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In northern Ethiopia, eucalyptus is the most commonly observed tree species in community and household woodlots. In an environment suffering from biomass and water shortages, erosion and land degradation, fast growing and resilient eucalyptus perform better than most indigenous tree species. Smallholders show a clear preference for eucalyptus poles, which are useful for farm implements and constructing dwellings and fences. In addition, the sale of eucalyptus poles and products has the potential to raise farm incomes, reduce poverty, increase food security and diversify smallholder-farming systems in less-favored areas of Tigray. Despite the potential for eucalyptus to improve rural livelihoods, in 1997 the regional government of Tigray imposed a ban on eucalyptus tree planting on farmlands. The ban was precipitated by concerns about the potential negative environmental externalities associated with eucalyptus, and the desire to reserve farmland for crop production. However, the regional government promotes the planting of eucalyptus in community woodlots, and has recently begun to allow private planting of eucalyptus on community wasteland and steep hillsides. In this paper, we review the ecological debate surrounding the planting of eucalyptus trees. In addition, the economic factors that influence smallholders to invest in tree production are considered. Ex ante benefit–cost analysis based on community and village level survey data from Tigray illustrates that planting eucalyptus yields high rates of return, well above 20% in most circumstances. The effect of variable harvest rates, and the potential costs of decreased crop production when eucalyptus trees are planted on or near farmlands are considered relative to our base case scenario. Based upon the review of the ecological and economic impacts of eucalyptus, we conclude that a policy option favoring the allocation of wastelands for private tree planting offers the greatest opportunity for rural smallholders.  相似文献   

Seed zones for forest tree species are a widely used tool in reforestation programs to ensure that seedlings are well adapted to their planting environments. Here, we propose a climate-based seed zone system for Mexico to address observed and projected climate change. The proposed seed zone classification is based on bands of climate variables often related to genetic adaptation of tree species: mean coldest month temperature (MCMT) and an aridity index (AHM). The overlay of the MCMT and AHM for the 1961–1990 period resulted in 63 climate-based zones. Climate change observed over the last three decades has resulted in an increase of + 0.74 °C for MCMT and a shift toward overall drier conditions across Mexico. By the 2050s, MCMT is expected to increase by + 1.7 °C and AHM shifts further towards drier conditions. We recommend moving seed sources from warm, dry locations towards currently wetter and cooler planting sites, to compensate for climate change that has already occurred and is expected to continue for the next decades. We contribute a straight-forward climate-based seed zone system that allows practitioners to match seed procurement regions with planting regions under observed and anticipated climate change. Our transfer recommendations using climate-based zones can be implemented within the existing seed zone system, which often span large climate gradients.  相似文献   

Latitudinal shifts in tree species distributions are a potential impact of climate change on forest ecosystems. It has been hypothesized that some tree species may become extirpated as climate change effects may exceed their migration ability. The goal of this study was to compare tree species compositions in northern urban areas to tree compositions in forestland areas in the eastern U.S. as an indicator of the potential for urban trees to facilitate future forest tree species migration. Results indicated that a number of tree species native to eastern U.S. forests of southern latitudes are currently present in northern urban forests. The biomass density (Mg/ha) of urban tree species is typically less than half of forestland densities with the majority of urban tree species found in nearby (<100 km) forestland. Urban tree propagation is often facilitated by humans, whereas the necessary pollinators and agents of tree seed dispersal in forestlands may be lacking regardless of climate change. It is suggested that urban areas may serve divergent, dual roles as both a native tree seed source and refuge for a limited number of forestland tree species, but also a facilitator of non-native tree invasion.  相似文献   

