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  1. Patterns and changes in the distribution of coastal marine mammals can serve as indicators of environmental change that fill critical information gaps in coastal and marine environments. Coastal habitats are particularly vulnerable to the effects of near-term sea-level rise.
  2. In California, Pacific harbour seals (Phoca vitulina richardii) are a natural indicator species of coastal change because of their reliance on terrestrial habitats, abundance, distribution, and site fidelity. Pacific harbour seals are marine top predators that are easily observed while hauled out at terrestrial sites, which are essential for resting, pupping, and moulting.
  3. Although increasing inundation from recent sea-level rise and storm-driven flooding has changed the Californian coastline, little is known about the effect of future sea-level rise and increased storm frequency and strength on harbour seal haulout site availability and quality in California.
  4. Harbour seal habitat was modelled at two sandbar-built estuaries under a series of likely sea-level rise and storm scenarios. The model outputs suggest that, over time, habitat at both estuaries decreased with increasing sea level, and storm-enhanced water levels contributed significantly to habitat flooding. These changes reflect pressures on coastal habitats that have an impact on human and natural systems.

  1. As a result of their location at the boundary between marine and continental domains, marine caves are affected by wide spatial and seasonal environmental changes. Only recently have benthic foraminifera been recognized as reliable indicators for the ecological zonation of these environments.
  2. The present study is focused on two marine caves of the Orosei Gulf, Sardinia, Italy: Bue Marino and Bel Torrente. It investigates the spatial and seasonal variability of benthic foraminiferal assemblages relative to sediment grain size and water parameters (temperature, salinity, pH, and dissolved oxygen) collected during two campaigns in August 2014 and April 2015. The results from 2014 have been partially published.
  3. Based on a comparison of the results of the two campaigns, the considerable reduction of foraminiferal abundance in Bel Torrente was deduced to occur because of the strong freshwater flows occurring during the rainy season; in Bue Marino, the less severe water flow allowed the identification of both living and dead foraminifera, although strongly reduced in number. These identifications allowed benthic foraminifera to be used to define the ecological zonation.
  4. Entrance, confluence, and transitional ecozones were identified in Bue Marino cave on the basis of species abundance. The second ecozone, not recognized in 2014, was correlated with plant debris at the confluence of the two cave branches. The other two ecozones, which are characterized by the faunal shift from hyaline‐ to agglutinated‐prevalent assemblages, were attributed to the gradient of abiotic parameters detected from the outer to the inner portions of the cave. In both campaigns the same ecozones were recognized in terms of species composition, with exceptions being found to different extents as a result of seasonal variability.
  5. As the distribution of foraminiferal ecozones is conditioned by a decreasing gradient of marine influence, long‐term monitoring may be regarded as a promising tool for future studies on sea‐level change.

  1. Interspecific competition may be particularly exacerbated when occurring between native and invasive alien species, with environmental conditions affecting drivers of natural selection and shaping spatio-temporal dynamics of animal communities. The effects of invaders are particularly evident in aquatic ecosystems with delicate and complex balances, such as Mediterranean coastal wetlands, characterized by unpredictable water flows and variable reserves. Understanding how native species respond to human-induced biological invasions is of paramount importance for planning management measures aiming at conservation purposes.
  2. This study investigated whether the occurrence of a competing invader species resulted in changes in the ecological adaptations of a native species by comparing two coastal wetland fish species: the invasive eastern mosquitofish Gambusia holbrooki and the native Mediterranean killifish Aphanius fasciatus of conservation concern. The hypothesis was tested by sampling fishes at a coastal Ramsar site in central Italy, over 2 years.
  3. Generalized linear mixed models were used to examine the occurrence of killifish in relation to water parameters and the presence of its putative competitor. The aim was to determine whether salinity, temperature, and water depth influenced the presence and abundance of killifish when in sympatry with mosquitofish.
  4. Both the probability of presence and abundance of killifish increased with water salinity, but this increase was stronger when mosquitofish was present. Increasing water temperature and water depth were associated with a higher probability of presence and abundance of killifish respectively, although the effect of water depth was small. Both salinity and the presence of the invader acted synergistically in characterizing and shaping the population structure of the native species.
  5. Living in the most extreme and stressed environments, the killifish is potentially at higher risk of extinction. These results highlight the importance of considering the interplay between multiple abiotic stressors combined with comparative data between invasive and native species as increasingly critical to aid in conservation efforts.

