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Sustainable Forest Management (SFM) is an integral component of sustainable development. Iran is a Near East country with low forest cover. Iran uses 7 criteria and 65 indicators for regional and national monitoring of forest management. We evaluated the status of SFM in Iran, and a location imaging in its path towards SFM was provided by existing validation data and library references for the Criteria and Indicators (C&I) adopted in the Near East, We identify challenges and opportunities associated with SFM in Iran. Although the information to evaluate the trend of SFM in Iran was incomplete, we compiled some information on the basis of C&I. Comparison of some indicators with the values for the rest of the world revealed that the situation in Iran is very different. Although some indicators revealed a better situation in Iran, Iran lags the rest of the world in the implementation of SFM. Iran, like many countries, is trying hard to find ways to sustainably use its forests. Not all C&I for assessment of SFM in Iran have been determined or defined. However, a consistent and comprehensive framework of criteria and indicators to monitor progress towards SFM is being applied. Defining some C&I is still at an early stage.  相似文献   

The paper examines the economic impacts of sustainable forest management (SFM) policies in Canada. Specifically, the marginal costs (MC) of old-growth preservation in an even-aged boreal forest in northeastern Ontario are examined under the condition that forest managers need to achieve multiple objectives for SFM. Furthermore, the trade-offs of old-growth preservation are estimated, allowing the levels of three specific SFM objectives to vary, namely, providing a consistent supply of timber in each period, meeting terminal volume targets at the end of the planning horizon, and maintaining a desired age structure of the forest. MCs are higher for harvesting regimes constrained by SFM objectives compared with that in which only profit maximization is considered. We observed that MCs for these three scenarios varied more when the area allotted for old-growth preservation is small. When the area of protected old-growth forest reaches about 66% of the maximum possible, the MCs are almost the same. All MCs are iso-elastic. The even-flow volume per period has the highest marginal cost among the three cases. If managers choose to provide terminal volume that is greater than or equal to the initial volume, instead of a lesser terminal volume, then old-growth forest can be preserved at no extra cost. The study emphasizes the need for integrated and simultaneous achievement of complementary goals of SFM for better economic return and minimization of the negative economic impact of SFM on the forestry sector.  相似文献   


As the role of forests in climate change mitigation is explicitly recognized in the Paris Agreement, the need to enhance the adoption of Sustainable Forest Management (SFM) practices is crucial. Therefore, this paper aims at identifying and evaluating barriers in adopting SFM practices in the context of forest carbon emission reductions. A total of 15 barriers in adopting SFM practices are listed through literature and expert inputs. Using Cameroon as a case study, the listed barriers are then evaluated by experts to determine their relative importance using the Analytical Hierarchy Process (AHP) method. According to our findings, the ‘Regulatory and Legislative frameworks’ barrier category was attributed to the highest importance among other categories, in adopting SFM practices in the forestry sector. ‘Inadequate political will and incentive to enforce regulations’ appears to be the major obstacle in adopting SFM practices in Cameroon. As carbon emission reduction initiatives are being developed, there is need to move from broad to concrete suggestions that will overcome these barriers. However, proper diagnosis is necessary in order to target barriers with the right incentives and enabling conditions that will support carbon programs and projects to deliver effective emission reductions.  相似文献   

Certification and principles, criteria and indicators (PCI) describe desired ends for sustainable forest management (SFM) but do not address potential means to achieve those ends. As a result, forest owners and managers participating in certification and employing PCI as tools to achieving SFM may be doing so inefficiently: achieving results by trial-and-error rather than by targeted management practices; dispersing resources away from priority objectives; and passively monitoring outcomes rather than actively establishing quantitative goals. In this literature review, we propose six concepts to guide SFM implementation. These concepts include: Best Management Practices (BMPs)/Reduced Impact Logging (RIL), biodiversity conservation, forest protection, multi-scale planning, participatory forestry, and sustained forest production. We place these concepts within an iterative decision-making framework of planning, implementation, and assessment, and provide brief definitions of and practices delimited by each concept. A case study describing SFM in the neo-tropics illustrates a potential application of our six concepts. Overall our paper offers an approach that will help forest owners and managers implement the ambiguous SFM concept.  相似文献   

