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Gould’s petrel (Pterodroma leucoptera leucoptera) was restricted, essentially, to a single breeding locality - Cabbage Tree Island, Australia. As a safeguard against extinction, an additional breeding colony was established on nearby Boondelbah Island, where artificial nesting habitat was created by installing 100 plastic nest boxes. Over two years, a total of 200 nestling Gould’s petrels were translocated from Cabbage Tree Island to these boxes. Colonies on both islands were then monitored for a further four years. Selection of nestlings for transfer was based on prior knowledge of growth, plumage development and emergence from the burrow, and aimed to select only birds that were 11-28 days from fledging (DBF) in 1999 and 11-22 DBF in 2000. Of the first 100 nestlings translocated to Boondelbah Island (in March 1999), 95 fledged successfully 8-27 days after transfer (mean = 17.3 days). Of the second 100 nestlings translocated (in March 2000) all successfully fledged 9-22 days after transfer (mean = 15.1 days). The removal of young had no discernible effect on the subsequent breeding productivity of the donor pairs. In all, 41 Gould’s petrels have been recorded at the new colony on Boondelbah Island, where at least 27 nest boxes have been visited. Ten translocated fledglings (nine male, one female) have returned to the translocation site, taking up nest boxes that were, on average, 5.5 m from the box from which they fledged. An additional 27 non-translocated birds, of unknown origin, have also nested in nest boxes on Boondelbah, along with four birds previously known from Cabbage Tree Island. Two nestlings transferred to Boondelbah Island have returned to Cabbage Tree Island. Within five years of the first translocation, the newly established colony on Boondelbah Island has produced a total of 24 eggs and 14 fledglings. The translocation technique developed for Gould’s petrel has broad applicability, being readily adaptable for other burrow-nesting seabirds.  相似文献   

Evaluating translocation outcomes is important for improving wildlife management and conservation actions. Often, when quick decisions need to be made and long-lived animals with slow reproduction rates are translocated, traditional assessment methods such as long-term survival and reproductive success cannot be used for assessing translocation outcomes. Thus, alternative, seldom used, measures such as comparing the behavior and physiology of translocated animals to those of local residents should be employed to assess the translocated animals’ acclimation to their new home. Here we monitored the survival, physiology, and behavior of translocated African elephants (Loxodonta africana) and compared these measures to the local resident population at the release site. Adult male and female translocated elephants’ death rates were higher than those of the local population. Furthermore, the mortality rate of translocated adult males and calves was greater than expected based on their proportion in the translocated elephant population. No difference was found in stress hormone levels between the two populations, but the body condition of the translocated elephants was significantly poorer than that of the local population throughout the study period. The behavioral time budgets of the translocated elephants converged with those of the local population over time. Finally, translocated elephants utilized habitat that was similar to their source site (hills and permanent rivers) more than did the local population. Based on these findings we recommend careful consideration of timing, release location, and individuals targeted in future elephant translocations. More broadly, we introduce and explore seldom used translocation assessment techniques.  相似文献   

Brachycome muelleri Sonder (Corunna daisy) is an endangered annual herb, endemic to the upper Eyre Peninsula of South Australia. It is restricted to a single population occupying an area of approximately 3 ha on steep, south-facing cliff-foot slopes of the Baxter Hills. Its unique habitat, within an otherwise generally arid region, optimises soil moisture retention through the provision of concentrated water catchment, shade, and low evaporation rates during the growing season. Weeds had the potential to significantly disrupt recruitment, growth and reproductive output, but grazing did not constitute a direct threat to the population. Fresh seeds were innately dormant, requiring a period of after-ripening before they would germinate. Dormancy was artificially broken by gibberellic acid (GA3) treatment. Germination was optimal at 20 °C, and it was proposed that temperature plays an important role in regulating germination in situ. B. muelleri seeds did not respond to smoked water treatment, and GA3 (1000 mg l−1) was recommended as a routine seed treatment to stimulate germination. Trial translocations using seed as founder propagules resulted in low establishment, growth and flowering rates. Established seedlings provided several advantages over seed as founder propagules, including higher success rates, more vigorous growth, and improved seed yields in the first season. Successful regeneration, proliferation and expansion of a new translocated population was observed and recorded over four consecutive years. We suggest that conservation management of this species should include the establishment of several new populations by translocation to suitable, isolated, weed-free sites.  相似文献   

