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1试验效果1.1节约灌溉水固定道保护性耕作技术具有显著的节水保墒效果及经济效益。试验结果显示,固定道保护性耕作比传统耕作平均节水1520.4m3/hm2,减幅达28.13%。平均节水  相似文献   

冬小麦保护性耕作试验分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
对冬小麦采用保护性耕作模式与传统耕作模式(铧式犁耕)对比的方法,其中保护性耕作模式有两种:秸秆粉碎还田和秸秆高留茬.通过在高青县的两年试验示范,结果表明:秸秆粉碎还田模式比传统耕作式(铧式犁耕)两年分别增产5.74%,8.99%;秸秆高留茬模式比传统耕作模式(铧式犁耕)增产3.74%,7.07%;冬小麦采用保护性耕作模式增产效果明显,应在今后大面积推广使用.  相似文献   

李明 《当代农机》2007,(2):79-80
分析了传统耕作方式存在的问题,介绍了保护性耕作技术在寿阳县的试验、示范和创新情况,阐述了保护性耕作技术的实施效果。  相似文献   

保护性耕作经过10年来的试验研究和示范推广,越来越受到农民的欢迎和各级政府的支持。农民之所以钟情于保护性耕作,首先是因为他们是实施保护性耕作的直接受益者。山西省尧都试验区9年的试验结果表明,保护性耕作区的小麦与传统耕作区相比,平均增产21.7%。特别是在大旱之年,增产效果更加明显。1999年6月~2000年6月降水量仅为328mm,试验区免耕小麦单产达2340kg/hm2,而传统耕作仅为1110kg/hm2,免耕比传统耕作增产110%。在探寻保护性耕作的增产机理时,农民们除了认可专家的结论以外,似乎还有他们独特的视角和总结方式。潞城市的农民普遍认为保…  相似文献   

国外保护性耕作技术体系已趋完善,我国平作区的保护性耕作技术已得到大面积推广应用.为研究垄作区保护性耕作技术体系,提出了玉米产区和杂粮产区的一深两免耕作模式.通过与传统垄作耕作对比试验,其土壤含水量高于传统耕作条件下的含水量;平均地温在8:00时比传统耕作高,而在14:00和20:00时比传统耕作低,有利于作物生长;作物产量高于传统垄作区,实现了农民增收节支.  相似文献   

保护性耕作是一种全新的农业技术革命,是对传统耕作制度的重大变革,由于我国北方地区农区分布面广.自然条件各有差异.实施机械化保护性耕作,既要学习借鉴国内外的先进经验,又要考虑本地区的自然条件和地区特点。巴彦淖尔市结合当地农业生产实际,开展水浇地上保护性耕作的试验研究,从2002年开始进行保护性耕作实验示范.经过几年的实践,巴彦淖尔市的保护性耕作试验研究工作逐步规范,并取得了一定效果。  相似文献   

为体现保护性耕作技术的作用和优势,以科学的数据教育农民,进一步提高农民对保护性耕作技术的认识,章丘区农业农村局承担了农业部保护性耕作试验监测基地项目,建设了深松保护性耕作、保护性耕作、传统耕作对比田,开展了保护性耕作技术与传统耕作技术对比试验及效果监测,对小麦、玉米两种作物整个生育期数据进行了全面监测,取得了大量翔实的数据,对保护性耕作技术提供了强有力的数据支撑。一、试验监测目的对不同种植模式的土壤常规理化性状测定数据、作物生育期监测数据、测产数据等,进行比对,完善保护性耕作技术。  相似文献   

我国保护性耕作的发展形势与问题讨论   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
经过15年的试验研究、示范推广,北方的保护性耕作已经逐步为人们所认识和接受。从试验研究阶段,试验示范阶段,进入了示范推广阶段。特别是2002年农业部保护性耕作示范工程项目启动,在中央财政支持下,每年建设一批国家级保护性耕作示范县,到2006年已经建设200多个,北方15省两级示范县总数超过350个,推广面积超过160多万hm^2。南方的保护性耕作试验研究开始取得初步成果。2005、2006年“改革传统耕作方法、发展保护性耕作”连续两年写入中央1号文件。  相似文献   

保护性耕作改变了传统农业耕作方式,已成为旱区农业可持续发展的有效途径,是当前农机化推广的重点技术之一。介绍保护性耕作的技术内容和试验示范效果,分析保护性耕作推广中存在的问题,并提出相应的解决对策,为大规模推广保护性耕作提供经验。  相似文献   

