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Meadows are often managed by mowing to prevent succession and brushwood encroachment. This management practice is efficient to maintain plant diversity, but the effect on arthropod groups is less well known. We sampled spiders in the Grande Cariçaie (Switzerland), a site of nature conservation importance, in two types of wet meadows, an unmanaged site and one 2-years-old mown conditions. Numbers of individuals for the most abundant families, diversity measures, and indicator taxa were compared among vegetation and treatment types. The results indicate that the less mobile spiders and species linked to litter or dead reeds, including rare species, are reduced by mowing. Present management consists in triennial mowing of 2-4 ha non-contiguous sectors. We investigate the conflict between the need to mow the meadows to maintain them, and the negative effect of mowing on spider communities. We therefore propose a new management scheme aimed at maintain the vegetation while lessening its negative effects on spider communities by providing refuges.  相似文献   

For population viability analysis of endangered orchid populations, it is crucial to disentangle the effects of weather and management from intrinsic orchid dynamics. When doing this, typically several months’ average temperatures and/or sums of precipitations are compared with some characteristics of plant performance. Here we tested, whether short averaging intervals (1-2 weeks) are more closely correlated with orchid performance. We used 5 years of data from five Dactylorhiza majalis populations, and have shown that the improvement of prediction by shortening the interval over which the temperatures are averaged or precipitation summed, even if detectable, is only weak and not significant. This, however, may be due to low weather variability during the study. Regarding the second aspect, the effect of management (presence or absence of mowing), we have found that leaf area of D. majalis at the regularly mown site was larger than that at the sites which were mown only once in 2 years, but we did not detect a significant effect of the absence of mowing on the incidence of flowering. Mowing can affect orchid performance in two ways: by reduced shading of orchids and by reducing competition with other species. Therefore, we have determined the co-occurring species associated with presence or absence of mowing and found that shading significantly affected the length of the flower stalk, the ratio of leaf width to leaf length at the end of the season, but did not affect seed weight and probability of flowering the next year. We conclude that the most appropriate management for D. majalis is mowing at least once a year, ideally at the end of June/beginning of July, after its fruiting.  相似文献   

Extreme climatic events like the 2003 summer heatwave and inappropriate land management can threaten the existence of rare plants. We studied the response of Eryngium alpinum, a vulnerable species, to this extreme climatic event and different agricultural practices. A demographic study was conducted in seven field sites between 2001 and 2010. Stage-specific vital rates were used to parameterize matrix population models and perform stochastic projections to calculate population growth rates and estimate extinction probabilities. Among management regimes, spring grazing and land abandonment decreased vital rates and population growth, while autumn grazing and late mowing had positive effects on population viability. The 2003 heatwave reduced fecundity rates and survival rates. Only spring grazed sites presented considerable extinction risk. Stochastic projections showed that an increased frequency of 2003-like events may exacerbate extinction risk, but extinction probability depends mainly on land management regimes. To better conserve E. alpinum populations, we recommend conversion of presently spring grazed and abandoned sites to late mowing or autumn grazing.  相似文献   

Subalpine meadows, which traditionally were mown every other year, are particularly rich in plant species, especially forbs. Near Davos (Switzerland) we compared the vegetation of mown sites with that of sites grazed for up to 50 years by non-lactating cows. We recorded an overall mean of 51.5 plant species per 4×4 m plot. Among grazed sites, evenness decreased with time since conversion to grazing (−0.11 in 50 years; P<0.05), suggesting progressive vegetation change, which may eventually result in the loss of species. Ground cover by forbs tended to be higher in mown than in grazed sites (by 7.2%; P<0.1). The proportion of not-clonally colonising perennial species decreased after conversion to grazing (−7.72%; in 50 years, P<0.05), while the cover by graminoid species increased (+14.2% in 50 years; P<0.1). More intensively grazed sites had a lower cover of dwarf shrubs and higher cover of legume species (P<0.05). Because grazing negatively affects both botanical richness and agricultural quality, mowing of traditionally mown subalpine meadows should be maintained, and recently grazed meadows should be reconverted to mowing.  相似文献   

