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A series of experiments was performed to determine the factor(s) responsible for an apparent inhibition of GH secretion in mares administered the GH secretagogue EP51389 in combination with GnRH, thyrotropin-releasing hormone (TRH), and sulpiride. Experiment 1 tested the repeatability of the original observation: 10 mares received EP51389 at 10 microg/kg BW; five received TRH (10 microg/kg BW), GnRH (1 microg/kg BW), and sulpiride (100 microg/kg BW) immediately before EP51389, and five received saline. The mixture of TRH, GnRH, and sulpiride reduced (P = 0.0034) the GH response to EP51389, confirming the inhibitory effects. Experiment 2 tested the hypothesis that sulpiride, a dopamine antagonist, was the inhibitory agent. Twelve mares received EP51389 as in Exp. 1; six received sulpiride before EP51389 and six received saline. The GH responses in the two groups were similar (P > 0.1), indicating that sulpiride was not the inhibitory factor. Experiment 3 tested the effects of TRH and(or) GnRH in a 2 x 2 factorial arrangement of treatments. Three mares each received saline, TRH, GnRH, or the combination before EP51389 injection. There was a reduction (P < 0.0001) in GH response in mares receiving TRH, whereas GnRH had no effect (P > 0.1). Given those results, Exp. 4 was conducted to confirm that TRH was inhibitory in vivo as opposed to some unknown chemical interaction of the two compounds in the injection solution. Twenty mares received TRH or saline and(or) EP51389 or saline in a 2 x 2 factorial arrangement of treatments. Injections were given separately so that the two secretagogues never came in contact before injection. Again, TRH reduced (P < 0.0001) the GH response to EP51389. In addition, TRH and EP51389 each resulted in a temporary increase in cortisol concentrations. Experiment 5 tested whether TRH would alter the GH response to GHRH itself. Twelve mares received porcine GHRH at 0.4 microg/kg BW; six received TRH prior to GHRH and six received saline. After adjustment for pretreatment differences between groups, the GHRH-induced GH response was completely inhibited (P = 0.068) by TRH. Exp. 6 was a repeat of Exp. 5, except geldings were used (five per group). Again, pretreatment with TRH inhibited (P < 0.0001) the GH response to GHRH. In conclusion, TRH inhibits the GH response not only to EP51389 but also to GHRH in horses, and in addition to its known secretagogue action on prolactin and TSH it may also stimulate ACTH at the dosage used in these experiments.  相似文献   

Thirty-five ovariectomized pony mares were used to study the relationships among luteinizing hormone (LH), follicle stimulating hormone (FSH) and prolactin (PRL) concentrations in blood (secretion), in pituitary (storage) and in blood after secretagogue administration, as well as the content of gonadotropin releasing hormone (GnRH) in hypothalamic areas, under various conditions of steroidal and nonsteroidal treatment. Five mares each were treated daily for 21 d with vegetable shortening (controls), testosterone (T; 150 micrograms/kg of body weight, BW), dihydrotestosterone (DHT; 150 micrograms/kg BW), estradiol (E2; 35 micrograms/kg BW), progesterone (P4; 500 micrograms/kg BW), dexamethasone (DEX; 125 micrograms/kg BW) or charcoal-stripped equine follicular fluid (FF; 10 ml). Secretagogue injections (GnRH and thyrotropin releasing hormone, TRH, at 1 and 4 micrograms/kg of BW, respectively) were given one d prior to treatment and again after 15 d of treatment. Relative to controls, treatment with T, DHT and DEX reduced (P less than .05) LH secretion, storage and response to exogenous GnRH, whereas treatment with E2 increased (P less than .05) these same characteristics. Treatment with P4 reduced (P less than .05) only LH secretion. Treatment with T, DHT, E2 and DEX reduced (P less than .05) FSH secretion, whereas treatment with P4 increased (P less than .05) it and FF had no effect (P greater than .1). All treatments increased (P less than .05) FSH storage, whereas only treatment with T and DHT increased (P less than .05) the FSH response to exogenous GnRH. Other than a brief increase (P less than .05) in PRL secretion in mares treated with E2, secretion of PRL did not differ (P greater than .1) among groups. Only treatment with E2 increased (P less than .01) PRL storage, yet treatment with T or DHT (but not E2) increased (P less than .05) the PRL response to exogenous TRH. Content of GnRH in the body and pre-optic area of the hypothalamus was not affected (P greater than .1) by treatment, whereas treatment with T, E2 and DEX increased (P less than .1) GnRH content in the median eminence. For LH, secretion, storage and response to exogenous GnRH were all highly correlated (r greater than or equal to .77; P less than .01). For FSH, only storage and response to exogenous GnRH were related (r = .62; P less than .01). PRL characteristics were not significantly related to one another. Moreover, the amount of GnRH in the median eminence was not related (P greater than .1) to any LH or FSH characteristic.  相似文献   

