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犬恶丝虫病是通过蚊子传播给犬类的一种血液线虫病,其作为一种人兽共患病日益受到重视.早期诊断对该病的防治具有重要意义.目前可以通过临床诊断、微丝蚴检查、免疫学诊断以及分子生物学等方法对该病进行诊断.其中dot-ELISA和PCR检测法具有较高的灵敏性和特异性,在犬恶丝虫病的诊断上具有很好的应用前景.  相似文献   

为快速诊断犬恶丝虫病,建立了犬恶丝虫抗体dot—ELISA检测方法,并与阻断试验、交叉反应试验、重复性试验、琼脂扩散试验和平行对照试验进行了比较。结果显示,制备的犬恶丝虫虫体粗制抗原与犬钩虫、犬弓首蛔虫和犬蠕形螨感染犬的阳性血清无交叉反应,检出犬恶丝虫阳性血清的最高抗体效价为1:1024,重复性好;建立的犬恶丝虫病dot—ELISA诊断方法的灵敏度比琼脂扩散试验和美国IDEXX实验室制备的犬恶丝虫病诊断试剂盒分别高2048倍和48倍。  相似文献   

犬丝虫病是人丝虫病较好的动物模型,我们应用协同凝集试验检测恶丝虫病患犬尿液中虫体分泌和代谢抗原(ES抗原),其方法为:收集无菌培养24小时的犬恶丝虫微丝蚴培养上清液,超滤浓缩,测  相似文献   

犬恶丝虫病徐世文,叶兴华,举海军〔东北农业大学动物医学系·哈尔滨·150030)(阿城市永源镇畜牧综合站)犬恶丝虫病是由犬恶丝虫寄生在犬的左心室及肺动脉(少见于胸腔、支气管及皮下结缔组织),引起循环障碍、呼吸困难及贫血等症状的一种丝虫病.除犬以外,还...  相似文献   

犬恶丝虫病又名犬心丝虫病,是由犬恶丝虫的成虫寄生于犬的右心室、肺动脉导致循环障碍、呼吸困难及腹水为主要临床特征的血液寄生虫病。 1 病原 该病病原是双瓣科、恶丝属的犬恶丝虫,寄生于犬的右心室及肺动脉等处,可使犬的循环系统、呼吸系统和泌尿系统遭受严重损害,严重时可引起死亡。雌虫产出的幼虫——微丝蚴进入并寄生在患犬的外周血液循环中,  相似文献   

<正>犬恶丝虫病又称恶心丝虫病、犬血丝虫病,是由双瓣科恶丝虫属的犬丝虫寄生于犬的右心室和肺动脉所引起的一种丝虫病。临床主要为血液循环障碍、呼吸困难、贫血、皮肤有结节等症状。猫、狐、狼、猩猩及人体也可感染。1犬恶丝虫生活史犬恶丝虫是一种微白色细长的线虫。犬恶丝虫需要蚊虫作为中间宿主,其幼虫微丝蚴,也可在猫蚤与犬蚤体内发育。成熟雌虫产生微丝蚴,后者进入宿主的血液循环系统。蚊虫吸血时,微丝蚴随血液进入蚊体内,2周内发育为  相似文献   

犬恶丝虫腹水症是指犬因犬恶丝虫病使腹腔积聚大量渗出液的一种病理表现.根据其病理变化,实验室检查可以发现该症与犬恶丝虫感染有关.临床上,该症因养犬数量和密度的增加发生率呈急剧上升之势,如何有效防治该症有待广大兽医工作者进一步探讨.现将笔者近3年来用中西医结合治疗该症的情况简述于后,供参考.  相似文献   

据资料报道,美国、德国、澳大利亚、日本、新加坡等犬恶丝虫病的感染率达40%~60%,并作为进出口的主要检疫项目。20世纪90年代初,我国的犬中曾流行此病,黑龙江、沈阳、南京、浙江、广州、云南、重庆等地的警犬相继被感染。近十年来,在美国、日本等地发现人感染的病例。1993年,在欧洲和美国分别召开了犬恶丝虫病的国际会议,提示犬恶丝虫病作为一种人兽共患传染病的重要性正日益受到重视。随着我国经济的快速增长和人民生活  相似文献   

