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不同耕作方式对小麦田杂草的发生及小麦产量的影响   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
探讨四川省小麦田免耕不覆盖稻草、免耕覆盖稻草、翻耕3种不同耕作方式下杂草发生规律以及小麦生长差异,结果表明,免耕处理可减少杂草的发生,免耕加5 000 kg/hm2稻草覆盖量可有效控制小麦田杂草的发生;免耕不覆盖稻草和翻耕处理在小麦播后2周左右杂草有1个出苗高峰,因此应在小麦播种后第2周对杂草进行化学防除.3种不同耕作方式下对小麦生长发育影响较大的杂草为禾本科杂草和繁缕;覆盖稻草可在一定程度上促进小麦出苗后的生长,产量也较未覆盖处理和翻耕处理高.  相似文献   

采取田间小区试验方法,研究35%氟噻草胺·吡氟酰草胺悬浮剂对小麦田一年生杂草的防除效果和对小麦的安全性。在小麦播后,苗前使用35%氟噻草胺·吡氟酰草胺悬浮剂进行土壤喷雾,药后45 d各处理对杂草的总体株防治效果达86.7%~97.7%,鲜质量总体防治效果达93.4%~98.8%。该药剂可有效防除小麦田繁缕、啐米荠、看麦娘、通泉草、扬子毛茛、鼠麴等一年生杂草,且对小麦安全,田间推荐每667 m~2使用剂量95~125 m L。  相似文献   

据农业生产一线反馈的信息,近年来小麦田使用苯磺隆,对猪殃殃、大巢菜、繁缕等杂革的防效下降,而使用使它隆(20%氯氟吡氧乙酸乳油)、快灭灵(40%唑草酮水分散粒剂)等除草剂防治效果虽好,但成本较高。冬前防除小麦田阏叶杂草有没有成本较低的方法呢?并且有反映,麦田使用氯氟吡氧乙酸对荠菜等阔叶杂草防效不太好,用唑草酮对繁缕、大巢菜防效差。  相似文献   

采用田间药效试验方法,研究了增效酮梨与22%氯吡·苯·唑草可湿性粉剂、20%氯氟吡氧乙酸乳油2种除草剂混用对小麦田阔叶杂草的防除效果.结果表明,2种除草剂与供试增效剂混用可有效防除小麦田常见阔叶杂草.药后30d,各药剂处理对杂草防除效果最高,其中22%氯吡·苯·唑草可湿性粉剂加增效酮梨防效可达90.99%,药后45d鲜质量防效最高可达95.25%.2种除草剂的使用可提高小麦产量.  相似文献   

为明确53%2甲4氯·苄嘧磺隆·唑草酮水分散粒剂对小麦田阔叶杂草的防除效果和对小麦的安全性,于小麦返青后采用茎叶喷雾施药,定期调查杂草防效及其对小麦安全性的影响。结果表明,53%2甲4氯·苄嘧磺隆·唑草酮水分散粒剂适宜用量为159.00~238.50 g a.i./hm~2,药后40 d对杂草总体株数防效为84.85%~89.52%,鲜重防效为91.46%~93.85%。53%2甲4氯·苄嘧磺隆·唑草酮水分散粒剂对小麦田阔叶杂草有很好的防除效果,且对小麦安全。  相似文献   

为了明确湖南省烟田杂草种群与分布,采用对角线五点取样法在全省烟田进行了系统调查。结果表明,烟田杂草共有30科77种,其中禾本科杂草占比14.29%,阔叶杂草占比81.82%,莎草科杂草占比3.89%;一年生杂草占比75.32%,多年生杂草占比24.68%。相对多度大于3%的杂草有铁苋菜、酸模叶蓼、稗、碎米荠、马唐、繁缕、喜旱莲子草、看麦娘、通泉草、鸭跖草、水苦荬等11种,其中铁苋菜、酸模叶蓼、稗为湖南省烟田优势杂草种群,碎米荠、马唐、繁缕、喜旱莲子草、看麦娘、通泉草、鸭跖草、水苦荬为湖南省烟田区域性优势杂草种群。湖南省烟田杂草防除主要采用苗前土壤处理和苗后茎叶处理相结合的化学防除方法,主要使用的化学除草剂是精异丙甲草胺和砜嘧磺隆。本研究结果表明,湖南省烟田杂草存在区域性差异,应因地制宜制定合适的化学防治方案。  相似文献   

