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This paper offers a preliminary assessment of the reactions of public agricultural researchers to three terms used currently in the debate surrounding reduced input farming systems: organic, alternative, and sustainable agriculture. It is argued that these terms have been appropriated by the land grant system and their critical content removed to make them palatable to more mainstream agricultural researchers. A national sample of agricultural production researchers is explored, and disciplinary differences in attitudes toward the three terms are assessed. We conclude that sustainable and alternative agriculture do appear acceptable to the mainstream of production researchers, consistent with the hypothesis that they have been appropriated by the land grant system. Moreover, reasons why organic agriculture remains unacceptable are suggested.Aaron Harp is an Assistant Professor of Rural Sociology at the University of Idaho. His research focuses on issues of adoption in sustainable agriculture, and rural development.  相似文献   

Ethnoveterinary research, development, and extension (ERD&E) has emerged as a rich field for discovering, adapting, and transferring appropriate and sustainable animal health technologies to rural and peri-urban stockraisers, especially in Third World countries. This field is defined as the holistic, interdisciplinary study of local knowledge and practices, together with the social structure in which they are embedded, that pertain to the healthcare and healthful husbandry of animals used for a multitude of purposes. Especially in the Third World, livestock play a large number of important roles that are little understood or appreciated in today's First World. Study of these benefits and their role in Third World livelihoods offers numerous lessons that span not only the virtues but also some of the technical, ethical, and methodological challenges of working with local knowledge. ERD&E emerged as an internationally recognized branch of research in the mid-1970s largely in response to an increasing concern with animal health in the context of practical, field-level projects in animal agriculture. As many as 90% of the world's population continue to rely mainly on their own localized ethnomedicine for the bulk of their personal healthcare as well as their veterinary needs. With the escalating costs of Western healthcare technologies, it is essential to build upon this local knowledge. Of course, ethnoscience is not perfect, and recognition of the immense value of ERD&E does not imply that conventional science is to be abandoned. Rather each has much to learn from the other. Making knowledge by judiciously drawing upon insider and outsider, site-specific and universalistic, and both old and new understandings can take us back to a brighter development future.Constance McCorkle is an ecological anthropologist (PhD Stanford) specializing in agriculture, environment, and rural development. As a faculty member in the Department of Rural Sociology at the University of Missouri-Columbia, between 1980 and 1990 she served as Research Scientist and Coordinator for the Sociology Project of a worldwide (Bolivia, Brazil, Indonesia, Kenya, Morocco, Peru) 18-year $100+ million R&D program in sustainable animal agriculture. From 1990 to 1992, McCorkle was Director of the U.S. Agency for International Development's (USAID) staff environmental training program in Washington DC. Thereafter, she served as Director for Research and Evaluation for USAID's global GENESYS Project (Gender in Economic and Social Systems). The sole or senior editor of three volumes and some 30 articles on livestock development, Dr. McCorkle currently works as an independent researcher, author, and public speaker; and she consults for such organizations as USAID, FAO, the African Development Bank, the World Bank, and various private voluntary organizations that promote grassroots rural development.  相似文献   

Traditionally, the Swedish Agricultural Extension Service has delivered technical information to farmers with the aim of increasing productivity and efficiency in farming. Present problems with overproduction of food and the negative social and environmental consequences of present farm practices has brought this traditional mission in question. In a situation of budgetary constraints it has been suggested that the funding of the governmental Agricultural Extension Service should be cut down or even discontinued altogether The article argues that this would be a mistake. The various negative consequences of modern agriculture indicate that we are far from an ideal mode of agricultural production. Instead, public opinion and new guidelines for agricultural and environmental policies call for substantial changes in Swedish agriculture with respect to pollution, preservation of non-renewable resources, maintaining an open rural landscape, ethical aspects of animal production, rural development etc. This reorientation of Swedish agriculture presumes that decision-makers, farmers, and the public at large get an opportunity to learn more about the complexities of agricultural production. In contributing to this learning process the Agricultural Extension Service would have an important mission. To be able to fulfill this mission, extension professionals must be provided an opportunity to learn a broader concept of productivity and efficiency in agriculture, for instance, how to extend cost-benefit analyses and technical criteria of efficiency to include social, environmental, and ethical aspects. Our present extension staff has not received adequate training for this task. It is suggested that all agricultural colleges need to create departments of Rural Sociology and Agricultural Humanities to provide agricultural students and professionals an opportunity to develop a better understanding of agriculture and make them prepared to take on the challenges and responsibilities they confront in developing our future agriculture.  相似文献   

我国农村土地制度与"三农"问题紧密相关。与其他国家的农村土地制度相比,我国的农村土地制度更具独特性,因此推进我国农村土地制度改革必须立足基本国情,而不能照抄他国的土地制度。该文分析了当前我国农村土地制度的必要性,并对推进我国农村土地制度改革提出对策思考。  相似文献   

