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不同品种粳稻的锌强化方法研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
通过比较不同锌肥施用方式对不同粳稻品种产量以及稻米锌含量的影响,筛选高效锌水稻品种和最佳锌施用方式。在田间试验条件下,分析9个粳稻品种的稻米产量和锌含量对S(锌肥土施)、SB(锌肥土施结合孕穗期喷施)、SF(锌肥土施结合扬花期喷施)和SBF(锌肥土施结合孕穗期和扬花期喷施)4种锌肥施用方式的响应,结果表明,各水稻品种稻米的锌含量在18.1~29.3 mg·kg~(-1)之间,吉洋1号、吉农大809、吉粳302、吉宏6号、长粳717和稻花香2号为高锌品种,吉农大899为中锌品种,平粳8号和吉粳515为低锌品种。锌肥土施对大多数水稻品种无显著增产作用,不同品种的稻米锌含量在施用锌肥后平均增幅为18.0%;S、SB、SF和SBF处理的稻米锌含量分别较不施锌处理提高了8.3%、17.4%、19.5%和27.0%,但3个喷施处理间的平均锌含量无显著差异。锌肥土施结合叶面喷施能显著提高稻米中的锌含量,不同施用方式的施锌效果因品种而异。选择富锌高产品种,锌肥土施结合适当生育期叶面喷施,可实现增产和稻米锌强化,实现水稻高产优质种植。  相似文献   

【目的】施用锌肥是改善作物缺锌、 提高产量和籽粒锌含量的重要措施。锌肥的施用效果受多种因素的影响,通过总结自70年代以来锌肥施用对我国主要粮食作物小麦、 玉米、 水稻产量的影响,分析不同年代、 锌肥施用方式、 锌肥用量对这三大作物产量影响的进程,探讨锌肥的适宜用量和施用方式。【方法】利用万方数据库、 中国知网,查阅了1970至2013年间,我国主要粮食作物水稻、 小麦和玉米锌肥施用相关的田间试验文献333篇,剔除文献中没有产量数据、 没有具体施肥相关信息如施肥量、 施肥方式等文献,有效样本数总计为1656个。采用相关分析、 方差分析等统计分析方法,Microsoft Excel 2010软件分析。【结果】锌肥增产效果受锌肥施用方式、 施用量、 年代的影响,具体结果如下, 1)锌肥施用方式土壤施用、 叶面喷施和种子处理在小麦上的平均增产率分别为11.3%、 10.0%和11.1%; 在玉米上的平均增产率分别为13.7%、 12.7%和12.1%; 水稻上的平均增产率分别为15.0%、 9.8%和9.7%。与叶面喷施和种子处理相比,无论是小麦、 玉米还是水稻,土施锌肥的增产效果最好。2)锌肥施用量小麦、 玉米和水稻的增产率随土施锌肥量增加而增加,当施锌量达到一定量后,随施肥用量的进一步增大,增产率有所降低。小麦、 玉米和水稻土施锌肥的合适用量分别为1545 kg /hm2、 2030 kg/hm2、 2030 kg/hm2。小麦增产率与喷施锌肥的浓度关系不明显,叶面喷施浓度在0.4%~0.5% ZnSO47H2O时增产效果最佳; 而玉米、 水稻增产率和叶面喷施锌肥的浓度变化趋势与土施锌肥变化趋势一致。过去40年玉米和水稻适宜喷施锌肥浓度分别是0.1%~0.3%、 0.2%~0.4% ZnSO47H2O。3)施肥年代随着年代的变化,不同作物施用锌肥的增产幅度不同。随着年代的推进,同一锌肥施用方式在小麦上增产率呈逐渐增高的趋势; 锌肥土施和叶面喷施在玉米上的增产率呈下降趋势; 锌肥土施在水稻上的增产率呈下降趋势,而叶面喷施在水稻的增产率呈先降低后增加的趋势; 种子处理方式在水稻和玉米上的增产率随年代的变化不明显。【结论】施用锌肥能有效提高小麦、 玉米和水稻的产量,但是其增产效果受锌肥施用方式、 施用量、 年代的影响。因此,今后在锌肥施用方面,农户应根据作物、 土壤、 环境等条件,选择恰当的施肥方式及锌肥用量,来提高锌肥的增产效果。  相似文献   

锌是作物必需的营养元素,但我国主要粮食作物施锌的增产效果及其影响因素并不清楚。通过收集87篇文献,基于Meta分析研究了小麦、玉米和水稻等锌肥施用的增产效果及其关键影响因素。结果表明:小麦、玉米和水稻施用锌肥平均增产9.9%,其中水稻和玉米的增产率相似且均显著高于小麦。三类粮食作物锌肥土施增产率为8.2%,增产效果好于喷施,但相同施锌量条件下喷施的增产效果较好。水稻、玉米和小麦锌肥的合适用量范围分别为21~30、21~30和11~20 kg/hm2,锌肥的增产效果为华中地区水稻和小麦好于玉米,东北地区玉米好于水稻和小麦。此外,水稻、玉米和小麦锌肥增产幅度随着年代发生变化,2011年之后呈逐渐增高的趋势。综上所述,施用锌肥能有效提高粮食作物的产量,但是其增产效果受作物种类、施用方式、施用量、施用时期等因素的影响。因此,锌肥的施用要考虑多种因素条件,应选择合理的施用方式和施用量来提高锌肥的增产效果。  相似文献   

