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选择四个屠宰体重区间对舍饲型合作猪12个胴体性状相关性进行了研究.结果表明:25~30 kg(即6月龄)屠宰,瘦肉率59.62 % ,屠宰率66.32%,具有皮薄(0.5 cm)、背膘薄(0.797 cm)、眼肌面积大(16.15 cm2)的特点,表明合作猪属于优良的瘦肉型小型猪.经分析可知,宰前活重与胴体重、眼肌面积,胴体重与屠宰率、眼肌面积呈极显著正相关(P<0.01);宰前活重与屠宰率、背膘厚、骨率,胴体重与背膘厚、骨率,屠宰率与眼肌面积,背膘厚与眼肌面积,皮厚与后腿比例,眼肌面积与骨率,瘦肉率与皮率呈显著正相关(P<0.05);背膘厚与瘦肉率,后腿比例与含脂率,瘦肉率与骨率存在显著负相关(P<0.05).12个胴体性状指标经主成分分析可获得5个主成分因子,可代表胴体性状总变异量的87.025%.  相似文献   

随机抽取屠宰生猪1988头,利用FOM肉脂仪测定胴体瘦肉率(LEAN)、最后肋骨处膘厚(P2)、倒数3、4肋骨之间膘厚(RF)和眼肌厚(RM)。并称量每头猪的胴体重(WT)。利用SAS软件分析胴体性状的平均数、变异程度和各性状间的相关性。结果表明:省内生猪胴体品质较差,主要表现为背膘较厚、眼肌厚度薄、胴体瘦肉率低、胴体重偏轻,且各性状的变异程度大;胴体性状间存在较高的表型相关,LEAN与P2、RF、WT呈强烈负相关,P2、RF、RM、WT之间存在极显著的正相关,LEAN与RM之间具有正相关趋势。  相似文献   

猪背膘中NADPH生成酶的活性与瘦肉率关系的初步研究   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
试验选择湖北白猪断奶仔猪48头,测定150和180日龄的活体背膘厚及背膘脂肪组织中NADPH生成酶的活性。180日龄随机屠宰36头。对背膘中4种NADPH生成酶的活性与活体背膘厚及胴体性状进行相关分析,结果表明:150和180日龄4种酶的总活性与活体背膘厚、胴体背膘厚及肥肉率呈正相关;与胴体瘦肉率呈负相关。说明4种NADPH生成酶的活性高时,猪的活体背膘厚、胴体肥肉率提高,瘦肉率降低。文中还给出了用酶活性估测瘦肉率的回归方程。研究结果表明猪背膘中4种NADPH生成酶的活性可以作为选择瘦肉型猪瘦肉率性状的辅助指标。  相似文献   

猪肉胴体的竞争力和猪种的改良都依赖于正确估测胴体的组成。许多研究者曾提出过估测出肉率的各种指标的回归方程。作者选用359个在重量、背膘厚度和肌肉发育程度方面有广泛代表性的胴体,并按背膘厚度分为四个等级测定下列指标作为多元回归的自变量。1.冷却胴体重;2.胴体长;3.第10肋骨处的背最长肌面积;4.第10肋骨处背最长肌3/4长度处对应点边膘厚;5.美国农业部肌肉评分;6.平均背膘厚;7.  相似文献   

为研究影响杜长大商品猪胴体评级的相关性状,选择206头活重在90~150 kg的商品猪进行称重、活体背膘P2点测定、屠宰性能测定,测定指标包括:活体重、背膘厚、胴体重、肩膘、6-7肋间膘、最后肋膘、肉色、肋骨数以及胴体等级等主要性能指标,分析性状间的相关性,对不同等级的各胴体性状进行显著性检验,并建立胴体等级与其他性状指标间的回归方程。结果:宰前活重在109.43~116.70 kg、活体背膘厚度11.47~13.44 mm时,胴体评级最优(1~2级);随着宰前活重的增加,肩膘厚、6-7肋间膘厚、最后肋膘厚随之增加,肉色值也有增加的趋势;胴体等级与活体背膘、肩膘厚、6-7肋间膘厚、最后肋膘厚、肉色、性别等性状具有显著的相关性。本研究为指导商品猪饲养管理、商品猪评级、改善养猪经济效益提供了参考依据。  相似文献   

