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美洲南瓜远缘杂交亲和性研究   总被引:3,自引:1,他引:2  
选取南瓜属3个主要栽培种29个材料并选配了大量杂交组合,结果表明:美洲南瓜与中国南瓜或印度南瓜进行种间杂交,美洲南瓜只适合作为父本;中国南瓜或印度南瓜的不同试材作为母本与美洲南瓜杂交,存在亲和性差异,表现在坐果率、单果种子数、种子发育程度以及有胚果实率等方面的不同;美洲南瓜种内变种间不存在生殖隔离,可通过相互杂交融合目标性状。试验总结出杂交授粉时间在上午6:30至8:30,采用全程防虫网覆盖、吊蔓栽培技术,可提高坐果率并延长种胚发育时间,改善南瓜属远缘杂交亲和性。  相似文献   

为探讨向印度南瓜及美洲南瓜中转育中国南瓜无蔓性状的意义及可行性,进行无蔓中国南瓜种间杂交试验,采用田间调查结合RAPD分子标记鉴定的方法研究中国南瓜无蔓性状种间遗传规律。通过比较中国南瓜无蔓性状在南瓜属3个种中的遗传表现发现:中国南瓜无蔓性状在种间杂种F1、F2及BC1F1中的分离比例符合孟德尔遗传规律;与种内杂交不同,无蔓中国南瓜与蔓生异种南瓜材料的种间杂交一代表现出节间变长的倾向,表现为不完全显性遗传;通过种间杂交,可将中国南瓜特有的无蔓性状转育到美洲南瓜及印度南瓜中,创造全新的种质资源。  相似文献   

籽用南瓜种质资源植物学性状多样性分析   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
分析了20份南瓜材料24个植物学性状的多样性,结果表明,中国南瓜、印度南瓜、美洲南瓜、裸仁南瓜和黑籽南瓜在皮壳质量、千粒重、根干质量、茎干质量、主茎长和果实性状上差异较大.主成分分析表明,种子长、种子宽、种子厚、皮壳质量、千粒重、子叶宽、茎干质量、主茎长、种仁质量、出仁率、种皮色、叶干质量和单瓜种子数是植物学多样性的主要指标.通过聚类分析,20份材料分为5个类群,与南瓜的传统分类基本一致,美洲南瓜与裸仁南瓜的亲缘关系最近,与印度南瓜和中国南瓜亲缘关系较远,与黑籽南瓜和华南大板最远.初步探讨了籽用南瓜的植物学多样性,筛选出1份优良的大白板型有壳籽用南瓜材料,并提出皮壳质量、千粒重、茎干质量、主茎长和单瓜种子数5个性状作为籽用南瓜资源植物学描述评价的代表性状,以期为籽用南瓜的育种奠定基础.  相似文献   

南瓜属包括美洲南瓜(西葫芦)、中国南瓜(南瓜)和印度南瓜(笋瓜)3个种,其中美洲南瓜杂交种子在我国应用比较普遍,其他两种则不多.日本通过广泛利用印度南瓜与中国南瓜种间杂交优势,大大改善了产品品质,提高了产量,使南瓜成为日本人民生活中不可缺少的主要食物和保健品,也为瓜类嫁接提供了良好的砧木.随着我国经济水平的提高和人民生活质量的改善,南瓜越来越受到人们的青睐,中国南瓜与印度南瓜的杂交利用将成为优质高产高效的重要技术途径.山西省农业种子总站在国内最早进行日本南瓜杂交种子规模生产,积累了较为丰富的经验.  相似文献   