Institutional innovation in providing inputs and services is a central element for smallholder development. Agroforestry is an important income generating activity for millions of smallholders in the tropics, yet access to quality planting material—germplasm—of valuable tree species remains a major hurdle for improving farm productivity. We discuss requirements and possibilities for institutional innovation in developing more efficient delivery systems for tree germplasm as one aspect of improved input supply. We describe a simple model for delivery to farmers that identifies the major types of germplasm sources and discuss how this model can be used to identify relevant interventions to address bottlenecks in current systems. Our analysis leads to eight input supply configurations for smallholder agroforestry, typified by three major models. Lessons from the evolution of smallholder crop seed delivery systems can be applied to tree germplasm supply and indicate that a commercial, decentralised model holds most promise for sustainability. However, current emphasis in agroforestry on government and NGO models of delivery hinder the development of this approach. The application of prevailing classification approaches may also create a barrier to the development of appropriate supply systems that effectively service smallholders. An important implication of our analysis is that current actors in agroforestry input supply systems must redefine their roles in order for effective delivery to take place. We chose a case study from Kenya to illustrate our points.  相似文献   

An agroforestry and soil conservation needs assessment survey conducted in southern Zambia revealed valuable insight into needs, constraints and development options as perceived by smallholders themselves. Inadequate efforts to conserve soil are due to technical and socio-economic factors, they do not result from a lack of awareness of the widespread erosion threat. Fruit tree planting, windbreak establishment as well as the protection of the natural Faidherbia albida regeneration in cropland are popular agroforestry interventions whose positive effects are widely acknowledged. Forty-two perennial species were found to directly contribute to people's diet. Although local fuelwood and fodder shortages as well as the need for fencing are recognized only few respondents envisage agroforestry solutions such as fuelwood and fodder tree planting or live fencing. Most smallholders are interested in tree planting but have so far only planted few trees. Those planted are usually exotic fruit trees. Drought hardly, termite and browse resistant perennials adapted to smallholder tree planting must be provided by the extension services. The widespread exclusion of women from decision making and the lack of tenure security hampers female participation in agroforestry development and consequently threatens sustainable development altogether.  相似文献   

Reforestation, particularly in the tropics, is of crucial importance for the environment as well as society. However, small planting areas and low participation of smallholder farmers in tree planting programmes often obstruct realisation of set planting area targets. In this regard, we interviewed smallholder farmers undertaking indigenous species reforestation in Oda Kotoamso community within the Wassa Amenfi West District in Western Region of Ghana with a pre-tested questionnaire to identify (1) key socio-economic factors that predict the size of plantations they establish, (2) options that could encourage tree planting among smallholder farmers, and (3) tree species planted by the smallholder farmers and their conservation status according to the IUCN Red List of Threatened Species. Key socio-economic factors were predicted with multiple regression models and ANOVA. Options were ranked on a five-point Likert scale and their differences were tested with the Mann–Whitney U test. Age and income of smallholders are the significant predictors of plantation sizes but farmers’ household size and gender were not significant. Age and income accounted for 77.1% and 22.9%, respectively, of the total variation described by our model (R?2 = 38.4%). In order of importance, incentives (mean = 4.35, SD = 0.48), public nurseries (mean = 4.2, SD = 0.82) and agroforestry (mean = 4.06, SD = 0.56) were the options that could encourage reforestation, though incentives and public nurseries were not significantly different (p > 0.05). Almost half (9 of 19) of the tree species planted are categorised as Vulnerable species, which highlights the contribution of smallholder farmers to recovery of threatened tree species. Our findings suggest that sustainable provision of planting materials in incentivised and youth-based tree planting programmes could increase planting hectarage and conserve threatened tree species.  相似文献   

气候变化的影响多被认为是负面的,甚至是毁灭性的,然而对林业生产也存在着正面作用。文中借助3个例子来说明降雨量和气温的变化可能对林木生长潜势的影响,以及在气候变化和发展森林资源中如何予以善用。气温升高和降雨量增加,在一定范围内能够提高森林生态系统的林木生长量,特别在生长明显受温湿度约束的温带、寒温带、高海拔、干旱和半干旱地区;改变各地区引种树木的种植分布,扩大生长快、效益好树木的种植范围;改变树木受温湿度所制约的边缘分布区,使其逐步变成适生区或种植区。可以利用现有气候、生物地理、引种、遗传改良等知识,结合进一步的系统试验研究,在林业实践中把气候变化变成机遇,提高森林生态系统的生产力。  相似文献   

