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We studied the effect of tree architecture on xylem anatomy in three Betula pendula Roth., three Picea abies (L.) H. Karst. and three Pinus sylvestris (L.) trees (mean age 35 years). First, the analysis of conduit anatomy in different tree parts showed that conduits tapered and their frequency increased from roots (≥ 2 mm) to stem, from stem to branches and further to leaf petioles in B. pendula. Conduit anatomy in lateral and main roots, as well as lateral and main branches, significantly differed from each other in all the studied species. The increase in conduit diameter and decrease in frequency from the pith to the bark were clear aboveground, but variable patterns were observed belowground. In the leaf petioles of B. pendula, conduit diameter increased and conduit frequency decreased with increasing individual leaf area. Second, the results concerning the scaling of conduit diameter were compared with the predictions of the general vascular scaling model (WBE model) and Murray's law. The scaling parameter values at the tree level corresponded with the predictions of the WBE model in all the studied trees except for one tree of both conifer species. However, the scaling parameter values changed from one tree compartment to another rather than remaining uniform inside a tree, as assumed by the WBE model. The assumptions of the WBE model of a constant conductivity ratio, constant tapering and an unchanged total number of conduits were not fulfilled. When the conductivity ratio and relative tapering were plotted together, the results aboveground corresponded quite well with Murray's law: the conductivity ratio increased when relative tapering decreased. Our results support the theory that trees adjust both their macro- and microstructure to maximize their water transport efficiency, but also to prevent embolism and ensure mechanical safety.  相似文献   

以3个非洲菊品种的叶柄为材料,研究了不同激素及其浓度对非洲菊离体培养再生的影响。结果表明:3个品种的叶柄在含单一细胞分裂素6-BA的培养基上培养时都不能被诱导出愈伤组织;而在仅含生长素NAA的培养基上培养时均可被诱导出愈伤组织,并且在其愈伤组织发生部位都有不定根发生,但只有品种6267能从不定根发生部位直接分化出不定芽;当在含NAA的培养基上再附加6-BA时也可被诱导出愈伤组织,但无不定根发生。所产生的愈伤组织在分化培养基上培养时只有由品种Ⅱ叶柄在同时含有NAA和6-BA的诱导培养基上产生的愈伤组织才可以分化出不定芽。表明愈伤组织的诱导与分化、不定芽和不定根的发生与品种及培养基中的激素种类有关。  相似文献   

Recent studies have shown that stomata respond to changes in hydraulic conductance of the flow path from soil to leaf. In open-grown tall trees, branches of different heights may have different hydraulic conductances because of differences in path length and growth. We determined if leaf gas exchange, branch sap flux, leaf specific hydraulic conductance, foliar carbon isotope composition (delta13C) and ratios of leaf area to sapwood area within branches were dependent on branch height (10 and 25 m) within the crowns of four open-grown ponderosa pine (Pinus ponderosa Laws.) trees. We found no difference in leaf gas exchange or leaf specific hydraulic conductance from soil to leaf between the upper and lower canopy of our study trees. Branch sap flux per unit leaf area and per unit sapwood area did not differ between the 10- and 25-m canopy positions; however, branch sap flux per unit sapwood area at the 25-m position had consistently lower values. Branches at the 25-m canopy position had lower leaf to sapwood area ratios (0.17 m2 cm-2) compared with branches at the 10-m position (0.27 m2 cm-2) (P = 0.03). Leaf specific conductance of branches in the upper crown did not differ from that in the lower crown. Other studies at our site indicate lower hydraulic conductance, sap flux, whole-tree canopy conductance and photosynthesis in old trees compared with young trees. This study suggests that height alone may not explain these differences.  相似文献   

