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张晓霞  安保忠  刘园 《种子世界》2021,(11):0090-0092
2020-2021 年,阳泉市根据山西省农业厅部署,按照《山西省第三次农作物种质资源普查与收集行动实施方案》,精心组织、多措并举,在全市 3 个农业县(区)深入开展农作物种质资源普查与收集工作,共征集了具有当地特色的农作物种质资源 134 份,圆满完成了农作物种质资源普查与征集任务。同时就普查和征集过程中发现的问题和种质资源保护利用提出了意见建议。  相似文献   

正2020年7月初,新疆第三次全国农作物种质资源普查与收集行动启动,2020年将对全区87个农业县(市、区)的农作物种质资源进行全面普查与收集。此次行动的目的是查清农作物种质资源家底,发掘优异资源和基因资源,加大珍稀、濒危、特有资源和特色地方品种收集与保护,确保资源不丧失,促进种质资源交流与共享。新疆农作物种质资源丰富,曾于1956—1957年、1979—1983年两次参加全国农作物种质资源普  相似文献   

农作物种质资源是生物育种的基础,更是保障国家粮食安全的关键。鹿泉区于 2019 年启动第三次全国农作物种质资源普查与收集行动,提交农作物种质资源实物 103 份,其中粮食作物 43 份、经济作物 11 份、蔬菜 49 份。通过对 1956 年、1981 年、2014 年 3 个时间节点鹿泉区的农作物种质资源普查表进行汇总整理,从气候环境变化、土地资源配置变化、农业产业结构、农作物栽培品种变迁和资源普查收集情况 5 个方面进行了概述和分析,探讨了鹿泉区气候及产业结构变化对农作物种质资源造成的影响,以及鹿泉区地方品种加速消失的原因,同时针对农作物种质资源的保护与利用提出了建议,以期为鹿泉区农作物种质资源的保护和利用提供数据支撑,也为其他县区普查收集工作提供参考。  相似文献   

根据西藏自治区全国第三次农作物种质资源普查与收集行动指示,对工布江达县境内的各种农作物种质资源进行了细致完备的普查与收集。共普查和收集到171份种质资源,其中粮食作物95份,经济作物23份,蔬菜资源31份,果树资源22份。经过3年的普查,对工布江达县农作物种质资源整体情况有了更深的了解,结合实际对工布江达县种质资源现在所面临的各种问题进行了进一步阐述,对所阐述问题产生的原因进行了总结,对工布江达县农作物种质资源保护与利用方面相关问题提出了思考。  相似文献   

2020-2022 年依托第三次全国农作物种质资源普查与收集行动,对甘肃省陇南市成县农作物种质资源进行了普查征集与系统调查收集。自 1956 年以来成县主要栽培的农作物有 22 个科 47 个属 60 个种。本次资源调查共获得农作物种质资源 146 份,其中普查中征集到 33 份,系统调查中征集到 113 份。对成县农作物种类、品种的发展变化情况进行分析,列举部分优良种质资源,总结已消失及濒危灭绝的资源,提出了对农作物种质资源的保护和开发利用建议。  相似文献   

文山州于 2020 年 5 月启动第三次全国农作物种质资源普查与收集行动,经过近 3 年的努力,对 1956 年、1981 年、2014 年文山州的人口、土地、经济、农作物种植结构等进行了普查,提交农作物种质资源样品 313 份,其中粮食作物 127 份、蔬菜 50 份、果树 64 份、牧草绿肥 8 份、其他经济作物 64 份,圆满完成了普查收集行动任务。总结分析了此次农作物种质资源普查与收集行动工作的主要措施、取得的成效和遇到的问题,提出文山州加强农作物种质资源保护与开发利用的思考建议。  相似文献   

第三次全国农作物种质资源普查与收集行动成效显著   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
<正>3月22日,第三次全国农作物种质资源普查与收集行动工作会议在河北石家庄召开。会议总结了2018年种质资源普查与收集工作成效,研究部署2019年工作任务,新启动北京、天津、河北、安徽、西藏、新疆等6省(区、市)种质资源普查与收集行动。据了解,第三次全国农作物种质资源普查与收集行动自2015年启动以来,相关工作进展顺利,取得显著成  相似文献   

张文平 《中国种业》2021,(10):49-53
以历史脉络为主线对宣威开展农作物种质资源普查与收集工作进行了概要回顾,围绕中央农作物种质资源普查收集要求对宣威开展的第三次农作物种质资源普查与收集行动形成的步骤方法及经验做法进行总结,并提出种质资源现状问题的对策建议。  相似文献   

