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Reduced paraquat transport from the site of application to the site of action in the chloroplast seems a likely mechanism for paraquat resistance in several weed species including Arctotheca calendula. Recently, it has been shown that paraquat translocation in A. calendula is correlated with paraquat-induced injury and is reduced in paraquat-resistant A. calendula. Studies with leaf slices have shown that some polyamines when applied concomitantly with paraquat can reduce the toxic effects of paraquat. This study examined the effects of three polyamines, putrescine, cadaverine, and spermidine, on paraquat translocation to examine the possibility that paraquat translocation in susceptible plants would be reduced in the presence of polyamines due to competition of the polyamines with cellular paraquat uptake. Two polyamines, spermidine and cadaverine were effective in reducing paraquat translocation in susceptible A. calendula inducing these plants to perform more like resistant A. calendula in terms of translocation. Quantification of the polyamine contents of resistant and susceptible A. calendula showed that resistant plants have higher constitutive spermidine levels than susceptible plants, which infers a possible role of either polyamines or a polyamine transporter in paraquat resistance.  相似文献   

Two populations of Hordeum leporinum have evolved resistance to paraquat within a small area in central Tasmania, Australia. One population (THL1) was more than 80-fold resistant to paraquat when treated in winter, compared with a susceptible population (THL4) collected nearby, whereas the other population (THL2) was only 19-fold resistant. Translocation of paraquat was examined in all three populations at warm and cool temperature regimes. Herbicide was applied to a basal section of the second leaf of plants kept in the dark and translocation measured after 16 h of dark and during a subsequent light period. Paraquat absorption into the treated leaf was uniformly high in susceptible and resistant populations, with >93% of the applied herbicide absorbed within 16 h in the dark at both temperatures. Translocation of paraquat out of the treated leaf was low in the dark, with <4% of the herbicide translocated to the remainder of the plant. More herbicide was translocated out of the treated leaves in susceptible plants in the dark, compared with resistant plants at both temperature regimes and more paraquat was translocated at warmer temperatures. Extensive basipetal translocation of paraquat to the rest of the plant occurred in susceptible plants following exposure of the treated plants to light. However, basipetal translocation was much reduced in resistant plants in the light and corresponded to the degree of resistance. Resistance to paraquat in H. leporinum is the result of reduced translocation of paraquat out of the treated leaves.  相似文献   

Sequestration of paraquat away from its target site in the chloroplast has been proposed as a mechanism of paraquat resistance. However, no consensus has been reached as to where paraquat is sequestered. This study quantifies paraquat in leaf protoplasts of paraquat resistant (R) and susceptible (S) Lolium rigidum. Intact protoplasts were prepared from plants treated with commercial dose of paraquat for 2 h. Paraquat absorbed by the leaf protoplasts was determined by light absorption of reduced paraquat following concentration and purification using a cation-exchange resin. Leaf protoplasts from treated paraquat resistant plants contained 2- to 3-fold more paraquat than leaf protoplasts isolated from susceptible plants. Since paraquat is not metabolised in L. rigidum and paraquat readily enters chloroplasts of both R and S plants, this greater amount of paraquat in leaf protoplasts of R plant must be kept away from the target site (chloroplast). This result indicates that paraquat resistance in L. rigidum is associated with a cytoplasmic mechanism, most likely a greater rate of vacuolar sequestration.  相似文献   