Pasture soils used for cattle overwintering may represent significant sources of N2O emissions from soils. Therefore, the long-term effect of cattle overwintering on the abundance and activity of a denitrifying community was explored. The study was performed at a cattle overwintering area in South Bohemia (Czech Republic), where three sites differing in the degree of animal impact were selected: severely impacted (SI) and moderately impacted (MI), as well as a control site with no impact (NI). N2O flux measurement and soil sampling were performed in spring and fall of 2005. The activity was measured in terms of potential denitrification activity. Bacterial nirK, nirS and nosZ genes were used as functional markers of the denitrifying communities; abundance was analyzed using a real-time PCR assay. Surprisingly, in situ N2O emissions were the highest in spring at MI and significantly differed from those at SI and NI, while in autumn, rates of emissions generally decreased. In contrast potential denitrification rates were highest at SI, followed by MI, and the lowest at NI. An overall significant shift in N2O/N2 molar ratio was shown in cattle impacted sites. The highest abundance of all genes measured at both sampling times was found at site SI, whereas at site MI increased numbers were observed only in spring. Our results indicate a strong influence of cattle on the abundance as well as the activity of microbes involved in denitrification.  相似文献   

We investigated how habitat fragmentation affects the movement of marked bumblebees between plant patches in a temperate conservation area in metropolitan Boston, Massachusetts. Our study was conducted on populations of sweet pepperbush (Clethra alnifolia L. f.) separated by a road and natural woodland, and buttonbush (Cephalanthus occidentalis L.) separated by a railroad. Bumblebees showed high site fidelity and only rarely crossed roads or railroads. When bees captured at one sweet pepperbush population were moved across a road to a new sweet pepperbush population and released, they returned to their original site, some within 20 min of their capture. When all inflorescences were removed from one sweet pepperbush patch, most bees moved to another sweet pepperbush population on the same side of the road. The results show that while bumblebees have the ability to cross a road and railroad, these human structures may restrict bumblebee movement and act to fragment plant populations because of the innate site fidelity displayed by foraging bees. Moreover, marked bees were almost never observed to move between populations unless they were displaced, or forced to seek additional forage sites.  相似文献   

The location of roosts of two species of vespertilionid bats, the lesser long-eared bat (Nyctophilus geoffroyi) and Gould’s wattled bat (Chalinolobus gouldii), was investigated in a remnant vegetation-farmland mosaic and adjacent floodplain forest in south-eastern Australia. A total of 45 individuals of N. geoffroyi and 27 C. gouldii were fitted with radio transmitters, which resulted in the location of 139 and 89 roosts respectively. Selection of roosting habitat showed both inter- and intra-specific differences. At the landscape level, locations of roosts used by male and female N. geoffroyi differed markedly. Most males roosted in the farmland mosaic within 3 km (mean 1.9±2.9 km) of where they were captured while foraging in remnant vegetation. In contrast, roost sites of females were predominantly in the floodplain forest, 6-12 km from their capture site in farmland (mean for all females, 6.7±2.9 km). All maternity roosts were in the extensive floodplain forest, 4-10 km from foraging areas. Distances moved by this species were greater than previously recorded and further than predicted by flight morphology. Most C. gouldii roosted in the floodplain forest, 4-10 km from their capture site (6.9±1.6 km). Within the floodplain forest, both species roosted in areas that had higher densities of hollow-bearing trees than generally available; dead hollow-bearing trees for N. geoffroyi and large, live trees for C. gouldii. The scale of movements undertaken by these species means that they can obtain resources from multiple landscape elements. Both species used different habitats for roosting and foraging despite the energetic costs of commuting relatively large distances. Conservation of bat populations in rural environments needs to be considered at the landscape scale, with particular attention to identifying landscape elements that provide key resources.  相似文献   

As the number and diversity of animal species meriting conservation intervention increases, improving the success of translocation efforts is vital and understanding the role of physiological stress in translocation failure is essential. Though the short-term acutestress response is critical for survival in the wild, chronic stress results in pathology and occurs when the physiological stress response system is pushed beyond the normal capacity and becomes dysregulated. As this review discusses, translocation may inevitably lead to a state of chronic stress; however, this translocation-induced stress does not doom an animal to post-release failure or preclude translocation as a conservation tool. Rather, because chronic stress in translocated animals may actually be the norm rather than the exception, “stress” can be considered a predictable factor to incorporate into translocation planning. In terms of translocation failure, we argue that the role of stress is an indirect one. Translocation-induced chronic stress increases the overall vulnerability of the individuals and, as a result, decreases the probability that the population will become self-sustaining. In this review, we further propose techniques to potentially decrease the total number and magnitude of stressor exposures throughout the translocation procedure in order to diminish the incidence of chronic stress-related pathology. Aspects of the translocation activities, such as capture techniques and care procedures during captivity, can be adjusted to accomplish this. Though stress may be an inevitable component of translocation, reducing the impact and time course of chronic stress on the physiology and behavior of translocated animals will increase the likelihood of translocation success as measured by the formation of a new, self-sustaining population  相似文献   

