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In common with other farmland species, hares (Lepus spp.) are in widespread decline in agricultural landscapes due to agricultural intensification and habitat loss. We examined the importance of habitat heterogeneity to the Irish hare (Lepus timidus hibernicus) in a pastoral landscape. We used radio-tracking during nocturnal active and diurnal inactive periods throughout one year. In autumn, winter and spring, hares occupied a heterogeneous combination of improved grassland, providing food, and Juncus-dominated rough pasture, providing refuge. In summer, hares significantly increased their use of improved grassland. This homogeneous habitat can fulfil the discrete and varied resource requirements of hares for feeding and shelter at certain times of year. However, improved grassland may be a risky habitat for hares as silage harvesting occurs during their peak birthing period of late spring and early summer. We therefore posit the existence of a putative ecological trap inherent to a homogeneous habitat of perceived high value that satisfies the hares’ habitat requirements but which presents risks at a critical time of year. To test this hypothesis in relation to hare populations, work is required to provide data on differential leveret mortality between habitat types.  相似文献   

Population fragmentation and extinction in the Iberian lynx   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
《Biological conservation》2003,109(3):321-331
We studied the relationship between extinction frequencies of Iberian lynx subpopulations (Lynx pardinus) and their size and isolation during a 35-year period of strong geographic range contraction. At the end of this period there were fewer fragmentation events, fewer lynx populations of small size, and less isolation between them, than in simulated geographic ranges derived from a random distribution of local extinctions. Only small populations occupying <500 km2 went extinct. Local extinction in large, self-sustainable populations probably resulted from the sole action of deterministic factors, e.g. widespread prey decline. As compared with large populations, small ones experienced increased contraction per unit occupied area, which may reflect demographic unstability. The consistent effect of isolation on extinction suggests that such unstability was often prompted by reduced immigration and the subsequent disruption of metapopulation equilibrium. Several practical recommendations could be derived. Provided that habitat quality was adequate, a lynx population should avoid extinction within 35 years if it occupied an area of at least 500 km2. The persistence of small populations will also be enhanced by minimizing the distances to neighbouring populations within 30 km, and by maximizing the area occupied by these neighbours. Therefore, habitat management, or any other restoration action, directed to expand the area occupied by a small lynx population should be best located at points of its boundaries oriented towards other existing nearby populations.  相似文献   

We assessed the impact of domestic cats on population persistence of native and exotic urban bird populations using a model adjusted for habitat-specific catch rates, cat ownership and hunting activity data. GPS-derived home ranges of 32 cats and resource selection indices demonstrated the degree of penetration and preference for native vegetation fragments. Owners reported on prey brought back by 144 domestic cats in Dunedin, New Zealand, during 12 months. One third of cats never brought back prey, and 21% returned more than one item/month. Cats brought back a mean of 13.4 prey items/year (median = 4), with cats aged <1 year returning more prey than older cats. Birds were the most common prey, followed by rodents. Although cats penetrated adjacent vegetation fragments they did not catch more birds and preferred garden habitat, suggesting that predation pressure may be reduced in fragments. Cat home range size appears to be constrained by cat density while the number of birds caught depends on the density of available prey. Estimates of city-wide catch for six bird species were either more than total urban population size estimates or close to lower confidence intervals. Modelling of three species indicated low likelihood of population persistence with cat predation. The observed persistence of these prey species suggests a meta-population structure with urban populations acting as sinks with source populations located on the city fringe.  相似文献   