锌肥品种与施用方法对水稻产量和锌含量的影响   总被引:12,自引:1,他引:11  
【目的】 鉴于在缺锌土壤上施用锌肥不仅可提高水稻产量,而且也能显著提高水稻籽粒锌含量,本研究旨在揭示不同品种锌肥和施用方法在提高水稻产量和籽粒锌含量方面的差异。 【方法】 以水稻品种‘镇稻 11 号’为供试材料,于 2011 年 5 月至 2012 年 11 月在大田条件下设置 4 组试验:试验 1,富锌稻种的生产制备与籽粒锌含量的染色鉴定试验,设水稻常规种植(CK)和生育期连续喷施 5 次硫酸锌(ZnSO4·7H2O,Zn) 2 个处理;试验 2,不同品种锌肥土壤施用试验,设不施锌肥对照(S1)、土施 ZnSO4·7H2O (S2)、土施氮锌复合肥(Urea-Zn,S3)、土施磷锌复合肥(Mosaic-Zn,S4)、土施钾锌复合肥(Kali-Zn,S5)、富锌种苗移栽(S6)和 ZnSO4·7H2O 蘸秧根移栽(S7) 7 个处理;试验 3,不同品种锌肥叶面喷施试验,设不施锌肥对照(F1)、孕穗期喷施 ZnSO4·7H2O (F2)、开花期喷施 ZnSO4·7H2O (F3)、孕穗期和开花期各喷施 ZnSO4·7H2O (F4)、开花期与农药一起喷施 ZnSO4·7H2O (F5)、开花期喷施 Kali-EPSO-Zn(F6)和开花期喷施 ADOB-IDHA-Zn(F7) 7 个处理;试验 4,富锌稻种育苗种植比较试验,设常规稻种(CK-grain)和富锌稻种(Zn-grain)育苗种植 2 个处理,研究其对水稻产量及构成、各器官(叶片、茎秆和籽粒)锌含量和累积分配的影响。 【结果】 1) 在水稻生育期进行叶面高浓度和高强度的喷锌方式可制备富锌稻种,且可采用双硫腙(DTZ)染色直观鉴定籽粒锌含量。2) 施用锌肥显著提高水稻产量和锌含量,且不同锌肥品种和施用方法间差异显著。3) 土壤施锌各处理平均增产效果显著高于叶面喷锌 5.2%;与土壤施锌处理相比,叶面喷锌各处理的叶片、茎秆和籽粒锌含量的平均值则分别显著提高 224.6%、78.5% 和 12.1%。4) 在土壤施锌条件下,不同锌肥品种中氮锌复合肥 (S3) 和钾锌复合肥 (S5) 的增产效果显著高于磷锌复合肥 (S4),而在叶面喷锌条件下,以 Kali-EPSO-Zn 处理 (F6) 提高水稻各器官锌含量的能力显著高于 ADOB-IDHA-Zn 处理 (F7) 和 ZnSO4·7H2O 处理 (F3)。5) 较常规稻种 (CK-grain),应用富锌稻种 (Zn-grain) 育苗种植的水稻产量和籽粒锌含量分别提高 4.6% 和 3.9%。 【结论】 结合锌肥土施增加水稻产量和喷施增加籽粒锌含量的田间应用效果,因地制宜地综合采用土施氮锌复合肥和喷施钾锌复合肥的配合施肥方法以及选用富锌稻种育苗种植,可协同实现最佳的锌肥利用效率、最大程度地稳产增产和提高稻米的锌营养品质。   相似文献   

在南方典型双季稻种植区,通过2年试验综合评价在有机无机肥配施基础上施用锌肥和石灰对双季稻产量与土壤养分特性的影响,以期提出培肥土壤和提高水稻产量的理想施肥模式。设置有机肥+无机肥(T1)、锌+有机肥+无机肥(T2)、石灰+有机肥+无机肥(T3)、锌+石灰+有机肥+无机肥(T4)4个处理,测定了土壤有效锌、碱解氮、有效锌含量和pH,分析了水稻产量和土壤综合肥力。结果表明:(1)相比T1处理,T2处理显著提高了早晚稻千粒重和结实率,显著增产8.7%,而T3处理不利于水稻稳产,显著降低了千粒重,并在第2年减产(5.6%)显著;T4处理表现出来的产量规律与T3处理类似,均于第2年表现减产。(2)施用锌肥、石灰均有利于提高土壤有效磷和碱解氮含量,石灰显著提高土壤pH,但T3、T4处理土壤有效锌含量显著下降,较T1处理分别下降39.0%和31.9%,而连年施用锌肥有利于有效锌的提高,T2较T1处理土壤有效锌含量提高22.2%。(3)土壤综合肥力表现为T2T4T1T3,施用锌肥相比石灰更有利于提高土壤肥力。综上所述,施用锌肥能显著提高土壤速效养分含量,增产显著,而连年施用石灰显著降低了土壤中有效锌含量。因此,在缺锌土壤中需慎施石灰,而长期施用石灰的土壤,应追施锌肥。综合土壤养分含量和水稻产量评价,有机+无机+锌肥的施肥模式为理想施肥模式。  相似文献   

