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竹类开花与防止的探讨   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
在发展竹类资源和经营竹子生产,往往会出现竹类开花,一旦开花意味着竹子生长开始衰败。为抑制竹类团开花而造成的损失,在营林措施上用集约化的经营管理代替一般粗放的经营管理,达到改善竹林的生态环境。选择母竹不可在开花和生长衰退即将要开花的竹林中引种造林。做到科学管抚竹林,使竹林不开花、少开花和延缓开花时间。初开花的竹林,采取营林补救措施,能达到复壮。  相似文献   

竹子是大熊猫的主要食料,上世纪八十年代初,竹子的大面积开花,给大熊猫的生存带来了严重危机。开花是植物生活史上正常的生命现象,竹子(竹类)属于多年生一次性开花植物,一旦开花就意味着地上部分死亡。从保护大熊猫角度出发,人们对竹子开花给予了更多的研究和关注。  相似文献   

5种竹子花粉萌发率及开花特性   总被引:7,自引:1,他引:6  
竹类植物属禾本科竹亚科,由于其开花周期长,常常是几十年甚至在百年以上,因此竹类植物开花十分少见(周芳纯,1998),且开花后多数死亡,使得有关竹子开花结实、花粉萌发及贮藏等方面的研究进展迟缓.目前对竹子开花现象已有报导(张文燕等,1992;程有龙等,1995;杜凡等,2000;赖广辉,2001;何其江,2003),但有关竹类花粉形态观察和萌发等方面的研究仍很少,前人仅对13个竹种的花粉萌发做过研究(张文燕等,1989).  相似文献   

大熊猫栖息地竹子及开花现象综述   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
大熊猫是中国特有的珍稀动物,被称为"活化石",栖息地出现的竹子大面积成片开花现象对其生存构成了威胁。现就大熊猫主食竹的分布、生物学特性、竹子开花等相关方面予以综述,为保护大熊猫赖以生存的竹类资源提供参考。  相似文献   

通过对竹子开花的时期、竹子开花后造成竹株死亡以及竹子开花原因的说明,根据以往成功经验,提出抑制或延迟竹子的开花的措施及恢复开花竹林的方法。  相似文献   

水竹和慈竹开花代谢关键因子主成分分析   总被引:2,自引:2,他引:0  
开花是植物从营养生长向生殖生长的转换,是植物生存、繁衍和进化的途径.大多数植物开花需要经过某些特定条件的诱导,比如低温春化和光周期诱导(张云等,2003).竹类植物是典型的多年生一次开花植物,目前还没有迹象表明竹子的开花与日照长度和低温诱导有关.  相似文献   

矿质元素在保护地栽培促进早竹开花中的影响   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
丁兴萃 《浙江林业科技》2006,26(4):10-14,38
采用查阅历史档案、走访竹农和现场勘查相结合的方法,在德清市早竹高产培育现代示范园区选择正常生长、生长势减弱、叶片变小和开花竹子等5种不同花芽分化阶段竹林,同时通过田间挂牌观察确认不同花芽分化期的竹株,测定其不同花芽分化期竹叶、竹鞭营养元素含量的变化来研究竹子开花与营养元素的关系,结果表明:矿质元素对竹子花芽分化的影响分为3类:①促进竹子前期花芽分化元素:Ca、Mg、Cu、P、Zn;②促进竹子后期花芽分化元素:Al、Co、Mn;③与竹子开花无直接关系元素:K、Se、Ni。  相似文献   

近几年来,浙江平湖、临安、杭州、富阳,及山东、河南、陕西等地的淡竹、哺鸡竹连年开花、大批竹林枯死。广大贫下中农迫切需要了解竹子开花的原因及其防治办法,为此,我们根据调查和防治开花竹试验的情况,谈点粗浅的看法。  相似文献   

主要从我国竹子开花现象、开花竹株形态、花期、花器构造、结实、竹子实生苗等方面对竹子有性生殖的多样性进行了评述,并探讨竹类资源有性生殖多样性利用存在的问题及对策,为我国竹类资源多样性开发利用提供依据。  相似文献   

主要从我国竹子开花现象、开花竹株形态、花期、花器构造、结实、竹子实生苗等方面对竹子有性生殖的多样性进行了评述,并探讨竹类资源有性生殖多样性利用存在的问题及对策,为我国竹类资源多样性开发利用提供依据。  相似文献   