S. B. POWLES 《Weed Research》1986,26(3):167-172
A biotype of the grass weed Hordeum glaucum Steud, infesting a site at Willaura, Victoria, Australia has resistance to paraquat. Application of the recommended rate of paraquat does not cause death of the resistant biotype at any stage of growth. The LD50 for the resistant biotype is 6.4 kg active ingredient ha?1 which is 250 times greater than for the normal susceptible biotype (25 g active ingredient ha?1). Growth of the resistant biotype is checked by paraquat with a clear dosage response evident. The paraquat resistant biotype is also resistant to diquat but is normally affected by herbicides with different modes of action. In addition to continued foliage growth of the resistant plants after paraquat application, seeds of these plants can germinate and seedlings elongate in the dark whereas seeds of susceptible plants germinate but there is no further growth. This suggests that studies of the mechanism(s) conferring resistance will have to consider both the effect of paraquat on the chloroplast and a non-photosynthetic effect on cell growth. Un biotype de la mauvaise herbe Hordeum glaucum Steud, résistant à l'herbicide paraquat Un biotype de la graminée Hordeum glaucum Steud. à Willaura, Victoria, Australie, s'est montré résistant au paraquat. L'application de la dose préconisée de paraquat ne provoque pas la mort de ce biotype, quel qu'en soit le stade végétal. La LD50 pour le biotype résistant est 6,4 kg matière active ha?1, c'est-à-dire 250 fois plus grande que pour le biotype normal sensible (25 g matière active ha?1). Le paraquat provoque chez le biotype résistant une inhibition de croissance qui se rapporte à la dose. Le biotype résistant au paraquat l'est également au diquat mais réagit normalement envers les herbicides à mode d'action différente. Non seulement la croissance foliaire continue normalement après une application de paraquat chez les plantes résistantes, mais les graines sont capables de germer et les jeunes plants de s'allonger à l'obscurité, tandis que les graines de plantes sensibles germent à l'obscurité mais ne croissent pas. II semble donc que les études des mécanismes qui produisent la résistance devront examiner l'influence du paraquat sur le chloroplaste ainsi qu'un effet nonphotosynthétique sur la croissance cellulaire. Ueber das Auftreten eines gegen Paraquat resistenten Biotyps von Hordeum glaucum Steud. Bei Willaura, Victoria (Australien) tritt ein gegen Paraquat resistenter Biotyp von Hordeum glaucum Steud. auf. Die Application der normalerweise empfohlenen Dosierung Paraquat tötet den resistenten Biotyp in keinem Wachstumsstadium ab. Die Ld50 für den resistenten Typ beträgt 6,4 kg ai ha?1; dies ist 250 mal mehr als beim normal sensiblen Typ (25 g ai ha?1). Das Wachstum des resistenten Biotyps wird durch steigende Dosen von Paraquat beeinträchtigt. Der gegen Paraquat resistente Typ ist auch gegen Diquat unempfindlich, weist aber gegenüber Herbiziden mil anderen Wirkungsmechanismen die normale Empfindlichkeit auf. Resistente Pflanzen zeigen nach Paraquatbehandlung ein weitergehendes Blattwachstum. Ihre Samen keimen und die Sämlinge entwickeln sich im Dunkeln weiter, während die Samen sensibler Pflanzen zwar keimen, sich aber nicht weiterentwickeln. Diese Beobachtungen weisen darauf hin, dass bei Forschungen zur Aufklärung der Resistenzmechanismen, sowohl die Wirkung von Paraquat auf die Chloroplasten als auch einen nicht photosynthetiseh wirksamen Effekt auf das Zellwachstum berücksichtigen müssen.  相似文献   

Field and glasshouse studies have confirmed the presence of a glufosinate‐ and paraquat‐resistant goosegrass biotype that has infested a bitter gourd field in Air Kuning, Perak, Malaysia. Glufosinate and paraquat had been applied at least six times per year to the affected fields (originally a rubber plantation) for more than four consecutive years. Paraquat had been used since 1970 for weed control in the rubber plantation. An on‐site field trial revealed that the control of the goosegrass plants, measuring 20–35 cm in height, ranged from 20 to 35% 3 weeks after being treated with each herbicide at twice the recommended rate. Dose–response tests were conducted in the glasshouse, using seedlings at the three‐to‐four‐leaf stage that had been obtained from the plants that had received repeated exposure to these herbicides and a biotype with no history of any herbicide resistance. The comparison of the GR50 (the herbicide rate that is required to reduce the shoot fresh weight by 50%) of the seedlings indicated that the resistant biotype of goosegrass is 3.4‐fold and 3.6‐fold more resistant than the susceptible biotype following treatment with glufosinate and paraquat, respectively. This study has demonstrated the world's first field‐evolved instance of multiple resistance in goosegrass to two non‐selective herbicides, glufosinate and paraquat.  相似文献   

