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驴精液的低温冷冻保存技术及应用源于20世纪60年代末,且发展非常缓慢。文章概述了近年来驴精液低温冷冻过程中所用到的单层密度梯度离心法、稀释液配方以及人工授精技术等对母驴(马)受胎率的影响,旨在为驴精液冷冻保存技术和提高其受胎率的研究提供科学参考。  相似文献   

驴的精液冷冻保存技术是在马的基础上逐渐发展起来的,特别在近十年来,有关研究明显增多,在诸多方面取得了积极的成果。文章主要以驴精液冷冻保存技术环节的发展为侧重点,就其研究成果进行了总结。  相似文献   

随着牛冷冻精液在生产实践中的广泛应用,马、驴冷冻精液的试验研究,近年来进展也较快。为了提高优良种畜利用率,提高畜群改良效果和经济效益,使科学技术转化为生产力,我站于1979年开始试搞马、驴精  相似文献   

马驴塑料细管冻精直肠把握输精王希平于香玲张敏(黑龙江省家畜繁育指导站,150060)在马驴颗粒浓缩精液的基础上,我们经进一步研究,试验,推出新剂型马驴塑料细管浓缩冷冻精液。经几年的实际应用,情期受胎率达65%以上,获得满意的效果。1.剂型0.5ml、...  相似文献   

马,驴精液的低温贮存   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
马、驴精液的低温贮存王希平王力波张宇明(黑龙江省家畜繁育指导站150060)张立波(克东县医监督所马、驴精液稀释及低温贮存是将精液采集后,用稀释液将精液进行1∶1~3稀释后,分别装入5ml的安瓶内(青霉素瓶),经封闭后,置入0~5℃的冰箱中贮存。精子...  相似文献   

本文对不同品种的马和驴精液冷冻效果做了初步观察,并对制作颗粒冷冻精液的方法,注意问题和试验结果介绍如下。一、不同品种马和驴冷冻精液保存效果一九八一年,选出苏重挽2匹、铁挽3匹、卡巴金1匹、苏高血2匹;关中驴5匹。除一  相似文献   

精液冷冻技术在驴种质资源的长期保存和引进以及人工辅助繁殖技术应用等方面具有重要意义,精液冷冻保存有利于充分发挥优秀种公驴的繁殖力,降低驴养殖产业的生产成本。近年来,驴精液冷冻保护剂和冷冻方法不断优化,驴精液冷冻保存技术也取得了很大的进步。但由于驴冷冻复苏的精子活力和受胎率低,严重限制了驴冷冻精液的推广与应用。本文对驴精液冷冻保存技术的发展历程、精子冷冻损伤机制、影响驴精液冷冻保存的因素和驴冷冻精液的应用进行综述,为今后驴精液冷冻保存技术的研究提供参考。  相似文献   

镇赉县自1982年以来在部分乡和国营畜牧场推广应用了马(驴)冷冻精液配种技术,收到了比较满意的效果。据统计:1982年在县种马场共配9匹,受胎8匹;1983年增设了八处冷冻精液配种站,受配343匹,受胎257,受胎率达74.93%;1984年发展了22处冷冻精液配种站,受配1,323匹,受胎1,006匹,受胎率达76.03%。为全县普及推广马(驴)冷冻精液配种摸索出一条新的途径。几年来的生产实践证明,只要配种技术员技术过硬,有符合规格的冷冻精液,在农村普遍实行家庭承包责任制之后,应  相似文献   

镇赉县九龙山种马场于1982年开始使用德惠种马场的马冷冻精液进行配种,输精九匹,受胎八匹,受胎率达88.8%。而后,于1983年开始试行马(驴)冷冻精液配种。现将配种效果整理如下:  相似文献   

与牛和猪不同,驴的人工授精技术并不成熟,即使与同属动物的马相比也有不小的差距。但不管怎样,近年来由于人们对身体保健以及阿胶类驴保健产品的重视,使得包括驴人工授精技术在内的研究明显增多,也取得一些成果。文章综述了驴的精液稀释液、输精时间、输精次数和间隔时间、输精量和有效精子数以及输精部位等方面的研究成果,以期为驴养殖业的发展提供一定帮助。  相似文献   

