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This paper deals with problems concerning measurements of rainfall acidity and interpretation in terms of possible effects on the soil-plant system. The theory of acidity relationships of the carbon dioxide-bicarbonate equilibria and its effect on rainfall acidity measurements is given. The relationship of a cation-anion balance model of acidity in rainfall to plant nutrient uptake processes is discussed, along with the relationship of this model to a rainfall acidity model previously proposed in the literature. These considerations lead to the conclusion that average H+ concentration calculated from pH measurements is not a satisfactory method of determining H+ loading from rainfall if the rain is not consistently acid. Calculating loading from H+ minus HCO3 ? , strong acid anions minus basic cations, or net titratable acidity is suggested. The flux of H+ ions in soil systems due to plant uptake processes and sulfur and nitrogen cycling is considered. H+ is produced by oxidation of reduced sulfur and nitrogen compounds mineralized during decomposition of organic matter. Plant uptake processes may result in production of either H+ or OH? ions. Fluxes of H+ from these processes are much greater than rainfall H+ inputs, complicating measurement and interpretation of rainfall effects. The soil acidifying potential due to the oxidation of the NH4 + rainfall is examined, with the conclusion that acidity from this source is of a similar magnitude to direct H+ inputs common in rainfall.  相似文献   

The Laflamme Lake Watershed Area is located in a sensitive region on the Canadian Shield and is subjected to wet atmospheric loading between 17 and 25 kg ha?1 yr?1. From 1981 to 1988, the level and fluctuations of the atmospheric deposition of acidifying substances has led to various responses in the water chemistry of headwater lakes in the area. The general trend in atmospheric inputs is a gradual increase of acidifying substances from 1981 to 1985 followed by a 2 yr decrease then a return to previous values. In the two lakes with almost no alkalinity acidification has occured throughout the 1983 to 1988 period. In the four lakes with slightly higher alkalinity values, a reversal in acidification is seen when atmospheric loading decreased in 1986. Along with the interannual trends, seasonal variability to acidification occurs with sensitivity of surface waters being highest during spring melt. Sensitivity to acidification can also be altered by watershed processes and in the Laflamme Lake Watershed, soil processes are effective in altering the acidity of precipitation before it reached the lake. In this watershed, wet atmospheric inputs of H+ and NO3 ? are larger than surface water outputs while the reverse occurs for Ca2+, Mg2+, Na+, K+, Cl? and SO4 2?.  相似文献   

One-year field measurements were conducted in a Japanese cedar (Cryptomeria japonica) forest, located in Gunma Prefecture, Japan. On the basis of the meteorological and atmospheric concentration data, the dry deposition of SO2, HNO3, NO2 and HCl was estimated using the inferential method. The annual dry deposition of H+ was estimated at 721 eq ha?1yr?1, which was 40% larger than the measured annual wet deposition of H+ (514 eq ha?1yr?1). Therefore, dry deposition is an important pathway for the atmospheric input of H+ to the forest in the study site. The contribution of each gas to the dry deposition of H+ was as follows: SO2, 25%; HNO3, 32%; NO2, 10%; and HCl, 33%. The extremely high contribution of HCl appeared to be caused by the high emission intensity of HCl due to waste incineration in the site region. The differences between estimated deposition and throughfall and stemflow measurements indicated that about 80% of the total deposition of H+ was taken up by the canopy.  相似文献   

Atmospheric monitoring activities in Canada relevant to the long-range transport of atmospheric pollutants and the ‘acid rain’ problem are reviewed. Particular aspects examined are network objectives, station density and location, sampling protocol, and quality assurance. Results from a number of these networks are presented for the purpose of outlining the nature and extent of air and precipitation contamination by pollution released in eastern North America. Examples discussed include: the spatial distribution of acidic wet deposition, the temporal variation of acid-related substances in both air and precipitation, an episode of long-range transport, and the impact of acidic emissions on the Arctic atmosphere. Acidic wet deposition is greatest in Canada east of the Manitoba-Ontario border. In 1978, it ranged from 18 to 46 mmol H+ m?2 yr?1 in the southern half of eastern Canada, with maxima in southern Ontario (44 mmol H+ m?2 yr?1) and southwestern Quebec (46 mmol H+ m?2 yr?1). Western Canada receives less acidity in precipitation, but areas of some concern are the Pacific Coast (10 mmol H+ m?2 yr?1) and to a lesser extent northern Alberta and Saskatchewan (3 to 5 mmol H+ m?2 yr?1). Acidic emissions from mid-latitude sources which reach the Arctic in winter cause an increase in the acidity of snow from a pH of approximately 5.6 in the summer to values of 4.9 to 5.1 in January through March.  相似文献   

