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A captively maintained mature male opossum (Didelphis virginiana) utilized in a research protocol was presented with clinical signs of chronic diarrhea and severe muscle wasting. At necropsy, there was multifocal mural gastric, intestinal, and urinary bladder thickening, concurrent bilateral hydroureter and hydronephrosis, and extensive fibrous abdominal adhesions. Histologic evaluation revealed intestinal adenocarcinoma with coelomic metastasis to the stomach and urinary bladder. The adenocarcinoma was evaluated using histochemistry and electron microscopy. Paneth, enteroendocrine, and goblet cell differentiation was documented in primary and metastatic sites. This unique presentation of intestinal adenocarcinoma has not previously been reported in the opossum or any other animals. Intestinal neoplasia with Paneth cell differentiation is extremely rare and has been reported in humans with familial adenomatous polyposis.  相似文献   

A 10-month-old, intact male chinchilla (Chinchilla lanigera) was diagnosed with urolithiasis, unilateral hydroureter, and hydronephrosis secondary to ureteral obstruction confirmed by radiography and ultrasonography. Nephrectomy and cystotomy were performed, and the urolith was suspected to be a semen-matrix calculus (mineralized copulatory plug) based on the discovery of sperm within the renal pelvis of the nephrectomized kidney on histopathology; this was later confirmed through a postmortem examination. Three months after initial presentation the chinchilla was diagnosed with recurrent urolithiasis, hydroureter, and hydronephrosis of the remaining kidney and ureter, and euthanized due to poor prognosis. Necropsy confirmed the presence of semen-matrix calculi in the ureter and urinary bladder. Veterinary clinicians should consider semen-matrix calculi as a differential diagnosis for radiopaque calculi within the bladder or urethra of male chinchillas. Pathogenesis may be formation of a coagulum secondary to retrograde ejaculation.  相似文献   

Urinary bladder torsion is rare in dogs. It is characterised by rotation of the organ along its longitudinal axis and is potentially life‐threatening because of urinary flow obstruction with subsequent urine retention, hydroureter, hydronephrosis and azotaemia. This report describes the computed tomographic features of urinary bladder torsion in two dogs. In both cases, the hallmark indicative of torsion was the “whirl sign,” originating from the twisted pelvic urethra and urinary bladder neck encircling the ureters, blood vessels and bladder ligaments in a characteristic spiral pattern. The imaging features correlated well with surgical findings, demonstrating high sensitivity of computed tomography in the preoperative diagnosis of urinary bladder torsion.  相似文献   

Severe hydronephrosis and hydroureter associated with ectopic ureters were diagnosed in 2 dogs. Surgical transplantation of the ectopic ureters into the urinary bladder resulted in urinary continence in both dogs. Intravenous urography revealed a marked decrease in the size of hydronephrosis and hydroureter in both dogs 28 to 35 weeks after surgery. In 1 dog with bilateral ureteral ectopia, kidney size and renal function remained normal for 5 years after surgery. A dog with one ectopic ureter and an associated ureterocele had a marked reduction in size of the affected kidney and an apparent decrease in function of that kidney, as indicated by decreased opacification on an intravenous urogram.  相似文献   

Three dogs and one cat with lymphoma affecting the urinary bladder are reported and the findings on abdominal radiographs and ultrasound are described. Mural lesions representing lymphoma affecting the urinary bladder were identified ultrasonographically in all animals. The most common complications associated with urinary bladder lymphoma were hydronephrosis and hydroureter. In two patients contrast radiography was necessary to detect leakage of urine in the peritoneal and retroperitoneal space. The radiographic and ultrasonographic signs were similar to those reported with other urinary bladder neoplasms; hence urinary bladder lymphoma could not be distinguished from the more common urinary bladder neoplasms, such as transitional cell carcinoma. It is important to include lymphoma in the differential diagnosis of urinary bladder wall thickening and mural mass in dogs and cats.  相似文献   

A 2 1/2-month-old, female German Shepherd Dog was examined because of incontinence since birth. Multiple urinary anomalies which included left renal agenesis, right hydronephrosis and hydroureter and urinary bladder dysfunction were found by excretory urography. These abnormalities were confirmed at necropsy. In addition, vesicovaginal continuity with apparent absence of the urethra was also found  相似文献   

A two-year-old chihuahua bitch was presented with urinary incontinence following ovariohysterectomy which had been performed at the time of caesarean section. Clinical, contrast radiographic and surgical investigation revealed the presence of right hydroureter and hydronephrosis, vesicovaginal fistula and absence of most of the urinary bladder. These abnormalities appeared to have resulted from ligation of the caudal bladder, at the level of the trigone, during ovariohysterectomy.  相似文献   