Little is known about the reproduction of the Iberian lynx (Lynx pardinus) even though it is the most endangered felid in the world. We studied during 9 years several reproductive parameters of the Iberian lynx in one of the subpopulations situated in Doñana National Park (south-western Spain), by means of radio-tracking, direct observations and photo-trapping. The potential breeding subpopulation was usually composed of 3 adult females, which bred 83% of the total possible 29 female-reproductive year. The minimum total number of cubs born during the study was 64 (7.7 ± 0.69 per year). There was no correlation between the number of cubs born or number of breeding females and population size of European rabbit (Oryctolagus cuniculus, the main prey of the lynx). All known births (n = 16) occurred in March except one in April and another in June. Mean litter size was 3.0 ± 0.16 (n = 16, range = 2-4). Sex-ratio (n = 59 cubs) was 1.03:1.00 (females:males). Nevertheless, the commonest picture was a female with 2 cubs older than 3 months. Altogether, at age of 3 months, 75% of cubs survived. Number of lynx alive at 10 months old and before dispersing was 69% and 57%, respectively. Sex did not affect survival for any age. Normally, it was not possible to know the causes of the death of cubs younger than 3 months. Survival at this age was not related with mother, mother age, or rabbit abundance. All females that bred were older than 3 years. The age of last reproduction was 9 years. For 3 females that were tracked during almost their complete reproductive life, the life time reproductive output was between 11 and 19 cubs. Iberian lynx reproductive parameters did not respond to wide changes in prey abundance during the study. Conservation plans considering the extraction of cubs with a low survival probability should be considered by managers, for instance, in translocation campaigns.  相似文献   

《Biological conservation》2004,118(2):151-161
We analyse the spatial and temporal variation in non-natural mortality during a 40-year period of strong contraction of the geographic range of the Iberian lynx (Lynx pardinus), which shrank from 40,600 to 22,300 km2. We recorded 1258 lynx deaths, an average of 31.5 losses per year over the study period. Given the reduced lynx population size, especially later in the period (around 1100 individuals), this level of non-natural mortality may have contributed significantly to the quick decline of the Iberian lynx. Non-natural mortality was not spatially correlated with, and probably did not shape the pattern of, relative abundance of lynx across its core range, but may have reduced its absolute density. Lynx losses were caused mainly by traps set not only for predator control but also for rabbits (Oryctolagus cuniculus), the lynx's staple food. We did not find evidence that non-natural mortality was higher in small lynx populations through edge effects. The highest mortality levels were recorded in regions where small game was a valuable economic resource compared with other activities. Mortality decreased throughout the period because of changes in the prevailing game regimes rather than because of legal protection. The Iberian lynx is now critically endangered and effective protection should be urgently enforced, especially in small game estates, which are environmentally favourable for rabbits but risky for lynx due to predator control. Lynx reintroductions would be better attempted in traditional rabbit hunting areas. Some big game estates where small game is not exploited and predators are not controlled may be good candidates for lynx reintroduction too, provided that habitat is managed towards a suitable interspersion of woody cover and grassland.  相似文献   

In the United States, raccoons Procyon lotor are often removed from sea turtle nesting beaches to decrease egg mortality. However, raccoons also consume ghost crabs Ocypode quadrata, another common egg predator. Reducing predator populations can benefit secondary predators, inflating total predation pressure and leading to a decline in prey species. We used track and burrow counts to compare raccoon and ghost crab abundance at four beaches in Florida, USA, that differ in management activity and determined predation rates on loggerhead Caretta caretta nests by each predator. Mean raccoon abundance (range 0.12-0.46 tracks plot−1 night−1) and ghost crab density (0.09-0.19 burrows m−2) were inversely correlated. Ghost crabs were largest at the site with the fewest raccoons. The stable nitrogen isotope ratios of ghost crabs (mean 9.8‰) were positively correlated with body mass, indicating larger ghost crabs feed at a higher trophic level and suggesting large ghost crabs may consume more loggerhead eggs. The highest rates of egg predation by both predators (31%) occurred where raccoon abundance was lowest and ghost crab abundance was highest, suggesting ghost crab burrows may facilitate predation by raccoons. Our data suggest that predation by raccoons limits ghost crabs and that removing raccoons can increase ghost crab abundance and sea turtle egg mortality. Although predator removal can be effective when nest predation rates are quite high, maintaining moderate raccoon densities may be important for controlling ghost crabs. These results highlight the importance of understanding food web connectivity in developing management strategies to achieve conservation goals, especially when the species of concern are threatened or facing extinction.  相似文献   

