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中国经济在以市场为导向的年代里,经历了翻天覆地的变化,使我们有机会看到了企业模式和市场的重大变革,在今天的经济环境中,要想获得成功,企业必须拥有一个全新的理念,但是如果无法将理念付诸于实践,再宏伟的理念也是无济于事。如果好的思路和想法得不到切实的执行,突破性的思维只能说是胡思乱想,再多的学习也无法带来实际的价值。真正有意义的关键就在于执行力,执行力是我们企业面临的最大问题。  相似文献   

李丹  鲁锦涛 《中国饲料》2021,1(7):110-113
随着世界和我国经济形势的不断变化,饲料企业将面临重大的发展挑战和转型机遇。经济管理工作是饲料企业发展的核心,将柔性管理模式有效运用于饲料企业的经济管理体系中,可以提升经济管理效率,从而提高企业的经济效益和增强市场竞争力。本文深入分析了目前饲料企业经济管理中存在的问题,阐述了柔性管理在饲料企业经济管理中的重要作用,并探讨了其在饲料企业经济管理中的具体运用,旨在增强饲料企业的市场竞争力,推动其长远发展。 [关键词] 饲料企业|经济管理|柔性管理  相似文献   

<正>随着中国经济的不断发展,饲料企业的竞争日趋激烈,已由原来产品要素间的竞争深入到了服务、质量的竞争。竞争不仅存在于生产企业间,同样存在于经销商之间。目前,一些老经销商常讲生意不如以前好做,追其究竟,经销商传统的经销模式已不适应市场发展的需要。饲料企业如何在不断变化的市场中立于不败之地,引导饲料经销商更新观念,  相似文献   

兽药GMP的实质是一种产业政策壁垒。兽药GMP的实施提高了兽药产业的进入政策壁垒、进入费用壁垒、退出沉没成本壁垒、规模经济壁垒。实施兽药GMP后,我国的兽药产业的市场结构会出现如下变化:企业数量减少,生产趋于集中;短期内市场竞争将更趋激烈;有核心竞争力的企业将发展成为龙头企业;长期看产业会出现纵横兼并,使市场趋于集中。  相似文献   

<正>1.研究背景在当今经济全球化的背景下,世界的经济格局正在发生着巨大的变革,伴随着我国加入WTO带来的机遇,市场竞争的变化和发展,企业之间的竞争也愈演愈烈。中国经济发展与改革的步伐必须快速适应这一竞争环境,中国企业更加深刻地感受到环境变化所带来的巨大市场竞压力。企业竞争在全球市场中变得更加激烈和残酷。从微观层面看,市场需求、技术、竞争、供应商以及政府政策都是不确定性的可能来源。表现为竞争者的增多、竞争手段的多样、竞争  相似文献   

2010年农药企业面临的经济环境发生较大变化。2009年农药行业持续低迷,一方面是因为农产品价格暴跌导致国内外农户种植投入大幅降低所致;另一方面是生产企业资金偏紧,主动降低利润以换取现金流,从而引发市场的恶性竞  相似文献   

吕航  石孟磊 《中国饲料》2024,(6):149-152
随着经济发展进入新常态,饲料企业作为农业产业链中的重要环节,扮演着至关重要的角色。在新常态背景下,饲料企业需要适应市场的变化和经济的新发展模式,通过合理的管理会计措施来实现高效的企业运营。本文旨在探讨经济新常态背景下饲料企业管理会计的发展路径,以期为饲料企业提供有效指导。  相似文献   

李广东  张亮 《北方牧业》2009,(14):17-17
<正>当前,世界的毛皮贸易结构在发生着潜移默化的变化,经济结构由欧洲转向亚洲,中国外贸是世界经济的发动机,已经成为世界上最大的毛皮业贸易国及深加工大国,中国毛皮市场将成为  相似文献   

冯勃 《中国饲料》2023,1(8):102-105
随着经济全球化发展,贸易往来日益频繁,跨境电商已成为时代的主题,是大势所趋。可以说,饲料企业传统产业在贸易全球化的浪潮中重新焕发生机。在经济全球化的背景下,饲料企业与新的市场贸易变化需相互协调,抢占发展先机,才能积累更多的企业竞争优势,这也使跨境物流贸易合同风险与日俱增。文章以饲料企业为研究对象,通过分析跨境物流贸易饲料企业的合同转型趋势和特点,分别论述当前饲料企业面临的贸易风险具体表现形式,对如何降低贸易中的风险摩擦,提升自身可持续发展迎来全新生机进行分析与探究。  相似文献   