A 3-month-old, Labrador bitch presented with urinary incontinence. A unilateral, ectopic ureter was diagnosed with ultrasound without the aid of additional contrast radiographic techniques. Ipsilateral hydroureter and mild hydronephrosis were also present. At the level of the bladder trigone the ectopic ureter became intramural and this was clearly demonstrable with ultrasound. The opening of the ectopic ureter into the proximal urethra was, however, not visualised owing to its intrapelvic location.  相似文献   

An 8‐month‐old neutered male ferret was presented for vaccination and preventive treatment for adrenal gland disease. Abdominal ultrasound revealed severe bilateral hydronephrosis and hydroureter. Excretory urography and negative contrast cystography showed bilateral ureterovesical junction stenosis. Positive retrograde cystography demonstrated right ureteral reflux. A subcutaneous ureteral bypass was placed in the left kidney; however, it had to be removed 3 months later due to an obstruction and persistent urinary tract infection. Bilateral ureteroneocystotomy was performed. Although congenital strictures are uncommon in veterinary patients, they should be included in the differential diagnosis in ferrets presenting with hydronephrosis and hydroureter of undetermined cause.  相似文献   

Severe hydroureter and hydronephrosis secondary to ureteral obstruction by calculus were present in a guinea pig. A palliative ultrasound-guided percutaneous antegrade hydropropulsion was performed under general anesthesia to relieve the ureteral obstruction and the associated clinical signs. We describe the technique and the considerations for its potential application in similar cases.  相似文献   

A 9-month-old, castrated male domestic shorthair cat with urinary incontinence was referred for surgical correction of an ectopic ureter. Excretory urography revealed hydronephrosis of the right kidney, right hydroureter, and ureterocele. A partial ureterocelectomy and neoureterocystostomy were performed. This report describes the surgical modification of the ureterocele and ectopic ureter to correct ipsilateral hydronephrosis, hydroureter, and urinary incontinence.  相似文献   

An eight-month-old Pekingese bitch with urinary incontinence was found to have three congenital anomalies of the urinary tract: left renal agenesis, bilateral ectopic ureters with a left cranial blind-ending ureter, and urinary bladder hypoplasia. The diagnoses were made by retrograde vaginourethrography, excretory urography, ultrasonography and duplex Doppler ultrasonography. Although urological anomalies associated with renal agenesis have been frequently observed, a cranial blind-end ectopic ureter has not, to the authors' knowledge, been described in the bitch. The dog was managed medically with a restricted protein diet because of a compromised unilateral kidney with hydronephrosis and hydroureter.  相似文献   

A 3-year old, intact male Doberman pinscher was examined at the Foster Hospital for Small Animals at Tufts University for a 2-week history of stranguria, dyschezia, and weight loss. Ultrasonographically, there was bilateral hydronephrosis, right-sided hydroureter, hepatosplenomegaly, symmetric mild prostatomegaly, and a distended urinary bladder. Fine needle aspirates and biopsies of the prostate yielded a diagnosis of lymphoma. Lymphoma is a rare cause of prostatomegaly in the dog. Sonographic findings are nonspecific; fine needle aspirates or biopsies are needed to ascertain the diagnosis.  相似文献   

A nine-year-old female German shepherd dog was presented in severe renal failure. Clinical and ultrasonographic examination revealed the presence of adrenal neoplasia, bilateral hydroureter and hydronephrosis but no evidence of urolithiasis or bladder neoplasia. In the absence of anuria, therapy for the renal failure was attempted but the azotaemia did not improve. Remarkably, bilateral hydroureter appeared to have been induced by a past routine surgical procedure--ovariohysterectomy.  相似文献   

Objective – To describe a case of presumptive secondary pseudohypoaldosteronism (PHA) in a cat with urinary tract infection and chronic urethral obstruction. The obstruction was believed to have resulted from sloughed urinary bladder mucosa secondary to pressure necrosis. Case Summary – A 5‐year‐old, 4 kg, castrated male Siamese cat presented for vomiting and stranguria. Medical history included a perineal urethrostomy for urethral obstruction. Physical examination revealed a large, painful, nonexpressible urinary bladder. Point‐of‐care testing demonstrated electrolyte derangements consistent with a postrenal azotemia and metabolic acidosis. Results of urine culture was positive for bacterial growth. Diagnostic imaging revealed presence of retroperitoneal fluid, marked urinary bladder wall thickening, bilateral hydroureter, mild bilateral pyelectasia, and small nephroliths. The patient was treated for a urinary tract obstruction and infection. In the 3 weeks following initial discharge, the patient was evaluated on multiple occasions for lethargy, intermittent vomiting, inappropriate urination, and progressive polyuria and polydipsia. Although the urinary bladder was easily expressed during repeat examinations, it was persistently distended and subjectively thickened upon palpation. Repeat ultrasound of the urinary tract showed evidence of sloughed tissue in the bladder lumen, likely secondary to chronic urethral obstruction and pressure necrosis. A cystotomy was performed to remove the necrotic tissue, and a revised perineal urethrostomy was done due to a partial urethral stricture. Bladder biopsies were obtained at this time. Postoperatively, the cat was reported by the owners to be urinating normally but continued to be polyuric and polydipsic in the week following discharge. One week after surgery, the cat presented in hypovolemic shock with laboratory findings consistent with a presumptive diagnosis of secondary PHA. New or Unique Information Provided – PHA has not been reported previously in a cat. This case report suggests that aldosterone resistance should be considered in cats with consistent laboratory findings and a history of documented obstructive uropathy and urinary tract infection.  相似文献   