Ten lighthorse stallions were used to determine 1) whether prolactin (PRL) and cortisol responses previously observed after acute exercise in summer would occur in winter when PRL secretion is normally low, 2) whether subsequent treatment with a dopamine receptor antagonist, sulpiride, for 14 d would increase PRL secretion and response to thyrotropin-releasing hormone (TRH) and exercise, and 3) whether secretion of LH, FSH, and cortisol would be affected by sulpiride treatment. On January 11, blood samples were drawn from all stallions before and after a 5-min period of strenuous running. On January 12, blood samples were drawn before and after an i.v. injection of GnRH plus TRH. From January 13 through 26, five stallions were injected s.c. daily with 500 mg of sulpiride; the remaining five stallions received vehicle. The exercise and secretagogue regimens were repeated on January 27 and 28, respectively. Before sulpiride injection, concentrations of both cortisol and PRL increased (P less than .05) 40 to 80% in response to exercise; concentrations of LH and FSH also increased (P less than .05) approximately 5 to 10%. Sulpiride treatment resulted in (P less than .05) a six- to eightfold increase in daily PRL secretion. The PRL response to TRH increased (P less than .05) fourfold in stallions treated with sulpiride but was unchanged in control stallions. Sulpiride treatment did not affect (P greater than .05) the LH or FSH response to exogenous GnRH.(ABSTRACT TRUNCATED AT 250 WORDS)  相似文献   

Five lighthorse mares were actively immunized against gonadotropin releasing hormone (GnRH) conjugated to bovine serum albumin (BSA) to study the involvement of GnRH in luteinizing hormone (LH) and follicle stimulating hormone (FSH) secretion following ovariectomy (OVX) and after administration of testosterone propionate (TP). Five mares immunized against BSA served as controls. Immunizations were started on November 1, and OVX was performed in June (d 1). All mares were treated with TP from d 50 to 59 after OVX. On the day of OVX, concentrations of LH were lower (P less than .05) in GnRH-immunized mares than in BSA-immunized mares and were generally nondetectable; FSH concentrations were reduced (P less than .05) by 50% in GnRH-immunized mares relative to BSA-immunized mares. In contrast to BSA-immunized mares, plasma concentrations of LH or FSH did not increase after OVX in GnRH-immunized mares. The LH response to GnRH analog (less than .1% cross-reactive with GnRH antibodies) on d 50 was reduced (P less than .05) by 97% in GnRH-immunized mares relative to BSA-immunized mares, whereas the FSH response was similar for both groups. Treatment with TP for 10 d reduced (P less than .01) the LH response and increased (P less than .01) the FSH response to GnRH analog in BSA-immunized mares, but it had no effect (P greater than .1) on the response of either gonadotropin in GnRH-immunized mares.(ABSTRACT TRUNCATED AT 250 WORDS)  相似文献   

Eight long-term ovariectomized pony mares were treated with either dihydrotestosterone (DHT) benzoate (400 micrograms/kg body weight) in safflower oil or an equivalent amount of oil every other day for 21 d to determine the effects of DHT on follicle stimulating hormone (FSH) and luteinizing hormone (LH) concentrations in blood samples drawn once daily and after administration of three successive injections of gonadotropin releasing hormone (GnRH). The GnRH injections were given at 4-h intervals on the day following the last DHT or oil injection. Treatment with DHT benzoate did not alter (P greater than .10) concentrations of FSH or LH in daily blood samples relative to controls. The FSH and LH response, assessed by areas under the GnRH curves, decreased (P less than .05) from the first to third injection of GnRH when averaged over both groups of mares. There was no effect of DHT treatment on FSH response to GnRH. There was an interaction (P less than .05) between treatment and GnRH injection for LH areas; areas decreased (P less than .05) for DHT-treated mares from the first to third GnRH injection but were unchanged for control mares. It seems that DHT alone cannot mimic the stimulatory effects of testosterone on FSH production and secretion as observed in previous experiments with ovariectomized and intact mares. Moreover, because intact mares have been shown previously to respond to DHT treatment with an increase in GnRH-induced FSH secretion, it appears that some mechanism is lost in long-term ovariectomized mares, making them unresponsive to DHT treatment.  相似文献   