Major challenges exist for applied gene conservation of forest genetic resources in native habitats of the Mexican and Central American Pines, Pinus radiata and the Southern US pines. They include population decline and population structure changes, due to forest removal, conversion of forest land to other uses, fires, climate change, diseases and pests. However, tree breeders continue to struggle with methods that would meaningfully integrate tree breeding and conservation populations. In this review, I will start by outlining the importance of gene conservation in tree breeding programs, then highlight some challenges and opportunities for applied gene conservation programs; and lastly, I share results of a large body of applied research and other activities aimed at genetically characterising the base population of P. radiata in Australia and New Zealand, for the purposes of effective ex situ gene conservation. Main threats for species grown in exotic environments also include introduced diseases and pests, and more recently, climate change. Consequently, movement of genetic material is often restricted and genetic resources of pine species are not readily expanded by further importations from overseas. Therefore, conservation of genetic material currently in these countries is likely to be important for the long-term viability of plantation forestry using pine species. In addition to understanding the largely unpredictable or speculative biological and economic worth of rare alleles, the greatest challenge that we have in ex situ gene conservation is to develop practical approaches for infusing genes from base populations of unimproved material into more advanced-generation breeding programs without greatly affecting productivity gains. Other notable challenges include perceived costs and benefits of gene conservation in the face of increasing privatisation of forest estate. While financial resources for domestication of alternative species are declining, a vast number of existing species and provenance/progeny trials of P. radiata, the Mexican and Central American pines and the Southern US pines provide an excellent gene resource for the future.  相似文献   

In the last 20?years, the Mocotíes watershed in the Venezuelan Andes has experienced an intense process of land-use change, with natural forests being replaced by ??sun grown coffee?? (Coffea arabica) monocultures in sites of high slope, increasing risk conditions and the vulnerability of people living in lower parts of the watershed. Using a local-scale approach, 37 productive units (10% of total) in the San Isidro micro-watershed (51.85?km2) were assessed in order to evaluate local socioeconomic conditions and perceptions of ecosystem services, and how both are affected by human activity. Almost 65% of residents work in small farms of less than 5?ha, while family ownership remains the most important form of management. A significant lack of financial support was detected, support which is required to improve coffee productivity and improve conservation practices. Severe soil loss was detected in 45% of the area, associated with cultivation on steep slopes and the use of chemical fertilizers. Agroforestry and tree planting are well-regarded, as locals tend to recognize soil protection and climate change mitigation as two of the most important ecosystem services. Using a small-scale forestry approach, it is believed that current land management could be greatly improved to: (1) progressively introduce tree cover into coffee monocultures; (2) restore degraded areas where forest cover is lost and (3) reduce deforestation. Recommended policies and actions include institutional strengthening, decentralization and the development of community-based forest enterprises. The general principles presented in this work could provide a preliminary basis for basin-wide land restoration.  相似文献   

The profitability to smallholders of rubber production in Imperata infested areas of Indonesia was assessed using an existing bioeconomic model. An Imperata groundcover component was incorporated within the model as follows: tree girth = f(Imperata groundcover) = f(relative shading) = f(crown height, canopy width, tree spacing) = f(tree girth). The first two relationships represent extensions to the original model.Cumulative tree girth was predicted for rubber planting densities from 400 to 1000 stems/ha. At low tree planting rates, competition from Imperata restricts tree growth. At high tree planting rates, Imperata is controlled, but there are negative consequences from inter-tree competition. These two effects of higher planting rates counterbalanced, such that tree girth was approximately constant across the range of tree densities.Tree girth is a driving force in determining latex yield. Latex yield was translated into present value net economic returns within the model, by reference to prices and costs associated with rubber production in South Sumatra, Indonesia in 1995. Economic returns from planting 400 to 1000 trees/ha were calculated. Rubber growing by smallholders on Imperata infested land, was found to be profitable. Maximum profitability was obtained at 600 trees/ha. However, the sensitivity of net economic returns, with respect to tree density, was not great. This was due to the counterbalancing effects of changes in tree density.  相似文献   