犬心丝虫病又称犬恶丝虫病,是由犬心丝虫寄生于犬右心室及肺动脉引起的,主要以循环障碍、呼吸困难及腹水为主要临床特征的一种寄生虫病.  相似文献   

犬心丝虫病是由恶丝虫寄生于犬的右心室和肺动脉引起的一种临床疾病.犬恶丝虫成虫常寄生在肺动脉及心脏中,引起犬出现心丝虫病相关症状,匐行恶丝虫则常寄生于被感染动物的皮下组织中,但是犬恶丝虫与匐行恶丝虫两者均会在组织中移行(例如中枢神经系统、眼睛等部位).猫、狐、狼等动物亦能感染.人偶被感染属人畜共患病.本病在我国分布很广,广东犬的感染率高达50%.  相似文献   

Data from the IDEXX Laboratories Reference Laboratory Network were retrospectively examined for feline heartworm testing trends in testing frequency, geographic bias, and prevalence for the years 2000--2006. Examination of the data supports the commonly held view that veterinarians do not embrace heartworm disease testing or prevention in cats to the same degree they do in dogs. Despite significant awareness and adoption of heartworm testing and prevention in dogs, we hypothesized that heartworm testing rates are lower for cats than for dogs despite a significant prevalence of feline infection. This is important because a perceived low rate of infection in cats is likely to manifest in a low adoption of testing and prevention. In reality, the overall feline heartworm antigen-positive rate is significant--on average 0.9% over the period studied--and in some regions was estimated to be as high as 4.6%. This compares with an average canine heartworm prevalence rate of 1.2%, a feline leukemia virus prevalence of 1.9%, and a feline immunodeficiency prevalence of 1.0%. Based on the low rate of testing and these prevalence rates, practitioners are routinely missing cases of adult feline heartworm infections and the recently defined heartworm-associated respiratory disease (H.A.R.D). Increased antigen testing would result in detection of a significant number of positive cases. In addition, this population of infected cats would represent the "tip of the iceberg" relative to the greater number of cats that have early infection or are at risk for infection.  相似文献   

The efficacy of a novel avermectin, selamectin, was evaluated for the prevention of heartworm disease (adult Dirofilaria immitis infection) in 120 dogs (aged 9 months to 13 years at enrolment) presented as veterinary patients. The study was conducted at five veterinary practices in a heartworm hyperendemic region of northern Italy. Dogs were allocated randomly in a 2:1 ratio to treatment with either selamectin or ivermectin. Treatments were administered at monthly intervals for 6 months during the heartworm transmission season (May-November). Selamectin was applied topically in a single spot to the skin on each animal's back at the base of the neck in front of the scapulae as a unit dose that provided at least the minimum recommended dosage of 6mgkg(-1) (range, 6-12mgkg(-1)). Ivermectin (6microgkg(-1) of body weight) was administered orally at monthly intervals, in accordance with the manufacturer's product label recommendations. Study day 0 was defined individually for each dog as the day of first treatment administration. Efficacy was assessed on the basis of the absence of D. immitis microfilariae and adult heartworm (D. immitis) antigen in tests conducted on days 180 and 300. There were no adverse clinical signs arising due to treatment with selamectin and no drug-related mortalities. The prevention rate for D. immitis microfilariae and adult heartworm antigen was 100% for both selamectin and ivermectin. Thus, selamectin administered as a unit dose, providing at least the recommended minimum dosage of 6mgkg(-1), at monthly intervals during the heartworm transmission season was safe and 100% effective in the prevention of heartworm disease in dogs presented as veterinary patients.  相似文献   

Dog heartworm (Dirofilaria immitis) is dependent on mosquito vectors for its maintenance and transmission among vertebrate hosts. Consequently, D. immitis abundance and distribution are closely linked with mosquito vector biology and ecology. Information on the important dog heartworm vectors in the United States is limited and no comprehensive surveillance of dog heartworm in US mosquitoes has been undertaken to date. Here, we review information gleaned from a number of field surveys documenting heartworm presence in wild mosquito populations as well as laboratory assessments of mosquito vector capacity. Various biological and ecological factors likely contribute to the relative importance of different vector species. We describe some of these factors, rank the leading criteria for efficient vectors, and present the most likely vector species found across the United States. Considering the recent emergence of drug resistance among D. immitis strains, practical knowledge of heartworm vector biology and control should be incorporated into heartworm disease management programs. We conclude by proposing that heartworm control would benefit by targeting mosquito vectors, and we suggest ways in which veterinarians can incorporate the recognition of vector importance into heartworm prevention recommendations imparted to clients.  相似文献   