  1. The introduction of exotic species is one of the major causes for biodiversity loss in marine environments. Introduced species can change habitat complexity, impacting local communities and altering ecosystem functioning.
  2. Since the 1980s, the scleractinian species Tubastraea coccinea and Tubastraea. tagusensis (commonly known as sun corals) have been spreading in the south-western Atlantic, posing a major threat to local biodiversity and marine ecosystems. Nowadays, these species are reported from more than 3,500 km along the Brazilian coast and on at least 21 oil and gas offshore platforms.
  3. Considering the great environmental pressure resulting from sun coral invasion, this study verified the effectiveness of manual removal of Tubastraea spp. along a rocky shore in Alcatrazes Wildlife Refuge, one of the most pristine marine regions in Brazil.
  4. Results indicate that removal is indeed effective as a control technique; however, as invaders have high regeneration capabilities and recruitment rates, successive management efforts are essential. In order for management to be effective against Tubastraea's year-round release of clonal larvae, results suggest invaded areas should receive at least two management actions per year.
  5. Successive management efforts, in addition to the development of new techniques and prevention of new invasions should be priorities for mitigating sun coral impacts.

  1. Declines in Panulirus echinatus Smith, 1869 populations along their wide distribution in the Atlantic Ocean have spurred efforts to improve their fisheries management and conservation. In this study, the genetic structure of these populations is reported for the first time.
  2. In a survey of 18 species‐specific polymorphic microsatellite markers, 152 individuals were genotyped from five Atlantic oceanic islands, covering most of the insular distribution range of the species. The analyses revealed that P. echinatus is genetically partitioned into two stocks in the Atlantic Ocean. A highly significant genetic structure was observed between north‐east and south‐west Atlantic populations based on fixation index, discriminant analysis of principal components, and structure and barrier analysis.
  3. We suggest that the Equatorial Circulation System represents a biophysical barrier that effectively limits migration among Atlantic subtropical gyre systems, as has been described for other species. Other physical and ecological barriers, such as the Mid‐Atlantic Ridge itself, the distance between the eastern and western sides of the Atlantic (Mid‐Atlantic Barrier) and water mass differences, as well as other biological aspects, may also influence larval dispersal and modulate the insular distribution of this species.
  4. The results show the existence of two distinct genetic stocks of P. echinatus and have implications for fisheries management in the Atlantic Ocean, including their independent management according to their individual status. The Cabo Verde and the Canarian populations (north‐east Atlantic) showed the lowest level of genetic variability in comparison with the south‐western populations. A combination of factors that have occurred or are occurring in the Canary Islands, such as overfishing and volcanic eruptions, is likely to explain the reduced abundance of this lobster species in the area.

  1. In 2016, the UK government announced plans for a large‐scale Marine Protected Area around Ascension Island, a UK Overseas Territory in the South Atlantic.
  2. To improve baselines for marine life to support ambitious conservation and assess change over time, archives were searched for historical accounts of wildlife from Ascension's discovery in 1501 to the present. For more recent changes, 139 interviews with past and present inhabitants were conducted.
  3. Ascension's marine life has, from first discovery to the present, been consistently remarked upon for its exceptional abundance. Historical sources indicate declines in seabird and turtle populations from human exploitation and introduction of rats and cats. They are recovering with good management, although still below pre‐settlement abundance.
  4. Interviews with residents indicate more recent changes, notably declines in catch per unit of fishing effort at popular shore angling sites, a decline in yellowfin tuna (Thunnus albacares) and increase in Galapagos sharks (Carcharhinus galapagensis).
  5. What is very notable, however, based on the interviews, was that there was no temporal signal suggestive of recent systemic decline, in marked contrast to many parts of the world where recent wildlife declines have been pervasive and steep. Ascension represents a remarkable and immensely important centre of abundance in a sea of depletion and change, warranting full protection for all the island's waters.

