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Leopards (Panthera pardus) are endangered in South East Asia yet little is known about which resources need to be secured for their long-term conservation or what numbers of this species this region can support. This study uses radio telemetry to investigate seasonal variation in habitat selection and home range size of Leopards in Huai Kha Khaeng Wildlife Sanctuary, Thailand. Over a five year period, 3690 locations were recorded from nine individuals. The mean ± standard error of fixed kernel home range size for six adult females was 26 ± 8.2 km2, for two adult males was 45.7 ± 14.8 and for two sub-adult females was 29 km2 ± 5.5. Adult female wet and dry season home range sizes did not differ significantly. One adult male showed an increase in home range size from dry to wet seasons. Estimated density was 7 adult females/100 km2, which suggests 195 adult female leopards living in Huai Kha Khaeng alone, thus highlighting the larger Western Forest Complex’s potential contribution to leopard conservation. Compositional analysis of second and third order habitat selection suggested mixed deciduous and dry evergreen forest types, flat slope and areas close to stream channels are important landscape features for leopards. These results can help formulate a much needed conservation strategy for leopards in the region.  相似文献   

Leiopelma hochstetteri is an endangered New Zealand frog now confined to isolated populations scattered across the North Island. A better understanding of its past, current and predicted future environmental suitability will contribute to its conservation which is in jeopardy due to human activities, feral predators, disease and climate change. Here we use ecological niche modelling with all known occurrence data (N = 1708) and six determinant environmental variables to elucidate current, pre-human and future environmental suitability of this species. Comparison among independent runs, subfossil records and a clamping method allow validation of models. Many areas identified as currently suitable do not host any known populations. This apparent discrepancy could be explained by several non exclusive hypotheses: the areas have not been adequately surveyed and undiscovered populations still remain, the model is over simplistic; the species’ sensitivity to fragmentation and small population size; biotic interactions; historical events. An additional outcome is that apparently suitable, but frog-less areas could be targeted for future translocations. Surprisingly, pre-human conditions do not differ markedly highlighting the possibility that the range of the species was broadly fragmented before human arrival. Nevertheless, some populations, particularly on the west of the North Island may have disappeared as a result of human mediated habitat modification. Future conditions are marked with higher temperatures, which are predicted to be favourable to the species. However, such virtual gain in suitable range will probably not benefit the species given the highly fragmented nature of existing habitat and the low dispersal ability of this species.  相似文献   

Many seabird populations are currently decreasing, especially albatrosses for which the primary threat is recognised to be mortality in fisheries. Introduced predators, climate change and other factors such as diseases can also have large impacts on seabirds. Here, we assessed the relative effect of three potential threats: climate, fisheries and diseases on the demography of an endangered marine predator and modelled its population dynamics to project its size under different scenarios. We based our study on a long-term monitoring of a colony of individually marked Indian yellow-nosed albatrosses at Amsterdam Island, subtropical Indian Ocean, that has declined during the past twenty years. We found no evidence for an impact of legal tuna longlining on demographic parameters. Hatching success was lower during El Niño years but survival (0.902 ± 0.011) was not affected by climatic factors. Avian cholera caused high chick mortality (0.808 ± 0.181) which in turn probably triggered the high emigration rate (0.038 ± 0.011) through dispersal of failed breeders. This colony has a high risk of extinction. However, the rest of the population at Amsterdam Island seemingly not affected to the same extent, declined but stabilised since 1998. Matrix models indicated that lowered adult survival and the very low breeding success, resulting in low recruitment, have both contributed to the decline of the yellow-nosed albatross colony until the mid-1990s, but that more recent decline was primarily caused by low fledging success. Our results highlight that potential threats such as fisheries, diseases or climate have to be considered simultaneously to disentangle their roles when assessing the conservation status of a marine predator species.  相似文献   