We studied how the use of certain tree species in forest regeneration affected the volume growth, timber yield, and carbon stock of boreal forests in Finland under the current climate (1981–2010) and recent-generation global climate model (GCM) predictions (i.e., multi-model means and individual GCMs of CMIP5), using the representative concentration pathways RCP4.5 and RCP8.5 over the period 2010–2099. Forest ecosystem model simulations were conducted on upland national forest inventory plots throughout Finland. In a baseline management regime, forest regeneration was performed by planting the same tree species that was dominant before the final cut. In alternative management regimes, either Scots pine, Norway spruce, or silver birch were planted on medium-fertility sites. Other management actions over rotation were done as in a baseline management. Compared to baseline management, an increased planting of birch resulted in relative sense highest increase in the volume growth, timber yield, and carbon stock in forests in the south, especially under severe climate projections (e.g., multi-model mean RCP8.5, and GCMs such as HadGEM2-ES RCP8.5 and GFDL-CM3 RCP8.5). This situation was opposite for Norway spruce. In the north, the volume growth, timber yield, and carbon stock of forests increased the most under severe climate projections (e.g., multi-model mean RCP8.5 and CNRM-CM5 RCP8.5), regardless of tree species preference. The magnitude of the climate change impacts depended largely on the geographical region and the severity of the climate projection. Increasing the cultivation of birch and Scots pine, as opposed to Norway spruce, could be recommended for the south. In the north, all three species could be cultivated, regardless of the severity of climate change.  相似文献   



The reforestation of degraded tropical pastures requires innovative tree planting systems that consider land user needs.


We established a silvopastoral reforestation system and assessed the effects of companion trees on the native timber tree Tabebuia rosea in Panama. Timber tree individuals were established in (1) solitary plantings (TSol) or in companion plantings with (2) Guazuma ulmifolia (TGua) or (3) the nitrogen-fixing Gliricidia sepium (TGli).


We quantified growth characteristics and herbivory of T. rosea, and analyzed leaf chemistry (including the stable isotopes ??15N and ??13C) and structure (leaf mass per area).


Companion trees significantly affected stem diameter growth of T. rosea. Stem diameter growth was as high in TGli trees as in TSol trees but was reduced in TGua trees. Furthermore, TGua trees had higher leaf water content, and lower ??13C and lower leaf mass-to-area ratio than TGli trees, suggesting there were effects of shading by G. ulmifolia on T. rosea. Herbivory was high but not affected by planting regimes. Leafing phenology did not differ between planting regimes and G. sepium did not increase nitrogen content in T. rosea leaves.


Companion tree planting can support timber tree growth in silvopastoral reforestations, but adequate species selection is crucial for successful implementation of this planting system. Tree?Ctree interactions seem to be more relevant for timber tree growth than herbivory in the studied system.  相似文献   

Input/output data from tree growing experiments in Southeast Asia were analysed within the framework of a model of a smallholder farm. Data on cropping were obtained from surveys of farmers. Prior to formulating a whole farm model, this input/output data were modified in two ways: (a) a yield penalty was imposed upon a continuous cropping regime to reflect the impact of land degradation; (b) an agroforestry (intercropping) activity was synthesised by reference to an existing agroforestry bioeconomic model. The modelling framework was conventional linear programming. The interplay of land area availability, land and labour productivity, and interest rates lead to a relatively complex picture, even for the simplified farming systems that were examined. Model results showed a clear indication of the potential role of trees, but this potential role decreased with increasing interest rates. The analysis suggested that smaller farms will be less inclined towards tree growing. A mixture of trees and crops appears attractive, on purely economic grounds, over a wide range of interest rates and land areas. Consideration of factors outside the model, such as risk aversion objectives of smallholders, and their limited opportunities to borrow for investments in tree planting, reinforce the tendency to combine trees and crops.  相似文献   

基于永新县七溪岭林场采伐迹地森林恢复的森林调查,从树高生长量和蓄积生长量两个方面分析选择不同树种造林的林地生产能力,总结同一树种连栽的生产能力低下和更换树种造林的效果显著,指出采伐迹地森林恢复树种选择对国有林场大面积经营森林的重要性以及树种选择的方法。  相似文献   

