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黏膜免疫系统(Mucosal immune sysyem,MIS)是指广泛分布于呼吸道、胃肠道、泌尿生殖道等组织黏膜下及一些分泌腺的淋巴组织,它是执行局部特异性免疫功能的主要场所.动物机体内存在着强大的黏膜免疫系统,其所含淋巴组织占机体总淋巴组织的50%以上,淋巴细胞占机体总淋巴细胞的80%以上.  相似文献   

妊娠是指一个受精卵从母体的输卵管下行到子宫 ,并在子宫内定植并维持胚胎发育完全直到分娩的全过程。在整个妊娠的过程中 ,内分泌的调控起着重要作用 ,它们包括妊娠识别、妊娠建立、胚胎的附植、妊娠的维持和胚胎的发育。通过各种激素和信号物质协同作用 ,使整个妊娠过程中母体对胎儿的免疫排斥受到抑制[1] 。深入研究其机理有利于人们在生产上对动物的繁殖活动进行更有效的控制。本文综合了近几年来在妊娠内分泌调控上的研究进展。1 妊娠识别和建立在妊娠的早期 ,孕体在子宫内必须产生某些信号物质 ,以抑制黄体的溶解和母体的免疫排斥[2 …  相似文献   

子宫内膜炎是奶牛产后多发的繁殖障碍性疾病。肥大细胞(MC)作为免疫系统中重要效应细胞,对器官局部功能和免疫水平具有重要的调节作用。目前有关子宫MC的研究主要集中于人、小鼠和大鼠等动物,而在牛方面研究很少,深入揭示子宫MC与子宫内膜炎的关系,将从子宫内膜状态角度丰富子宫内膜炎病理机制,为该病防治提供理论依据。  相似文献   

黏膜免疫是区别于全身免疫的局部免疫,其免疫系统由胃肠道、呼吸道和泌尿生殖道等部位的大量淋巴样组织构成.在家禽局部(黏膜)免疫系统中,富含功能各异的免疫活性细胞,当病原体与之接触后即被吸收,并诱导T、B淋巴细胞应答.  相似文献   

关于雌性动物生殖道的局部免疫问题谭礼综述(云南农业大学动物科技学院云南昆明650201)哺乳动物的生殖是一个非常复杂的生理过程,其中配子的运输、成熟、受精和受精卵的着床都是在生殖道内进行的。存在于生殖道内的免疫因素,诸如体液免疫方面有抗体与补体活化,...  相似文献   

动物免疫,狭义上讲是动物抵御(传染性)疾病的能力;广义上讲是动物机体对自身和非自身的识别,并排除非自身的大分子物质,从而保持机体内、外环境平衡的生理性反应。具体包括三方面的功能:免疫防御、自身稳定和免疫监视。1幼犬免疫机理新生幼犬通过初乳获得被动免疫。幼犬在出生时免疫系统尚未完善,是后来逐步发展起来的。LewisL曾对6周龄幼犬试验性接种牛血清白蛋白,仅有2/6幼犬产生很弱的免疫应答,表明幼犬免疫系统  相似文献   

猪胚胎的附植是通过广泛的细胞运动和重塑发生。胚胎的成功附植主要取决于胚胎延伸和滋养外胚层与子宫内膜上皮紧密连接的成功,这种紧密连接保证了孕体摄取其存活所必需的子宫腺上皮分泌物质。这些过程需要子宫和胚胎来源的细胞因子完成子宫内膜和滋养外胚层之间的细胞重塑,营造胚胎附植时的促炎微环境,维持附植阶段免疫系统的平衡,协调子宫和胚胎之间的相互作用等。本文主要综述了猪胚胎附植时期,由子宫和胚胎来源的细胞因子包括白细胞介素-1β(IL-1β)、干扰素(IFN)、成纤维细胞生长因子(FGF)、肿瘤坏死因子-α(TNF-α)、转化生长因子-β(TGF-β)发挥的作用及其作用机理,以期为胚胎附植及发育调控相关研究提供参考。  相似文献   

子宫容量是对子宫维持多个孕体正常孕育能力的描述。20世纪60年代以来,对多胎动物的子宫容量及其遗传选择进行了较系统的研究。对此作者着重讨论和综述了多胎动物的子宫容量、子宫容量的度量及子宫容量的遗传选择。  相似文献   

<正>黏膜免疫系统(MIS)是指消化道、呼吸道、泌尿生殖道和某些外分泌腺所组成的免疫系统。黏膜组织内的淋巴组织和免疫活性细胞共同形成一个完整的免疫应答网络,它有别于全身免疫(体液免疫和细胞免疫),是受黏膜表面抗原物质刺激而形成的局部  相似文献   

