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浅析影响动物攻击行为的因素   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
在动物界,同一种群动物个体之间经常会发生互相争斗的行为,即攻击行为,此种行为在其生命中具有重要意义。随着人们对攻击行为的探究,发现攻击行为是一个受诸多因素影响、彼此相互作用的复杂过程。这既包括种群密度、食物等外部因素,也包括遗传因素、个体差异等内部因素。作者主要对影响动物攻击行为的诸因素作一综述。  相似文献   

动物攻击行为是一类为竞争空间产生的打斗行为,受众多因素的影响.在家禽生产中,鸡的攻击行为会导致鸡的死亡率增加、料肉比下降,造成生产上的损失.因此,如何减少鸡的攻击行为对提高养禽业经济效益具有重大意义.本研究对影响鸡攻击行为的因素(饮食、光照、饲养方式、群体大小、饲养密度、公母混养、性别、年龄和生长时期、遗传等)进行系统阐述.  相似文献   

行为描记是单个动物或相互间具有群体作用的动物的种种行为、发声和气味等的综合记录,注重于一个行为体系(如性行为或群体行为)的行为描记通常比涉及几个系统的行为描记更详细。详尽的定量行为描记是透彻了解家畜行为的基本组成部分。完全了解了攻击行为,就可以对行为进行遗传选择或改变环境来提高生产力. 本研究的基本目的是描述重新组群的性成熟前的猪在正常和完全的斗架中的攻击和退却行为。根据这些基本行为的数据可提出一些假设,供今后旨在提高猪生产力的研究加以检验.  相似文献   

正一、攻击行为犬的攻击行为是对人和其他动物威胁最大的行为问题。攻击是直接针对其他生命体,使其受到伤害、限制活动或导致死亡的行为。从表现和原因上分析,攻击行为包括攻击型、防卫型和捕食型。攻击型指因想要得到其他个体资源而表现的行为,包括争夺社会地位或统治地位的行为、公犬间和母犬间的攻击行为;防卫型可理解为由受害者对另一个体采取的行为,包括因恐惧、守卫领地、保护、应激(与疼痛或受挫有关)以及  相似文献   

家畜行为及其遗传学研究进展   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
家畜生产育种中除对日增重、饲料报酬、瘦肉率等主要生产性状进行选择外,还要求家畜性情温和、无恶癣、母性好、恐惧行为低等良好的行为性状。因此改善提高家畜重要行为性状在生产实践中亦不容忽视。家畜重要行为性状主要指与生产及选择密切相关的母性行为、恐惧行为、攻击行为等,这些性状一般具有数量遗传学的特点,故可通过选择提高以改善其性能。本文在表观及分子水平综述了国内外家畜重要行为性状及其遗传的研究进展,以期对国内家畜行为遗传研究起到推动作用。  相似文献   

动物行为的遗传   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
动物的行为特点早在古代人类驯养野生动物时已开始注意,但作为一门系统的行为科学则起源于二十世纪初期.行为学与遗传学结合形成一门独立的行为遗传学,始于二十世纪六十年代后期.动物行为与遗传有密切联系,行为与其它性状一样,是基因与环境相互作用的产物.一头从未见过絮窝的母猪,在分娩前总想寻找一些草料来建造一个舒适的窝;不同种类的蜜蜂,不仅可以影响该蜜蜂的形态结构和生理机能,而且会影响其筑巢行为,以致蜜蜂专家可依蜂巢形状判定蜜蜂的种属,反映了动物的行为基本上受该动物的基因型控制.但同一物种的个体,并不表现绝对统一的行为,即使同卵双生的两头母牛,其采食、反刍、躺卧等行为也不完全相同.家畜的某些神经系统疾病受遗传控制,但这类疾病的发作和行为表现又与外界环境条件有关.可见动物的行为不全由遗传因素控制,而可因环境影响而改变.……  相似文献   