It is possible that current tree domestication practices undertaken by farmers reduce the genetic base of tree resources on farms, raising concerns regarding the productivity, sustainability and conservation value of agroforestry ecosystems. Here, we assessed possible changes in genetic variation during domestication in the important and heavily utilised timber species, Vitex fischeri Gürke (syn. Vitex keniensis), by comparing geographically proximate forest and farm material in central Kenya. Employing RAPD analysis, a total of 104 polymorphic markers revealed by five arbitrary primers were scored in a total of 65 individuals, 32 from forest and 33 from farmland. Despite concerns of possible genetic erosion, forest and farm stands did not differ significantly in levels of genetic variation, with H values of 0.278 and 0.269, respectively. However, Mantel tests did reveal greater geographically related associative genetic structure among individuals in farm rather than forest material, with r M values of 0.217 and 0.114, respectively. A more detailed analysis of structure suggested this could be due to local variation in origin of some on-farm trees. Implications of data for the genetic management of V. fischeri stands during farmer-led tree domestication activities are discussed. At present, there appears little reason to reject on-farm V. fischeri as a source of germplasm for future on-farm planting or for conservation purposes, although this situation may change and will require monitoring.  相似文献   

Many regions of southern Australia exposed to broad-acre grazing are denuded of trees. Re-establishing trees in these landscapes is important for both environmental and economic reasons. We investigated whether climate at the site of origin of the seed can inform species selection for tree establishment on ex-pasture sites within agricultural landscapes. We established trials at four sites in the sheep and cattle grazing region of the Midlands of Tasmania at: ‘Woodland Park’; ‘Sorrel Springs’; ‘Inverel’ and ‘Glen Morey’ farms (long-term average rainfalls of 584, 520, 520, and 479 mm, respectively). Eucalypt species were selected, based on high tolerance to frost and drought inferred from climate at the sites of origin and based on the limited scientific literature available, from across Tasmania and mainland Australia. We investigated the mortality, health and height growth of 18 eucalypt species three months, one and six years after planting. Climatic data from the site of origin of the seed of these species was used to group species into categories of mean annual temperature and mean annual rainfall at seed-source. Sensitivity of species to environment was investigated and compared using modified joint regression. At three planting sites, Woodland Park, Sorrel Springs (except health of the temperature category comparison at six years) and Inverel, we found significantly greater height and health one and six years after planting for local (Tasmanian) compared to non-local (Australian mainland) species, and for species where the site of origin of seed was categorised as low or medium mean annual temperature compared with those categorised as high mean annual temperature. There were no significant differences in mortality for these comparisons. At Glen Morey, height was significantly greater at six years after planting of local compared to non-local species and of species from low and medium mean annual temperature categories compared with the high mean annual temperature category. Mortality was significantly greater in local than non-local species six years after planting. Health was not significantly different for these comparisons. Differences in height, health or mortality of species categorised into mean annual rainfall at seed-source were largely non-significant at all sites one and six years after planting. A study of the sensitivity of species to environment of planting indicated that Tasmanian species were less sensitive than mainland species when height data was compared. When health data was compared, species with a site of origin of seed categorised as low rainfall were less sensitive to environment than species categorised as medium and high-mean rainfall. When mortality data was used significant differences were identified in the sensitivity of species to planting environment but this was not related to locality, mean annual temperature or rainfall at seed-source. Species that attained above average height and low mortality across three or more sites included Eucalyptus pulchella, Eucalyptus perineana (Tasmanian species), and Eucalyptus microcarpa, Eucalyptus benthamii and Eucalyptus melliodora (mainland species). Whilst temperature (and to a lesser extent rainfall) at seed-source is a good indicator of the success of tree establishment, high variability between sites points to the need to consider climate, browsing pressure and farm management at the paddock-scale when planning revegetation plantings. This has important implications for carbon sequestration plantings.  相似文献   

