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滕丽微  李枫  刘振生 《林业研究》2002,13(3):241-244
从1998年3月至2001年3月,采用全事件取样法和焦点动物取样法对哈尔滨动物园的4只笼养东北虎(1雄3雌)进行了系统的行为观察。笼养东北虎的行为可以分成5种主要的方式:运动、卧息、睡眠、取食和其他行为(饮水、排尿、修饰、嬉戏和站立)。在所有的行为类型中,睡眠和运动所占的比值很高(占整个时间分配的75.18%);而卧息、取食和其他行为仅占24.82%。除了取食,一只雄性和其中两种雌性东北虎的其他4种主要行为具有相似的活动规律,在白昼和夜晚各有一个活动高峰;而另外一只雌性东北虎在夜晚则具有两个活动高峰期。  相似文献   

2005年12月~2006年8月,采用瞬时扫描取样法和全事件取样法,对云南野生动物园内5只孟加拉虎行为进行了初步观察。结果表明,在观察期内,笼养孟加拉虎白昼行为时间分配上两性存在一定差异,即雌性的睡眠和卧息多于雄性的睡眠和卧息;雌性的走动和其它行为少于雄性的走动和其它行为。在活动节律上,两性有极大的相似性,只是雌虎在下午的卧息高峰值比雄虎晚约1h。  相似文献   

2005年12月至2006年8月,采用瞬时扫描取样法和全事件取样法,对云南野生动物园内7只孟加拉虎行为进行了初步观察。结果表明,在观察期内,笼养孟加拉虎白昼行为时间分配上成年虎与亚成年虎之间存在一定差异,即成年虎的睡眠多于亚成年虎的睡眠;成年虎的卧息、走动、摄食和其他行为少于亚成年虎的卧息、走动、摄食和其他行为。活动节律上有一定的相似性,但也存在差异,不同年龄之间卧息和走动出现两个高峰,睡眠出现一个高峰,但亚成年虎的睡眠较为集中。  相似文献   

对孟加拉虎在北方严寒条件下饲养和行为进行了研究,比较行为的差异性。孟加拉虎已基本适应了所处的高纬度寒冷地带的气候,能够全年在室外进行半散放饲养。研究证明,笼养孟加拉虎的各种行为模式具有较强的规律性。其中,睡眠行为是笼养孟加拉虎的主要行为类型,其次是运动和卧息行为,取食和其它行为最少。  相似文献   

2004年4月至5月,采用扫描取样法对贵阳黔灵公园笼养状态下的4只黑叶猴(雄性2只,雌性2只)取食和梳理时的单侧行为(利手行为)进行了观察记录并对数据进行了统计分析。分析结果表明:黑叶猴的群体、成体、幼体、雄性、雌性以及大部分个体具有显著(P<0.05)或极显著(P<0.01)的左侧优势现象。  相似文献   

采用扫描取样法、随机取样法和所有事件取样法于1998年春季研究了梅花鹿(Cervus nippon)的行为。结果表明:春季梅花鹿的各种行为具有较强的规律性,其行为由取食、反刍、卧息、移动、站立、警戒、争斗、饮水、护茸和其它行为构成。其中取食构成春季梅花鹿的主要行为。  相似文献   

20世纪80年代,为保护濒临灭绝的野生动物东北虎,中国政府投资1300多万元在黑龙江省哈尔滨市建立了占地1.43平方公里的东北虎繁育基地,专门进行东北虎的饲养繁育。最近10年又引进了具有国际谱系的东北虎种源,使这个基地的东北虎由最初的8只,繁育到今天的620多只。由于人工饲养的原因,这些东北虎的野性正在逐步减少。为了解决这一问题,2002年,中国首次启动了东北虎野化训练,将12只成年东北虎由黑龙江运往长白山脚下原始森林中的野化训练基地。通过近4年的野化训练,这些东北虎的野外生存能力、占地行为和体能都得到突破性的提高。据了解,在此次…  相似文献   