Paraquat resistance in a biotype of Vulpia bromoides (L.) S. F. Gray   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
A biotype of Vulpia bromoides from a lucerne field in Elmhurst, Victoria, Australia was shown to be resistant to paraquat in pot trials. Application of paraquat at 50 g a.i. ha?1 killed all of the plants of a susceptible Vulpia bromoides biotype but only 6% of the resistant biotype. The LD50 for paraquat of the resistant biotype was five- to sixfold higher than for the susceptible biotype. The resistant biotype was also resistant to the bipyridyl herbicide diquat, but was susceptible to glyphosate and metribuzin. Application of 100 g a.i. ha?1 paraquat at anthesis completely suppressed seed set of the susceptible biotype and reduced that of the resistant biotype by 95%. Seed set by the paraquat-treated resistant biotype, however, showed little reduction in germination. This is the fourth species to have been found to be resistant to bipyridyl herbicides in this field, the others being Hordeum glaucum, H. leporinum and Arctotheca calendula. Résistance au paraquat d'un biotype de Vulpia bromoides (L.) S. F. Gray Un biotype de Vulpia bromoides issu d'un champ de luzerne à Elmhurst, Victoria, Australie s'est révélé résistant au paraquat lors d'essais en pots. Des traitements au paraquat 50 g m.a. ha?1 détruisaient toutes les plantes d'un biotype sensible de V. bromoides mais seulement 6% du biotype résistant. La DLV50 du paraquat pour ce biotype était 5 à 6 fois plus élevée que pour le biotype sensible. Le biotype résistant l'était aussi à l'herbicide bipyridyle diquat, mais était sensible au glyphosate et à la métribuzine. Des traitements au paraquat 100 g m.a. ha?1 au stade anthèse supprimaient complètement la production de graines du biotype sensible et réduisait de 95% celle du biotype résistant. Cependant, le pouvoir germinatif des graines issues du biotype résistant traité, n'était que peu réduit. Après Hordeum glaucum, Hordeum leporinum et Arctotheca calendula, c'est la quatrième espèce trouvée dans ce même champ résistante aux herbicides bipyridyles. Paraquatresistenz eines Biotyps von Vulpia bromoides (L.) S. F. Gray Ein Biotyp von Vulpia bromoides von einem Luzernefeld in Elmhurst, Victoria, Australien, erwies sich in Topfversuchen als paraquatresistent. Mit 50 g AS ha?1 wurden Pflanzen eines empfindlichen Biotyps abgetötet, jedoch nur 6% des resistenten. Die LD50 des resistenten Biotyps für paraquat war 5- bis 6mal höher als die des empfindlichen Biotyps. Der resistente Biotype war auch gegenüber dem Bipyridylherbizid Deiquat résistent, gegenüber Glyphosat und Metribuzin jedoch empfindlich. Nach Anwendung von 100 g AS ha?1 Paraquat vor der Blüte bildeten sich bei dem empfindlichen Biotyp keine Samen aus, bei dem resistenten waren sie um 95% vermindert; die dennoch gebildeten Samen keimten etwas weniger. Dies ist die vierte Pflanzenart, bei der eine Resistenz gegenüber Bipyridylherbiziden beobachtet wurde, die anderen sind Hordeum glaucum. Hordeum leporinum und Arctotheca calendula.  相似文献   

Response to paraquat was investigated in two Hordeum glaucum Steud. (wall barley) biotypes grown at warm (30^C) and cool (15^C) temperatures. Paraquat-resistant (R) plants were nearly seven-fold more tolerant when grown at 15^C than when grown at 3CPC. In contrast, there was a tendency for susceptible (S) plants to be more tolerant when grown at the higher temperature. The difference in response between the two biotypes grown at 30^ and 15^C increased from 3- to >40-fold. Forty-eight hours after foliar application, 62% less radiolabelled paraquat had translocated basipetally in the R compared with the S biotype. In addition, 26% more herbicide was retained within the treated zone of R compared with S plants. Thus, paraquat movement was restricted in the R biotype. It has been postulated that reduced mobility of the herbicide in the R plants is due to enhanced apoplasmic binding. In this study, paraquat binding to the cell walls and its release into the external solution was investigated in roots of R and S biotypes of H. glaucum grown under warm or cool conditions. No significant differences between the two biotypes were measured at either growth temperature. We propose that the mechanism of resistance to paraquat may involve a temperature-dependent alteration in symplasmic transport of the herbicide.  相似文献   