Data of the Multistate Atmospheric Power Production Pollution Study (MAP3S) and the National Atmospheric Deposition Program (NADP) were utilized to develop wet deposition spatial distribution patterns for the eastern United States for 1979. The ions of SO4 ?, NO3 ?, H+, and NH4 + were selected for study since they are the most prominent ones found in precipitation. Total wet deposition for 1979 was normalized to one centimeter of precipitation and objectively analyzed using the Synagraphic Mapping System (SYMAP) technique. Gradients of SO4 ? and NO3 ? were found to be essentially uniform, both to the east and west of the major pollution regions. An increased gradient in normalized deposition for SO4 ?, NO3 ?, and H+ was found in the Appalachian Mountain region. Estimates of total wet deposition were obtained by using the normalized deposition values in conjunction with precipitation as reported by the National Climatic Center. SYMAP analyses of the estimated total wet deposition were localized in nature due to precipitation variations between sites.  相似文献   

During one year, dry and wet deposition onto thirty forest stands is studied by sampling throughfall and bulk precipitation. Nine measurement sites are situated in Douglas fir (Pseudotsuga menziesii Mirb. Franco) stands, ten in Scotch pine (Pinus sylvestris L.) and eleven in Oak (Quercus robur L.) stands. Because the stands are situated in each other's proximity (i.e. within a radius of approximately 1.4 km) it is assumed that they experience an approximately equal air pollution load. For the acidifying compounds SO4 2?, NO3 ? and NH4 + spatial variability in wet deposition was small within the area studied. Dry deposition, as estimated by net throughfall, displayed a much higher spatial variability. Significant differences existed between tree species and growing seasons. Douglas fir mostly displayed the highest, Oak the lowest and Scotch pine intermediate values for net throughfall fluxes of acidifying compounds. The annual net throughfall fluxes for nitrogen compounds were significantly higher for the coniferous tree species than the broadleaved tree species. For SO4 2?, however, Oak showed a relatively high throughfall flux during the summer. By comparing the temporal pattern of net throughfall fluxes between the three tree species it was concluded that considerable canopy leaching occurred for SO4 2?, Mg+, PO4 3?, HCO3 ? and K+ in Oak stands during the sprouting of leaves in spring. From surface wash experiments in the laboratory it is concluded that canopy leaching of these ions may also be enhanced when Oak leaves are infected by Oak mildew, a fungal disease caused by the fungus Microshaera aliphilitoides.  相似文献   

It is proposed that the value of ([SO4 ??] - [Ca++ + Mg++]) in precipitation is a suitable way to describe the acidifying potential (AP) of the wet desposition. In eastern North America, the AP of precipitation varies from 20 to 85% of the total sulphate, the remainder of the sulphate being neutralized H2SO4, sulphate from salts in dust or from sea salt. The AP ranges from 20 to 80% of the H+ in the wet deposition. The rest of the H+ is contributed by the net effect of N compounds. Ammonium and nitrate ions from ammonia and NOXemissions do not represent a net acidic loading to the terrestrial ecosystem if they are taken up by vegetation. However, when N leaches from watersheds in the form nitrate, it constitutes an acidifying demand on the ecosystem. Therefore, the overall net acidifying potential (NAP) applied to the terrestrial ecosystem is defined by the value of ([SO4 ??] - [Ca++ + Mg++]) in precipitation plus [NO3 ??] in runoff from the watershed.  相似文献   

Precipitation chemistry was discussed from the viewpoint of potential sources for four rural sites where wet-only daily-basis measurement data sets were available during the period from April 1996 to March 1997 in Japan. Annual volume-weighted mean concentrations of nss-SO4 2? and NO3 ? ranged from 18.0 to 34.6 µeq L?1, and from 9.3 to 23.1 µeq L?1, respectively. The degree of neutralization of input acidity in terms of the concentration ratio, [H+] / ([nss-SO4 2?] + [NO3 ?]), ranged from 0.46 to 0.63. This suggests that about half of the input acidity due to H2SO4 and HNO3 was neutralized by NH4 + and nss-Ca2+ to produce the pH values of 4.46 to 4.82 for these sites. Maximum likelihood factor analysis was then performed on the logarithmically transformed daily wet deposition of major ions. Two factors successfully explained a total of about 80% of the variance in the data for each site. Interpreting varimax rotated factor loadings, we could identify two source types: (1) acid source with large loadings on ln(H+), ln(nss-SO4 2?), ln(NO3 ?) and ln(NH4 +), (2) sea-salt source with large loadings on ln(Na+), ln(Cl?), ln(Mg2+) and ln(K+). The rural wet deposition over Japan appears to have a similar structure in terms of the kinds of sources and their relative location.  相似文献   

