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与森林认证相比,木材合法性认定目前成为世界各国更为普遍接受的一种打击非法采伐及贸易促进森林可持续经营的有力工具。基于文献分析和调查研究,分析探讨了木材合法性认定与森林认证的异同,分别从概念内涵与外延、发起组织和运行机制、标准体系及层次要求、实施机构与推广目的、具体操作和执行细节等方面进行了区分,并从远期目标、参与对象、动力机制和发展进程等方面讨论了它们的相同之处;总结归纳了木材合法性认定在现阶段相对森林认证具有强制性更高、针对性更强、适用性更广和接受性更好的比较优势;从生态环境、国际政治、产业经济、林区社会和林业外贸方面梳理研究了木材合法性认定的积极影响及短期内的主要负面影响。  相似文献   

2010年颁布的《欧盟木材法》要求所有进入欧盟市场的木材产品都必须具有合法性,而我国则在2012年出台了关于森林认证的2个国家标准——《GB/T 28951-2012中国森林认证森林经营》和《GB/T 28952-2012中国森林认证产销监管链》。文中通过对《欧盟木材法》和中国森林认证产销监管链标准关于木材合法性的比较分析提出,开展产销监管链认证或尽职调查是应对《欧盟木材法》的一种现实选择,但林产品外贸企业应以《欧盟木材法》实施为契机,进一步加强对林产品供应链的监管以确保木材来源的合法性,提升经营管理水平。  相似文献   

加纳与欧盟谈判木材问题加纳:为了减少非法采伐,扭转森林的破坏情况,以及制止对欧洲木材贸易的下滑,加纳正与欧盟谈判,希望达成自愿伙伴协议。该协议一旦达成,协议中所包括的木材产品在得到合法性认证后  相似文献   

周密 《国际木业》2008,(5):53-53
加纳:为了减少非法采伐,扭转森林的破坏情况,以及制止对欧洲木材贸易的下滑,加纳正与欧盟谈判,希望达成“自愿伙伴协议”。该协议一旦达成,协议中所包括的木材产品在得到合法性认证后可以在欧洲销售。  相似文献   

文莱:文莱林业部4月初就东盟木材合法性、合法木材产销链及木材可持续生产指南的准则和指标问题召开技术讨论会。这次会议的目的是讨论落实在泛东盟国家木材认证倡议、合法木材产销链及木材可持续生产会议上提出的东盟国家木材合法性的准则和指标。泛东盟国家木材认证倡议工作组的工作目标是逐步实现森林可持续经营。  相似文献   

打击木材非法采伐的森林执法管理与贸易国际进程   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
探讨了世界森林执法管理与贸易国际进程现状, 分析了森林执法管理与贸易进程和打击木材非法采伐存在的主要问题, 并提出推进国际森林公约、参与跨国联合行动、提高木材供给国执法能力、加强消费国木材监管体系建设、重视非政府组织意见、加强行业信用评价、积极开展森林认证和引导消费者的态度等加强森林执法管理与控制木材非法贸易的对策建议。  相似文献   

俄罗斯:森林管理委员会(FSC)认证木材已经被指定为俄罗斯2014年冬奥会使用的木材。FSC认证的木材被推荐在所有建筑工程,包括新建筑、运输和能源基础设施中使用。2014年冬奥会赛事的绿色规范规定只有带有合法性文件、能证明不是来自保护区的木材方可被允许使用。  相似文献   

曹磊 《国际木业》2009,(9):16-16
中国环境标志计划关于森林资源方面,是两部分要求:一部分就是我们利用中国环境标志影响来呼吁行业,抵制非法木材;第二部分把木材来源合法性及森林可持续认证要求纳入到环境认证标准中。我们把森林可持续应用要求纳入到标准,同时制订相应实施的规范。目前,我们和WWF合作,并调研形成一个报告。同时,通过环境标志影响认证企业;接下来,我们还会通过政府采购,推动森林可持续发展的要求。  相似文献   

森林认证对林产品贸易的影响   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
郑仰南  蒋敏元 《林业研究》2002,13(4):316-318
森林认证在森林经营政策方面扮演了一个重要的补充角色并对林产品贸易起到了极其重要的影响。在短短的10余年间,森林认证已得到许多国家政府和林业部门的关注和认可。森林认证工作在中国刚刚起步,我们应该让更多的人了解森林认证并推动该项工作的发展。本文分析了森林认证对世界林产品贸易的影响,包括认证进出口国的利益、贸易流向、企业竞争、以及人们对认证林产品的需求,论述了森林认证对中国林产品贸易的影响,提出了森林认证对中国森林经营和林产品贸易的影响是机遇与挑战并存。参8。  相似文献   

如何应对木材合法性要求是当前中国林产品出口企业面临的现实问题。文中从林产品出口企业视角出发,构建中国林产品出口企业应对合法性要求可选策略的综合评价模型,基于企业实地调研数据,从市场利益、非市场利益、成本投入3个方面对现阶段市场认可度比较高的5种策略进行综合评价。结果显示:中国森林认证体系(CFCC)森林认证得分最高,但与其他策略的分差并不明显,企业可结合自身情况选择适合的应对策略。据此对CFCC和中国木材合法性验证体系(CTLVS)建设提出改进建议。  相似文献   

The Government of Indonesia (GoI) and the European Union (EU) have signed a Voluntary Partnership Agreement on Forest Law Enforcement Governance and Trade (FLEGT-VPA), which aims to prevent illegal timber products from entering the EU. This agreement recognizes a certification for timber products exported from Indonesia based on FLEGT-VPA standards and implemented through the timber legality verification system, Sistem Verifikasi Legalitas Kayu (SVLK). While the implementation of SVLK complies with the FLEGT-VPA, it has not dissolved pre-existing national systems for forest management and timber trade. Implementing SVLK standards amid multiple forest regimes causes redundancy of administrative procedures in forest management and timber trade in Indonesia. This redundancy, in turn, leads to decrease in cost efficiency, weak legitimation, and low effectiveness of the system, especially in community forests.  相似文献   