当前生物技术在竹子上的应用主要可归纳为竹子快繁、组织与细胞培养、开花人工诱导和遗传改良四个方面。竹子快繁技术集中于丛生竹幼枝的离体培养,已有4个竹种在生产上应用;组织与细胞培养在60多个竹种上获得成功;开花人工诱导对难开花的竹子来说是杂交育种和开花生理生化研究的理想研究系统,在10个竹种中诱导成功;运用生物技术进行竹子遗传改良尚待深入研究。生物技术在竹子上应用的重点应该是珍稀竹种或优良无性系快繁、生理和生化研究、竹子遗传改良。  相似文献   

竹子开花研究的新思路   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
由于竹子开花会对生态环境和社会经济产生很大影响,故有必要对竹子开花进行预测。竹子开花会对其生理生化产生一定的影响,主要对有机物、矿质元素、激素、叶绿素,以及竹子的光合作用、叶片质膜渗透性等进行综述,主要得到以下结论:(1)开花对竹叶的生化成分的影响比较大,特别是一些在竹子成花过程中起重要作用的生化成分,如内源激素、叶绿素等,所以可以利用这些发生显著变化的生化成分,作为预测竹子开花的生化指标;(2)竹子的生理活动与竹子的生化成分的变化之间存在着紧密的关系;(3)主要用于预测产量和病虫害程度的高光谱遥感技术可以用来预测竹子开花。所以竹子开花的预测可以作为今后研究的一个方向,将其与生化成分的变化进行关联。  相似文献   

绿竹开花生理生化特性研究   总被引:9,自引:2,他引:9  
绿竹 (Dendroclamopsisoldhami)属禾本科竹亚科绿竹属 ,原产我国。集中分布浙江南部、台湾、福建及广西、广东等省。在浙江、台湾、福建 3省普遍栽培 ,是亚热带地区优良速生的笋材两用的丛生竹种之一。具有生长迅速、成林快、轮伐期短、笋体大、笋期长、产量高、营养丰富等优点。绿竹笋味鲜美 ,清凉解暑 ,同时具有降压、降脂、增强消化系统功能的作用 ,是夏秋两季深受群众喜爱的美味佳肴。绿竹竹材易降解 ,是应用前景广阔的造纸原料。近年来 ,以笋用林为主要经营目的的绿竹林发展很快 ,并取得丰富的经验 (郑郁善等 ,1…  相似文献   

By determination of the change of endogenous hormone Zr, iPA, GA3, IAA and ABA during different flower bud differentiation stages of Phyllostachys praecox, which is identified through both field observation and lab analysis, and with the reference to the previous research achievements on bamboo flowering, the flowering mechanism assumption of Phyto-Hormone Regulation and Gene Activation of Ph. praecox is induced in this article: Bamboo flower bud differentiation can be divided into 3 stages, i.e. flower bud induction, flower bud initiation and flower bud development; Bamboo leaves sense and receive flowering signals from environments to change its hormone level, esp. ratios of iPA/ABA and iPA/GA3; Flowering gene is activated once the ratios of iPA/ABA and iPA/GA3 reach a proper threshold, and it produces DNA and RNA carrying flowering code and transports them to top or side buds nearby, and then protein necessary for flower bud differentiation comes out, as a result of which the flower bud induction is trigged and started, followed by flower bud initiation and development. In the induction stage, ratio of C/N is nearly constant, but increases in the initiation stage. Therefore it clarifies that the rising of C/N ratio does not bring about bamboo flowering initially, and it is a follow-up reactions of process initiation of bamboo flowering. It proves that bamboo rhizome is directly involved in the flower bud differentiation. This assumption can well explain mysterious phenomena of bamboo flowering, and by integrating the current several assumptions, answer the difficult and perplexing questions regarding bamboo flowering which have not been answered by the present assumptions.  相似文献   