Polar bear (Ursus maritimus) populations are predicted to be negatively affected by climate warming, but the timeframe and manner in which change to polar bear populations will occur remains unclear. Predictions incorporating climate change effects are necessary for proactive population management, the setting of optimal harvest quotas, and conservation status decisions. Such predictions are difficult to obtain from historic data directly because past and predicted environmental conditions differ substantially. Here, we explore how models can be used to predict polar bear population responses under climate change. We suggest the development of mechanistic models aimed at predicting reproduction and survival as a function of the environment. Such models can often be developed, parameterized, and tested under current environmental conditions. Model predictions for reproduction and survival under future conditions could then be input into demographic projection models to improve abundance predictions under climate change. We illustrate the approach using two examples. First, using an individual-based dynamic energy budget model, we estimate that 3-6% of adult males in Western Hudson Bay would die of starvation before the end of a 120 day summer fasting period but 28-48% would die if climate warming increases the fasting period to 180 days. Expected changes in survival are non-linear (sigmoid) as a function of fasting period length. Second, we use an encounter rate model to predict changes in female mating probability under sea ice area declines and declines in mate-searching efficiency due to habitat fragmentation. The model predicts that mating success will decline non-linearly if searching efficiency declines faster than habitat area, and increase non-linearly otherwise. Specifically for the Lancaster Sound population, we predict that female mating success would decline from 99% to 91% if searching efficiency declined twice as fast as sea ice area, and to 72% if searching efficiency declined four times as fast as area. Sea ice is a complex and dynamic habitat that is rapidly changing. Failure to incorporate climate change effects into population projections can result in flawed conservation assessments and management decisions.  相似文献   

Forest clearcutting is a form of habitat alteration that drastically alters the landscape and may contribute to declines in amphibian populations. Indeed, many studies have documented decreases in amphibian abundances and species richness in clearcuts. The development of effective conservation strategies to reduce the effects of timber harvesting has been hindered by lack of knowledge of the mechanisms underlying these changes in abundance. To better understand the potentially negative consequences of forest clearcutting, we used field enclosures in forested and clearcut habitats to examine changes in the survival and growth of juvenile southern toads (Bufo terrestris) over a two-month period. We also conducted a comparative monitoring study using drift fences and pitfall traps in forests and clearcuts to determine the effect of clearcutting on the abundance of juvenile southern toads. We found no significant effect of habitat on the number of juvenile southern toads captured in forests or clearcuts. In contrast, the average survival of toads in clearcut enclosures was significantly reduced compared to that of toads in forested enclosures (17 ± 5% versus 61 ± 3%). Toads surviving in clearcuts were also significantly smaller than those surviving in forested enclosures (27.9 ± 0.1 mm versus 30.3 ± 0.8 mm SVL). Our results highlight the difficulty in interpreting abundance patterns as a sole metric for habitat comparison. Because there is much interest in studying the effects of habitat alteration on amphibian populations, we recommend that future studies place more emphasis on determining changes in vital rates of populations following habitat alteration.  相似文献   

Oryzomys couesi cozumelae is an endemic, threatened rodent from Cozumel Island, Mexico. We estimated its genetic diversity and structure by analyzing microsatellite loci in 228 samples from 12 sampling sites widely distributed throughout the island. Unexpected high levels of genetic and allelic diversity were found: a total of 54 alleles, an average of 10.8 alleles per locus, and high heterozygosity values (mean HO = 0.624, HE = 0.690 and HNei = 0.689). These values are higher than those reported for small sized insular mammals, higher than that found in 37 individuals of the mainland O. couesi from southern Mexico (HO = 0.578) that we analyzed for comparative purposes, and similar to those of other mainland small mammal populations. Despite factors that affect Cozumel’s biota, such as exotic predators and competitors, hurricanes, seasonal population fluctuations and anthropogenic activities, no evidence of genetic bottlenecks was found. A significant population structure was observed and a model of isolation-by-distance was supported. Our findings render O. c. cozumelae a high conservation value, not only for its high genetic diversity and structure, but because available data suggests that its population has declined significantly in recent years. Further habitat fragmentation and population isolation could result in a higher genetic structure and loss of genetic diversity. The protection of habitat, the maintenance of habitat connectivity and the removal of introduced competitors and predators are a conservation priority. Acknowledging that the genetic structure of populations has crucial conservation implications, the present genetic information should be taken into account in management plans for the conservation of O. c. cozumelae.  相似文献   