河北省小麦田杂草调查及药剂防除播娘蒿研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
分别在2013和2014年对河北省邯郸、邢台、石家庄、保定、廊坊、沧州、唐山市小麦田杂草进行了调查,明确了河北省小麦田杂草的种类组成及群落结构,并选取播娘蒿作为靶标,进行了田间药效试验。调查区域小麦田共有杂草60种,隶属于22科57属。其中,单子叶植物2科,22属,22种;双子叶植物20科,35属,38种。播娘蒿、荠菜、雀麦、藜、田旋花为河北省小麦田优势杂草。田间药效试验表明,供试药剂37%苄嘧磺隆·唑草酮·炔草酯可湿性粉剂、70.5%2甲4氯钠·唑草酮可湿性粉剂、34%唑草酮·氯氟吡氧乙酸可湿性粉剂、6%双氟磺草胺·唑草酮油悬浮剂以及16%双氟磺草胺·氯氟吡氧乙酸异辛酯油悬浮剂处理对播娘蒿的防除效果均较好,药后28 d株防效和鲜重防效普遍在90%左右,持效期较长;而75%苯磺隆颗粒剂单独施用对播娘蒿防效较差,施药28 d后株防效65.00%,鲜重防效58.60%,但是当苯磺隆与助剂有机硅或松油酯共同施用时,防效显著提高。  相似文献   

为明确12%双氟磺草胺·唑草酮·氯氟吡氧乙酸悬浮剂在冬小麦田的应用前景,采用了田间小区试验的方法,研究其对冬小麦田主要阔叶杂草的控制作用和对小麦的安全性。结果表明:12%双氟·唑·氯氟吡氧乙酸悬浮剂对冬小麦田主要阔叶杂草猪殃殃、荠菜、播娘蒿、繁缕等阔叶杂草均有较好的防除效果,随用药量的增加防效逐渐提高,各处理药后30 d株数防效和鲜质量防效均在95%以上,优于苯磺隆常规剂量处理的防效,对小麦安全性良好,提高了小麦的产量。  相似文献   

为解决固氮绿肥紫云英种植过程中阔叶杂草防除难题,进行了7种除草剂对稻茬紫云英杂草防除效果及作物安全性评价田间药效试验。结果表明,紫云英返青起身期,采用80%唑嘧磺草胺水分散粒剂(WG) 75 g/hm2、56%2甲4氯钠盐可溶粉剂(SP)2 145 g/hm2、480 g/L灭草松水剂(AS)3 000 mL/hm2进行茎叶喷雾,能有效防除多种阔叶草,且对紫云英安全。30%草除灵悬浮剂(SC)975 mL/hm2对紫云英安全,对繁缕、猪殃殃防效优异;对碎米荠株防效一般,生长抑制作用显著;对野老鹳草基本无效。288 g/L氯氟吡氧乙酸异辛酯乳油(EC)1 050 mL/hm2可有效防除繁缕、猪殃殃、野老鹳草,对碎米荠防效不佳,该处理药后早期对紫云英有一定药害,后期可恢复,不影响紫云英地上部分鲜草产量。250 g/L氟磺胺草醚AS 1 200 mL/hm2、10%乙羧氟草醚EC 900 mL/hm2安全性很差,严禁使用。为实现一次用药就能...  相似文献   