We estimated the total inorganic fluxes of nitrogen (N), sulfur (S), chloride (Cl?, sodium (Na+, calcium (Ca2+, magnesium (Mg2+, potassium (K+ and hydronium (H+. The resistance deposition algorithm that is programmed as part of the CALMET/CALPUFF modeling system was used to generate spatially-distributed deposition velocities, which were then combined with measurements of urban and rural concentrations of gas and particle species to obtain dry deposition rates. Wet deposition rates for each species were determined from rainfall concentrations and amounts available from the National Acid Deposition Program (NADP) monitoring network databases. The estimated total inorganic nitrogen deposition to the Tampa Bay watershed (excluding Tampa Bay) was 17 kg-N ha?1 yr?1 or 9,700 metric tons yr?1, and the ratio of dry to wet deposition rates was ~2.3 for inorganic nitrogen. The largest contributors to the total N flux were ammonia (NH3 and nitrogen oxides (NO x at 4.6 kg-N ha?1 yr?1 and 5.1 kg-N ha?1 yr?1, respectively. Averaged wet deposition rates were 2.3 and 2.7 kg-N ha?1 yr?1 for NH4 + and NO3 ?, respectively.  相似文献   

Measurement of total acid deposition into spruce and beech forests in Northrhine-Westfalia During one year the deposition of H+, NH4+, Al3+, Fe3+ and the acidity (BNC8,2) in bulk precipitation and throughfall of spruce and beech stands was measured in Northrhine-Westfalia. It is shown that the calculation of acid deposition as the sum of the H+-equivalents of (H+ + NH4+ + Al3+ + Fe3+ + Mn2+) underestimates total deposition of acidity. A simple and useful alternative is the calculation of H+-equivalents from (BNC8,2 + 0.9 NH4+ + Mn2+).  相似文献   

Atmospheric fallout in the vicinity of a sour gas plant in southwestern Alberta was collected on an event basis with bulk precipitation collectors during June, July and August of 1972, 1973 and 1982. Samples were collected at 9 sites within 20 km of the plant. Total atmospheric sulfation measurements defined a higher exposure area located downwind of the plant, but the precipitation measurements did not. Bulk deposition of H+ ion in the study area was an average 10.77 mmol H+ m?2 3 mol?1 in 1972 and 0.014 and 0.049 in 1973 and 1982, respectively. 1972 samples were also significantly more acidic (average pH of 4.3 vs 5.7 in 1973 and 5.3 in 1982). Deposition of SO4 = averaged 2.1 kg S ha?1 3 mol?1 in 1972 and 0.96 and 0.72 in 1973 and 1982. The higher deposition of both S and H+ in 1972 is mainly a result of more precipitation. There was no significant correlation between H+ and SO4 = species in the samples. There was no significant relationship between plant S emissions and deposition rates, or plant S emissions and average total atmospheric sulfation measurements.  相似文献   

As part of a study of the substance budgets of lakes in south-central Ontario, a network of precipitation collectors (8 bulk, 7 wet only) was operated to measure the deposition of nutrients and major ions. Results are reported for total P, total Kjeldahl N, NO 3 ? ?N, NH 4 + ?N, total N, Fe, H+, Ca++, Mg++, Na+, K+, SO 4 = and CL? for a two year period (August 1976–July 1978). On an equivalent basis the dominant anion in both bulk and wet precipitation was SO 4 = , with H+ the dominant cation. Precipitation in the study area is more acidic than that analyzed at any other location on the Canadian Shield to date. Concentrations of ions varied by 1 to 3 orders of magnitude between individual precipitation events and annual deposition varied by as much as 2-fold in the two years of study. Annual wet deposition contributed >60% of bulk deposition for all substances except total P. Seasonal trends in deposition with summer maxima were noted for most ions. For Harp Lake, a small Precambrian Lake with a lake area of 12.6% of its total drainage area, precipitation input directly to the lake surface was an important source of nutrients and major ions. This was especially the case for P, N and H+ because these substances were retained by the terrestrial drainage basin.  相似文献   

