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目前在加快推进海峡西岸新农村建设的新形势下,闽台妇女农业合作面临着新的发展机遇,但是仍存在不少阻碍交流合作向纵深方向发展的问题。通过对闽台妇女农业合作的现状及障碍因素分析,提出积极搭建闽台妇女农业交流合作平台、对来闽投资农业的台湾妇女提供优惠政策并做好服务工作、建立稳定的闽台妇女农业合作机制等加强闽台妇女农业合作、推进海峡西岸新农村建设的若干建议。  相似文献   

闽台妇女合作平台建设问题研究   总被引:3,自引:1,他引:2  
闽台妇女间交流合作已成为闽台民间交流交往的重要组成部分,加强闽台妇女间合作具有重要意义。但受政治等因素的影响,仍存在不少阻碍交流合作向纵深方向发展的问题。文章通过对闽台妇女合作平台建设的SWOT分析与思考,提出了闽台妇女合作平台建设的总体思路。  相似文献   

本文在分析闽台农业合作和福建农业发展现状的基础上,提出通过构筑闽台农业生物技术产业的高端合作平台,深化闽台农业合作,促进福建现代化发展的战略构想。  相似文献   

通过总结闽台物流产业发展概况,探讨了闽台物流合作的现状,分析了闽台物流合作存在的问题,从增进两岸政治互信、引进先进的物流技术和管理经验、培养物流管理人才等方面提出促进闽台物流合作发展的对策思考。  相似文献   

为进一步促进闽台农业合作交流的深化,该文分别回顾了福建与台湾的产业技术联盟发展现状,简要总结闽台产学研合作概况,分析了闽台农业产业技术创新联盟合作的可行性,最后从加大政府政策保障、提升农业龙头企业规模等方面提出了促进闽台农业产业技术联盟合作的策略思考。  相似文献   

通过分析指出,资源禀赋的差异性是闽台农业合作的经济基础,27年来基于资源互补的合作模式实现了闽台农业双赢。通过对闽台农业发展现状的考察,指出高科技现代农业是发展闽台农业的共同路径选择。提出努力构建全方位高层次融合的战略合作模式,通过合作战略的转变来促进闽台农业合作向纵深方向发展,进而充分适应闽台农业现代化发展的时代要求。  相似文献   

深化闽台农业合作的战略转型思考   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
改革开放以来,基于资源互补型的闽台农业合作对推动闽台两地农业发展发挥了重要作用。当前,面对福建农业处于传统农业迈向现代农业的转型关口期以及台湾农业可持续发展需要拓展空间的形势,闽台农业合作战略的转变迫在眉睫。通过合作战略的转变来促进闽台农业合作向纵深方向发展,进而充分适应闽台农业现代化发展的时代要求。  相似文献   

深化闽台农业合作,促进海峡西岸现代农业发展   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1       下载免费PDF全文
论文阐述了现代农业发展与新农村建设、闽台农业合作与海峡西岸现代农业发展之间的内在联系;分析了闽台农业合作现状与合作模式;根据闽台农业资源比较优势与闽台区域农业比较优势,以未来的思维,从互补的视角提出了,要以"大农业"观念,延伸闽台农业合作的产业链,要从"多功能农业"的视角,拓展闽台农业合作空间,要加强闽台农民合作组织的交流与合作,注重人力资本的引进,要创新农地使用政策,切实保障农民土地权益,要营造良好投资环境,促进福建农业资本深化与现代农业发展等,进一步挖掘闽台农业合作潜力,创新闽台农业合作空间的途径与对策建议。  相似文献   

福建省具有特殊的地理位置及悠久的历史文化,是大陆与台湾经济、文化等交流与合作的前沿地区与重要平台。该文基于福建自贸区的建设分析了闽台经济贸易合作的现状及问题、福建自贸区的建设给闽台经济贸易合作带来的有利影响和机遇,并在此基础上提出应从创新贸易监督管理环境,促进自由贸易发展;扩大金融合作,引领金融开放;促进区内人员的自由流动等方面着手促进闽台经济贸易合作的进一步发展。  相似文献   

大陆与台湾的各方面交流一直在进行,体育文化的交流逐渐频繁,闽台两地的交流是一种融入在两岸体育文化中的交流。从高校合作的现状、体育课程设置、高校体育社团之间的交流、民间传统社团之间的交流四个方面指出闽台高校篮球交流与合作的基础,闽台文化渊源深厚、教育关系密切、体育发展同步是闽台高校篮球交流与合作的重要前提。并提出闽台高校篮球交流与合作的途径:发挥大陆篮球的优势,共同促进两地篮球运动的发展;加强闽台高校在课程教学和人才培养方面的合作;以篮球为纽带,带动文化的发展。  相似文献   

保护非物质文化遗产是一项长久的、系统的工作,需要非政府组织发挥巨大作用。非政府组织在非物质文化遗产保护中具有天时、地利、人和等优势,但目前,非政府组织也存在数量偏少、独立性不足、质量不高等问题,针对这些问题,应采用政府扶持、自身体制构建,加强宣传等措施,以促使非政府组织在非物质文化遗产保护中发挥更重要的作用。  相似文献   

随着全球化的发展, 国际非政府组织的影响力越来越大, 但对于其在国际法上的地位问题还存在着争议。本文通过对国际非政府组织的定义、发展历程和兴起原因、国际法上的地位三个方面进行分析, 认为国际非政府组织在一定范围和条件是可以成为国际法主体的, 应给予这些国际非政府组织国际法中的地位。  相似文献   