Understanding the movement and habitat use patterns of threatened species is essential to effective conservation planning. Modern tracking techniques such as active tracking and passive acoustic monitoring can be useful tools in elucidating this information for aquatic species. To aid in the development of conservation strategies for juvenile critically endangered smalltooth sawfish (Pristis pectinata) their fine scale movements and habitat use in southwest Florida were studied using a combination of these techniques. Between 2002 and 2006 a total of 12 individuals were actively tracked for periods of up to 24 h to provide detailed habitat use and movement parameters (distance moved, speed, and linearity). Smaller individuals (<100 cm stretched total length (STL)) had the smallest home ranges, low linearity of movement and had a preference for very shallow mud banks. Juveniles >100 cm STL demonstrated larger home ranges, preference for shallow mud or and sand banks, and remained close to mangrove shorelines. Tide was found to be the main factor influencing movement on short time scales. Sawfish <150 cm STL spend the majority of their time in water <50 cm, while larger juveniles spend most of their time in water 50-100 cm deep. From 2003 to 2007 a total of 22 individuals were fitted with acoustic tags for long-term monitoring. Juveniles >130 cm had high levels of site fidelity for specific nursery areas for periods up to almost 3 months, but the smaller juveniles had relatively short site fidelity to specific locations. The use of a combination of tracking and monitoring techniques provided an expanded range of information by generating both short and long term data on habitat use. The data demonstrated that the conservation of shallow mud and sand banks, and mangrove shorelines will benefit the recovery of these endangered elasmobranchs.  相似文献   

To preserve populations of endangered bee species, sound knowledge of their maximum foraging distance between nest and host plants is crucial. Previous investigations predicted maximum foraging distances of 100-200 m for small bee species and up to 1100 m for very large species based on mainly indirect methods. The present study applied a new and direct approach to experimentally investigate maximum foraging distances in solitary bees. One endangered and two common species of different body sizes, all of which restrict pollen foraging to a single plant genus, were established in a landscape lacking their specific host plants. Females were forced to collect pollen on potted host plants that were successively placed in increasing distance from fixed nesting stands. The maximum foraging distance recorded for the small Hylaeus punctulatissimus was 1100 m, for the medium sized Chelostoma rapunculi 1275 m and for the large Hoplitis adunca 1400 m, indicating that maximum foraging distances at species level have been underestimated. However, the capability to use resources on such a large spatial scale applied only to a small percentage of individuals as 50% of the females of H. punctulatissimus and H. adunca did not forage at distances longer than 100-225 m and 300 m, respectively. This finding suggests that a close neighbourhood of nesting and foraging habitat within few hundred meters is crucial to maintain populations of these species, and that threshold distances at which half of the population discontinues foraging are a more meaningful parameter for conservation practice than the species specific maximum foraging distances.  相似文献   

While the importance of nearby terrestrial habitats is gaining recognition in contemporary wetland management strategies, it is rarely recognized that different wetlands are often diverse in their functions of meeting the annual or life-cycle requirements of many species, and that migration between these wetlands is also critical. Using radio-telemetry, we examined terrestrial habitat use and movements of 53 eastern long-necked turtles (Chelodina longicollis) in an area of southeast Australia characterized by spatially diverse and temporally variable wetlands. Male and female C. longicollis exhibited a high degree of dependence on terrestrial habitat, the majority (95%) of individuals using sites within 375 m of the wetland. Turtles also associated with more than one wetland, using permanent lakes during droughts and moving en masse to nearby temporary wetlands after flooding. Turtles used 2.4 ± 0.1 (range = 1-5) wetlands separated by 427 ± 62 (range = 40-1470) m and moved between these wetlands 2.6 ± 0.3 (range = 0-12) times over the course of a year. A literature review revealed that several species of reptiles from diverse taxonomic groups move between wetlands separated by a mean minimum and maximum distance of 499-1518 m. A high proportion of studies attributed movements to seasonal migrations (55%) and periodic drought (37%). In such cases we argue that the different wetlands offer complimentary resources and that managing wetlands as isolated units, even with generous terrestrial buffer zones, would not likely conserve core habitats needed to maintain local abundance or persistence of populations over the long term. Core management units should instead reflect heterogeneous groups of wetlands together with terrestrial buffer zones and travel corridors between wetlands.  相似文献   

Population viability analyses (PVA) are frequently employed to develop recovery plans and inform management of endangered species. Translating results from PVA into meaningful management recommendations often depends on an understanding of how population parameters change with environmental conditions as well as population density. The decline of mountain caribou (Rangifer tarandus caribou) in British Columbia, Canada, is believed to be caused by apparent competition with alternative prey species following changes to the forest age structure from timber harvest and wildfire. In addition, populations have been shown to decline at faster rates at low population density. To evaluate the potential effects of habitat change and population density on population persistence, we used stochastic projection models for 10 distinct populations varying in initial size from <10 to approximately 150 females. In an initial model, we used estimates of vital rates based on information sampled from >350 radiocollared caribou between 1984 and 2004. We then compared the results of the initial model to a set of models that evaluated the effects of habitat conditions and population density via their expected relationships to female adult survival. Assuming that vital rates remain constant over a 200-year time frame, only three populations have high probabilities (>0.95) of extinction. When models incorporate the declines in adult female survival know to occur with increasing proportions of young forest and declining population densities, all 10 populations are predicted to decline to extinction within <200 years. Based on our results, we suggest that PVA models that fail to incorporate the effects of changes in vital rates with habitat and population density may lead to overly optimistic assessments of the probability of population persistence in endangered species.  相似文献   

