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文章采用X光射线法结合生物生态消化法,对高体(Seriola dumerili)个体中轴骨骼进行了消化、拍照及描述性统计。研究发现高体中轴骨骼包括头骨和脊柱,头骨分为脑颅和咽颅两部分,脑颅分为筛区、眼区、耳区、枕区4区及围眶骨系,咽颅分为颌弓、舌弓、鳃弓3区及鳃盖骨系;高体躯干支撑结构为脊柱,脊柱由前后连接的椎骨组成,每节椎骨均由形态不同的椎体、髓棘、髓弓组成,部分椎骨分化出椎体横突、肋骨、脉弓和脉棘。结果表明,高体头部主要骨骼约为128块,其中脑颅(包括围眶骨系) 39块,咽颅(包括鳃盖骨系) 89块;包括尾杆骨在内,高体脊柱椎骨数目为24,脊柱共有髓棘、髓弓23枚,脉棘14枚、脉弓15枚,椎体横突10对,无背肋,腹肋9对。  相似文献   

对鲳亚目的印度无齿鲳、银鲳、三刺低鳍鲳和刺鲳的骨骼系统作了详细的比较。研究结果表明,4种鱼类脑颅中的鼻骨、上筛骨、侧筛骨、眶下骨、蝶耳骨、翼耳骨、上耳骨和前耳骨等均有明显的差异;咽颅中的前颌骨、上颌骨、舌颌骨、尾舌骨、鳃盖骨、咽鳃骨和下咽骨等也有显著的区别;附肢骨骼中的肩带骨和腰带骨也各有不同。这些差异可作为种间的分类依据。  相似文献   

为揭示青干金枪鱼(Thunnus tonggol)骨骼形态特征,文章采用X-ray透视成像系统及骨骼标本制作法开展相关研究.结果显示,青干金枪鱼骨骼包括附肢骨骼和中轴骨骼两部分,其中附肢骨骼包括带骨和支鳍骨,中轴骨骼包括头骨、脊柱和尾骨.青干金枪鱼头部骨骼分为脑颅和咽颅两部分,脑颅主要包括嗅区、额眼区、蝶骨区和枕骨区,...  相似文献   

采用硬骨-软骨双染色技术,详细地研究了鲵鱼仔鱼各发育阶段摄食功能骨骼的形态发育和骨化特征.在孵化后至4日龄(体长3.0 mm)仔鱼,舌弓、鳃弓、悬骨系以软骨形式,而鳃盖骨系、上下颌则以纤维化骨质逐步出现并相继硬骨化,至34日龄(7.8 mm)仔鱼,除方骨、后翼骨和中翼骨外,其它骨骼完全硬骨化.研究结果表明:鮸鱼仔鱼摄食器官的骨骼在短时间内硬骨化,为开始主动摄食提供了必要条件,表明仔鱼阶段已具备了摄食能力.  相似文献   

病原:弧肠孤病毒症状:①“红肌肉”型:肌肉明显充血,往往全身肌肉呈红色,与此同时,鳃瓣则往往严重失血,造成“白鳃”,危害7~10厘米的草鱼鱼种;②“红鳍红鳃盖”型:病鱼的鳃盖、鳍基、头顶、口腔、眼眶等表现明显充血,而肌肉充血不明显。危害7~10厘米的...  相似文献   

草鱼出血病是一种病毒性鱼病,主要危害当年草鱼及一足龄草鱼。该病发病快,死亡率高,流行广,严重地影响养鱼生产。草鱼出血病通常分红鳍红鳃盖型、红肌肉型、肠炎型和并发型。现将我们于1981、1982年对病鱼的血液、肝、脾、肾、肠、骨胳肌和鳃等组织和器官的病理变化,所作的测定和观察结果简报于下。  相似文献   