(接上期)5.3 胚胎回收胚胎回收就是用冲洗液将胚胎(受精卵)从供体的生殖道中冲洗出来,并收集到特制的容器中,以备移植或其它操作。胚胎回收的方法有离体生殖道法、手术法和非手术法等。离体生殖道法主要用于小鼠、大鼠等实验动物胚胎回收;手术法适用于所有动物,可从输卵管或子宫角回收胚胎;非手术法仅适用于牛、马等大动物,且只能在胚胎进入子宫角后才能进行。回收胚胎时,应根据供体动物的发情排卵时间、胚胎发育特点、运行速度和所需胚胎的发育阶段来确定回收时间。现以牛羊为例介绍手术回收法和非手术回收法。5.3.1 羊的胚胎手术回收法…  相似文献   

Little is known about the response of the bitch’s reproductive tract to semen deposition. In this study, an influx of polymorphonuclear neutrophils (PMNs) into the uterus was detected after artificial insemination, but there was normal fertility. Doppler ultrasonography showed that insemination induced an increase in uterine artery blood velocity and a decrease in the resistance index of short duration, indicating vasodilation. Semen that was extended in fluid from the sperm rich fraction of the ejaculate (seminal plasma, SP), or third fraction of the ejaculate (prostatic fluid, PF), produced a similar magnitude of effect but of longer duration. It was hypothesised that vasodilation following insemination was largely induced by SP and PF which, together with PMN influx, was part of a normal uterine response.Physiological concentrations of PMNs in vitro reduced the ability of spermatozoa to attach to uterine epithelium, most likely as a result of spermatozoa becoming attached to PMNs. However, both SP and PF increased attachment of spermatozoa to the uterine epithelium by reducing sperm attachment to PMNs, and potentially by an additional mechanism that did not involve inhibition of sperm binding to PMNs. These are the first canine studies to document an apparent physiological response by the uterus to semen, associated with uterine artery vasodilation and PMN influx. Moreover, these investigations are the first to demonstrate that canine SF and PF are part of the mechanism for increasing uterine perfusion and that both fluids have a modulatory effect on PMN-induced inhibition of spermatozoal attachment to uterine epithelium, most likely mediated by reduced sperm attachment to PMNs.  相似文献   

From 6 mares with chronic uterine infection, polymorphonuclear neutrophils (PMNs) were obtained from the uterus. In order to recover an adequate number of viable PMNs, 0.1% oyster glycogen was infused into the uterus as a mild irritant 12 h prior to the uterine flushing. Phagocytosis and chemotaxis of the uterine derived PMNs were determined. The supernatant from the uterine flushing was compared with autologous serum for its capacity as an opsonin and chemoattractant. There was a significant increase of both phagocytosis and chemotaxis when autologous serum was used compared with the supernatant from the uterine flushing. This study indicates that autologous serum has a greater opsonizing capacity than uterine secretion from mares with chronic uterine infection. Since all mares conceived following this study, the use of oyster glycogen was not considered to have deleterious effect on the uterine mucosa.  相似文献   

Maternal recognition of pregnancy refers to the requirement for the conceptus (embryo and its associated extra-embryonic membranes) to produce a hormone that acts on the uterus and/or corpus luteum (CL) to ensure maintenance of a functional CL for production of progesterone; the hormone required for pregnancy in most mammals. The pregnancy recognition signal in primates is chorionic gonadotrophin which acts directly on the CL via luteinizing hormone receptors to ensure maintenance of functional CL during pregnancy. In ruminants, interferon tau (IFNT) is the pregnancy recognition signal. IFNT is secreted during the peri-implantation period of pregnancy and acts on uterine epithelia to silence expression of estrogen receptor alpha and oxytocin receptor which abrogates the oxytocin-dependent release of luteolytic pulses of prostaglandin F2-alpha (PGF) by uterine epithelia; therefore, the CL continues to produce progesterone required for pregnancy. Pig conceptuses secrete interferon delta and interferon gamma during the peri-implantation period of pregnancy, but there is no evidence that they are involved in pregnancy recognition signaling. Rather, pig conceptuses secrete abundant amounts of estrogens between Days 11 to 15 of pregnancy required for maternal recognition of pregnancy. Estrogen, likely in concert with prolactin, prevents secretion of PGF into the uterine venous drainage (endocrine secretion), but maintains secretion of PGF into the uterine lumen (exocrine secretion) where it is metabolized to a form that is not luteolytic. Since PGF is sequestered within the uterine lumen and unavailable to induce luteolysis, functional CL are maintained for production of progesterone. In addition to effects of chorionic gonadotrophin, IFNT and estrogens to signal pregnancy recognition, these hormones act on uterine epithelia to enhance expression of genes critical for growth and development of the conceptus.  相似文献   