Many specialist species are declining as a result of habitat loss and fragmentation, such that conservation actions typically aim to stem rates of decline rather than bring about genuine recovery. Here, we document the recovery of a species from former population refuges. An extensive survey of the entire British range of Hesperia comma, conducted in 2000, recorded over three times the number of tetrads (2 km × 2 km grid squares) occupied in 1982. This was accompanied by a fourfold increase in the number of populations and a 10-fold increase in the habitat area occupied. The improving status of H. comma is the product of good habitat management, recovering rabbit populations and climate warming, which have improved the quality, and increased the availability, of suitable habitat. This has enabled remnant metapopulations to expand, via distance-dependent colonisation, through large networks of habitat. Metapopulation recovery in H. comma demonstrates that landscape-scale conservation can be successful.  相似文献   

Worldwide, green turtle Chelonia mydas populations have declined and the species is classified as globally endangered. Tortuguero, Costa Rica, hosts the largest remaining green turtle rookery in the Atlantic basin. Tortuguero green turtles have been hunted since pre-Columbian times. Monitoring and conservation of the green turtle population began in 1955. The long-term efforts provide an excellent opportunity to evaluate the success of sea turtle conservation action and policies. Nest counts conducted 1971-2003 were analyzed to: (1) determine the nesting trend, (2) estimate rookery size and (3) identify events and policy decisions influencing the trend. A nonparametric regression model indicates a 417% increase in nesting over the study period. Rookery size was defined as the mean number of nests 1999-2003 and estimated at 104,411 nests year−1, corresponding to 17,402-37,290 nesting females year−1. A comparison with 34 index populations verifies Tortuguero as one of the two largest green turtle rookeries worldwide. Events and policy decisions in Costa Rica, Nicaragua, and Panama that comprise the main nesting, feeding and mating grounds for the Tortuguero population are likely to have had the greatest influence on green turtle survivorship. Conservation efforts and policies catalyzing increased hatchling production and decreased adult and juvenile mortality since 1963 have contributed to the positive nesting trend. The trend demonstrates that long-term conservation efforts can reverse nesting declines and offers hope that adequate management can result in recuperation of endangered sea turtle species.  相似文献   

Although several plants endemic to Corsica and Sardinia are included in various redlists, no attempts have been made to analyse their genetic diversity with molecular techniques. Genus Anchusa occurs with seven taxa in either mountain or coastal habitats of the two islands, but the very restricted range and low population size pose these endemisms in a very precarious conservation status. Highly variable markers (AFLP) were therefore used to analyse the patterns and levels of genetic diversity in a sample of 11 populations from the entire range of the group.Results indicate the separation between a mountain genic pool including Anchusa formosa, Anchusa capellii and Anchusa montelinasana, and four groups of coastal accessions. In spite of small size, mountain taxa show low interpopulation differentiation (Fst = 0.02) and relatively high intrapopulation genetic variation (0.365), while coastal accessions showed on average a stronger differentiation (mean Fst = 0.20) and a lower diversity (0.281), possibly due to higher rates of inbreeding. The particularly low levels of variation found in A. sardoa, A. littorea and A. crispa ssp. maritima from the Coghinas bay are likely due to a historical decrease of populations and to bottleneck events caused by loss of habitat and natural stochastic factors on sand dune ecosystems. While habitat maintenance and regulation of grazing by domestic herbivores should be sufficient to ensure the persistence of the mountain endemics, additional actions of in situ and ex situ conservation are needed for the critically endangered coastal species A. sardoa and A. littorea. A. crispa showed a relatively high variation, especially on Corsica. No correlation between population size and genetic variation was found in the latter species, highlighting the importance of the small patches for its conservation. Also, the genetic separation between subspecies crispa and maritima stresses the need of keeping them distinct in redlists and conservation actions on Sardinia.  相似文献   