We discuss the population biology of two calcareous grassland gentians, Gentianella germanica and Gentianopsis ciliata, in relation to the habitat management currently practiced in The Netherlands. There, at the margin of their range, both species are rare. Gentianella germanica persists on six remaining locations, whereas Gentianopsis ciliata, with two populations, is nearly extinct. Gentianella germanica is a strict biennial, Gentianopsis ciliata an iteroparous perennial. Both species depend on insects for seed production and suffer from low insect visitation. Pollination experiments in one Dutch population demonstrated that Gentianopsis ciliata is self-compatible, but hardly sets any seed under natural conditions due to pollen limitation. The low reproductive success of both species is partly due to the low pollinator densities at their late flowering time, partly caused by the small population size of the gentians themselves, and partly a result of mowing too early. The latter has destroyed the seed crop of several subsequent years in one population of Gentianopsis ciliata and some of Gentianella germanica. In Gentianella germanica, the early mowing and low insect visitation seems to have resulted in selection of less herkogamous and consequently more autofertile individuals. The perspectives for Gentianopsis ciliata are currently extremely poor in The Netherlands. Under the present circumstances, extinction will most likely occur within 10-20 years. Population reinforcement (seeding, artificial cross-pollination with nearby populations) should be considered if we want to conserve this species. For both gentians, but also of other flagship species of nutrient-poor calcareous grasslands, the total grassland area needs to be enlarged and must constitute an interconnected network of reserves. The traditional management method, sheep grazing, is to be preferred over mowing, but only if the flock visits each grassland patch or reserve for only a short time of less than a day, and with intervals of more than 2 weeks between visits. If mowing is preferred for other reasons, it should be done rotationally, and not before October.  相似文献   

Invasive alien plants constitute a major threat to local biodiversity. Moreover, their appearance often coincides with land use change. Many endangered groups of organisms suffer from habitat loss, which is often a consequence of the invasion of alien plants. This paper examines how invasive alien goldenrods Solidago spp. affect the richness of endangered grassland bird species and numbers of breeding pairs in abandoned meadows in southern Poland. Meadows invaded by goldenrods (n = 15) had lower bird species richness and a lower number of breeding pairs than meadows in which goldenrods were absent (n = 15). Two important factors positively influencing bird species richness were meadow area and shrub density (the latter only in meadows without goldenrods). Moreover, both the index of potential food density (number of butterflies) and plant species richness were much lower in meadows invaded by goldenrods than in meadows without these plants. Urgent action aimed at preventing the invasion of alien goldenrods in abandoned meadows is needed and such measures should involve regular mowing. Our results also highlight the fact that land abandonment in Central and Eastern Europe is not necessarily as beneficial for biodiversity as it is commonly believed and it may even lead to a decrease in the populations of several bird species in the agricultural landscape.  相似文献   

The increasing spread of invasive alien plants has changed biodiversity throughout the world. To date research in this area has focused on how invasive plant species affect pollinator behaviour, but there is a lack of data on the impact that alien plant species have on wild pollinator populations. Since their introduction in the 19th century, and rapid spread after the 1950s, alien goldenrods (Solidago canadensis, Solidago gigantea) have been among the most successful invasive plant species in Europe. We studied the effects of goldenrods on wild pollinator communities in SE Poland. The abundance, species richness and diversity of wild bees, hoverflies and butterflies were compared between wet meadows invaded by goldenrod (10 transects) and non-invaded controls (10 transects). Furthermore, we compared the plant diversity and average cover between the two groups of sites. Invasion of goldenrods had a very strong negative effect on wild pollinator diversity as well as abundance. Plant diversity and average cover were also negatively affected by goldenrod invasion. Wild pollinators were grouped according to their nesting and food specialization, but none were resistant to the invasion, indicating that introduced goldenrod may affect the entire wild pollinator community. Our study emphasises the urgent need to develop specific protection plans for wild pollinators in habitats threatened by foreign plants and we call for the introduction of programs to stop the invasion of goldenrod not only in Poland, but also on a continental scale.  相似文献   

