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几种保温覆盖材料对葡萄安全越冬效果的影响   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
运用实时测量温度变化情况的U盘温度计录仪,研究了冬季严寒条件下几种保温覆盖材料对葡萄不同深度根系的保温效果,以及冬季葡萄根系不同深度抗寒性的变化规律;通过调研翌年春夏季节萌芽、开花结果情况,研究新疆严寒条件下几种保温覆盖材料对戈壁地葡萄安全越冬效果的影响。结果表明:几种保温覆盖材料对戈壁地葡萄安全越冬效果较好,地表温度都较对照有很大程度的提高。D900无胶棉+增强膜提高11.69℃,无纺布+埋土提高10.09℃。采用D900无胶棉+增强膜覆盖葡萄地表≤-5℃持续天数相对无纺布+埋土减少8d,地下30cm处减少5d。D900无胶棉+增强膜覆盖葡萄地下最低温度较无纺布+埋土有显著的提高,地表温度提高1.57℃,地下30cm处温度提高1.08℃,地下60cm处较埋土处理温度提高了1.54℃,保温效果显著。表明在新疆严寒条件下,采用D900无胶棉+增强膜等方式覆盖葡萄可安全越冬,既保障了葡萄的越冬安全,又提高了葡萄产量。  相似文献   

石羊河流域膜覆盖无核白鸡心葡萄越冬技术   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
在石羊河流域,对露地葡萄不同越冬方式,葡萄传统埋土方式和不同膜覆盖条件下葡萄枝蔓周围温度变化规律及其保湿效果进行对比试验,筛选既能安全越冬,又方便快捷的葡萄防寒方法。结果表明:草帘(下)+棚膜(上)的膜覆盖越冬方式能够保证当地白鸡心葡萄安全越冬,具有一定推广价值。  相似文献   

以5年生欧亚种"早黑宝"葡萄为试材,以冬季不埋土为对照,设置7个防寒处理:树干涂白、茎干裹黑膜、保温棉包裹、基干套白膜、保温棉覆盖、玉米秸20 cm+覆膜、铺黑地膜,研究不同防寒措施对葡萄根系附近土层温度的影响、枝条部分生理指标的变化和枝条生长情况,以期筛选出北方寒区塑料大棚内葡萄越冬最合适的防寒措施,促进葡萄种质资源的有效利用。结果表明:葡萄根际地下5 cm和20 cm处的土层温度变化强弱排序为玉米秸20 cm+覆膜、铺黑地膜保温棉覆盖对照、茎干裹黑膜、保温带包裹、树干涂白、基干套白膜;采用抗寒性隶属函数法进行综合评价,防寒效果排序为茎干裹黑膜玉米秸20 cm+覆膜、铺黑地膜保温带包裹基干裹白膜保温棉覆盖对照树干涂白;越冬后保温带包裹处理的葡萄萌芽率最高,枝条没有出现霉变现象,且萌芽整齐;综合经济成本考虑建议在北方冬季埋土区塑料大棚内以玉米秆20 cm+覆膜或铺黑地膜覆盖根系,以保温带或黑膜包裹枝条作为葡萄越冬防寒方法;露地栽培可使用保温被覆盖,具体覆盖所需厚度需依据实际各地区气候情况进一步研究。  相似文献   

甘肃酒泉市葡萄越冬防寒技术综合试验研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
为解决酒泉市葡萄栽培中葡萄越冬受冻、降低越冬埋土劳动力的问题,实现既降低生产成本又能保证葡萄安全越冬。试验分别从酒泉地区葡萄主产区气候条件与冻害发生情况调查统计、不同土壤湿度与葡萄受冻相关情况调查分析、不同土壤施肥方式和不同栽培环境对葡萄抗寒性的影响、葡萄不同埋土方式与越冬能力等方面进行试验研究,找出酒泉市葡萄抗寒栽培的适宜技术。酒泉市气候环境在11月4日有1个突变期,土壤30 cm以下地温从10℃左右突然降至3℃以下,如果土壤湿度过大,此时很容易造成葡萄根系和枝条芽体受冻,早春3月15日~4月15日50 cm土壤以内温度有几个突变,冷热交融,如果土壤湿度过大易造成葡萄根系和枝条芽体受冻。掌握了酒泉市葡萄产区埋土内气温变化的规律,针对埋土越冬这个方式,认为沙壤土、沙土在土壤湿度适宜条件下,易采用埋土后覆膜再埋土的方式,保证土壤温度相对稳定,壤土宜在保持土壤一定湿度条件下埋土后再采用瓦楞纸覆盖,可保持土壤温度相对稳定。在葡萄施肥中应采用深施基肥保证葡萄根系向下扎等方式降低埋土厚度,降低成本,保证葡萄安全越冬。  相似文献   

