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银桦是一种常绿乔木树种,原产澳洲,我国广东、福建、台湾、云南几省先后引种栽培。我省最早引种由勐海和芒市开始(1936年)现已扩种到热带至亚热带广大地区。其最适宜的地区是南亚热带和准热带,现在全省已有很多地区引种,如昆明、玉溪、楚雄、曲靖、昭通(彝良县  相似文献   

2013年冬-2014年春季,昆明出现反复寒潮天气,对当地部分园林植物造成严重的低温伤害。通过对昆明城市园林植物受害情况调查,并结合气象进行分析,探讨影响植物受害程度的相关因素。结果表明:昆明遭受低温危害的园林树木有77种,分属34科59属,受害等级达Ⅱ级及以上的共计27种,占35.1%。长时间的持续低温和反复冻融的天气及树种选择不当是造成低温危害的主要原因。来自低纬度的热带或南亚热带的树种受害较重,引自昆明以北的温带、亚热带地区的树种或本土乡土树种受害较轻或没有受害。植株的受害程度与其生长小气候环境有关。研究结果将为昆明城市园林树木低温危害预警管理和恢复提供参考。  相似文献   

晋西北树木引种驯化初步研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
对朔州市平鲁区井坪梁林场树木引种试验进行了调查、分析和总结,结果表明:在引种的139个树种中,完全适应的有69个树种,基本适应的有37个树种。适应性差的有17个树种,适应性很差和不适应的有16个树种。  相似文献   

前言桉树原产澳洲,是热带和亚热带地区生长快、用途广、适应性强、经济价值高的优良树种。目前世界上已有96个国家引种了桉树,人工林面积在三千万亩以上,桉树已成为热带、亚热带许多地区和地中海沿岸国家极为重要的速生造林树种。某些国家桉材的产量占其木材总产量的大部分。我国引种按树已有70多年的历史,最先引种于香港、广州、福州、厦门、龙州等地,零  相似文献   

热带、南亚热带地区珍稀濒危树种引种保存研究*   总被引:8,自引:0,他引:8       下载免费PDF全文
经14a的收集和引种栽培,已引进了我国热带、南亚热带地区的珍稀濒危树种共38科63属83种,占全国保护树种总数的23.4%,占广西保护树种总数的67.4%。对30个保护树种进行了播种、扦插等试验,已成功地繁殖了一批苗木。进行了34个树种的物候相、生长量、适应性等观测。并建立了0.46hm2的种质资源引种保存区  相似文献   

一前言桉树是桉属树种的总称,原产澳洲,有文献记载的已达500-600种,由于适应性强,用途广,成为热带,亚热带,特别是一些森林资源贫乏,木材短缺的国家广泛引种的树种.我区引种桉树,虽有80多年历史,但生产性大面积造林,主要还在解放以后.迄  相似文献   

对澳洲坚果的生物学特性及生态适应性分析结果,云南北热带,南亚热带湿润,半湿润地区属于该树种的适宜和最适宜种植区。其种植原则以优良无性系及多品种混交为主;栽培技术包括种植形式与密度叶片营养诊断指导施肥及病虫害防治。  相似文献   

一、前言广州地处南亚热带区域,对引种驯化国内外热带和亚热带树种极其有利。经过了多代人的努力,广州已引种成功了一大批包括许多可供园林应用的外来树种。因此,通过调查去搞清楚广州市外来园林树种引种的历史和现状极有必要,这样做可给以后引种工作提供参考依据和帮助,从而可避免由于盲  相似文献   

对澳洲坚果的生物学特性及生态适应性分析结果,云南北热带、南亚热带湿润、半湿润地区属于该树种的适宜和最适宜种植区。其种植原则以优良无性系及多品种混交为主;栽培技术包括种植形式与密度;叶片营养诊断指导施肥及病虫害防治。云南热区引种试种的成功及云南热区的自然资源、土地资源优势为澳洲坚果的开发提供了必要条件,开发前景看好。  相似文献   

邓恩桉:海塘盐碱地绿化的优良树种   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
桉树是桃金娘科桉属树种的统称。该属树种有900多种,原产澳洲,现地处热带和亚热带的百余个国家和地区已均有引种栽培,成为世界上引种栽培范围最广、造林面积最多的树种。  相似文献   

广州市园林木本植物原产区分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
对广州市园林木本植物进行了调查,调查结果为:该市园林木本植物共有339种以上,其中原产于广州市的有54种,占总种数的15.9%,其它均为引种,主要引自于亚洲、中美洲、南美洲、非洲和大洋洲的热带和亚热带地区.对该市园林木本植物所属的科、种及其分布进行了详细分析,分析结果为:原产区分为12类,根据原产区的类型,我国自然分布的有150种,占总种数的44.2%;从国外引进的种(我国不产)有163种,占总种数的48.1%;杂交种和栽培变种有26种,占总种数的7.7%.在分析原产地的基础上,就今后的引种栽培工作提出了4点建议.  相似文献   

对昆明市主要公园、道路等的园林植物进行调查,昆明市园林植物共有100科123属302种。采用特尔菲法确定园林植物综合评价指标体系对物种进行了综合评价与分级,结果表明,综合评价Ⅰ级61种,Ⅱ级103种,Ⅲ级105种,Ⅳ级33种,分别占总种数的20.20%、34.12%、34.76%和10.92%。耐寒性对园林植物综合等级起着决定作用;乡土树种的综合指数较高;综合指数较高的园林植物主要集中在广布、泛热带和东亚及北美间断分布的科。  相似文献   

