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犬耳血肿是犬在受外力,耳部疾病搔抓等情况下耳部血管破裂、内出血而形成的耳内血肿。如得不到及时治疗,可继发感染出现耳脓肿和破溃。该病常见于大耳犬,德国牧羊犬、史宾格犬和拉不拉多犬都易发生。临床上对于局限性小血肿采用保守疗法即可治愈,而对于较大面积的耳血肿,保  相似文献   

耳血肿是耳廓皮下出血,溢出的血液分离周围的组织,形成充满液体的固定的肿胀,大部分犬耳血肿发生于耳廓凹面四周的任何部位,大多数是由于外力碰击,打架咬伤引起,当外耳炎或耳壳瘙痒时,犬不断抓挠,摔摇耳朵也是耳血肿形成的常见原因,当耳血肿发生时,肿胀的形成很快,4~5d 就在发生部位形成饱满、有弹性、有波动感的肿胀,并有捻发音.有些会出现淋巴结肿大,体温升高和食欲降低,严重的会出现继发感染,形成脓肿,更难治愈.  相似文献   

犬耳血肿是耳廓内侧皮下出血引起的肿胀。由于耳溢血,导致耳组织分离,形成充满液体的固定血肿。临床上以耳壳内侧凹面上出现坚实的、充满液体的固定团块为主要特征。本病多因急慢性耳炎、耳内寄生虫、犬与犬之间互相咬斗、洗浴不当进水等原因引起耳局部频繁瘙痒、抓咬、甩耳、摇头等引起耳内血管破裂而发生。本病是玩赏犬常见的外科病,以耳大下垂品种犬多见。笔者在宠物诊疗过程中曾遇12例。对于小血肿采用保守疗法,大血肿采用手术疗法,取得较好疗效。现将其简要介绍如下。  相似文献   

正犬耳血肿是由于剧烈的外力使耳部血管破裂所引起的内出血,多发生在耳廓内侧面,偶有外侧面血肿。在临床上,犬耳血肿多是耳疥螨寄生或外伤引起的外耳炎对耳朵的异常刺激,使犬摇头甩耳、抓耳,导致耳廓内毛细血管破裂而引起血肿。在多年的兽医临床实践中,笔者曾使用过多种方法  相似文献   

犬耳血肿是在外力作用下耳部血管破裂、出血而形成的肿胀,感染后可形成脓肿,该病常见于大耳犬。临床上对于局限性小血肿采用保守疗法即可治愈,而对于较大血肿,保守疗法则难以奏效,往往采取手术疗法。此外对于兴奋性品种犬耳血肿,往往需要更加精心的护理才能使其预后良好,笔者近期治愈一例顽固性耳血肿,现介绍如下。  相似文献   

(接上期)耳病1耳壳血肿耳壳血肿是耳壳皮下出血引起的肿胀,犬、猫常有发生,耳大下垂品种的犬尤其多发。血肿多位于耳壳内侧的凹面,偶而也发生在耳壳外侧。1.1病因多因外伤引起。耳壳瘙痒或外耳炎时动物自体搔抓、频频摇头甩耳导致耳壳皮下出血是常见的原因。耳壳咬伤可直接引起血肿。猫还见有由壁虱叮咬引起的耳壳血肿。1.2症状耳壳血肿形成迅速。血肿局限于耳壳的某部或波及整个耳壳。临床检查见血肿耳壳变厚,白色或浅色毛皮的犬猫肿胀呈深红色至紫褐色。早期触诊感觉肿胀温热,有波动感,压迫引起疼痛。数天后触诊感觉肿胀区…  相似文献   

犬的耳血肿在犬的各种疾病中并不多见,但是如果该病不及时治疗,或治疗方法不当,就会进一步恶化,发展成为化脓、坏死及增生.所以恰当的治疗方法至关重要,目前国内外治疗耳血肿的方法有很多种,每种方法各有利弊,效果不一.笔者总结了在临床中治疗犬耳血肿的四种常用方法,并加以个人对各种方法的改进及总结,现介绍如下.  相似文献   