Tropical ecosystems play a key role in the global carbon cycle, but their response to global warming is not well understood. Altitudinal gradients offer the unique possibility of undertaking in situ experimental studies of the influence of alterations in climate on the carbon (C) cycle. In a soil‐translocation experiment we took replicate soil cores at 3030 m, 1500 m, 1000 m and 200 m above sea level along an altitudinal gradient in tropical forest in Peru, and exchanged (i.e. translocated) them among these sites to observe the influence of altered climatic conditions on the decomposition of soil organic matter under natural field conditions. Soil respiration rates of the translocated soil cores and adjacent undisturbed soils were measured twice a month from April 2007 to October 2007. The temperature sensitivity of heterotrophic respiration in each core was examined using a Lloyd & Taylor function and a simple modified third‐order polynomial fit. Calculated Q10 values decreased with decreasing altitude using both mathematical functions (2.53–1.24 according to the Lloyd & Taylor function, and 2.56–0.63 using the polynomial fit). Soil organic C‐stocks increased markedly and linearly with altitude, but surprisingly the average total soil respiration rate did not vary significantly with altitude along the transect (3.98–4.31 μmol CO2 m−2 s−1). This implies an increase with elevation of absolute C allocation to below‐ground allocation.  相似文献   

Surveys with a submersible at offshore islands and banks in southern California found that white abalone were most abundant at depths between 43 and 60 m. This is deeper than estimates taken when white abalone were more abundant. Densities were highest at sites far from fishing ports. Controlling for depth and site found that white abalone were significantly more abundant in areas with Laminaria farlowii (an alga) but abalone were not associated with areas high in the cover of other algae (Pelagophycus porra or Eisenia arborea) or the amount of sand in the habitat (except that abalone always occurred on rock). Within an area with abalone, the particular rock they occurred on was significantly larger than unoccupied neighboring rocks. Occupied rocks were not significantly different in algal cover or in sea urchin density than unoccupied neighboring rocks. The position of abalone on a rock was nearer to the rock-sand interface than would be expected based on a random distribution. More white abalone were feeding when in association with red urchins, perhaps because both grazers capture drift algae to eat. These data may aid future efforts to locate white abalone brood stock and identify locations for outplanting.  相似文献   

Protection of roosting habitat is essential to the conservation of bats in human-dominated landscapes. To help define bat roosting needs in suburban settings, we used radio telemetry to locate day roosts of a common North American species (Myotis yumanensis) within a residential area in California. Between June and August 2000, we tracked 16 bats to 20 roosts in two buildings and 18 trees. We used multiple logistic regression to assess roost selectivity at multiple spatial scales. Of 15 tree, plot, and site characteristics considered, only three helped distinguish roosts from random comparisons: tree diameter, distance to water, and forest cover. Myotis yumanensis preferred large trees (mean diameter 115 cm), and roosted only in the five species of largest mean diameter (Sequoia sempervirens, Pseudotsuga menziesii, Quercus agrifolia, Quercus lobata, and Acer macrophyllum). At the site level, these bats selected roosts that were close to water and had substantial forest cover in the surrounding 100-m radius. Unlike other North American bats, they often roosted in live trees (89% live). Relatively high roost fidelity (mean 4.8 days) and large travel distances between consecutive roosts (mean 1130 m) and between capture sites and roosts (mean 2007 m) may indicate a greater degree of roost limitation at this site versus other research sites. We recommend the preservation of large trees and forested parkland, particularly along stream corridors, to help maintain bat populations in urbanizing landscapes.  相似文献   

In forest restoration areas in northern Ethiopia, natural regeneration of Olea europaea ssp. cuspidata only occurs under pioneer shrubs. To assess the impact of erosion on the spatial distribution of Olea recruits, secondary dispersal of olive seeds by surface runoff was determined in and near the micro-environment of two important pioneers (Acacia etbaica and Euclea racemosa). We hypothesized that (1) Olea seeds deposited under the protective crowns of shrubs are less likely to be lost by surface wash than seeds in the bare inter-plant areas and (2) that seeds in the latter are more prone to be translocated by runoff to microsites under shrubs than to open areas.  相似文献   