Sperm DNA fragmentation (sDF) is an important parameter to assessing sperm quality. Information about sperm quality is not available for donkeys, especially in some breeds at risk of extinction. The objectives of this research were to test the four commercial variants of sperm chromatin dispersion test (SCD; sperm Halomax test), originally developed to assess sDF in boars, bulls, rams and stallions, in order to scrutinize their applicability in the study of sDF in a donkey breed at risk of extinction (Zamorano-Leonesa), for which there is no specific test available to analyze sperm at present. Only the SCD test, originally developed for stallions, produced stable and consistent results, and was deemed suitable to assess DNA fragmentation in sperm samples from donkeys. Image analysis was used to compare differences between the SCD methodology applied to stallion and donkey semen samples processed under the same experimental conditions. The extent of SCD in the SCD test was approximately 20% lower in donkey sperm than in stallion sperm. Yet, the ratio of chromatin sperm dispersion achieved in fragmented and unfragmented nuclei did not differ significantly between species. These data suggest that a similar protein depletion treatment can cause differences in protein removal in equivalent cells from different species and that sperm chromatin may be organized differently in stallions and donkeys.  相似文献   

马精液冷冻保存技术研究进展   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
马精液冷冻保存是一种将种公马精液加入抗冻保护剂,再进行一系列处理,最后保存在超低温中(液氮、干冰)的技术。近年来该技术随着马冷冻精液在许多国家马匹繁殖育种中逐渐应用而得到了较好的发展。作者综述了马精液冷冻保存技术的精液稀释、离心、再稀释、降温平衡、分装剂型、降温冷冻、液氮保存的研究进展,旨在对马精液冷冻保存技术的进一步研究提供一定的参考,以期推动中国现代马业的健康可持续发展。  相似文献   

A 7-year-old Quarter Horse stallion was admitted at the hospital with a history of ejaculatory failure for 12 months. The stallion revealed no physical or psychological abnormalities, as well as, normal libido and erection. In addition, there were no abnormalities in accessory sex glands or the aorta artery detected by transrectal ultrasonography. Based on clinical findings, the stallion was diagnosed with an idiopathic ejaculatory dysfunction; therefore, alternative attempts of semen collection were performed. Thermal compress on the basis of the stallion’s penis, semen collection on the ground, and imipramine hydrochloride treatment were performed unsuccessfully. However, a protocol consisted by the association of imipramine (3 mg/kg/v.o.), detomidine (0.02 mg/kg/i.v.), and oxytocin (20 U.I./i.v.) successfully produced ejaculation in this stallion. The semen obtained from ex copula ejaculation of the stallion was collected using a collector cup lined with a plastic bag, which was positioned over the prepuce of the stallion. Semen with good sperm quality (87% of total motility) was obtained using the proposed protocol. Semen was then processed for cryopreservation and post-thawed semen samples presented satisfactory sperm parameters. In conclusion, the association of imipramine, detomidine, and oxytocin can be considered for ex copula semen collection in stallions.  相似文献   

A 3-year-old Quarter Horse stallion was presented for evaluation of potential fertility. An impairment in spermatogenesis was suspected as the stallion produced semen with reduced percentages of progressively motile and morphologically normal spermatozoa. In addition, when semen was collected daily from the stallion, daily spermatozoal output (DSO) was found to be below normal. Semen from this stallion also contained spherical cells of unknown origin. The following report describes the identification of these cells as degenerating spermatids by the use of light and electron microscopy.  相似文献   

马精液中存在相对稳定的氧自由基(ROS)产生和清除系统,当精液经离心去除精清后,稳定的系统遭到破坏。马精液冷冻和解冻过程不能有效的清除ROS,将导致解冻后精子各项生理功能的下降,直接影响冻精的质量,而添加外源性的抗氧化剂则可以重新使精液的ROS产生和清除达到平衡。作者综述了马精液中精子细胞、白细胞ROS的产生系统和精液GSH-PX、CAT、SOD、VA、VE等对ROS的清除系统,旨在对人们研究马精液冷冻保存时精子中ROS的损伤机理研究提供一定的帮助。  相似文献   