  1. Marine communities have long been impacted by human activities, but the quantification of human‐driven changes often relies on recent data. This is because historical data on fish populations are lacking and are challenging to include in contemporary stock and ecological assessments. As a result, the impacts of early fishing pressure on marine communities are generally poorly documented worldwide.
  2. Marine communities of Southeast Australia have a relatively short history of exploitation compared with other temperate systems and were sampled before and after the onset of commercial fishing. As such, they provide a rare opportunity to identify historical baselines and to understand ecological changes after the onset of commercial exploitation.
  3. This study compares survey data collected around Tasmania, Southeast Australia, in 1909–1910 with data from the 1980s. The period considered precedes the establishment of a trawl fishery in Southeast Australia in 1915, of other important commercial fisheries in Tasmania, and of a fisheries data collection programme in 1984. Nominal catch rates are used to examine changes across all families of demersal fish recorded in catches and generalized linear models are used to estimate and compare standardized indices of abundance between the 1909–1910 and 1980s data for key commercial families.
  4. Results show significant, and thus far unreported, fishing‐induced changes in marine communities after the establishment of commercial fishing in the region. Changes mostly relate to shifts in catch composition and steep declines in the abundance of the main commercial families.
  5. This study illustrates a method for analysing low‐quality historical catch data and provides estimates of pre‐commercial fishing abundance that can be included in stock and ecological assessments. More broadly, this study demonstrates the significant role of early fishing in shaping marine communities and increases our understanding about general patterns of exploitation that have been difficult to identify with longer but less detailed fishing histories.

  1. The abundance, distribution and diet of the short-beaked common dolphin were investigated as part of the first detailed study on cetacean populations in the North Aegean Sea. Since 2004, the area has been proposed by national and international entities as a marine protected area for common dolphins and other cetacean species owing to its high biodiversity.
  2. Abundance and distribution were investigated between 2005 and 2013 through dedicated scientific marine transect surveys, covering 14,701 km, in sea conditions of Beaufort sea state 3 and below. The line-transect sampling method was used to estimate relative abundance, using Distance 6.0 software. Encounter rate for this species in the study area was estimated to be 0.24 groups/100 km (1.5 dolphins/100 km), with a mean group size of 6.88 (SE = 1.90).
  3. Common dolphin sightings were analysed for correlations with eight environmental variables (distance from the coast, depth, slope, median salinity, gradient of salinity, median temperature, gradient of temperature and mean current) using generalized additive modelling. Common dolphin sightings were significantly correlated to depth, temperature and salinity.
  4. Stomach-content analyses were performed on eight suitable samples from common dolphins stranded in the study area. The trophic level of the species was calculated, indicating that this species is a top predator.
  5. This research provides the first estimates for abundance and distribution and the first diet analysis for this Mediterranean Endangered dolphin species in the study area based on a year-round long-term study.

  1. A review of the long‐term changes and variations in benthic communities and the current status of the marine invasive species (MIS) in shallow waters of the Yellow Sea (Chinese sector) and the Sea of Japan (Russian and partly Korean sectors) is presented. This paper reflects on the progress and lessons learned, recommending actions for the future about the conservation of biodiversity.
  2. In the Bohai Sea, the benthic ecosystem has been degenerating due to anthropogenic activities such as overfishing and pollution since the 1950s. The dominant position of K‐strategy species is gradually being lost and replaced by R‐strategy species. In the Yellow Sea, the macrobenthic community is different from other areas due to the Yellow Sea Cold Water Mass. Many economic species have been destroyed, and the biotic structure has changed significantly due to overfishing and climate change.
  3. In the Russian sector of the Sea of Japan, the macrobenthic communities in the shallow‐water soft bottom have generally been in a stable condition for the last decades, except for some heavily polluted or disturbed areas due to dredging operations. The abundance of select large invertebrate species has changed considerably due to commercial fishing and poaching. Variations in macro? and meiobenthic communities under aquaculture conditions have occurred on a local scale during the last five decades.
  4. MIS show obvious differences between China and Russia in the following aspects: introduction pathways of MIS, composition and number of non‐native species, threats and impacts of MIS to native communities and ecosystems, and economic and public health impacts.
  5. Long‐term monitoring programmes should be developed to reveal future biotic changes and to separate the effects of cyclic variations of benthic communities from the impacts of pollution and eutrophication. Standardization of sampling procedures is required to compare changes/alternations in benthos across various regions worldwide.

