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水资源短缺已成为制约西北内陆干旱地区可持续发展的瓶颈,而发展节水农业,提高水资源利用效率是解决该地区水资源短缺的重要途径。依据黑河中游4个县(区)488份农户的调查数据,运用logit模型对农户采用节水灌溉技术意愿的影响因素进行分析,结果表明:年龄、土地规模、土地细碎化程度、农业种植结构、水利基础设施、兼业程度、投资风险和水费计价方式等对农户采纳节水灌溉技术有显著影响。最后提出建立土地流转制度、加大政府补贴力度、调整农业种植结构、构建农户用水激励机制、完善农民用水者协会的作用等措施。  相似文献   

以宁夏回族自治区利用世界银行贷款加强灌溉农业三期项目为对象,在调研宁夏WUA项目区农民用水者协会组建、运行情况的基础上,探讨了农业综合开发支持农民用水者协会稳定、持续发展的最佳路径。提出了以培养农民用水户的参与意识为基础,以服务农民用水者协会的科学用水管理为目标,以农户作为农业综合开发项目的主体,通过建立农业综合开发扶持农民用水者协会持续发展的长效机制,实现WUA可持续发展的综合扶持思路。  相似文献   

宁夏引黄灌区为了加强灌区管理,充分体现农户的参与权、知情权、监督权和管理权,在政府的引导下成立了灌区农民用水者协会。农民参与灌溉管理改革的效果越来越明显。协会在农业用水管理中发挥了积极的作用,使宁夏的灌区逐步走向科学、规范的管理模式。  相似文献   

宁夏引黄灌区为了加强灌区管理,充分体现农户的参与权、知情权、监督权和管理权,在政府的引导下成立了灌区农民用水者协会.农民参与灌溉管理改革的效果越来越明显.协会在农业用水管理中发挥了积极的作用,使宁夏的灌区逐步走向科学、规范的管理模式.  相似文献   

灌区用水者协会是由灌区受益农民自愿参加所组成的灌管理组织,该管理模式我国正在推广应用。在用水者协会的组建中,其规模的大小对今后的运行管理影响较大。通过分析用水者协会规模的影响因素、协会组织的效益与费用,建立了用水者协会的效益与费用函数,提出了用水者协会合理规模的理论与确定方法,并对用水者协会的划分进行了阐述。  相似文献   

农民参与灌溉管理和在灌区成立农民用水协会是当今国际上倡导的水利管理体制改革的重要内容。宁夏引黄灌区为了加强灌区管理,充分体现农户的参与权、知情权、监督权和管理权,在政府的引导下成立了灌区农民用水协会。协会在农业用水管理中发挥了积极的作用,使宁夏的灌区逐步走向科学、规范的管理模式。本文在对宁夏引黄灌区农民用水协会的运行调研的基础上,总结宁夏农民用水协会管理运行的经验教训,提出相关建议和意见,为灌区理顺农业供水管理体制,建立良性运行模式提供参考。  相似文献   

农民用水者协会可持续发展的探索   总被引:11,自引:2,他引:11  
在总结农民用水者协会实践意义的基础上,重点分析了影响农民用水者协会进一步推广与发展的主要原因,认为:在我国现阶段的各种社会活动中,农民用水者协会所处的弱势地位以及农民文化素质的低下是其主要因素。对农民用水者协会赋予新的内涵,营造更加宽松的环境,对协会组织的正常运转提供法律保障,将有利于协会的可持续发展。  相似文献   

农业节水合作经济组织发展的影响因素分析   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
采用问卷调查法,对干旱半干旱地区节水农业合作经济组织发展的影响因素进行了研究.结果表明:按照相对重要性指数排序,这些因素为“缺乏价廉物美的设备,科技信息相对闭塞,政府的引导不够,缺乏能人带领,缺乏相关政策,缺乏企业牵头,农户思想认识不足”.为此,提出了促进农业节水合作经济组织持续发展的建议.  相似文献   

用水户协会的兴起与发展对行政法研究提出了新的课题。分别论述了农民用水者协会的作用,提出农民用水者协会还存在的问题并应不断完善农民用水者协会的法律框架,并着重分析了农民用水者协会提起诉讼应注意的条件。  相似文献   