加拿大萨斯彻温省保护性耕作技术考察报告   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
通过在加拿大萨斯彻温省考察保护性耕作技术,了解了该省农业概部,保护性耕作的试验情况和实施效果,总结出保护性耕作作具有的综合效益,并根据考察免耕播种机作业及相关技术特征,提出了实施保护性耕作的建议。  相似文献   

为推广保护性耕作技术,在法库地区3个乡镇进行深松技术应用试验。对深松地块和传统耕作地块各项指标进行测定,结果表明:深松地块比对比田土壤水分含量高、玉米长势好、产量高。证明应用深松技术可增强土壤蓄水保墒能力,有利于玉米生长发育,促进农民增收。  相似文献   

In the semi-humid to arid loess plateau areas of North China, water is the limiting factor for rain-fed crop yields. Conservation tillage has been proposed to improve soil and water conservation in these areas. From 1999 to 2005, we conducted a field experiment on winter wheat (Triticum aestivum L.) to investigate the effects of conservation tillage on soil water conservation, crop yield, and water-use efficiency. The field experiment was conducted using reduced tillage (RT), no tillage with mulching (NT), subsoil tillage with mulching (ST), and conventional tillage (CT). NT and ST improved water conversation, with the average soil water storage in 0–200 cm soil depth over the six years increased 25.24 mm at the end of summer fallow periods, whereas RT soil water storage decreased 12 mm, compared to CT. At wheat planting times, the available soil water on NT and ST plots was significantly higher than those using CT and RT. The winter wheat yields were also significantly affected by the tillage methods. The average winter wheat yields over 6 years on NT or ST plots were significantly higher than that in CT or RT plots. CT and RT yields did not vary significantly between them. In each study year, NT and ST water-use efficiency (WUE) was higher than that of CT and RT. In the dry growing seasons of 1999–2000, 2004–2005 and the low-rainfall fallow season of 2002, the WUE of NT and ST was significantly higher than that of CT and RT, but did not vary significantly in the other years. For all years, CT and RT showed no WUE advantage. In relation to CT, the economic benefit of RT, NT, and ST increased 62, 1754, and 1467 yuan ha−1, respectively, and the output/input ratio of conservation tillage was higher than that of CT. The overall results showed that NT and ST are the optimum tillage systems for increasing water storage and wheat yields, enhancing WUE and saving energy on the Loess Plateau.  相似文献   

为探讨保护性耕作措施对农田土壤风蚀的影响,通过中国知网,以“免耕或保护性耕作并且土壤风蚀”为主题,检索至2020年底公开发表的中文期刊论文,对检索到的论文进行整理分析。结果表明,中国保护性耕作对土壤风蚀的田间试验均来自北方干旱半干旱农田,研究方法以集沙仪野外测量为主;保护性耕作研究中对土壤风蚀方面的研究占比较少,产量效应一直是保护性耕作的研究重点;综合相关研究分析,保护性耕作平均可减少农田土壤风蚀量71.2%;保护性耕作减少农田土壤风蚀具有普遍性,少量研究认为保护性耕作不能减少农田土壤风蚀量。  相似文献   

保护性耕作条件下浅松作业的试验   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
浅松作业是保护性耕作中推广使用的一种表土作业方式,适用于旱作保护性耕作的播前作业,能够达到松土、除草、整地等目的,也可以用于中耕除草作业。试验结果表明,该作业有良好的除草作用。能显著地提高地表平整度,降低表土容积密度,对根荏榭盖和土壤水分影响不显著,基本上满足了保护性耕作对土壤的要求。  相似文献   

美国的保护性耕作策略   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
任何一项农业技术的推广使用都属于综合性的运作。它的抉择要受农场和农民的影响,受技术的限制,受经济的和政策的制约。对于保护性耕作来说就更容易受到一些因素的影响。例如,土地所有权的问题就会影响到保护性耕作的实施。农场主比给别人经营农场的农民在是否采用保护性耕作上  相似文献   

该文从5个方面着重分析了应用保护性耕作技术的主要成效,并对取得的效应从技术机理上做了分析。针对保护性耕作规模应用的关键环节技术问题,进行了实践研究。对今后在长春市进一步推广保护性耕作具有一定的指导意义。   相似文献   

