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基于中国知网2011—2020年数据,采用文献计量学方法分析2 889篇木材学(S781)类中文期刊论文的题目、作者、研究机构、关键词、发表年份、发表期刊、被引频次、下载频次、国家自然科学基金资助情况和高被引论文情况。结果表明:木材学类中文论文产出量较少,篇均被引频次4.25次,篇均下载频次127.83次,主要作者和机构呈现明显的集中性。呼吁科研机构和科技管理部门携手共同加强学科建设,促进木材学的繁荣和专业期刊的发展。  相似文献   

森林经理学科近30年学术论文的统计分析   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
采用文献计量的原理和方法,对1983~2012年我国森林经理学科学术论文发表情况进行统计分析。结果表明,我国森林经理学科学术论文数量呈周期性波浪式增长,年均发表论文265篇,平均周期为3年;论文平均作者数为1.973人,2人以上合著率为50.36%,高产活跃作者群相对薄弱;基金论文比例偏低;林业科技期刊和农林种类的大学学报是森林经理学论文主要来源期刊,发文量最多的20种期刊的影响力偏低;森林经理学学术论文的被引频次和被引率整体上呈现先上升后降低的趋势:高被引论文主要来源于北京林业大举、东北林业大肇、中国林业科举研究院等机构。  相似文献   

为深入了解森林康养研究的发展现状及研究热点,以中国知网(CNKI)数据库为数据源,利用文献计量学方法,结合知网研学平台、Excel和Cite Space等软件对文献年代、出版刊物、研究机构、发文作者、研究热点等进行统计分析。结果表明:关于森林康养研究的发文量呈现逐年上升的趋势;《中国林业产业》期刊的发文量最多;北京林业大学、福建农林大学和东北林业大学是发文量排名前三的研究机构;江西农业大学的篇均被引频次最高;研究热点主要集中在森林旅游、森林疗养、康养产业、规划设计、发展路径等方面,今后的研究应关注生态旅游、市民需求、五感疗法、医学实证、人才队伍等。  相似文献   

以CNKI收录的我国近20年木结构相关研究论文数据为研究对象,运用文献计量学分析方法,从年度发文量、载文期刊、发文机构、作者、基金来源、关键词和高被引论文等七个维度进行分析研究,展现了我国木结构研究发展过程、研究机构、专家、基金来源和研究热点,为我国木结构领域进一步的研究提供参考。  相似文献   

为更深入地了解塑料回收利用的研究现状,采取文献计量的方法,通过专业检索的形式,对2001~2020年中国知网(CNKI)数据库所收录的有关塑料回收利用的文献期刊及杂志,以检索主题词SU=′塑料′AND SU=′回收利用′为基础,以年份、作者、关键词和被引频次为主要的量化指标,对近20年来CNKI数据库收录的关于塑料回收利用的文献进行了统计分析,分析了当前塑料回收利用的发展现状,为我国的塑料回收利用研究工作提供理论支撑。结果表明:年度发文量检索文献共计1078篇,其年均发文量保持在54±13篇;作者发文量排名前三的分别是钱伯章、张友根、李沛生和王元荪(并列第三);综合高频关键词和高被引论文表明:塑料回收利用的关注度在提高,针对于其研究现状以及未来发展都受到社会的广泛关注。  相似文献   

