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大理州是云南省最大的蚕豆生产基地,常年鲜食蚕豆播种面积2万余hm^(2),霜降(10月23~24日)前后,水稻收割结束后开沟理墒点播,总产值突破12亿元。蚕豆种植已由过去传统的以收干籽粒为主的低效产业转变为以收鲜豆荚为主的中高效益产业,形成了规模大、上档次的新型农业支柱产业。  相似文献   

为提高蚕豆种植的产量水平和经济效益,促进大理州蚕豆产业发展,从云南省内引进蚕豆优势品种9个进行品比试验研究。结果表明,08174-1-1-1、 10075-1-1-1、彝豆5号3个品种,每667 m^(2)产量328.8~353.9 kg居前3位,比CK1增产112.1~137.2 kg;比CK2增产20.0~45.1 kg。这3个品种株高中等,单株实荚数多,荚果、籽粒中等偏大,结实粒高,具有明显的丰产特性,综合性状优良,可选作大理州的生产用种示范推广种植。且3个品种进入花期早,结荚也早,作早鲜食蚕豆栽培能创造较高的经济收入。  相似文献   

蚕豆是我国部分地区冬季主要农作物,传统栽培条件下蚕豆产量低、效益低。本文介绍了蚕豆品种、高效栽培技术及产品开发等方面研究进展,通过构建蚕豆产业链以促进蚕豆产业发展。  相似文献   

试验对蚕豆蚜虫种群数量在蚕豆生育期间的变化规律及温湿度等气候因子对蚕豆蚜虫种群数量关系进行分析。结果表明:蚕豆蚜虫的种群动态随季节性消长的趋势呈双峰型,蚜虫发生期可分为零星发生期、缓增期、激增期和衰退期等4个阶段;在影响蚕豆蚜虫的种群动态的气候因子中,温度与湿度是影响蚕豆蚜虫种群消长的主要因素,其中温度与蚕豆蚜虫种群消长呈正相关,而相对湿度与蚕豆蚜虫种群消长呈负相关。  相似文献   

蚕豆,又名罗汉豆、胡豆、川豆,我国南北方均有种植。内含丰富的蛋白质、淀粉和维生素,可开发出多种蚕豆系列食品。1 兰花豆将蚕豆放在60℃的温水中浸泡至软,剪破、晒干,放进油锅炸至黄熟,和上精盐末,即成香脆可口、独具风味、人人喜爱的兰花豆。2 爆蚕豆将蚕豆放入爆花机,并加入盐或糖精,经加热膨爆,就可爆出香酥可口,咸甜适宜的爆蚕豆。3 膨化蚕豆以蚕豆、糖精为原料,经过膨化成蚕豆膨化条,可作为一种快捷的方便食品。4 茴香蚕豆将蚕豆放入温水中浸泡,待刚长出嫩芽时,加茴香、精盐、味精等调味料火煮熟。即可成佐…  相似文献   

《蚕豆栽培技术》蚕豆是粮、饲、菜、肥兼用的豆科作物,不仅在粮食生产上,而且在耕作制度上占有重要地位。我国蚕豆种植面积居世界首位,蚕豆在我国有着悠久的栽培历史。农业出版社1986年8月出版的《蚕豆栽培技术》一书介绍了蚕豆的生物学特性,蚕豆的主要品种及其在我国分布,并着重阐述了蚕豆的栽培技术,包括播种、灌溉、施肥、整枝、病虫害防治、留种和间、套、轮作等内容,还扼要地论述了春蚕豆和绿肥蚕豆的栽培要点。该书由金桓先编著,全书共5.2万字,定价0.42元。  相似文献   

以花椰菜和蚕豆为试材,在夏季高山条件下,进行花椰菜单作、花椰菜间作蚕豆、单作蚕豆的试验,研究间作生态系统的照度、湿度、温度、CO2环境、作物产量、作物品质,为合理开发高山资源,构建高效的豆科-十字花科蔬菜间作生态系统提供参考。结果表明:间作蚕豆会降低花椰菜生长环境的照度,同时提高花椰菜生长环境的CO2浓度;在采收时发现间作蚕豆会降低花椰菜的产量、品质、生物学产量,但会提高蚕豆的产量。通过产量、收入的比较,发现单作花椰菜的收益最高为496.12元/小区,而间作蚕豆的收益均低于此;说明在生产花椰菜时间作蚕豆,从产量、品质、收益上均不可取。  相似文献   