  1. Genidens barbus is a vulnerable marine migrant catfish with low fecundity, a complex life cycle (i.e. mouth breeding), and is the target of industrial and artisanal fisheries of several countries. This species regularly migrates from marine to freshwater environments of the south-western Atlantic.
  2. The aim of this work was to delve deeper into the migration ecology of G. barbus, characterizing both its timing and potential environmental drivers. Furthermore, aspects of the population structure and reproduction of migrants in the lower Uruguay River were studied and the presence of juveniles in the adjacent estuarine recruitment area was evaluated.
  3. Data from 11 years (2008–2018) of records of adult G. barbus captured by artisanal fisheries were used alongside relevant environmental variables that were recorded monthly. Reproductive biology (i.e. sex ratio, gonadosomatic index, fecundity, and oocyte size) was analysed for a period of 3 years (2016–2018). The juvenile abundance in the Río de la Plata estuary was evaluated seasonally.
  4. A total of 935 adult individuals of G. barbus were captured, representing a total biomass of 3,123 kg. The migration timing was from early spring to early summer. The abundance of migrants strongly increased with river discharge, suggesting that this variable regulates the upriver migration. Furthermore, pre- and post-spawn females and males displaying mouth breeding were recorded during the study period, confirming G. barbus reproduction in the lower Uruguay River.
  5. The results obtained suggest that G. barbus ascend to spawn in the freshwater environments upstream from the mouth of the Uruguay River. Then, adult males incubate and carry the embryos downstream, releasing juveniles in the Río de la Plata estuary.
  6. This relevant information will help with the implementation of effective management polices (e.g. fishing restrictions during the reproductive period) for the presently unregulated fishery of this vulnerable species in the lower Uruguay River.

  1. The characterization of benthic communities at the Burdwood Bank slope (≥200 m depth) is provided, comprising data from the marine protected area (MPA) Namuncurá II (created in December 2018), as well as from some deep bathyal surrounding areas in the Southwest Atlantic Ocean. This information was acquired during two research cruises with RV Puerto Deseado (Argentina) during 2016 and 2017.
  2. Marine animal forests were detected in the study area: coral gardens, mainly composed of alcyonaceans, were detected in the south and west of Burdwood Bank (MPA Namuncurá II) and neighbouring areas, whereas pennatulacean aggregations were detected in the north‐west of the plateau. The three‐dimensional structures of live but also dead corals provide substrate and refuge to many associated species. Benthic communities dominated by sponges were also recorded between 200 and 300 m in depth.
  3. Six sites that meet the characteristics of vulnerable marine ecosystems (VMEs) are reported.
  4. Conservation strategies applied to scarcely known austral Argentinean waters led to the establishment of a pioneer MPA (Namuncurá I). Following the management plan that aimed to establish the biodiversity of Namuncurá I and neighbouring areas, the area of protection has now been enlarged to include the southern slope of the bank (currently Namuncurá II), where marine animal forests were detected, at depths below 200 m. The data presented here provide empirical evidence to support the conservation value of the region.