文章基于中国知网数据库(CNKI),从文献年度分布情况、研究人员、研究机构、基金资助情况、涉及学科、期刊来源和被引频次6个角度出发,运用文献计量分析法对中国薇甘菊研究现状进行分析,探究其未来研究趋势。结果表明:(1)从2000年~2020年,薇甘菊研究文献的数量呈波动态势的特征,于2012年达到峰值;文献类型呈现以学术期刊为主、专利和会议论文为辅的多样化发展特点,占文献总量的65.53%、15.53%和7.5%;(2)主要研究人员有季梅、泽桑梓和李鸣光,发文量占前十的36.16%;主要研究机构有中山大学、华南农业大学和中国科学院华南植物园,占前十的48.78%;(3)受基金资助文献占总量的37.67%,其中,受国家级基金资助的文献数占前十位的61.13%;所涉及学科以植物保护学科为主,占所涉及学科文献数前十位的68.13%;(4)"生态环境学报"刊载量最大,为19篇;文献被引频次最高的前3篇,被引频次占前10篇被引总频次的40.49%。(5)薇甘菊研究逐步从以生物学特性、分布调查、适生区及危害情况研究为主扩大到以监测预警和化学、生物、生态防治研究为主。  相似文献   

正为吸引高质量的学术论文,进一步提高《林业科学》的学术水平,提高期刊在林业科技界的影响力和关注度,使《林业科学》成为广大林业科技人员的忠实朋友,可靠工具,更好地服务于林业科技进步与创新。《林业科学》决定每年一季度向社会公布本刊论文高被引频次,并向论文作者颁发证书。2016年1月,《林业科学》编辑部通过中国知网(CNKI)数据库对2012年刊发的359篇论文进行被引频次检索,共计45篇被引频次过10。论文被引频次是指论文正式发表后的某一时期内被期刊论文引用的累  相似文献   

借助文献计量方法,分析了我国森林资源调查领域的整体研究现状及问题。检索了CNKI中国期刊全文数据库,共1 718条题录,自1973年以来论文数量呈显著增长趋势,而2004年以后呈急剧增长趋势,其中2009年发表文献最多为103篇;该领域作者群体庞大,涉及作者3 230名,第一作者为1 556名,作者均篇为1.23;被引次数排在前10名的12篇论文总被引次数为1 034,前3篇论文分别刊登在《应用生态学报》、《林业资源管理》与《植物生态学报》上,《林业资源管理》的文献数量位居首位;关键词分析表明,森林资源、森林资源调查、二类调查是研究的重点;主要研究对象有样地、林分、立木等;主要关键技术为3S技术。  相似文献   

为了解我国近十年来生态文明城市建设方面的研究状况,采用文献计量学等统计方法,对2002~2012年我国生态文明城市建设研究方面的期刊文献进行了分类统计分析。结果共检索出生态文明城市建设方面的期刊文献449篇。其中不同期刊的载文分布,发文量达10篇以上的期刊有3种,占12%。不同年份发文量,2003年发表的期刊量最少,仅6篇;2010年最多,达93篇。不同作者发文量,发文量为1篇的作者最多,占94%;发文量有2篇的作者有12人;发文量有3篇的作者仅有1人。作者隶属机构分布,有9个文献作者的隶属机构在此期间的发文量多于3篇,占11.4%。期刊文献隶属的学科,在宏观经济管理与可持续发展学科,发文量最多,有147篇,占32.7%。期刊文献的研究层次,基础研究层次中的发文量多达201篇,占44.8%。期刊文献的研究角度,理论研究196篇,占44%;实践研究252篇,占56%,两者差不多各占一半。期刊文献的理论研究内容,对生态文明城市建设途径的研究期刊数量最多,有68篇,占理论研究期刊总数的34.7%,占总数的15.1%。  相似文献   

借助文献计量方法,分析了林业无人机研究与应用的现状.通过对CNKI数据库检索出的523条题录相关文献的年度分布、文献来源、关键词等情况进行统计分析,得出自2015年以来论文数量呈显著增长趋势,其中2019年发表文献高达为154篇;该领域作者群体庞大,涉及作者1120名,第一作者464名;论文被引次数排在前10名总被引次...  相似文献   

低碳经济与森林碳汇   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
1全球变暖与低碳经济 1.1两个基本概念 温室效应(Green house effect) 现代工业化社会过多燃烧煤炭、石油和天然气等化石燃料,放出大量的二氧化碳等气体进入大气。二氧化碳气体具有吸热和隔热的功能,它在大气中增多的结果是形成一种无形的“玻璃罩”,使太阳辐射到地球上的热量无法向外层空间发散,其结果是地球表面变热,因此,二氧化碳也被称为温室气体。  相似文献   