Progressive hydroureter and hydronephrosis were diagnosed in a dog after anastomosis of a crushed ureter. Nephrectomy was averted when partial resolution was noticed one month after the ureteral repair. The appearance of the kidney and ureter was nearly normal several months later. Conservative management should be considered in cases of partial unilateral ureteral obstruction.  相似文献   

A 4-month-old, 7 kg, intact male, Bernese mountain dog was presented for obstructive struvite ureterolithiasis. Multiple urethroliths, ureteroliths, and urocystoliths were present. Based on an abdominal ultrasound, there was severe left hydronephrosis and hydroureter from distal ureterolith obstruction, just proximal to the vesicoureteral junction. The dog was not azotemic. Successful treatment was accomplished via ventral cystotomy. Bladder wall culture revealed a methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus spp. No predisposing cause was identified. There are no known genetic predispositions in Bernese mountain dogs for struvite urolithiasis. The urinary tract infection resolved with surgical retrieval of the uroliths and antibiotic treatment. The dog remained clinically normal after the cystotomy but developed a subclinical urinary tract infection 4 mo post-operatively.Key clinical message:Urolithiasis is rare in pediatric veterinary patients. To the authors’ knowledge, this is the first report of obstructive ureterolithiasis in a puppy. There is no known genetic predisposition for urolithiasis in Bernese mountain dogs.  相似文献   

BackgroundCircumcaval ureter is an anomaly in the development of the caudal vena cava, rarely reported in ferrets.Materials and methodsInclusion criteria for ferrets were circumcaval ureter confirmed on surgery or post-mortem examination. Data collection of ferrets with circumcaval ureters presented between January 2014 and January 2021 included signalment, medical history, clinical signs, laboratory diagnostics, diagnostic imaging results, treatments, and clinical outcomes.ResultsTwo ferrets met the inclusion criteria. One presented following diarrhea, and one was found on routine examination that revealed a right nephromegaly. Abdominal ultrasound revealed severe unilateral hydronephrosis associated with hydroureter in both ferrets. No obvious cause of obstruction was identified. Biochemical results were unremarkable in both patients. Hydronephrosis was investigated through CT scans, revealing Type 1 circumcaval ureter in both ferrets. Section and relocation of the right ureter by uretero-vesical anastomosis was performed in one ferret. This ferret died 48 hours later following a nephrectomy performed due to persistent hydronephrosis. The second cas underwent right nephrectomy andd ureter resection due to severe hydronephrosis and stenosis of the circuncaval segment. This ferret has remained healthy on followup with no abnormalities found in biochemistries or ultrasound examination.Conclusion and case relevanceFindings suggest that circumcaval ureter should be suspected in ferrets with unilateral hydronephrosis and associated hydroureter without any identified cause of obstruction on abdominal ultrasonography. It should be confirmed with CT scan and/or urography and treated surgically.  相似文献   

Nineteen cases of feline congenital urinary incontinence (10 cats with ureteral ectopia and nine with incompetence of the urethral sphincter mechanism) are reviewed. The 10 cats with ureteral ectopia are considered together with 13 from previous reports. There was no apparent breed predisposition. Most of the 23 cats were presented for urinary incontinence but two of them were continent. Thirteen were females and ectopia was unilateral in 13 and bilateral in 10. Twenty-eight of 31 ectopic ureters terminated in the urethra. The commonest complication was hydroureter/hydronephrosis (10 cases). Eighteen of the cats were treated surgically, 13 by ureteral transplantation, four by ureteronephrectomy and one by ligation of the renal blood vessels; 16 of them were cured by surgery. Congenital urethral sphincter mechanism incompetence has not been reported previously in the cat. Nine cases are presented and the urethras of all were markedly hypoplastic. A common concomitant abnormality was vaginal aplasia, with the uterine horns terminating in the dorsum of the bladder. Bacteriuria was more common in this group than in the cats with ureteral ectopia.  相似文献   

A 5-year-old guinea pig with suspected urolithiasis was presented for radiology and ultrasound examinations of the abdomen. Radiographically, an irregular-shaped mineral opacity was detected in the area of the urinary bladder. Ultrasonographically, pyelectasia of the right kidney, hydroureter with an ureterolith cranial to a thickened ureter wall close to the ureterovesical junction, and a thickened urinary bladder wall were detected. Histopathologically, the thickened ureter wall was found to be a papilloma. The ureter calculus consisted of 100% calcite.  相似文献   

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