选择4个屠宰体重区间对舍饲型合作猪胴体品质进行了研究。结果表明:25~30 kg屠宰,后腿丰满度理想,产肉性能高,瘦肉率59.62%,屠宰率66.315%,具有皮薄(0.5 cm)、背膘薄(0.797 cm)、眼肌面积大(16.15 cm2)的特点,属于优良的瘦肉型小型猪。宰前活重与胴体重、眼肌面积,胴体重与屠宰率、眼肌面积呈极显著正相关(P0.01);宰前活重与屠宰率、背膘厚、骨率,胴体重与背膘厚、骨率,屠宰率与眼肌面积,背膘厚与眼肌面积,皮厚与后腿比例,眼肌面积与瘦肉率、骨率,瘦肉率与皮率呈显著正相关(P0.05);背膘厚与瘦肉率,后腿比例与脂率,瘦肉率与骨率存在显著负相关(P0.05)。  相似文献   

为研究恩施黑猪的种质特性,本研究对104头9月龄左右的恩施黑猪体尺、胴体、肉质等性状进行了测量及相关分析;结果显示恩施黑猪9月龄平均体重为95.44±10.74 kg、胴体重62.80±8.13 kg、屠宰率为65.75±3.28%、总乳头数14.07±1.70个、成对乳头数6.21±0.91对、三点平均背膘厚3.56±0.69 cm、肌内脂肪含量为3.37±2.60%、肉色评分4.27±0.61、于背最长肌内主要检测到18种脂肪酸,其饱和脂肪酸为33.58±2.91 mg/g,不饱和脂肪酸为50.35±2.72 mg/g,单不饱和脂肪酸38.52±4.61 mg/g,多不饱和脂肪酸12.23±3.53 mg/g,硬脂酸含量比亚油酸高;阉公猪与母猪间肉色评分差异显著(P0.05),其他性状无显著差异;体重与肌内脂肪、背膘厚、胴体重极显著正相关;肌内脂肪含量与背膘厚极显著正相关,与胴体重显著正相关;背膘厚与胴体重极显著正相关,与头长、管围、滴水损失显著负相关;臀中肌中点处的背膘厚与3点平均背膘厚极显著正相关;成对的乳头数与肋骨数显著正相关。本研究结果为恩施黑猪种质特性的鉴定以及品种开发利用提供了基础理论依据。  相似文献   

为了研究大白猪主要胴体性能间的相互关系,选择16头活重100 kg左右的大白猪进行屠宰测定,计算了大白猪的屠宰率、胴体斜长、背膘厚、皮厚、眼肌面积、后腿比例以及瘦肉率等7个主要胴体性能指标,且计算了其相关系数并进行显著性检验,运用相关性分析及通径分析,分析了各胴体性能间的相互关系。结果显示,大白猪的屠宰率为75.11%,胴体斜长为82.19 cm,背膘厚为2.36 cm,皮厚为0.32 cm,眼肌面积为59.08 cm2,后腿比例为31.69%,瘦肉率为67.05%;相关性分析表明,瘦肉率与背膘厚、眼肌面积以及后腿比例呈极显著相关,背膘厚对整体的胴体性能有负效应;通过通径分析可知,后腿比例对瘦肉率的直接影响最大,背膘厚对瘦肉率的间接作用最强。该研究结果表明,大白猪具有优良的胴体性能,背膘厚、眼肌面积以及后腿比例是影响瘦肉率的主要因素。  相似文献   

对 1 2 2头纯种加系大约克在 2 5kg、 50kg和 75kg阶段时用B超 (Ami90 0 )背膘仪测定背膘厚。测定部位在倒数 3~ 4肋骨间 (P1点 )、胸腰、腰荐结合处离背中线 4~ 6cm处 (P2点 )。将所得数据进行生长曲线描绘 ,并通过SAS软件采用半同胞模型进行遗传力估计。结果 2 5kg、 50kg和 75kg阶段时 ,加系大约克猪背膘厚在P1位点分别为 7 41mm、1 0 59mm和 1 2 42mm ,在P2位点分别为 5 64mm、7 1mm和 8 7mm。在 2 5kg阶段时 ,P1、P2两位点背膘厚遗传力分别为 0 1 0 6 9和 0 2 383;在 50kg阶段时 ,这两位点背膘厚的遗传力分别为 0 634和 0 549;75kg阶段时 ,这两位点背膘厚的遗传力分别为 0 641和 0 564。  相似文献   