  1. The white mullet, Mugil curema, is a widely distributed euryhaline species, the migratory behaviour of which is poorly understood. The objective of this work was to study the large-scale habitat use of this species for the first time. Several environments were considered, such as euryhaline and hypersaline lagoons, the sea, and a river, distributed in the Central Pacific (Mexico) and Atlantic (Gulf of Mexico, Caribbean Sea-Venezuela, and north-eastern Brazil).
  2. Otolith core-to-edge Sr/Ca ratios of 163 fish, determined by laser ablation inductively coupled plasma mass spectrometry, were used to study the salinity-habitat migration history of the fish. Fish from Mexico (Tamiahua Lagoon, n = 4; Alvarado Lagoon, n = 2), Venezuela (n = 1), and Brazil (n = 12) (11.1% of the total) showed high Sr/Ca values at early life stages and were classified as marine estuarine opportunists. Two specimens (from Alvarado Lagoon and Balsas River, Mexico) showed Sr/Ca values consistently below the high salinity guide value (salinity < 33.5). For the rest of the fish (87.1%), the Sr/Ca ratio suggested a displacement from the estuary towards the sea or hypersaline environments, and so these fish were classified as estuarine migrants.
  3. A change-point analysis identified six individuals with a single stable otolith Sr/Ca signature through ontogeny (three from Brazil, one from Venezuela, and two from Tamiahua Lagoon, Mexico), suggesting limited displacement between environments with different salinities. The rest of the individuals showed between two and 10 changes in stable Sr/Ca signatures (mean = 4.07 ± 1.85). The highest number of changes in Sr/Ca ratio (4.87 ± 1.1) was found in fish from Laguna Madre (Mexico) and the lowest was found in fish from Brazil (3.27 ± 1.70) (H = 19.8, p = 0.002).
  4. Otolith Sr/Ca time series suggest that the migratory estuarine pattern is the most common throughout the study area. This work highlights that the sustainable use of M. curema depends on the conservation of estuaries and the corridors between them and other environments such as lagoons, rivers, mangroves and the sea.

  1. The present study originated with the expansion of the boardwalk within the urban and port area of Manzanillo, México. Prior to civil works related to the placement of tetrapods, surveys of potential sites for the relocation of benthic organisms in alternative areas were carried out.
  2. Based on indicators of the physical–chemical environment and biotic factors, nine areas with potential for relocation were evaluated. The areas of greatest potential were associated with environments located away from the influence of the port environment.
  3. A total of 13,559 benthic organisms belonging to 68 species associated with three main substratum types (rocky, sandy, and mixed) were collected. There were no differences in the ecological indices between the three substrata.
  4. The proximity of the collection area to the influence of port traffic and sources of pollution associated with the physical environment could be an important factor that affects ecological indices and the reduction in the abundance of some protected species and species of commercial interest.
  5. The success of collection and relocation processes depends on minimizing possible errors, especially during transportation, when overcrowding, handling, and damage resulting from variable physico‐chemical conditions should be avoided.
  6. Through a scheme of actions based on ecological principles, management actions, and civil engineering technology, it was possible to carry out mitigation, conservation, and habitat improvement actions in coastal marine environments exposed to anthropogenic impacts.

  1. Tetraodontiformes fishes play a critical role in benthic and demersal communities and are facing threats due to anthropogenic impacts and climate change. However, they are poorly studied worldwide. To improve knowledge on the socio‐ecological significance and conservation of Tetraodontiformes a review of literature addressing the diversity, ecology, use and trade, conservation, and main threats of Tetraodontiformes combined with a comprehensive in situ dataset from two broad‐range multidisciplinary oceanographic surveys performed along the Tropical Brazilian Continental Shelf was undertaken.
  2. Twenty‐nine species were identified, being primarily found on coral reefs and algal ecosystems. At these habitats, tetraodontids present highly diversified trophic categories and might play an important role by balancing the marine food web
  3. Coral reef ecosystems, especially those near to the shelf break, seem to be the most important areas of Tetraodontiformes fishes, concentrating the highest values of species richness, relative abundance and the uncommon and Near Threatened species.
  4. Ninety per cent of species are commonly caught as bycatch, being also used in the ornamental trade (69%) and as food (52%), serving as an important source of income for artisanal local fisheries.
  5. Tetraodontiformes are threatened by unregulated fisheries, overexploitation, bycatch, and habitat loss due to coral reef degradation and the potential effects of climate change. These factors are more broadly impacting global biodiversity, food security, and other related ecosystem functions upon which humans and many other organisms rely.
  6. We recommend the following steps that could improve the conservation of Tetraodontiformes along the tropical Brazilian Continental shelf and elsewhere: (i) data collection of the commercial, incidental, ornamental and recreational catches; (ii) improvement of the current legislation directed at the marine ornamental harvesting; (iii) increase efforts focused on the education and conservation awareness in coastal tourism and communities; and, most important, (iv) creation of marine reserves networks in priority areas of conservation, protecting either the species and key habitats for its survival.