蚕豆落花落荚原因分析及标准化栽培技术   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
<正>蚕豆是青海省的传统农作物,常年种植面积达40000公顷。青海蚕豆因籽粒大,饱满,色泽佳,蛋白质、糖分和多种维生素含量高而深受国内外市场青睐。但蚕豆落花落荚是限制我省蚕豆产量提高的重要因素之一。本文通过分析蚕豆落花落荚的原因,提出了落花落荚的预防措施和优质蚕豆的标准化栽培技  相似文献   

蚕豆,学名Vicia faba Linn,又称罗汉豆、胡豆、南豆、竖豆、佛豆,为豆科野豌豆属一年生草本植物。蚕豆是世界五大食用豆类作物之一,中国是种植蚕豆面积最大的国家[1],青海、甘肃和云南等是蚕豆主要种植地区。蚕豆种子呈扁平状,无荚果和卷须,与其他豆类作物存在明显差异[2]。蚕豆营养价值高,富含蛋白质、淀粉和微量元素,也含少量的脂质物质,可广泛应用于食品加工、饲料加工、药用等领域,研究蚕豆营养、药用、养生和加工等具有现实意义,对大健康产业发展具有添砖加瓦的战略意义。  相似文献   

杨敏 《上海蔬菜》2022,(1):84-85
青蚕豆是江苏省启东市农业主导产业“四青”作物之一。目前启东地区青蚕豆种植多为大棚春化早熟栽培,青豆荚上市早,种植效益高。随着青蚕豆栽培面积不断扩大,青蚕豆在启东地区已初步形成了规模化生产、产业化发展、品牌化经营的现代农业产业发展格局。该文介绍了启东地区大棚青蚕豆春化早熟栽培的生产现状,分析了存在的问题,提出了进一步加快青蚕豆产业发展的对策与建议。  相似文献   

AIM:To study the relation between expression of uPAR and annexinⅡ and fibrinolytic activity in various leukemic cell lines. METHODS:The plasma activity was measured under the reaction between cells of NB4, SHI-1, K562, Jurkat, Raji and plaminogen by chromogenic assay. The protein expressions of uPAR and annexinⅡin cells of NB4, SHI-1, K562, Jurkat, Raji were detected by flow cytometry method. The mRNA expressions of uPAR and annexinⅡin cells of NB4, SHI-1, K562, Jurkat, Raji were detected by RT-PCR. RESULTS:The plasma activity in SHI-1 cells and NB4 cells were higher obviously than that in Raji, K562 and Jurkat cells. The protein expression ratio of uPAR and annexinⅡ in NB4 cells were (13.15±1.61)% and (95.97±1.19)%, respectively, they were (99.00±0.26)%, (90.35±2.15)% respectively in SHI-1 cells, and they were lower in K562, Jurkat, Raji cells. The expression of annexinⅡ mRNA in NB4 cells was higher than that in SHI-1 cells, and they were undectectable in K562 and Jurkat cells. The expression of uPAR mRNA in NB4 and SHI-1 cells were higher than that in Jurkat and K562 cells. The expression of uPAR mRNA in Raji cells was undectectable. CONCLUSION:The primary hyperfibrinolysis in leucocythemia cells was observed, and relation was closely with the expression of annexinⅡ. It might be the main reason for bleeding and disseminated intravascular coagulation in patients with acute promyelocytic leukemia and acute monocytic leukemia.  相似文献   


The impact of methyl bromide (MB) phase-out on important fruit and nursery industries in the EU (2005/2008) has been significant. Under EU Regulation 1107/2009, MB fumigant alternatives 1,3-dichloropropene and chloropicrin were also phased out (in 2010 and 2013, respectively) while dazomet, metam sodium, and potassium were re-approved with crucial restrictions of rates and years of application. However, currently an EU Member State may authorize use of these phased-out fumigants for 120 days/year. This exemption has been used for strawberry (fruit and nursery production) and other crops in Spain, Italy, Belgium, France, UK, Cyprus, Malta, and Greece in recent years. To provide an update of the current situation, a comprehensive survey of 41 European and other industries has been completed. Most of them use crop rotation as the main pest management solution. Non-chemical solutions, in particular soilless cultivation, are important in the UK, Ireland, France, the Netherlands, and Belgium. Chemical fumigation is still important in Spain, Italy, Morocco, Turkey, France, and Belgium.  相似文献   