为筛选出适于防除长江中下游地区小麦田主要恶性杂草的高活性除草剂,采用室内整株生物测定法测定了日本看麦娘和猪殃殃对小麦田常用除草剂的敏感性。试验结果表明:在推荐剂量范围内,丙草胺、异丙隆、绿麦隆、氟噻草胺和吡氟酰草胺等5种小麦田除草剂土壤处理均对日本看麦娘有较好的毒力作用;精■唑禾草灵、炔草酯、唑啉草酯、甲基二磺隆、环吡氟草酮、啶磺草胺、三甲苯草酮、异丙隆、绿麦隆等9种常用除草剂茎叶处理对日本看麦娘毒力效果显著。土壤处理剂氟噻草胺、吡氟酰草胺和茎叶处理剂灭草松、氯氟吡氧乙酸、唑草酮对猪殃殃的毒力较好,ED_(90)值均低于各自推荐剂量。因此在实际生产中可以根据不同的草相应用不同的高活性除草剂,以提高防除效果。  相似文献   

Reduced tillage provides ecological and economic benefits to arable land on the Loess Plateau of China, where soil erosion has long been a serious problem and soil water availability is largely restricted. However, high abundances of weeds in reduced tillage systems cause significant yield losses. In this study, we explored the effects of no-tillage and stubble retention on the number and density of weeds and weed seeds in a 12-year maize-winter wheat-common vetch rotation on the Loess Plateau. Four treatments including conventional tillage, no-tillage, conventional tillage+stubble retention and no-tillage+stubble retention were designed and applied. We found that no-tillage increased the number of weed species and weed density in most of the crops, while stubble retention decreased weed density in maize and tended to suppress weeds in both no-tillage treatments(no-tillage and no-tillage+stubble retention). No-tillage led to an increase in the number of weed species in the weed seedbank and tended to increase seed density during the spring growth of winter wheat, but it decreased seed density during post-vetch fallow. Stubble retention tended to reduce seed density during the spring growth of winter wheat and post-vetch fallow. We concluded that no-tillage can promote weeds in the experimental crop rotation, while stubble retention suppresses weeds in untilled fields. The combined effects of stubble retention and no-tillage on weed suppression varied among the three crops. Based on these results, we recommend stubble retention in untilled legume-crop rotations on the Loess Plateau to improve the control of weeds.  相似文献   

A long-term study of weed flora shifts in different tillage systems   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Knowledge of the long-term effects of tillage on weed flora will provide useful information to improve weed management in agroecosystems. Field studies were conducted from 1991 to 1997 to evaluate the effects of tillage systems on weed density and species composition before control methods in rotations including wheat ( Triticum aestivum L.), soyabean [ Glycine max (L.) Merr.] and maize ( Zea mays L.). In wheat, annual broad-leaved species showed higher populations in conventional tillage in 4 out of 6 years, and grassy annuals and perennial species showed an erratic response with tillage systems. In summer crops, broad-leaved populations were higher under conventional tillage than non-tillage for the last 5 years in the wheat/soyabean rotation and for the last 4 years in the maize/soyabean rotation. The weed spectrum changed rapidly in non-tillage plots. With time, in the absence of tillage, grassy annual populations increased in the maize/soyabean rotation, and wind-dispersed weed populations increased in the wheat/soyabean rotation. Perennial weeds showed an inconsistent behaviour in relation to tillage systems in the maize/soyabean rotation.  相似文献   

Summary There is a lack of information on the combined effects of preceding crop, reduced tillage (especially no-tillage) and the time of herbicide application on the development of weed populations and the efficiency of weed control in winter wheat in humid temperate climates. An experiment was conducted with a crop rotation (winter wheat – oilseed rape – winter wheat – maize) on a sandy loam and a loamy silt soil in the Swiss midlands to investigate the impact of different preceding crops and pre- and post-emergence control of weeds in conventional tillage (CT; mouldboard plough), minimum tillage (MT; chisel plough) and no-tillage (NT; no soil disturbance systems). When winter wheat was grown after maize and winter wheat was grown after oilseed rape, the ranking order of weed density in treatments without herbicide application was NT < MT < CT and CT < MT < NT respectively. Analysis of variance and canonical discriminant analysis showed that Epilobium spp., Sonchus arvensis , Myosotis arvensis and volunteer crops were more abundant in NT than in MT and CT. The efficiency of post-emergence weed control was generally better than that of pre-emergence weed control, regardless of tillage intensity.  相似文献   