农村非政府组织是农村经济争农业生产发展的必然产物,随着新农村建设的逐步深入,农村非政府组织已成为新农村建设的重要力量.以南京市浦口区侯冲村"六会一组"为例,对农村非政府组织在新农村建设中主要功能及作用进行了分析,并对农村非政府组织在新农村建设中的地位和意义作了论述.可为农村非政府组织在我国新农村建设中发挥更好的作用提供借鉴参考.  相似文献   

采用1993-2014年中国31个省市的外商直接投资数据,利用了空间马尔可夫链方法和地理信息技术,研究了中国各省市外商直接投资的时空演化特征.按照FDI投资比重大小把各省市FDI演化特征划分为低、中低、中高和高4种类型,构建马尔可夫状态转移概率矩阵,利用空间Markov方法模拟了中国各省市FDI投资的时空演化过程.结果发现中国各省市FDI分布极不均衡,在1993-2002年期间主要分布在中国东部沿海地区,到2014年具有逐步向中西部转移的趋势.比较空间马尔可夫链的初始分布和极限分布发现,当处于低和中低状态时,极限概率小于初始概率,当处于中高和高状态时,极限概率大于初始概率;由此可以说明中国各省市FDI投资水平的提高正在稳步推进,而且FDI空间区位演化过程具有发散性.  相似文献   

Increasing attention has been given to participatory methods in agricultural research and rural development. Participatory Rural Appraisal (PRA) has become popular among nongovernmental organizations (NGOs) and applied researchers in development. This paper analyzes PRA with respect to its usefulness for NGOs, drawing upon the outcomes from two experimental PRA workshops conducted with a Chilean NGO. Emphasis is given to discussing farmer participation in PRA and its empowerment effects. It is argued that PRA is potentially empowering if it is situated within broader long-term social and political strategies guiding the interactions between rural community and external organization.  相似文献   

非政府组织在中国的成长和发展与中国的思想文化、政治生态、经济发展、民主法治具 有血浓于水的关系。同时,也与我国的实际国情密切相关,广大人民群众特别是弱势群体对非 政府组织的热切期待以及公民个体的踊跃参加。在经历了一段时间的发展,非政府组织发展由 前期的短期目标诉求过渡到由长远规划,并为政府和社会服务的宗旨。在这方面,江西赣江新 区对此做了不懈努力与推动。  相似文献   

Stronger collaboration between government organizations (GOs), NGOs, and rural people has long been advocated as a means of enhancing the responsiveness, efficiency, and accountability of GOs and NGOs. This paper reviews the arguments and evidence for specific types of collaboration for sustainable agricultural development, setting it into the context of Korten's (1980) concept of “learning process.” Taking recent examples from Udaipur District in India, it reviews the experiences and potential of collaboration, arguing that, while informal interaction increases and enriches the fabric of pluralist development, certain strategic decisions often require a degree of formality. These include decisions on the development of human resources — here both the users and providers of services. Moreover, human resource development (HRD) must be viewed in the context of the mandates, aspirations, and systems of accountability and rewards of the institutions concerned. These determine whether institutions develop and expand their own human resources or draw upon those of others by collaborating with them. Individuals engaged in these organizations can be more effectively induced to collaborate with others by combinations of flexibility and appropriate reward systems than they can be forced to do so by instructions or commands. Several conclusions follow: decisions to act together are unlikely to progress unless translated into concrete actions; authority to take local-level decisions in GOs needs strengthening if they are to provide the necessary flexibility; and, although collaboration should in principle be built on the comparative advantage of different types of organization, in practice, each will have to incorporate the skills of the other, at least to some level, if they are to communicate effectively. NGOs and GOs must also enhance their understanding of farmers' ability to make demands on external organizations. Edging towards collaboration is a delicate and painstaking process. Only if many of the above conditions are given due priority will early examples have something to offer to the numerous NGOs, GOs and international agencies wishing to learn from them.  相似文献   

This paper outlines some flaws of the faddist social forestry movement that is currently sweeping Canada's volunteer NGOs. Typically, these include: Canadian NGOs' ignorance of tropical ecology; their inability to adequately communicate with the Third World clientel because of the socio-cultural barriers; a propensity to undertake numerous development projects and thus seek to bloat their organizations so as to claim federal government grants; and most of all, complaints of alleged racism against NGOs by Canada's ethnic minorities who are kept out of the development field. Impacts on the Third World development of each of these flaws are briefly noted. The paper concludes by offering some recommendations for improving Canadian volunteer NGOs' performance in social forestry in the Third World.  相似文献   

由于历史环境的不同,中国共产党与民间组织的关系大致经历共生型、隶属型与依附型领导关系等几个阶段。在此历史经验教训的基础上,党与民间组织的关系应构建为合作型领导关系。  相似文献   

Stakeholders in the field of food safety management in China can be classified into three categories,government,food producers(farmers and enterprises),and the third-party regulatory bodies. The third-party regulation has experienced rapid development in past twenty years,and recently received considerable attention from consumers and the central government. This paper provides a review about the development,problems and future trend of the third-party regulation on food safety in China. To be specific,five forms of the third-party regulation are assessed,including media exposure,the third-party certification,regulation by consumer associations,social movements promoted by non-governmental organizations(NGOs),and regulation by industry associations. The study concludes that media and consumer associations are the major players in the third-party regulation and are highly repudiated among customers. The food certification industry has developed rapidly,but is now facing crises of confidence among consumers because of its lack of self-regulation. NGOs and industry associations still remain in the early development stages of food safety management,and therefore,are of little importance in current regulatory bodies.  相似文献   

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