对新吉林黑猪(5头)进行了胴体品质及肉质性状的测定,结果表明:130kg级的新吉林黑猪瘦肉率56.14%。平均背膘厚2.16cm,且从胴体整体上观察,均表明其背膘比较薄。在测定中观察到新吉林黑猪的皮较厚。脏器系数与其他猪种相比,无差异。新吉林黑猪保持了东北民猪和巴克夏肉质优良的特点,尤其是系水力较强,大理石纹分布丰富,富有弹性,纹理细嫩,切面干爽,质地细密,属高档猪肉。  相似文献   

Three experienced persons evaluated 158 carcasses 24 h postmortem for USDA yield grade (YG) and quality grade factors, nine subcutaneous (SC) fat indicators, and four intermuscular (IM) fat indicators. Forty sides (YG 1.1 to 3.8) were selected for determination of chemical composition, two measures of cutability, and total IM fat from the round, loin, rib, and chuck. The IM fat estimates at the 12th rib, rib-plate juncture, and 5th rib were correlated with percentage of chemical fat (r = -.72, -.70, and -.55, respectively). Simultaneous consideration of YG factors accounted for 61% of the variation in chemical fat. Substituting the IM fat estimate at the 12th rib for adjusted fat thickness (AFT) in the equation explained 60% of the variation in percentage of chemical fat. An equation containing two IM fat estimates, marbling score and longissimus muscle area explained 68% of the variation in chemical fat. Simultaneous consideration of the YG factors accounted for 59% of the variation in boneless, closely trimmed (6 mm SC fat and no IM fat) retail cuts from the round, loin, rib, and chuck. Substituting the IM fat estimate at the 12th rib for AFT in the equation accounted for 65% of the variation. These data from a fairly uniform set of steer carcasses show that percentage of chemical fat and cutability can be reliably predicted from IM fat estimates and other traits that can be visually estimated on hot-fat trimmed carcasses.  相似文献   

Live animal and carcass data were collected from market barrows and gilts (n = 120) slaughtered at a regional commercial slaughter facility to develop and test prediction equations to estimate carcass composition from live animal and carcass ultrasonic measurements. Data from 60 animals were used to develop these equations. Best results were obtained in predicting weight and percentage of boneless cuts (ham, loin, and shoulder) and less accuracy was obtained for predicting weight and ratio of trimmed, bone-in cuts. Independent variables analyzed for the live models were live weight, sex, ultrasonic fat at first rib, last rib, and last lumbar vertebra, and muscle depth at last rib. Independent variables for the carcass models included hot carcass weight, sex of carcass, and carcass ultrasonic measurements for fat at the first rib, last rib, last lumbar vertebra, and muscle depth at last rib. Equations were tested against an independent set of experimental animals (n = 60). Equations for predicting weight of lean cuts, boneless lean cuts, fat-standardized lean, and percentage of fat-standardized lean were most accurate from both live animal and carcass measurements with R2 values between .75 and .88. The results from this study, under commercial conditions, suggest that although live animal or carcass weight and sex were the greatest contributors to variation in carcass composition, ultrasonography can be a noninvasive means of differentiating value, especially for fat-standardized lean and weight of boneless cuts.  相似文献   

Commercial slaughter steers (n = 329) and heifers (n = 335) were selected to vary in slaughter frame size and muscle thickness score, as well as adjusted 12th rib fat thickness. After USDA carcass grade data collection, one side of each carcass was fabricated into boneless primals/subprimals and minor tissue components. Cuts were trimmed to 2.54, 1.27, and .64 cm of external fat, except for the bottom sirloin butt, tritip, and tenderloin, which were trimmed of all fat. Four-variable regression equations were used to predict the percentage (chilled carcass weight basis) yield of boneless subprimals at different fat trim levels (.64, 1.27, and 2.54 cm) as influenced by sex class, frame size, muscle score, and adjusted 12th rib fat thickness. Carcass component values, total carcass value, carcass value per 45.36 kg of carcass weight, and live value per 45.36 kg of live weight were calculated for each phenotypic group and external fat trim level. Carcass fatness and muscle score had the most influence on live and carcass value (per 45.36 kg weight basis). Carcasses with .75 and 1.50 cm of fat at the 12th rib were more valuable as the trim level changed from 2.54 cm to .64 cm; however, for carcasses with 2.25 cm of fat at the 12th rib, value was highest at the 2.54 cm trim level. Value was maximized when leaner cattle were closely trimmed. There was no economic incentive for trimming light-muscled or excessively fat carcasses to .64 cm of external fat.  相似文献   

