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麦田地下害虫在小麦一生中以秋苗期为害最重,拔节期次之,乳熟期为害轻。受害率随田间虫口数量的增多而增加。每亩虫口在2000头以上时药剂防治比较经济。  相似文献   

王明魁  贾浩 《植物保护》1991,17(3):12-13
麦田地下害虫在小麦一生中以秋苗期为害最重,拔节期次之,乳熟期为害轻。受害率随田间虫口数量的增多而增加。每亩虫口在2000头以上时药剂防治比较经济。  相似文献   

高唐县小麦金针虫发生加重的原因分析及防治方法   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
金针虫是高唐县小麦的主要害虫之一.在本县为害小麦的金针虫主要是沟金针虫和细胸金针虫.金针虫主要在小麦越冬前和小麦返青后两个时期为害.在土中为害播下的小麦种子、植株的根和地下茎等,常造成不同程度的缺苗断垄.据本县植保站春、秋两季调查结果(表1),近年来该虫在本县麦区为害呈逐年加重趋势,发生范围不断扩大.虫口密度由20世纪90年代每平方米0.1头.发展到现在的0.58头,严重地块高达8头,平均死苗率由20世纪90年代的0.2%,发展为现在的1.5%,严重地块高达30%左右.在部分地区已对小麦生产构成威胁.  相似文献   

1990年以来 ,地下害虫在扶风县发生逐年加重 ,已由次要害虫逐渐发展为主要害虫 ,特别是 1 998年秋播后麦田地下害虫严重发生 ,面积之大 ,程度之重为历史罕见 ,给农业生产造成了严重损失。1 发生特点1 .1 面积大 ,为重害 全县 3万hm2 小麦 ,地下害虫发生面积 1 .867万hm2 ,为害较重的田块达 0 .2 67万hm2 ,全县平均为害死苗率 9%~ 1 0 %,特别是北部沿山旱地平均为害死苗率 2 6%,严重的达 50 %~ 60 %,有近千公顷麦田因受害而翻犁毁种。1 .2 种类多 ,基数大 麦田地下害虫主要以蛴螬类、金针虫类为主 ,蝼蛄、蟋蟀、地老虎也有分布…  相似文献   

沟金针虫是新沂市旱作农田的主要地下害虫,尤以麦田受害最重。据调查,小麦平均株被害率26.7%,茎蘖被害率15.6%,严重田块死苗80%以上,造成小麦大幅度减产,甚至改种其他作物。为此,笔者对麦田沟金针虫的发生为害特点和无公害防治技术进行了调查研究。1发生为害特点1)种群分布有明  相似文献   

大麦田草地贪夜蛾的发生为害及抽样技术   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
草地贪夜蛾在中国可取食为害玉米、高粱、小麦等禾本科作物,但其在大麦田的发生为害情况尚不清楚。我们对云南省曲靖市马龙区处于苗期至分蘖期大麦田的调查结果表明,草地贪夜蛾的虫田率高达62.5%、大麦受害株率为9.33%~100%、虫口密度为1~46头/m2,其中1~3龄幼虫比例达98.6%,受害株率与虫口密度呈显著正相关。大多数草地贪夜蛾幼虫藏匿于大麦心叶为害,取食后叶片形成半透明薄膜窗孔,幼虫在大麦田呈聚集分布。基于空间分布型的研究结果,我们提出了大麦田草地贪夜蛾幼虫理论抽样模型。本研究表明草地贪夜蛾可对大麦生产构成严重威胁。研发的幼虫抽样方法为大麦田草地贪夜蛾幼虫种群调查提供了技术支撑。  相似文献   

小麦田草地贪夜蛾的发生为害、空间分布与抽样技术   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
草地贪夜蛾Spodoptera frugiperda(J.E.Smith)是中国重要的外来入侵害虫,我们调查了该虫在云南省寻甸县麦田的发生与为害。结果表明:田间小麦受害株率为30%~100%,幼虫平均密度4.8~105.6头/m 2,二者呈显著正相关关系。苗期至分蘖期为害小麦的草地贪夜蛾多为低龄幼虫(1~3龄幼虫比例为98.3%),拔节期低龄及高龄幼虫均有,抽穗至灌浆期为害小麦则以高龄幼虫为主(3龄以上幼虫比例达75.4%)。空间分布型分析表明,麦田草地贪夜蛾低龄幼虫呈聚集分布,高龄幼虫为均匀分布。进一步研究提出了基于幼虫密度及龄期的麦田草地贪夜蛾理论抽样模型和基于防治指标的序贯抽样技术。本研究明确了小麦田草地贪夜蛾发生为害的特点、空间分布特征和抽样方法,为田间种群密度调查和幼虫防治工作提供了技术支撑。  相似文献   