农作物种质资源普查与收集是对濒危、珍惜种质资源进行抢救性保护的重要措施。为了查清景宁畲族自治县农作物种质资源的分布,并对濒危资源进行抢救性收集,浙江省农业科学院与景宁畲族自治县农业局种子站于2017-2020年在景宁畲族自治县开展了农作物种质资源的普查与收集工作。通过对6个乡(镇)的12个村进行系统调查与鉴定,共收集到水稻、杨梅、白菜等56类作物120份种质资源。调查发现,多数种质资源在当地只有零星种植,多分布在偏远、交通不便、少数民族聚居的村庄,城乡地带也有少量优异种质资源。种质资源存在明显的消长,遗传多样性正逐步丧失,亟须保护。对收集到的种质资源进行鉴定评价、亲缘关系和多样性分析,可为新品种选育、保障粮食安全提供物质和技术支撑。  相似文献   

按照《第三次全国农作物种质资源普查与收集行动实施方案》的总体部署和《上海市农业种质资源普查总体方案(2021-2023 年)》的要求,上海市金山区于 2020 年 4 月启动了第三次全国农作物种质资源普查与收集行动。通过统一组织实施,金山区共收集到农作物种质资源 132 份,包括粮食作物 55 份,经济作物 7 份,蔬菜 60 份,果树 10 份,收集到地方特色种质资源亭林雪瓜和枫泾杜瓜。结合此次普查工作存在的问题,提出建立农作物种质资源普查与收集的长效机制、加强地方种质资源的保护和管理以及加大地方种质资源的研究和利用的建议。  相似文献   

Te-Tzu Chang 《Euphytica》1976,25(1):425-441
Summary Available evidences drawn from biosystematics, evolutionary biology, biogeography, archaeology, history, anthropology, paleo-geology and paleo-meteorology are pooled to reconstruct the series of events that led to the cosmopolitan cultivation of the Asian cultivated rice (O. sativa) and the regionalized planting of the African cultigen (O. glaberrima) in West Africa. The genus Oryza originated in the Gondwanaland continents and, following the fracture of the supercontinent, became widely distributed in the humid tropics of Africa, South America, South and Southeast Asia, and Oceania. The two cultivated species have had a common progenitor in the distant past. Parallel and independent evolutionary processes occurred in Africa and in Asia, following the sequence of: wild perennialwild annualcultivated annual. The weed races also contributed to the differentiation of the cultivated annuals. The corresponding members of the above series are O. longistaminata Chev. et Roehr., O. barthii A. Chev., O. glaberrima Steud., and the stapfii forms of O. glaberrima in Africa; O. rufipogon Griff., O. nivara Sharma et Shastry, O. sativa L., and the spontanea forms of O. sativa in Asia.The differentiation and diversification of the annuals in South Asia were accelerated by marked climatic changes following the last glacial age, dispersal of plants over latitude or altitude, human selection, and manipulation of the cultural environment.Cultivation of rice began in many parts of South and Southeast Asia, probably first in Ancient India. Cultural techniques such as puddling and transplanting were first developed in north and central China and later transmitted to Southeast Asia. Wetland culture preceded dryland culture in China, but in hilly areas of Southeast Asia, dryland cultivation is older than lowland culture. The planting method progressed from shifting cultivation to direct sowing in permanent fields, then to transplanting in bunded fields.Widespread dispersal of the Asian cultigen led to the formation of three eco-geographic races (Indica. Sinica or Japonica, and Javanica) and distinct cultural types in monsoon Asia (upland, lowland, and deep water). Varietal types changed readily within the span of a millenium, largely due to cultivators' preferences, socio-religious traditions, and population pressure. Genetic differentiation developed parallel to the ecologic diversification process.The African cultigen developed later than the Asian cultigen and has undergone less diversification. The wild races in South America and Oceania retain their primitive features mainly due to lack of cultivation pressure or dispersal.Both the African and Asian rices are still undergoing evolutionary changes at habitats where the wild, weed, and cultivated races co-exist.  相似文献   

ABSTRACT The surge in U.S. wage inequality over the past several decades is now commonly attributed to an increase in the returns paid to skill. Although theories differ with respect to why, specifically, this increase has come about, many agree that it is strongly tied to the increase in the relative supply of skilled (i.e., highly educated) workers in the U.S. labor market. A greater supply of skilled labor, for example, may have induced skill‐biased technological change or generated greater stratification of workers by skill across firms or jobs. Given that metropolitan areas in the U.S. have long possessed more educated populations than non‐metropolitan areas, these theories suggest that the rise in both the returns to skill and wage inequality should have been particularly pronounced in cities. Evidence from the U.S. Census over the period of 1950 to 1990 supports both implications.  相似文献   

Abstract: Jharkhand is at the centre of India's struggles to define ‘the environment’ and ‘economically relevant natural resources’. Although cultural labels are applied by leaders who seek influence in these struggles as well as by many of those people who listen, an ethnonational analytic frame does not help answer the questions: How, why and when has the political idea of environment changed in India? When and why has the Jharkhand movement chosen violent tactics? When and why has the Jharkhand statehood movement realised electoral success? Or, why was Jharkhand state formed? To address such questions, a long range historical‐institutional approach is much more fruitful.  相似文献   