Twenty ovariectomized pony mares were used to determine if dihydrotestosterone propionate (DHTP) administration, with or without estradiol benzoate (EB) pretreatment, would have the same effects on follicle stimulating hormone (FSH) and luteinizing hormone (LH) secretion as testosterone propionate (TP) administration. All mares were given an initial injection of gonadotropin releasing hormone (GnRH) to characterize their LH and FSH response, and then two groups of mares (n = 4/group) were administered EB (22 micrograms/kg of body weight), two groups were administered vehicle (safflower oil) and a fifth group was administered TP (175 micrograms/kg of body weight) daily for 10 days. Following a second injection of GnRH, one group of EB-treated mares and one group of oil-treated mares were administered DHTP (175 micrograms/kg of body weight) daily for 10 days; the other EB- and oil-treated mares were administered oil and the TP-treated mares were continued on the same dose of TP for 10 days. A final injection of GnRH was then given. Treatment with EB increased (P less than .01) concentrations of LH in daily blood samples and increased (P less than .05) the LH response to exogenous GnRH. Administration of TP or DHTP reduced (P less than .05) both daily LH concentrations and the LH response to exogenous GnRH. Concentrations of FSH in daily blood samples were reduced (P less than .05) and the FSH response to exogenous GnRH was increased (P less than .05) by administration of EB alone, DHTP alone or TP.(ABSTRACT TRUNCATED AT 250 WORDS)  相似文献   

An experiment was conducted to determine the effects of high vs low body condition scores (BCS) produced by restricted feeding on reproductive characteristics, hormonal secretion, and leptin concentrations in mares during the autumnal transition and winter anovulatory period. Mares with BCS of 6.5 to 8.0 were maintained on pasture and/or grass hay, and starting in September, were full fed or restricted to produce BCS of 7.5 to 8.5 (high) or 3.0 to 3.5 (low) by December. All but one mare with high BCS continued to ovulate or have follicular activity during the winter, whereas mares with low BCS went reproductively quiescent. Plasma leptin concentrations varied widely before the onset of restriction, even though all mares were in good body condition. During the experiment, leptin concentrations gradually decreased (P < 0.0001) over time in both groups, but were higher (P < 0.009) in mares with high vs low BCS after 6 wk of restriction, regardless of initial concentration. No differences (P > 0.1) between groups were detected for plasma concentrations of LH, FSH, TSH, GH, glucose, or insulin in samples collected weekly; in contrast, plasma prolactin concentrations were higher (P < 0.02) in mares with high BCS, but also decreased over time (P < 0.008). Plasma IGF-I concentrations tended (P = 0.1) to be greater in mares with high vs low BCS. The prolactin response to sulpiride injection on January 7 did not differ (P > 0.1) between groups. During 12 h of frequent blood sampling on January 12, LH concentrations were higher (P < 0.0001), whereas GH concentrations (P < 0.0001) and response to secretagogue (EP51389; P < 0.03) were lower in mares with high BCS. On January 19, the LH response to GnRH was higher (P < 0.02) in mares with high BCS; the prolactin response to TRH also was higher (P < 0.01) in mares with high BCS. In conclusion, nutrient restriction resulting in low BCS in mares resulted in a profound seasonal anovulatory period that was accompanied by lower leptin, IGF-I, and prolactin concentrations. All but one mare with high BCS continued to cycle throughout the winter or had significant follicular activity on the ovaries. Although leptin concentrations on average are very low in mares with low BCS and higher in well-fed mares, there is a wide variation in concentrations among well-fed mares, indicating that some other factor(s) may determine leptin concentrations under conditions of high BCS.  相似文献   