The root systems of forest trees are composed of different diameters and heterogeneous physiological traits. However, the pattern of root respiration rates from finer and coarser roots across various tropical species remains unknown. To clarify how respiration is related to the morphological traits of roots, we evaluated specific root respiration and its relationships to mean root diameter (D) of various diameter and root tissue density (RTD; root mass per unit root volume; gcm(-3)) and specific root length (SRL; root length per unit root mass; mg(-1)) of the fine roots among and within 14 trees of 13 species from a primary tropical rainforest in the Pasoh Forest Reserve in Peninsular Malaysia. Coarse root (2-269mm) respiration rates increased with decreasing D, resulting in significant relationships between root respiration and diameter across species. A model based on a radial gradient of respiration rates of coarse roots simulated the exponential decrease in respiration with diameter. The respiration rate of fine roots (<2mm) was much higher and more variable than those of larger diameter roots. For fine roots, the mean respiration rates for each species increased with decreasing D. The respiration rates of fine roots declined markedly with increasing RTD and increased with increasing SRL, which explained a significant portion of the variation in the respiration among the 14 trees from 13 species examined. Our results indicate that coarse root respiration in tree species follows a basic relationship with D across species and that most of the variation in fine root respiration among species is explained by D, RTD and SRL. We found that the relationship between root respiration and morphological traits provides a quantitative basis for separating fine roots from coarse roots and that the pattern holds across different species.  相似文献   

Crown architecture and growth allocation were studied in saplings of eastern white pine (Pinus strobus L.), a species classified as intermediate in shade tolerance. A comparison was made of 15 understory saplings and 15 open-grown saplings that were selected to have comparable heights (mean of 211 cm, range of 180-250 cm). Mean ages of understory and open-grown trees were 25 and 8 years, respectively. Understory trees had a lower degree of apical control, shorter crown length, and more horizontal branch angle, resulting in a broader crown shape than that of open-grown trees. Total leaf area was greater in open-grown saplings than in understory saplings, but the ratio of whole-crown silhouette (projected) leaf area to total leaf area was significantly greater in understory pine (0.154) than in open-grown pine (0.128), indicating that the crown and shoot structure of understory trees exposed a greater percentage of leaf area to direct overhead light. Current-year production of understory white pine was significantly less than that of open-grown white pine, but a higher percentage of current-year production was allocated to foliage in shoots of understory saplings. These modifications in crown structure and allocation between open-grown and understory white pine saplings are similar to those reported for more shade-tolerant fir (Abies) and spruce (Picea) species, but the modifications were generally smaller in white pine. As a result, white pine did not develop the flat-topped "umbrella" crown structure observed in understory fir and spruce, which approaches the idealized monolayer form that maximizes light interception. The overall change to a broader crown shape in understory white pine was qualitatively similar, but much more limited than the changes that occurred in fir and spruce. This may prevent white pine from persisting in understory shade as long as fir and spruce saplings.  相似文献   

We examined open-grown Acer mono Maxim. trees of different sizes to test the hypotheses that (1) hydraulic limitation increases with tree size, thereby reducing photosynthesis, and (2) photosynthetic water- and nitrogen-use efficiencies change with tree size. Maximum net assimilation rate per unit dry mass was significantly lower in large trees than in small trees, whereas leaf nitrogen concentration increased with tree size. As a consequence, photosynthetic nitrogen-use efficiency decreased with increase in tree size. Photosynthetic water-use efficiency, however, increased with tree size, partly as a result of reduced stomatal conductance. Neither root-to-leaf hydraulic conductance nor minimum leaf water potential changed with tree size.  相似文献   

Root morphology, biomass, and (14)C distribution were studied in two 2-year-old Populus trichocarpa x P. deltoides hybrids, which originated from hardwood cuttings, to determine the pattern of root distribution in a plantation and to refine methods for root recovery. The trees were labeled with (14)CO(2) and harvested after a 72-hour chase period. Roots attached to each labeled tree were analyzed for morphological traits at the time of harvest. Detached roots from within a 1-m(3) volume of soil surrounding each tree were separated from the soil and sorted on the basis of rooting depth and root diameter. Lateral roots > 2 mm in diameter had a largely horizontal orientation at their point of origin from the cutting and extended horizontally up to 4 m from the cutting. This resulted in considerable overlap of root systems in the plantation. Results from (14)C labeling indicated that 24 +/- 4% (+/- SD) of the carbon exported from branches-labeled within two weeks after branch budset-was translocated to the root system. Dilution of the root (14)C label indicated that from 0 (> 5 mm diameter roots) to 75% (< 2 mm diameter roots) of the roots recovered from within the 1-m(3) volume of soil surrounding a harvested tree originated from other trees. Total root biomass was 6 +/- 1 Mg ha(-1) for both hybrids. Sixty percent of the root biomass was recovered directly from excavation, 16% from coarse-sieving excavated soil, and 24% from re-sorting sieved soil. The study indicated that root growth of hybrid poplars may be rapid and extensive and that detailed sorting of soil subsamples substantially improves the recovery of fine roots < 2 mm in diameter.  相似文献   