Thirty-two crossbred cattle (steers = 17; heifers = 15) exhibiting an ultrasound fat thickness at the 12 to 13th rib region of at least 10 mm were selected from a slaughter shift at a commercial packing plant. After splitting, alternating sides of each carcass were trimmed of 1) subcutaneous fat in excess of 6.4 mm; 2) all kidney, pelvic, and heart fat; and 3) all cod or udder fat and fat in the flank region. Both sides of each carcass were fabricated into subprimals (final trim level of 6.4 mm) according to normal industry procedures. Effect of hot-fat trimming, yield grade (3, 4, and 5), and gender on hot-fat trim, fabrication fat trim, major subprimal, and total subprimal yield of untrimmed and trimmed carcasses were determined. Higher numerical yield grade (YG) corresponded with higher (P less than .05) percentages of hot-fat trim. Hot-fat trimming increased (P less than .05) the difference in fabrication fat trim between steers and heifers and between YG 3 and YG 5. Steers and heifers differed (P less than .05) in percentage of major subprimals and total subprimals when processed conventionally, whereas hot-fat trimming eliminated this difference (P less than .05). Untrimmed YG 3 carcasses had 3.1 and 5.0% higher major subprimal yield (P less than .05) than untrimmed YG 4 and YG 5 carcasses, respectively, whereas hot-fat trimming reduced this difference to 2.5% for YG 4 and to 3.7% for YG 5.(ABSTRACT TRUNCATED AT 250 WORDS)  相似文献   

The objective of this study was to develop prediction equations for estimating proportional carcass yield to a variety of external trim levels and bone-in and boneless pork primal cuts. Two hundred pork carcasses were selected from six U.S. pork processing plants and represented USDA carcass grades (25% USDA #1, 36% USDA #2, 25% USDA #3, and 14% USDA #4). Carcasses were measured (prerigor and after a 24 h chill) for fat and muscle depth at the last rib (LR) and between the third and fourth from last rib (TH) with a Hennessy optical grading probe (OGP). Carcasses were shipped to Texas A&M University, where one was randomly assigned for fabrication. Selected sides were fabricated to four lean cuts (ham, loin, Boston butt, and picnic shoulder) then fabricated progressively into bone-in (BI) and boneless (BL) four lean cuts (FLC) trimmed to .64, .32, and 0 cm of s.c. fat, and BL 0 cm trim, seam fat removed, four lean cuts (BLS-OFLC). Total dissected carcass lean was used to calculate the percentage of total carcass lean (PLEAN). Lean tissue subsamples were collected for chemical fat-free analysis and percentage carcass fat-free lean (FFLEAN) was determined. Longissimus muscle area and fat depth also were collected at the 10th and 11th rib interface during fabrication. Regression equations were developed from linear carcass and OGP measurements predicting FLC of each fabrication point. Loin muscle and fat depths from the OPG obtained on warm, prerigor carcasses at the TH interface were more accurate predictors of fabrication end points than warm carcass probe depth obtained at the last rib or either of the chilled carcass probe sites (probed at TH or LR). Fat and loin muscle depth obtained via OGP explained 46.7, 52.6, and 57.1% (residual mean square error [RMSE] = 3.30, 3.19, and 3.04%) of the variation in the percentage of BI-FLC trimmed to .64, .32, and 0 cm of s.c. fat, respectively, and 49.0, 53.9, and 60.7% (RMSE = 2.91, 2.81, and 2.69%) of the variation in the percentage of BL-FLC trimmed to .64, .32, and 0 cm of s.c. fat, respectively. Fat and loin muscle depth from warm carcass OGP probes at the TH interface accounted for 62.4 and 63.5% (RMSE = 3.38 and 3.27%) of the variation in PLEAN and FFLEAN, respectively. These equations provide an opportunity to estimate pork carcass yield for a variety of procurement end point equations using existing on-line techniques.  相似文献   