Policy-makers in most countries now recognise the need to conserve biodiversity, forest productivity and the prosperity of forest dependent communities in the long-term. There is wide recognition of the importance of forested watersheds to hydrological regimes and water quality and the significant cultural, social and aesthetic values of forests. Policies are now directed at achieving sustainable forest management (SFM). Criteria and indicators (C&I) define SFM but obtaining agreement on what SFM is has proven to be a difficult task internationally and nationally. International activities including the work of the International Tropical Timber Organisation (ITTO), the European Union (EU) and the Montreal Process (MP) for temperate and boreal forests outside Europe, have, over the past decade refined C&I for SFM to the point now that there is substantial agreement between them. This paper reviews progress towards defining SFM and shows through a synthesis of the ITTO, EU and MP C&I the emergent consistency in defining SFM. The implication is that there are now sufficiently specific and agreed principles, C&I to guide policy-makers towards SFM. While much work remains to be done to operationalise the C&I, the gap between these agreed criteria and current practice for forest management is so wide that progress can be made within the frameworks while refinement continues.  相似文献   


The intensive forest use has caused a significant transformation around the world. Sustainable forest management (SFM) has emerged as an alternative to address concerns regarding resource use, conservation, and socioeconomic benefits. Evidence suggests that its application remains inconsistent. In Argentina, the national government passed a law addressing management aiming to provide guidelines and incentives to steer practices into a sustainable framework. The objectives were: (a) understand what the concept of SFM means to participants in Tierra del Fuego; (b) identify and assess how different factors influence the adoption of SFM; (c) review the stakeholder perceptions on recent regulatory changes; and (d) identify the steps required for improving management. We conducted 52 semi-structured interviews with stakeholders and parties at the national level. New regulatory arrangements were implemented for a short-time before this research was undertaken, and we could not evaluate the success of reform. The study provided deep insight into the policy-making process, and the views held by different stakeholders. The historical mismanagement of the resource, together with an unfavorable past relationship with authorities, has promoted short-term perspectives which resulted in behaviors inconsistent with SFM. Moreover, the characteristic demographic composition brings a social component not identified in the broader literature as relevant for SFM adoption.  相似文献   

ISO 14001环境管理体系对我国森林可持续性经营的影响   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
森林经营无论是采伐林木或是营造人工林都会对自然环境造成一定的影响,这些影响又反作用于森林的生长和可持续性利用.为了实现森林的可持续性经营,一些发达国家的森林经营组织在经营管理上采用ISO14001环境管理体系标准.本文通过论述ISO14001的要求和森林可持续性经营目标之间的联系,针对我国森林经营的具体情况和存在的问题,对我国采用ISO14001标准实现森林可持续性经营提出了建议.  相似文献   

Tropical countries face special specific problems in implementing sustainable forest management (SFM). In many countries, questions are raised on whether tropical forests should be publicly, commonly or privately owned and managed in order to enhance sustainability. Other debates also focus on whether small-scale enterprises are better positioned than large-scale industrial concessions to reduce poverty and attain sustainable management. In countries where large tracts of forest are state-owned, concessions are viewed as a means of delivering services of public and collective interest through an association of private investment and public regulation. However, the success of an industrial concession model in countries with large forest resource endowment to achieve multiple goals such as sustainable forest management and local/regional development depends on two critical assumptions. First, forest functions and services should be managed and maintained as public goods. In many cases, additional uses – and corresponding rights – can take place alongside logging activities. Industrial concessions can be more efficient than other tenure models (such as community-based forest management and small-scale enterprises) in achieving SFM, add value to raw material and comply with growing environmental norms. This is especially the case in market-remote areas with low population density and poor infrastructure. Secondly, to achieve these different outcomes, any concession system needs to be monitored and regulated, especially in contexts dominated by asymmetrical information between regulating authorities and concessionaires. New institutional responses have recently been put forward in several countries, providing valuable materials to design a renewed policy mix which associates public and private incentives. This paper provides a survey of the experience of forest concessions in several Central African and South American countries. The concession system is examined in order to clarify the issues involved, the problems encountered, and what can be learned from the shared experience of these countries in the last decade. This paper argues that despite a sometimes patchy record, concessions can help promote SFM so long as they are packaged with a certain number of specific measures.  相似文献   