The main reason for meadow bird declines is supposed to be the intensification of grassland management with earlier first harvest dates and more frequent harvests, resulting in high nest destruction rates. To increase productivity of meadow bird populations in intensified grassland areas a delay of mowing date and individual nest protection measures have been proposed. However, for ground-nesting songbirds such as the whinchat (Saxicola rubetra) the effectiveness of such measures remains widely unknown. In particular, if nest predation rate is high, measures to protect nests from agricultural destruction alone might be questionable. Here, we quantify whinchat nest survival of (1) unprotected nests situated in early mown meadows, (2) protected nests situated in early mown meadows, and (3) nests situated in late mown meadows. Analyses considered the fact that successful and unsuccessful nests are not found with equal probabilities. Periods of reduced nest survival were associated with mowing periods in the different types of meadows. In early mown meadows nest survival rates were low (S < 0.1), and both conservation measures, individual nest protection and delayed mowing, resulted in significantly increased nest survival rates (S > 0.7). Individual nest protection cannot avoid changes in habitat quality of intensively managed meadows, and therefore is only suitable as small-scale and short-term measure to increase nest success until a high portion of late mown meadows is established. Thus, we suggest that a combination of the two measures applied to intensified grassland fields should be provided to maintain viable sizes of endangered meadow bird populations.  相似文献   

We studied population extinction of the locally abundant fen plant Swertia perennis in Switzerland and used up to 127-year old herbarium records to relocate 63 sites that had once hosted this species. We recorded current site characteristics and related them to the absence or abundance of populations. Fifty-four sites (86%) were still traditionally used (extensively mown or grazed). Fifteen populations (24%) had gone extinct. Extinction was more likely at lower altitude, in the peripheral distribution range of S. perennis (58% peripheral, 9% central populations extinct), on the smallest fens (75% extinct on fens <400 m2) and on fens with intensified land use. However, even on traditionally managed wetlands 18.5% of the populations had gone extinct. Moreover, 40% of all remaining populations were smaller than 250 flowering plants. We conclude that both intensified agricultural practice and habitat fragmentation contributed to local extinction of S. perennis. Small populations, especially, may not be able to persist in the long term.  相似文献   

Meadow breeding birds such as the whinchat Saxicola rubetra have been declining due to increased farming intensity. In modern grassland management, the first mowing and the bird’s breeding cycle coincide, causing high nest destruction rates and low productivity of grassland bird populations. However, it is virtually unknown whether the mowing process directly affects adult survival by accidentally killing incubating females. We studied adult survival of an Alpine whinchat population during two breeding seasons using either colour-ringing or radio-tracking of 71 adults. Assessing territories, mowing phenology and nest destruction from 1988 to 2007 allowed changes in the factors associated with female mowing mortality to be estimated. Adult survival over 5-day-periods was Φ = 0.986, but during the period of mowing female survival was strongly reduced (Φ = 0.946). As a result, 80.6% of the males, but only 68.4% of the females survived the breeding season. Mowing undoubtedly killed two of 20 radio-tagged females when they were laying or incubating. In the 20-year period, an increasing proportion of nests were destroyed before the chicks hatched and this change was associated with an increased distortion of the adult sex ratio. Modelling the population growth rate showed that including the additional effect of mowing on female mortality resulted in a 1.7 times faster local population decline. These results are consistent with the hypothesis that the extinction of whinchat populations in the lowlands of central Europe was caused not only by habitat degradation and low productivity, but also by increased man-made female mortality.  相似文献   