Differences in structural and nonstructural carbohydrates, lignin and chlorophyll, and Rubisco (ribulose-1,5-bisphosphate carboxylase/oxygenase) activity between petioles and leaflets were studied along a canopy light gradient in Fraxinus excelsior L., which has pinnate compound leaves and up to 20% of foliar biomass invested in petioles. Long-term light conditions at the sampling locations were characterized by values of seasonal mean integrated quantum flux density (Q(int), mol m(-2) day(-1)) estimated by combining data from hemispherical photographs at the sampling locations with measurements of global solar radiation above the canopy during the growing season. The contribution of petioles to leaf carbon assimilation was disproportionally lower than that of leaf laminas. Though the light relationships of assimilative compounds-foliar chlorophyll concentration increasing with decreasing Q(int) to improve leaf absorptance, foliar N concentration and Rubisco activity being relatively constant along the light gradient-were similar for both petioles and leaflets, petiole nitrogen and chlorophyll concentrations were only 30% and 10%, respectively, of those of leaflets. Nonstructural carbohydrate concentration was about 20% higher in petioles than in leaf laminas, indicating that petioles also serve as storage tissues for photosynthates. Relationships between foliar structural carbon components and irradiance-increasing lignin (L) and decreasing structural polysaccharide (SP) concentrations with increasing Q(int)-were qualitatively similar for petioles and leaflets. However, petioles had lower L, but higher SP and total investment in structural compounds (L + SP) than leaflets. Greater lignification at high irradiances in leaflets than in petioles was attributed to greater water stresses at high light, and to more variable water contents of actively transpiring leaflets. Low lignin concentration in combination with high osmotically active carbohydrate concentrations in petioles suggest that turgor plays an important role in the mechanical properties of petioles. As a result of lower lignin and protein concentrations, the glucose cost of petiole construction (g glucose per g dry mass) was about 5% lower than that of leaf laminas.  相似文献   

Foliar biomass investment in support and assimilative compartments was studied in four temperate deciduous tree species along a natural light gradient across the canopy. The species ranked according to shade tolerance as Betula pendula Roth. < Populus tremula L. < Fraxinus excelsior L. < Tilia cordata Mill. Long-term light conditions at sampling locations were characterized as seasonal mean integrated quantum flux density (Q(int), mol m(-2) day(-1)) estimated by a method combining hemispherical photography and light measurements with quantum sensors. Leaf morphology was altered by Q(int) in all species. Both lamina and petiole dry mass per lamina area (LMA and PMA, respectively) increased with increasing Q(int). Shade-tolerant species had lower LMA at low Q(int) than shade-intolerant species; however, PMA was not related to shade tolerance. Across species, the ratio of petiole dry mass to lamina dry mass (PMR) varied from 0.07 to 0.21. It was independent of Q(int) in the simple-leaved species, but decreased with increasing Q(int) in the compound-leaved F. excelsior, which also had the largest foliar biomass investment in petioles. Differences in leaf mass and area, ranging over four orders of magnitude, provided an explanation for the interspecific variability in PMR. Species with large leaves also had greater biomass investments in foliar support than species with smaller leaves. This relationship was similar for both simple- and compound-leaved species. There was a negative relationship between PMR and petiole N concentration, suggesting that petioles had greater carbon assimilation rates and paid back a larger fraction of their construction cost in species with low PMR than in species with high PMR. This was probably the result of a negative relationship between PMR and petiole surface to volume ratio. Nevertheless, petioles had lower concentrations of mineral nutrients than laminas. Across species, the ratio of petiole N to lamina N varied from only 3 to 6%, demonstrating that petiole costs are less in terms of nutrients than in terms of total biomass, and that the petiole contribution to carbon assimilation is disproportionately lower than that of the lamina contribution.  相似文献   

