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"校企合一"焊接技术人才培养是将理论教学与实践教学、学校学习内容与企业工作内容有机地糅合在一起,有别于传统的教学模式.它以理论与实践相结合、教学与生产相结合为方向,强化综合技能训练为重点,生产实践教学为主线,专业理论、文化课为基础,课外指导和自学方式为辅助,是一种全方位、综合型的教学方式.  相似文献   

"慕客"网络平台是基于开放式的网络共享教育教学平台,不仅可以共享教学资源,还可以进行交流与互动.网络课程形式多样,内容丰富,信息量大,可拓展性强."慕客"网络平台是多所学校的合作建设成果,拥有广泛的受众,在教学实践中具有现代化网络教学课程的教学优势.  相似文献   

以"跨学科"为依托,探析服装理论教学的创新性研究,正是当前高校教育中所强调的专业理论教学创新性发展的新趋势."跨学科"情境研究旨在通过两个及以上相近或不相近学科,找出学科间的共性以及突破点,最终为服装理论教学带来创新的内容与革新的思维模式.根据服装史论课程的整体内容、特点以及发展方向,以"图像证史"、"作品鉴析"与"实践延展"三个其他学科的研究方式,进行服装史论教学授课内容、方式、应用等内容的"跨学科"研究.  相似文献   

《汽车电工电子技术基础》是汽车类专业学生必修的一门专业基础课,学好该课程为后期学习汽车专业知识打下扎实基础.文章主要以"戴维南定理"为例,从戴维南定理的内容、教学目标、重难点、教学方法及教学过程等各个方面进行教学设计,以此调动学生的学习积极性.  相似文献   

党的十八届五中全会提出了"创新、协调、绿色、开放、共享"发展理念,为我国"十三五"乃至更长时期的改革发展提供了路径指南.自觉践行"五大发展理念",既是贯彻落实全会精神的必然要求,也是农机化工作不断创新的需要,更是加快建成全面小康社会的重要途径,具有深刻的现实和实践意义;笔者通过不断学习领悟,结合自身工作实际,谈一谈肤浅体会.  相似文献   

随着教育行业的不断发展,高职院校的思想政治课受到了更多关注,由于当前高职院校学生的学习环境和学习内容都在不断改变,为了满足社会对人才培养的需求,要不断提高学生素质,这就要求高职院校注重思政课的作用.因此文章主要针对"三生教育"的内容和特点进行分析,同时结合思政课教学的特点,对高职院校思政课教学中如何渗透"三生教育"进行探讨.  相似文献   

"学做教"合一人才培养模式的切入点是自主学习、自我教育,在有组织的开展实践应用教育的同时也注重培养学生素质的教育,其目的是为了培养学生在职业生涯或终身发展中具备可持续发展能力的高技能专业应用型人才.在高职院校开展"学教做",可以有效提高高职院校的教学质量.  相似文献   

文章针对传统焊接教学方法存在的问题,引入了成果导向与行动学习的教育理念,将"成果导向"教学理念与"学徒制"的教学模式相结合,从校企联合制定焊接专业学徒制人才培养方案、与企业对接联合制订培养协议与规划、提取对应焊接岗位的典型工作任务、制订教学方案、构建基于"行动学习+成果导向"的从工作岗位出发的"基础领域+专业认知领域+专业技术领域+岗位技术领域"的"学徒制"式课程体系等几个方面探索了焊接专业新的教学模式与人才培养模式.  相似文献   

"互联网+教育"这一模式是互联网技术与现代教育结合的产物,高职教育是我国教育体制的重要组成部分,是培养技能型、职业型人才的发展重地.因此在"互联网+教育"的驱使下,要积极探索互联网环境下新的教育模式和教学手段,并对新的教育模式进行研究,加强互联网环境下高职教育教学改革的创新与实践,提高教学效果,促进学生成长.  相似文献   