In the conservation agricultural systems practised in Australia, cultivation is not commonly utilised for the purpose of weed control. However, occasional use of tillage (strategic tillage) is implemented every few years for soil amelioration, to address constraints such as acidity, water repellence or soil compaction. Depending on the tillage method, the soil amelioration process buries or disturbs the topsoil. The act of amelioration also changes the soil physical and chemical properties and affects crop growth. While these strategic tillage practices are not usually applied for weed control, they are likely to have an impact on weed seedbank burial, which will in turn affect seed dormancy and seedbank depletion. Strategic tillage impacts on seed burial and soil characteristics will also affect weed emergence, plant survival, competitive ability of weeds against the crop and efficiency of soil applied pre-emergent herbicides. If growers understand the impacts of soil amelioration on weed demography, they can more effectively plan management strategies to apply following the strategic tillage practice. Weed seed burial resulting from a full soil inversion is understood, but for many soil tillage implements, more data is needed on the extent of soil mixing, burial of topsoil and the weed seedbank, physical control of existing weeds and stimulation of emergence following the tillage event. Within the agronomic system, there is no research on optimal timing for a tillage event within the year. There are multiple studies to indicate that strategic tillage can reduce weed density, but in most studies, the weed density increases in subsequent years. This indicates that more research is required on the interaction of amelioration and weed ecology, and optimal weed management strategies following a strategic tillage event to maintain weeds at low densities. However, this review also highlights that, where the impacts of soil amelioration are understood, existing data on weed ecology can be applied to potentially determine impacts of amelioration on weed growth.  相似文献   

水分和温度对冬小麦和玉米免耕作产量影响的研究   总被引:3,自引:1,他引:2  
本文对宁夏彭阳县旱地冬小麦、玉米的免耕作中水分和温度对产量的影响进行了探索。试验结果表明:播种前、后,旱地免耕作膜侧种植冬小麦处理比无地膜覆盖常规耕作处理的土壤含水量高,膜侧种植冬小麦生育后期土壤水分明显高于无地膜覆盖常规耕作处理。膜侧的土壤含水量高于膜内的土壤含水量,有利于膜侧冬小麦的生长。旱地免耕作膜侧冬小麦产量达3540kg/hm2,比对照增产78.8%,纯收益比对照提高79.7%。旱地玉米免耕作秸秆覆盖处理的土壤含水量明显高于常规耕作玉米处理的土壤含水量。覆盖1/2玉米秸秆、全部玉米秸秆处理的土壤平均含水量分别比常规耕作增加11.1%和9.8%。但是常规耕作有地膜覆盖,对耕层土壤的增温效果最好,而玉米秸秆覆盖对土壤增温的效果较差。覆盖1/2玉米秸秆、全部玉米秸秆处理产量分别比常规耕作减产25.4%和11.2%。  相似文献   

江苏免少耕麦田纹枯病发生规律研究   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:2       下载免费PDF全文
不同耕作法对小麦纹枯病间消长动态影响不大,免少耕田纹枯病病株率和病情指数略高于常规耕田,但年度间有波动。杂草对纹枯病影响较明显,免少耕田草害重,病害也重。肥力因素病害的影响要大于耕作法对病害的影响,偏施氮肥会加重病害发生。早播加重免少耕田纹枯病病情,适期迟播可减轻病害发生。  相似文献   

