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"爪爪宠物园"是由几个志同道合的猫友一起合作建立的一个宠物的乐园,旨在经营一座养宠人的乐园。寄养:"爪爪"的寄养功能区划分清晰,保障了宠物在寄养期间的生活舒适度和提高寄养安全系数。美容:来"爪爪"美容沐浴的爱宠享用的都是进口的沐浴液,保护宠物的毛色,保护宠物的皮肤,优秀的美容造型师为您的宠物"改头换面"。  相似文献   

中广网沈阳5月23日消息自从沈阳市实施限犬令以来,与宠物狗有关的商机也不断被人们挖掘出来。"农家乐+犬寄养"式的乡村旅游服务、"宠物托运"、宠物训练等相关"产业"雨后春笋般应运而生。沈阳市于洪区大兴乡某寄养所近来迎来了不少"新房客"。寄养所主人说:"这不光可以寄养狗狗,  相似文献   

今年黄金周期间,合肥市宠物寄养生意红火,有的宠物店甚至要另外租借寄养区,才能满足宠物寄养的需求。 据了解,“十一”长假期间,合肥一些宠物医院和宠物店纷纷推出“宠物寄养”业务,短期内为宠物主人照看他们的“宝贝”。寄养的宠物以狗为主,天数从1周到1个月不等。  相似文献   

春节的脚步临近,宠物主又要开始考虑春节期间自家宠物犬的住宿问题了。带着宠物犬一起回老家路途遥远,放在工作地又无人照看,所以不少人会选择将宠物犬寄养在宠物店。在春节假期之前,很多城市的宠物店都会挂出"客满"的牌子,宠物犬寄养届时会出现一票难求的现象。为了满足更多客户的需求,宠物酒店应运而生。  相似文献   

正现今社会饲养宠物的家庭不在少数,当家庭有出行计划的时候,大多数家庭只能把宠物交给亲人朋友或者宠物店寄养。如果宠物主实在想携带自己的宠物出行,除了自驾和宠物托运,现在还多了一个携带宠物一起乘坐飞机的选择。2018年1月19日,海南航空发布公告称,正在试行"客舱运输宠物"产品服务,乘坐海南航空于广州、青岛、长沙、喀什、厦门、海口、济南、深圳、合肥9地出港的国内直达航班,可以直接将宠物带上客舱。相较于新推出的"客舱运输宠物"而言,以往的宠物托运,宠物主需要按照航空公司的要  相似文献   

养小动物的家庭越来越多,城市里兴起了宠物寄养业。不过,有经验、能科学照顾小动物的服务员不多,不能满足人们的需求。天津妇女创业中心针对这一情况,在本市率先开办宠物寄养培训班。  相似文献   

<正>"The dog is man's best friend"相信很多人学生时代都看到或背过这样一句英文短句,的确,狗是人类最忠诚的朋友,给很多人的生活带来无尽的乐趣。时下,养狗成为很多人的爱好,但每逢主人外出的时候,狗狗总是无人照料,不得不送到宠物店关在笼子里寄养。近期有网站已经在陆续推出宠物家庭寄养服务,此种行为在拉低行业内宠物寄养费用的同时,还能最大限度地为狗狗提供最舒适贴心的服务。  相似文献   

《长沙晚报》报道“十一”黄金周,长沙市许多宠物店的寄养生意十分红火,有的宠物店甚至要另外租借场地,才能满足宠物寄养的需求。  相似文献   

正近年来,随着我国经济快速发展,我国宠物市场正处于高速增长时期,在整个宠物产业"陆、海、空"的大格局下,又尤以"陆宠"市场最为庞大,具有较大的增长潜力和竞争力。宠物的吃穿用等消费所衍生的产业,宠物的美容,医疗,寄养,训练等一系列服务行业已逐步在我国兴起。如今,许多家庭钟爱饲养宠物犬,把宠物犬当做自己家庭的一员。犬作为情感动物、人类的伴侣,能为人们带来欢悦,因而,饲养宠物犬也成为了一个家庭和养宠者的喜好。但  相似文献   