1984年12月30日,在吉林省珲春县境内,一只野生东北虎误入当地猎人下的铁夹,右前腿受伤,流血不止。省有关方面得知消息后,立刻组成抢救小组,采取氯胺酮药物麻醉法及时救下猛虎,有关人员受到政府的表扬和奖励。这只虎体长1.23米,尾长0.87米,体重230斤左右,是雌性成虎。抢救出这只东北虎,对于研究野生东北虎的生态习性、活动规律及保护措施,对于改良饲养虎的研究以及增殖饲养虎的数量等,都具有很高的科学价值。  相似文献   

<正>东北虎,全球现存体重最大的猫科动物。它们栖居于森林、灌木和野草丛生的地带,喜欢独居,每只虎都有一片单独活动的领地。在中国,它们仅分布于黑龙江省和吉林省东部山区,是国家一级重点保护野生动物。历史上,中国分布有印支虎、孟加拉虎、华南虎、东北虎4个虎亚种,如今前3种野外存在数量极少,只剩下东北虎是目前最有希望恢复野外种群的虎亚种。中国很多动物园展馆中都有东北虎这种美丽凶猛的大猫,然而在野外却不能轻易见到它的身影。大多数时候,野生东北  相似文献   

黑龙江省东北虎野外种群监测研究   总被引:10,自引:0,他引:10  
2003~2004年,在黑龙江省建立了东北虎监测网络系统,共记录到东北虎活动足迹链等信息25个。监测结果表明,黑龙江省东北虎目前分布于完达山东部、老爷岭南部和张广才岭南部3个独立的分布区,东北虎的数量在9~11只之间,其中完达山东部5~6只(1~2♂,2♀,2幼体),老爷岭南部3~4只(1~2♂,1♀,1亚成体),张广才岭南部1只(1♂)。在完达山东部乌苏里江流域的中俄边境地带存在东北虎迁移生态通道;老爷岭南部的中俄边境与吉林省交界地带有东北虎跨境迁移活动,并发现亚成体;完达山东部是黑龙江省东北虎最适宜的栖息地,并且存在东北虎的繁殖个体,是东北虎种群恢复和增长最具潜力的林区。  相似文献   

于2012年10月至2013年9月在云南野生动物园,采用瞬时扫描法和全事件观察法对繁殖期白化孟加拉虎的行为进行了研究。结果表明:在发情交配期雌雄白化孟加拉虎的行为时间分配差异不显著(P〉0.05),均将较多的时间用于休息和运动;在妊娠期雌性白化孟加拉虎将较多的时间用于休息和运动,较少的时间用于摄食、睡眠和其它行为,对比妊娠期4只雌虎的行为,不同个体在同一种行为间差异性极显著(P〈0.01);产仔期雌虎将更多的时间用于产仔和舔舐幼虎,其次是休息;在哺乳期雌虎将较多的时间用于休息,其次是哺乳和运动。通过单因素方差分析表明,在繁殖期不同阶段休息行为差异性极显著(P〈0.01),睡眠、运动和其它行为差异性不显著(P〉0.05)。  相似文献   

采用目标动物取样法对科克森国际狩猎场盘羊夏季昼间行为进行了观察分析,结果表明:盘羊的行为分为采食、警惕、休息、运动、修饰和其他6种类型,各类行为所占比例雌羊为37.82%、4.58%、42.57%、8.07%、3.66%、3.29%,休息行为消耗的时间最多,"其他"行为消耗时间最短;雄羊为39.46%、6.24%、34.23%、12.80%、3.60%、3.67%,采食行为所消耗时间占最多,修饰消耗时间最短。在一天中盘羊的休息有1个高峰期,持续时间较长,从11:00持续到18:00;采食有2个高峰期,分别出现在6:00—10:00和19:00—22:00;在17:00—18:00有1个较为明显的运动高峰期,然后迅速降低。其他行为在一天中发生较为随机,雌雄在警惕、休息和运动上差异性显著(P0.05),而在采食、修饰和其他行为上差异性不显著(P0.05)。  相似文献   

Thirty‐two southern Swedish families of Pinus sylvestris L. from a partial 11×11 factorial mating were grown at four night lengths, 3, 5, 7, and 9 h, from the start of their first growth period. At the end of the growth period, the plants were exposed to increasingly longer nights until total growth cessation. During the second and third growth periods, the plants shared the same growing conditions in the growth chambers, starting with two weeks of 6‐h night followed by night prolongation as in the first growth period. The plants from the 9‐h treatment grew more slowly than those from the other treatments in growth periods 2 and 3. The genetic influence of the growing conditions during the first growth period on the height increment during growth periods 2 and 3 was estimated by the female and male by treatment interaction variances. These variance components were relatively small and totally negligible when data from the 9‐h treatment were excluded from the analysis. The data suggest stability in the parents with respect to preconditioning caused by varying photoperiods.  相似文献   