Resistance to glyphosate and paraquat has evolved in some populations of Conyza spp. from California, USA. This study evaluated whether herbicide absorption and translocation were involved in the mechanism of resistance to both herbicides. Three lines of each species were used: glyphosate‐paraquat‐susceptible (GPS), glyphosate‐resistant (GR) and glyphosate‐paraquat‐resistant (GPR). Radiolabelled herbicide was applied to a fully expanded leaf, and absorption and movement out of the treated leaf were monitored for up to 24 h for paraquat and 72 h for glyphosate. Plants treated with paraquat were incubated in darkness for the first 16 h and then subjected to light conditions. More glyphosate was absorbed in C. bonariensis (52.9–58.3%) compared with C. canadensis (28.5–37.6%), but no differences in absorption were observed among lines within a species. However, in both species, the GR and GPR lines translocated less glyphosate out of the treated leaf when compared with their respective GPS lines. Paraquat absorption was similar among lines and across species (71.3–77.6%). Only a fraction of paraquat was translocated in the GPR lines (3% or less) when compared with their respective GPS or GR lines (20% or more) in both species. Taken together, these results indicate that reduced translocation is involved in the mechanism of resistance to glyphosate and paraquat in C. bonariensis and C. canadensis.  相似文献   

Structural and physiological studies were conducted with a population of Conyza bonariensis (L.) Cronq. that segregates into paraquat-resistant and -susceptible biotypes. Leaf disks from resistant seedlings, when incubated on 10 μM paraquat for 24 hr, exhibited little difference from the control disks incubated on H2O as measured by conductivity change, malondialdehyde formation, or plastid ultrastructure. Leaf disks from the susceptible seedlings incubated on 10?5M paraquat for 24 hr were uniformly bleached, had elevated malondialdehyde content, and leaked more electrolytes than control disks. Plastids of the susceptible biotype incubated on 10?5M paraquat for 24 hr were swollen organelles with gross rearrangements of the lamella system. Most of the chloroplasts from the central area of the leaf disk of the resistant biotype incubated on a paraquat solution were structurally normal. Swollen plastids and plastids with twisted lamellae were also noted, although much less frequently. Plastids from the edges of the leaf disks of paraquat-resistant clones were structurally similar to those found throughout the leaf disks in susceptible seedlings. When the size of the leaf disk was increased, paraquat-resistant clones exhibited more “resistance” toward paraquat compared to similar-sized leaf disks of the susceptible seedlings. These data are consistent with the hypothesis that the paraquat-resistant seedlings have an altered uptake and/or compartmentalization of paraquat. Superoxide dismutase isozymes, which were previously considered to be related to paraquat resistance in Conyza, did not correlate with the segregation of paraquat resistance in this population.  相似文献   

Paraquat (Pq) inducible transporters are presumed to play a role in the resistance mechanism of horseweed and to function by carrying paraquat to a metabolically inactive compartment. The uptake and intracellular localisation of paraquat, the effect of transporter inhibitors on resistance, and paraquat-induced gene expression were studied to obtain a better understanding of the mechanism of resistance. Investigations proved that paraquat entered the cells of both resistant and susceptible biotypes, approached the maximum within the first hour in chloroplasts, and then declined in all organelle fractions. In the resistant biotype paraquat was located in the vacuoles a day after treatment. Selective transporter inhibitors blocked the sequestration of paraquat, suggesting the participation of not directly energized transporters. Four EST fragments were identified that were expressed in response to paraquat. Two of them are thought to play a role in the general stress response (Ferr2, Myb). The others exhibit a similarity to transporters (EmrE, CAT) and could conceivably be involved in the intracellular transport of paraquat and the mechanism of resistance.  相似文献   