我县属于济南市郊县,地理位置为东径116°12′,北纬36°1′,冬季气温一般-10℃以下,绝对最低气温为-13℃,时间很短.向南不足200km的地区,葡萄冬季皆不埋土防寒,所以我区属于葡萄冬季埋土防寒的边缘地区.我们曾进行只覆铡碎的玉米秸或麦秸而不覆盖塑膜的试验,由于春旱、倒春寒等原因,枝蔓虽不受冻却发生抽条.我们自1999年起进行了塑膜覆盖的防寒试验.  相似文献   

1埋土1.1地上埋土防寒法葡萄芽眼的抗寒力要比根系强得多,如欧亚种芽眼可以比根系能多忍受-12℃左右,美洲品种的芽眼要比根能多忍受-15℃左右。在冬剪后,将根部周围垫上土枕,一是为了防止将蔓压倒时断裂,二是增加根部防寒作用。将压倒的枝蔓捆成捆,一株挨一株地顺放在根部,用秸秆或树叶覆盖5~10厘米厚,再从距根干1.5米之外取土埋严,其覆土厚度要按当地冬季冻土中-4℃位置距地表间的厚度,即为埋土防寒覆土厚度。地表下-4℃距地表越厚,葡萄冬季防寒埋土就越厚。这种防寒方法安全可靠,一般在北方埋土防寒砧苗时,要减少覆土厚度1/3左右。1.2地…  相似文献   

1987—1990在葡萄冬季不需下架理土防寒的陕西丹凤县研究了不同整形方式对白诗南产量、品质及抗病性的影响,结果表明,“干”字形整形比传统多主蔓扇形的产量提高6.9%,含糖量增加3.79%,糖酸比值提高10.18%,增强了植株的抗病性。这种“干”字形可作为葡萄冬季不需下架埋土防寒地区生产上推广的整形方式。  相似文献   

梁山 《北方果树》2001,(3):36-37
鲜食葡萄生产已成为一种新型的农业产业,栽培面积逐年增加,质量不断提高.但鲜食葡萄耐寒性差,抗病力弱,北方(西北、华北、东北)栽培鲜食葡萄冬季均需埋土防寒,费工费力,且易造成茎蔓折断或冻害,影响产量,甚至全株死亡.  相似文献   

以秋、冬茬日光温室栽培的辣椒品种“航椒5号”为试材,研究了EVA高保温温室膜、EVA多功能日光温室膜和EVA减雾流滴耐老化膜对北方秋、冬茬辣椒产量的影响.结果表明:EVA减雾流滴耐老化膜较EVA多功能日光温室膜和EVA高保温温室膜气温和地温日变化幅度小,保湿性强,透光率高.总体看来EVA减雾流滴耐老化膜更有利于提高辣椒产量.  相似文献   

抓好酿造葡萄的冬春管理,对翌年丰产丰收十分重要,根据民勤县职业中等专业学校多年管理经验,葡萄园早春应抓好如下几件事. 1 冬季修剪工作 葡萄生长到秋季,枝蔓中所贮存的营养物质会逐渐向根、主蔓等处运输而贮藏.因此冬季修剪过早会影响植株养分的贮藏,但也不能过迟,北方埋土防寒地区宜在葡萄落叶后15 d进行修剪.冬剪宜早不宜迟,冬剪过晚,易在早春发生伤流.故要掌握好冬剪时间以防枝蔓受冻而造成芽眼损伤,影响翌年产量.  相似文献   