The consequences of fragmentation for communities of mutualist partners are for the most part unknown; moreover, most studies addressing this issue have been conducted on plant-pollinator communities. We evaluated how the experimental fragmentation of lowland Amazonian rain forest influenced a community of ant-plant mutualists. We inventoried a total of 1057 myrmecophytes in four fragments and four continuous forest sites; the twelve plant species recorded were occupied by 33 ant morphospecies, of which 11 were obligate plant inhabitants. Neither plant species richness, ant species richness, nor total ant-plant density were significantly lower in forest fragments. However, eight of the plant species, including three of the four most common, had higher mean densities in continuous forest than fragments. Of these four species, only one (Cordia nodosa) had significantly different colonization rates between habitat types, with higher colonization rates of plants in fragments. This may be because the Azteca species it is associated with increases in abundance in forest isolates. Although our results suggest that communities of ant-plant mutualists are likely to persist in fragmented tropical landscapes 25 years after fragment isolation, most species are rare and populations sizes in fragments are extremely low. Environmental and demographic stochasticity could therefore limit long-term population viability. We suggest future studies focus on evaluating how fragmentation has altered herbivore pressure and the dispersal of ants and plants to fragments, since the interaction of these factors is likely to have the greatest impact on long-term patterns of population persistence.  相似文献   

Semi-domestic reindeer (Rangifer tarandus) are the main prey for lynx (Lynx lynx) in northern Scandinavia. This causes large, but poorly documented, losses of reindeer. Although the compensation schemes differ between Norway and Sweden, there is a legal requirement in both Scandinavian countries that losses of semi-domestic reindeer to large carnivores should be fully compensated. The current level of compensation payment is based on limited data on lynx kill rates on reindeer. The main goal of this study was to quantify lynx kill rates on reindeer across a range of ecological conditions in northern Scandinavia. A total of 35 lynx were monitored during 3667 days. All lynx individuals killed reindeer. However, we observed a high variation in individual kill rates. Kill rates were strongly affected by sex and social status (i.e. females with and without kittens), as well as season and reindeer availability. The highest kill rates were observed in summer for male lynx, and the lowest were observed during winter for solitary lynx at low reindeer density. In summer, several female lynx switched completely to small prey species even at high densities of reindeer. The present political goals for lynx conservation in Scandinavia require that lynx occur in the reindeer husbandry area where reindeer are the only suitable ungulate prey available. Accordingly, it is therefore impossible to have the total prevention of depredation as a management goal. Rather depredation levels must be limited such that they are considered acceptable, and fair compensation payments should be paid. Our study is the first empirical quantification of the magnitude of lynx depredation on semi-domestic reindeer. This is an important step necessary to enable the setting of fair compensation levels and will hopefully lead to a reduction in conflict level concerning the potential impacts that lynx have on reindeer.  相似文献   

Prey scarcity compromises population survival, especially for specialist predators. Supplementary feeding is a management tool that can be applied to reverse the decline of food-limited populations. We analyse how a population of Iberian lynx, a threatened food specialist, initially reacted to, and subsequently used, supplementary food. Twenty-seven feeding stations (FS) with domestic rabbits were placed in the Doñana Biological Reserve, SW Spain, between 2002 and 2005. We recorded lynx tracks inside and around stations to analyse spatio-temporal patterns of use, as well as the performance of several station designs. Iberian lynx used 62% of the FS installed, and consumed most of the supplied food. All station designs were used and food provision apparently covered the energetic needs of the lynx inhabiting the reserve. There was spatial aggregation in the use of the FS. Fourteen weeks were needed on average for lynx to become familiar with feeding stations and making a regular use of the supplementary food. Seasonal variations in consumption frequency appeared to be modulated by fluctuations of wild rabbit numbers throughout its annual cycle as well as by variation in energy demand of breeding females. The Iberian lynx responded positively to our supplementary feeding programme. We show that this technique allows the persistence of lynx populations during long periods in areas where wild rabbits are extremely scarce. Supplementary food may be used to sustain lynx whenever rabbit populations need recovery, as well as in the context of lynx restocking or reintroduction programmes.  相似文献   