AIM:To investigate the silencing effect of fas siRNA to alleviate ischemic-reperfusion (I/R) injury in liver transplantation. METHODS:Three pairs of 21-nt synthesized fas siRNAs were transfected into BRL cells respectively for evaluation of silence efficacy, and the most effective fas siRNA was chosen in vivo for experiment. In cold preservation experiment, siRNA was transfected in vivo by hydrodynamics method. After 48 h, livers of fas siRNA group and control group were harvested and cold preserved, and cell apoptosis and fas expression was evaluated at 2, 4 and 6 h. Orthotopic liver transplantation was performed in fas siRNA group and blank control group. At 1, 3, 6, 12 and 24 h after transplantation, blood and liver samples were collected for evaluation of serum ALT levels, Fas protein and mRNA expression, and apoptosis by TUNEL staining. RESULTS:fas siRNA2, which began at nt 315, inhibited fas gene expression much more than other siRNAs. As to cold preservation, apoptosis index (AI) and fas expression in fas siRNA group was lower than that in control group at each checked point (P<0.01). At 1, 3, 6, 12, and 24 h after blood reperfusion of liver transplantation, the serum ALT level in fas siRNA group was much less than that in control group. The cell apoptosis in fas siRNA group was substantially decreased, and the expressions of fas mRNA and protein were dramatically reduced. CONCLUSION:fas-mediated apoptosis plays an important role in I/R injury of rat liver transplantation. Silencing fas by siRNA holds therapeutic promise to limit I/R injury.  相似文献   

盐胁迫对几种叶菜生理生化指标的影响   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
原红娟  陈丽 《北方园艺》2011,(24):52-54
以油菜、生菜、茼蒿的种子为试材,采用室内营养液栽培的方法,分别研究了0、40、80、120 mmol/L NaCl、KCl胁迫下对其生理生化指标的影响.结果表明:在NaCl、KCl胁迫下,随处理浓度的增加,油菜的SOD活性是先升后降,生菜与茼蒿的SOD活性均呈先降后升;POD活性茼蒿是先升后降,油菜与生菜均呈先降后升;MDA活性油菜呈先升后降,生菜呈先降后升.  相似文献   

AIM and METHODS:To investigate the effect of L-arginine -nitric oxide pathway on patients with essential hypertension via hemodynamics and neuroendocrinology. 24 essential hypertension patients were randomly divided into two groups, group I was given L-Arg, and groups Ⅱ was given normal saline as control. Blood pressure, heart rate, heart funtion, nitric oxide, angiotensinⅡ, endothelin, thromboxane A2 and prostacyline were measure in all patients. RESULTS: In group Ⅰ arterial pressure decreased, heart rate increased, cardial output, systolic volume and eject fraction increased, total peripheral resistance decreased. NO and PGI2 levels were inceased. But at 80 min , with NO concentration decreased, SBP,DBP were increased, TPR, FT and AngⅡ were also increased. While HR, CO, SV and EF were decreased. However TXA2 and PGI2 showed not much change. CONCLUSION: Exogenous L-arginine produced a vasodilatory effect by increasing NO production ,caused the change of other hemodynamic function . It also indirectly changed plasma ET, AngⅡlevels by negative feed-back and suppressed the accumulation of platelet.  相似文献   

AIM: To study the expression of cytokines and their receptors in leukemia cell lines and normal blood cells. METHODS: RT-PCR was used to detect expression of mRNA for cytokines in leukemia cell lines(HL-60,U937,K562,HEL,DAMI,MEG-01,HUT78 and CA) and normal blood cells, including CD34+ cells, megakaryocytes,platelets, peripheral mononucleates cells and granulocytes. RESULTS: ①CD34+ cells simultaneously expressed mRNA for IL-1(α,β),IL-3, IL-6 , G-CSF, GM-CSF and their receptors and SCFR,MPL as well. The granulocytes only expressed IL-6,IL-6R,G-CSFR,GM-CSF. Megakaryocytes and platelets only expressed IL-3R,IL-6,IL-6R,MPL.Interestingly, TGFβ1 ,TNFα and their receptors sustained to express in normal cells.②Most leukemia cell lines were found to simultaneously express at least two or more stimulating cytokines and receptors ,while TGFβ 1 , TNFα and their receptors were expressed in all the leukemia cell lines we observed. CONCLUSIONS: ①Multi-autocrine loops exist in leukemia cells;②Imbalance of autocrine loops of positive and negative cytokines may be related to leukemia.  相似文献   