Pork carcasses (n = 133) were used to investigate the influence of carcass fatness and muscling on composition and yields of pork primal and subprimal cuts fabricated to varying levels of s.c. fat. Carcasses were selected from commercial packing plants in the southeastern United States, using a 3 x 3 factorial arrangement with three levels of 10th rib backfat depth (< 2.03, 2.03 to 2.54, and > 2.54 cm) and three levels of loin eye area (LEA; < 35.5, 35.5 to 41.9, and > 41.9 cm2). Sides from the selected carcasses were shipped to the University of Georgia for carcass data collection by trained USDA-AMS and University of Georgia personnel and fabrication. Sides were fabricated to four lean cuts (picnic shoulder, Boston butt, loin, and ham) and the skinned belly. The four lean cuts were further fabricated into boneless cuts with s.c. fat trim levels of 0.64, 0.32, and 0 cm. The percentages of four lean cuts, boneless cuts (four lean cuts plus skinned, trimmed belly) at 0.64, 0.32, and 0 cm s.c. fat, fat-free lean, and total fat were calculated. Data were analyzed using a least squares fixed effects model, with the main effects of 10th rib backfat and LEA and their interaction. Fatness and muscling traits increased (P < 0.05) as 10th rib backfat and LEA category increased, respectively. However, fat depth measures were not affected greatly by LEA category, nor were muscling measures greatly affected by backfat category. The percentage yield of cuts decreased (P < 0.05) as backfat category increased. Cut yields from the picnic shoulder, Boston butt, and belly were not affected (P > 0.05) by LEA category, whereas the yield of boneless loin and ham increased (P < 0.05) as LEA category increased. Compositionally, the percentage of four lean cuts, boneless cuts at varying trim levels, and fat-free lean decreased incrementally (P < 0.05) as backfat depth increased, whereas parentage total fat and USDA grade increased (P < 0.05) as backfat depth increased. As LEA increased, percentage boneless cuts trimmed to 0.32 and 0 cm s.c. fat and fat-free lean increased and total fat decreased; however, the difference was only significant in the smallest LEA category. Collectively, these data show that decreased carcass fatness plays a greater role in increasing primal and subprimal cut yields and carcass composition than muscling even in lean, heavily muscled carcasses.  相似文献   

Two feeder pig grading systems were tested. Forty-five barrows were selected using current USDA Feeder Pig Grade Standards (U.S. No. 1, No. 2 and No. 3). Additionally, 45 barrows were selected using three frame sizes (large, medium and small). Pigs were slaughtered at 100, 113.5 of 127 kg live weight. Trimmed four lean cuts were separated into soft tissue, skin and bone. The skinless belly and soft tissue from the four lean cuts were ground separately and analyzed chemically. Data from each grading system were analyzed separately in a 3 X 3 factorial plan. Pigs selected using current USDA grade standards differed (P less than .05) for last rib backfat, 10th rib fat depth, longissimus muscle area, percentage of trimmed four lean cuts and USDA carcass grade. In the frame size system, pigs with large frame size had less last rib backfat, less 10th rib fat depth, longer carcasses, higher percentage of four lean cuts and superior USDA carcass grades than pigs with small frame size did (P less than .05). The Bradley and Schumann test of sensitivity showed that selection by frame size was more sensitive than current USDA grade standards for discriminating feeder pig foreleg length, body depth and ham width. In addition, selection by frame size was more sensitive than current USDA grade standards for discriminating carcass length and carcass radius length. No increase in sensitivity (P greater than .10) was noted for carcass composition or growth traits over the current USDA Feeder Pig Grade Standards.  相似文献   