Goldenseal (Hydrastis canadensis) is a North American perennial clonal herb highly prized for its medicinal value. It is threatened at the northern range limit with only 20 populations known in Canada. To assist recovery planning, 13 populations were sampled to model dynamics. The fate of all ramets in one square-meter was monitored from 1998 to 2001. Transition matrices were built for 2000-2001, using three stage classes based on size and reproductive status. A six-stage pooled matrix, separating established ramets from newly produced ramets, was also constructed. Recruitment by seed was not observed and therefore excluded. The average population growth rate (λ) was 1.062 ± 0.053, which did not significantly differ from the equilibrium value (1.0) suggesting that the northern population is stationary. However, growth rates among population samples varied largely and had wide confidence intervals. Populations with λ-values less than or close to 1.0 require environmental change to increase. Recovery of goldenseal, and possibly other woodland perennials at risk, requires intervention aimed at population size augmentation, habitat optimization, and targeted dispersal.  相似文献   

Habitat selection by East Caucasian tur (Capra cylindricornis), a species of global conservation concern, was examined in relation to terrain, climate and degree of human disturbance using a Geographical Information System and logistic regression. The study area was in the part of the Greater Caucasus of Georgia, where the species protection was not enforced. Two models of tur habitat requirements were obtained: one model at a scale of 20 × 20 m plots, and the other one at a scale of different habitat fragments made up of 20 × 20 m plots identified by the first model at its optimal cut-off value. The second model refined the first one.The first model suggested that the probability of a 20 × 20 m plot being part of tur habitat was positively correlated with slope, distances to roads and livestock summer camps, and negatively correlated with human population density and annual rainfall. The probability had a bell-shaped correlation with elevation, reaching its maximum at 3008.4 m. The second model suggested that a fragment of a land made up of 20 × 20 m plots with optimal characteristics for tur occurrence was more likely to contain tur if the area of the fragment was larger and its distance to the nearest area where tur occurred was shorter.The results show that the occurrence of East Caucasian tur is affected by climate, terrain, human disturbance and habitat fragmentation, and can be predicted regardless of seasonality in the species movements. These models can be applied to the management of the species and its habitat in the areas of the Caucasus that lie at >1000 m asl and have an annual rainfall >600 mm, and where the species protection is not enforced.  相似文献   

This study suggests procedures for determining the spatial scale for conservation guidelines for animals, giving an illustration with an analysis of grizzly bear habitat selection. Bear densities were sampled by identifying hairs at bait stations in British Columbia. Habitat variables were measured using remote sensing. Spatial scale was changed by varying the window size over which the variables were averaged. First, the spatial pattern of bears was studied, measuring the patchiness in bear densities at a variety of spatial scales, by calculating the correlation in bear densities between adjacent windows. This was repeated for the habitat variables. Finally, the overall interaction between bears and habitats was analysed, measuring the strength of habitat selection at different spatial scales. There are three domains of scale: at 2-4 km, bears and habitats are patchy, at 5-10 km, bears select for habitats, and at 40+ km, habitats are patchy and bears select for habitats. At scales of 40+ km, bears selected for: (i) higher slopes, or (ii) higher slopes, and some combination of more avalanche chutes, fewer roads and trees, higher elevations, and less logged land. Within 15 km areas, bears selected for 6 km areas that are either at higher elevations, or at higher elevations and had fewer trees. The relationship of conservation guidelines at different spatial scales should be determined by measuring and comparing hierarchical to non-hierarchical selection. The scales that bears select for habitats roughly correspond to the scales used in present grizzly bear conservation plans in British Columbia.  相似文献   

This analysis presents a conservation planning framework for decisions under uncertainty and applies it to the Arctic Coastal Plain of Alaska. Uncertainty arises from variable distributional shifts of species’ ranges due to climate change. The planning framework consists of a two-stage optimization model that selects a nominal conservation area network in the first stage and evaluates its performance under the climate scenarios in the second stage. The model is applied to eleven at-risk species in Alaska including the threatened Spectacled Eider and Steller’s Eider sea ducks and the polar bear. The 109th United States Congress and 2008 federal budget proposed opening for oil and gas development the “1002 Area” of the Arctic National Wildlife Refuge, which intersects the Plain. This analysis finds that, if Arctic Alaska experiences 1.5 °C of warming by 2040 (as predicted by the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change’s A2 scenario), then potential habitat will decrease significantly for eight of these at-risk species, including the polar bear. This analysis also shows that there is synergism between oil and gas development and climate change. For instance, climate change accompanied by no development of the 1002 Area results in an increase of potential habitat for Steller’s Eider. However, if development accompanies climate change, then there is a 20% decrease in that area. Further, this analysis quantifies the tradeoff between development and maintenance of suitable habitat for at-risk species.  相似文献   