为助推保护性耕作的全面推广,根据我国东北地区的农艺要求,研制与保护性耕作模式配套的2BMS-4型免耕播种机,一次进地可以完成多项作业。田间性能试验结果表明,机具作业稳定安全,各项性能指标均能达到设计要求。  相似文献   

Yield levels in smallholder farming systems in semi-arid sub-Saharan Africa are generally low. Water shortage in the root zone during critical crop development stages is a fundamental constraining factor. While there is ample evidence to show that conservation tillage can promote soil health, it has recently been suggested that the main benefit in semi-arid farming systems may in fact be an in situ water harvesting effect. In this paper we present the result from an on-farm conservation tillage experiment (combining ripping with mulch and manure application) that was carried out in North Eastern Tanzania from 2005 to 2008. Special attention was given to the effects of the tested treatment on the capacity of the soil to retain moisture. The tested conservation treatment only had a clear yield increasing effect during one of the six experimental seasons (maize grain yields increased by 41%, and biomass by 65%), and this was a season that received exceptional amounts of rainfall (549 mm). While the other seasons provided mixed results, there seemed to be an increasing yield gap between the conservation tillage treatment and the control towards the end of the experiment, and cumulatively the yield increased with 17%. Regarding soil system changes, small but significant effects on chemical and microbiological properties, but not on physical properties, were observed. This raises questions about the suggested water harvesting effect and its potential to contribute to stabilized yield levels under semi-arid conditions. We conclude that, at least in a shorter time perspective, the tested type of conservation tillage seems to boost productivity during already good seasons, rather than stabilize harvests during poor rainfall seasons. Highlighting the challenges involved in upgrading these farming systems, we discuss the potential contribution of conservation tillage towards improved water availability in the crop root zone in a longer term perspective.  相似文献   

针对温室小型农机对地面平整度敏感,微小的地面起伏便会造成机具俯仰的情况,基于课题组已开发的温室电动拖拉机,将基于时间序列分析的角度预测方法引入前馈PID控制(Angle prediction and feedforward PID,APF-PID),解决了温室旋耕作业中因机具俯仰而出现的响应性差、耕深不稳定和功率突变的问题。建立了温室电动拖拉机旋耕作业的功率模型,并建立了俯仰角-耕深的转换矩阵,得到了旋耕系统实际耕深的转换值;采用时间序列分析预测机身俯仰角,并作为旋耕系统的扰动输入;结合耕深的转换值和预测得到的扰动,采用APF-PID控制器调节旋耕系统的提升机构,将旋耕机维持在目标耕深;在温室内未旋耕和已旋耕的两种地块进行实车试验。结果表明:俯仰角时序预测模型的相关系数可达0.983 2;APF-PID控制的控制性能优于PID控制,在目标耕深6 cm的测试路面中,APF-PID在两种试验地块上的平均耕深分别为6.47 cm和6.44 cm,均方根误差为0.80 cm和0.72 cm,绝对平均误差为0.67 cm和0.58 cm,耕深稳定性系数为89.95%和91.30%,消耗的总能量较...  相似文献   

Effects of two tillage treatments and two fallow period managements under continuous maize cropping on soil temperature, soil water dynamics and maize development were evaluated over a 4-year period (2005–2008). Tillage treatments were conventional tillage with mouldboard ploughing and conservation tillage with disk harrowing. The fallow period managements were bare soil or soil sown with a cover crop after maize harvest. For each year, topsoil temperature (0–20 cm-depth) was lower under conservation tillage systems at sowing, from 0.8 to 2.8 °C. This difference persisted several weeks after sowing, and disappeared afterwards. Under conservation tillage, higher soil water content was generally measured at sowing and during the growing season strong fluctuations were observed at 40 cm-depth. Under conventional tillage, soil water content varied mainly in the tilled layer (20 cm-depth). Tillage and fallow period management affected water flow rate at 40 cm-depth. During the maize growing season, the lowest drainage volumes were measured in 2006 and 2008 under conservation tillage in cover cropped plots. No effect of fallow period management on maize development and yield was observed but significantly higher yields were measured under conservation tillage in 2005 and 2007. From this 4-year experiment under continuous maize cropping, using cover crop and reducing tillage intensity enhanced water use efficiency while maintaining or increasing maize yields.  相似文献   

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