Ponderosa pine (Pinus ponderosa Dougl. ex Laws.) is widely distributed in the western USA. We report the lack of stomatal closure at night in early summer for ponderosa pine at two of three sites investigated. Trees at a third site with lower nitrogen dioxide and nitric acid exposure, but greater drought stress, had slightly open stomata at night in early summer but closed stomata at night for the rest of the summer. The three sites had similar background ozone exposure during the summer of measurement (2001). Nighttime stomatal conductance (gs) ranged from one tenth to one fifth that of maximum daytime values. In general, pole-sized trees (< 40 years old) had greater nighttime gs than mature trees (> 250 years old). In late summer, nighttime gs was low (< 3.0 mmol H2O m(-2) s(-1)) for both tree size classes at all sites. Measurable nighttime gs has also been reported in other conifers, but the values we observed were higher. In June, nighttime ozone (O3) uptake accounted for 9, 5 and 3% of the total daily O3 uptake of pole-sized trees from west to east across the San Bernardino Mountains. In late summer, O3 uptake at night was < 2% of diel uptake at all sites. Nocturnal O3 uptake may contribute to greater oxidant injury development, especially in pole-sized trees in early summer.  相似文献   

2013年6—8月,在福海金勃源鹿业有限公司养殖区,采用摄像监控视频随机截屏的方式对11只(♂4、♀7)圈养鹅喉羚(Gazella subgutturosa)夏季昼间行为时间分配和活动规律进行了研究,并建立了圈养鹅喉羚的夏季昼间行为谱。结果表明:鹅喉羚的主要行为分为采食、警惕、趴卧、运动、修饰及其他行为。在夏季昼间,鹅喉羚一天的大部分时间用于趴卧(40.18%)、采食(29.40%)和运动(15.84%),警惕行为(5.77%)次之,修饰行为(4.04%)和其他行为(4.04%)所占比例最低。在活动规律上,趴卧在一天内有2个高峰期,即10:00—16:00和18:00—20:00,在18:00-20:00形成峰谷;采食在一天中有3个高峰期,分别出现在7:00—8:00、17:00—18:00和21:00—22:00,在13:00—14:00形成峰谷;运动在11:00—12:00有1个较为明显的高峰期,然后迅速降低,但在19:00—20:00有所升高;修饰和其他行为在一天中波动变化不大。雌雄个体之间在行为时间分配上不存在差异(P0.05)。  相似文献   

We compared the fire regimes in Mediterranean pine forests during two periods, 1370–1466 and 1966–1996 A.D. Medieval fire regime was estimated from the ‘claveria’ books of the Tortosa city, which record the city expenditures, including those for fighting fires that were burning in the city forest. We used the amount spent as an estimate of fire magnitude. Current fire regime was estimated for the same area from the local environment agency data bank, which includes date, location and burned area. The mean number of recorded fires per year, which mostly occurred in summer, is not significantly different between the two periods. Time-since-fire distributions of both periods fitted the negative exponential model, and they were not significantly different. The probability of fire occurring within 1-year interval was 0.44 for the 1379–1466 period and 0.46 for the 1966–1996 period. In both cases, small fires were more abundant, although there are some differences in the medieval series, 13% of all documented fires accounted for 47% of the suppression effort, whereas in the 20th century series, one single fire accounted for 88% of the area burned. Analysis of extreme fire also indicates that in the medieval series the largest fire per year needed one or less days of suppression effort in 58% of the years, whereas in the current period, fires were smaller than 1 ha in 78% of the years. We found that fire suppression in the Middle Ages was associated with forest exploitation. Although we cannot compare the two data sets accurately, there is not evidence of differences in fire frequency between the medieval and the current periods. Differences in fire magnitude distributions of both series of records may be explained by the different purposes and technical resources involved in the fire suppression practices.  相似文献   

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