Understanding the decline and extinction of species has become critical to conservation biology. The five monarch species of the genus Pomarea, endemic to the southeastern Pacific, are all listed as threatened. Introduced mammals and birds are believed to be responsible for their rarefaction. We analyzed the historical and current distribution of monarchs and introduced animals and found no relation between presence of Polynesian rats (Rattus exculans) and monarch distribution. There was a highly significant correlation between the arrival of the black rat (Rattus rattus) and the decline and extinction of monarch populations. The extinction of monarch populations after colonization by black rats tended to take longer on larger islands than on smaller ones. On islands without black rats, monarchs persisted even where forests have been reduced by more than 75%. After an island was colonized by black rats the number of monarch pairs with young decreased dramatically. Eggs in artificial nests placed in sites used by monarchs were only preyed upon by black rats. No eggs were preyed upon by Polynesian rats (Rattus exulans) or introduced birds. Monarch nests were mainly placed on horizontal branches inside the canopy and were more accessible than nests of Polynesian warbler (Acrocephalus caffer), a species still locally abundant. Warbler nests were placed higher up on vertical branches near the top of trees. These studies suggest that nest predation by black rats has been the main cause of monarch decline. However observations of direct aggression of adult monarchs by introduced red-vented bulbuls (Pycnonotus cafer), especially when monarchs raise their young, suggest that introduced birds could aggravate the decline of monarch populations already weakened by black rats. We discuss the practical implications of these findings for monarch conservation.  相似文献   

Thirty-one meadows were investigated within five sites representing various farming styles found in Austrian cultural landscapes. The meadows were analysed regarding (a) biodiversity (vascular plant and bryophyte species richness), (b) land-use practices (fertiliser input, mowing intensity, the use of silage), and (c) economic aspects (variable costs, profit margin and subsidies per ha). There were significant negative correlations between plant species richness and mowing intensity and intensity of fertiliser application. Bryophytes were good indicators of low nutrient regimes, having high species richness at low fertiliser input. Vascular plants showed highest species richness at an intermediate nitrogen supply. The total plant species richness decreased with increasing nitrogen supply. Intensive silage production was also negatively correlated with plant diversity. Species with a very narrow ecological niche of soil moisture and nutrients declined, whereas species adapted to wider ecological conditions increased. Profit margin and variable costs correlated negatively with plant species richness, with meadows that offered low or no profit margins showing highest species richness. There was no significant relationship between species richness and the amount of subsidies invested at the study meadows. Estimated costs of maintaining a species are shown. It is concluded that if plant species richness are to be maintained in these meadows, farmers have to receive increased financial incentives through agro-environmental subsidies for appropriate meadow management, and these have to be linked to clearly defined measures.  相似文献   

Many orchids are currently red-listed due to changes in land use, and their future persistence will depend on management. Traditional land use like mowing is believed to favour orchids through increased survival and reproduction of established individuals, but the lack of data connecting their complex life cycle presently limits our ability to evaluate effects of management. Here we used data from 16 years of demographic monitoring to study how mowing affects population dynamics in two populations of the rare orchid Dactylorhiza lapponica. Both populations were characterized by long-lived individuals, low adult mortality and high seedling mortality. The traditional regime of mowing every second year strongly increased recruitment and reduced seed production in both populations, but had moderate effect on adult survival, growth rate and flowering probability. Population growth rate was positive for all population × treatment combinations. Traditional mowing significantly increased growth rate in both populations, and LTRE-analyses revealed that this primarily was a result of increased recruitment. The results indicate that demographic rates commonly associated with orchid persistence may be insensitive to traditional management, and underscores the importance of seed production and recruitment to maintain population growth in this long-lived species. The combination of low establishment success and no seed bank makes D. lapponica dependent on high seed input. Our results suggest that D. lapponica would benefit most from traditional mowing performed after seed dispersal in the study areas, but also suggest a high probability of future survival in the absence of mowing.  相似文献   