滇池红鳍原鲌4种年龄鉴定材料的比较   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
采用耳石、鳞片、匙骨和鳃盖骨等4种年龄鉴定材料对云南滇池红鳍原鲌的年龄鉴定结果进行比较,以吻合率、可判读力和平均变异系数为依据确定最佳年龄鉴定材料。红鳍原鲌的微耳石轮纹清晰,在解剖镜入射光下呈现明暗相间的条纹,无明显杂纹,年轮标志清晰;而鳞片轮纹在4龄以上时年轮特征不清晰,读龄过程中易被忽略;此外,高龄个体匙骨和鳃盖骨分别出现中心部分透明、基部较厚等原因,造成年龄低估。判读结果表明,微耳石和鳞片的吻合率及平均变异系数均优于匙骨和鳃盖骨。因此,以微耳石年龄读数为基准,并与鳞片、匙骨和鳃盖骨进行对比。结果显示,鳞片与其吻合率最高,为92.7%,平均变异系数最小为1.9%,匙骨和鳃盖骨与其吻合率分别为77.2%和61.3%,平均变异系数分别为9.3%和12.6%。综合分析认为,耳石为滇池红鳍原鲌最佳年龄鉴定材料,鳞片因具有采集方便不伤鱼体的优点,也是很好的年龄鉴定材料,匙骨和鳃盖骨则不适于滇池红鳍原鲌的年龄鉴定。  相似文献   

黑斑原(鮡)脑颅骨骼形态学的研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
采用改进的透明骨骼法,研究了黑斑原(鮡)(Glyptosternum maculatum)的脑颅骨骼.其脑颅骨骼由28块膜骨、软骨化骨以及复性骨组成,眼区系列骨骼退化,缺少围框骨系,仅有额骨、副蝶骨、翼蝶骨,同时部分脑颅骨骼发生特化,如出现了颌须骨、基垫骨,这些骨骼在其他鱼类中未有报道.这些退化和特化现象与黑斑原(鮡)的生境有着密切的关系.黑斑原(鮡)的脑颅骨骼具有大多数底栖鱼类脑颅共有的结构:前囱和后囱.黑斑原(鮡)脑颅各骨骼与鱼脑接触面或为隆嵴,或为陷窝,从而最大程度地保护了鱼脑免受外界的冲击和震荡.一些骨骼存在大小不一,位置相对固定的孔眼,为出入大脑的血管及神经的通道.  相似文献   

采用改进的透明骨骼法,研究了黑斑原(鱼兆)(Glyptosternum maculatum)的脑颅骨骼。其脑颅骨骼由28块膜骨、软骨化骨以及复性骨组成,眼区系列骨骼退化,缺少围框骨系,仅有额骨、副蝶骨、翼蝶骨,同时部分脑颅骨骼发生特化,如出现了颌须骨、基垫骨,这些骨骼在其他鱼类中未有报道。这些退化和特化现象与黑斑原(鱼兆)的生境有着密切的关系。黑斑原(鱼兆)的脑颅骨骼具有大多数底栖鱼类脑颅共有的结构:前囱和后囱。黑斑原(鱼兆)脑颅各骨骼与鱼脑接触面或为隆嵴,或为陷窝,从而最大程度地保护了鱼脑免受外界的冲击和震荡。一些骨骼存在大小不一,位置相对固定的孔眼,为出入大脑的血管及神经的通道。  相似文献   

采用改进的透明骨骼法,研究了黑斑原鮡(Glyptosternummaculatum)的脑颅骨骼。其脑颅骨骼由28块膜骨、软骨化骨以及复性骨组成,眼区系列骨骼退化,缺少围框骨系,仅有额骨、副蝶骨、翼蝶骨,同时部分脑颅骨骼发生特化,如出现了颌须骨、基垫骨,这些骨骼在其他鱼类中未有报道。这些退化和特化现象与黑斑原鮡的生境有着密切的关系。黑斑原鮡的脑颅骨骼具有大多数底栖鱼类脑颅共有的结构:前囱和后囱。黑斑原鮡脑颅各骨骼与鱼脑接触面或为隆嵴,或为陷窝,从而最大程度地保护了鱼脑免受外界的冲击和震荡。一些骨骼存在大小不一,位置相对固定的孔眼,为出入大脑的血管及神经的通道。  相似文献   