Tree species are highly vulnerable to anthropogenic environmental change, and are increasingly being challenged by non-native pests and climate change. Rocky Mountain bristlecone pines are long-lived, exhibit delayed maturation, have low genetic diversity, and inhabit cold, high-elevation environments. They are threatened by the non-native disease white pine blister rust, warming temperatures, changing precipitation patterns, and altered disturbance regimes. The goal of this work was to (1) sample the range-wide genetic diversity of bristlecone pine for ex situ seed and tissue collections and research before the populations are impacted, (2) assess the health and ecological conditions of the species across its geographic range (61 stands) to provide a baseline by which to evaluate future changes, and (3) assess relationships between stand and regeneration characteristics and topographic, geographic, and climatic factors to identify vulnerabilities and proactive management interventions to increase population resilience. Local variation in topoclimate was strongly related to stand structure, composition, health, and regeneration. Bristlecone pine currently showed only minor impacts from insects and pathogens, but relationships between cone production and regeneration with climate variables suggest vulnerabilities to projected climate change. Both cone production and seedling regeneration were also linked to stand structure and ground cover that provide opportunities for proactive in situ management to increase population size to mitigate potential future climate- and pathogen-driven declines. These efforts represent the first proactive coordinated range-wide genetic collection design and forest health assessment for a threatened, but not yet impacted, tree species and offers a model for other species at risk.  相似文献   

As traditional slash-and-burn systems with prolonged fallow periods are no longer feasible in most parts of the tropics, improved agroforestry systems have high potential to increase the productivity of farming systems and sustain continuous crop production. Our objective was to assess biophysical and economic performance of planted leguminous tree fallow (using Inga edulis) compared to the traditional slash-and-burn farming system, practiced by farmers on fields infested with noxious weedy grass Imperata brasiliensis around the city of Pucallpa, Peru. An existing agroforestry model SCUAF was used to predict biophysical factors, such as changes in soil characteristics and farm outputs (crop and tree yield). While a cost–benefit analysis spreadsheet, which uses the output from SCUAF and economic data on input/output levels and prices, calculates economic performance of the systems. The Inga fallow system can provide improvements to a range of soil biophysical measures (C, N, P content). This enables higher levels of farm outputs to be achieved (higher cassava yields). However, for smallholders the improved system must be more economically profitable than the existing one. At prices currently encountered, the Inga fallow system is more profitable than the Imperata fallow system only in the long-term. In adopting the Inga fallow system, smallholders will incur lower profits in the first years, and it will take approximately 10 years for smallholders to begin making a profit above that achievable with the Imperata fallow system. Unless smallholders are capable of accepting the lower profitability in first years, they are less likely to adopt the new system.  相似文献   

Species distribution models (SDMs) to evaluate trees’ potential responses to climate change are essential for developing appropriate forest management strategies. However, there is a great need to better understand these models’ limitations and evaluate their uncertainties. We have previously developed statistical models of suitable habitat, based on both species’ range and abundance, to better understand potential changes of 134 tree species habitats in the eastern United States (http://www.nrs.fs.fed.us/atlas). Our focus here is to build on these results via a more robust assessment framework called modification factors (ModFacs) that is made up of five components. ModFac 1 addresses nine biological characteristics (e.g., shade tolerance and seedling establishment) that quantify the influence of species life-history traits. ModFac 2 considers 12 disturbance characteristics (e.g., insect pests, drought, and fire topkill) which address the capacity of a species to tolerate and respond to climate-induced changes in habitat. ModFac 3-5 distill the tree SDM results and facilitate communication of model uncertainty; we quantified the variability in projected change for General Circulation Models (GCM) and emissions scenarios (ModFac 3), the extent to which each species’ habitat intersects novel climate conditions (ModFac4), and accounted for long-distance extrapolations beyond a species’ current range (ModFac5). The life-history components of ModFacs 1 and 2 demonstrate the marked variability among species in terms of biological and disturbance characteristics, suggesting diverse abilities to adapt to climate change. ModFacs 3-5 show that the information from the SDMs can be enhanced by quantifying the variability associated with specific GCM/emission scenarios, the emergence of novel climates for particular tree species, and the distances of species habitat shifts with climate change. The ModFacs framework has high interpretive value when considered in conjunction with the outputs of species habitat models for this century. Importantly, the intention of this assessment was not to create a static scoring system, but to broadly assess species characteristics that likely will play an important role in adaptation to climate change. We believe these scores based on biological, disturbance, and model synthesis factors provide an important expansion of interpretive and practical value to habitat model projections.  相似文献   

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