Today, sustainability is a political priority at the regional, national, and international levels. It is thought to be attained by political instruments and adequate management. The Ministerial Conference on the Protection of Forests in Europe (MCPFE) is the European forum and reference for sustainable forest management (SFM). The MCPFE has developed criteria and indicators for implementing SFM in Europe. However, there is a gap between policy makers, stakeholders, and researchers with regard to the implementation of the criteria and indicators. A research strategy is proposed by the COST Action E25-European Network for Long-Term Ecosystem and Landscape Research, whereby these gaps are identified, and means for bridging these gaps are suggested. For example, economic and social-cultural criteria and indicators are poorly developed or missing-there is a need for disciplinary and multidisciplinary research. Furthermore, the knowledge base of forests and forestry is well developed in Europe, but could be better communicated to parties involved. Decision-support systems and “landscape laboratories” are suggested as tools for bridging this gap. Furthermore, resources are scarce, so new approaches should be developed that take advantage of existing resources and experiences. Information systems for maintaining and developing long-term information, and increased European collaboration are needed to harmonize existing and future initiatives.  相似文献   

The importance of environmental and economical aspects in sustainable forest management (SFM), demands a continuing need for the application of efficient methods in this field. In this paper, we applied analytic network process (ANP) with benefits, opportunities, costs, and risks (BOCR) to evaluate four existing wood extraction methods (rubber-tired skidder, tracked skidder, cable logging and animal skidding) and select the best one based on SFM strategies in the Caspian (Hyrcanian) Forest, in northern Iran. The required data were obtained either from the previous studies or through pairwise comparisons conducted by a panel of forest engineering experts. Based on the BOCR subnetworks and their corresponding criteria, four alternatives were synthesized. ANP analysis indicated that the benefits and risks were more important in terms of decision-making, compared to the opportunities and costs. Finally, the alternative of ‘rubber-tired skidder’ was selected as the most suitable method for meeting SFM strategies. The decision framework proposed in this study offers a means for the reorganizing and planning of timber harvesting operations as an integral step toward SFM. By making minor adjustments for local conditions, this decision framework can be adapted for many other regions and countries.  相似文献   

For the countries struggling with climate change, sustainable forestry is one of the greatest challenges and is difficult to define, implement, and to measure. According to the scientific community’s consensus on climate change, forests are one of the major sinks and sustainable forest management (SFM) is needed to prevent deforestation and its negative effects on natural ecosystems. Despite being a party to many international treaties/agreements related to land use policies (LUP) that are promoting SFM to protect and develop forest resources, the 2/B application in Turkish forest legislation has been causing deforestation in Turkey since the 1970s.

In this study, 2/B applications–political and legal process–causing deforestation by land use change (LUC) are investigated by carrying out a legal analysis. About 500.000 ha of forests have been lost due to the 2/B application and as a LUP directly affects SFM, carbon sequestration capacities (CSC), and therefore, climate change. To exemplify this pre and post-LUC change and effect, the amount of carbon that was prevented from being absorbed as 176,7 tonnes/ha on average in a given forest area for the year 2016. There is a vital need to address the negative effects of ill-defined forest legislation to achieve SFM.  相似文献   