周玲 《饲料广角》2004,(12):44-45
中国经济在市场为导向的年代里,经历了翻天覆地的变化,使我们有机会看到了企业模式和市场的重大变革.在今天的经济环境中,要想获得成功,企业必须拥有一个全新的理念,但是如果无法将理念付诸于实践,再宏伟的理念也是无济于事。如果好的思路和想法得不到切实  相似文献   

曾元 《饲料广角》2003,(14):30-33
正确的饲养可使高瘦肉型猪的遗传性得到提高,然而常规的营养需要量却与这些猪的潜力不相适应,尤其是各种维生素和常量矿物质的供给量不足。依阿华州立人学进行的研究工作表明,瘦肉型猪存在维生素和常量矿物质缺乏的问题。  相似文献   

A series of simulations were performed to evaluate the effects of mature size (WMA; 60, 70, 80 and 90 kg), slaughter weight (SW; 55, 60 and 65 kg) and three diets fed to feedlot lambs. Rations included a traditional diet (C2L) or placing weaned lambs on alfalfa for either 30 (A30) or 60 (A60) d before placing them on the C2L diet (A30-C2L and A60-C2L). Two lamb pricing schemes were used in the financial analysis of the biological results: sale price based on weight with or without adjustment for carcass fat. Placing lambs on alfalfa pasture increased ownership by 22 d on average compared to C2L. As WMA and SW increased, ownership increased from 3 to 11 d. Across nutritional treatments, fat decreased by 5.8 to 9.0% as WMA increased from 60 and 90 kg. When market lambs were priced on weight, net returns per lamb were greatest for A30-C2L or A60-C2L ($2.34 and $5.21, respectively above C2L) and for greater SW ($4.77 and $7.16 greater for SW 60 and 65 kg than for SW 55). The combination WMA of 90 kg, a SW of 65 kg and nutritional treatment of A60-C2L proved most profitable. However, when sale price was discounted for excessive fat content, the combinations WMA of 60 or 70 with a SW of 65 and A60-C2L were most profitable. The rank correlation between biological efficiency (weight gain/dry matter feed consumption) and net return, when sale price was based on weight, was found to be -.51. This was because lambs slaughtered at lighter weights had high biological efficiencies but low net returns due to a negative price margin. With negative price margins but positive feeding margins, net returns are greatest for heavier, fatter lambs fed longer.  相似文献   

<正>4英惠尔为何要推行精益生产?4.1学习型组织的内在驱动英惠尔成立近10年,经过艰苦探索与不懈努力,业务发展取得了长足进步,在国内饲料添加剂行业居于领先地位,并且已经摸索出了一整套行之有效的市场营销模式。根据公司长远发展  相似文献   

随着养猪技术不断提高,猪品种选育不断进步,我国现代瘦肉型品种猪已经逐步取代了传统的肉脂型品种,而瘦肉型优良品种对营养的要求更加敏感.本文将现代瘦肉型妊娠母猪的营养需要特点及饲料配制方法作以阐述.  相似文献   

试验采用公猪有杜洛克(杜)、汉普夏(汉)、约克夏(约),杂种母猪有约克夏×长白(约长)、约克夏×苏白(约苏)、梅山×长白(梅长),杂交方式为杜×约长、杜×约苏、汉×约长、汉×约苏、约×梅长5种.每一组合配种30窝.从每个组合的后代中挑选12~14头仔猪作肥育试验,180日龄时各挑选4头猪作屠宰测定.试验结果经方差分析,产仔数、180日龄活重,各组合间差异不显著(P>0.05);各组合料肉比为2.95~3.29,90kg屠宰各组合瘦肉率(除约×梅长51.14%外)均高于55%.结果表明,在主要生产性能上各组合差异不显著,杜洛克、汉普夏、约克夏均可作为三元杂交的终端父本.  相似文献   

在训练犬“前来”时,要求犬来到训犬员面前后,主动靠训犬员左侧坐好。这时一般有以下几种情况一是在犬前来到训犬员面前坐下后,令犬从右侧绕到左侧坐下:二是在犬前来至训犬员面前坐下后,令犬原地起跳靠训犬员左侧坐下.三是在犬前来至训犬员面前时,命令奔跑中的犬直接跃起、前冲、接触训犬员身体后,犬自动调转体位,在落地的同时,完成靠训犬员左侧坐下的动作。  相似文献   