2017年1月18日,凤凰县农机局从全县数十个涉农单位脱颖而出,获评2016年农民权益维护和农民负担监督管理工作"先进单位".2016年以来,县农机局创新工作举措,通过做实组织保障、专项治理、一事一议筹资筹劳、减负公示等工作,扎实开展农民减负工作,实效显著.结合农机化工作特点及上级相关要求,齐心协力扎实推动购机补贴政策落实、创新开展土地深松、切实保障农机安全生产、竭力狠抓精准扶贫等有农机特色的方式全心全意为人民服务,切实减轻农民负担.  相似文献   

文章阐述了《单片机应用技术》课程教改实施的意义、思路及方案,总结了这门课程的教改特点、创新及取得的成果,并对在教改实施过程中碰到的问题进行了反思.  相似文献   

Plants with different abilities for osmotic adjustment (cowpea, bean, and sugarbeet) were subjected to gradually decreasing soil water content. During the development of water deficit stress, various plant water parameters were measured to characterize their relationship to the near infrared R 1300/R 1450 leaf water index, which is based on the measurement of light reflected from leaves. In all three species, leaf water thickness (LWT), leaf cell relative water content (RWC), and overall leaf thickness remained relatively constant under moderate water deficit stress. However, at the point when plants could no longer cope with the increasing level of water deficit stress, LWT, RWC, and leaf thickness were found to decrease substantially, signaling the onset of leaf dehydration. The R 1300/R 1450 leaf water index followed the RWC very closely in cowpea and bean leaves, and with some time lag in sugarbeet leaves. The R 1300/R 1450 index may therefore be used as a feedback-signal in precision irrigation control, signaling effectively the physiological response of plants when water deficit stress becomes detrimental. RWC and the R 1300/R 1450 index were linearly correlated in cowpea and bean leaves, but not in sugarbeet leaves.  相似文献   

随着社会发展,专业人才的缺乏成为阻碍许多行业发展的重要因素,所以培养出适合发展要求的人才成为发展过程中研究和关注的重点.传统的PLC应用技术过于注重理论教学,对学生动手能力培养存在一定缺陷,培养出的学生就业后不能适应技术岗位要求.文章就当下工作过程中的实践能力要求现状进行分析,介绍PLC应用技术含义进行分析,提出促进技术进一步发展的有力措施.  相似文献   

机械制图是机械工程类的语言,对它的掌握将直接影响学生今后的学习和发展,所以文章主要分析职业学校《机械制图》课程的特点和学生情况,从几个方面来阐述机械制图的教学方法.  相似文献   

《机械基础》是机械类专业学生的入门课,同时为学生学习其他机械专业课程打下基础.随着社会的发展,信息技术日新月异,新技术层出不穷,社会对高技能人才提出了更高的要求,传统的教学模式已经很难以适应教学需要,教师要结合中职学生实际情况,不断改进教学方法,以学生为主体,更多地采用趣味教学,激发学生的学习兴趣,优化课堂,加强教学效果.  相似文献   

This study deals with the effects of intermittent irrigation on actual evapotranspiration (ET) and leaf area index (LAI) of “Superior” grapevines grown in a semiarid environment in northeastern Brazil. The field experiments were carried out during two consecutive fruiting cycles (dry season and rainy season) of grapevines (Vitis vinifera, L) irrigated by drip at a rate of 2.3 L h−1. Four irrigation time intervals were used as follow: one turn irrigation-time (I-1), two turn irrigation-time (I-2), three turn irrigation-time (I-3), and four turn irrigation-time (I-4). The growing cycles received different amounts of water by irrigation, which for dry and rainy seasons were 470.5 and 243.5 mm, respectively. The ET increased from 5.7 to 7.5 mm day−1 when the irrigation time interval changed from I-1 to I-4 and resulted in a higher value of LAI. The values of ET during the rainy-season growing cycle were much lower throughout the phenological stages, reaching a maximum of 6.4 mm day−1 for I-4 in the maturation stage. For both growing cycles, an increase in the cumulated vineyard evapotranspiration was observed when changing the irrigation time interval from I-1 to I-4, except I-2, which was slightly greater than I-3. Soil water drainage had a very gradual exponential decrease from I-1 to I-4 in both fruiting cycles. The grapevine coefficient under intermittent irrigation can be described as function of days after pruning by polynomial models.  相似文献   