Ion mass and H+ budgets were calculated for three pristine forested catchments using bulk deposition, throughfall and runoff data. The catchments have different soil and forest type characteristics. A forest canopy filtering factor for each catchment was estimated for base cations, H+, Cl? and SO 4 2? by taking into account the specific filtering abilities of different stands based on the throughfall quality and the distribution of forest types. Output fluxes from the catchments were calculated from the quality and quantity of the runoff water. Deposition, weathering, ion exchange, retention and biological accumulation processes were taken into account to calculate catchment H+ budgets, and the ratio between external (anthropogenic) and internal H+ sources. In general, output exceeded input for Na+, K+, Ca2+, Mg2+, HCO 3 ? (if present) and A? (organic anions), whereas retention was observed in the case of H+, NH 4 + , NO 3 ? and SO 4 2? . The range in the annual input of H+ was 22.8–26.3 meq m?2 yr?1, and in the annual output, 0.3–3.9 meq m?2 yr?1. Compared with some forested sites located in high acid deposition areas in southern Scandinavia, Scotland and Canada, the catchments receive rather moderate loads of acidic deposition. The consumption of H+ was dominated by base cation exchange plus weathering reactions (41–79 %), and by the retention of SO 4 2? (17–49 %). The maximum net retention of SO 4 2? was 87% in the HietajÄrvi 2 catchment, having the highest proportion of peatlands. Nitrogen transformations played a rather minor role in the H+ budgets. The ratio between external and internal H+ sources (excluding net base cation uptake by forests) varied between 0.74 and 2.62, depending on catchment characteristics and acidic deposition loads. The impact of the acidic deposition was most evident for the southern Valkeakotinen catchment, where the anthropogenic acidification has been documented also by palaeolimnological methods.  相似文献   

Trends in the precipitation-weighted average concentrations and in the deposition of inorganic ions in daily precipitation samples at three Finnish background stations were calculated for a period extending from the seventies to 1988. During the period 1973–1988, S04 2? concentrations in wet deposition at the station in Central Finland decreased by 39% in accordance with the emission decrease of SO1 in Finland of 50% over the same period, and the 20% decrease in Europe from 1980 to 1988. However, due to the more significant decrease in alkaline ions (80% for Mg2+), H+ concentrations increased by 30%. At the two southernmost stations, overall concentrations are higher and the decrease of Mg2+ and Ca2+ is less important, but at the station in southeastern Finland the increase of N03 ? relative to NH4 + has doubled H+ concentrations during the period 1977–1988. Division of the data according to wind direction sectors showed generally decreasing concentrations in the sectors related to Scandinavia, but unchanging or increasing concentrations in the sectors related to eastern Europe. Acid deposition trends were estimated as H+, S04 2? - (Ca2+ + Mg2+), and H+ + NH4 + - N03 +. All these trends showed increasing acid deposition in central Finland and decreasing trends in western Finland. In eastern Finland the trends were opposing due to the increasing N03 + but decreasing NH4 ? trends. It is concluded that S04 2? deposition trends do not reflect acid deposition trends, and SO4 2? or N03 ? deposition do not geographically represent acid deposition.  相似文献   

Rain water and dustfall deposition samples were collected at Pune, an urban site (1992–98) and at Sinhagad, a rural site (1992–94). The samples were collected with wet-only and bulk collectors at Pune and with bulk collector at Sinhagad. The samples were analyzed for major ions, pH and conductivity. The study showed that the rain water at both places is alkaline (pH > 5.6). The average pH at Pune was 6.1. Neutralising components, indicated by Ca and non sea salt (nss) Mg have higher concentrations than the acidifying components SO4 and NO3. The wet deposition fluxes of all the ionic components were higher than the dustfall fluxes. Relative contribution from dustfall was largest for K, Ca, Mg and NO3. Dustfall was greater at Pune, compared to Sinhagad for all components and up to double for Ca.  相似文献   

HNO3 is more efficient in acidifying lakes than has been generally believed. This is because as nitrate loading to lakes increases, the efficiency of in-lake nitrate removal decreases markedly. Efficiencies decrease because algal N requirements are exceeded and because denitrification, which becomes an important removal process, is not as efficient as algal removal. Thus, nitrate and the accompanying H+ accumulate and HNO3 becomes an important factor in acidification. Data from an experimentally acidified system suggest that midsummer surface-water nitrate concentrations in excess of only 1 µmol L?1 indicate that algal requirements have been exceeded. While 1 µmol L?1 NO3 ? is not a significant quantity in terms of affecting the acidity of the water, it is useful as an indicator to identify lakes where algal requirements have been exceeded and where further increases in HNO3 loading could lead to lake acidification.  相似文献   

