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旱地测土配方施肥温室气体减排碳交易量核算   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
碳排放交易是促进全球温室气体减排,减少全球二氧化碳排放所采用的市场机制。测土配方施肥对于减少中国集约化农业生产区化肥施用量,减排温室气体(greenhouse gas,GHG)具有重要作用。该研究按照碳交易方法学的基本流程,撰写了基于DNDC(denitrification-decomposition)模型的测土配方施肥减排GHG的碳交易计量方法,并以山东省桓台为例,测算了该县实施测土配方施肥减排GHG的可交易碳贸易量。主要结论有1)桓台县麦-玉轮作系统施肥存在着氮、磷过量,钾基本适度的现象,氮、磷、钾平均施肥量达到了515.1、289.5和145.7 kg/hm2。2)山东省桓台县麦-玉轮作系统实施测土配方施肥可交易的碳贸易量为26 485.8 t(以CO2当量计,下同),其中农田减排占35.3%、氮肥生产减排占58.3%、磷肥生产减排占6.8%、钾肥增加排放0.01万t,占-0.4%。各个乡镇由于耕地面积及施肥量的不同,减排量存在一定的差异。3)按照2016年3月深圳碳交易市场中国核证减排量价格计算,桓台县实施农田测土配方施肥GHG减排项目可实现总收入1 286.4万元,满足小型碳交易项目要求。4)以DNDC模型为主要计量工具的测土配方施肥碳交易方法学,可以实现县域或更大区域实施测土配方施肥减排碳交易量核算,对未来测土配方施肥GHG减排碳交易项目的实施具有重要意义。  相似文献   

为系统总结测土配方施肥对我国科学施肥工作的重要贡献,对测土配方施肥项目实施15年的发展进程进行了归纳,划分为启动扩大阶段(2005~2009年)、整建制推进阶段(2010~2014年)、绿色发展阶段(2015~2019年)。利用国家测土配方施肥管理系统统计数据,研究了项目在构建我国土壤及作物肥效基础数据库、推动土壤肥料技术普及和提升农民科学施肥水平等方面取得的成效。结果表明,15年来测土配方施肥项目累计采集土壤样品2046.7万个、植株样品152.6万个,分析土壤样品1833.9万个、植株样品129.9万个,开展小区试验40.3万个、大田示范76.7万个,发布肥料配方31.1万个,培训农民3.26亿人次,化肥施用总量和单位面积化肥用量分别较峰值下降10.3%和10.1%,氮肥利用率提升11.7个百分点,2019年实现测土配方施肥推广面积1.38亿hm2。测土配方施肥项目成效显著,但在管理、技术等方面仍存在一些问题,特别是在测试化验、推荐施肥指标体系、技术物化、高效施肥技术推广等方面仍有改进和提升的空间,建议围绕农业绿色发展主线,进一步夯实测土配方施肥基础性工作,加强高效肥料品种和施肥技术的研发,强化技术推广,服务乡村振兴战略实施。  相似文献   

在实施国家级测土配方施肥项目的实践基础上,将专业知识和电脑编程技术完美结合起来,研发出了一款非常适用的作物测土配方施肥专家。该软件集测土配方施肥数据库建立与维护、测土配方公式自定义与测试、精准配方施肥计算、施肥建议卡和土样测定评价表定制与填充、采样地块信息归类汇总统计、批量作业等功能于一体。阐述了该软件产生的背景、目的和意义、软件特点、主要特色功能以及主要功能模块应用。  相似文献   

罗勇  李刚 《南方农业》2013,(8):122-126
结合重庆市铜梁县粮食生产实际情况和承担的测土配方施肥项目要求,根据近几年对农户施肥情况追踪调查结果,重点从农户施肥现状、测土配方施肥对农户施肥的影响、农户施肥情况评价等方面进行了探讨,结果表明通过连续几年测土配方施肥项目工作的开展,项目区农户肥料选择、搭配和比例日趋合理。  相似文献   