Difenzoquat herbicide is used for post-emergence control of wild oat (Avena fatua L) in small grain crops. Its mechanism of action is not known, but appears to have both paraquat-like contact activity and systemic growth-inhibition activity. Experiments were conducted in vitro to compare the contact activity of difenzoquat and paraquat, to examine the contact activity of difenzoquat in difenzoquat-resistant (accession LCS) and -susceptible (accession SB 18) A fatua biotypes and -tolerant 'Ernest' and -susceptible 'Verde' hard red spring wheat (Triticum aestivum L) cultivars, and to investigate the role of differential DNA synthesis as a mechanism for difenzoquat resistance. Difenzoquat at 1 mM induced significant electrolyte leakage from resistant and susceptible A fatua leaf tissue in both light and dark, but paraquat at 1 mM induced electrolyte leakage only in light and not in dark. Difenzoquat at 1 mM under light induced more electrolyte leakage from resistant and susceptible A fatua than from tolerant 'Ernest' and susceptible 'Verde' wheat. Paraquat under light conditions induced more electrolyte leakage than difenzoquat, but no significant differences among A fatua accessions and wheat cultivars were detected. Difenzoquat under light did not decrease chlorophyll levels for either A fatua accessions or wheat cultivars, whereas paraquat decreased chlorophyll content of all four plant types. Inhibition of DNA synthesis was not significantly different between susceptible and resistant A fatua, but was significantly greater in susceptible 'Verde' than tolerant 'Ernest' wheat. These data suggest that difenzoquat and paraquat, have different modes of contact activity.  相似文献   

Two biotypes of the grass weed barley grass (Hordeum glaucum), one resistant and the other susceptible to the herbicide paraquat, were studied along with their F1, F2 and F3 progeny to determine the inheritance of paraquat resistance. The plants were sprayed with 50–200 g a.i. paraquat ha?1. These concentrations killed the susceptible type. The data obtained from segregating populations indicated that paraquat resistance in H. glaucum is controlled by a single nuclear gene with incomplete dominance.  相似文献   

The metabolism, uptake and translocation of paraquat in resistant (R) and susceptible (S) biotypes of Crassocephalum crepidioides (Benth.) S. Moore (redflower ragleaf) at the 10-leaf stage was investigated. A study on the properties of leaf surface was carried out to examine the relationship between leaf surface characters and paraquat absorption. The extractable paraquat was not metabolized by the leaf tissue of either the resistant or susceptible biotypes. Differential metabolism, therefore, does not appear to play a role in the mechanism of resistance. Both biotypes did not show any significant difference in the amount of cuticle and trichome densities. Furthermore, both biotypes are identical in the structure of stomata, trichomes and epicuticular wax. The results of the leaf surface studies are in agreement with the findings of the uptake study. Both biotypes demonstrated no significant difference in absorption between the resistant and susceptible biotypes. However, 10% of the absorbed 14C-paraquat into the S biotype was translocated basipetally, but not in the R biotype. The results of this study suggest that in C. crepidioides , differential translocation may contribute to the mechanism of resistance at the 10-leaf stage.  相似文献   

The most important results in the field of atrazine and paraquat resistance research by Hungarian researchers are reviewed. Pleiotropic effects accompanying atrazine resistance were investigated in atrazine-resistant (AR) and susceptible (S) biotypes of horseweed (Conyza canadensis (L) Cronq). No significant difference in carbon dioxide assimilation rate was found between the AR and S plants. The rates of the Hill reaction of the AR and S chloroplasts exhibited different temperature dependence. The thylakoid membrane lipids contained a lower amount of polar lipid and the fatty acid content exhibited a higher degree of unsaturation in the AR biotype. Photosynthetic apparatus of the AR biotype had better adaptive ability at low temperature and showed enhanced susceptibility to high-temperature stress. AR horseweed plants had reduced activity of xanthophyll cycle, limited capacity of light-induced non-photochemical and photochemical quenching, higher photosensitivity and susceptibility to photo-inhibition. In the case of paraquat resistance, horseweed found in Hungary exhibited a resistance factor of 450; the resistance is not based on an elevated level and activity of the antioxidant enzyme system. The suggested role of polyamines in the resistance mechanisms can be excluded. The higher putrescine and total polyamine content of paraquat-treated R leaves can be regarded as a general stress response rather than as a symptom of paraquat resistance. A paraquat-inducible, nuclear-coded protein, which presumably functions by carrying paraquat to the vacuole, is supposed to play a role in resistance.  相似文献   

