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随着全球化进程的加快,各国间的交往日益频繁,人口流动现象也越来越普遍。可见全球化呈现给我们的是以时代为特征的动态发展趋势,这就为我们提供了多元文化竞相发展的舞台。然而在多元文化环境下,文化的差异势必引发文化间的碰撞,而且波及范围会越来越广。即使是身在本民族环境中的都市居民都会感受到外来文化的冲击,那么来华外国人更会出现的文化不适应症状,这样共同形成了一种“都市文化休克现象”。这种休克现象因交际双方个体同时出现交际障碍的情况而明显超越孤立的文化休克症状,构成一种1+1>2的模式,并且随着都市开放程度的加强将会越来越普遍。所以,在如此多样、多变、多元的环境中需要跨文化交际能力去平衡交际双方内在的文化差异。作为汉语国际教育工作者,除了要敏锐地觉察到这种交际主体双方的文化休克症状外,更应该抓住现象背后的本质,从中获得一定的启发以促进跨文化交际活动顺利进行。  相似文献   

语言是文化的载体并反映文化,因此,学好英语与学习它的文化是不可分割的。而学生们在交际中出现的语用失误表明学生在交际中缺少足够文化知识或文化意识。为了减少学生在交际中的失误以更好地培养他们的英语交际能力,作者指出了文化教学的重要性,提出了在教学中如何培养跨文化意识、减少跨文化交际中的文化干扰、提高学生的跨文化交际能力的具体措施。  相似文献   

文化定型(Stereotype)是近年来社会学和认知心理学等学科的研究热点,在跨文化交际领域中,被视为阻碍与促进跨文化交际的双刃剑。文中着重介绍文化定型在跨文化交际中的积极心理效应,如可以帮助交际者简化认知、降低焦虑、激发跨文化交际动机等等,以趋利避害,使文化定型最大限度地为跨文化交际服务。  相似文献   

翻译即交际。文化翻译研究的主要对象是语言、文化、词汇及其互动关系。文化词汇,是翻译中的重点和难点。研究和翻译词汇重在考察其文化意义即语用联想意义以及感情色彩(可接受性)。跨文化交际就是在文化背景下的翻译活动,其核心是价值观。本文就是从跨文化交际的视角出发,把文化词汇翻译纳入跨文化交际活动范围,尝试探索出一些方法,既能使译文能更好的为译语读者接受,又能为译入语增添新的活力,从而达到交际的目的。  相似文献   

语言是文化的载体,又是文化的重要组成部分,它有自己丰富的文化内涵。文化靠语言存储与传播,语言与文化密不可分。跨文化意识是综合语言运用能力的一个重要组成部分,中学英语教学中不可忽视。文章阐述了语言与文化的关系,跨文化交际在英语教学中的意义以及培养学生跨文化交际的方法和提高学生跨文化意识的能力。  相似文献   

在跨文化交际的过程中,因为文化的差异,时常出现面子冲突或者威胁面子行为。因此,对于跨文化交际者来说,了解对方的面子观和面子需求是很重要的。本文是从文化的角度来探讨中美两国人的面子观的差异,并分析两国人的不同的语用策略,希望给中美的跨文化交际带来一些启示。  相似文献   

在商务交际中,遵循双方文化习俗的原则比遵循语言规范更为重要。因此,在商务英语教学中,对学习者进行不同文化知识和习俗的输入是必要的。通过分析跨文化商务交际的明显的针对性、社会交际性和良好沟通性等特点,指出在商务英语教学中培养学生跨文化交际意识的重要性。另外,帕尔默文化语言学将文化和认知两个要素进行了整合,对其图式理论的分析基础上,提出了在实际教学过程中,教师如何将语言知识的教授与帮助学生构建跨文化知识图式巧妙结合的具体办法。  相似文献   

随着国际间交往的日益频繁,跨文化交流的不断增多。二十一世纪英语教学的目的就应该是培养学生的跨文化交际能力。为达此目的,在大学英语口语教学中应该实施文化教学。鉴于此,文中对文化在大学英语口语教学中的作用和重要性进行了探讨。  相似文献   

人类在交际中除了使用语言这种最重要的交际工具之外,还运用非言语行为进行交际。在不同的文化背景下,使用非言语行为的范畴和规则并不相同;同时,各种非言语行为在不同的文化背景下被赋予不同的信息。因此,了解各种非言语行为在不同文化背景中的使用对于文化背景迥异的人们达成文化默契、成功实现跨文化交际是十分必要的。  相似文献   

翻译作为跨文化交际的重要手段之一,是和文化紧密结合在一起的。而习语翻译又是翻译过程中的极具特色的一个侧面,在习语翻译过程中,文化因素影响深远,注意并把握这些文化因素,对习语翻译大有帮助。  相似文献   

Different countries communicate more and more frequently as the development of economic globalization.In business fields,culture becomes into the lever and lubricant influencing those business activities.Thus,cultivating talents with intercultural communication competence is the final purpose of business English teaching.This paper has analyzed the reasons for the lacking of cultivating of intercultural communication competence in business English teaching by using the theories like the relationship between culture and language and communication competence,and then it suggested some ways to cultivate such kind of competence.In these ways,it is hoped that will cultivate more talents with excellent quality of intercultural communication competence and suitable for this age of economic globalization.  相似文献   