AIM: To observe the effect of mesenteric lymph duct ligation on free radical and inflammatory mediator in serious hemorrhagic shock rats at different periods, and explore the mechanism of intestinal lymphatic pathway on renal insufficiency. METHODS: 78 male Wistar rats were divided into the sham group, shock group, and ligation group. The model of serious hemorrhagic shock was established in shock group, ligation group, and mesenteric lymph was blocked by ligating mesenteric lymph duct in ligation group after resuscitating. All rats were executed and kidneys were taken out for making homogenate of 10 percent to determine levels of MDA, SOD, NO, NOS, tumor necrosis factor-alpha (TNF-α), interleukin-6 (IL-6) and myeloperoxidase (MPO) at time points after shock 90 min, after transfusion and resuscitate 0 h, 1 h, 3 h, 6 h, 12 h and 24 h. The expression of inducible nitric oxide synthase (iNOS) mRNA in kindey was detected by RT-PCR. RESULTS: The contents of MDA, NO, NOS, TNF-α, IL-6, MPO and iNOS expressions in renal homogenate of shock group were increased after transfusion and resuscitation, and were higher at 6 h and 12 h, and was significantly higher than that in sham group. The acvitity of SOD was significantly lower than that in sham group (P<0.01, P<0.05). The contents of MDA, NO, NOS, TNF-α, IL-6, MPO and iNOS expression in renal homogenate of ligation group after transfusion and resuscitation 6 h, 12 h and 24 h were significantly lower than those in shock group at same points, and the SOD activity was higher (P<0.01, P<0.05). CONCLUSION: The results demonstrate that the ligation of mesenteric lymph duct can antagonise the development of renal failure in serious hemorrhagic shock rats, and its mechanism might relate to reduce the PMN sequestration, decrease the levels of TNF-α and IL-6, inhibit NO production and expression of iNOS mRNA, suppress the release of free radical and consumption of SOD.  相似文献   

为了解决张掖地区温室蔬菜因长期施用化肥而品质下降的问题,在连续8年种植蔬菜的温室内进行有机废料生态肥还田对土壤环境质量及番茄品质和效益影响的研究.结果表明:随着有机废料生态肥施用量的增加,番茄产量在递增,而每千克肥料增产量和肥料投资效率在递减.有机废料生态肥施肥量为50.00 t/h m2时,施肥利润达到最大值;有机废...  相似文献   

大樱桃成熟期早、酸甜适口、营养丰富,深受消费者青睐。迁安市大樱桃栽培发展较快,但大樱桃对立地条件要求较高,极性生长强且顶端优势明显,加之果农疏于管理,导致大樱桃树冠徒长、难以如期开花结果。鉴于大樱桃怕旱、怕涝、怕风、怕黏、怕盐、怕碱,极性生长强,顶端优势明显,以及树体高大难以开花结果等特点,本文从大樱桃露地栽培园地的选择、规划整地、品种和苗木的选择、苗木的栽植、整形修剪、肥水管理、花期管理和病虫害防治等方面分析了大樱桃露地栽培技术,以期提高大樱桃种植的产量、质量和经济效益。  相似文献   

Urban green spaces provide important ecological, environmental, and cultural benefits, including biodiversity conservation and human wellbeing. However, a significant portion of urban green space is currently managed as highly manicured grassy lawns that provide limited ecosystem services. Managing urban green spaces as diverse meadows can have a multitude of ecosystem benefits such as biodiversity conservation, stormwater infiltration, and aesthetics. Relatively little is known about the range of ecosystem services or disservices in managing urban green spaces as lawns versus meadows. In this paper, we separately characterize three major categories of ecosystem services and disservices (provisioning, regulation and maintenance, and cultural) delivered by urban lawns and meadows while highlighting several trade-offs and synergies associated with urban lawn and meadow management strategies. Additionally, we suggest specific research priorities to better evaluate ecosystem services and disservices across these urban green spaces. Understanding ecological, environmental, and cultural trade-offs and synergies of managing different urban green spaces is key to maintaining multiple ecosystem services in urban environments.  相似文献   

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