This study was conducted to validate the 9-11th rib cut to estimate the chemical composition of the carcass and of the empty body weight (EBW) of Zebu cattle. Nineteen Zebu steers with initial body weight of 266.5±32.2 kg were used. Four steers were slaughtered at the beginning to compose the reference group; three were fed at maintenance level, and the remaining were allotted to different planes of nutrition (5.0%, 35.0% and 65.0% concentrate levels in the diets, DM basis). The 9-11th rib cuts and half of the carcasses were dissected and the weights of fat, muscle and bone tissue were recorded. The components fat, muscle and bone tissue from the 9-11th rib cut and from the half carcass were sampled and chemical analysis of fat, protein, water, ash and minerals determined. The 9-11th rib cut satisfactorily estimated the physical composition of the carcass, but not the chemical composition. The 9-11th rib cut appropriately estimated the chemical composition of the carcass in terms of protein, water, ash and macro mineral content. For the percentage of fat and Ca, an over- and underestimation of 7.84% and 13.34%, respectively, were detected. Regression equations were fitted to estimate the percentage of fat and Ca in the carcass, and that of protein, water and ash in the whole empty body.  相似文献   

Four experiments were conducted in two commercial packing plants to evaluate the effectiveness of a commercial online video image analysis (VIA) system (the Computer Vision System equipped with a BeefCam module [CVS BeefCam]) to predict tenderness of beef steaks using online measurements obtained at chain speeds. Longissimus muscle (LM) samples from the rib (Exp. 1, 2, and 4) or strip loin (Exp. 3) were obtained from each carcass and Warner-Bratzler shear force (WBSF) was measured after 14 d of aging. The CVS BeefCam output variable for LM area, adjusted for carcass weight (cm2/kg), was correlated (P < 0.05) with WBSF values in all experiments. The CVS BeefCam lean color measurements, a* and b*, were effective (P < 0.05) in all experiments for segregating carcasses into groups that produced LM steaks differing in WBSF values. Fat color measurements by CVS BeefCam were usually ineffective for segregating carcasses into groups differing in WBSF values; however, in Exp. 4, fat b* identified a group of carcasses that produced tough LM steaks. Quality grade factors accounted for 3, 18, 21, and 0% of the variation in WBSF among steaks in Exp. 1 (n = 399), 2 (n = 195), 3 (n = 304), and 4 (n = 184), respectively, whereas CVS BeefCam output variables accounted for 17, 30, 19, and 6% of the variation in WBSF among steaks in Exp. 1, 2, 3, and 4, respectively. A multiple linear regression equation developed with data from Exp. 2 accurately classified carcasses in Exp. 1 and 4 and thereby may be useful for decreasing the likelihood that a consumer would encounter a tough (WBSF > 4.5 kg) LM steak in a group classified as "tender" by CVS BeefCam compared with an unsorted population. Online measurements of beef carcasses by use of CVS BeefCam were useful for predicting the tenderness of beef LM steaks, and sorting carcasses using these measurements could aid in producing groups of beef carcasses with more uniform LM steak tenderness.  相似文献   

Commercial slaughter steers (n = 329) and heifers (n = 335) were selected to vary in slaughter frame size and muscle thickness score, as well as carcass adjusted 12th-rib fat thickness. After collection of USDA carcass grade data, one side of each carcass was fabricated into boneless primals, subprimals, and minor tissue components. Cuts were trimmed to 2.54, 1.27, and .64 cm of external fat, except for the knuckle, tri-tip, and tenderloin, which were trimmed of all fat. Forced four-variable regression equations were used to predict the percentage (chilled carcass weight basis) yield of boneless subprimals at the three fat trim levels as influenced by sex class, frame size, muscle score, and adjusted 12th-rib fat thickness. Independent variables that had the most influence on percentage yield of primals and boneless subprimals were adjusted 12th-rib fat thickness and sex class. Within the same phenotypic group, percentage of trimmable fat increased by 2.32% as 12th-rib fat thickness increased by .75 cm. Estimated percentage yield of the major subprimals from the loin and round tended to be higher or relatively equal for heifer carcasses at all trim levels compared with those subprimals from steer carcasses. Holding frame size, sex class, and fat thickness constant, there was a higher percentage yield of chuck roll, rib eye roll, and strip loin for carcasses from thick-muscled cattle than for those from average- and thin-muscled cattle. Frame size had little effect on percentage yield of boneless subprimals.  相似文献   

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