犬耳血肿病是在外力作用下引起的犬耳朵内部血管破裂出血,血液溢出后引起血液潴留导致耳部肿大,当受到外界致病菌感染后容易形成脓肿。多数情况下,犬耳血肿多发生在耳蜗部位,触诊可以感受到内容物饱满有弹性。在临床上一般针对犬耳血肿病采用保守治疗即可恢复健康,对于血肿面积较大的采用手术治疗。笔者主要就一例犬耳血肿病的诊断治疗进行了分析,希望通过本次研究对更好的积累诊治经验有一定帮助。  相似文献   

耳血肿是指耳廓较大血管破裂,血液流至耳软骨与皮肤之间形成的血肿.多发生于耳廓内面,也见于耳廓外面与两侧.此病多见于犬猫.  相似文献   

吴世林  朱庆秋  李明 《警犬》2009,(5):16-16
耳血肿是耳部较大血管破裂,血液流至耳软骨与皮肤之间形成的血肿。病因多为外耳炎引起瘙痒导致犬摇头和骚抓;机械性损伤,如以耳廓的压迫、挫伤、咬伤等也可导致耳血肿。此病一般多发生于犬猫,以犬为多见,特别是工作犬发病率较高。笔者在临床中多次碰到该病例,以前采用穿刺治疗,较难治愈,后改用手术治疗均获理想效果。现将最近2例经手术成功治愈的病例介绍如下:  相似文献   

脾脏血肿是脾脏血管破裂,血液浸入包膜下形成的。该病临床上多由强烈外力造成,发病率低,诊断和治疗难度大。笔者就一经过临床症状检查、B超、X光检查、剖腹探查术等确诊为脾脏血肿的病例进行分析和总结,目的是为该病的临床诊疗提供理论和实践指导意义。  相似文献   

犬耳痒螨病是由犬耳痒螨(Otodecees cymotis)寄生于耳道内引起的皮肤寄生虫病。犬耳血肿是在外力作用下致使犬耳部血管破裂、出血,血液集聚在耳软骨与耳廓内侧皮肤之间形成的肿胀。耳痒螨病是引发耳血肿的重要病因,一旦发病需要及时治疗,严重者采用手术疗法。对一例犬耳痒螨病引发耳血肿进行了诊治,特将诊治过程和相关分析做具体介绍,以供临床参考。  相似文献   

淋巴外渗是临床上比较少见的一种外科疾病,主要引起的原因是因为外力的作用造成局部淋巴管断裂,渗出的淋巴液集聚于皮下组织而引起的顽固性水肿。该病极易与血肿,炎性水肿等其他皮下水肿性疾病相混淆而造成诊断及治疗失败。本病例详细报告了一例羊腕关节处淋巴管断裂而引起淋巴液外渗性肿胀的诊断与治疗过程,供广大临床兽医参考。  相似文献   

Dexamethasone was evaluated for the treatment of intracerebral hemorrhage using a rat model of cerebral hematoma induced by intracerebral injection of collagenase. The treatment group consisted of hematoma rats receiving dexamethasone 1 mg/kg intraperitoneal (i.p.) at 1 and 24 h following surgery. Controls included hematoma rats receiving saline i.p. and sham-operated animals receiving saline i.p. Each animal was evaluated neurologically prior to, as well as 24 and 48 h following surgery. After the last neurological evaluation, animals were deeply anesthetized and the brain was removed following perfusion for microscopic examination and glial fibrillary acidic protein immunohistochemistry. Behavioral scores were significantly improved in the treated group (P < 0.0001). The hematoma volume was significantly smaller (P < 0.02). Neutrophils and astrocytes were less numerous in the hematoma of dexamethasone-treated animals (P < 0.001), however the number of necrotic neurons in the penumbra was not changed by the treatment. The number of necrotic neurons in the cerebral cortex was less in treated than in nontreated animals (P < 0.01). Controls had many vascular changes including necrotic endothelium and fibrin deposits compared with treated animals. In conclusion, dexamethasone administered shortly after an intracerebral hematoma appears beneficial for the treatment of this condition.  相似文献   

A 4‐year‐old, spayed female greyhound dog was presented with an acute onset of paraplegia. There was no known history of trauma or coagulopathy. Spinal cord compression was identified on MRI. Intra‐operative evaluation revealed the presence of a large subperiosteal hematoma and a smaller epidural hematoma. To the authors’ knowledge, this is the first report of a spinal subperiosteal hematoma diagnosed antemortem through MRI, with surgical exploration and successful treatment in a dog.  相似文献   