4个南瓜栽培种的光合特性比较研究   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
本研究以中国南瓜(太久秀丽)、印度南瓜(永安2号、巨型南瓜、036号、美国迷你南瓜)、美洲南瓜(晶莹1号)、黑籽南瓜(云南黑籽南瓜)为材料,在生长旺期(开花坐果初期),分别对生长在露地和日光温室中的南瓜用CB-011 光量子自动监控系统对其光合效率变化情况进行检测,同时用用光量子仪进行光量子校核。结果表明:4种南瓜的净光合速率Pn日变化大体都呈现双曲线型,只是峰值出现的早晚,峰值大小有差异;最高峰出现在下午的15:30左右,次高峰出现在9-11:30,美洲南瓜(晶莹1号)第一峰值出现的最早;蒸腾速率E日变化也基本呈现双曲线型,不同栽培种之间有一定的差别,其中中国南瓜(太久秀丽)水分效率最高,黑籽南瓜最低。  相似文献   

齐玉学 《种子科技》2010,28(1):39-40
本文所指的黄籽南瓜品种(C.moschata D)是中国南瓜与中国南瓜的杂交种,种子呈土黄色,较小,不同于以前的白籽南瓜(印度南瓜与印度南瓜或印度南瓜与中国南瓜的杂交种,种子呈白色,较大),故称其为黄籽南瓜。黄籽南瓜是黄瓜嫁接专用砧木,嫁接黄瓜亲和性好,嫁接后的商品黄瓜光亮,无蜡粉.明显提高黄瓜商品性,优于黑籽南瓜、白籽南瓜、葫芦等砧木,深受菜农欢迎。现将其制种技术介绍如下:  相似文献   

南瓜种质资源遗传多态性的ISSR分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
本研究应用ISSR分子标记技术对85份南瓜种质资源进行遗传多样性分析。结果显示:从100条ISSR引物中筛选出12条引物进行PCR扩增,共获得条带125条,多态性占115条,10条条带为所有南瓜品种所共有,平均每个引物的条带数为10.42条,多态性比例为92%。通过Ntsys2.10e软件计算出85份南瓜资源的遗传相似系数0.384 0~1.000 0之间。通过聚类分析将所收集的南瓜品种分为三类:分别是美洲南瓜、中国南瓜和印度南瓜,其中亲缘关系较近的是中国南瓜和美洲南瓜,中国南瓜和美洲南瓜与印度南瓜的亲缘关系均比较远。本研究为南瓜种质资源的保护、利用及新品种的培育提供了科学依据。  相似文献   

1 选育过程1999年以齐齐哈尔中国南瓜为母本与喀左县地方中国南瓜进行杂交,经6年7代的自交分离和系统选育,2007年选育出符合育种目标要求的加工用南瓜新品种朝南1号.1998年在从齐齐哈尔市购进的中国南瓜中,选择7个瓜形正、个大、颜色好、无病斑的瓜留种.1999年在朝阳大地农产品加工有限公司试验地中,以齐齐哈尔中国南瓜为母本与喀左县地方中国南瓜进行杂交,获得种瓜47个,选择7个瓜形正、个大、颜色好、无病斑的瓜留种.2000年播种粒数1 000粒,成苗785株,选择100株扎花戴帽单株授粉,获得果实73个,从73个南瓜中选择7个瓜形正、个大、颜色好、无病斑的瓜留种.  相似文献   

贾世杰  班永梅 《种子科技》2003,21(6):362-363
根据南瓜的植物学性状鉴别,以产地命名可分为美国南瓜、中国南瓜和印度南瓜三种。美国南瓜又叫西葫芦、角瓜,以矮生者为多。印度南瓜又叫笋瓜、冬南瓜等,中国南瓜又叫窝瓜,两者均为茎蔓生,不同点是一般前者比后者长势旺,叶大果大种子大。这三种南瓜除整枝技术稍有不同外,其制种技术基本相同。这里只对茎蔓生的中国、印度南瓜制种作一简介。外界环境的要求.1温度南瓜是喜温的蔬菜作物,但与西瓜、甜瓜比较,对温度要求不严格,同时能耐潮湿,故适应地区较广。中国南瓜最适生长温度为18~20℃,印度南瓜适宜生长温度为15~29℃。种子在13℃以上才能…  相似文献   

1 品种来源:由榆次市蔬菜良种场和山西省种子公司1982年用印度南瓜类型的P_1作母本、当地农家种峪头(自交系)作父本杂交选育而成的杂交一代种,原名“P_1×峪头”。1993年经山西省农作物品种审定委员会审定通过,定名为晋南瓜1号。  相似文献   