家畜生产育种中除对日增重、饲料报酬、瘦肉率等主要生产性状进行选择外,还要求家畜性情温和、无恶癖、母性好、恐惧行为低等良好的行为性状.因此改善提高家畜重要行为性状在生产实践中亦不容忽视.家畜重要行为性状主要指与生产及选择密切相关的母性行为、恐惧行为、攻击行为等,这些性状一般具有数量遗传学的特点,故可通过选择提高以改善其性能.本文在表观及分子水平综述了国内外家畜重要行为性状及其遗传的研究进展,以期对国内家畜行为遗传研究起到推动作用.  相似文献   

一、动物的学习行为动物的许多行为都是先天性行为加上学习行为共同作用的结果。先天性行为是动物生来就有的,由动物体内的遗传物质所决定的行为,主要有:攻击行为、防御行为、采食行为、繁殖行为和求偶行为等。学习行为是在遗传因素的基础上,通过环境因素的作用,由生活经验和学习而获得的行为。动物要在后天环境中求得生存,除了要依靠先天性行为外,还必须依靠后天的学习行为,与先天本能相比,其意义更加重要,因此,本文结合多  相似文献   

通过观察比较秦岭羚牛与黑斑牛羚(Connochaetes taurinus)运用头上2只洞角的争偶攻击行为,采用野外观察与录像观察相结合的研究方法,描述了2种动物的部分攻击行为,通过比较攻击行为差异,证明秦岭羚牛的角在争偶攻击行为中还有瞄准对方角的作用,可以准确的将自己的角顶到对方的角。  相似文献   

动物的生物学行为会随生存环境、季节变换发生一些显著的改变,这些行为变化在动物生存、生长发育、繁殖甚至疾病中扮演着重要角色。近年来研究指出,DNA甲基化参与了动物季节性行为及繁殖性能的调控。本文概述了DNA甲基化常见的发生区域,动物季节性行为变化及动物繁殖性能(初情期、季节性发情、性腺发育等)受DNA甲基化调控的研究进展,为从表观遗传角度分析动物季节性行为变化和动物繁殖的分子机制提供理论参考和研究思路。  相似文献   

崔卫国 《家畜生态》2004,25(2):37-40
争斗行为是在养猪生产中常见的行为问题之一,在不同猪群中都有发生。争斗行为存在着个体差异,在不同生产环境下表现的强度和频度也不一样。过度的争斗会给动物造成应激,使动物的福利恶化,同时造成生产损失。因此,在对群养动物进行福利评价时,应该把争斗行为作为福利评价的重要指标之一。  相似文献   

本文阐述了动物福利的定义及评价、描述方法,深入地分析了生产以及运输过程中肉鸡的福利状况及研究进展,其中包括遗传选育、环境与营养、饲养管理、攻击行为、限制饲喂、氨的浓度、抓鸡、转运过程及屠宰时的应激等影响肉鸡福利的因素,并提出了相应的改善措施。  相似文献   

牧草中水溶性碳水化合物及其影响因素   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
黄德君  毛祝新  傅华 《草业学报》2011,20(6):270-278
水溶性碳水化合物是参与植物体新陈代谢的基本物质之一,其在植物体内的高低影响到植物的生长发育及植物生态适应能力。另外,提高牧草中水溶性碳水化合物的含量可以促进反刍动物对瘤胃内蛋白质的利用和干物质的吸收,不仅提高了奶蛋白产量,而且减少了温室气体的排放。因此,本研究综述了遗传、环境及草地管理等对牧草中水溶性碳水化合物含量及其在牧草体内运转与分配的影响,牧草体内水溶性碳水化合物含量的变化受到植物种类、取样部位和不同生长时期的影响。另外,其在植物体内的含量随温度、水分、盐等非生物因素及营养元素供应的改变亦有明显不同。  相似文献   

The relationships between sexual and aggressive behaviors and levels of plasma testosterone and luteinizing hormone (LH) were examined in Hereford bulls at 18 and 24 mo of age. Concentrations of hormones in bulls during periods of sexual rest (13 blood samples collected from each animal during a 24-h period) were compared with individual differences in sexual and aggressive behaviors when exposed to restrained females, either individually or in groups. Nearly all correlation coefficients were low and nonsignificant. It was concluded that individual differences in sexual performance and aggressive behavior cannot be predicted based on circulating levels of testosterone and LH in bulls during periods of sexual rest.  相似文献   