We used camera traps in combination with capture-recapture data analysis to provide the first reliable density estimates for tigers and leopards from the high altitude and rugged terrain in Bhutan’s Jigme Singye Wangchuck National Park. Fifty days of camera trapping in each of five study zones collapsed into two trapping blocks, resulted in a sampling effort of 4050 trap days. Camera trapping yielded 17 tiger photos (14 left flanked and 3 right flanked) and 48 leopard photos (25 left flanked and 23 right flanked). Using photos of these left flank, the closed heterogeneous Jackknife Model Mh was the best fit for the capture history data. A capture probability () of 0.04 was obtained for both tigers and leopards, thus generating population size (N) of 8 tigers (SE = 2.12) and 16 leopards (SE = 2.91) with densities of 0.52 tiger 100 km−2 and 1.04 leopard 100 km−2. Photographic evidence indicated that tigers and leopards did not overlap in their spatial use of space. Tigers preferred less disturbed areas located further away from settlements, while leopards appeared to be more resilient to disturbances in so far as they were found nearer to human settlements. Camera trapping using a capture-recapture framework was an effective tool for assessing population sizes for tiger and leopard in low density areas such as Bhutan.  相似文献   

To organize and prioritise species-specific conservation efforts, we delineate `functional conservation units' for the threatened Alcon Blue butterfly Maculinea alcon in Belgium. We used detailed distribution data on the butterfly, its host plant and its habitat, present-day population sizes and its mobility and colonization capacity to determine functional conservation units (FCUs) on different spatial scales: FCU-1, i.e., the 12 presently occupied habitat patches plus the area within a range of 500 m surrounding them (the maximum local movement distance, based on mark-release-recapture data), FCU-2, i.e., the areas within a range of 2 km around the occupied habitat patches (the maximum observed colonization capacity) and FCU-3, i.e., potential re-introduction sites (sites where M. alcon went extinct recently). We suggest different management and planning measures for each type of functional conservation unit and discuss translocation and re-introduction as `intensive care' conservation measures for this threatened and sedentary species.  相似文献   

Pond-breeding amphibians require aquatic and terrestrial habitats to complete their lifecycles, and preservation of both habitats is necessary for maintaining local populations. Current wetland regulations focus primarily on aquatic habitats, and criteria to define critical upland habitats and regulations to protect them are often ambiguous or lacking. We examined the association between the presence of seven pond-breeding amphibian species and the landscape composition surrounding 54 wetlands located within the Till Plains and the Glaciated Plateau ecoregions of Ohio, USA. We quantified landscape composition within 200 m of the wetland (“core terrestrial zone”) and the area extending from 200 m to 1 km from the wetland (“broader landscape context zone”). We constructed binary logistic regression models for each species, and evaluated them using Akaike Information Criterion. Presence of spotted salamanders (Ambystoma maculatum), Jefferson's salamander complex (A. jeffersonianum) and smallmouth salamanders (A. texanum) was positively associated with the amount of forest within the core zone. Presence of wood frogs (Rana sylvatica) was positively associated with the amount of forest within the core zone and the amount of forest within the broader landscape context zone. Presence of tiger salamanders (A. tigrinum tigrinum) was negatively associated with the cumulative length of paved roads within 1 km of the site, and presence of red-spotted newts (Notophthalmus v. viridescens) was negatively associated with the average linear distance to the five nearest wetlands. Overall salamander diversity was positively associated with the amount of forest within the core zone, and negatively associated with the presence of predatory fish and cumulative length of paved roads within 1 km of the site. Our results confirm the strong association between the structure of surrounding upland areas and amphibian diversity at breeding ponds, and stress the importance of preserving core terrestrial habitat around wetlands for maintaining amphibian diversity.  相似文献   

This study analysed 21 translocations of the vulnerable black-faced impala (Aepyceros melampus petersi) to 20 Namibian game farms that occurred between 1970 and 2001, seeking characteristics of the translocated populations and the release sites that significantly correlated with the success of the translocations. Characteristics considered were: initial population size; presence of cheetah and leopard; area; habitat type; occurrence within the historical range of the subspecies and occurrence of trophy hunting. Success of translocations was described by whether the population had a positive growth rate. The success rate of translocations of black-faced impala (62%) was higher than shown in other studies of vertebrate translocations. Initial population size was paramount to the success of translocations. Releases of larger populations were more likely to lead to positive population growth rates than were releases of small populations. The presence of cheetah also influenced the success of translocated populations. In the presence of cheetah, small populations translocated to game farms were significantly less likely to be viable than larger populations. Recommendations for the management of this vulnerable antelope include introducing large initial populations, ideally more than 15 animals, rather than attempting to eliminate cheetah following translocations of impala.  相似文献   