The symptoms of ash dieback caused by the fungus Hymenoscyphus fraxineus include wilting of the foliage followed by dieback of shoots, twigs and branches. Necroses in shoots are assumed to develop after infection through leaf petioles; however, clear evidence of this infection pathway has not yet been provided. Considering the multiple pathogen genotypes in dead ash petioles, we aimed to obtain a spatial overview of all H. fraxineus genotypes colonizing individual shoots and their corresponding petioles before leaf shedding to acquire precise information about the infection biology of H. fraxineus and its ability to cross the petiole‐shoot junction. Individual genotypes of H. fraxineus were characterized by the analysis of microsatellites using DNA extracted directly from petiole segments or cultures isolated from the segments. We detected 150 different multilocus genotypes in 10 analysed shoots and their respective petioles; the highest number of genotypes was eight for a single petiole and three for a single shoot. The genotypes of most shoot lesions were identical to particular genotypes from the proximal segments of petioles, implicating the main pathway of shoot infections. To test whether the amount of colonized substrate or intraspecific competition have an effect on successful infection, genotypes that reached the most proximal end of the petioles were scored for the number of invaded petiole segments and for the number of other H. fraxineus genotypes co‐occurring in the segments. However, the extent of colonization of the scored genotypes and intraspecific competition with other H. fraxineus strains did not influence pathogen success in entering the shoot. This study confirms that the majority of ash shoot infections are caused by genotypes of H. fraxineus originating from petioles. Compared to petioles, the frequency of shoot colonization as well as number of H. fraxineus genotypes in shoots was much lower.  相似文献   

Leaf architecture, stand leaf area index and canopy light interception were studied in 13 poplar clones growing in a second rotation of a coppice plantation, to determine the role of leaf architectural attributes on canopy light-harvesting efficiency and to assess biomass investment in leaf support tissue. Stand leaf area index (L) varied from 2.89 to 6.99, but L was only weakly associated with canopy transmittance (TC). The weak relationship between TC and L was a result of a higher degree of foliage aggregation at larger values of L, leading to lower light-interception efficiency in stands with greater total leaf area. We observed a strong increase in leaf aggregation and a decrease in light-harvesting efficiency with decreasing mean leaf petiole length (PL) but not with leaf size, possibly because, in cordate or deltoid poplar leaves, most of the leaf area is located close to the petiole attachment to the lamina. Although PL was the key leaf characteristic of light-harvesting efficiency, clones with longer petioles had larger biomass investments in petioles, and there was a negative relationship between PL and L, demonstrating that enhanced light harvesting may lead to an overall decline in photosynthesizing leaf surface. Upper-canopy leaves were generally larger and had greater dry mass (MA) and nitrogen per unit area (NA) than lower-canopy leaves. Canopy plasticity in MA and NA was higher in clones with higher foliar biomass investment in midrib, and lower in clones with relatively longer petioles. These relationships suggest that there is a trade-off between photosynthetic plasticity and biomass investment in support, and also that high light-harvesting efficiency may be associated with lower photosynthetic plasticity. Our results demonstrate important clonal differences in leaf aggregation that are linked to leaf structure and biomass allocation patterns within the leaf.  相似文献   

Coffee (Coffea canephora var robusta) is grown in Southwestern Togo under shade of native Albizia adianthifolia as a low input cropping system. However, there is no information on carbon and nutrient cycling in these shaded coffee systems. Hence, a study was conducted in a mature coffee plantation in Southwestern Togo to determine carbon and nutrient stocks in shaded versus open-grown coffee systems. Biomass of Albizia trees was predicted by allometry, whereas biomass of coffee bushes was estimated through destructive sampling. Above- and belowground biomass estimates were respectively, 140 Mg ha−1 and 32 Mg ha−1 in the coffee–Albizia association, and 29.7 Mg ha−1 and 18.7 Mg ha−1 in the open-grown system. Albizia trees contributed 87% of total aboveground biomass and 55% of total root biomass in the shaded coffee system. Individual coffee bushes consistently had higher biomass in the open-grown than in the shaded coffee system. Total C stock was 81 Mg ha−1 in the shaded coffee system and only 22.9 Mg ha−1 for coffee grown in the open. Apart from P and Mg, considerable amounts of major nutrients were stored in the shade tree biomass in non-easily recyclable fractions. Plant tissues in the shaded coffee system had higher N concentration, suggesting possible N fixation. Given the potential for competition between the shade trees and coffee for nutrients, particularly in low soil fertility conditions, it is suggested that the shade trees be periodically pruned in order to increase organic matter addition and nutrient return to the soil. An erratum to this article can be found at  相似文献   