根域加温对促成栽培绯红葡萄生长发育的影响   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
连续2年以“Y”形整枝的2年生葡萄绯红(VitisviniferaL.cv.Cardinal)品种为试材,在超早促成栽培的早期进行根域土壤加温处理,探讨其对根域土壤温度、树体发育和果实品质的影响。结果表明,根域加温提高促成栽培早期土壤温度约10℃,各物候期均早于未加温处理2~5d,新梢生长好,叶面积大;花穗发育好,单株果穗数显著增加;果汁含糖量和果皮花青素含量增加,可滴定酸降低,果实品质提高;果粒重量、果穗重量和单株产量均显著高于未加温处理。并就根域加温效果的形成机理进行了探讨。  相似文献   

不同施肥深度对酿酒葡萄叶片养分和产量及品质的影响   总被引:12,自引:0,他引:12  
以贺兰山东麓典型区御马酿酒葡萄基地6年生赤霞珠为供试材料,研究了酿酒葡萄叶片、产量及品质对3种施肥深度(20、40、60cm)下N、P、K配方施肥方式的响应。结果表明,酿酒葡萄叶片中氮含量远高于叶柄,叶片中氮素含量随着生育期的延长逐渐降低,而叶柄中氮含量随施肥深度增加和生育期延长而产生的变化很小,40cm的施肥深度能显著增加叶片中氮素含量;叶柄磷素平均含量高于叶片,全生育期叶片磷含量变化很小,而施肥60cm深度显著促进了叶片和叶柄中磷含量的提高;叶柄中钾含量远高于叶片,施肥深度对叶柄和叶片中钾含量未产生明显影响,但生育后期追施钾肥显著提高叶片钾含量;施肥深度达到40cm时酿酒葡萄的产量最高,而60cm的施肥深度产量显著下降。化肥适度深施到40cm有改善酿酒葡萄糖分的积累且增加糖酸比的趋势;而60cm的施肥深度总糖和糖酸比显著下降。由此说明,适度深施化肥到40cm左右的深度有利于提高肥料的利用率,从而促进葡萄的营养生长,提高产量且改善品质。  相似文献   

The grapevine plays a very important role in the economic, social and cultural sectors of many regions; however vineyards are often grown in regions under stressful conditions and thus they are vulnerable to climate change. The objective of this research was to investigate the effect of partial root-zone drying (PRD) irrigation on vine water relations, vegetative growth, plant microclimate, berry composition and yield components, compared to conventional deficit irrigation (DI, 50% ETc), full irrigation (FI, 100% of ETc) and non-irrigated vines (NI). The study was undertaken in mature ‘Moscatel’ grapevines (Vitis vinifera L.) grown in Pegões, South of Portugal. Compared to the other irrigated treatments, PRD vines showed a better microclimate at the cluster zone with higher incident photosynthetic photon flux density (PPFD). Within the more open canopies of NI and PRD treatments, berry temperatures were higher than those of denser ones (DI and FI). Compared to the conventional irrigation technique the better microclimate observed in PRD vines was a consequence of a reduction in vine growth, where lower values of leaf layer number, leaf area, canopy wideness, water shoots and shoot weight were observed. In PRD vines we observed a tendency to a development of a deeper root system, while DI and FI showed a more homogeneous root distribution throughout the different soil layers. PRD showed an improvement in berry quality with higher values of flavour precursors, and total phenols concentration without any significant yield reduction compared to DI and FI.  相似文献   

Synthetic vivianite (ferrous phosphate octahydrate) has been reported to reduce the iron (Fe) deficiency symptoms in different crops growing on calcareous soils. We investigated the effectiveness of vivianite in grapevine by means of a 3-year (2002–2004) pot experiment with a Fe chlorosis-susceptible rootstock (‘110 Richter’) grown on a calcareous soil poor in available Fe. There was one treatment in which a suspension of vivianite was injected into the soil at the beginning of the experiment, one treatment with Fe chelate (FeEDDHA) applied yearly, one treatment with one initial application of both vivianite and FeEDDHA, and one control (no Fe fertilizer added) treatment. The concentration of chlorophyll per unit leaf area was estimated with a portable chlorophyll meter (readings in SPAD units). The vines fertilized with vivianite had longer shoots and higher number of leaves, and exhibited higher SPAD values than the control vines. The differences in SPAD value and pruning wood weight between the vines fertilized with Fe and the control were significant through the 3 years. There were no significant differences in SPAD value and pruning wood weight between the vines fertilized with Fe chelate and vivianite. Our results suggest in summary that vivianite is an interesting alternative to other Fe fertilizers used to prevent Fe chlorosis in grapevine judging by its effectiveness and long-term fertilizing effect. Moreover, it is not easily leached from the soil, easy to prepare, and environmentally safe.  相似文献   