The introduction of lake trout (Salvelinus namaycush) to Yellowstone Lake in Yellowstone National Park has contributed to a significant decline in the endangered Yellowstone cutthroat trout (Oncorhynchus clarki bouvieri), leading to concern over the persistence of this subspecies but also to piscivorous predators in this community. We assessed the impact of lake trout on a key piscivore, the river otter (Lontra canadensis) in two lakes in Yellowstone National Park. Yellowstone Lake continues to support a native cutthroat trout population, although the recent introduction of lake trout has dramatically impacted the cutthroat trout population. Nearby Lewis Lake has an entirely introduced fish fauna of lake trout, brown trout (Salmo trutta), and Utah chub (Gilia atraria) but lacks cutthroat trout. Analysis of otter scat from Yellowstone Lake implicated trout (lake or cutthroat trout) as a major prey item (57% of scat), whereas stable isotopes identified longnose suckers (Catostomus catostomus) as the primary prey there (58% of diet). By contrast, scat from Lewis Lake implicated minnows, presumably Utah chub, as the primary prey for otters occupying that lake (86%), while stable isotopes implicated brown trout (64%) over both lake trout and Utah chub (36% combined). Our data establish the importance of alternative prey to otters and suggest that lake trout-induced reductions in cutthroat trout may not be catastrophic for otter populations here. These data do not necessarily exonerate lake trout, as their impact on other species, most notably grizzly bears (Ursus arctos) and piscivorous birds, has been documented to be substantial, and further data on the nutritional value of alternate prey are required to confirm or refute a working hypothesis that otter populations will continue to thrive in the face of the lake trout invasion.  相似文献   

Food supplementation is increasingly used as a conservation tool. However, little is known about how much supplemental food is used by target populations or the degree to which the abundance of natural food affects the utilization of supplemental food. Long-term supplementation programmes could cause individuals to rely almost exclusively upon supplemental food and, consequently, lose some skills needed to forage efficiently on natural food. This may result in reduced fitness upon discontinuation of supplemental food. The Iberian lynx (Lynxpardinus) preys almost exclusively upon European wild rabbits (Oryctolagus cuniculus), and some populations are thought to be food limited. We quantified the contribution of supplemented domestic rabbits, whose guard hairs could be distinguished from hairs of wild rabbits, to the diet of the Iberian lynx. We also examined whether the consumption of domestic rabbits varied with the availability of wild rabbits, and with the duration of exposure to supplemental food. Domestic rabbits made up over 50% of the diet. Consumption of domestic rabbits decreased non-linearly as the relative abundance of wild rabbits increased; however, this pattern was true only above a threshold density of one wild rabbit km−1. Below this threshold, supplementation was apparently strictly necessary to retain Iberian lynx. The consumption of domestic rabbits did not increase with the length of the supplementation period. Lynx continued consuming wild rabbits proportionally to their abundance, suggesting lynx did not become dependent upon supplemental food. Understanding how the abundance of natural food modulates consumption of supplemental food may help to adjust supplementation schedules to food availability and to the needs of the target populations.  相似文献   

The decline of rabbit (Oryctolagus cuniculus) populations in Mediterranean Spain has been shown to be one of the main threats to rabbit-specialist predators such as the Iberian lynx (Lynx pardina) and the Spanish imperial eagle (Aquila adalberti), two species which are in serious danger of extinction. Consequently, corrective measures such as increasing rabbit populations by restocking have been carried out to help the recovery of predator populations. In order to determine the general applicability of rabbit restocking for predator conservation, we performed three experimental restockings and evaluated their success in relation to season, habitat quality and the number of animals introduced. Rabbits were released either in large or small numbers in all four seasons of the year, and in habitat types defined as `poor' or `rich' according to the food availability for rabbits. For each restocking we evaluated rabbit survival, degree of residency and expected population increase. As a rule, the highest restocking success occurred whenever smaller number of rabbits were released in the richest quality habitat. Restocking during the breeding season was less successful than in other seasons. Problems concerning intraspecific competition, reproductive failure and diseases are discussed.  相似文献   

We used reverse time capture-mark-recapture models to describe associations between rate of population change (λ) and climate for northern spotted owls (Strix occidentalis caurina) at six long-term study areas in Washington and Oregon, USA. Populations in three of six areas showed strong evidence of declining populations, while populations in two additional areas were likely declining as well. At four areas, λ was positively associated with wetter-than-normal conditions during the growing season, which likely affects prey availability. Lambda was also negatively associated with cold, wet winters and nesting seasons, and the number of hot summer days. The amount of annual variation in λ accounted for by climate varied across study areas (3-85%). Rate of population change was more sensitive to adult survival than to recruitment; however, there was considerable variation among years and across study areas for all demographic rates. While annual survival was more closely related to regional climate conditions, recruitment was often associated with local weather. In addition to climate, declines in recruitment at four of six areas were associated with increased presence of barred owls. Climate change models predict warmer, wetter winters and hotter, drier summers for the Pacific Northwest in the first half of the 21st century. Our results indicate that these conditions have the potential to negatively affect annual survival, recruitment, and consequently population growth rates for northern spotted owls.  相似文献   