The process of monitoring and measuring the carbon fluxes associated with forestry is complex and costly, and the process is subject to asymmetric information, perverse incentives and inadequate institutions. The upshot is that any trade in forestry related carbon credits is likely to involve unwarranted acts of faith. This means that, since carbon credits are a de facto fiat currency, their exchange value is likely to be unstable. Contracting requires good governance, which is often lacking. Meanwhile, parties to a contract to provide offsets for sale in carbon markets have misaligned incentives in addition to asymmetric information. This leads to a principal-agent problem that delays successful contracting and quite often leads to incompatible claims regarding the creation of carbon offsets. At worse, it results in corruption.  相似文献   

The net CO2 assimilation rate, stomatal conductance, RuBPcase (ribulose 1,5-biphosphate carboxylose) activity, dry weight of aboveground and belowgroud part, plant height, the length and diameter of taproot ofPinus koraiensis seedlings were measured and analyzed after six-week exposure to elevated CO2 in an open-top chamber in Changbai Mountain of China from May to Oct. 1999. Seedlings were planted in four different conditions: on an open site, control chamber, 500 μL·L−1 and 700 μL·L−1 CO2 chambers. The results showed that the total biomass of the seedlings increased whereas stomatal conductance decreased. The physiological responses and growth to 500 μL·L−1 and 700 μL·L−1 CO2 varied greatly. The acclimation of photosynthesis was downward to 700 μL·L−1 CO2 but upward to 500 μL·L−1 CO2. The RuBPcase activity, chlorophyll and soluble sugar contents of the seedlings grown at 500 μL·L−1 CO2 were higher than that at 700 μL·L−1 CO2. The concentration 500 μL·L−1 CO2 enhanced the growth of aboveground part whereas 700 μL·L−1 CO2 allocated more carbon to belowground part. Elevated CO2 changed the carbon distribution pattern. The ecophysiological responses were significantly different between plants grown under 500 μL·L−1 CO2 and 700 μL·L−1 CO2. Foundation Item: This paper was supported by Chinese Academy of Sciences. Biography: HAN Shi-jie (1956-), male, Ph. Doctor, Professor in Laboratory of Ecological Process of Trace Substance in Terrestrial Ecosystem, Institute of Applied Ecology, Chinese Academy of Sciences. Responsible editor: Chai Ruihai  相似文献   

Forest soils and carbon sequestration   总被引:36,自引:0,他引:36  
R. Lal   《Forest Ecology and Management》2005,220(1-3):242-258
Soils in equilibrium with a natural forest ecosystem have high carbon (C) density. The ratio of soil:vegetation C density increases with latitude. Land use change, particularly conversion to agricultural ecosystems, depletes the soil C stock. Thus, degraded agricultural soils have lower soil organic carbon (SOC) stock than their potential capacity. Consequently, afforestation of agricultural soils and management of forest plantations can enhance SOC stock through C sequestration. The rate of SOC sequestration, and the magnitude and quality of soil C stock depend on the complex interaction between climate, soils, tree species and management, and chemical composition of the litter as determined by the dominant tree species. Increasing production of forest biomass per se may not necessarily increase the SOC stocks. Fire, natural or managed, is an important perturbation that can affect soil C stock for a long period after the event. The soil C stock can be greatly enhanced by a careful site preparation, adequate soil drainage, growing species with a high NPP, applying N and micronutrients (Fe) as fertilizers or biosolids, and conserving soil and water resources. Climate change may also stimulate forest growth by enhancing availability of mineral N and through the CO2 fertilization effect, which may partly compensate release of soil C in response to warming. There are significant advances in measurement of soil C stock and fluxes, and scaling of C stock from pedon/plot scale to regional and national scales. Soil C sequestration in boreal and temperate forests may be an important strategy to ameliorate changes in atmospheric chemistry.  相似文献   