Rain samples were collected sequentially by amount (≈2.7 mm each) from individual events at a single, relatively isolated, suburban site from August 1977 to July 1980. Rain pH's for ≤ 3 mm samples closely fit a monomodal Gaussian distribution with a median of 4.50 and a standard deviation of 0.39. The variability in pH was primarily interevent as opposed to intraevent. The 3-yr volume-weighted pH was 4.35 ± 0.02 for 3.16 m collected; annual pH's were 4.31, 4.37, and 4.38, and cumulative H+ deposition was 141 mg H+ m?2. Event-averaged rain pH and meteorological and air quality data were correlated. Low pH was associated with low rainfall volume and rate; rain after several dry days; rains with northeast surface winds; high SO2, NO2, and O3 in the ambient atmosphere; and high, strongly correlated, SO4 = and NO3 ? rainwater concentrations. The lowest 3-yr seasonal average pH (4.31) occurred during summer; values for other seasons were ≈4.37. Average intraevent H+ molarity (volume-weighted) was accurately characterized by 6.89 E?5 *(mm ram)?0.215. The relative merits of composite (e.g., whole event) and sequential sampling are examined.  相似文献   

Inputs of wet and dry deposition were monitored at the Huntington Forest in the Adirondack Mountains of New York for two years in the open and beneath the canopy of a northern hardwood forest. In the open, ion flux estimates were similar using wet-only weekly (NADP protocol) and event collections, but bulk collections were higher for all ions except H+, which was much lower. These differences were due to the contribution of dry deposition and possible biotic alterations in bulk collectors. Dry deposition was estimated using air concentrations and ion-specific depositional velocities modeled with meteorological data, and contributed substantially to the input of all ions [H+ (45%), Na+ (24%), K+ (22%), NH4 + (12%), Ca2+ (58%), Mg2+(43%), NO3 ? (55%), Cl? (27%) and SO4 ?2 (26%)]. Dry input of base cations was dominated by coarse particles, whereas gaseous inputs were more important for S and NO3 ?. Atmospheric concentrations of SO2 and inputs of SO4 2? and H+ were lower at this site than sites closer to point sources of S gas emission. The importance of estimating atmospheric inputs was examined using examples of elemental budgets. For example, different estimates of the contribution of dry deposition of SO4 2? (9–21 meq m?2 y?1) resulted in conclusions ranging from no net retention to a net loss of this element. Such differences have important implications in assessing the current and future role of atmospheric inputs in affecting elemental cycling.  相似文献   

上海地区氮素湿沉降及其对农业生态系统的影响   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6       下载免费PDF全文
试验研究上海地区N素湿沉降及其对农业生态系统的影响结果表明,上海地区湿沉降中N营养盐含量较高,其中NO3-为2.587mg/L,NH4 达2.155mg/L,TIN的含量均在4.000mg/L以上。湿沉降输入到上海地区农业生态系统N营养盐的年通量较高,其中NH4 平均为26.580kg/hm2,1999年达到38.930kg/hm2;NO3-平均为31.545kg/hm2;TIN平均为58.123kg/hm2,相当于124.549kg/hm2尿素或327.980kg/hm2碳酸氢铵,1999年TIN输入量为77.750kg/hm2,相当于166.607kg/hm2尿素或438.732kg/hm2碳酸氢铵,占1998年全国化肥(N)平均施用量的35%。湿沉降中N的输入对农业生产有重要影响。  相似文献   

Solute fluxes to the ground in open plots and under the forest canopy of different species were investigated in a number of long-term ecosystem studies in West Germany. From the canopy flux balance, rates of interception deposition and canopy/deposition interactions were assessed. Chemically, both open precipitation and throughfall are dilute solutions of H2SO4 and HNO3 and their salts. For the sites investigated, mean pH in bulk precipitation ranged from 4.1 to 4.6, and in throughfall from 3.4 to 4.7. The increase in acidity after canopy passage at most sites indicates considerable interception deposition of strong acids to the forest stands, exceeding the rate of H+ buffering in the canopy. Evidence for buffering processes can be directly deduced from the fact that on sites with high soil alkalinity and high foliage base status, throughfall pH is usually higher than precipitation pH. Furthermore, the same idea can be concluded from changes in solution composition after canopy passage: the H+/SO inf4 sup2? ratio is decreasing at most sites, while alkali earth cations from exchange processes occur in throughfall (Ca2+/SO inf4 sup2? ratio increases). Solution composition and element flux data are presented for each of the sites, and the regional, orographical and site specific (species composition, ecosystem state) differentiations are discussed. A method for the assessment of total deposition and of canopy interactions such as H+-buffering and cation leaching is described, and results of calculations are shown. From these calculations it is concluded that forest ecosystems in Germany receive mean H+ loads of ca. 1 to 4 keq H+ · ha?1 · a?1 from atmospheric deposition. Acidity deposition rates seem to be related to a few key factors such as regional characteristics and ecosystem characteristics.  相似文献   

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