The basic mechanism of soil inversion tillage for control of annual weeds is based on the vertical translocation of weed seeds from the soil surface to deeper soil layers. Buried weed seeds either remain dormant in the soil seedbank and are exposed to biological and chemical decay mechanisms, or they germinate but the seedlings cannot reach the soil surface (fatal germination). However, depending on the seed biology of the respective target species, frequent inversion tillage can lead to a build-up of the soil seedbank. For soil seedbank depletion based on available knowledge of the biology of Alopecurus myosuroides seeds, soil inversion tillage is suggested to be reduced to every third or fourth year with reduced or even no-tillage (direct seeding) in between (rotational inversion tillage systems). Including spring crops in the crop rotation could further help dampening the population growth and hence the seed return into the seedbank. This study investigated the effect of rotational inversion tillage in combination with reduced tillage or direct seeding on the soil seedbank and population development of A. myosuroides. In a long-term field trial, set up in 2012, these tillage strategies were compared with continuous inversion tillage in a 3-year crop rotation with two consecutive years of winter wheat (Triticum aestivum) followed by spring barley (Hordeum vulgare). The results showed a significant decline in the soil seedbank following the spring crop, irrespective of the tillage system. The continuous inversion tillage system and inversion tillage before spring cropping with reduced tillage (shallow tillage with a disc harrow) before winter wheat both led to accumulation of seeds in the soil seedbank. In contrast, inversion tillage before spring cropping with direct seeding of winter wheat depleted the soil seedbank significantly after only one crop rotation. Although only covering one intensively studied field site, these findings highlight the need for diversified cropping systems and indicate potential avenues for reducing soil tillage while controlling economically important weeds.  相似文献   

为了研究温度变化对不同耕作条件下春小麦产量的影响,利用修正参数后的APSIM模型,自变量因子分别为最低温度、最高温度,在9种变化条件下对传统耕作+秸秆还田(TS)、免耕(NT)、免耕覆盖(NTS)3种耕作措施下的春小麦产量进行了模拟,并利用Surfer软件对产量变化率进行了敏感性分析。结果表明:在三种不同耕作措施下,春小麦产量变化率对最高温度的变化更为敏感,最高温度升高,产量变化率呈负敏感;在传统耕作+秸秆还田和免耕覆盖耕作措施下,春小麦平均产量分别是2 268.8 kg·hm-2和2 274.0 kg·hm-2,明显高于免耕耕作措施下的春小麦平均产量1 815.4 kg·hm-2;传统耕作+秸秆还田和免耕覆盖耕作措施下,小麦产量随温度变化相对稳定;当最低温度和最高温度在一定区域范围内变化时,传统耕作+秸秆还田和免耕覆盖产量表现更稳定。  相似文献   

The present study clarified the effects of winter barley as a cover crop on the weed vegetation, expressed as a multiplied dominance ratio (MDR), and emergence of summer annual weeds in a no-tillage soybean system. A 3 year field study with treatments consisting of six systems was conducted: no-tillage single cropping, no-tillage cropping following winter barley and tillage single cropping, respectively with and without herbicide application. The MDR of perennial weeds increased annually in the no-tillage fields in spring, but summer annual weeds were abundant in all fields, including the no-tillage fields in summer. Grasses, for example Digitaria ciliaris (Retz.) Koeler, were especially abundant in the no-tillage fields. The MDR of summer annual weeds, especially grasses in the barley and soybean fields, were much lower than for the no-tillage single soybean fields. Densities of D. ciliaris and Echinochloa crus-galli (L.) Beauv. var. crus-galli in the no-tillage single soybean fields were much greater than in the tilled fields, with few exceptions. In contrast, broad-leaved weeds emerged more in tilled fields than in the no-tillage fields. Winter barley suppressed emergence of summer annual weeds, especially during the first 3 years. The MDR for grasses in summer showed a good correlation with the frequency of emergence for grasses every year. These results showed that the increase in the volume of grasses in summer resulted mainly from an increase in the frequency of emergence, and that the suppression of grasses by winter barley resulted mainly from suppression of the emergence frequency. Soybean yields were higher in the barley and soybean fields for the first 2 years.  相似文献   

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