小熊猫(Ailurus fulgens)是亚洲特有的濒危动物。由于圈养小熊猫活动空间受限、环境单调等因素,时常有刻板行为表现。本研究依据小熊猫自然行为特性及动物福利要求,以环境、食物、气味等因素进行多重丰容,观察频繁出现刻板行为的2只圈养小熊猫个体的行为修正效果。应用聚集动物取样法,从9:00到17:00,全事件记录并观察小熊猫行为。观察发现,受试小熊猫主要表现摇晃与踱步两种刻板行为。通过丰容前与三个阶段的丰容后刻板行为发生率比较,丰容后的刻板行为均显著低于丰容前,而探究行为和修饰行为有所增加。由此可见,多重丰容可以减少圈养小熊猫刻板行为的发生,促进自然行为的表达。  相似文献   

中国北方草地畜牧业的理论基础问题   总被引:5,自引:1,他引:4  
草地畜牧业的理论基础是畜牧学知识,草地畜牧业的核心是生产畜产品,包括牲畜的肉或毛皮或奶或羔犊,生产过程是牲畜食草转化为畜产品。牲畜生长生产是一个自然过程,也是一个草地饲草数量与饲草质量的时间函数过程。草地饲草数量与质量是一个年际间的动态过程、也是一个年度内的动态过程,因此,草地牲畜生长生产是一个取决于饲草数量与饲草质量的时间动态过程。草地饲草生长过程和繁殖过程对放牧的反应及草地净产量动态过程是理解草地放牧的基础。放牧是草地管理工具,同时,放牧也是生产牲畜的途径,在草地放牧的基础上,优化草地牲畜生产是积极的草地管理策略与措施。科学合理放牧包括3项要素、4种行为,优化草地牲畜生产包括一年内饲草供应策略及其与饲草生长的匹配、放牧与饲喂的协调。草地养作是基于草地健康维持、饲草数量和营养动态、牲畜生长过程和生长需要,优化草地牲畜生产的过程及其工艺,为保护草地资源利用的基础和保证。  相似文献   

Beginning in July 2000 legislation in Lower Saxony restricted the keeping of bull terriers, American Staffordshire terriers, pit bull terriers, and 11 other breeds. Exemption was possible after attending an especially developed test. The tests analyzed for breed predisposition for excessively aggressive signaling or aggressive behavior in inappropriate situations, differences in behavior between breeds, and factors differentiating biting from nonbiting dogs.The test results of 415 dogs were analyzed. The test consisted of a veterinary examination; a learning test; situations of dog-human, dog-environment, and dog-dog contact; and obedience. Escalation in aggressive behavior was scored using a scale of 1-7. No aggressive behavior (1 on the scale) was shown by 38.07% of the dogs, 61.69% showed aggressive behavior scored as 2 to 5 on the scale, and 0.24% bit without previous threatening signals (6 on the scale).Concerning a score of 1 on the scale, pairwise comparison (chi-square test) showed significant differences between bull terriers and American Staffordshire terriers (P = 0.004), pit bull terriers (P = 0.01), Doberman pinschers (P = 0.003), and rottweilers (P = 0.009). Concerning scores of 2 to 7 on the scale,, no significant differences were found.Ninety-five percent of the animals reacted appropriately in the test situation. Five percent displayed excessive aggressive signaling or aggressive behavior in inappropriate situations. These displays were associated with unusual movements and the dogs' apparent apprehension. Correlation between test results and owners jerking on the leash or misinterpreting their dogs' behavior and dogs trying to elude physical manipulation was found. No significant difference in behavior between breeds was detected.The results show no indication of dangerousness in specific breeds. Justification for specific breed lists in the legislation was not shown.  相似文献   