Effects of testosterone propionate (TP) treatment on plasma concentrations of luteinizing hormone (LH) and follicle-stimulating hormone (FSH) before and after an injection of gonadotropin releasing hormone (GnRH) were studied using ovariectomized cows and pony mares. An initial injection of GnRH (1 microgram/kg of body weight) was followed by either TP treatment or control injections for 10 (cows) or 11 (ponies) d. A second GnRH injection was administered 1 d after the last TP or oil injection. Concentrations of LH and FSH were determined in samples of plasma taken before and after each GnRH injection. Control injections did not alter the response to GnRH (area under curve) nor the pre-GnRH concentrations of LH and FSH in ovariectomized cows or ponies. Testosterone treatment increased (P less than .01) the FSH release in response to GnRH in ovariectomized mares by 4.9-fold; there was no effect in cows, even though average daily testosterone concentrations were 59% higher than in pony mares. Testosterone treatment reduced the LH release in response to GnRH by 26% in ovariectomized mares (P less than .05) and by 17% in ovariectomized cows (P approximately equal to .051). These results are consistent with a model that involves ovarian androgens in the regulation of FSH secretion in the estrous cycle of the mare, but do not support such a model in the cow.  相似文献   

Natural GnRH and its analog have potential for hastening ovulation in mares. A study was conducted to evaluate the efficacy of a GnRH agonist given either as an injectable or s.c. implant for induction of ovulation in mares. Forty-five seasonally anestrous mares (March) were assigned to one of three groups (n = 15/group): 1) untreated controls; 2) i.m. injection of the GnRH agonist buserelin at 12-h intervals (40 micrograms/injection for 28 d or until ovulation) and 3) GnRH agonist administered as a s.c. implant (approximately 100 micrograms/24 h for 28 d). Six mares per group were bled on d 0, 7, 14 and 21 after injection or insertion of implant. Samples were taken at -1, -.5 and 0 h and at .5, 1, 1.5, 2, 4, 6 and 8 h after GnRH. Additional daily samples were drawn for 28 d after injection or until ovulation. Samples were assayed for concentration of LH and FSH. Progesterone concentrations were determined in samples collected on d 4, 6 and 10 after ovulation. Number and size of follicles and detection of ovulation were determined by ultrasonography. Number of mares induced to ovulate within 30 d was 0 of 15, 7 of 15 and 9 of 15 for groups 1, 2 and 3, respectively. During treatment, follicle sizes were smaller for mares in group 3 (implant). The LH response to GnRH agonist (area under curve) was similar among groups at d 0 but was greater (P less than .05) for mares in group 3 on d 7 and 14 and groups 2 and 3 on d 21 than for controls. A similar pattern was detected for peak concentrations of LH after GnRH on d 0, 7, 14 and 21. Daily concentrations of LH remained low in untreated control mares compared with GnRH-treated mares throughout the sampling period. Concentrations of LH for mares in group 3 that ovulated were elevated greatly above those for group 2 mares, whereas concentrations of FSH were similar in both treatment groups prior to ovulation.  相似文献   

Hourly pulses of gonadotropin-releasing hormone (GnRH) or bi-daily injections of estradiol (E2) can increase luteinizing hormone (LH) secretion in ovariectomized, anestrous pony mares. However, the site (pituitary versus hypothalamus) of positive feedback of estradiol on gonadotropin secretion has not been described in mares. Thus, one of our objectives involved investigating the feedback of estradiol on the pituitary. The second objective consisted of determining if hourly pulses of GnRH could re-establish physiological LH and FSH concentrations after pituitary stalk-section (PSS), and the third objective was to describe the declining time trends of LH and FSH secretion after PSS. During summer months, ovariectomized pony mares were divided into three groups: Group 1 (control, n = 2), Group 2 (pulsatile GnRH (25 μg/hr), n = 3), and Group 3 (estradiol (5 mg/12 hr), n = 3). All mares were stalk-sectioned and treatment begun immediately after stalk-section. Blood samples were collected every 30 min for 8 h on the day before surgery (DO) and 5 d post surgery (D5) to facilitate the comparison of gonadotropin levels before and after pituitary stalk-section. Additionally, jugular blood samples were collected every 12 hr beginning the evening of surgery, allowing for evaluation of the gonadotropin secretory time trends over the 10 d of treatment. On Day 10, animals were euthanized to confirm pituitary stalk-section and to submit tissue for messenger RNA analysis (parallel study). Plasma samples were assayed for LH and FSH by RIA. Mean LH secretion decreased from Day 0 to Day 5 in Groups 1 and 3, whereas LH secretion tended (P < 0.08) to decrease in Group 2 mares. On Day 5, LH was higher (P < 0.01) in Group 2 (17.26 ± 3.68 ng/ml; LSMEANS ± SEM), than either Group 1 (2.65 ± 4.64 ng/ml) or group 3 (4.28 ± 3.68 ng/ml). Group 1 did not differ from Group 3 on Day 5 (P < 0.40). Similarly, mean FSH levels decreased in all groups after surgery, yet Group 2 mares had significantly (P < 0.001) higher FSH concentrations (17.66 ± 1.53 ng/ml) than Group 1 or Group 3 (8.34 ± 1.84 and 7.69 ± 1. 63 ng/ml, respectively). Regression analysis of bi-daily LH and FSH levels indicated that the time trends were not parallel. These findings indicate: 1) Pituitary stalk-section lowered LH and FSH to undetectable levels within 5 d after surgery, 2) pulsatile administration of GnRH (25 μg/hr) maintained LH and FSH secretion, although concentrations tended to be lower than on Day 0, and 3) E2 did not stimulate LH or FSH secretion.  相似文献   