In New Zealand poplars are commonly planted on moist, unstable pastoral hill country to prevent or reduce soil erosion, thereby maintaining hillslope integrity and pasture production. Mechanical reinforcement by poplar root systems aids slope stabilisation. Root mass and distribution were determined for three Populus deltoides × nigra ‘Veronese’ trees aged 5, 7 and 9.5 year planted as 3 m poles at 8 m × 8 m spacing on a hillslope near Palmerston North in the southern North Island. Most of the structural roots (≥2 mm diameter) were distributed in the top 40 cm of soil. Vertical roots penetrated to about 1.0 m, being the depth of the soil above a fragipan. Total structural root dry masses (excluding root crown) were 0.57, 7.8 and 17.90 kg for the trees aged 5, 7 and 9.5 year, respectively. Total structural root length was 79.4 m for the 5 year tree and 663.5 m for the 9.5 year tree. Surrounding trees were estimated to increase root mass density to 3 times and root length density to 4–5 times the contribution of the single tree at 9.5 year. The study indicated that root development of wide-spaced poplar trees on hillslopes was minimal in the first 5 years but then increased rapidly. These results suggest that poplar trees established from poles may take at least 5 years to develop a structural root network that will effectively bind soil.  相似文献   

Height:diameter ratios are an important measure of stand stability. Because of the importance of height:diameter ratios for forest management, individual-tree growth models should correctly depict height:diameter ratios. In particular, (i) height:diameter ratios should not exceed that of very dense stands, (ii) height:diameter ratios should not fall below that of open-grown trees, (iii) height:diameter ratios should decrease with increasing spacing, (iv) height:diameter ratios for suppressed trees should be higher than ratios for dominant trees. We evaluated the prediction of height:diameter ratios by running four commonly used individual-tree growth models in central Europe: BWIN, Moses, Silva and Prognaus. They represent different subtypes of individual-tree growth models, namely models with and without an explicit growth potential and models that are either distance-dependent (spatial) or distance-independent (non-spatial). Note that none of these simulators predict height:diameter ratios directly. We began by building a generic simulator that contained the relevant equations for diameter increment, height increment, and crown size for each of the four simulators. The relevant measures of competition, site characteristics, and stand statistics were also coded. The advantage of this simulator was that it ensured that no additional constraint was being imposed on the growth equations, and that initial conditions were identical. We then simulated growth for a 15- and 30-year period for Austrian permanent research plots in Arnoldstein and in Litschau, which represent stands at different age-classes and densities. We also simulated growth of open-grown trees and compared the results to the literature. We found that the general pattern of height:diameter ratios was correctly predicted by all four individual-tree growth models, with height:diameter ratios above that of open-grown trees and below that of very dense stands. All models showed a decrease of height:diameter ratios with age and an increase with stand density. Also, the height:diameter ratios of dominant trees were always lower than that of mean trees. Although in some cases the observed and predicted height:diameter ratios matched well, there were cases where discrepancies between observed and predicted height:diameter ratios would be unacceptable for practical management predictions.  相似文献   