The Food and Drug Administration Center for Veterinary Medicine (FDA/CVM) has cited an increasing number of reports of failure of heartworm prophylaxis in dogs. Failures may be due to resistance of L(3)-L(4) stage Dirofilaria immitis to the macrocyclic lactone class of compounds used for prophylaxis, lack of compliance with and understanding of administration of prophylactics, individual differences in drug absorption or metabolism, or a combination of these factors. Using the latest scientific information, the American Heartworm Society (AHS) and Companion Animal Parasite Council (CAPC) have developed guidelines for the diagnosis, prevention, and treatment of heartworm infection in dogs. This study summarizes the knowledge, beliefs, and behaviors relating to prevention of heartworm among members of a national hunting dog club, visitors to the club website, and attendees at club-sponsored events. These factors can have a direct effect on the success of heartworm prophylaxis. Results suggest that the dog owners lack confidence in the accuracy of the heartworm test to identify infection, the efficacy of products sold for prevention of heartworm, and the effectiveness of treatment to eliminate adult heartworms from infected dogs. Knowledge about when to begin heartworm preventive medication in a new puppy and the timing of heartworm tests was also lacking among a substantial number of respondents. In order to increase acceptance of prophylaxis and reduce the likelihood of a false conclusion of prophylactic failure, education of dog owners should focus on the need for an appropriately timed annual heartworm test and the importance of administering the last dose of monthly heartworm preventative after the last possible day of potential transmission.  相似文献   

Dirofilaria immitis, the etiological agent for heartworm disease, is a zoonotic, vector-borne parasite. The dog is the most common natural host. Heartworm disease is present in all US states, as well as in South and Central America, Asia, Europe, Africa and Australia [. Prevalence of feline heartworm disease - a global review. In: Proceedings of the Heartworm Symposium'95, Auburn, Alabama, USA, 31 March-2 April, 1995. American Heartworm Society, Batavia, USA, pp. 79-86]. According to Menda [Menda, J.A., 1989. Transplacental migration of Dirofilaria immitus microfilariae. Companion Anim. Pract. 19 (6-7), 18-20], 18% of the canine population in the city of Santo Domingo tested positive for heartworm using the Filar Assay Kit. In the year 2000, clinical veterinarians from the Samana Peninsula in the Dominican Republic stated that the incidence of heartworm was minimal (Goodman, personal communication). In this small epidemiological study performed during the summer of 2001, 104 dogs from the Samana Peninsula were tested for heartworm antigen with the WITNESS HW Test and a wet mount evaluation for microfilaria under light microscopy. It was found that 18.2% of the canine population tested positive according to either one or both of the diagnostic methods. It would be advisable to apply prevention measures to control Dirofilaria immitis infection in the canine population of the Samana Peninsula in the Dominican Republic.  相似文献   

Direct Coombs' antiglobulin tests were performed on 80 dogs with patent Dirofilaria immitis infection and 170 dogs negative for microfilaria of D. immitis. Presence or absence of anemia was determined by hematocrit in 55 of the heartworm negative dogs and 68 of the dogs with heartworm disease. Heartworm infected dogs showed a higher incidence (37%) of anemia than noninfected dogs (14.5%). Anemia was most prevalent in two groups of dogs with heartworm infection, one group showing vena caval syndrome (91%) and the other occult dirofilariasis (62.5%). These latter two groups of dogs also showed a significantly higher number of positive Coombs' reactions at 37 degrees C than other dogs with heartworm disease and the noninfected dogs. The number of positive Coombs' reactions at 4 degrees C among the total of 80 dogs with heartworm infection was significantly higher than that for dogs without heartworm disease. However, there was no positive correlation between anemia and the outcome of the Coombs' test at either temperature. These findings do not suggest that immunologic factors play a major role in the pathogenesis of anemia in dogs with heartworm disease.  相似文献   

Necropsies were performed on 630 adult cats in northern Florida to determine the prevalence and risk factors for heartworm infection in cats of this region. Heartworms were identified in 4.9% of cats, and serological evidence of heartworm exposure was present in 17% of cats. Not all cats from which heartworms were recovered were seropositive for heartworm antigen or antibody. There was no association between heartworm infection and co-infection with feline leukemia virus (FeLV) or feline immunodeficiency virus (FIV). Male cats were at higher risk of infection with heartworm, FeLV, or FIV than were females. Because even a single heartworm can cause clinical disease or death in cats, the authors conclude that cats in this region should receive heartworm prophylaxis to prevent heartworm infection.  相似文献   