2008年11月在广西北海市侨港镇码头采获银鲈科Gerreidae、银鲈属Gerres鱼类标本两尾,经鉴定为大棘银鲈Gerres macracanthus Bleeker,1854,系我国南海鱼类一新记录。其主要特征为:体长卵圆形,侧扁,体长为体高的2.2~2.3倍;体背腹缘均呈弧状隆起,体高以背鳍起点处最高。口小,能活动,伸出时略向下倾斜。体被薄圆鳞,易脱落;侧线鳞41~43枚。背鳍鳍棘部与鳍条部相连;背鳍IX-10,第2鳍棘延长呈丝状,压倒时末端伸达尾柄;臀鳍Ⅲ-7,以第3鳍棘最长;胸鳍长,末端可达臀鳍起点上方;尾鳍叉形。新鲜标本体背部银灰色,腹部银白色,体侧有7~10条青灰色横带;背鳍灰白色,第2鳍棘黑色;臀鳍、胸鳍和腹鳍淡黄色;尾鳍灰黄色,上、下叶内缘暗色,下叶外缘白色。  相似文献   

美洲鲥仔稚鱼脊柱及附肢骨骼系统的早期发育   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:1  
使用软骨-硬骨双染色技术,描述了美洲鲥(Alosa sapidissima)仔稚鱼(1~51日龄)脊柱、胸鳍、尾鳍、背鳍等附肢骨骼的形态发育特征。结果显示,脊柱的发育开始于10日龄仔鱼尾部的髓弓、脉弓和尾下骨的出现,16日龄髓弓和脉弓延伸形成髓棘和脉棘,19日龄脊柱出现分节的硬骨环,23日龄所有椎体形成。各附鳍支鳍骨发育顺序先后依次为胸鳍、尾鳍、背鳍、臀鳍和腹鳍。胸鳍在2日龄时出现乌喙骨,13日龄形成软骨质的胸鳍支鳍骨,19日龄仔鱼肩带和上匙骨开始骨化;尾鳍的尾下骨最早出现在5日龄,12日龄尾鳍形成2枚尾上骨、1枚尾杆骨和6枚尾下骨,19日龄仔鱼尾椎和尾鳍率先开始骨化,直至23日龄尾鳍骨骼系统钙化完全。最终背鳍和臀鳍分别形成18和22根鳍条。美洲鲥骨骼发育研究对其早期发育功能趋向、环境优化及分类鉴定有重要作用。  相似文献   

To determine the effect of development and environment on fin growth, we measured fin lengths of juvenile Atlantic salmon (Salmo salar) from two hatcheries (August, October and April–May), stream-reared fish (July and October) stocked as fry into two tributaries, and smolts from the main stem of the Connecticut River (May). For stream-reared parr, there was a linear relationship between the dorsal, caudal and anal fins with fork length, while the pectoral, pelvic and adipose fins exhibited a curvilinear relationship with fork length. Parr from a high gradient stream had larger caudal fins than fish from a low gradient stream, but other fins did not differ. Regression lines for the fins of stream-reared smolts were all linear when fin length was regressed against fork length. Stream-reared parr had larger pectoral, pelvic and anal fins than smolts of similar size while dorsal and caudal fin lengths did not differ. Regression equations formulated using the fins of stream-reared parr were used to calculate the percent difference (100×observed fin length/expected) in fin lengths between stream- and hatchery-reared parr. The pelvic, adipose, caudal and anal fins of hatchery-reared parr showed no signs of degeneration by the first sampling period 7 months after hatching, whereas degeneration in the pectoral (13–20%) and dorsal (15–18%) fins was evident at this time. By the end of the study, degeneration was present in every fin except the adipose, with the pectoral (35–65%) and dorsal (32–58%) fins exhibiting the greatest amount of fin loss. All fins of hatchery-reared parr became shorter with time. There were minor differences in fin degeneration among parr from the two hatcheries, but the overall pattern of decreasing fin size was similar, indicating a common cause of fin degeneration. Comparison of stream- and hatchery-reared fish is a valuable means of determining the impact of captive environments on fin growth.  相似文献   