  1. Invaders affect native species across multiple trophic levels, influencing the structure and stability of freshwater communities. Based on the ‘trophic position hypothesis’, invaders at the top of the food web are more harmful to native species via direct and indirect effects than trophically analogous native predators are.
  2. However, introduced and native predators can coexist, especially when non-native species have no ecological and behavioural similarities with natives, occupy an empty niche, or natives show generalist anti-predator strategies that are effective at the community level.
  3. At present, conservation efforts are focused on eradicating invaders; however, their removal may lead to unwanted and unexpected outcomes, especially when invaders are well established and strongly interspersed with natives. This highlights the need to consider invaders in a whole-ecosystem context and to consider the evolutionary history and behavioural ecology of natives and invaders before active management is applied.
  4. Here, stomach content and stable isotope analyses were combined to investigate a pond system dominated by invaders in order to understand the effects of the interactions among upper level predators and lower level members of the food web on the whole community structure.
  5. Both diet and isotope analyses showed that several invaders contributed to the diet of natives and invaders. A significant isotope overlap was found among upper level predators. However, stomach content analysis suggested that predators reduced the potential competition differentiating the food spectrum by including additional prey in their diet. Both native and non-native upper level predators, by preying on invaders, seem not to exert a strong suppressive effect through predation and competition on native species.
  6. This research confirms the importance of studying food webs to identify ecological conditions that forecast the potential for deleterious impacts before management is applied. In cases where invaders cannot be eradicated, management efforts should follow a conciliatory approach promoting the coexistence of native species with invaders.

  1. Explorations of the Mediterranean deep sea using remotely operated vehicles have shown that the sea bed hosts rich habitats, supporting high biodiversity. However, there have been only a few studies dealing with the southern part of the basin, leading to limited protection and conservation efforts in this area.
  2. This study aimed to explore the sea bed off Linosa Island (Sicily Channel, southern Mediterranean Sea), which is considered a ‘sentinel area’ for alien species and global environmental changes owing to its geographic position, thus deserving special attention.
  3. Remotely operated vehicle surveys, carried out in 2016 and 2017, were analysed to provide the first ecological characterization of benthic assemblages at depths −19 – −384 m around Linosa Island.
  4. Communities were dominated by three priority habitats, amounting to 39% of the almost 5 km of the sea floor that was surveyed. These are represented in the euphotic zone by Posidonia oceanica meadows and, at greater depth, by newly discovered dense coral forests and extended rhodolith/maërl beds. Sixteen habitat-forming species included in the Red List of the International Union for Conservation of Nature (e.g. gorgonians Eunicella cavolini and Paramuricea clavata, and black corals Antipathella subpinnata and Leiopathes glaberrima) were recorded, as well as individuals of Sargassum sp. at −100 m depth.
  5. The volcanic island of Linosa represents a small, naturally preserved area, with very limited human pressure, hosting rich marine benthic biodiversity. Given the high species and habitat richness, we recommend its inclusion in the Special Protected Areas of Mediterranean Importance project (United Nations Environment Programme) and suggest a redefinition of the existing marine protected area extension.

  1. Fisheries bycatch of non-target species in the commercial fleet is a major source of anthropogenic injury and mortality for sea turtles and marine megafauna.
  2. The Río de la Plata maritime front (RLPMF) and its adjacent international waters – comprising part of the Argentine and Uruguayan exclusive economic zones, is a highly important fishing ground in the south-western Atlantic Ocean as well as feeding and development grounds for sea turtles.
  3. This paper analyses the distribution of the bottom and pelagic trawling fishery within the RLPMF using information from Vessel Satellite Monitoring System. With this information, areas of highest trawling intensity were defined and further evaluated their overlap with sea turtle habitat-use areas from available sea turtle satellite tracking information.
  4. Results besides identifying high-susceptibility areas for sea turtle bycatch by the commercial trawler fleet along the RLPMF, provide predictive tools to identify vulnerable areas to interaction of sea turtles and the commercial fishing fleet.
  5. Implementation of bycatch mitigation measures, such as reduced fishing effort areas by the Argentine and Uruguayan fisheries management agencies has the potential to benefit the fisheries as well as marine megafauna. Furthermore, there is a need for additional research on the impact that this fleet can have on sea turtles present in the area.

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