Grapevines, cv. Thompson Seedless were treated with the plant growth regulator paclobutrazol in the spring of 1984. The treatments consisted of four soil application rates (including a zero control) of paclobutrazol on two phenological dates (budbreak and bloom). Vegetative growth, as measured by pruning weight, vine yield and fruit maturity characteristics, were determined in 1984 and in the next three growing seasons. There was no significant difference in vine yield between treatments at harvest in 1984; however, the fruit of vines receiving paclobutrazol at budbreak had accumulated less sugar at that time. Paclobutrazol application significantly (P < 0.01 ) reduced pruning weights in 1984 for all vines receiving paclobutrazol. Only the highest rate of paclobutrazol significantly reduced pruning weights in 1985. The number of clusters per vine and yield were significantly less for the treated vines than for the control ones in 1985 and 1986. Pruning weights in 1986 and yield in 1987 showed no significant differences between treatments. The results indicate that a single soil application of paclobutrazol was effective in reducing vegetative growth of Thompson Seedless grapevines for a period of two years if the rate of application was greater than 1.1 kg a. i. ha-1. However, the adverse effect of this growth regulator on vine yield indicate that it would be of little practical use when applied via the soil to this seedless cultivar.  相似文献   

贺兰山东麓酿酒葡萄适宜树形调查   总被引:3,自引:1,他引:2  
对贺兰山东麓酿酒葡萄直立龙干形、倾斜龙干形、多主蔓扇形和斜干水平形4种树形进行产量和质量的比较研究.结果表明:“霞多丽”品种直立龙干形前期667 m2产量高,斜干水平形树形新梢生长健壮、长势一致,冬季修剪、埋土防寒容易,但前期667 m2产量不如龙干形;随着单株产量的提高、浆果可溶性固形物含量下降.“威代尔”与“赤霞珠”品种多主蔓扇形株产高于倾斜龙干形,但浆果可溶性固形物含量低于后者.单壁篱架、倾斜龙干形株产低,而667 m2产量高,浆果可溶性固形物含量也高,有利于酒质提高和植株抗寒越冬,并便于越冬埋土防寒.  相似文献   

Soilwater distribution, soilwater extraction, and root distributions were determined for young grapevines (Vitis vinifera L. cultivar ‘Thompson Seedless’) grown under drip and furrow irrigation near Fresno, CA, USA. Soilwater content and extraction was determined to a depth of 0.9 m by neutron scattering from an array of nine access tubes installed throughout one-quarter of the soil volume available to each vine. Root distribution was determined from root intersections with vertical planes established parallel and perpendicular to the vine row. Drip irrigation was applied daily according to estimated evapotranspiration, and furrow irrigation was managed according to 50% depletion of the plant available soil water. Drip and furrow irrigated vines showed similar water status and shoot growth patterns. There was a confined soil wetted zone beneath the emitter discharge that largely coincided with a confined and shallow root system of drip irrigated vines. In contrast, furrow irrigated vines had a deeper and more widespread root system. Differences between water applied and soilwater content 3 days after irrigation suggested large water losses by evaporation during that period for furrow irrigated vines. Consumptive use of furrow irrigated vines was 12.5% greater than drip irrigated vines, but similar irrigation efficiencies were obtained for both irrigation systems when soilwater status was carefully monitored. Water applications for both irrigation systems were less than 50% of the longterm mean for irrigation deliveries to farms in the area. Thus, the results indicate that a significant potential for water savings exists in the San Joaquin Valley by means of irrigation management. It is concluded that relatively high and similar irrigation efficiency can be obtained with both drip and furrow irrigation of young grapevines in arid and semiarid regions when careful management is used.  相似文献   