Real-time quantitative PCR assays, targeting part of the ammonia monooxygenase (amoA), nitrous oxide reductase (nosZ), and 16S rRNA genes were coupled with 15N pool dilution techniques to investigate the effects of long-term agricultural management practices on potential gross N mineralization and nitrification rates, as well as ammonia-oxidizing bacteria (AOB), denitrifier, and total bacterial community sizes within different soil microenvironments. Three soil microenvironments [coarse particulate organic matter (cPOM; >250 μm), microaggregate (53-250 μm), and silt-and-clay fraction (<53 μm)] were physically isolated from soil samples collected across the cropping season from conventional, low-input, and organic maize-tomato systems (Zea mays L.-Lycopersicum esculentum L.). We hypothesized that (i) the higher N inputs and soil N content of the organic system foster larger AOB and denitrifier communities than in the conventional and low-input systems, (ii) differences in potential gross N mineralization and nitrification rates across the systems correspond with AOB and denitrifier abundances, and (iii) amoA, nosZ, and 16S rRNA gene abundances are higher in the microaggregates than in the cPOM and silt-and-clay microenvironments. Despite 13 years of different soil management and greater soil C and N content in the organic compared to the conventional and low-input systems, total bacterial communities within the whole soil were similar in size across the three systems (∼5.15 × 108 copies g−1 soil). However, amoA gene densities were ∼2 times higher in the organic (1.75 × 108 copies g−1 soil) than the other systems at the start of the season and nosZ gene abundances were ∼2 times greater in the conventional (7.65 × 107 copies g−1 soil) than in the other systems by the end of the season. Because organic management did not consistently lead to larger AOB and denitrifier communities than the other two systems, our first hypothesis was not corroborated. Our second hypothesis was also not corroborated because canonical correspondence analyses revealed that AOB and denitrifier abundances were decoupled from potential gross N mineralization and nitrification rates and from inorganic N concentrations. Our third hypothesis was supported by the overall larger nitrifier, denitrifier, and total bacterial communities measured in the soil microaggregates compared to the cPOM and silt-and-clay. These results suggest that the microaggregates are microenvironments that preferentially stabilize C, and concomitantly promote the growth of nitrifier and denitrifier communities, thereby serving as potential hotspots for N2O losses.  相似文献   

Invasive earthworms can have significant impacts on C dynamics through their feeding, burrowing, and casting activities, including the protection of C in microaggregates and alteration of soil respiration. European earthworm invasion is known to affect soil micro- and mesofauna, but little is known about impacts of invasive earthworms on other soil macrofauna. Asian earthworms (Amynthas spp.) are increasingly being reported in the southern Appalachian Mountains in southeastern North America. This region is home to a diverse assemblage of native millipedes, many of which share niches with earthworm species. This situation indicates potential for earthworm-millipede competition in areas subject to Amynthas invasion.In a laboratory microcosm experiment, we used two 13C enriched food sources (red oak, Quercus rubra, and eastern hemlock, Tsuga canadensis) to assess food preferences of millipedes (Pseudopolydesmus erasus), to determine the effects of millipedes and earthworms (Amynthas corticis) on soil structure, and to ascertain the nature and extent of the interactions between earthworms and millipedes. Millipedes consumed both litter species and preferred red oak litter over eastern hemlock litter. Mortality and growth of millipedes were not affected by earthworm presence during the course of the experiment, but millipedes assimilated much less litter-derived C when earthworms were present.Fauna and litter treatments had significant effects on soil respiration. Millipedes alone reduced CO2 efflux from microcosms relative to no fauna controls, whereas earthworms alone and together with millipedes increased respiration, relative to the no fauna treatment. CO2 derived from fresh litter was repressed by the presence of macrofauna. The presence of red oak litter increased CO2 efflux considerably, compared to hemlock litter treatments.Millipedes, earthworms, and both together reduced particulate organic matter. Additionally, earthworms created significant shifts in soil aggregates from the 2000-250 and 250-53 μm fractions to the >2000 μm size class. Earthworm-induced soil aggregation was lessened in the 0-2 cm layer in the presence of millipedes. Earthworms translocated litter-derived C to soil throughout the microcosm.Our results suggest that invasion of ecosystems by A. corticis in the southern Appalachian Mountains is unlikely to be limited by litter species and these earthworms are likely to compete directly for food resources with native millipedes. Widespread invasion could cause a net loss of C due to increased respiration rates, but this may be offset by C protected in water-stable soil aggregates.  相似文献   