江苏省小麦纹枯病发生规律与病害消长因素分析   总被引:29,自引:5,他引:29  
研究结果表明,小麦纹枯病田间发生规律大体有冬前发生期、越冬稳定期、返青上升期、拔节盛发期和抽穗后枯白穗显症期五个阶段。小麦越冬前和早春拔节期有2个发病高峰,小麦根围土中病原菌群体数量消长也出现相应的2个高峰,病菌数量高峰较小麦发病高峰约提前20—25天。秋冬降雨量的多少是影响冬前病害发生的主导因子,影响春季病害发生程度的重要气象因素是温度。相关性测定表明,温度与病害发生程度呈显著正相关。因地制宜适期精量播种、平衡施肥和冬前防除麦田杂草等栽培技术,均能有效地控制和减轻小麦纹枯病的发生与为害。  相似文献   

小麦主要病虫分期混合施药技术   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
研究结果表明,小麦主要病虫的发生有明显的阶段性,秋苗期主要是纹枯病和地下害虫,返青拔节期主要是纹枯病和麦蜘蛛,两者皆在3月25日前后进入侵染和为害盛期;穗期主要有白粉病、叶锈病和麦蚜,有的年份条锈病流行,它们多在5月1日前后进入盛发期。播种期、返青拔节期和穗期3期,杀虫剂与杀菌剂混合施药具有良好的药效和明显的增产作用,特别是穗期。3期混合施药的最优组合是:播种期,0.08%甲基异柳磷与0.03%三唑醇混合拌种,返青拔节期,甲基硫环磷(175.5g/ha)与三唑醇(75g/ha)混合喷雾;穗期,抗蚜威(45g/ha)与三唑醇(105g/ha)混合喷雾。3期施药经济效益显著,投入产出比1: 12.7~14.1,每ha纯收益1450.5~1797.0元。  相似文献   

沛县冬小麦常年种植面积超过4万hm2。麦田杂草优势种群是禾本科的硬草,占杂草总数的70%~80%,因其耐药性强,防除难度大,已成为本县麦田发生量最大的恶性杂草。1麦田硬草发生为害特点调查表明,本市麦田杂草以禾本科为主,主要有硬草、野燕麦、看麦娘、蜡烛草等,占全部杂草70%~90%。其次是阔叶杂草,如猪殃殃、婆婆纳、牛繁缕、麦加公、荠菜等,占全部杂草的20%~30%。杂草优势种硬草属越冬性一年生杂草。其发生特点是:①发生为害期长。一般10月份出土,一直为害到第2年的5月下旬。冬前出土量占发生量的80%~90%,冬后春季继续出土,占发生量的10%…  相似文献   

广东省甜玉米虫害发生危害规律   总被引:6,自引:1,他引:6  
对广东省部分地区甜玉米害虫发生情况进行了调查,初步明确了甜玉米各生育期害虫发生危害的情况.当地甜玉米害虫有亚洲玉米螟、甜菜夜蛾、斜纹夜蛾、棉铃虫和蚜虫,广州还发现红腹灯蛾、毒蛾类及蜗牛危害;甜玉米以5~8月受害虫危害最为严重;在苗期至6叶期,受甜菜夜蛾平均被害率为15.5%~57.3%, 而在喇叭口期、抽雄期和乳熟期则受亚洲玉米螟危害较重,其心叶、雄穗以及雌穗和茎秆的被害率分别为75.3%~91%、24.5%~96.5%和83.5%以上.玉米螟对喇叭口期、抽雄期和散粉期植株有较高产卵选择性.  相似文献   