为了解伴侣动物(宠物)寄养机构建设现状,给优化管理政策措施提供支持,对北京市90家寄养机构的寄养方式、环境条件、饮食情况、收费情况、服务模式,以及伴侣动物主人的服务体验反馈、动物寄养适应性情况、发生纠纷原因、问题建议等方面进行了调查。结果显示:寄养方式主要有宠物店寄养、动物医院寄养和家庭寄养伴侣动物O2O平台;伴侣动物寄养机构从整体上看,寄养环境和服务管理模式较好,但存在寄养面积小、寄养收费不规范、纠纷多发等不足;寄养机构一般采用专人专事的服务管理模式,且根据寄养动物体型进行收费。结果提示:寄养O2O平台应提高寄养家庭的服务水平;行业需制定寄养机构寄养条件、环境要求等标准,用标准规范秩序,促进行业健康发展;相关部门应完善相关法律法规,提高伴侣动物寄养机构准入门槛。  相似文献   

A questionnaire was mailed to 30 owners of paraplegic dogs who had been caring for their dogs at home for 3 to 72 months. It was designed to collect information on demographic variables, duration of ownership and paralysis, age of the pet, pet/owner relationship, owner expectations and perceptions of the pet's quality of life, problems the pet experienced, effect that maintaining a paralyzed pet had on the owners' quality of life, and whether use of a cart was beneficial. Significant correlation was found between prior expectations that the pet would lead a high-quality life and perception that the pet, in fact, had a high quality of life during paralysis (r2 = 0.61, P = 0.01). Owners who had anticipated that extra work would be necessary to care for their paraplegic dog had a more positive attitude toward home care (r2 = 0.55, P = 0.03). Overall, owners involved in the study were satisfied with all aspects of maintaining paraplegic dogs at home. Our findings support the feasibility of dedicated owners successfully maintaining small (average body weight, 9 kg) paraplegic dogs at home for extended periods.  相似文献   

Because of the limited number of veterinarians treating potbellied pigs, many pet pigs do not receive proper preventative health care. The potbellied pig's continued popularity among urban dwellers ensures that veterinarians who treat small and exotic animals will be contacted by owners of pet pigs with real or perceived emergencies. Regardless of their knowledge of swine, the information contained in this article should enable any veterinarian to provide basic emergency care for pet pigs.  相似文献   

OBJECTIVE: To compare veterinarians' and pet owners' perceptions of client expectations with respect to the monetary aspects of veterinary care and identify challenges encountered by veterinarians in dealing with pet owners' expectations. DESIGN: Qualitative study based on focus group interviews. PARTICIPANTS: 6 pet owner focus groups (32 owners) and 4 veterinarian focus groups (24 companion animal veterinarians). PROCEDURES: Independent focus group sessions were conducted with standardized open-ended questions and follow-up probes. Content analysis was performed on the focus group discussions. RESULTS: Pet owners expected the care of their animal to take precedence over monetary aspects. They also expected veterinarians to initiate discussions of costs upfront but indicated that such discussions were uncommon. Veterinarians and pet owners differed in the way they related to discussions of veterinary costs. Veterinarians focused on tangibles, such as time and services. Pet owners focused on outcome as it related to their pet's health and well-being. Veterinarians reported that they sometimes felt undervalued for their efforts. A suspicion regarding the motivation behind veterinarians' recommendations surfaced among some participating pet owners. CONCLUSIONS: Results suggested that the monetary aspects of veterinary care pose barriers and challenges for veterinarians and pet owners. By exploring clients' expectations, improving communication, educating clients, and making discussions of cost more common, veterinarians may be able to alleviate some of the monetary challenges involved in veterinarian-client-patient interactions.  相似文献   

Pet ownership affects engagement with animal-related activities and may be related to support of wildlife management. British participants (= 220) completed an online survey providing information on pet ownership, attitudes toward pets, and support for wildlife management strategies. Within this sample, pet owners and individuals with positive attitudes toward pets were less supportive of strategies that put human needs before the needs of wildlife, more supportive of strategies attempting to avoid species extinctions, and opposed to strategies requiring compromises of individual species. Pet owners’ affectionate attitudes toward animals and opposition to their exploitation may be important in dictating attitudes toward wildlife. Conservation planners could apply these findings when seeking support for management strategies that constrain freedoms of pets and wildlife. Utilizing the sympathetic attitudes of pet owners toward animals by focusing on welfare and survival benefits for wildlife species may help foster support for management strategies.  相似文献   