In this study we compare estimates of the long-term mean stochastic population growth rates, E[r] for Petrogale xanthopus xanthopus (yellow-footed rock-wallaby), a threatened Australian species. In fluctuating environments such as semi-arid areas, herbivore populations respond directly to changes in the biomass of food resources. Biomass is generally correlated with rainfall, so it is often useful to model annual population growth rates of herbivores directly with rainfall. Models of this nature are referred to as numerical response models. The factors that are thought to threaten this species include competition from introduced herbivores and predation from foxes. Annual aerial survey data collected from 1997 to 2004 over approximately 600 km of transect line were analyzed in seven zones within South Australia. Using the Ivlev numerical response model, the annual population growth rates were found to correlate best with the rain that fell in the seven-month period immediately prior to the surveys. Not surprisingly, positive growth rates were found to be associated with higher rainfalls in this period, while negative growth rates were associated with lower rainfalls. We also used weighted bootstrapping to calculate confidence intervals around our estimates of long-term mean stochastic population growth rates, E[r]. The findings suggest that the estimates of E[r] are positive in areas where there is fox and herbivore management. However, we found no evidence that this species will decline in the absence of these treatments.  相似文献   

Off-highway vehicle (OHV) recreation impacts species and ecosystems around the world, and is particularly prevalent in the United States. Our study examines the impact of OHVs on one of several species restricted within the United States to the Algodones Dunes, California. This dune system attracts many OHV enthusiasts annually, and interest in determining the impact of OHVs on Astragalus magdalenae var. peirsonii (Peirson’s milk-vetch) has motivated multiple investigations. Several of these investigations have arrived at seemingly contradictory conclusions. Our study objectives were to quantify the degree by which A. m. var. peirsonii densities differed between high- and low-OHV use areas and determine whether OHV impact was a plausible factor for affecting plant density. Density estimate comparisons indicated 4-5 times fewer plants occupied a study area open to OHVs relative to two nearby study areas legally closed to OHVs. A manipulative mark-resight experiment compared the survival probabilities of control plants to those purposefully struck by OHVs and found that, for plants with canopy diameters of <50 cm, OHV impact reduced survival by 33%. Density estimates from one of the study areas recently closed to OHVs were surprisingly large, which may suggest that periodic closure of occupied habitat during favorably wet years would assist in ensuring A. m. var. peirsonii productivity and thereby persistence. An improved understanding of this phenomenon may indicate a dunes-wide management strategy that would allow OHV activity to coexist with A. m. var. peirsonii.  相似文献   

Lizard distribution patterns were examined in a fragmented plantation landscape in south-eastern Australia. Regression modelling was used to relate ecological variables to (1) lizard species richness, (2) lizard species composition, and (3) the presence or abundance of selected lizard species. Ecological variables covered four broad domains that affect animals: climate, space, shelter and food availability.Lizard species richness was highest at mid-elevation sites, and at locations with a large amount of native forest within 1000 m. A major change in lizard species composition was associated with elevation, the proportion of native forest within 1000 m of a site, and the abundance of springtails. The change in species composition coincided with a range of individualistic responses to environmental conditions by different lizard species. For example, with respect to shelter availability, old logs were related to the garden skink Lampropholis guichenoti, shrubs were related to the delicate skink L. delicata, and rocks were related to the red-throated skink Bassiana platynota. The garden skink was most abundant at low elevations, the delicate skink was most likely to occur at intermediate elevations, and the mountain log skink Pseudemoia entrecasteauxii was most likely to occur at high elevations. The garden skink was most abundant in areas surrounded by little native forest, whereas Maccoy’s skink Nannoscincus maccoyi and Coventry’s skink Niveoscincus coventryi were more abundant or likely to occur in areas whose context was dominated by native forest.Because animal species may respond individualistically to gradients of climate, space, shelter and food availability, continuum theory (as developed for plant ecology) may be a useful complement to fragmentation theory to explain distribution patterns. To maintain lizard diversity in the study area, it will be important to maintain maximum habitat heterogeneity at the landscape and microhabitat scales. For species otherwise threatened by plantation development, large, fairly undisturbed areas of eucalypt forest will be particularly important.  相似文献   

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