为筛选出适宜在西充县及相似生态气候环境城市种植栽培的园林绿化树种,对试种于南充市园林管理处西充苗圃的52个树种进行存活率、生长状况及抗寒性等评价。结果表明:这些树种可大致分为最适宜、适宜、基本适宜、不适宜4类。其中:32个树种表现最适宜,10个树种表现适宜,7个树种表现基本适宜,3个树种表现不适宜。本研究丰富和补充了西充县适宜园林绿化树种的种类,同时对促进相似生态气候环境城市绿化事业的可持续发展具有重要的参考意义。  相似文献   

对昆明市公园不同类型景观植物群落进行调查,对比分析不同类型植物群落树种多样性、树木种类及密度、垂直结构,以期为昆明市公园植物造景提供借鉴。  相似文献   

Rainforests in the tropics and subtropics are declining rapidly, leading to significant changes in soil physical and chemical characteristics and biochemical cycles that connect vegetation and soil. Effects of such changes on soil carbon (C) and nitrogen (N) pools are still poorly understood and contradictory results have been reported in different studies. We studied changes in C and N dynamics associated with deforestation and reforestation in the Big Scrub region of subtropical eastern Australia, where over 99% of the former rainforest cover was converted by European settlers for pasture or agriculture. In this area, the most common reforestation pathways are tree-planting for ecological restoration purposes, autogenic regrowth dominated by the invasive tree species camphor laurel (Cinnamomum camphora), and management of this regrowth to accelerate the development of a more native tree community.  相似文献   

王海航  李铀 《林业科技情报》2014,(2):116-117,119
乡土树种具有的适应性强、抗逆性强并具有文化底蕴和标识功能等优点在园林建设中的作用不容小觑,本文通过对乡土树种的特点及对乡土树种在现代园林绿化中的应用现状进行简要分析,论述了乡土树种与城市景观的相互关系,阐明其在景观建设中的重要性。  相似文献   

白蜡树属树种的园林应用探讨   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
目前对城市环境的要求越来越高,而提高环境质量的诸因素中,搞好园林绿化是最直接最有效的措施。构成园林绿化的主要材料是园林植物,其主体是树木。作为1个城市,当然是园林树木品种越多,越能构成丰富多彩的园林空间。但是由于地域、气候、科技、经济与自然因素和人为因素的制约,园林树木品种的利用也受到了限制。园林树种的选择不仅要适合本土生长,还要形成地方特色和风格。  相似文献   

Douglas fir (Pseudotsuga menziesii (Mirb.) Franco) was first introduced to Europe from North America more than 150 years ago, was then planted on a large scale and is now the economically most important exotic tree species in European forests. This literature review summarizes the current knowledge on the effects of Douglas fir on soil chemistry, plants, arthropods and fungi. Douglas fir shapes its abiotic environment similarly to native tree species such as Norway spruce, silver fir or European beech. In general, many organisms have been shown to be able to live together with Douglas fir and in some cases even benefit from its presence. Although the number of species of the ground vegetation and that of arthropod communities is similar to those of native conifer species, fungal diversity is reduced by Douglas fir. Special microclimatic conditions in the crown of Douglas fir can lead to reduced arthropod densities during winter with possible negative consequences for birds. The ecological impacts of Douglas fir are in general not as severe as those of other exotic tree species, e.g., Pinus spp. in South Africa and Ailanthus altissima, Prunus serotina and Robinia pseudoacacia in Europe. Nonetheless, Douglas fir can negatively impact single groups of organisms or species and is now regenerating itself naturally in Europe. Although Douglas fir has not been the subject of large-scale outbreaks of pests in Europe so far, the further introduction of exotic organisms associated with Douglas fir in its native range could be more problematic than the introduction of Douglas fir itself.  相似文献   

通过对野生清香桂不同休眠时期耐寒能力的研究结果表明,清香桂在不同休眠阶段其耐寒能力有一定差异;清香桂半致死温度为-12.73℃,可适宜在我国南方及部分北方城市园林应用栽培。清香桂对光照因子适应性极强,具较强的抗寒能力和抗旱性;四季常绿,冬季闻香观果,观赏性较好;城市应用安全;可进行人工繁殖育苗;是适宜在城市园林广为推广应用的优秀园林植物。  相似文献   


Forest rehabilitation is when a desired tree species is planted in degraded forests or lands. Rehabilitation by planting a single tree species is a common way to restore exploited forests to maintain ecological processes. We compared woody and herbaceous understory vegetation between forests rehabilitated by mahogany (N = 12) or teak (N = 12) planted from 1941 until 2003 in Yogyakarta, Indonesia. Understory vegetation of these areas was compared with that of three native forests. Species richness, species diversity, density of plants and proportion of native plants did not differ between the rehabilitated areas and the native forest. Recently rehabilitated areas were different from the native forests while 41–74 yr after rehabilitation, characteristics of understory vegetation approached those of native forest. We described species composition using ordination, and found it to differ between areas rehabilitated with teak and with mahogany and, particularly, between the rehabilitated areas and the native forests. Time since rehabilitation and tree species planted were important for the species composition of understory vegetation. We conclude that the selection of species for rehabilitation and letting rehabilitated areas mature are important for understory development and species diversity.  相似文献   

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