The species composition of the endophytic mycobiota in leaves of Japanese beech trees (Fagus crenata) and the sources for leaf infections were studied in a forest reserve situated in central eastern Honshu, Japan. To clarify the mechanism of infection of leaves, half of the branches were covered with polyethylene bags and species composition and levels of endophytic fungal infection were then compared with those of unbagged controls. Isolations were carried out from the leaves, petioles, and current‐year twigs of both, bagged and unbagged branches. Additionally, species composition was detected in overwintered terminal buds of beech trees and in the leaves of potted seedlings that had been placed in the field in different seasons. The species assemblage of the unbagged leaves, petioles, and current‐year twigs was dominated by Mycosphaerella buna, Ascochyta fagi, Periconiella sp., and Tritirachium sp. Other frequently recovered species were Xylaria sp., Phomopsis sp., and Tubakia dryina. Mycosphaerella buna and A. fagi were never isolated from leaves on bagged branches. A. fagi was, however, detected on both bagged and unbagged petioles and current‐year twigs at comparatively low isolation frequencies. The detection of Periconiella sp. on all occasions in both bagged and unbagged leaves was a characteristic feature that differs from those of the other three dominant endophytic fungi. The fungus was also detected without significant differences in bagged and unbagged petioles and current‐year twigs on most sampling dates. Furthermore, Periconiella sp. was isolated from immature twigs inside the bud scales. Tritirachium sp. was frequently detected in unbagged leaves and petioles and in both bagged and unbagged current‐year twigs, and rarely in bagged leaves and petioles, but was never recovered from terminal buds. The results of the potted seedling experiments revealed that all four dominant species had airborne inocula. The infection of leaves by M. buna occurs exclusively by airborne propagules, i.e. ascospores in spring and conidia in autumn. In Periconiella sp. hyphal growth of the fungus from immature twigs inside the buds into the leaf tissues was suggested in addition to infection by airborne inocula. Tritirachium sp. hyphae were suggested to grow from previous‐ to current‐year twigs. Ascochyta fagi was present in the outermost scales of overwintered terminal buds, but no systemic growth of the fungus into the petioles and current‐year twigs was observed. Our technique of covering the branches before new leaves unfolded was effective in preventing infection by airborne inocula of endophytic fungi.  相似文献   

Variations in leaf photosynthetic, morphological and biochemical properties with increasing plant height from seedlings to emergent trees were investigated in five dipterocarp species in a Malaysian tropical rain forest. Canopy openness increased significantly with tree height. Photosynthetic properties, such as photosynthetic capacity at light saturation, light compensation point, maximum rate of carboxylation and maximum rate of photosynthetic electron transport, all increased significantly with tree height. Leaf morphological and biochemical traits, such as leaf mass per area, palisade layer thickness, nitrogen concentration per unit area, chlorophyll concentration per unit dry mass and chlorophyll to nitrogen ratio, also changed significantly with tree height. Leaf properties had simple and significant relationships with tree height, with few intra- and interspecies differences. Our results therefore suggest that the photosynthetic capacity of dipterocarp trees depends on tree height, and that the trees adapt to the light environment by adjusting their leaf morphological and biochemical properties. These results should aid in developing models that can accurately estimate carbon dioxide flux and biomass production in tropical rain forests.  相似文献   

Poplar hybrids were grown with irrigation in a large-scale plantation to investigate the mechanisms underlying clonal differences in drought resistance. Beginning in spring 1992, Populus trichocarpa x P. deltoides (TD) and P. deltoides x P. nigra (DN) cuttings received 46, 76, or 137 cm year(-1) of irrigation to supplement the 18-20 cm of annual precipitation, and all trees received the same fertilization regime. Stem volume, assessed as the square of stem diameter at breast height times tree height (D(2)H), and water relations of the trees were studied from the end of their second growing season until the end of their fifth growing season. By the end of the second growing season, stem volume of Clone TD was 40-146% larger than that of Clone DN, but stem volume growth was independent of irrigation in excess of 46 cm year(-1) in both clones. During the third growing season, stem volume growth of both clones was limited by both the 46- and 76-cm irrigation treatments, so that by the end of the third growing season trees in the 46-cm irrigation treatment were only half the size of trees in the 137-cm irrigation treatment. These treatment differences were maintained through the fifth growing season. Although stem volumes of Clone TD trees in the 76- and 137-cm irrigation treatments were larger than the corresponding values for Clone DN trees at the end of the third growing season (1994), these clonal differences gradually decreased in subsequent years and were not detectable after 5 years, because stem volume relative growth rate of Clone DN was greater than that of Clone TD in all treatments. Although both clones exhibited similar predawn leaf water potentials, Clone DN typically maintained higher midday leaf water potentials, suggesting better stomatal control of water loss. Clonal and treatment differences in osmotic potential at full turgor were minimal and could not explain the clonal differences in drought resistance. Root density and root density to stem volume ratio increased more in response to moderate drought in Clone DN than in Clone TD, resulting in enhanced drought resistance (high stem volume growth rate under moderate drought conditions) and an increased capacity to withdraw water from the soil. We conclude that the greater drought resistance of Clone DN compared with Clone TD was the result of the maintenance of a more favorable water balance by stomatal regulation and greater carbon allocation to roots during the early stages of drought. However, the low root density to stem volume ratio in Clone DN growing in the 46-cm irrigation treatment suggests that severe water limitation restricted the preferential allocation of carbon to belowground tissues, so that both root and shoot growth were constrained by severe drought.  相似文献   