采用软骨―硬骨双染色技术,描述了鳜(Siniperca chuatsi)仔稚鱼(1~35日龄)头骨、脊柱、附肢骨骼的骨化发育特征。结果显示:(1)头骨前鳃盖骨于14日龄最先骨化, 15日龄上下颌骨骨化,且上下颌骨相对长度呈现连续变化过程。17日龄后,颌齿、关节骨、舌颌骨骨化;19日龄,隅骨、间鳃盖骨、鳃盖骨、鳃条骨、额骨骨化。20日龄后,方骨、下鳃盖骨、辅上颌骨等骨化; 35日龄,头骨骨化基本完成。(2)脊柱于15日龄由前向后骨化, 20日龄背肋与腹肋由基部向末端骨化, 29日龄骨化完成。脉弓与脉棘、髓弓与髓棘均由前向后、由基部向末端骨化,脉棘与髓棘骨化时间晚于相应的椎体。(3)附肢骨骼骨化顺序依次为胸鳍、背鳍、臀鳍、腹鳍、尾鳍。胸鳍匙骨于16日龄骨化,乌喙骨与肩胛骨于25日龄骨化;背鳍、臀鳍分别于18日龄、20日龄骨化,骨化方式相似;腹鳍于23日龄骨化,骨化方式与胸鳍相反;尾杆骨、尾下骨于25日龄骨化,附肢骨骼于35日龄基本骨化完成。结果表明,鳜骨骼骨化发育与其早期运动、摄食与御敌等行为密切相关。  相似文献   

在直径2m的圆形玻璃钢槽内,水深0.3m,弱光,水温6~16℃下,详细观察了江鳕(Lota lota Linnaeus)胚后发育过程。结果表明,依形态发育,将出膜后的江鳕发育分为两个阶段(仔鱼期和稚鱼期)11个发育期。仔鱼期分为卵黄囊期仔鱼和后期仔鱼,历时62d;卵黄囊期仔鱼由单独依靠内源营养至混合营养过程,包括孵出期、胸鳍形成期、鳃弧期、鳔形成期和腹鳍形成期,历时31d;后期仔鱼从卵黄囊和油球消失,仔鱼完全依靠外源营养到各鳍基本形成为止,包括卵黄消失期、尾鳍形成期、背鳍分化期和臀鳍形成期,历时31d。稚鱼期包括鳞片出现期和鳞片形成期,历时5d。卵黄囊期仔鱼生长发育缓慢,后期仔鱼期和稚鱼期生长发育较快。  相似文献   

Muscles play important roles in feeding, respiration and swimming during not only adult stage but also larval stage in fish. However, there is no information of the muscle development in larval greater amberjack, Seriola dumerili (Risso). Here, we investigated muscle development in the greater amberjack, focusing primarily on the cranial muscles from 0 days post hatch (dph) to 12 dph using a modified whole‐mount immunohistochemical staining method. We found that the muscles required for feeding develop by 3 dph, when the larvae begin to feed. Subsequently, muscle composition in the dorsal branchial arches changes to the adult form between 5 and 8 dph. At 8 dph, all the muscles required for feeding and respiration appear, whereas the dorsal, pelvic and caudal fin muscles required for swimming develop later. This report provides fundamental information on larval greater amberjack muscle development, which will enable the detection of abnormal larval muscles and improve larval rearing techniques by modifying environmental conditions.  相似文献   