We hypothesized that the LH response to GnRH would be greater as the interval from foaling increases, whereas the FSH response would decrease, and that corpus luteum function after the first ovulation would be similar to that after the second ovulation. At parturition, mares were assigned to receive GnRH (2 micrograms/kg) intravenously on 1) d 3 postpartum (n = 6); 2) d 6 postpartum (n = 6); 3) d 1 of first postpartum estrus (foal estrus) and again on d 1 of second postpartum estrus (n = 8). Blood was collected through an indwelling cannula at -2, -1 and 0 h relative to GnRH stimulation (basal concentrations) and at .25, .5, .75, 1.0, 1.5, 2.0, 2.5, 3.0, 3.5 and 4.0 h post-GnRH. Samples were assayed for concentrations of LH and FSH. Basal concentrations of LH were lower (P less than .05) for mares given GnRH on d 3 postpartum than for mares on d 1 of foal estrus. A rise in concentrations of LH was noted within 30 min in all groups, but the response to GnRH on d 1 of the first estrus was less (P less than .05) than on d 1 of second postpartum estrus. As the interval from parturition increased, the amount of LH secreted in response to GnRH increased. The maximum response to GnRH was greater (P less than .05) during d 1 of the first estrus than on d 3 or 6 postpartum and was greater on d 1 of cycle 2 than on d 1 of cycle 1.(ABSTRACT TRUNCATED AT 250 WORDS)  相似文献   

In Exp. 1, 16 long-term ovariectomized pony mares were used to determine the effects of treatment with estradiol benzoate (EB) and dihydrotestosterone (DHT) benzoate alone, and in combination, on secretion of follicle stimulating hormone (FSH) and luteinizing hormone (LH) in daily blood samples and after three consecutive injections of gonadotropin releasing hormone (GnRH). Administration of EB alone, or in combination with DHT, every other day for 11 d reduced (P less than .05) concentrations of FSH and increased (P less than .05) concentrations of LH in daily blood samples, and increased (P less than .05) the secretion of both gonadotropins after administration of GnRH. Treatment with DHT alone had no effect (P greater than .10) on LH or FSH concentrations in daily blood samples and no effect on the LH response to exogenous GnRH. There was no interaction (P greater than .10) between DHT and EB treatment for any hormonal characteristic. In Exp. 2, the control mares and mares treated with DHT in Exp. 1 were equally allotted to treatment with vehicle or testosterone propionate (TP) every other day for six injections, and then GnRH was administered as in Exp. 1. Treatment with TP had no effect (P greater than .10) on LH or FSH concentrations in daily blood samples but increased (P less than .05) the FSH response to exogenous GnRH, confirming our findings in previous experiments. It is concluded that the TP-induced stimulation of FSH secretion after exogenous GnRH in ovariectomized mares may involve estrogens produced from aromatization of the injected androgen.(ABSTRACT TRUNCATED AT 250 WORDS)  相似文献   