以小尺度范围内的木兰科、壳斗科和樟科各8种木本植物为研究对象,从分类单元科与种、功能群角度分析了叶功能性状特征及其关联性。结果表明:壳斗科树种的叶柄直径(1.08±0.22)和比叶面积(SLA)(90.87±25.35)显著低于樟科和木兰科,而樟科和木兰科之间差别不明显。叶含氮量在科间没有显著差异。从功能群比较,常绿树种比叶面积(90.10±23.15)显著低于落叶树种(134.65±27.77),但单位叶面积含氮量常绿树种(1.95±0.50)显著高于落叶树种(1.31±0.26)。在不同功能群中,叶面积与叶柄质量有很好的拟合直线关系。叶氮含量仅在常绿树种与其他叶性状有较好的拟合直线关系。叶性状相关性系数大于0.900的有:群落水平物种间叶面积与叶柄质量之间;功能群水平常绿树种叶面积与叶柄直径和叶柄质量间,落叶树种叶柄质量与叶面积和叶柄长间。其他叶性状间也表现不同程度的相关性,表明叶性状之间存在生长发育非同步也即异速生长现象。  相似文献   

Teak(Tectona grandis L.f.) is a popular hardwood species native to South and South-East Asia. The possible association of amplified fragment length polymorphism(AFLP) marker with morphological variables of eleven important characters viz. girth at breast height(GBH), height of tree, bole height, branch knots, presence of fluting, spiral stem, leaf hair, leaf length/breadth ratio, branching pattern, bark colour and petiole shape for nine natural populations comprising 180 genotypes of teak(9 populations × 20 trees). The phenogram constructed using Euclidean distances for the eleven morphological characters showed that the populations were not grouped according to their geographical origin. The Mantel's test for pairwise correlation between Euclidean distances of different morphological variables and genetic distances from AFLP data revealed that only petiole character(r =0.269; p =0.046) and height of tree(r =0.200; p =0.001) were significantly correlated with that of AFLP data matrix. The nine populations in this study covered a geographic area of about 1000 km stretch along the Western Ghat of South India. A test of correlation between genetic and geographic distance matrices revealed a significant positive correlation(r =0.475; p =0.009). The lack of perfect congruence between morphological and molecular data except for geographic distance, tree height and petiole character suggested that the morphological system might be useful for the morphotypes management but not appropriate to study the genetic structure of the teak populations.  相似文献   

Simulation models of nitrate uptake and total nitrogen partitioning during the exponential growth phase of one-year-old peach trees (Prunus persica (L.) Batsch.) were tested in an experiment with 88 plants grown in soil-filled containers. Plants were fertilized with (15)N-NO(3) (-) and nitrate uptake estimated by periodic destructive analysis of plants for excess (15)N. Partitioning of N within the trees was followed by the analysis of plant parts for total N and (15)N. The nitrate uptake model, which provides one of the main inputs to the partitioning model, is based on a simplified form of the Michaelis-Menten equation adapted to describe uptake by roots growing in soil layers. The nitrogen partitioning model considers each plant part (e.g., roots, trunk, shoots, leaves) as either a sink or a source for nitrogen. The model uses a flow equation, which is the same for all plant parts, to model the dynamics of nitrogen partitioning in the tree using increases in dry matter of various plant parts as driving force variables. The experiment demonstrated an error in the compartment organization of the partitioning model as a result of which the model failed to simulate changes in root N. A modification of the partitioning model structure to take account of the importance of trunk nitrogen reserves for root growth at the beginning of the growing season, which was indicated by the (15)N data, greatly improved prediction of root N. This modification is discussed in relation to the modeling approach.  相似文献   

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