采用生命周期分析方法系统评估测土配方施肥行动的直接与间接环境效益,为深入实施该项目提供依据。以山东省聊城市玉米测土配方施肥项目为例,对玉米施肥生命周期资源消耗与污染物排放进行清单分析,并以习惯施肥区为参照对象评估其实现的净资源节约与污染物减排效益。结果表明,2006~2009年聊城市测土配方施肥项目显著减少了玉米生命周期资源消耗与污染物排放量。通过测土配方施肥,1 t 玉米生命周期实现的富营养化和环境酸化的减缓潜力分别相当于2000年世界人均影响潜力的20%~34%和5%~15%。环境总效益呈逐年下降趋势,这是由于习惯施肥与测土配方施肥的差距越来越小,农民肥料投入趋于理性,表明测土配方施肥通过示范起到了较好的辐射推广作用。  相似文献   

测土施肥方案短信发布是施肥方案传达最为经济、便捷和易接受的方式,农村土地承包经营权确权数据是全国性的农村土地经营权最为翔实的数据,其地块编码等字段有着法定性、唯一性、终生性的特点。本研究利用农村土地承包经营权确权数据的特点,为测土配方施肥方案手机短信发布提供支持,重点阐述了基于农村土地承包经营权确权数据的测土配方施肥方案短信发布技术的四大关键环节。结果表明:基于农村土地承包经营权确权数据的测土配方施肥方案短信发布技术理论和技术上切实可行,实现了网络全覆盖、空间全覆盖的测土配方施肥方案的发布技术、扩展了测土配方施肥方案短信平台推广应用空间边界和时间边界。为测土配方施肥方案发布提供了新的思路和技术支持,对测土配方施肥项目的更加深入推广应用有着重要意义。  相似文献   

论述了测土配方施肥触摸屏的系统特点、主要功能及其应用情况。充分利用在农业部测土配方施肥项目中所获得的大量数据,实现对农业生产的指导作用,研究并开发了基于GIS的县域测土配方施肥决策触摸屏系统,通过引入触摸屏技术,实现了用触摸屏显示内容的可触摸的测土配方施肥决策触摸屏系统。该系统基于数据库技术提供了区域施肥、精准施肥、土壤养分、地力评价、土壤分布信息的查询功能,解决了大多数网上施肥决策系统功能齐全、却难以推广应用的难题。  相似文献   

浅析测土配方施肥试验结果反常的原因   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
肥效试验是测土配方施肥的基础和主要内容之一,是建立施肥指标体系的主要依据之一。通过对试验结果中出现的一些反常现象的分析,找出其中原因,从而更好地推动测土配方施肥工作的顺利进行。  相似文献   

测土配方施肥研究的文献计量分析   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
测土配方施肥是推进新农村建设的一项重要举措。运用文献计量学方法,以中国基础知识设施工程文献数据库中的4数据库和美国科学信息研究所的Web of Science数据库中的6数据库为数据源,分别从论文发表时间、刊登期刊、被引频次、学科及研究方向、研究人员及研究单位、资金支持、研究物种和研究区域等方面对中外截止至2016年6月以来发表的测土配方施肥研究文献进行计量统计。结果表明,国内相关文献发表数量与政策实施保持了高度一致性,2005年文献数量开始激增,2010年之后论文数量保持较平稳波动;农林科研院校和地方土壤肥料工作站是国内测土配方施肥研究的中坚力量;目前测土配方施肥技术主要应用在水稻、玉米、小麦和马铃薯4大粮食作物上,研究区域主要集中在我国东部地区的省份和13大粮食主产区,西部研究较少;测土配方施肥的研究未来方向是往计算机软件及计算机应用、林业等学科专业方向倾斜。  相似文献   