[目的]:对比分析各类型稀释液对驴冷冻精子活力、畸形率的影响,根据冻精解冻效果,筛选出适合驴精子冷冻的最佳稀释液,最适宜稀释比例,为驴冷冻精液研发提供参考。[方法]:实验共计14 d,采集6头种公驴精液,每份原精均分为3等份,分别用3种稀释液稀释,从而选取最优稀释液;按1∶0.75、1∶1.5、1∶3、1∶6不同比例混合最优稀释液与蒸馏水,每份原精均分为4等份,对应不同浓度稀释液分别进行稀释、封装、冷冻,检测冻精子活力和畸形率。[结果]:普蒂迪尔公牛稀释液、特里拉迪尔公猪稀释液、仙女座马稀释液三种稀释液中,特里拉迪尔公猪稀释液在配伍比例(稀释液与蒸馏水比值)为1∶3时,冷冻过程中能明显降低驴精子的畸形率,提升精子活力,能最大限度保存驴精子生殖功能。  相似文献   

OBJECTIVE: To compare the effect of semen extender and seminal plasma on postthaw motility and filtration through a glass wool-Sephadex (GWS) filter for frozen stallion semen. SAMPLE POPULATION: 7 stallions from which we collected > or = 3 ejaculates/stallion. PROCEDURES: 4 experiments were conducted to evaluate postthaw quality of frozen stallion semen. Kenney extender was compared with glucose-EDTA extender by use of various dilution rates that resulted in differing concentrations of seminal plasma. Stallions known to produce semen with poor postthaw quality were used to investigate whether a particular extender or dilution rate could improve ability of such semen to survive freeze-thaw procedures. RESULTS: Use of Kenney extender as the centrifugation extender significantly improved postthaw motility and GWS filtration, compared with glucose-EDTA. Extending semen at a dilution of 1:3 was significantly better than 1:1 for both motility and GWS filtration. In addition, including seminal plasma at a concentration of 5% in the cryopreserved semen resulted in significantly higher yield of spermatozoa after GWS filtration, compared with complete removal of SP or use of seminal plasma at 25%. Lastly, semen with poor postthaw quality had significantly improved postthaw quality in regard to motility and GWS filtration when semen was frozen with seminal plasma at a concentration of 5%, compared with semen frozen with seminal plasma at a concentration of 25%. CONCLUSIONS AND CLINICAL RELEVANCE: Use of Kenney extender at a high dilution (> or = 1:3) immediately after collection of semen can improve postthaw quality of frozen stallion semen.  相似文献   

REASONS FOR PERFORMING STUDY: A method of removing equine arteritis virus (EAV) from equine semen used for artificial insemination is urgently needed. Recent medical studies suggest that a double semen processing technique of density gradient centrifugation followed by a 'swim-up' can provide virus-free sperm preparations for assisted reproduction. OBJECTIVES: To investigate the use of the double semen processing technique to obtain virus-free sperm preparations from stallion semen containing EAV. METHODS: Aliquots of an ejaculate from an uninfected stallion were spiked with virus and processed by the double processing technique. The sperm preparations were tested by PCR for the presence of EAV. The procedure was repeated using an ejaculate from a known shedding stallion, testing processed and unprocessed aliquots by PCR and virus isolation. RESULTS: Virus-free sperm preparations were obtained using the double sperm processing technique. The 'swim-up' step is apparently required to ensure complete virus removal. CONCLUSIONS: The double semen processing technique is potentially a useful and simple tool for the removal of EAV from the semen of shedding stallions. POTENTIAL RELEVANCE: The inclusion of density gradient centrifugation and 'swim-up' in protocols for the processing of semen for artificial insemination could help prevent the transmission of viral diseases carried in semen, such as EAV.  相似文献   

A 6‐year‐old Warmblood stallion was admitted for semen collection and cryopreservation. On the seventh and subsequent collection days semen samples were contaminated with purulent debris. A diagnosis of seminal vesiculitis was made following ultrasonography and endoscopy of the seminal vesicles. The stallion was treated with systemic and topical antimicrobial therapy and, although this did not cure the condition, subsequent ejaculates were suitable for cryopreservation.  相似文献   

In this work, we studied retrospectively the influence of several factors on semen quality of the Spanish Purebred (SPB) stallion. Among these factors, we considered stallion age, season, and interval between two consecutive collections. The semen was collected from 11 SPB stallions (634 ejaculates). Semen quality was evaluated based on volume, concentration, and motility of the ejaculates. Results showed that the semen collected in autumn and winter was more concentrated in comparison with that collected in spring and summer, when the volume of ejaculate was the highest. Those ejaculates collected from younger stallions were characterized by having the smallest volume and the highest sperm concentration. When incorporating an SPB stallion into a program of artificial insemination, it is important to take into account all of these factors to achieve the maximum reproductive potential of the animal.  相似文献   

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