a domestication strategy that is appropriate to the use, marketability and genetic potential of each species. For most of these hitherto wild species little or no formal research has been carried out to assess their food value, potential for genetic improvement or reproductive biology. To date their marketability can only be assessed by their position in the local rural and urban marketplaces, since few have attracted international commercial interest. To meet the objective of poverty alleviation, however, it is crucial that market expansion and creation are possible, hence for example it is important to determine which marketable traits are amenable to genetic improvement. While some traits that are relatively easy to identify do benefit the farmer, there are undoubtedly others that are important to the food, pharmaceutical or other industries that require more sophisticated evaluation. This paper presents the current thinking and strategies of ICRAF in this new area of work and draws on examples from our program. This revised version was published online in June 2006 with corrections to the Cover Date.  相似文献   

As traditional slash-and-burn systems with prolonged fallow periods are no longer feasible in most parts of the tropics, improved agroforestry systems have high potential to increase the productivity of farming systems and sustain continuous crop production. Our objective was to assess biophysical and economic performance of planted leguminous tree fallow (using Inga edulis) compared to the traditional slash-and-burn farming system, practiced by farmers on fields infested with noxious weedy grass Imperata brasiliensis around the city of Pucallpa, Peru. An existing agroforestry model SCUAF was used to predict biophysical factors, such as changes in soil characteristics and farm outputs (crop and tree yield). While a cost–benefit analysis spreadsheet, which uses the output from SCUAF and economic data on input/output levels and prices, calculates economic performance of the systems. The Inga fallow system can provide improvements to a range of soil biophysical measures (C, N, P content). This enables higher levels of farm outputs to be achieved (higher cassava yields). However, for smallholders the improved system must be more economically profitable than the existing one. At prices currently encountered, the Inga fallow system is more profitable than the Imperata fallow system only in the long-term. In adopting the Inga fallow system, smallholders will incur lower profits in the first years, and it will take approximately 10 years for smallholders to begin making a profit above that achievable with the Imperata fallow system. Unless smallholders are capable of accepting the lower profitability in first years, they are less likely to adopt the new system.  相似文献   

An experiment in the Blue Mountains of Jamaica investigated the consequences of three land-use treatments applied following forest clearance on soil fertility and resulting crop growth over a five year period. The treatments were: maintained weed-free without cultivation (bare); cultivated with herbaceous crops (agriculture); and cultivated with herbaceous crops and intercropped with Calliandra calothyrsus contour hedges (agroforestry) and compared with an uncleared secondary forest control (forest). Nitrogen mineralisation rates declined over time since forest clearance in the cleared treatments, but not in the forest. In the second and third years after clearance nitrogen mineralisation was higher under the hedgerows than all other treatments. However, by the fifth year this had reduced to net immobilization (both under and between hedgerows). Under controlled shade-house conditions bioassay plant growth was similar in soil from agricultural plots and from forest plots. In all the soils bioassay plant growth showed a slight (not significant) positive response to P addition. However, it did show a large positive response to N addition in all soils: most for agriculture soils, least for forest soils and intermediate for agroforestry. Crop plants growing in the agroforestry plots had significantly higher growth than those in the agriculture plots. This was sufficient to lead to grain yield per hectare being only 5% lower in agroforestry plots despite there being c. 20% fewer maize plants per hectare than in the agriculture plots. However, the results suggest that there was no clear positive effect of C. calothyrsus on soil fertility five years after establishment.This revised version was published online in November 2005 with corrections to the Cover Date.  相似文献   

Agroforestry is a new name for a rather old practice. From a historical point of view, various agroforestry systems existed in Europe, of which the wood pastures (Neolithicum), the Dehesas in Spain (~4,500 years old) and the Hauberg of the Siegerland (established in the Middle Age) are the most prominent. Other widespread systems in Europe were hedgerows, windbreaks and Streuobst (orchard intercropping). Due to mechanisation and intensification of agriculture, trees have been progressively removed from agricultural fields and traditional agroforestry systems slowly disappeared. Today, agroforestry systems are again increasing in interest as they offer the potential to solve important ecological and, especially, biodiversity problems, while at the same time enabling the production of food, wood products and fodder for cattle. Although agroforestry systems offer many advantages, many farmers are sceptical of these systems and are critical and risk-averse with regard to adopting new practices. However, in comparison to traditional systems, modern agroforestry systems can be adapted to current farming practices. By selecting suitable trees and appropriate tree management, high-quality timber can be produced without influencing agricultural crops excessively. In future, agroforestry systems will become increasingly important as they offer the prospect of producing woody perennials for bioenergy on the same land area as food and/or fodder plants, while enhancing overall biodiversity.  相似文献   

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