An Avena sterilis biotype was found to be highly resistant to aryloxyphenoxypropionate (APP) herbicides, especially diclofop-methyl. At the enzyme level, this biotype contained a modified acetyl-coenzyme A carboxylase (ACCase) with six-fold resistance to diclofop acid. Absorption and translocation of [14C]diclofop-methyl applied to the leaf axil of the two-leaf stage plants were similar in both susceptible and resistant biotypes. However, the rate of metabolism of [14C]diclofop was increased 1·5-fold in this resistant biotype compared to the susceptible. Experiments with tetcyclacis, a cytochrome P450 monooxygenase inhibitor, indicated that inhibition of this enhanced diclofop metabolism increased diclofop-methyl phytotoxicity in this biotype. Studies with ten individual families of the resistant biotype indicated that both mechanisms of resistance, an altered target site and enhanced metabolism, are present in each individual of the population. Hence, it is likely that these two mechanisms of resistance both contribute to resistance in this biotype. © 1997 SCI.  相似文献   

A population of Bromus tectorum infesting an olive grove at Córdoba (Spain) survived simazine use rates of 3.0 kg a.i. ha−1 over two consecutive years. Non‐tillage olive monoculture and two annual simazine applications had been carried out for 10 years. The resistant biotype showed a higher ED50 value (7.3 kg a.i. ha−1) than that of the susceptible control (0.1 kg a.i. ha−1), a 73‐fold increase in herbicide tolerance. The use of fluorescence, Hill reaction, absorption, translocation and metabolism assays showed that simazine resistance in this biotype was caused by a modification of the herbicide target site, since chloroplasts from the resistant biotype of B. tectorum were more than 300 times less sensitive to simazine than those from the susceptible biotype. In addition, non‐treated resistant plants of B. tectorum displayed a significant reduction in the QA to QB electron transfer rate when compared with the susceptible biotype, a characteristic that has been linked to several mutations in the protein D1 conferring resistance to PS II inhibiting herbicides. Resistant plants showed cross‐resistance to other groups of triazine herbicides with the hierarchy of resistance level being methoxy‐s‐triazines ≥chloro‐s‐triazines > methylthio‐s‐triazines > cis‐triazines. The results indicate a naturally occurring target‐site point mutation is responsible for conferring resistance to triazine herbicides. This represents the first documented report of target site triazine resistance in this downy brome biotype.  相似文献   

MCPA dimethylamine in a mixture with paraquat reduced the disruptive effects of paraquat on leaf cell membrane integrity in excised barley (Hordeum vulgare L.) leaf segments. Uptake or translocation of 14C-paraquat over 24 h was not affected when mixed with either MCPA dimethy-lamine or MCPA mixed butyl ester. In treatments followed by a period of dark, uptake and translocation of 14C-paraquat was increased compared to treatments followed by a period of light. A mixture of technical paraquat dichloride and technical MCPA dimethylamine in aqueous solution yielded a dark brown precipitate. All of the paraquat ion was present in the supernatant. The absorption spectrum of the supernatant exhibited a strong maximum of 390 nm and a lesser one at 610 nm. The spectrum was close to that produced by aqueous mixtures of paraquat and dimethylamine. In greenhouse studies the phytotoxicity of the supernatant to barley was less than an equivalent amount of paraquat alone and equal to that of the complete paraquat-MCPA dimethylamine mixture. The presence of dimethylamine alone resulted in an early enhancement of paraquat activity. Spot application of an aqueous suspension of the precipitate to rapeseed (Bras sica campestris L.) resulted in slight epinastic effects but these were considerably less than when an equivalent amount of MCPA acid was applied. The effects of the precipitate were restricted to the treated leaf whereas the effects of MCPA acid were evident throughout the plant. The results suggest a chemical interaction between the dichloride salt of paraquat and the dimethylamine salt of MCPA with the production of two compounds with comparatively less biological activity.  相似文献   