Although population declines of grassland songbirds in North America and Europe are well-documented, the effect of local processes on regional population persistence is unclear. To assess population viability of grassland songbirds at a regional scale (∼150,000 ha), we quantified Savannah Sparrow Passerculus sandwichensis and Bobolink Dolichonyx oryzivorus annual productivity, adult apparent survival, habitat selection, and density in the four most (regionally) common grassland treatments. We applied these data to a female-based, stochastic, pre-breeding population model to examine whether current grassland management practices can sustain viable populations of breeding songbirds. Additionally, we evaluated six conservation strategies to determine which would most effectively increase population trends. Given baseline conditions, over 10 years, simulations showed a slightly declining or stable Savannah Sparrow population (mean bootstrap λ = 0.99; 95% CI = 1.00-0.989) and severely declining Bobolink population (mean bootstrap λ = 0.75; 95% CI = 0.753-0.747). Savannah Sparrow populations were sensitive to increases in all demographic parameters, particularly adult survival. However for Bobolinks, increasing adult apparent survival, juvenile apparent survival, or preference by changing habitat selection cues for late-hayed fields (highest quality) only slightly decreased the rate of decline. For both species, increasing the amount of high-quality habitat (late- and middle-hayed) marginally slowed population declines; increasing the amount of low-quality habitat (early-hayed and grazed) marginally increased population declines. Both species were most sensitive to low productivity and survival on early-hayed fields, despite the fact that this habitat comprised only 18% of the landscape. Management plans for all agricultural regions should increase quality on both low- and high-quality fields by balancing habitat needs, nesting phenology, and species’ response to management.  相似文献   

Few attempts have been made to model the distribution of the Javan Hawk-Eagle (Spizaetus bartelsi) based on predictions formulated from habitat requirements in West Java or throughout Java Island. This paper proposes a new approach to predicting probability models of Javan Hawk-Eagle (JHE) distribution using the application of logistic regression (LR) and autologistic regression (ALR) coupled with RAMAS GIS, and creating pseudo-absence data using a normalized difference vegetation index from remote sensing data. Habitat requirements of 11 nest-sites in Gunung Gede-Pangrango National Park (TNGP) and its surrounding areas were analyzed and quantified, and the model was validated in southern parts of West Java. The final LR model was used as the starting point for fitting ALR models that account for spatial autocorrelation through the addition of an autocovariate variable using several different neighborhood sizes ranging from 450 m (15 × 15 moving window size, or equal to 20.25 ha) to 1500 m (50 × 50 moving window size, or equal to 225 ha) using 300 m interval. The best model was the ALR model with a 1500 m autocovariate that agreed with the distance between nests in TNGP and the mean home range size in Java. This model showed a significant increase in overall accuracy and successfully removed misclassified pixels. Based on our results, we recommend five strategies for the management and conservation of JHE habitat, including integrated conservation management and increased regulation of wildlife reserves.  相似文献   

Echinocactus platyacanthus is a candy barrel cactus endemic to Mexico and an endangered species owing to its exploitation and the destruction of its habitat. The population dynamic of this species is analyzed using matrix models. Three consecutive censuses were carried out (1997, 1998, and 1999) for six populations of this species in the Tehuacán-Cuicatlán Biosphere Reserve. Fruit contain many seeds (mean = 171 ± S.E. 11.03 seeds/fruit); seedling establishment and survival are low (2 × 10−6), and fecundity increases as the diameter of the individuals increases (62 seeds in adult 1-4322 in adult 4). The rates of population growth (λ) range from 0.9285 to 1.0005. Elasticity values for demographic processes indicate that the stasis of the adults is the greatest contribution (S = 0.982), followed by growth (G = 0.017) and fecundity (F = 0.001) to λ. The populations are located in the lower left corner of the demographic triangle; however, there are variations for a given population from one year to the next. Life table response experiments indicate that although there are local variations, the most important differences in the values of λ between populations and between years are associated with changes in the stasis of the adults. The disturbance index is not directly related to population density or to the current value of λ. The protection of adult E. platyacanthus must be taken into account for the management of this species and its conservation in the study area.  相似文献   

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