中国宠物犬饲养存在的问题及对策   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
中国宠物犬饲养存在着交易市场不规范,宠物医院、美容保健院良莠不齐,缺乏检疫、免疫接种,容易传播疾病和污染环境等问题。建议政府管理部门加强监管,倡导市民文明、规范养犬,以便于宠物犬行业在我国的健康发展。  相似文献   

The histamine contents of a range of North American commercial pet foods and pet food ingredients were determined by a spectrofluorometric technique. The change in histamine content of open cans of pet food stored in a refrigerator or at room temperature was also investigated. The histamine content of the pet foods examined ranged from a low of 0.16 microg/g in a liquid critical care diet to a high of 65.5 microg/g in a canned fish diet. The amount of histamine in the foods tested was insufficient to cause histamine toxicosis but it cannot be excluded that some of the foods contained sufficient histamine to cause idiosyncratic reactions in histamine-sensitive cats. Storage of opened cans of pet food, either under refrigeration or at room temperature, did not significantly increase the histamine content of most pet foods.  相似文献   

The histamine contents of a range of North American commercial pet foods and pet food ingredients were determined by a spectrofluorometric technique. The change in histamine content of open cans of pet food stored in a refrigerator or at room temperature was also investigated. The histamine content of the pet foods examined ranged from a low of 0.16 𝛍g/g in a liquid critical care diet to a high of 65.5 𝛍g/g in a canned fish diet. The amount of histamine in the foods tested was insufficient to cause histamine toxicosis but it cannot be excluded that some of the foods contained sufficient histamine to cause idiosyncratic reactions in histamine-sensitive cats. Storage of opened cans of pet food, either under refrigeration or at room temperature, did not significantly increase the histamine content of most pet foods.  相似文献   

A study was undertaken to evaluate owners' perception of the effect that epilepsy and long-term phenobarbital therapy had on the quality of pet and owner lifestyle. Selected owners who participated in a prospective, longitudinal clinical epilepsy study were sent a questionnaire at the end of the two-year study. Inclusion criteria were dogs with a history of seizures without previous medical attention or therapy by any veterinarian before enrolment, subsequent determination of seizure aetiology using a standardised diagnostic protocol and treatment with phenobarbital for a minimum period of six months. A relatively equal distribution of the respondents' dogs had a determined (secondary, 47 per cent) or undetermined (primary, 53 per cent) seizure aetiology, and the vast majority of owners agreed that they would choose to treat their epileptic pet again rather than opt for other alternatives. Most owners disagreed that their pet was leading a poor quality of life after the start of phenobarbital therapy. A significant negative correlation existed between an owner's perception of the pet's quality of life and the amount of work required to care for the pet during the two-year study period. This study demonstrates that many owners are willing to care for epileptic dogs on long-term phenobarbital treatment, regardless of the underlying cause.  相似文献   

Vietnamese potbellied pigs, when appropriately cared for, make excellent pets for some people. However, their proper housing, care, and training is more challenging to the average person than that required for most traditional pets, such as dogs and cats. Failure to feed and house the pet pig appropriately results in the most common health and behavior problems. The obese, intractable pet pig gives little pleasure to a pet owner and appears to lead a very poor-quality life, frequently leading to the pet pig being given away or worse. Preventing health and behavior problems is easy if pet owners are armed with correct information early, either before or immediately after their acquisition of a pet pig. A veterinarian prepared to share this information can save the lives of many pigs as well as keep clients happy and coming back.  相似文献   

This article reviews the husbandry, care and normal behavioral preferences of pet rats and mice. It covers recognition of signs of pain, illness and abnormal responses, and describes necessary skills such as handling, blood collection and drug administration. Animal-human responses in owning and caring for rats and mice are considered. Included is advice on suitability of pet rats with children, neutering and dental examinations. The conclusion lists recommended textbooks, pet owner manuals, instructional CDs, and websites.  相似文献   

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