Educated as a veterinarian at Cureghem, Leopold Frateur started his scientific career in 1899 as a professor at the Faculty of Sciences of the Catholic University of Louvain, Belgium, in charge of the course in zootechnology. After a study tour to zootechnical institutes and centres of animal breeding in Europe he was invited by the governmental department of Agriculture and the Belgian Society of Zootechnology to investigate the relevance of the Mendelian laws of heredity for the improvement of cattle breeding. In the early years of the century, Frateur conducted field research in order to determine the characteristics of the cattle breeds in Belgium. In 1908 Frateur founded the Institute of Animal Husbandry at his university. Here he worked out his programme of experimental genetics until his retirement in 1936. The last six years of his professorship he teached also agricultural economics in the Faculty of Economical Sciences. In Frateur's experimental research the following main lines can be distinguished: 1) The analysis of simple and complex hereditary factors in cattle, rabbits and poultry; 2) The study of qualitative and quantitative characteristics of importance for the improvement of animal breeds; 3) The synthesis of genetic factors from different stock in order to obtain higher yielding breeds with stable characteristics; 4) Theoretical study of the relationship between genotype and phenotype and the influence of environment factors; 5) Theoretical exploration of the issue of variability and modification of newly formed characteristics; 6) Research leading to an explanation of telegony and atavism; 7) The formulation of a theory on the creation of new breeds in domestic animals and plants, and the relation between breed and species. Also he was responding to topical needs, e.g. he determined the causal factor of pullorum epidemic in chicken farming, or he investigated the hereditary resistance against diphteric infection amongst chickens. Frateur took the theoretical knowledge on heredity as the starting point for practical application in cattle breeding. During and right after W. W. I. he stated that the current scientific knowledge is enough advanced to consider the start of a large breeding programme for the improvement of cattle livestock. In order to realise this reinstatement Frateur received important support from the authorities (Royal Decree, August 1919). From then onwards he focussed his efforts on the realisation of a national framework for improvement of cattle livestock, in collaboration with regional centres and societies for animal selection, breeding and production. Later he also started programmes for the improvement of chicken and pig breeding, again in a joint effort with official consultants and members of breeding societies. He was not only the architect of these programmes, providing the necessary scientific and technical guidance, but he had also a chair in the governing bodies, supervising the execution and control of the breeding programmes. In order to draw a picture of the research community engaged in animal breeding during the first decennia of the 20th century Frateur's contacts through study tours, congresses and learned societies are investigated. The life and work of Frateur is described by the author in two volumes, published in 1999. The second volume consists of a reprint of 50 selected papers on animal breeding.  相似文献   

Aggression is one of the most common behavioral problems in dogs and may have important negative effects on public health, human–animal bond, and animal welfare. There is ample evidence showing a negative correlation between serum serotonin concentration and aggressive behavior in a variety of species, including the domestic dogs. This negative correlation is particularly pronounced in dogs that show impulsive aggression. Data obtained in some previous studies suggest that the English cocker spaniel (ECS) is more likely to show impulsive aggression than other breeds. Therefore, the aim of this study was to analyze possible differences in serum serotonin levels between aggressive ECS and aggressive dogs of other breeds. Nineteen ECSs presented for aggression at the Animal Behavior Service (School of Veterinary Science, Barcelona, Spain) were evaluated and compared with 20 aggressive dogs of other breeds attended at the same center. Serum serotonin levels were measured using an enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay method. Statistical analysis was done using the SPSS 15.0 for Windows. Aggressive ECSs had significantly (P < 0.001) lower levels of serum serotonin than aggressive dogs of other breeds (318.6 ± 67.1 and 852.77 ± 100.58 ng/mL, respectively). Variances were not significantly different between ECSs and other breeds (standard deviation = 449.84 ng/mL vs. 292.47 ng/mL, P > 0.05). This finding may explain why ECSs are more likely to show impulsive aggression than other breeds, and suggests that the ECS could be a good model to study the neurophysiologic mechanisms underlying impulsive aggression.  相似文献   

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