设施蔬菜测土配方施肥有关问题初探   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
阐述了设施蔬菜测土配方施肥的特殊性,介绍设施蔬菜的营养需求和施肥特征,针对天津市目前设施蔬菜施肥及测土配方施肥存在问题,提出了设施蔬菜测土配方施肥的基本原则、对策和措施。  相似文献   

El-Fadel  M.  Jamali  D.  Khorbotly  D. 《Water, air, and soil pollution》2002,137(1-4):287-303
Global climate change has been one of the most challengingenvironmental concerns facing policy makers in the past decade.The characterization of the wide range of greenhouse gas (GHG)sources and sinks as well as the behavior of GHGs in theatmosphere remains an on-going activity in many countries.Lebanon, being a signatory to the Framework Convention onClimate Change, is required to submit and regularly update anational inventory of GHG emission sources and removals.Accordingly, an inventory of greenhouse gases from varioussectors was conducted following the guidelines set by theUnited Nations Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change. Theinventory indicated that the land use, land use change, andforestry sector contributed about 1% to the totalgreenhouse gas emissions instead of acting as a sink. Thisarticle proposes mitigation scenarios to reduce these emissionsand increase carbon sequestration in the Lebanese land use.Limitations in emission estimation, economic valuation, andpolicy options are also addressed.  相似文献   

秸秆或生活垃圾热裂解转化生物黑炭的产业化技术已经成熟,生物黑炭固碳减排方法学是进行自主碳交易的必备技术依据。基于河南三利新能源有限公司生物黑炭的生产工艺,对秸秆燃烧(基线)和转化生物黑炭以及农业应用(项目)整个系统全生命周期的温室气体的排放量和碳汇清除量进行了评价。采用该方法学,对已经进行的秸秆生物质黑炭的生产和稻田施用的总效应初步估计为秸秆产生净碳汇249-398kgCO2-e·t^-1。可以看出秸秆生物黑炭具有显著的固碳减排效果。  相似文献   

Agricultural activities are responsible for greenhouse gases (GHGs) emission in the environment. Strategies are required to enhance the soil organic carbon (SOC) and nitrogen (N) sequestration to adapt and mitigate the climate change. We investigated GHGs emission, SOC and N enhancement under conventional tillage (CT) and zero tillage (ZT) with N management in wheat (Triticum aestivum L.). Seasonal carbon dioxide (CO2) emission and global warming potential (GWP) reduced for ZT treatments over CT without residues and 100% of required N with a blanket split application (CT – R + 100N). The ZT with 5 t ha?1 maize (Zea mays L.) residues retention and 75% of required N and GreenSeekerTM (GS)-aided N management (ZT + R + 75N + GS) reduced yield-scaled GHGs emission and increased total organic carbon (C) stock over CT – R + 100N. However, nitrous oxide (N2O) emission was lower in CT. The GS-based N management saved 26–35 kg N ha?1 in different tillage systems in both years over blanket application with higher N uptake and associated reduction in N2O emission. The study recommends that ZT with residues retention and GS-based N management can minimize the GHGs emission and improve the SOC.  相似文献   

The maintenance of soil organic carbon (SOC) in terrestrial ecosystems is critical for long-term productivity. Simulation models of SOC dynamics are valuable tools in predicting the impacts of climate on carbon storage and developing management strategies for the mitigation of greenhouse gas emissions, however, their utility is generally reduced due to need for specific data. The SOCRATES model is a simple process based representation of soil SOC dynamics in terrestrial ecosystems, which requires minimal data inputs and specifically designed to examine the impact of land use and land use change on soil carbon storage. SOCRATES was successful in predicting SOC change at eighteen long-term crop, pasture and forestry trials from North America, Europe and Australasia. These trials ranged from 8 to 86 years in duration, over a wide range of climates and soil types with annual changes in SOC ranging from −3.0 to 4.2%.  相似文献   