Glasshouse experiments have confirmed that resistance to mecoprop is present in a biotype of Stellaria media. Resistant plants were less vigorous than the susceptible population and ED50 values were calculated as 3·92 and 0·18 kg a.i. ha?1 respectively. The physiological basis of mecoprop resistance was investigated by studying the responses of each biotype in two experimental systems, namely explant stem elongation and ethylene evolution. These studies have discounted differential ethylene evolution as the basis of resistance but have indicated altered elongation growth in resistant plants. This observation suggests the possibility of reduced mecoprop binding in resistant plants, although the role of mecoprop metabolism remains to be elucidated.  相似文献   

Glyphosate is one of the most commonly used broad‐spectrum herbicides over the last 40 years. Due to the widespread adoption of glyphosate‐resistant (GR) crop technology, especially corn, cotton and soybean, several weed species have evolved resistance to this herbicide. Research was conducted to confirm and characterize the magnitude and mechanism of glyphosate resistance in two GR common ragweed ( A mbrosia artemisiifolia L.) biotypes from Mississippi, USA. A glyphosate‐susceptible (GS) biotype was included for comparison. The effective glyphosate dose to reduce the growth of the treated plants by 50% for the GR1, GR2 and GS biotypes was 0.58, 0.46 and 0.11 kg ae ha?1, respectively, indicating that the level of resistance was five and fourfold that of the GS biotype for GR1 and GR2, respectively. Studies using 14 C‐glyphosate have not indicated any difference in its absorption between the biotypes, but the GR1 and GR2 biotypes translocated more 14 C‐glyphosate, compared to the GS biotype. This difference in translocation within resistant biotypes is unique. There was no amino acid substitution at codon 106 that was detected by the 5‐enolpyruvylshikimate‐3‐phosphate synthase gene sequence analysis of the resistant and susceptible biotypes. Therefore, the mechanism of resistance to glyphosate in common ragweed biotypes from Mississippi is not related to a target site mutation or reduced absorption and/or translocation of glyphosate.  相似文献   

The mechanism of resistance to diclofop-methyl in three Italian populations of Lolium spp. (two resistant and one susceptible) was investigated. The major proportion of R-1 (Tuscania 1997) and R-2 (Roma 1994) plants (approximately 80%) survived after herbicide treatment by emitting new tillers from the crown. Both resistant (R-1 and R-2) and susceptible (Vetralla 1994) Lolium spp. populations were target-site sensitive. No difference in diclofop-methyl absorption by shoots of resistant and susceptible biotypes was observed. At the dose corresponding to 1× the recommended field rate, a relatively higher metabolism was found in R-2 biotype. In contrast, at the doses 2× and 10× the field rate no difference in herbicide metabolism between susceptible and resistant biotypes was observed. At all the three herbicide doses (1×, 2×, and 10× the field rate) 48 h after the treatment (HAT), the total amount of metabolites produced by wheat was more than three times higher than that produced by resistant and susceptible ryegrass biotypes. At the doses 1× and 2× the field rate, the herbicide translocation was different in the susceptible biotypes compared to resistant biotypes. The total amount of the radiolabel found 48 HAT in culm and root was approximately twice in susceptible biotype than in resistant biotypes. Susceptible and resistant ryegrass biotypes differed in the capability of their roots to acidify the external medium. Susceptible biotype acidified the external solution at approximately 6 times the rates of the resistant biotypes. In the present study, the mechanism responsible for resistance in the investigated resistant biotypes was not univocally identified. Indirect evidence supports the possible involvement of herbicide sequestration or immobilization.  相似文献   

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