Feline heartworm disease is a very different clinical entity from canine heartworm disease. In cats, the arrival and death of immature heartworms in the pulmonary arteries can cause coughing and dyspnea as early as 3 months postinfection. Adult heartworms suppress the function of pulmonary intravascular macrophages and thus reduce clinical disease in chronic feline heartworm infection. Approximately 80% of asymptomatic cats self-cure. Median survival time for symptomatic cats is 1.5 years, or 4 years if only cats living beyond the day of presentation are considered. Aberrant worm migration is more frequent than it is in dogs, and sudden death can occur with no prior clinical signs. The bacterial endosymbiont Wolbachia likely contributes to the inflammatory pathology of heartworm disease, but its role is not yet fully clear. Unfortunately, the diagnosis, treatment, and management of feline heartworm disease are far from simple. Antemortem diagnosis is hampered by low worm burdens, the frequency of all-male infections, and nonspecific radiographic lesions. It is up to the veterinarian to determine the correct index of suspicion and choose the right combination of diagnostic tests to achieve an answer. Treatment is symptomatic because adulticide therapy is risky and does not increase survival time. Despite the dangers of feline heartworm disease, less than 5% of cats in the United States are on chemoprophylaxis. It is important for veterinarians to take a proactive preventive stance because heartworm infection in cats is a multisystemic disease that has no easy cure.  相似文献   

Eighteen cats were exposed to Dirofikria immitis infected mosquitoes. Thoracic radiography was performed prior to exposure and at 5, 7, and 9 month intervals following exposure. Immunologic testing for adult heartworm antigen was performed on days 168,195,210,224,237,254 and 271 post infection. Necropsies were performed on all cats. Adult heartworms were found in 61% of the exposed cats. Radiographic findings in heartworm positive cats included bronchointerstitial lung disease, lobar pulmonary arterial enlargement and pulmonary hyperinflation. In most heartworm positive cats, lobar arterial enlargement resolved as the disease progressed while pulmonary hyperinflation progressively became more common. Pulmonary patterns in heartworm positive cats remained abnormal throughoutthe study while abnormal pulmonary patterns resolved in over 50% of the heartworm negative cats. Cardiomegaly was seen in less than 50% of the cats with adult heartworms at necropsy. This study suggests that the radiographic appearance of heartworm disease is variable and radiographic changes are dependent on the time post infection at which cats are evaluated. Echocardiographic examinations were randomly performed on 16 of 18 cats. Heartworms were identified in 7 cats. No false positive identifications were made. Persistent pulmonary disease accompanied by resolving vascular disease in heartworm cats with pulmonary hyperinflation may be difficult to distinguish from cats with feline allergic lung disease. Echocardiograms may be helpful in identifying adult heartworms in cats in which the radiographic signs or immunodiagnostic data are insufficient to provide a diagnosis.  相似文献   

A retrospective study was undertaken to quantify thoracic radiographic changes in cats with heartworm diseases, ( Dirofilaria immitis ). Using a blinded study format, the cardiac silhouette, thoracic cavity and pulmonary arteries were measured from thoracic radiographs of 21 cats with feline heartworm disease and 30 cats without known cardiac or pulmonary vessel pathology. Measured data were normalized to the thoracic cavity or bony structures within the radiographic field of view. The measurements were compared between the two groups of cats using an unpaired, two-tailed Student's t -test, with a p value of < 0.05 being considered significant. Cats with feline heartworm disease had enlargement of the craniocaudal aspect of the cardiac silhouette and normalized cardiac:thoracic ratio (p < 0.05) on the lateral view. Also, there was significant enlargement of the central and peripheral caudal lobar pulmonary arteries and their normalized ratios (p < 0.05) in the heartworm infected cats as visualized on the ventrodorsal projection. Tortuosity of the pulmonary arteries was seen in three of the 21 infected cats. Eleven of the 21 cats with feline heartworm disease had pulmonary parenchymal changes. Based on the present study, central and peripheral pulmonary artery enlargement as viewed on the ventrodorsal radiograph was the single best radiographic indicator of feline heartworm disease.  相似文献   

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