肖瑾  曾燏  张富斌  彭艳  张臣  张倩  舒秋贵 《水产学报》2020,44(11):1832-1840
为探讨嘉陵江不同江段蛇鮈群体的形态表型特征及其差异性,本研究对采至嘉陵江上游、中游和下游共120尾样本进行了传统形态测量和地标点几何形态学测量分析。形态分析结果表明:嘉陵江不同江段蛇鮈群体间形态表型存在的显著差异。差异主要集中于头部、鳍和尾柄;其中上游群体的蛇鮈最为纤长(叉长、胸腹距、躯干距最大),眼间距、背鳍基长、头高和口角须长也最长;中游群体的胸鳍、腹鳍、尾鳍最长,尾柄也最为粗壮(尾柄宽,尾柄高最大),头长、体宽、胸鳍前距最大;下游群体的肛臀距和头宽最大。但主成分分析结果显示:无法有效将不同江段蛇鮈群体区分。性状差异性分析结果表明,不同江段蛇鮈群体形态表型差异均属于种内差异。这些表型差异可能是蛇鮈对嘉陵江不同江段环境(如流速、水温、饵料类型)多样性的适应性表现。  相似文献   

The development of saddleback syndrome and of caudal fin deformities in Dentex dentex (Linnaeus, 1758) was compared under two rearing methods, extensive (E) and semi-extensive (S). The osteological appearance and the meristic characters of the reared fish were compared to that of D. dentex juveniles, collected from the natural environment. All the wild juveniles were normal in respect to their osteological appearance, while the reared specimens presented skeletal deformities resulting from different rearing methods applied. Saddleback syndrome (4.0–4.4%) and severe external deformities of the caudal fin (14.3–15.0%) characterised exclusively the semi-extensive populations, while the extensive populations presented severe abnormalities of the pre-ural centra (25.0–25.6%) with significantly higher frequency than the S reared fish (5.8%). Saddleback syndrome was expressed as a lack of one to all the hard spines of the dorsal fin, accompanied by shape, number and position abnormalities of the related pterygiophores. Caudal fin deformities were mainly characterised by the lack of the upper lepidotrichia or/and dermatotrichia, accompanied by severe deformities of the supporting elements of the upper lobe. The saddleback syndrome and severe caudal fin deformities were anatomically and ontogenetically related to each other, originating at the early larval stage as a result of abnormalities of the primordial marginal finfold and of the posterior tip of the notochord. In respect to the dominant phenotypes, the meristic characters of the normal reared fish were not differentiated from those of the wild, but they presented higher variability.

The results are discussed in view of the aetiology, applications and research targets for the erasure of skeletal malformations.  相似文献   

Comprehensive knowledge of osteological development of fish not only provides means for understanding its functional development, but also allows early detection of skeletal anomalies. The present study was conducted to determine osteological development and occurrence of anomalies from the first to the 40th day after hatching (DAH) for yellow catfish Pelteobagrus fulvidraco, a commercially important species in China. Vertebral ontogeny started with formation of anterior neural arches at 3 DAH, and completed at 6 DAH. Vertebral centra started to develop at 4 DAH and ossification in all centra was visible at 15 DAH. Caudal fin appeared at 2 DAH and ossification was visible at 26 DAH. The onset of dorsal and anal fins appeared at 4 DAH and their ossifications were visible at 20 DAH. Pectoral fins were present before first feeding and formed entirely at 9 DAH, and their ossifications were visible at 21 DAH. Pelvic fins appeared at 9 DAH, and formed completely at 21 DAH. The ossification of pelvic fins was not finished until the end of the experiment (40 DAH). 24 types of skeletal anomalies were observed. About 20% of individuals showed at least one anomaly. Haemal vertebrae anomalies occurred at the highest frequency, followed by pre‐haemal, caudal vertebrae and anal fin anomalies, and caudal fin had the lowest anomalies frequency. For the first time, our study determined osteological development and anomalies incidence in larval yellow catfish, which help further investigations into rearing conditions leading to appearance of these anomalies to prevent their incidence.  相似文献   

测定了637尾1龄长尾琉金金鱼体重、体长、体高、头长、尾柄长、尾柄高、胸鳍长、腹鳍长、背鳍高、臀鳍长、尾鳍长等11个性状,计算性状间的相关系数,同时采用通径分析方法计算以形态性状为自变量对尾鳍长作依变量的通径系数、决定系数,对各性状的影响大小进行削分.结果显示,尾柄高对尾鳍长的直接影响最大,胸鳍长和尾柄长对尾鳍长的直接...  相似文献   

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