Topical application of prostaglandin E2 (PGE2) gel to the surface of the uterine tubes via a laparoscopic procedure improved embryo recovery rates or pregnancy rates in 28 subfertile mares suspected of uterine tubal pathology. Gelatinous masses may occlude the lumen of the uterine tube and prevent sperm from reaching the site of fertilization or prevent embryos from reaching the uterus. PGE2 is secreted by the early equine embryo, promoting passage of the embryo into the uterus; topical administration of PGE2 onto the surface of the uterine tube has been shown to stimulate early transport of the embryo into the uterus. Embryos were produced or a pregnancy was obtained from 24 of the 28 barren mares treated with direct laparoscopic application of 0.2 mg of PGE2 to their uterine tubes. Mares had been barren for an average duration of 1.9 ± 0.6 years and an average of 6.9 ± 3.8 estrous cycles prior to treatment, without donating an embryo or becoming pregnant. Seventeen of 20 mares bred as embryo donors produced one or more embryos with an average of 2.1 ± 1.9 embryos collected per mare (0.45 embryos per cycle) after PGE2 treatment. Seven of 8 mares bred to carry their own pregnancy became pregnant within the first two cycles following PGE2 treatment. These 8 mares were bred an average of 5.6 ± 1.8 cycles without a pregnancy prior to treatment. The laparoscopic PGE2 procedure was performed during various stages of the estrous cycle; the stage varied among treated mares.  相似文献   

The equine uterus undergoes a transient innate immune response after breeding, also known as mating-induced endometritis. The deposition of spermatozoa triggers the expression of pro-inflammatory cytokines, which results in the migration of polymorphonuclear neutrophils (PMNs) into the endometrium and the uterine lumen. Select seminal plasma proteins, specifically cysteine-rich secretory protein 3 (CRISP-3) and lactoferrin, have been shown to affect the activity of the PMNs, either by suppressing (CRISP-3) or promoting (lactoferrin) the phagocytosis of spermatozoa based on their viability in vitro. Conjointly, many components of inseminate, including seminal plasma, bacteria, and spermatozoa itself, have shown to have an effect on the expression of endometrial cytokines after breeding. The objective of this study was to determine if select proteins affect the mRNA expression of endometrial cytokines after insemination. Six mares were bred during four consecutive estrous cycles with treatments in randomized order of: 1mg/mL CRISP-3, 150 ug/mL lactoferrin, seminal plasma, or Lactated Ringer’s Solution (LRS) to a total volume of 10 mL combined with 1×109 progressively motile spermatozoa pooled from two stallions. Six hours after treatment, an endometrial biopsy was obtained for qPCR analysis. No treatment effects were found for the mRNA expression of IL-1β, IL-6, IL-8, IL-10, TNFα, and IFNγ, while lactoferrin significantly suppressed the mRNA expression of IL-1RN when compared to LRS. In conclusion, the seminal plasma proteins CRISP-3 and lactoferrin have minimal effect on the expression of select endometrial cytokines at 6 hours post breeding.  相似文献   

There is a dialogue between the developing conceptus (embryo-fetus and associated placental membranes) and maternal uterus which must be established during the peri-implantation period for pregnancy recognition signaling, implantation, regulation of gene expression by uterine epithelial and stromal cells, placentation and exchange of nutrients and gases. The uterus provide a microenvironment in which molecules secreted by uterine epithelia or transported into the uterine lumen represent histotroph required for growth and development of the conceptus and receptivity of the uterus to implantation. Pregnancy recognition signaling mechanisms sustain the functional lifespan of the corpora lutea (CL) which produce progesterone, the hormone of pregnancy essential for uterine functions that support implantation and placentation required for a successful outcome of pregnancy. It is within the peri-implantation period that most embryonic deaths occur due to deficiencies attributed to uterine functions or failure of the conceptus to develop appropriately, signal pregnancy recognition and/or undergo implantation and placentation. With proper placentation, the fetal fluids and fetal membranes each have unique functions to ensure hematotrophic and histotrophic nutrition in support of growth and development of the fetus. The endocrine status of the pregnant female and her nutritional status are critical for successful establishment and maintenance of pregnancy. This review addresses the complexity of key mechanisms that are characteristic of successful reproduction in sheep and pigs and gaps in knowledge that must be the subject of research in order to enhance fertility and reproductive health of livestock species.  相似文献   