利用四川省宜宾市3个小型农田水利建设重点县(区)351个农户调查数据,运用Logistic模型分析了农户在民办公助机制下对小型农田水利设施建设行为及影响因素.研究结果表明,性别、受教育年限、是否参加用水者协会、家庭单一务农劳动力比重、农地经营规模、小农水建设对农业生产重要性认知和对小农水民办公助的认知等变量对农户农田水利设施建设行为有显著影响.  相似文献   

Public-private partnerships have been implemented throughout the world since the 1970s with mixed results. This is mainly due to the lack of long run commitments from governments and other parties involved, lack of scientific understanding regarding clear short-term and long-term potential biophysical and socio-economic, policy and legal consequences, and lack of trust between the partners. We present a Regional Irrigation Business Partnership (RIBP) model, which is capable of efficiently utilising research output and government policies for sustainable public-private irrigation planning and investment. Unlike other public-private partnership models, the RIBP is based on robust assessment of biophysical, hydrologic, socio-economic, political and legal aspects of water management. The RIBP model provides a crucial link between research and infrastructure investments while minimising short-term and long-term risks. The business investment framework involves iterative feedback from research and policy for identifying markets, defining products and establishing a legislatively and institutionally acceptable route to market as part of the feasibility assessment process. The RIBP model is based on the principle that sharing risks, rewards, and responsibilities coupled with sufficient investment incentives will motivate actors in water management to invest in irrigation infrastructure that saves water and generates better outcomes for the environment. We describe application of the RIBP model in the Coleambally Irrigation Area in New South Wales, Australia.  相似文献   

以安徽省“淠源渠灌区参与式灌溉管理改革”为例,对用水户协会建设后的成效进行了分析;探讨了用水户协会组织和灌区财务的可持续性;指出了项目结束后可能存在的问题与风险,并提出了相关建议。  相似文献   

水资源是人类赖以生存和发展的自然资源,是生态环境的控制性因素之一,同时又是一项重要的战略性经济资源,正日益影响着全球的环境与发展。我国水资源短缺、水旱灾害频繁。长期以来,社会经济发展一直受缺水困扰。水资源承载力作为衡量地区可持续发展的重要指标已成为水资源研究中的一个热点问题。为此,在总结水资源承载力研究现状的基础上,分析了取得的成果及其中存在的问题,并提出了今后水资源承载力的研究重点。  相似文献   

水肥一体化技术具有省时省工、节水节肥、增加产量、改善环境条件等方面的优势,在农业生产上得到广泛应用。四川省是蚕桑种养大省,应用推广水肥一体化技术能有效缓解桑园水资源地理时空分布不均的问题,有效提高桑叶产量和质量,促进产业可持续发展。基于此,通过对四川水肥一体化技术研究应用情况梳理,得出水肥一体化技术在四川的应用主要集中在果蔬类经济作物,在桑园应用较少的现状。指出桑园水肥一体化技术应用存在设备使用维护成本高、技术应用推广难以及缺乏配套智能装备等制约因素。进一步提出开展适宜于丘陵山区的桑园水肥一体化新技术研究、完善典型桑区水肥一体化技术应用模式、推进智能水肥一体化灌溉系统研发等措施,以期加快推进四川桑园水肥一体化技术的应用推广。  相似文献   

A methodology to optimise the amount of energy consumed in pressurized irrigation systems was presented by Jimenez-Bello et al. (2010a). These authors proposed grouping pressurized irrigation network intakes, each of the water turnouts resulting from a shared hydrant, into sectors via a genetic algorithm. In the present research, the methodology was applied and validated in a water users association. Several energy efficiency indicators were calculated and compared during five consecutive seasons (2006–2010). The first two seasons, when the methodology was not employed, were used as reference for the results obtained from 2008 onwards, when the methodology was applied to the management of irrigation network. Results obtained in seasons 2008–2010 showed that the average energy savings were 16% in comparisons to the 2006 season. However, it should be noted that the potential, theoretical savings, could have been as high as 22.3% if the modelled grouping networks would have been accurately followed. There was in fact some discrepancy between the theoretical model outputs and the final groupings due to some intake restrictions. In addition, during the irrigation campaigns, the number of irrigation intakes that operated within each sector was not always equal to the modelled sectoring, a fact that reduced the overall water users association energy efficiency. This occurred particularly during rainy periods, when some users deliberately decided to close their manual irrigation intakes valves. Overall, results showed the potential of the validated methodology for optimising energy use. However, the final overall system efficiency might depend on specific constraints that need to be taken into account when attempting to use model output predictions.  相似文献   