Volunteer summer‐annual oilseed rape (sOSR; Brassica napus) is an ongoing concern in Canadian crop production. Large harvest seed losses and secondary dormancy in this species generate a persistent volunteer seedbank. Yield loss in subsequent crops, potential sOSR oil profile contamination and herbicide‐resistance trait introgression create a need for effective sOSR seedbank management. This field study evaluated the effects of timing and type of implement of post‐harvest soil disturbance and seeding a winter cereal on volunteer sOSR population persistence and demographic life‐stage transition rates at five locations in Manitoba, Canada. Following sOSR harvest and supplemental seed rain, seedbank densities ranged from 6770 to 15360 and 50 to 2610 seeds m?2 among sites in autumn and spring respectively. In contrast to European research on winter‐annual oilseed rape, early autumn soil disturbance, shortly after sOSR harvest, was the best strategy to decrease volunteer sOSR persistence (3% population persistence from autumn to spring, compared with 6% in zero tillage). Substantial autumn seedling recruitment (38% of the autumn seedbank) and subsequent winterkill contributed to lower population persistence. Soil disturbance in spring stimulated spring seedling recruitment compared with other disturbance timings (11% and 3% of the spring seedbank, respectively). The implement used for soil disturbance and seeding winter wheat (Triticum aestivum) had minimal effect on population persistence. This research showed that timing of post‐harvest soil disturbance should be utilised as an effective tactic to decrease population persistence of volunteer sOSR via stimulation of autumn seedling recruitment and concomitant winterkill.  相似文献   

Hard red winter wheat was treated with pirimiphos-methyl at 4, 6 and 8 mg kg(-1), synergized pyrethrins at 0.38, 0.75, 1.13 and 1.5 mg kg(-1), and combinations of the two insecticides, to conduct laboratory bioassays against four beetle pests of stored grain, red flour beetle Tribolium castaneum (Herbst), rusty grain beetle Cryptolestes ferrugineus (Stephens), lesser grain borer Rhyzopertha dominica (F), and rice weevil Sitophilus oryzae (L), and one moth pest, Indianmeal moth Plodia interpunctella (Hubner). Beetle adults and P interpunctella larvae survived well on control wheat, producing a large number of progeny (65-1037 insects per container). Kernel damage in control wheat among the insect species ranged from 9 to 99%. On pirimiphos-methyl-treated wheat, mortality of R dominica adults was > or =72%, but that of the other beetle species and P interpunctella larvae was 100%. Progeny were not produced on pirimiphos-methyl-treated wheat, and the kernel damage was negligible (< or =1%). Synergized pyrethrins were ineffective against the five insect pests. Pirimiphos-methyl combined with synergized pyrethrins was not superior to pirimiphos-methyl alone against the five insect pests. Pirimiphos-methyl is not registered in the USA for use on wheat, but our results suggest that it could be a viable grain protectant at rates of 4-8 mg kg(-1).  相似文献   

BACKGROUND: The worldwide need to produce an inexpensive and abundant food supply for a growing population is a great challenge that is further complicated by concerns about risks to environmental stability and human health triggered by the use of pesticides. The result is the ongoing development of alternative pest control strategies, and new, lower‐risk insecticidal molecules. Among the recent technological advances in agricultural science, nanotechnology shows considerable promise, although its development for use in crop protection is in its initial stages. RESULTS: This study reports for the first time the insecticidal effect of nanostructured alumina. Two species were used as model organisms, Sitophilus oryzae L. and Rhyzopertha dominica (F.), which are major insect pests in stored food supplies throughout the world. Both species experienced significant mortality after 3 days of continuous exposure to treated wheat. Nine days after treatment, the median lethal doses (LD50) observed ranged from 127 to 235 mg kg?1. CONCLUSION: Comparison of these results with recommended rates for commercial insecticidal dusts suggests that inorganic nanostructured alumina may provide a cheap and reliable alternative for control of insect pests. This study expands the frontiers for nanoparticle‐based technologies in pest management. Further research is needed to identify its mode of action and its non‐target toxicity, and to determine the potential of other nanostructured materials as pest control options for insects. Copyright © 2010 Society of Chemical Industry  相似文献   