Available water is one of the most limiting factors in crop production. As current methods for the determination of plant water content are time-consuming and require numerous observations to characterize a field, managers could benefit from remote sensing techniques to assist in irrigation decisions and further management practices. Adoption will depend on the development of technologies, which allow real time sensing of the soil and plant water status and the discrimination of several stress factors. A greenhouse study was initiated to determine specific wavelengths and/or combinations of wavelengths indicative of water stress in wheat and to evaluate these wavelengths for discriminating water stress from other biotic stresses. Reflectance of wheat leaves from plants grown under six different water treatments ranging from 65 to 26% field capacity was determined once a week from the beginning of the fourth leaf stage until the sixth leaf stage. Reflectance measurements were performed at the fourth leaf of wheat plants with an imager (LEICA S1 Pro) under controlled light conditions. Reflectance was measured in different wavelength ranges throughout the visible and infrared spectra (380–1,300 nm). Leaf scans were evaluated within the L*a*b*-color system. Total water content of wheat leaves was calculated after the difference between total fresh and total dry weight of wheat plants. Significant reflectance changes and correlations between water status and leaf reflectance were obtained at a water content <71% and enabled the identification and quantification of water status of wheat plants. Reflectance patterns at 510780, 540780, 4901,300, and 5401,300 nm were found most suitable to describe to the water status regardless of the sampling date or growth stage. To evaluate the validity of leaf reflectance as a method for separating water stress from other biotic stresses such as nutrient deficiencies reflectance pattern of water deficient plants were compared with reflectance patterns of N, P, Mg, and Fe deficiency obtained in earlier studies by calculating the color distance ΔEab as additional reflectance parameter. ΔEab increased under different nutrient deficiencies, but remained constant under water stress, thus enabling the discrimination of the investigated stress factors. The approach indicated that various stress factors could be clearly identified by reflectance measurements, thus enhancing a better plant management by the use of remote sensing techniques.  相似文献   

Increased outbreaks of foodborne illness throughout the world have raised concern over the potential health hazard of pre-harvest colonization of crops by human pathogens originating from contaminated irrigation water, or manure-amended soil. Contradictory reports currently exist concerning the ability of pathogenic bacteria to penetrate internal plant tissues via the root and translocate to edible aerial tissues, which suggest dependence of the process on experimental variables employed. Mechanistic investigations of internalization into plants require development of regulated, experimental, co-cultivation systems for the plant and the bacteria. In the present study, we have evaluated the effect of three irrigation regimes: ‘no-irrigation’ and irrigation with or without leachate, on the capacity of Salmonella enterica serovar Newport to survive in a potting medium in small experimental pots designed for internalization studies. The duration of bacterial survival in the potting-medium varied under the irrigation regimes employed, ranging from 4.7 to 10 weeks. The survival duration under irrigation without leachate was longer than in the ‘no-irrigation’ treatment. Leaching reduced the concentration of Salmonella in the experimental pots, presumably by a washing effect and consequently shortened the duration of survival from 70 to 33 days. The observed dependency of Salmonella viability in the experimental pots, upon the irrigation schemes applied, points at the need to consider the irrigation conditions in experimental systems aimed at studying the interactions between human enteric pathogen and the plant ecosystem.  相似文献   

联系中国制造业的发展现状,以学生的视角,从创新驱动为核心、智能制造为主攻方向、绿色发展为设计理念三个方面,分析并探讨了中国制造业处于大而不强的原因,提出了实施《中国制造2025》策略亟待解决的问题,以及当代大学生在校期间如何培养创新精神、提高智能技术和深化绿色理念,以实现提高我国综合国力,迈入制造强国的最终目的.  相似文献   

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