The effects of exogenous application of abscisic acid (ABA) on anti-oxidant enzyme activities and photosynthetic capacity in ‘Sultana’ grapevine (Vitis vinifera L.) were investigated under cold stress. When vines had an average of 15 leaves, 0 (control), 50, 100, or 200 µM ABA was sprayed to run-off on all leaves of each plant. Twenty-four hours after foliar spraying with ABA, half (n = 5) of the water-only control vines and half (n = 5) of each group of ABA-treated plants were subjected to 4°C for 12 h, followed by a recovery period of 3 d under greenhouse conditions (25°/18°C day/night). The remaining plants in each treatment group were kept at 24°C. Cold stress increased H2O2 and malondialdehyde (MDA) concentrations in vine leaves, whereas all foliar ABA treatments significantly reduced their levels. Chilled plants showed marked increases in their total soluble protein contents in response to each ABA treatment. ABA significantly increased the activities of superoxide dismutase, peroxidase, catalase, and ascorbate peroxidase in cold-stressed grapevine leaves. In contrast, cold stress markedly decreased the rates of leaf photosynthesis (A) and evaporation (E), stomatal conductance (gs), and chlorophyll concentrations in leaves, but increased intercellular CO2 concentrations (Ci) in leaves. Treatment with all concentrations of ABA resulted in lower leaf A, E, and gs values, but higher Ci values at 24°C. However, following cold stress, ABA-treated vines showed higher leaf A, E, and gs values, but lower Ci values compared to control vines without ABA treatment. The application of 50–200 µM ABA allowed chilled vines to recover more quickly when re-exposed to normal temperatures, enabling the vines to resume their photosynthetic capacity more efficiently following cold stress. These results showed that, by stimulating anti-oxidant enzyme systems and alleviating cold-induced stomatal limitations, ABA reduced the inhibitory effect of cold stress on the rate of CO2 fixation in ‘Sultana’ grapevine plants.  相似文献   

1983—1985年在肖县苗山园艺场成年白羽品种葡萄上设株施250、500、750g氯化钾肥料作试验。3年结果表明,钾肥在施后第2年能增加产量,提高含糖量,增加新梢结果系数,但不显著;其主要作用是增强抗病性,在试验范围内病穗率随施钾量增多而减少;株施250g钾肥其有效期不超过两年;在碱地上施用氯化钾为避免Cl~-的不良影响,每株一次施量不应超过250g(51.5kg/亩)。  相似文献   

Carbohydrates were measured in axillary bud meristems from kiwifruit (Actinidia deliciosa (A.Chev.) C.F. Liang et A.R. Ferguson cultivar Hayward) to determine whether concentrations changed during winter dormancy. Buds were collected from kiwifruit vines growing in four sites, which spanned the climatic range that kiwifruit are grown in New Zealand, and from vines where the time of budbreak had been manipulated using hydrogen cyanamide. During winter, sugars comprised 78% of measured carbohydrates in meristems, with sucrose accounting for more than 86% of sugars detected (up to 200 mg g DW−1). Starch concentrations in bud meristems showed little change during winter. Meristem sucrose and hexose concentrations increased rapidly from autumn until mid-winter, and this was correlated with leaf abscission. Sugar accumulation ceased in mid-winter and concentrations remained stable until spring, suggesting that bud meristem activity was low. Four weeks before visible bud movement, a marked decline in sucrose and increase in hexose concentrations, indicated activity in the meristems had increased prior to budbreak. The patterns of seasonal change and peak sucrose concentrations in meristems were similar at all sites. The only difference was in the timing of events, with changes in meristem sugars occurring earliest in vines growing at the coolest site, coinciding with their earlier cessation of and resumption of vine growth. Advancing budbreak, by applying hydrogen cyanamide to vines in late winter, also advanced changes in sugar concentrations within meristems. This work suggests that the concentration of sucrose in kiwifruit bud meristems has utility as an indicator of whether they are being induced into, maintained or released from winter dormancy.  相似文献   

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