This paper explores land use conflicts between non-farm neighbors and farmers to illustrate the usefulness of the concepts of interdependence, rules, and property rights when doing rural development. Recognizing interdependence and its implications helps economic analysis focus on and understand the types of rules and institutions having the most influence on economic behavior, and thus identify policy alternatives. The resolution of land uses conflicts, for example, unavoidably changes the bundle of rights associated with land, andinfluences who can impose costs of whom; it makes a difference if a large farm has the right to produce odors, flies, or noise that reduces their neighbors' abilities to enjoy theneighbors' own land, or if instead, neighbors have the right to use their property without experiencing farm-produced odors, flies or noise the farm may be unable to use its own land for agriculture without being inconvenienced.  相似文献   

This paper develops a two‐sector endogenous growth model with a dual labor market caused by the operation of trade unions. Trade unions strive for the extraction of rents from the growth generating imperfectly competitive primary sector. This union behavior results in a non‐competitive wage differential between the primary and secondary (perfectly competitive) sector. How the relationship between growth and unemployment depends on the institutional details of the labor market is analyzed. In general, growth and unemployment are intimately related for two reasons. Unemployment affects the scale of operation of the economy and thereby the growth rate. Growth affects inter‐temporal decisions of workers about where to allocate on the labor market once they are laid off, and thereby it affects equilibrium unemployment.  相似文献   

Potato has a variety of reproductive uniquenesses besides its clonal propagation by tubers. These traits are controlled by a different kind of genetic control. The reproductive information has been applied to enable interspecific hybridization to enhance valuable traits, such as disease and pest resistances, from the tuber-bearing Solanum gene pool. While progress has been made in potato breeding, many resources have been invested due to the requirements of large populations and long time frame. This is not only due to the general pitfalls in plant breeding, but also due to the complexity of polyploid genetics. Tetraploid genetics is the most prominent aspect associated with potato breeding. Genetic maps and markers have contributed to potato breeding, and genome information further elucidates questions in potato evolution and supports comprehensive potato breeding. Challenges yet remain on recognizing intellectual property rights to breeding and germplasm, and also on regulatory aspects to incorporate modern biotechnology for increasing genetic variation in potato breeding.  相似文献   

不同花生品种氮磷钾钙硫吸收、分配和利用的差异   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
通过大田随机区组试验,研究优化施肥条件下,不同花生品种氮磷钾钙硫吸收、分配和利用的差异,旨在为豫南花生产区不同品种花生合理施用氮磷钾钙硫肥提供技术支撑。结果表明,花生仁中氮(N)、磷(P)、硫(S)含量最高,其中,‘驻花1号’的N、‘开农71’的P、‘冀花13’的S含量最高,分别为5.150%、0.558%、0.277%;花生茎叶中钾(K)、钙(Ca)含量最高,其中‘中花16’茎叶中K、‘中花24’茎叶中Ca含量最高,分别为1.637%、0.940%。花生仁中N、P、S积累量最高,其中,‘豫花40’花生仁中N、P、S积累量最高,分别为288.436、25.505、15.263 kg/hm2;花生茎叶中K、Ca积累量最高,其中‘豫花37’、‘中花24’茎叶中K、Ca积累量最高,分别为80.760、54.084 kg/hm2。每形成100 kg荚果需求的N、P2O5、K2O、CaO、S养分量分别3.920~5.042、0.905~1.293、1.626~2.721、0.777~1.150、0.270~0.343 kg。本试验条件下,每形成100 kg荚果,‘豫花22’需求的氮最低,‘中花24’需求的磷最低,‘商花5号’需求的钾、钙、硫最低;‘驻花1号’需求的氮最高,‘开农71’需求的磷、钾、硫最高,‘中花24’需求的钙最高。  相似文献   

旨在为薏苡科学施肥及高产潜力挖掘提供理论依据。以4个薏苡品系为试验材料,于2018—2019年进行大田试验,分析其在不同生育时期氮磷钾(NPK)元素的吸收、分配及利用规律。结果表明,4个薏苡品系的全株总生物量干重在20.5~24.7 t/hm2,地上部分生物产量干重在18.4~22.6 t/hm2之间,但是籽粒产量相对偏低,产量为1969.2~3109.1 kg/hm2。从薏苡抽穗至籽粒成熟,整个植株对NPK元素的吸收和积累量均有增加;N元素在抽穗至扬花期主要分布在茎鞘和叶片,至完全成熟籽粒中N素积累及分配均高于其他部位,而PK元素则主要分配在茎鞘部位。薏苡植株总NPK的吸收量平均为183.93 kg/hm2、62.57 kg/hm2和320.56 kg/hm2,平均吸收比例为N: P: K=2.94: 1: 5.12。薏苡NPK元素的籽粒生产效率和收获指数相对偏低,每100 kg籽粒对NPK养分需求量分别为5.6~7.3 kg,1.7~2.4 kg,8.0~15.0 kg。4个薏苡品系整体物质累积能力强、生物量大,但籽粒对NPK吸收分配和利用效率相对较低,高产潜力的挖掘仍有很大的提升空间。  相似文献   

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