Tillage is one of the agricultural management practices that significantly impacts agroecosystems, crop production, and the environment. Conventional tillage (CT) practices alter the soil environment and induce organic constituents’ decomposition and the emission of greenhouse gases (GHGs), which contribute to the greenhouse effect and global warming. Low organic matter, biological diversity, aggregate stability, high erosion and degradation of the soil environment, and sequestration strength are additional factors associated with CT, which negatively affect food security and environmental sustainability. As a result, CT is no more beneficial in the long run; consequently, zero tillage (ZT) could be a viable candidate for sustainable agriculture. The review to establish this systematically compared and summarized the effect of tillage systems (i.e. CT and ZT) by synthesizing and interpreting published data (>150 peer-reviewed articles) with >200 observations on soil ecosystem services and properties/agroecosystem, crop yield/food security, GHG emission, and carbon sequestration/environmental resilience. The review established that ZT improves soil structure, aggregate stability, biological diversity, organic matter and nutrients, water and water use efficiency, and reduces soil degradation, erosion, tillage machinery impacts, and GHG emissions. It allows timely seeding and better crop growth, increases yield and food security, improves carbon sequestration, strengthens soil storage potential, and helps to mitigate the adverse effects of climate change on environmental resilience. Based on various latent direct and indirect benefits, resource-saving ability, and broad adoption scope of ZT, it is corroborated that ZT is a practical and potential approach for improved and sustainable agroecosystem, food security, and environmental resilience.  相似文献   


The increase in atmospheric concentration of carbon dioxide from 278 ppm in the pre-industrial era to 405 ppm in 2018, along with the enrichment of other greenhouse gases, has already caused a global mean temperature increase of 1°C. Among anthropogenic sources, historic land use and conversion of natural to agricultural eco-systems has and continues to be an importance source. Global depletion of soil organic carbon stock by historic land use and soil degradation is estimated at 133 Pg C. Estimated to 2-m depth, C stock is 2047 Pg for soil organic carbon and 1558 Pg for soil inorganic carbon, with a total of 3605 Pg. Thus, even a small change in soil organic carbon stock can have a strong impact on atmospheric CO2 concentration. Soil C sink capacity, between 2020 and 2100, with the global adoption of best management practice which creates a positive soil/ecosystem C budget, is estimated at 178 Pg C for soil, 155 Pg C for biomass, and 333 Pg C for the terrestrial biosphere with a total CO2 drawdown potential of 157 ppm. Important among techniques of soil organic C sequestration are adoption of a system-based conservation agriculture, agroforestry, biochar, and integration of crops with trees and livestock. There is growing interest among policymakers and the private sector regarding the importance of soil C sequestration for adaptation and mitigation of climate change, harnessing of numerous co-benefits, and strengthening of ecosystem services.  相似文献   

通过对南京郊区5种夏季大棚设施蔬菜生态系统的物质和管理投入进行现场问卷调查,分析估算了不同设施蔬菜各个生产环节投入的碳成本以及碳排放强度等。结果表明,不同设施蔬菜单季单位面积碳成本介于(867.1±240.6)-(2039.4±1163.3)kgCE·hm^-2,物质投入碳成本在整个生产投入中占极其重要的份额,其中肥料投入的碳排放最大,占总碳成本的57.96%~82.37%,而农膜投入占11.97%~29.25%;不同设施蔬菜单位面积碳排放、单位产量碳排放及单位产值碳排放存在差异显著。综上,减少生产过程碳排放尤其是物质投入碳排放、提高施肥效益增加蔬菜产量、因地制宜选择蔬菜种植品种是促进蔬菜生产温室气体减排的重要途径。  相似文献   