知识经济与中国农业现代化   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
论述了知识经济影响下,现代农业的内涵和特征。包括知识武装农业,生产要素智能化;经济活动信息化;农业产业高级化;资源和资本高效利用;环境与经济的持续发展以及农业,农民,农村“三位一体”;农业现代化,农村工业化,农村城市化,农民知识化“四化”联动;生产,生活生态“三生”统一等。  相似文献   

发展农村职业教育为新农村建设服务   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
农村职业教育与农村经济建设关系最密切,是为新农村建设服务的主渠道。大力发展农村职业教育,是农村富余劳动力转移的需要,是农民增收的需要,是加快发展生态农业的需要,也是农业产业化的需要。我国职业教育起步较晚,存在着诸多问题。为推进新农村建设,必须采取各种有效措施加大发展农村职业教育力度。  相似文献   

The main idea of this article is to present various perspectives in order to analyze the recent crisis concerning the agriculture-based rural societies in the developed capitalist communities. In all of these countries there is a production crisis, resulting in too much food. But this is also an ideological crisis, because the consumer thinks that the food is produced at too high a price. And it is a political crisis as well because a major part of the voters think subsidies and trade barriers are too high. The paper argues that beneath the present agricultural and rural policy crisis lies the failure of three great projects of our time: 1) The project of natural science; 2) The project of liberal capitalism; and 3) The project of scientific socialism. The failure of these three projects has to do with the breakdown of the positivist idea of modernization. Modernization theory was partly wrong because it overlooked the persistence of locally based life modes. Those life modes must be understood before a sustainable rural development is found. The article reviews some contemporary social science perspectives that have recently been developed to grasp the fundamental changes of today's rural societies. Based on those perspectives and primarily the life mode perspective, five key elements that are essential to analyze if we want to understand future development are isolated: food production, resources, space, social diversity, and culture.Reidar Almås is a Professor of Sociology at the University of Trondheim, Norway, where he directs the Center for Rural Research. He received his Dr. philos. at the University of Trondheim with a dissertation on group farms. Almås is now doing research on food policies, rural development, and public perception of biotechnology. In addition to several books in Norwegian, he has publishedRural Norway, a gift to Europe. Fifteen selected articles on rural persistence and change.  相似文献   

从理念与文化层面上解读“农家书屋”工程的涵义   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
"农家书屋"工程的概念是在国家推进社会主义新农村建设政策的背景下,源于对农业发展内外环境的认识和判断提出的,对加强新农村文化内涵建设具有较好的指引作用。笔者认为,"农家书屋"工程不仅是涉及到民生的命题,同时也是发展的命题;它的建设和发展除了要创造自身"造血"功能,谋求"内外兼修"外,也要创新服务模式,探索走市场化的路子,真正实现"农家书屋"的长久发展。  相似文献   

农村经济合作组织是现代化农业的载体,其发展程度直接影响农业现代化的发展速度。文中作者以黑龙江省为例,分析了农村经济合作组织对农业现代化发展的重要作用,进而针对黑龙江省农村经济合作组织发展的特点及存在的问题,提出了在相应的建议。  相似文献   

王荧  李昶罕  秦莹 《安徽农业科学》2013,(26):10902-10903,10906
云南是人类文明重要的发祥地之一,自古以来就是多民族居住的地区,有着丰富的自然资源.云南各族人民在各自的居住地区,因地制宜,积累了许多优良的农业耕作技术经验,取得了卓越的技术成果,形成了丰富多彩的少数民族农耕文化.笔者对云南农耕文化的形成、特点及对农业发展的贡献进行了探讨,认为在当今科技如此发达的环境下,云南农业的发展必然要同优秀的传统农耕文化相结合,才可得以走出一条富有自己特色的农业发展道路,保护、传承和利用好传统的农耕文化,探索出一条科学的发展之路.  相似文献   

随着上海经济的迅速发展,城乡差别与工农差别不断缩小,城乡一体化正在逐步成为现实。但是,上海农业发展中仍面临着许多战略问题。因此,21世纪上海农业的持续发展,一定要拓宽农业的含义和功能,逐步形成与未来世界农业发展趋势相适应的上海大城市农业的特色.这种特色,具体地讲,就是要重点发展绿化农业、宾馆农业、创汇农业、旅游农业、休闲农业和生态农业等6种城市农业模式  相似文献   

伴随着农业比较利益和农业份额的下降,就业份额与产值份额相匹配的规律就会发生作用,如果在农业产值下降的情况下,农业就业的人数不相应减少,就会产生"三农"问题。在以户籍制度为主的歧视性政策阻挠下,向大中城市的转移越来越行不通,且向国外转移的新思路也只不过是一种尝试而已,始终不是长远之计,而农业产业化和农村城镇化的发展将为实现农村剩余劳动力的就地转移提供一种切实可行的思路。  相似文献   