Because veal lean color continues to be a primary factor that determines veal carcass value and is typically assessed by subjective means, it is important to explore objective methods for color assessment. Objective and subjective evaluations of veal flank and breast lean color were compared as predictors of longissimus lean color at 24 h postmortem. One hundred fifty special-fed Holstein veal calves were Kosher-slaughtered with blood samples collected upon exsanguination and analyzed for hematocrit and hemoglobin content. Lean color was evaluated in the flank and breast at 0, 6, 12, and 24 h postmortem. Color of the longissimus was evaluated at 6 h, when possible, and at 24 h. A panel of three trained individuals used a 5-point color standard developed in the Netherlands to visually evaluate lean color. A Minolta Chromameter CR-300 was used to obtain L*, a*, and b* values. A plant employee assigned packer grades at slaughter. Temperature and pH were also measured at each time period. Hemoglobin was more highly correlated than hematocrit with colorimeter values. Hemoglobin levels correlated well with a* values of the flank at 0 h postmortem (r = 0.52) although the correlation declined at 24 h (r = 0.30). The correlation between packer grades and 24-h visual loin color was r = 0.41. Visual loin color at 24 h postmortem was selected as the predicted variable for regression analysis. Temperature and pH did not contribute significantly to any prediction equations. The equation using breast L*, a*, and b* values at 24 h postmortem to predict 24-h loin color gave a higher prediction coefficient (R2 = 0.44) than the corresponding equation using 0-h breast values (R2 = 0.28). Objective measurement of lean color may be useful in veal carcass grading because it is more precise than subjective methods and would allow for uniformity among processing plants.  相似文献   

To determine the effect of dietary protein intake on lean body wasting in adult canines a study was undertaken to investigate the Ubiquitin Proteasome (UP) pathway and concurrent changes in lean and fat body mass of canines fed variable sources and concentrations of dietary protein. Purpose-bred, intact female canines (56) between the ages of 2 and 3 years were fed either 12 or 28% protein diet for 10 weeks. Each diet contained variable amounts of corn gluten meal and chicken protein sources in ratios of 100 : 0, 67 : 33, 33 : 67 and 0 : 100 per cent (w/w), respectively. All diets were isocaloric with calories coming from protein : fat : carbohydrate at the respective ratios of 12 : 40 : 48% for the 12% diets, and 28 : 40 : 32% for the 28% diets. Standard dual energy X-ray absorptiometry was performed to assess total body lean and fat mass at weeks 0 and 10 of the dietary trial. Muscle biopsies were also taken and processed for protein determination and standard gel electrophoresis with subsequent Western blotting for 20S proteasome and PA700 regulatory cap subunit p31. Statistical analysis revealed a moderate degree of correlation between increasing quantities of corn gluten, which is low in essential amino acids (i.e. lysine, tryptophan), and increasing loss of lean body mass over the 10-week study (R = 0.56). Furthermore, a moderate degree of correlation was observed between increasing concentrations of corn gluten protein and decreased expression of the p31 subunit of the 26S proteasome (R = 0.49). Additionally, the dogs consuming the 12% protein diets had a significant increase in fat mass regardless of the protein source. These findings suggest that lean body wasting in adult canines can be associated with the consumption of low protein diets consisting of predominantly corn gluten, which is likely due to imbalances or subclinical deficiencies of specific essential amino acids, and that low protein diets may augment accumulation of adipose tissue. Although the mechanisms remain unclear, alteration of molecular targets of skeletal muscle proteolysis, specifically involving the UP pathway occur.  相似文献   

Accuracy and precision of intramuscular fat prediction by ultrasound (USIMF) in lean cattle were studied by developing a prediction model based on 172 pure and crossbred beef and dual purpose bulls and steers from commercial herds. The animals were scanned across the 13th thoracic vertebrae using a Pie 200 SLC scanner. Five images were collected per individual. A 2.5 cm cross sectional muscle sample at the 13th thoracic vertebrae was collected from each carcass for chemical analysis of intramuscular fat % (CHIMF; Mean 2.0%, SD 1.5%) at the scanning site. The prediction model was developed using stepwise regression procedures. The validation model R2, RMSE, overall mean bias, SEP and rP correlation between CHIMF and USIMF based on the final prediction model was 0.80, 0.66%, − 0.15%, 0.65% and 0.90, respectively. The rank correlations varied over the CHIMF parameter space (from 0.26 to 0.87). The causes of this and the implications that follow are discussed. The overall results imply that ultrasound can predict IMF in lean cattle with acceptably high accuracy and precision. Ultrasound may thus be a valuable selection tool for meat quality in such cattle populations. The importance of developing optimised prediction models, based on data representative for the actual population, is highly emphasised.  相似文献   

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