Forest management affects carbon sequestration (mitigation) and resilience of forest ecosystems (adaptation) under climate change. Therefore, the efforts to integrate these two approaches have been made by the political arrangements to seek the synergy effects and deal with trade-offs. To study the state of the art linkages and forest policies to realize both adaptation and mitigation, we systematically review the literature highlighting the topic (136 publications) and outline two different approaches from Germany and Japan as countries with substantial forest resources and high influences on international forest policies and wood trade. We identify three linkages: (1) an ecosystem (based) approach assuming that a resilient ecosystem (adaptation), has high potential as a carbon sink (mitigation), (2) a sustainable forest management (SFM) aiming for enhancing forests’ resilience and carbon sink potential simultaneously, and (3) a cross-sectoral approach generating synergies among multiple sectors of agriculture, forestry, urban design, and nature conservation. We find that a significant objective is still SFM for sustaining the forest area andwood production, where SFM examples in Germany and Japan exemplify contributions to carbon sinks and ongoing disaster risk management, respectively. Overall, the current differentiated objectives of SFM do not underpin the twofold approach and their synergy effects.  相似文献   

当前的林业经济学模型,构建于木材永续利用体系和新古典经济学框架之上,存在着诸多局限性。森林可持续经营(sustainableforestmanagement,SFM)体系中的社会、经济和生态因素不同于木材永续利用。因此,SFM经济学将以多元均衡经济学和消费者偏好理论为基础。其中,消费者偏好理论考虑了个体的复杂性、环境的特殊性、偏好的动态性、需求的差异性以及需求的层次性等因素。鉴于SFM的内在要求,有必要拓展林业经济学领域。发展经济学、制度经济学、生态经济学以及经济学的其他新流派理论为该学科领域的拓展提供强有力的支持。  相似文献   

The existing forest economic models, rooted in sustained yield timber management systems and neo-classical economic framework, are subject to many limitations. Social, economic, and ecological features of sustainable forest management (SFM) are different than that of sustained yield timber management. Hence, the economics of SFM will be based on different economic principles. The two main requirements of the economics of SFM are the economics of multiple equilibria, and a consumer choice theory that incorporates heterogeneity of agents, context specific and dynamics of preferences, distinction between needs and wants, and the subordination of needs. These requirements will need the extension of the boundaries of forest economics. Five basic principles—principles of ‘both–and’, ‘existence’, ‘relativity’, ‘uncertainty’, and ‘complementarity’ will work as a foundation, and the economic principles, developed by evolutionary, institutional, ecological economists and economists from other new streams of economics, will be the useful tools to extend these boundaries.  相似文献   


This article establishes principles conveyed by criteria and indicators as a useful tool for measuring progress made toward sustainable forest management (SFM). Pedagogically, the conceptual construction raises questions on the following topics: (a) the various management practices and policies that exist in the high forest zone, (b) how criteria and indicators for assessments are selected, and (c) how progress made toward SFM is measured. Performance scores are established for indicators identified within the three sectors (forest ecosystems, forest communities, and the economy) for sustainability assessment. Measuring progress toward SFM operations are quantitatively performed with estimated maximum and minimum thresholds levels at which resource-use would be sustained using the Measure of Forest Resource-Use Sustainability Scale (MoFRUSS). The outcome of the measurement operations, as depicted by MoFRUSS, reveals the actual extent to which stakeholder’s initiatives toward sustainable forest management has progressed and in which direction it is moving. It also offers optional policy baskets for resource management interventions from which the socio-eco economic bundle is recommended if the forestry sector of Ghana’s Vision 2020 (sustainable development) is to be achieved with improved societal well-being, improved environmental health and vitality, and improved economic growth and development.  相似文献   