Uterine biology in pigs and sheep   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
ABSTRACT: There is a dialogue between the developing conceptus (embryo-fetus and associated placental membranes) and maternal uterus which must be established during the peri-implantation period for pregnancy recognition signaling, implantation, regulation of gene expression by uterine epithelial and stromal cells, placentation and exchange of nutrients and gases. The uterus provide a microenvironment in which molecules secreted by uterine epithelia or transported into the uterine lumen represent histotroph required for growth and development of the conceptus and receptivity of the uterus to implantation. Pregnancy recognition signaling mechanisms sustain the functional lifespan of the corpora lutea (CL) which produce progesterone, the hormone of pregnancy essential for uterine functions that support implantation and placentation required for a successful outcome of pregnancy. It is within the peri-implantation period that most embryonic deaths occur due to deficiencies attributed to uterine functions or failure of the conceptus to develop appropriately, signal pregnancy recognition and/or undergo implantation and placentation. With proper placentation, the fetal fluids and fetal membranes each have unique functions to ensure hematotrophic and histotrophic nutrition in support of growth and development of the fetus. The endocrine status of the pregnant female and her nutritional status are critical for successful establishment and maintenance of pregnancy. This review addresses the complexity of key mechanisms that are characteristic of successful reproduction in sheep and pigs and gaps in knowledge that must be the subject of research in order to enhance fertility and reproductive health of livestock species.  相似文献   

Synchronization of development between the embryo and uterus is required for successful pregnancy establishment.Transfer of early embryos requires synchrony with the recipient uterus of 2 days or less in sheep,because asynchrony of 3 days or more results in failure of pregnancy recognition signaling for maintenance of corpus luteum (CL) and progesterone (P4) production and/or uterine support of the embryo.The objective was to determine if P4 treatment of recipient ewes would obviate the need for pregnancy recognition signaling and maintain a uterine environment conducive to embryo survival after asynchronous transfer,thereby establishing a universal recipient.Embryos (morulae/blastocysts) were recovered on day 6 from super-ovulated donor ewes.Recipient ewes received 25 mg P4 daily from day 6 post-estrus until 60 days after embryo transfer.Embryos were transferred into recipients on day 6,9,12,18,or 30 post-estrus.The pregnancy rate on day 22 post-transfer was 60% for synchronous transfers to day 6 ewes,44% and 22% for asynchronous transfers to day 9 and 12 ewes,and 0% for asynchronous transfers to day 18 and 30 ewes.On day 39 post-transfer,pregnancy rates remained 60% for day 6 ewes,33% for day 9 ewes,and 0% for day 12,18,and 30 ewes.The P4 treatment did extend the window of uterine receptivity to early embryos in ewes by one day,but did not create a universal recipient.Available results support the idea that a window of uterine receptivity to the conceptus exists in sheep that is independent of pregnancy recognition signaling.  相似文献   

Ten mares were used to investigate the effect of administration of prostaglandin F2 alpha on uterine tubal motility, as reflected by embryo recovery from the uterus 5 days after ovulation (day 0). Mares were assigned to 3 groups: group A, uterine flush for embryo recovery on day 7; group B, uterine flush for embryo recovery on day 5; and group C, uterine flush for embryo recovery on day 5, after treatment with prostaglandin F2 alpha (10 mg, IM) on day 3. Each mare was assigned to each group once. Embryo recovery rates for the 3 groups were: A, 6 of 10; B, 2 of 8; and C, 0 of 10. The embryo recovery rate for group C was significantly lower (P less than 0.01) than that for group A. Embryo recovery rate for group B was not significantly different from group A or group C. Administration of prostaglandin on day 3 did not increase embryo recovery rate from the uterus on day 5. Additionally, the 25% embryo recovery rate (2 of 8) for group B mares suggested an earlier time for entry of the embryo into the uterus than has previously been reported.  相似文献   

Twelve horse mares were used to investigate the effect of phenylbutazone or progesterone administration on uterine tubal motility, as reflected by embryo recovery from the uterus on day 5 after ovulation. Four treatment groups were used: group A (controls), in which uterine flush was performed 7 to 11 days after ovulation; group B (5-day controls), in which uterine flush was performed 5 days after ovulation; group C, in which uterine flush was performed 5 days after ovulation following administration of phenylbutazone (2 g, IV) on day 3; and group D, in which uterine flush was performed 5 days after ovulation following administration of progesterone in oil (250 mg, IM) on days 0, 1, and 2. Each mare was randomly assigned to each group once. Embryo recovery for each group was: group A, 13 embryos from 12 mares; group B, 3 embryos from 12 mares; group C, 4 embryos from 11 mares; and group D, 1 embryo from 11 mares. Recovery of embryos on day 5 in 3 of 12 nontreated mares indicated that equine embryos may enter the uterus before day 6. Neither treatment increased embryo recovery from the uterus on day 5 over that from the uterus of the 5-day controls.  相似文献   

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