雷竹开花期内源激素、氨基酸和营养成分含量变化   总被引:9,自引:5,他引:9  
竹类植物开花较罕见 ,对其开花的原因也有不同的学说 ,如病理学说、营养学说、周期学说、个体变异和突变学说、气候学说等 (毛高喜等 ,1996 ;周芳纯 ,1998) ,但有学者认为内源激素对植物的开花有一定的调节作用 (王锋 ,1990 ;梁武元等 ,1986 ;王白坡等 ,1999;马国华等 ,1995 ;王彦清等 ,1998;陆军等 ,1993)。根据植物生长习性 ,开花植物有 2种不同衰老方式。其中一类是一生中只开一次花 ,即在开花结实后整株植株就衰老死亡 ,这类植物称为单稔植物 ,竹类植物就属于这一类植物。植物内源激素是体内十分重要的活性物质 ,它参与并调整植物的新陈…  相似文献   

竹子很少开花,开花后通常就会死亡,这是由竹子自身生物学规律和环境变化等综合因素所致。竹花的形态、结构、开花周期和表现形式均具有多样性特点,研究竹子开花的特点及其发生的原因,对于深入研究竹子的形态学、分类学、生物学、遗传学、生理学、生态学、药学和食品学等均具有重要意义。文章从竹花形态、竹花结构以及开花习性等方面分析了竹花的多样性,并阐述了竹花多样性的重要价值。  相似文献   

Chusquea ramosissima is a native monocarpic bamboo species growing in subtropical forests of northeastern Argentina, which can dominate gaps and open forests in the region, particularly after human disturbance. This bamboo species started to flower in different areas of northeastern Argentina in 2001, with the flowering peak during 2002 and 2003 and small isolated flowering events still occurring until 2010. We studied the effects of C. ramosissima flowering and die-back on microclimate, litter decomposition, nutrient availability, sapling growth, abundance and regeneration of tree canopy species. We wanted to know how environmental conditions and ecosystem processes change through time after bamboo flowering and if bamboo die-back would favor regeneration of canopy trees. Twenty 50 × 50 m plots of flowering and non-flowering bamboo were permanently marked and vegetation dynamics as well as nutrient cycling and microclimate studies were performed. C. ramosissima die-back enhanced growth and reduced mortality rate of tree saplings during the first year after flowering. Only growth of tree saplings previously established was enhanced by the flowering event and tree-species richness and saplings abundance of canopy trees did not change as expected due to bamboo flowering. The short-term effect of tree saplings growth was likely due to incident solar radiation at the forest floor which doubled in the first year after the bamboo flowering event. Increased light availability at the forest floor simultaneously promoted the growth of other understory plants such as ferns, lianas and Piper spp. that rapidly colonized gaps and intercepted a percentage of the incident solar radiation after the first year, which together with an increased litter layer due to the senescence of the bamboo, may have inhibited establishment of new tree individuals and affected tree growth. Contrary to predictions, soil water, litter decomposition and soil nutrients were not significantly affected by bamboo flowering. Thus, successful tree regeneration in gaps following bamboo flowering appears to be restricted to a very narrow window of increased light availability (i.e., 1 year) before growth of other understory plants and rapid re-colonization of bamboo. Changes in resource availability, and the opportunity for overstory regeneration after bamboo flowering events appears to depend on climatic and community characteristics of the ecosystem where the flowering event occurs and also, on the flowering patterns and their synchronicity.  相似文献   

水竹,刚竹属散生竹种,为长江流域及其以南最常见的野生竹种之一,也是黄河和长江流域广为栽培的一个竹种。自2003年以来,中国四川雅安地区的水竹出现开花现象,到目前已成大范围开花枯死的趋势。对水竹的开花生物学特性进行了研究。结果显示,水竹开花在每个季节均有发生,但主要集中在12月至次年的5月份,开花以后整个植株枯死。水竹为穗状花序,每个佛焰苞(花序)有5~7个假小穗,每个假小穗有4~6朵小花;水竹花丝长约1.8cm,花药黄绿色,柱头三裂。水竹花药非常丰富,但雌蕊发育不良,因此,至今未发现水竹结实。对开花和未开花竹林环境因子进行调查和分析后发现,竹林内光照时数、气温以及湿度对开花有比较显著的影响。同时,开花和未开花水竹根、茎、叶的冷冻切片显示,开花水竹根、茎、叶的细胞结构和发育状况均差于未开花竹。由此看来,内部生理变化和外部环境影响是导致水竹开花的最终原因。  相似文献   

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