Methylprednisolone (MP) was evaluated for the treatment of intracerebral hemorrhage in a Sprague-Dawley rat model of cerebral hematoma induced by subcortical injection of collagenase. At 1 and 24 h after the injection, MP was administered intraperitoneally (IP) at a concentration of 10, 35, or 100 mg/kg. Control groups received saline IP at 1 and 24 h after the intracerebral injection of collagenase (positive controls) or saline (negative controls). Motor behaviour 24 h before and 24 h and 48 h after the intracerebral injection was evaluated by means of a neurologic exam and a rotarod treadmill test. The animals were euthanized at 48 h; brain water content was determined in half of the rats, and histopathological studies were done in the other half. Compared with the positive controls, the animals with collagenase-induced hematoma performed significantly better on the neurologic exam after treatment with 100 mg/kg of MP and on the rotarod test after treatment with 35 or 100 mg/kg of MP. The hematoma volume was significantly smaller (P < 0.002) after all doses of MP; however, the smallest volume was seen with 100 mg/kg. There were significantly fewer neutrophils (P < 0.01) within the hematoma in the MP-treated animals (maximum reduction with 100 mg/kg) than in the positive controls, but the numbers of reactive astrocytes did not differ significantly between the treatment groups. The number of necrotic neurons in the penumbra did not differ between the treatment groups; however, there were significantly fewer (P < 0.005) in the cerebral cortex in the group treated with 100 mg/kg of MP compared with the positive controls. These results suggest that high doses of MP administered shortly after occurrence of a cerebral hematoma are beneficial for the treatment of intracerebral hemorrhage.  相似文献   

A broodmare showed mild signs of abdominal discomfort and anemia after normal delivery. Ultrasonographic examination revealed a massive hematoma within the broad ligament adjacent to the uterine horn. Internal bleeding into the peritoneal cavity (hemoabdomen) was not seen. Following treatment, the clinical signs improved. Hemorrhage caused by rupture of the arteries within the broad ligament of the uterus may be a cause of hematoma. Prepartum and postpartum rupture of the arteries supplying the reproductive organs in the mare, which is not uncommon, can be fatal if severe hemoabdomen occurs. In the present case, the hematoma was considered to be tightly encapsulated between two serosal membrane layers of the broad ligament, and the membranes had remained intact. Thus, the serosal membranes did not split open, and massive bleeding into the peritoneal cavity did not occur. For this reason, the present broodmare avoided potentially fatal hemorrhagic shock.  相似文献   

A six-month old bitch presenting a sub-lingual mucocele and hematoma associated with coagulation disorders died four days after the surgical treatment of the mucocele. The necropsy revealed a canine angiostrongylosis, a disease rarely seen in Switzerland. This article summarizes the biology of Angiostrongylus vasorum and describes the lesions and symptoms caused by this cardio-pulmonary helminthosis, as well as its diagnosis and treatment. The connections between angiostrongylosis and coagulation disorders are also discussed.  相似文献   

A new technique using the carbon dioxide (CO2) laser for the treatment of aural hematomas is described. The laser is used to make an incision into the hematoma to allow for evacuation of the blood, and then multiple, small incisions are made over the surface of the hematoma to stimulate adhesions between the tissue layers. The CO2 laser was used in this fashion to treat 10 aural hematomas in eight dogs. Follow-up ranged from 1 to 23 months. Owners evaluated the cosmetic results following CO2 laser surgery as excellent in three ears, good in five ears, and fair in two ears. Hematomas were resolved in all 10 cases, although two cases developed serosanguineous fluid accumulation that required percutaneous drainage in one case and a second laser procedure in the other case.  相似文献   

An 8-year-old, spayed female Dalmatian with a history of seizures was evaluated for cervical pain and bilateral scleral hemorrhages. Diagnostic evaluations revealed a mass displacing the ventral brainstem on magnetic resonance imaging (MRI). The mass was surgically removed and histologically confirmed to be a hematoma. The dog's neurological signs resolved completely after surgery. Although extradural, subdural, subarachnoid, and intraparenchymal hemorrhages have been reported in dogs and cats, this is the first known report of a subdural hematoma of the ventral brainstem in a dog. On the basis of the history and the appearance of the subdural hematoma on MRI, a traumatic event during the seizure episodes was considered the most likely cause of the subdural hematoma in this case.  相似文献   

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