The US and EU markets are the main destinations of Chinese forest products.Through analyzing the similarities and differences between the US Lacey Act Amendment and the EU Timber Regulation,the paper focused on how to realize better compatibility and practicality of Chinese timber legality verification scheme in terms of verification standard setting,verification procedures,pilot work of timber legality verification scheme,capacity-building trainings and studies on key problems.  相似文献   

非法采伐及相关贸易被认为是导致毁林和全球气候变暖的主要原因之一,对全世界的经济、社会和环境带来了负面影响。中国是全球第1大林产品贸易国,进口木材已占我国木材来源的50%以上,而其中很多来自非伐采伐风险比较高的热带国家/地区,倍受国际舆论压力。在此背景下,中国政府正在不断完善相关法规政策以加强对进口木材合法性的管理。文中采用静态GTAP模型模拟了出台进口材合法性管理政策法规背景下企业选取不同合规机制对中国和全球林产品贸易的影响。结果表明,中国加强进口材合法性的管理将改变中国木材进口格局,其产生的主要福利损失由中国和被判定为非法采伐高风险的国家/地区承担,而低风险国家/地区则实现了福利增加。  相似文献   

随着国际市场对木材合法性的要求日益提高, 中国也在积极推动中国木材合法性认定体系的建立和运行。文中将当今世界通行的木材合法性认定体系划分为政府主导的强制性合法性认定体系、行业协会主导的认定体系、非政府组织主导的自愿性合法性倡议、以市场为基础的第三方合法性认定4种类型, 概述不同体系的标准与要求, 分析比较各类体系的优势与劣势, 并基于以上分析提出对中国木材合法性认定体系路径选择的建议。  相似文献   

We analyze legality in the forest sector in Bolivia, focusing particularly on the domestic timber value chain in the northern Bolivian Amazon. Bolivia adopted wide-reaching forest, land and democratic regulatory changes since the mid-1990s that were partly intended to reduce illegal logging and related practices. The new forest regulations, in turn, led to new illegal practices because implementation and sanctioning were poor, but also because new forest and land regulations were inadequate and often contradictory. In response, the government and various forest agencies adopted new measures to address the new illegal practices. These forest regulatory and forest policy renovations and modifications of the last two decades are, for instance, reflected in the domestic timber market of the northern Bolivian Amazon, a region that relies heavily on the forest sector. The paper analyzes Bolivia’s regulatory changes that were relevant for legality in the forest sector and the multiple modifications that were made to address shortcomings of these reforms. It also analyses legality in the domestic timber value chain in northern Bolivia. The new actors involved in especially the domestic timber value chain have moved away from formal and legal mechanisms to benefit from timber that grows on their land and forests to practices that were not considered or actually shunned in the law and that appear difficult to regulate. Unless these new practices are recognized adequately in a new forestry law, some of the production and trade of the timber value chain will likely continue to operate at the margin of legality.  相似文献   

Property rights, the agricultural price index, forest area, population, income and timber price are important factors in the deforestation process. The aim of this study was to test the impact of these factors on deforestation in Iran using an environmental Kuznets curve (EKC). The autoregressive distributed lag approach was also used to estimate the deforestation function. The existence of an inverted U-shaped EKC for deforestation in Iran was confirmed. In addition, there is evidence of a relationship between deforestation and property rights, forest area, agricultural price index and terms of trade. It is concluded that improvement of secure property rights and environmental policies can improve compliance regarding forest land use and reduce the deforestation rate in Iran.  相似文献   

莫桑比克森林资源丰富,是中国在非洲的主要热带木材及原木来源地。在利于两国共同发展的基础上,中莫两国林业建立了广泛的合作。由于莫桑比克毁林和森林质量下降的问题,中国企业林业投资又面临国际上的质疑和批评,迫切需要改进两国林业合作与发展方式和策略。文中介绍了莫桑比克森林资源、林业管理体系、森林采伐、木材加工、流通与贸易等发展现状,提出了促进中莫两国林业国际合作可持续发展的建议。  相似文献   

在非法采伐及相关贸易成为国际社会热点问题的背景下,越来越多的国家通过立法限制非法采伐木材进入本国市场。文中对当前国际上主要木材合法性贸易法规进行梳理,针对合法性定义、强制性、适用对象、保障机制、执行与管理、监督机制以及处罚措施7个立法要素进行比较分析,总结国际打击非法采伐及相关贸易的立法经验对我国木材合法来源管理的借鉴意义。  相似文献   

Based on introduction of the timber legality verification schemes,the article provides a detailed review of existing legality verification schemes covering aspects such as definition of legality,verification process.It aims to help Chinese companies understand the different requirements and evidence of compliance required by legislation,public and private procurement policies.  相似文献   

As the global forest issues and illegal logging have increasingly aroused the concerns of the international community,the US Lacey Act Amendment and the EU Timber Regulation poses requirements for the legality of timber.The paper described the background of timber legality issue,analyzed the specific requirements of the US and the EU for timber legality,and pointed out their negative impacts on China’s wood enterprises.Based on the analyses,the authors came up with the approaches that China’ s wood enterprises could adopt to meet legality requirements,and proposed the specific suggestions on how enterprises respond to the requirements for legality with an eye for the difficulties that they are confronting with.  相似文献   

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