Tropical forest loss and degradation due to human activities have been persistent and intractable global problems. Model estimates suggest that current levels of finance for conservation and sustainable forest management (SFM) are insufficient and may need to increase by an order of magnitude in order to meet this challenge. This special issue presents select articles from the 2014 Yale International Society of Tropical Foresters (ISTF) Annual Conference, which explored diverse finance mechanisms such as REDD+, sustainability certification, ecological compensation, community forestry, and official development assistance. Each finance mechanism has advantages and disadvantages, which render them effective under specific circumstances. Comprehensive tropical forest conservation will require a diverse portfolio of finance strategies appropriate for local institutional and ecological conditions. Hybrid strategies combining elements of multiple schemes could bolster conservation and SFM efforts by leveraging their respective strengths. Clear and realistic targets and baselines, robust monitoring and measurement-reporting-verification, strong governance and institutions, and periodic evaluation can contribute to the successful application of forest conservation finance. Due to the potentially high damages, especially to the world’s poorest communities from continuing current deforestation trends, substantially greater financing of tropical conservation and SFM is a sound global investment.  相似文献   

Our study focuses on the social performance of state-owned forest farms and proposes a framework for evaluating both resource-based and corporate-based approaches. We found that: (1) the overall average social performance score of the sample of state-owned farms (3504 farms) assessed using our framework was 41.56 (out of 100 points), indicating that the social performance of Chinese state-owned farms was relatively low. (2) More developed provinces scored higher than less-developed ones, revealing a regional difference in social performance with respect to sustainable forest management (SFM). The clear implication here is that state-owned forest farms in less-developed regions can improve their social performance by striving to improve forest and ecological culture development, science and education, employment, stakeholder participation, forest services, etc. (3) The state-owned forest farms have developed a more balanced use of forest resources. The results suggest that social performance requires greater attention from managers and decision-makers in the long-term, and they may wish to consider adopting it as a corporate management tool. In general, our study suggests a practical framework for integrating social performance into SFM decisions and policies.  相似文献   


Forests are under increasing pressure with increasing risk of conflicts between stakeholder groups with different interests in sustainable forest management (SFM). This study investigated the different dimensions of conflict as perceived by private forest owners and other stakeholders, and the likely impact of these pressures on SFM in a southern Swedish context. Data were collected through a mixed methods approach using qualitative in-depth individual semi-structured interviews, focus group discussions and a quantitative survey (n?=?6–161), with questions on present and past conflicts, actors, drivers, acting, management and solutions. Stakeholders felt that in the past the conflicts were more about technical dimensions of forestry practice, and today more about the political and cultural dimensions of forestry issues. The most frequently mentioned reason for forest conflict was forest protection, especially woodland key habitats. In all conflicts, forest owners emphasised the importance of knowledge, responsibility and emotions. Other stakeholders did too, but with emotions less emphasised. In managing conflict, meetings, adaptation and education were stressed by stakeholders. Dialogue arenas on different levels are needed for all stakeholders. Governing bodies also need to realise the implication different approaches and strategies have on forest owners management.  相似文献   


In the last few years, the European countries have created a whole arsenal of regulatory, financial and informational instruments with the objective of enhancing sustainable forest management (SFM). In the course of this policy development effort, so far, the targets of governance have been more or less neglected. This article argues that a forest manager's values have a major influence on the perception of and the reaction to different types of public policy instruments. The results of a mail survey carried out among Austrian forestry professionals show that the persons in charge of putting SFM into practical action can be characterized by specific value patterns. By means of cluster analysis, forestry professionals were classified into six value types. Each of the six types identified is expected to respond to policy instruments in a specific way. Based on these findings, I finally discuss if and how policy instruments can be designed and implemented in a more target-group oriented way.  相似文献   

高保护价值森林的概念是由国际组织——森林管理委员会(FSC)提出的.FSC在其制定的森林可持续经营认证标准中首先定义了6种高保护价值.高保护价值森林是指具有一种或多种高保护价值的森林区域.高保护价值森林判定的核心在于高保护价值的识别.文中综述了近年来一些国家在高保护价值森林判定领域的进展, 评价和论述了部分国家在开展高保护价值森林判定方面的有益经验和存在的主要问题, 提出了我国开展高保护价值森林判定工作的一些启示.  相似文献   

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