不同的民族有不同的文化,随着全球化时代的到来,跨文化交际能力将日趋重要。笔者探讨了跨文化交际能力培养的内容,并在分析导致跨文化交际障碍成因的基础上,提出培养跨文化交际能力的相关建议。  相似文献   

With the development of globalization, intercultural contact is becoming increasingly axiomatic and pervasive;however, the values and behaviors of a particular culture may not be understandable and family values may not be acceptable in another culture. Therefore, communication among people from different cultures will become more complex. This paper aims at revealing some different family values possessed by Chinese and Americans and intends to introduce that different cultures have a strong impact on the family values.  相似文献   

This thesis focuses on different thinking patterns between Chinese and western countries, and discusses the impacts on intercultural communication, and at last provides some ideas to overcome the negative influences caused by these differences.  相似文献   

语言与文化有着天然不可分割的血肉联系,因此在进行语言之间的翻译转换过程中,文化信息的传递是不可忽视的问题,尤其是在中西方文化传统存在巨大差异的背景下,文化能否被理解是决定翻译是否成功的标准。文中以葛瑞汉所翻译的《道德经》第一章为例,以他对“道”的跨文化翻译为个案,试图探讨中英翻译过程中文化性的体现。  相似文献   

Reasons for performing study: Standard methods for culturing equine synovial fluid (SF) are often unrewarding. Evidence‐based information on the relative efficiency of different systems used for optimisation of isolation of microorganisms from equine SF is lacking. Objectives: To compare the results of different culture systems performed in parallel on SF samples from horses clinically diagnosed with synovial sepsis. Methods: Synovial fluid specimens were collected between February 2007 and October 2008 from all horses admitted to a referral hospital that were clinically diagnosed with synovial sepsis and from control horses. Synovial fluid samples were cultured in parallel by: 1) direct agar culture (DA); agar culture after: 2) lysis‐centrifugation pretreatment (LC); 3) conventional enrichment (CE); 4) combined LC/CE; or 5) blood culture medium enrichment using an automated system (BACTEC 9050). Results: Ninety SF samples from 82 horses were included, together with 40 control samples. Seventy‐one of 90 samples (79%) were culture‐positive by using blood culture medium enrichment (BACTEC), which was significantly higher compared to all other methods. BACTEC enrichment was never negative while any of the other methods was positive. Although agar culture following LC and/or CE resulted in a slightly higher number of positive samples compared to DA, this difference was not significant. All control samples were culture negative by the 5 different techniques. Although the majority of samples containing isolates recovered without enrichment, culture results after BACTEC enrichment were available on the same day as for agar culture with or without LC (19/23 samples), while CE postponed recovery by at least one day in 20/23 samples. Conclusion: Blood culture medium enrichment is superior to other techniques for isolation of bacteria from SF of horses. The use of an automated system allows enrichment without substantially postponing recovery of microorganisms. Potential relevance: The efficient and fast isolation of microorganisms from infected SF by the BACTEC system allows for rapid susceptibility testing and a more appropriate antibiotic treatment.  相似文献   

The Chinese students’English writing belongs to intercultural communication.Many problems occur mainly because the lack of the cultural awareness and knowledge,and it offers an angle for the discussion in the thesis.This thesis attempts to explore the relationship between culture and writing,and highlight the importance of culture teaching in English writing course.It is also designed to propose several approaches to development of English writing from both teachers’and students’perspective.  相似文献   

This paper presents a rationale that may significantly boost the drive to promote positive welfare states in animals. The rationale is based largely, but not exclusively, on an experimentally supported neuropsychological understanding of relationships between emotions and behaviour, an understanding that has not yet been incorporated into animal welfare science thinking. Reference is made to major elements of the neural/cognitive foundations of motivational drives that energise and direct particular behaviours and their related subjective or emotional experiences. These experiences are generated in part by sensory inputs that reflect the animal's internal functional state and by neural processing linked to the animal's perception of its external circumstances. The integrated subjective or emotional outcome of these inputs corresponds to the animal's welfare status. The internally generated subjective experiences represent motivational urges or drives that are predominantly negative and include breathlessness, thirst, hunger and pain. They are generated by, and elicit specific behaviours designed to correct, imbalances in the animal's internal functional state. Externally generated subjective experiences are said to be integral to the operation of interacting 'action-orientated systems' that give rise to particular behaviours and their negative or positive emotional contents. These action-orientated systems, described in neuropsychological terms, give rise to negative emotions that include fear, anger and panic, and positive emotions that include comfort, vitality, euphoria and playfulness. It is argued that early thinking about animal welfare management focused mainly on minimising disturbances to the internal functional states that generate associated unpleasant motivational urges or drives. This strategy produced animal welfare benefits, but at best it could only lift a poor net welfare status to a neutral one. In contrast, strategies designed to manipulate the emotional action-orientated systems have the potential to replace the negative emotions generated within those systems with positive ones, and thereby may lift a poor net state of welfare beyond the neutral point to a net positive state. It is hoped that the analysis presented here will enhance the drive to promote positive welfare states by providing cogent and convincing neuropsychological support for the formulation of additional, more directed welfare code recommendations and standards that focus on the animal's behaviour.  相似文献   

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