4种种衣剂防治棉花苗期主要病虫害效果及经济效益比较   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
为明确4种复合型种衣剂对棉花苗期主要病虫害的防治效果和经济效益,以‘新陆早41号’为试材,采用田间小区试验,研究400 g/L福美双·萎锈灵种子处理悬浮剂(FS)、26%多菌灵·福美双·甲基立枯磷FS、25%噻虫嗪·咯菌腈·精甲霜灵FS和30%噻虫嗪·嘧菌酯·咪鲜胺FS对棉花出苗、苗期立枯病和红腐病、地下害虫、苗期蓟马、蚜虫和产量的影响,分析其防治病虫害的效果及经济效益,以期筛选出田间试验效果最佳的种衣剂。结果表明:播种10 d时4种种衣剂处理的出苗率显著优于对照,较对照增加6.64%~19.23%,播种30 d时4种种衣剂对苗期立枯病和红腐病防治效果分别为30.88%~50.74%和31.13%~59.15%,对棉花地下害虫和蓟马的防治效果分别为39.24%~69.62%和39.12%~63.04%。棉花上蚜虫发生时间推迟1~3 d。400 g/L福美双·萎锈灵FS防病效果最佳,25%噻虫嗪·咯菌腈·精甲霜灵FS防虫效果最佳。种衣剂处理收获株数较对照增加0.78%~1.11%,增产量为53.70~184.40 kg/hm 2,经济效益为322.20~1106.40元/hm 2,投入产出比为1∶5.65~1∶12.29。综合分析显示,25%噻虫嗪·咯菌腈·精甲霜灵FS防治苗期病虫害和增产效果较好,具有推广应用价值。  相似文献   

草地贪夜蛾Spodoptera frugiperda(J. E. Smith)是全球预警的一种重大农业害虫。2019年1月份入侵我国,半年时间已迅速扩散和蔓延至21个省市。在黄淮海夏玉米地区,草地贪夜蛾幼虫与甜菜夜蛾、棉铃虫、亚洲玉米螟、劳氏黏虫等鳞翅目害虫常常混合发生。这几种幼虫特别是低龄幼虫的形态特征及取食为害玉米的症状相似,容易混淆,给田间鉴定带来困扰。本文详细比较了草地贪夜蛾与甜菜夜蛾、棉铃虫、亚洲玉米螟和劳氏黏虫的低龄和高龄幼虫的形态差别,以期为黄淮海玉米田苗期草地贪夜蛾的准确监测和预报提供技术支撑。  相似文献   

The soil, being rich in microbes, should be an ideal environment in which to practise microbial control of insect pests, but relatively few organisms have been developed into successful microbial control agents for soil pests. Difficulty arises in implementation of microbial control, as the soil is a highly complex, competitive environment where survival of applied microbes is by no means assured. In addition, soil dwelling pests appear to show a high level of resistance to broad spectrum pathogens and microbial toxins. However, some significant successes have been achieved with bacteria, fungi and nematodes for control of a range of soil inhabiting pest species. The successful microbial controls are based on highly specific microbial/insect interactions where co-evolved pathogens can overcome the host's defences. These agents also have the ability to persist in the soil, either through the inherent stability of the organism or from recycling through the host population. While strain selection for high levels of pathogenicity and environmental competence is the essential first step in microbial control of soil dwelling pests, it must be followed by development of efficient production systems and quality control measures to ensure application of standardised, high quality products. Success in microbial control of soil dwelling pests depends on an appropriate combination of these factors, with failure likely to occur if any one of these essential components is overlooked.  相似文献   

系统调查了安徽省不同地区、玉米不同生育期害虫种类及发生为害情况。调查发现:安徽省全境玉米适生期长,玉米种植结构复杂,北部地区以连片种植夏玉米为主,南部地区以插花式播种春玉米为主。与为害夏玉米的害虫相比,南部春玉米害虫种类更为多样。亚洲玉米螟Ostrinia furnacalis(Guenée)是全省玉米的主要害虫,其中铜陵地区春玉米苗期受亚洲玉米螟为害最重,被害株率达25.6%。蜗牛在夏玉米穗期和春玉米苗期为害严重,部分田块被害株率达100%。桃蛀螟Conogethes punctiferalis(Guenée)是春、夏玉米穗期的另一主要害虫,常与亚洲玉米螟、棉铃虫Helicoverpa armigera(Hübner)和黏虫Mythimna separata(Walker)混合发生,但在淮北地区玉米秸秆中未发现冬后存活的桃蛀螟幼虫。  相似文献   

2019年, 在甘肃省岷县, 选用98%棉隆GR 225~450 kg/hm2不同施用量, 开展当归育苗田土壤消毒对有害生物及当归苗相关性状的影响试验。结果发现:与空白对照相比较, 不同施用量对株高有促进作用。有害生物终期防效调查发现, 对地下害虫防效100%;对麻口病防效50.00%~69.30%;对田间杂草防效62.39%~83.28%。综合投资效益比较, 建议在今后当归田育苗中选用98%棉隆GR 375 kg/hm2施用量, 具有较好的提高种苗质量和单位效益的作用。  相似文献   

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