We previously reported success in inducing early ovulation in seasonally anovulatory mares with a combination of estradiol pretreatment followed by daily administration of a dopamine antagonist (sulpiride). Although every-other-day injections of estradiol benzoate (EB) were effective in that experiment, practical application of this technology would require simplification of the treatment regimen. The current experiment was designed to compare, in a gelding model, the biologic responses of two alternative, one-injection regimens for estradiol delivery to the established EB treatment used previously. Fifteen long-term geldings were sampled via jugular venipuncture from November 5 to 7, 2006, and were then administered intramuscular injections of vegetable oil (n = 4); EB, 11 mg in oil (n = 4; controls); EB in biodegradable microspheres (300 mg; n = 3); or estradiol cypionate, 100 mg in oil (n = 4). Injections of EB in oil were repeated every other day for a total of 10 injections, as was done in our previous experiment. Jugular blood samples were drawn from all geldings at 3, 6, 12, 24, 36, and 48 hours relative to injections, and then on the mornings of days 3, 4, 6, 8, 10 to 18, 22, 26, and 30. On days 10 through 13, all geldings received subcutaneous injections of 125 mg sulpiride, a dopamine receptor antagonist, to stimulate prolactin secretion. On day 12, each gelding received an intravenous injection of 30 μg gonadotropin-releasing hormone (GnRH) analog and 3 mg thyrotropin-releasing hormone (TRH); frequent blood samples were drawn to characterize the luteinizing hormone (LH), follicle-stimulating hormone (FSH), and prolactin responses. Relative to geldings receiving oil, all geldings receiving estradiol injections had a rise (P < .05) in estradiol concentrations lasting at least 12 days. Daily LH concentrations increased (P < 0.01) in all treated groups, but the response was delayed approximately 14 days in the geldings receiving EB in microspheres. Daily FSH concentrations decreased (P < .01) in all treated groups, with the greatest response in the geldings receiving EB in microspheres. Prolactin in daily samples increased (P < .01) similarly in all estradiol-treated groups after injection of sulpiride. The LH response to GnRH analog was greatest (P < .05) in geldings receiving EB in oil and estradiol cypionate; the FSH response was not altered by treatment. The prolactin response to TRH was greater (P < .01) in estradiol-treated geldings relative to controls, but did not differ among groups. Compared with the responses to every-other-day EB injections in oil, as we used previously, a single injection of 100 mg estradiol cypionate gave the most similar and consistent responses. Because of these similar responses in this gelding model, it is likely that a single injection of 100 mg estradiol cypionate can be used in lieu of every-other-day injections of EB in oil in the treatment regimen we reported previously for stimulating ovarian activity in seasonally anovulatory mares.  相似文献   

Twelve long-term ovariectomized (OVX) pony mares were used to determine the effects of dexamethasone (DEX) or progesterone (PR) on concentrations of follicle stimulating hormone (FSH) and luteinizing hormone (LH) in daily blood samples and after administration of gonadotropin releasing hormone (GnRH). All mares were subsequently administered dihydrotestosterone (DHT) to determine if DEX or PR treatment altered the FSH or LH response to this androgen. Daily blood sampling was started on day 1. After a pretreatment injection of GnRH on day 5, four mares were administered DEX at 125 micrograms/kg of body weight (BW), four mares were administered PR at 500 micrograms/kg of BW and four mares were administered vehicle. Injections were given subcutaneously in vegetable shortening daily through day 14. After a second injection of GnRH on day 15, all mares were administered DHT in shortening at 150 micrograms/kg of BW. Injections of DHT were given daily through day 24. A final injection of GnRH was given on day 25. Treatment of mares with DEX 1) reduced (P less than .01) daily LH secretion and briefly increased (P less than .05) daily FSH secretion and 2) increased (P less than .01) the FSH response to exogenous GnRH. Treatment of mares with PR had no effect on daily LH secretion but increased (P less than .05) daily FSH secretion and increased (P less than .01) the FSH response to exogenous GnRH.(ABSTRACT TRUNCATED AT 250 WORDS)  相似文献   

The present experiment characterized the pituitary responsiveness to exogenous GnRH in the first 10 d after ovulation following commercially available deslorelin acetate implantation at the normal dosage for hastening ovulation in mares. Twelve mature, cyclic mares were assessed daily for estrus and three times weekly for ovarian activity starting May 1. Mares achieving a follicle at least 25 mm in diameter or showing signs of estrus were checked daily thereafter for ovarian characteristics. When a follicle >30 mm was detected, mares were administered either a single deslorelin acetate implant or a sham injection and then assessed daily for ovulation. On d 1, 4, 7, and 10 following ovulation, each mare was challenged i.v. with 50 microg GnRH, and blood samples were collected to characterize the LH and FSH responses. The size of the largest follicle on the day of treatment did not differ (P = 0.89) between groups. The number of days from treatment to ovulation was shorter (P < 0.001) by 2.0 d for the treated mares indicating a hastening of ovulation. The size of the largest follicle present on the days of GnRH challenge was larger in the treated mares on d 1 (P = 0.007) but smaller on d 10 (P = 0.02). In addition, the interovulatory interval was longer (P = 0.036) in the treated mares relative to controls by 4.4 d. Concentrations of FSH in plasma of the treated mares were lower (P < 0.05) than control concentrations from d 3 to 12; LH concentrations in the treated mares were lower (P < 0.05) relative to controls on d 0 to 5, d 7, and again on d 20 to 23. Progesterone values were the same (P = 0.99) for both groups from 2 d before ovulation though d 23. There was an interaction of treatment, day, and time of sampling (P < 0.001) for LH and FSH concentrations after injection of GnRH. Both the LH and FSH responses were suppressed (P < 0.009) in the treated mares relative to controls on d 1, 4, and 7; by d 10, the responses of the two groups were equivalent. In conclusion, deslorelin administration in this manner increased the interovulatory interval, consistently suppressed plasma LH and FSH concentrations, and resulted in a complete lack of responsiveness of LH and FSH to GnRH stimulation at the dose used during the first 7 d after the induced ovulation. Together, these results are consistent with a temporary down-regulation of the pituitary gland in response to deslorelin administered in this manner.  相似文献   