Over 100 native herbaceous forest perennials are harvested in the United States. Management of these populations for continued survival requires information on the long-term effects of varied harvesting levels on populations of forest perennials. Allium tricoccum Ait. is a species that is harvested throughout its range for its edible bulb. We examined the recovery of A. tricoccum populations over a 5-year period following experimental harvests of different intensity to predict the number of years required to return to pre-harvest levels and to establish guidelines for sustainable harvesting. Our harvest treatments included removal of 0, 25, 50, 75, and 100% of plants within experimental plots. Treatments were repeated at three sites. Population recovery was monitored for 4 years at two sites and 7 years at one site. We found a relationship between the level of harvest and the negative impacts on populations of A. tricoccum, with limited population recovery in the 4 years following harvesting. We projected recovery times as a function of harvest level using a population projection model. Deterministic projections of recovery time ranged from 148 years for a 95% harvest to 2.5 years for a 5% harvest. Incorporating stochasticity into our projections increased the uncertainty in our estimates of recovery time. For example the recovery time from a 5% harvest ranged from 1 to 89 years (95% confidence limit). Based on our results, a 10% harvest once every 10 years would, on average, be a sustainable level of harvest for A. tricoccum in southern Appalachian forests.  相似文献   

We investigated the mechanism of population recovery in the Australian bush rat, Rattus fuscipes, following experimental perturbation in a fragmented landscape. Our study involved genetic monitoring over 24 months following the removal of animals from seven sites by intense trapping. A total of 171 bush rats was removed and statistical analysis confirmed a significant knockdown. At one site, local extinction followed the perturbation, while population sizes at 24 months varied from 37% to 90% of the original population size at the remaining sites. The outcomes of genetic analysis at 11 microsatellite loci and mtDNA indicated that population recovery was achieved predominantly by residual animals: recovery populations were genetically more similar to their respective pre-treatment population than near neighbours; assignment tests detected few immigrants; there was no influx of new immigrant alleles and haplotypes. This finding is consistent with emerging evidence for restricted gene flow in bush rats. The local extinction observed at one site indicate that, under severe perturbation restricted dispersal limits opportunities for, and the rate of, population recovery. Thus, while the bush rat appears resilient to substantial population size perturbation, once a critical minimum population size threshold has been reached, this species may be susceptible to local extinction. We concluded that some widespread species currently predicted to be extinction-resilient may, in fact, be at risk if localized extinctions occur and dispersal limitations prevent recolonisation.  相似文献   

Hamatocaulis vernicosus, a rare moss, has been investigated in detail for its habitat preferences, ecology and population dynamics in the Czech Republic. At all its known sites plant species composition was described and relationships with environmental factors investigated (water table, pH, water conductivity). Experiments that included mowing and gap cutting were investigated at three sites over two years.Hamatocaulis vernicosus had the highest cover at neutral pH (6.7-7.2) and conductivity between 100 and 250 μS/cm, although most localities had lower values. It was influenced positively by mowing only at a site with a high vascular plants cover, and gap cutting was only beneficial at sites with a low water table. The growth and vitality of Hamatocaulis may, therefore, be supported by suitable management especially in drier habitats.  相似文献   

The identification of optimal management strategies for a given species is a major challenge of species conservation. It becomes especially challenging when the environmental conditions are expected to change in the future, and the optimal management applied today may differ from the management that is optimal under the changed conditions (e.g. due to climate change).This study evaluates prospect of a rare plant species endemic to semi-natural grasslands in central Europe, Gentianella praecox subsp. bohemica. The number of populations of this species has declined rapidly in the last 60 years; currently, a conservation action plan has been established in the Czech Republic, where most populations of this species occur. This study uses periodic matrix models to compare different management regimes under different scenarios of climate change and to identify the optimal management in each case.Without management, populations of the species are not able to survive. Flowering individuals can occur for a long time after the cessation of management, but the extinction of the population is inevitable within several decades. Without management, even very large populations (1000 flowering individuals) will go extinct in less than 50 years. Total extinction (including seed bank) will follow several years after observation of the last flowering plant. The most suitable management is mowing and disturbance (by harrowing), which is also the best method for restoration of threatened populations. Mowing is less suitable, but it is fully sufficient for large prospering populations. When managed, even small populations (10–15 flowering individuals) are able to survive. When management is applied, future climate change may have a relatively small impact on the probability of survival of the species. Climate change will, however, increase the extinction probability of very small populations.  相似文献   