农民用水协会规范运行考核的主要内容包括管理机构考核、管理人员考核、管理制度考核、工程管理考核、用水管理考核、财务管理考核、档案管理考核、参与管理考核等8个方面,其考核指标体系设置了8个一级指标、29个二级指标。对考核指标所考核的内容进行模糊处理后,采用"百分制"评分,并用层次分析方法对农民用水户协会整体和局部进行考核。  相似文献   

As the pressure on the water resources mounts within a river basin, institutional innovation may occur not as a result of a planned sequence of adjustments, but arising out of the interplay of several factors. By focusing on the basin trajectory this paper illustrates the importance of understanding how local-level institutional arrangements interface with national-level policies and basin-wide institutions. We expand Molle's typology of basin actors responses by explicitly introducing a meso-layer which depicts the interface where State-level and local-level initiatives and responses are played out; and focus on how this interaction finds expression in the creation and modification of hydraulic property rights. We subsequently apply this perspective to the case of Pangani River Basin in Tanzania.The Pangani River Basin development trajectory did not follow a linear path and sequence of responses. Attempts by the state government to establish ‘order’ in the basin by issuing water rights, levying water fees and designing a new basin institutional set-up have so far proven problematic, and instead generated ‘noise’ at the interface.So far water resources development in the Pangani has primarily focused on blue water, and the paper shows how investments in infrastructure to control blue water have shaped the relationship between water users, and between water user groups and the State. It remains unknown, however, what the implications will be of widespread investments in improved green water use throughout the basin - not only hydrologically for the availability of blue water, but also socially for the livelihoods of the basin population, and for the evolving relationships between green and blue water users, and between them and the State. The paper concludes with a question: will green water development engender a similar double-edged material-symbolic dynamic as blue water development has.The findings of this paper demonstrate that the expanded typology of basin actors’ responses helps to better understand the present situation. Such an improved understanding is useful in analysing current and proposed interventions.  相似文献   

探讨新疆塔里木河干流保证生态需水限制种植业发展应付出的生态补偿标准问题。根据经济学弹性原理,筛选与种植业相关经济指标作为单项、综合机会成本,预测种植业发展受限下机会成本因子的受限值。最后,通过生态补偿标准大于地方政府、农户的机会成本原理构建生态补偿标准模型。若要限制种植业发展,种植业发展的单项、综合机会成本为566 535万元、2 855 746万元;生态补偿标准每年不低于1 756 779万元。解决农业用水与生态用水的矛盾,还应从构建以农户为单位的水资源产权和交易制度,建立综合的水资源管理体制,农业发展向低耗水的生态农业转变等方面探索。  相似文献   

良好的公共服务、相对均衡的城乡公共产品供给,是保证城乡社会平等和谐发展的基础。以农田水利发展为例反思1949年后中国农村公共产品供给不难发现:中国政府层级设置相对较多,中央和地方政府对农村公共产品的供给行为选择存在较大差异;在农村发展区域差异极大的背景下,完全依靠政府计划配置抑或完全依靠农户市场配置提供农村公共产品,都是有悖农村科学发展实际的。面对日益复杂的自然气象气候与多变的市场条件,必须建立有差别的、动态化和多元化的农村公共产品供给体制与机制,有效应对农村与农业发展进程中的区域性灾害问题,从而实现可持续基础上的新农村建设、农民增收和现代农业发展。  相似文献   

该文以河北省承德市宽城县某拟建地下水水源地为研究区域。农业用水是研究区用水大户之一,在生产过程中占据很大比例,制约经济和农业的发展。做好资源评价及水质综合评价,将对农业节约用水规划及提高水资源利用率起到重要作用。主要查明了研究区的水文地质条件和地下水水化学特征等基本情况。遵循客观规律,根据现场勘查工作实际获取的水文地质资料确定参数值,建立水文地质模型,采用水量均衡法计算评价地下水天然补给资源量,采用开采试验法计算评价地下水可开采资源量;利用实际水样测试结果,对研究区地下水水质进行了综合评价。最终,给出了对建设该地下水水源地的建议,为当地社会经济发展提供参考依据。   相似文献   

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