Studies were conducted to compare continuous vs pulsatile i.v. infusion of GnRH on serum gonadotropin concentrations and ovulation in seasonally anestrous mares and in cycling mares. Anestrous mares (Exp. 1) received no treatment (control; n = 3), 2, or 20 micrograms of GnRH/h continuous infusion (CI) (n = 4 and n = 6, respectively), or 20 micrograms of GnRH/h pulsatile infusion (PI) (n = 5). After initiation of GnRH infusion, serum LH levels increased earlier, and to a greater extent, in the PI group than in other groups (P less than .05). In contrast, serum FSH concentrations did not differ among groups. The number of days to development of the first 35-mm follicle was not different among GnRH treatment groups; however, mares receiving PI ovulated on d 9.4 of treatment, 2.8 d earlier than those receiving 20 micrograms of GnRH/h CI (P less than .05). Mares given 2 micrograms of GnRH/h CI failed to ovulate spontaneously after 16 d of treatment, but each one ovulated within 2 to 4 d after injection of 2,000 IU of hCG on d 16. Control mares did not ovulate or show any significant follicular development throughout the experiment. Cycling mares (Exp. 2) received no treatment (control; n = 6), 20 micrograms of GnRH/h CI, or 20 micrograms of GnRH/h PI (n = 4) beginning on d 16 of an estrous cycle (d 0 = day of ovulation). Serum LH concentrations in all groups increased after initiation of treatment; however, on the day of ovulation LH concentrations were lower in the CI group than in the PI or control groups (P less than .05).(ABSTRACT TRUNCATED AT 250 WORDS)  相似文献   

A radioimmunoassay (RIA) based on anti-equine prolactin antiserum and radioiodinated canine prolactin was used to assess the dose response of plasma prolactin to thyrotropin releasing hormone (TRH) in mares in the nonbreeding season (winter) and in mares in estrus in the breeding season (summer). Mares were administered TRH intravenously and blood samples were collected via jugular catheters at −15, 0, 15, 30, 45, 60, 90, 120, 180 and 240 min relative to injection. Doses of TRH were 0, .08, .40, 2.0 and 10.0 mg per mare (n = 3 per dose within each season). The prolactin response was assessed by absolute hormonal concentrations before and after TRH injection and by net area under the curve. Prolactin concentrations in plasma before injection of TRH were higher (P < .01) in estrous mares in summer than in anestrous mares in winter (4.8 vs 1.3 ng/ml). Moreover, there was a greater (P < .01) response to TRH injection in estrous mares than in anestrous mares. Based on areas under the curve, there was an effect of season (P < .01) and of TRH dose (P < .01) as well as a season-dose interaction (P < .01). In general, there was little or no prolactin response to any dose of TRH in anestrous mares in winter when pre-TRH concentrations were low. In contrast, there was an increase in the prolactin response with increasing doses of TRH up to 2.0 mg in estrous mares in summer; 2.0 and 10.0 mg of TRH resulted in similar prolactin secretion. We conclude 1) that prolactin secretion in the horse is stimulated by TRH as has been reported for other species and 2) that prolactin concentrations and the TRH-induced secretion of prolactin are greater in estrous mares in summer than in anestrous mares in winter.  相似文献   