The net CO2 assimilation rate, stomatal conductance, RuBPcase (ribulose 1,5-biphosphate carboxylose) activity, dry weight of aboveground and belowground part, plant height, the length and diameter of taproot of Pinus koraiensis seedlings were measured and analyzed after six-week exposure to elevated CO2 in an open-top chamber in Changbai Mountain of China from May to Oct. 1999. Seedlings were planted in four different conditions: on an open site, control chamber, 500 μ L.L-1 and 700 μL.L-1 CO2 chambers. The results showed that the total biomass of the seedlings increased whereas stomatal conductance decreased. The physiological responses and growth to 500 μL.L-1 and 700 μ L.L-1 CO2 varied greatly. The acclimation of photosynthesis was downward to 700 μL.L-1 CO2 but upward to 500 μ L.L-1 CO2. The RuBPcase activity, chlorophyll and soluble sugar contents of the seedlings grown at 500 μL.L-1 CO2 were higher than that at 700 μ L.L-1 CO2. The concentration 500 μ L.L-1 CO2 enhanced the growth of aboveground part whereas 700 μL.L-1 CO2 allocated more carbon to belowground part. Elevated CO2 changed the carbon distribution pattern. The ecophysiological responses were significantly different between plants grown under 500 μL.L-1 CO2 and 700 μL.L-1 CO2.  相似文献   

With their ratification of the Kyoto Protocol, many countries have established forests on previously non-forested land with the view of offsetting greenhouse gas emissions. While these forests indisputably result in increased carbon storage in above-ground biomass, consideration of other major implications is often neglected. Forest establishment results in changes in albedo and soil carbon storage, reduced runoff and downstream water supply, and effects on biodiversity. Such effects of forest establishment may be less desirable from environmental, economic and social perspectives. While there have been many studies of the impacts of forest establishment on individual aspects, policy makers need to be able to integrate the benefits and consequences to assist in making decisions on land management. Further, the relative magnitude of the effects of forestry needs to be considered in the context of elevated atmospheric carbon dioxide partial pressure and climate change resulting in increasing temperature and changes in the amount and distribution of rainfall. This introductory review highlights the major benefits and consequences of forest establishment and demonstrates progress in integrating across the services provided by forests. New modelling approaches are being developed that allow analysis of benefits, consequences and trade-offs to assist policy makers in decisions to manage the provision of multiple resources.  相似文献   

自《京都议定书》提出以来,林业碳汇已成为全球应对气候变化的重要手段。文章回顾了林业碳汇在国内外应对气候变化进程中的地位和作用,结合中国实际阐述林业碳汇目前面临的挑战和未来践行的措施,分析碳交易给我国林业带来的机遇以及在低碳发展环境下林业碳汇后续发展的瓶颈、契机和主要途径。  相似文献   

Zhao  Xingtang  Liang  Nansong  He  Liming  Yu  Lei  Cao  Yang  Xia  Dean  Xiao  Ying  Zhang  Guiqin  Zeng  Fansuo  Zhan  Yaguang 《New Forests》2021,52(6):921-942
New Forests - Biomass-based carbon (C) stock estimation is the most accurate method for estimating the C stock in forestry. To accurately estimate the Manchurian ash (Fraxinus mandshurica Rupr.) C...  相似文献   

Mitigating climate change and securing a supply of energy may be achieved, in part, by substituting fossil fuels with bioenergy from stumps and roots. However, the use of stumps would result in a reduction of the carbon pool and thus, from a greenhouse gas emission perspective, there is a trade-off between using stumps for bioenergy and retaining them in the carbon pool associated with dead organic matter. The objective of this study was to show whether, from a carbon balance perspective and over the short and long-terms, stumps are more important as a source of energy that replaces fossil fuels, or as a carbon sink.  相似文献   

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