中国南瓜F_1砧木对黄瓜嫁接苗生长的影响   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
用前期试验筛选出的较耐盐的中国南瓜F1360-3×112-2、077-2×112-2、360-3×635-1为黄瓜砧木,用生产上常用的黄瓜砧木黑籽南瓜作对照,以津春2号黄瓜品种为接穗,采用靠接法和插接法在温室营养钵育苗条件下,研究中国南瓜F1作为黄瓜砧木的嫁接亲合性和对嫁接苗生长的影响。结果表明,中国南瓜F1幼苗由于下胚轴较细,嫁接成活率比黑籽南瓜低,采用插接法嫁接成活率优于靠接法。嫁接20 d后360-3×112-2和360-3×635-1作砧木的嫁接苗单株叶片数、最大叶片面积、根系和地上部鲜质量不低于黑籽南瓜嫁接苗,因此具备作为黄瓜砧木的基本条件,其中360-3×112-2嫁接苗根冠比较高,幼苗健壮,适宜作为黄瓜砧木在生产中使用。  相似文献   

Heterosis in growth and photosynthetic rate in hybrids of cotton   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Summary The intraspecific (Gossipium hirsutum) and interspecific (G. hirsutum x G. barbadense) F1 hybrids of cotton were found to exhibit a high degree of heterosis in the production of fruiting branches, number of bolls (fruits), yield of seed cotton and photosynthetic rates over the parent plants. The developing bolls of the hybrids had significantly higher weights than their parents until the 20th day after anthesis. The patterns of leaf area development among interspecific hybrids differed when compared with the parent plants. The photosynthetic rates of the hybrids were comparable with those of maize and sorghum and much higher than the average rate reported so far for the cotton plant.  相似文献   

以含有Mi-3抗根结线虫基因的秘鲁番茄(Lycopersicon peruvianum)LA2823为父本,栽培番茄(Lycopersicon esculentum)高代优良自交系为母本,授粉后20~30d摘取幼果。将从幼果中分离出的直径大于2mm的胚珠放置在营养分化培养基上培养。2~4周后胚芽、胚根分别由两端伸出。培养的胚珠还可以通过体细胞胚发生途径产生胚芽。获得的种间杂种对根结线虫的抗性表型与野生种父本完全相同,在植物学性状上亦与其父本秘鲁番茄更相近。以栽培番茄为母本进行回交,成熟果实与母本相似,但其种子即使放置在MS培养基上也不能萌发。对回交种子胚败育现象进行了探讨。  相似文献   

棉花海陆杂交纤维品质性状遗传参数分析   总被引:2,自引:2,他引:0  
为了研究棉花海陆杂交纤维品质性状的遗传规律,本试验采用5个陆地棉品种(系)作母本与5个海岛棉品种(系)杂交,配制25个杂交组合,随机区组试验设计,重复2次。主要检测杂交种F1代纤维品质性状,以小区平均数进行相应的方差分析及遗传参数估计。结果表明:陆地棉亲本间变异除马克隆值外,其他纤维品质性状均差异显著或极显著,而海岛棉亲本间除伸长率外,其他性状均存在显著或极显著差异;各纤维品质性状双亲互作效应均不显著。另外,遗传参数结果表明:绒长、比强度和马克隆值的遗传变异系数与表型变异系数变化趋势基本吻合,且均大于环境变异系数。整齐度和伸长率的遗传变异系数均小于环境变异系数,说明整齐度和伸长率的变异中环境因素的作用不容忽视。绒长、比强度和马克隆值的广义遗传率较高,在采用海陆杂交改良棉花纤维品质性状时,适宜在早代选择优异株系。  相似文献   