The effects of a long-acting gonadotropin-releasing hormone (GnRH) agonist, [D-Trp6]-GnRH (GnRH-A) on developmental profiles of plasma luteinizing hormone (LH), follicle stimulation hormone (FSH) and testosterone (T), and pituitary responsiveness to exogenous GnRH were studied in male Dutch Landrace x Large White crossbred pigs from 1 to 30 wk of age. Group 1 control animals (control; n = 12) were injected subcutaneously in the neck with vehicle at 1 and 16 wk of age. Group 2 animals (early treatment; n = 10) were injected with 600 micrograms [D-Trp6]-GnRH at 1 wk and with vehicle at 16 wk. Group 3 animals (late treatment; n = 8) were injected with vehicle and 3 mg GnRH-A at 1 and 16 wk, respectively. Group 4 animals (early plus late treatment; n = 9) were injected at both 1 and 16 wk with GnRH-A. Blood was collected by brachiocephalic puncture at weekly or biweekly intervals, and through brachiocephalic cannulae, to determine longitudinal profiles of LH, FSH and T, and plasma gonadotropin responses to intravenous injection of GnRH (0.1 microgram/kg), respectively. In control animals, LH and FSH declined over the first 5 wk of postnatal life and peaked again at 10-14 wk. Levels of both hormones were basal from 18 to 30 wk. Plasma T was high in the first week, declined progressively over the next few weeks and remained low until 24 wk when a transient increment was noted. The LH and FSH responses to acute GnRH stimulation were similar at 7 and 14 wk and declined significantly at 23 wk of age.(ABSTRACT TRUNCATED AT 250 WORDS)  相似文献   

Four groups of mares, representing anestrus (AN; n = 8), early transition (ET; n = 7), late transition (LT; n = 8) and estrus (EST; n = 12) were used to examine release of luteinizing hormone (LH) and follicle stimulating hormone (FSH) after a bolus injection of gonadotropin releasing hormone (GnRH) during the transition from anestrus into the breeding season. Estrous mares received GnRH on d 2 or 3 of estrus in the cycle immediately preceding slaughter. Anestrous, ET and LT mares received GnRH exactly 1 wk prior to slaughter. A single injection of GnRH (Sigma LHRH, L-0507, 2.0 micrograms/kg body weight in .9% saline, iv) was given to each mare. Blood samples were collected at -2, h, -1 h, directly prior to GnRH, then 15, 30, 45, 60, 90, 120, 150, 180, 210, 240, 300, 360, 420 and 480 min post-injection. Maximum release of LH and FSH was observed within 30 min after injection of GnRH. Except for the LH response in EST mares, concentrations of both hormones had returned to pre-injection baseline levels within 8 h. Group means for area under the curve (AUC) of concentrations of LH in serum, and the maximum amount (MAX) of LH quantified in serum, post-GnRH, increased (P less than .05) progressively from AN to the breeding season. The AUC and MAX responses for FSH showed a reverse pattern, decreasing (P less than .05) from AN to the breeding season.(ABSTRACT TRUNCATED AT 250 WORDS)  相似文献   

Two experiments were conducted in ovariectomized, pituitary stalk-transected ewes to determine if dopamine (DA), norepinephrine (NE) or serotonin (5-HT) alter secretion of luteinizing hormone (LH), follicle-stimulating hormone (FSH) and prolactin (PRL). In experiment 1, ewes were infused (iv) with saline (control), DA (66 micrograms/kg/min), NE (6.6 micrograms/kg/min) or 5-HT (6.6 micrograms/kg/min). Treatments did not alter pulse frequency, but 5-HT increased (P less than .05) amplitude of pulses of LH and mean concentrations of LH, DA and NE were without effect on basal secretion of LH. DA but not NE or 5-HT decreased (P less than .05) the release of LH in response to gonadotropin hormone-releasing hormone (GnRH, 25 micrograms, im). Concentrations of FSH were not affected by treatments. Secretion of PRL was reduced (P less than .05) by treatment with DA and NE but not 5-HT. Each amine reduced (P less than .05) the release of PRL in response to thyrotropin-releasing hormone (TRH; 3 micrograms, im). In experiment 2, ewes were given DA at doses of 0, 0.66, 6.6 or 66.0 micrograms/kg/min, iv. No dose altered basal LH, but each dose reduced (P less than .05) basal and TRH-induced release of PRL. Key findings from these studies include direct pituitary action for: (1) 5-HT enhanced basal secretion of LH, (2) suppression of GnRH-induced secretion of LH by DA. (3) DA and NE inhibition of PRL secretion, and (4) DA, NE and 5-HT inhibition of release of PRL in response to TRH.  相似文献   

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