In our paper we will try to connect the dynamics of community decline to individual responses. We will operate on two levels of reality. At the first level we will discuss the circumstances surrounding the recent decline of small communities in North Dakota. At the second level we will discuss how this decline affects small town residents' attitudes toward economic development. In the first level analysis we examine the thesis that the natural environment of community growth is economic exploitation; therefore, the decline of resource-based communities is natural and inevitable. We discuss the circumstances surrounding the recent decline of small communities in North Dakota. At the second level analysis, we operate at the level at which life circumstances and environments are shaped by political-economic institutions that in turn shape the behavior and mentality of communities, families, and individuals. We hypothesize that residents of declining small towns deny their powerlessness and adapt to their situation through intense dedication to economic growth. We develop a series of hypotheses to test this thesis using data from the North Dakota Rural Life Poll. In our conclusion, we discuss implications for rural development practitioners working in declining small towns where this intense dedication to economic development in prevalent.Dr. Stofferahn is an assistant professor in the Department of Sociology and director of the Social Science Research Institute at the University of North Dakota. He received his Ph.D. and M.S. in rural sociology from Iowa State University. Prior to coming to the University of North Dakota, Dr. Stofferahn was employed by the North Dakota Economic Development Commission. Mr. Fontaine received his M.S. in sociology from the University of North Dakota and is presently employed as the assistant director of the Social Science Research Institute. Douglas McDonald, Mike Spletto and Holly Jeanotte are graduate students in the Department of Sociology at the University of North Dakota. This paper originally was written as a class project in a graduate seminar in rural development.  相似文献   

35年来,中国的农业农村发展在政策指引下取得了历史性跨越,当前的农村改革发展面临新情况、新矛盾.十八届三中全会《中共中央关于全面深化改革若干重大问题的决定》就推进农村改革发展作了重要战略部署,再次将农村改革推向新起点.文章从8个方面深入解读了有关农村改革的几个重大问题.  相似文献   

乡村环境规划是促进农业农村绿色和可持续发展的首要环节。基于CiteSpace的文献计量可视化分析,本研究以中国知网数据库(CNKI)、港澳台数据库和Web of Science核心合集数据库为主体的1995—2021年间共4 180篇文献,展开乡村环境规划领域现状动态及热点趋势分析。结果显示,国内外对乡村环境规划学科的关注度持续提升,研究文献体量总体呈上升趋势,学科发展呈现萌芽起步期、稳步增长期和快速发展期三个阶段,时期发展进程上国内比国外滞后。学科分布上国内外均趋于多学科交叉、跨领域融合的发展特点,但国外学科分布领域更加广泛且均衡,重视基础理论创新、指标体系构建、技术方法开发,机构间合作程度远大于作者间合作;国内学科领域分布窄而集中,技术方法多依赖国外研究,作者间合作更加突出。国内外研究热点趋势均呈现明显的政策导向性,国内以乡村环境规划的各层次要素研究居多,如乡村空间规划、人居环境规划、生态环境保护与治理及产业规划,国外重视学科发展内核的提升,可持续发展、生态系统服务、能源开发利用与保护等成为当前最新研究热点。基于此,建议强化政策导向下乡村环境系统规划体系建设、完善学科交叉下中国乡村特色创新以及促进模型应用开发中乡村指标数据建设,从政策管理、学科发展和技术方法三个层面促进我国新时期乡村环境规划领域发展。  相似文献   

安徽省乡村旅游发展对策探讨   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
张寅  潘晶 《安徽农学通报》2010,16(23):177-179
乡村旅游作为一种新型的旅游形式,已经成为旅游业发展的重要一环。安徽省有着深厚的农业基础,是全国较早开展乡村旅游的省份。利用安徽自身的资源优势,解决发展中遇到的实际问题,推动乡村旅游进一步发展,从而带动安徽农村的发展,促进新农村建设,提高农民的生活水平。该文阐述了国内外乡村旅游发展状况、发展乡村旅游的意义、安徽省乡村旅游发展状况及面临的问题,提出了促进安徽省乡村旅游发展的对策。  相似文献   

探讨了医用农业的概念、基本涵义和主要类型,在考察国外医用农业发展的基础上,展示了医用农业广阔的发展前景。初步研判提出,医用农业是现代农业发展的新趋势,发展医用农业是我国特别是沿海发达地区现代农业发展的必然抉择。  相似文献   

毛兆东 《北京农业》2012,(15):233-234
农业机械化是目前社会转型时期农业生产的重大支撑,是缓解开发农村人力资源矛盾的重要重要组成部分.必须进一步加强农机化技术推广,促进职业农民培养,提高农民素质,增强农业生产后劲.  相似文献   

新疆农业用地市场研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
本研究从农用地流转与农村经济发展的关系入手,分析了家用地的市场要素,交易对象,交易主体和交易价格,重点分析了新疆农用地流转的实例,指出农村土地承包责任制的核心问题是制定承包期限和分配利益,政府应完善农用地产权制度和农村土地市场的正常运作。  相似文献   

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