Interspecific F1 hybrids were obtained from a cross between Cucumis sativus L. (2n = 2x = 14) and C. hystrix Chakr. (2n = 2x = 24). Controlled crossing resulted in fruit containing embryos which were excised and rescued on a Murashige and Skoog solid medium. A total of 59 vigorous plants were obtained from a fruit containing 159 embryos (37.3% regeneration rate). Hybrid plants were morphologically uniform. The multiple branching habit, densely brown hairs (especially on corolla and pistil), orange-yellow collora, and ovate fruit of F1 hybrid plants were similar to that of the C. hystrix paternal parent. While appearance of the first pistillate flower was more similar to that of C. sativus maternal parent than to C. hystrix, staminate flower appearance was mid-parent in occurence. The diameter and internode length of stem, shape and size of leaves and flowers were intermediate when compared to the parents. An elongated green, trilobate style/stigma which was not apparent in either parent was observed in staminate flowers of F1 plants. Similarly, the style/stigma of pistillate flower of F1 plants were longger when compared to their parents. The brown pubescence observed on pistillate flowers of the F1 and C. hystrix was not observed on the C. sativus parent. The somatic chromosome number of F1 plants was 19. Two morphologically distinct groups of chromosomes were observed in the F1 hybrid; 7 relatively large chromosomes characteristic of C. sativus, and 12 smaller chromosomes characteristic of C. hystrix. Analysis of malate dehydrogenase isozyme banding patterns provided additional comfirmation of hybridity. Reciprocal crossing of F1 plants to either parent and self-crossing indicated that the hybrids were male and female sterile. This revised version was published online in July 2006 with corrections to the Cover Date.  相似文献   

We report in this paper primary studies on interspecific species of cotton vis GISH (genomic in situ hybridization).We use interspecific triploid hybrids (F1 from hybridization of allotetraploid cultivated species with diploid A,D,or C genome species) and two cultivated tetraploids to study the chromosome paring during meiosis of pollen mother cellls (PMCs) and to estimate the consequences on synapsis between these three subgenomes after synthetic polyploid formation.  相似文献   

M. Dujardin  W. W. Hanna 《Euphytica》1988,38(3):229-235
Summary An interspecific hybridization program designed to transfer gene(s) controlling apomixis from Pennisetum squamulatum Fresen. (2n=6x=54) to induced tetraploid (2n=4x=28) cultivated pearl millet, Pennisetum americanum (L.) Leeke resulted in four offtype plants, two with 27 chromosomes and two with 28 chromosomes. These plants were found among 217 spaced plants established from open-pollinated seed of an apomictic 21-chromosome polyhaploid (2n=21) plant derived from an apomictic interspecific hybrid (2n=41) between tetraploid pearl millet and Pennisetum squamulatum. It appeared that a 21- (or 20-) chromosome unreduced egg from the apomictic polyhaploid united with a 7-chromosome pearl millet (2n=2x=14) gamete to produce a 28- (or 27-) chromosome offspring. Meiotic chromosome behavior was irregular averaging from 3.60 to 4.05 bivalents per microsporocyte in the 27- and 28-chromosome hybrids. The 27- or 28-chromosome hybrids, like the 21-chromosome female parent, shed no pollen, but set from 1.8 to 28 seed per panicle when allowed to outcross with pearl millet. Progeny of the 28-chromosome hybrids were uniform and identical to their respective female parents, indicating that apomixis had been effectively transferred through the egg. In addition, a 56-chromosome plant resulting from chromosome doubling of a 28-chromosome hybrid was identified. Pollen was 68 per cent stainable and the plant averaged 2.3 selfed seeds per panicle. Chromosomes of the 56-chromosome plant paired as bivalents (x=10.67) or associated in multivalents. Three to nine chromosomes remained unpaired at metaphase I. Multiple four-nucleate embryo sacs indicated the 56-chromosome hybrid was an obligate apomict. The production of 27-, 28-, and 56-chromosome hybrid derivatives were the results of interspecific hybridization, haploidization, fertilization of unreduced apomictic eggs, and spontaneous chromosome doubling. These mechanisms resulted in new unique genome combinations between x=7 and x=9 Pennisetum species.  相似文献   

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