We compared the density of golden eagles (Aquila chrysaetos) and their nest dispersion, productivity and diet in Alpine and pre-Alpine areas. The comparison was made at two spatial scales: (1) at the territory level within two contiguous populations, and (2) at the population level, using published data for 22 populations scattered across four countries (France, Switzerland, Germany and Italy). Availability of golden eagle's main prey species was higher in Alpine than in pre-Alpine regions. The potential foraging ranges of pairs of eagles in the pre-Alps had larger amounts of woodland and lower amounts of suitable foraging habitat than those of Alpine pairs. At both spatial scales, density and productivity were lower in the pre-Alps. Also, pre-Alpine populations were characterised by a lower percentage of main prey species in the diet, which was significantly correlated with productivity, and by a higher breadth of diet, which was negatively correlated with density. Overall, higher prey availability and habitat suitability in the Alps resulted in higher density and breeding success, in a manner compatible with theoretical metapopulation models. We suggest that priority be given to conservation of eagle populations in high quality Alpine habitat, and that conservation action be carried out by a mixture of site-protection measures and conservation of the wider environment.  相似文献   

In previous centuries human activities had a profound effect on the distribution of Eurasian lynx (Lynx lynx) in Europe. The species has since been reintroduced to several areas but still much former range remains unoccupied. A relatively poor coloniser, it is likely that further reintroductions will be required to restore the species to potentially suitable areas. However, in the human-modified landscapes of Europe, where extensive wooded habitats are often fragmented, it is important to assess the potential lynx population size that could be supported in the available habitat. A previous study identified two networks of potential lynx habitat in Scotland. The present study further explores the feasibility of reintroducing lynx to Scotland by estimating the potential population size for the identified habitat by considering the availability of prey. An examination of lynx and wild ungulate densities from four areas in Europe, revealed a highly significant relationship between lynx density and the density of ungulate biomass. Based on the biomass represented by the densities of roe, red, sika and fallow deer occurring in two potential lynx habitat networks in Scotland, it was predicted that habitat in the Highlands could support 2.63 lynx 100 km−2, while the Southern Uplands could support 0.83 lynx 100 km−2. Applied to the amount of identified habitat, it is estimated that a Highlands habitat network could support around 400 lynx, and a Southern Uplands network, around 50. Scotland could support a large population of Eurasian lynx, which at current estimates, would be the fourth largest in Europe.  相似文献   

White-tailed deer (Odocoileus virginianus) overbrowsing has altered plant species diversity throughout deciduous forest understories in eastern North America. Here we report on a landscape-level (306 km2) project in Pennsylvania, USA that tracked the herbaceous community response to deer herd reductions. From 2001 to 2007, we estimated deer densities, browse impact on woody seedlings, and censused the herbaceous flora in permanent plots throughout the area. We assessed herb layer species richness, abundance, and dominance and measured three known phytoindicators of deer impact: Trillium spp., Maianthemum canadense, and Medeola virginiana. We predicted that browse-sensitive taxa would increase in abundance, size, and flowering as would overall species diversity following deer culls and browse impact that declined by an order of magnitude by 2007. Following intensified deer harvests, we observed a limited recovery of the herbaceous community. Trillium spp. abundance, height, and flowering; M. canadense cover; and M. virginiana height all increased following herd reductions. Similarly, forb and shrub cover increased by 130% and 300%, respectively. Nevertheless, species diversity (i.e., richness and dominance) did not vary. Our work demonstrates that reducing deer densities can provide rapid morphological and population-level benefits to palatable species without a concomitant recovery in diversity. We suggest that decreasing deer populations alone may not promote plant diversity in overbrowsed, depauperate forests without additional restoration strategies to mitigate a browse-legacy layer dominated by browse-resistant species.  相似文献   