Abstract. The soil sequestration components of recent estimates of the carbon mitigation potential of UK agricultural land were calculated on the basis of a percentage change to the soil carbon stock present in the soil. Recent data suggest that the carbon stock of soil in UK arable land has been overestimated, meaning that potential soil carbon sequestration rates were also overestimated. Here, we present a new estimate of the carbon stock in UK arable land, and present revised estimates for the carbon mitigation potential of UK agricultural land. The stock of soil organic carbon in UK arable land (0–30 cm) is estimated to be 562 Tg, about half of the previous estimate. Consequently, the soil carbon sequestration component of each mitigation option is reduced by about half of previously published values. Since above-ground carbon accumulation and fossil fuel carbon savings remain unchanged by these new soil carbon data, options with a significant non-soil carbon mitigation component are reduced by less than those resulting from soil carbon sequestration alone. The best single mitigation option (bioenergy crop production on surplus arable land) accounts for 3.5 Tg C yr−1, (2.2% of the UK's 1990 CO2-carbon emissions), whilst an optimal combined land-use mitigation option accounts for 6.1 Tg C yr−1 (3.9% of the UK's 1990 CO2-carbon emissions). These revised figures suggest that through manipulation of arable land, the UK could, at best, meet 49% of its contribution to the EU's overall Kyoto CO2-carbon emission reduction target (8% of 1990 emissions), and 31% of the greater target accepted by the UK (12.5%). Even these reduced estimates show a significant carbon mitigation potential for UK arable land.  相似文献   

长期施肥红壤性稻田和旱地土壤有机碳积累差异   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
  【目的】  提高土壤有机碳水平对提升农田生产力有重要意义。基于长期定位施肥试验,比较施肥影响下相同成土母质发育的红壤性稻田和旱地土壤的总有机碳 (TOC) 及其组分的积累差异,以深入理解红壤有机碳的固持及稳定机制。  【方法】  稻田和旱地长期施肥试验分别始于1981和1986年,包含CK (不施肥对照)、NPK (施氮磷钾化肥) 和NPKM (有机无机肥配施) 3个处理,在2017年晚稻和晚玉米收获后,采集两个试验上述处理的耕层 (0—20 cm) 土样,通过硫酸水解法分离土壤活性与惰性有机碳,测定并计算土壤中TOC及其组分的含量及储量,并利用Jenny模型拟合试验期间耕层土壤TOC含量的变化动态,估算土壤固碳潜力。  【结果】  与CK相比,长期施肥可提高稻田和旱地土壤各有机碳组分的含量,且NPKM处理的效果优于NPK处理。相比于稻田土壤,施肥对旱地土壤各有机碳组分含量的提升更加明显。NPK和NPKM处理下,旱地土壤活性有机碳组分Ⅰ、活性有机碳组分Ⅱ、惰性有机碳含量的增幅分别是稻田土壤的2.7、2.7、5.8倍和2.0、1.4和2.5倍。不论施肥与否,稻田土壤TOC的固存量和固存潜力均显著高于旱地土壤。施肥促进土壤固碳,在稻田和旱地土壤上,NPKM处理的TOC固存量分别是NPK处理的1.7和25.5倍,TOC固存潜力则分别是NPK处理的1.4和5.8倍。长期不同施肥均显著提高稻田和旱地土壤年均碳投入量,线性拟合方程表明,随碳投入量增加,土壤活性有机碳储量的累积对稻田、旱地土壤TOC储量累积的贡献率分别达64.7%、44.6%。不同处理间稻田与旱地土壤活性有机碳 (包括活性有机碳组分Ⅰ与活性有机碳组分Ⅱ) 含量的差异可解释其TOC含量差异的52.9%~60.0%。  【结论】  与施氮磷钾化肥相比,有机无机肥配施可更好的促进土壤固碳,且在旱地土壤上的促进作用比在稻田土壤上更为明显。与稻田土壤相比,旱地土壤各有机碳组分含量的变化对长期施肥的响应更敏感,且在施氮磷钾化肥条件下表现更为明显。红壤性稻田和旱地土壤TOC积累的主要贡献组分分别为活性有机碳和惰性有机碳。红壤植稻虽有利于有机碳固持,但红壤性稻田土壤的活性碳占比较高,可能易因不当管理而发生损失。  相似文献   

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