Monitoring programs serve to track changes in the distribution and abundance of species. A major problem with most monitoring programs is that species detection is imperfect and some populations are inevitably missed. Therefore, in most monitoring programs the true distribution of a species will be underestimated. Here, we report a field test of the reliability and performance of a commonly used method to monitor the distribution of amphibians (anuran call surveys). We surveyed the distribution of four anuran species in western Switzerland, and estimated detection probabilities to account for imperfect species detection and used these estimates to adjust our estimate of site occupancy (i.e., distribution). Next, we assessed how detection probabilities were affected by weather and how site occupancy was affected by site specific covariates. For one species (Hyla arborea), call surveys proved efficient in determining the regional distribution with only few site visits because detection probabilities were relatively high. The call surveys apparently missed many populations of another common species (Bufo calamita) because detection probabilities were lower. Two other species (Bombina variegata and Alytes obstetricans) were uncommon and strong inference from the analysis is not possible. Thus, multispecies surveys may be inefficient for rare species. Estimates of detection probabilities were used to calculate how many site visits are necessary to infer the absence of a species with some predetermined statistical certainty. The implications of “false absences” are important in ecology as they are known to bias usual habitat suitability models and overestimate extinction/colonization events in metapopulations. Large-scale monitoring programs would benefit from the application of an estimation-based approach to monitoring the distribution of species.  相似文献   

In highly fragmented agricultural landscapes, abandoned forests and dense coniferous plantations established on former semi-natural grassland remain potentially suitable sites for the restoration of grassland communities. The roadside vegetation along the edges of these remnant forests could be a key landscape component, because these communities retain pools of grassland species that are maintained by regular mowing alongside public roads to improve traffic safety. We evaluated the effect of land-use history and the proportion of suitable surrounding habitats on the present distribution of grassland species in roadside forest-edge vegetation. The average number of grassland species was significantly lower at sites that had been cultivated since the 1950s, but it did not differ between uncultivated sites and sites cultivated during the 1880s. Positive effects of the proportion of suitable habitats around the sites were detected at specific spatial scales (500- and 700-m squares), and these effects were indistinct at sites that had lost populations to cultivation. In addition to the present habitat conditions (e.g., forest type), the best-fit model for explaining the present distribution of grassland species at a site included both the site’s land-use history and the past proportion of suitable habitat around the sites. Even in remnant linear habitats such as forest-edge vegetation along roads, historical patterns of site conditions and the landscape matrix at optimum scales can provide useful knowledge to improve explanations of the present distributions of grassland species. These information can help identify abandoned or planted forest sites potentially suitable for restoration with grassland species.  相似文献   

We use population viability analysis of an endangered Florida scrub mint, Dicerandra frutescens, to specify the optimal fire return intervals for its long-term persistence and for its specific habitat. We derived 83 population projection matrices from 13 years of demographic data from eight populations, 59 matrices from scrub populations and 24 from firelane or yard edges. Seed dormancy and germination transitions were inferred based on experimental data and verified by comparing modeled vs. observed population trajectories. Finite rates of increase in scrub sites were highest shortly after fire and declined steeply through 10 years postfire. The break-even value of λ = 1 was passed quickly, in about six years, suggesting that populations >6 years postfire were already facing decline. The decline is probably related to the rapid growth of competing shrubs in the habitat of D. frutescens. In long-unburned sites, finite rates of increase were nearly always <1 and declined the most in the long-unburned site with no foot trails or treefall gaps. Finite rates of increase in firelane populations also declined with years since fire or last disking. The yard edge population showed λ values both >1 and <1, with no temporal trend. Stochastic simulations in scrub sites suggested an optimal regular fire return interval of about 6-12 years. Regular fires at this interval were more favorable than stochastic fire regimes, but stochasticity reduced extinction percentages at longer fire return intervals. Stochastic fire return intervals implied a wider optimal fire return interval of 6-21 years. We suggest that prescribed fire in Florida scrub on yellow sand has occurred (and needs to occur) more frequently than previously recommended.  相似文献   

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