Based on data from the National Lynx Census, carried out in Poland in 2000-2001, and using Geographic Information System, we analysed nine habitat characteristics in 56 circular sample plots (113 km2 each), where lynx (Lynx lynx) have been recorded, and 118 plots with no signs of their presence. In plots with lynx the forest cover (on average 68%) was two times higher and the forest fragmentation lower than in plots with no lynx records. The plots with and without lynx differed significantly also in the number of villages and towns, length of main motorways and railways. Lynx occurrence was negatively associated to human settlements and transportation infrastructure. Logistic regression analysis showed that sufficient forest cover (>40%) and the short straight-line distance to the eastern or southern border of Poland (as a proxy of the distance to a more contiguous range of lynx in Europe) are the two most important variables explaining lynx distribution. We conclude that, in Poland, increase of forest fragmentation and transportation infrastructure may become important threats to lynx populations.  相似文献   

Genetic and demographic studies of fragmented populations of common plant species often reveal negative impacts that are likely to constrain persistence. Examining species that are broadly representative of functional groups within fragmented landscapes is one approach to providing a better understanding of how these processes will influence vegetation persistence. Acacias are a significant component of the Australian flora, with Acacia dealbata being a common and representative species of fragmented landscapes across New South Wales. Previous reproductive assessments of fragmented A. dealbata populations indicated significant constraints for small populations through low reproductive output mediated by fertilisation success. This study examined genetic diversity, mating system, and progeny growth parameters of the seed crops produced by these populations to assess whether further constraints to persistence could be detected. Spatially explicit simulation studies were also conducted to assess the persistence likelihood of fragmented populations. Landscape parameters such as population size and plant density were useful predictors for some of the genetic and demographic responses, but a poor response signal was generally observed. Strong evidence for a self-incompatibility mechanism was observed in A. dealbata and is likely to be the major driver of population persistence. Self-incompatibility in small populations limits mate availability and eliminates inbred progeny early in the reproductive cycle leading to poor reproductive output. The simulation data provides further evidence that mate limitation in smaller populations (<200 plants and 40 S alleles) constrains reproductive output and persistence. These data indicate that introducing new germplasm to smaller populations can dramatically improve their persistence likelihood.  相似文献   

Many amphibian species exhibit metapopulation spatial dynamics and temporally are faced with local population extinction and re-colonization. These natural population fluctuations can exhibit stochastic effects when human-caused alteration and fragmentation of habitats occur during sensitive life-cycle events. In this study, we explored the effects of shoreline development on adult green frogs Rana clamitans melanota on lakes (n=24) of northern Wisconsin. We estimated green frog abundance using both auditory and direct observation surveys. The immediate shoreline habitat was mapped and placed into a Geographical Information System (GIS) for analysis. Adult green frog populations were significantly lower on lakes with varying degrees of shoreline house and cottage development than lakes with little or no development. A negative linear relationship existed between shoreline development densities and the number of adult green frogs. However, house and cottage densities alone did not directly explain this reduction. Analysis of variance (ANOVA) identified that the amount of suitable habitat, not development density, significantly affected green frog abundance. Therefore, greater development densities significantly decrease breeding habitat quality, resulting in lower adult frog abundance. These and other findings suggest that lakeshore development regulations are not protecting sensitive amphibian species.  相似文献   

This study considers the selection of sites based on the densities of breeding waders that would be considered to be distributed widely across common habitats in Scotland: so-called ‘wider countryside’ species. Five methods to provide a hierarchical classification of sites are assessed. Fifty percent of the populations of redshank (Tringa totanus) and snipe (Gallinago gallinago) occur on just 2 and 4.5% of Scottish lowlands, respectively, yet neither are suitably protected by conservation measures and both would benefit from a carefully targeted approach to their conservation. Three species, lapwing (Vanellus vanellus), curlew (Numenius arquata) and oystercatcher (Haematopus ostralegus) are more appropriately considered to be dispersed species. We propose that, if the density of a breeding wader on a site exceeds the threshold level predicted for the top 1% of Scottish lowland for that species, and if the area of the site exceeds 1 km2 then that site be considered to be a key site for farmland waders. The minimum density (in pairs km−2) must exceed 16.8 for lapwing, 10.1 for oystercatcher, 6.1 for snipe, 7.5 for curlew or 3.6 for redshank.  相似文献   

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