施用锌肥和硼肥对玉米穗粒性状和品质的影响   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
为了探究微量元素锌和硼对玉米果穗的影响,以豫单606为材料,采用盆栽试验,设置不施用锌肥和硼肥(对照,CK)、施用锌肥、施用硼肥、同时施用锌肥和硼肥4种处理,调查了玉米穗粒性状和品质的变化。结果表明,施用锌肥和硼肥,秃尖减少,行粒数增加,产量显著提高;施用锌肥籽粒长度增加,粒厚、百粒体积和百粒重降低,由于穗粒数提高,单穗产量增加;施用硼肥籽粒长度、百粒重、百粒体积和单穗产量均增加。与CK相比,单施锌肥、硼肥及锌肥和硼肥配施均能提高籽粒蛋白质含量;施用锌肥籽粒脂肪含量显著提高,施用硼肥籽粒脂肪含量降低;各施肥处理淀粉含量均无显著差异。与CK相比,施用锌肥或硼肥以及锌肥和硼肥配施显著提高了籽粒锌和硼的含量。本研究结果为锌肥和硼肥在玉米生产中的应用提供了参考。  相似文献   

采用盆栽试验,研究了淹水条件下施用锌肥(ZnSO4.7H2O)与含巯基废弃物(蒜皮)对污染土壤中镉生物有效性的影响。结果表明,与对照相比,施用锌肥(0.2 g kg-1)后水稻增产25%(P<0.05),在淹水平衡7 d时土壤中有效硫和有效锌含量显著提高,增幅分别为267.9%和684.4%,而土壤中有效态镉含量降幅达61.3%(P<0.05);水稻移栽30 d和60 d时,土壤中有效硫和有效锌含量仍显著高于对照,有效态镉显著低于对照,但随着时间的推移均呈下降趋势,水稻根系和糙米镉含量较对照降低了31.0%(P<0.05)和38.9%(P<0.05)。与对照相比,施用蒜皮(1 g kg-1)的土壤有效硫随时间的推移呈上升趋势,同时有效态镉含量下降,水稻根系和糙米中镉含量降低,但差异均不显著。锌肥与蒜皮配合施用的效果优于两者单施。因此,淹水还原条件下施用适量含硫锌肥可有效降低污染土壤中镉的活性,减少水稻的镉累积,而本试验条件下施用富含巯基的蒜皮效果不明显。  相似文献   

低锌旱地施锌方式对小麦产量和锌利用的影响   总被引:7,自引:2,他引:5  
西北地区是我国典型的旱地低锌区。本文选择黄土高原中部两个典型地点,通过田间试验,在两个施氮水平下,研究了不施锌、 土施锌、 叶喷锌和土施+叶喷锌4种方式对冬小麦产量、 锌的吸收和累积以及锌肥利用效率的影响。结果表明,不同施锌方式对小麦产量均无显著影响,但均提高了小麦子粒锌含量,提高幅度因施锌方式而异。与不施锌相比,叶喷和土施+叶喷锌肥可使小麦子粒锌含量提高40%左右,平均达到 40 mg/kg;单独土施锌肥虽使土壤有效锌提高3倍左右,但子粒锌含量无显著变化。叶喷锌肥的锌利用效率远高于土施和土施+叶喷处理,每公顷喷施1 kg锌可使小麦子粒锌含量提高6.70~13.04 mg/kg;子粒锌利用率为6.02%~9.40%, 达到土施锌肥的80倍左右;总锌利用率为19.78%~30.91%,是土施锌肥的132~221倍。施氮水平对小麦产量及锌肥利用效率均无显著影响。可见,在旱地低锌区,与土施锌相比,叶喷是更加经济有效、 环境友好的锌肥施用方式,是提高小麦锌营养品质切实可行的措施。  相似文献   

氮锌配施对石灰性土壤锌形态及肥效的影响   总被引:13,自引:1,他引:12  
通过分析石灰性土壤上施用锌肥后土壤中锌的形态变化,研究锌肥的有效性及后效,为指导合理施用锌肥提供理论依据。结果表明在潜在性缺锌的石灰性土壤施锌肥没有明显的增产效果,可增加小麦籽粒锌含量,但不同基因型反应差异很大;土壤中的锌主要以矿物态存在,占全锌91.5%~97.6%,其次为松结有机态锌(1.34%~5.53%)、碳酸盐结合态锌(0.47%~1.55%);施入土壤中的锌增加了交换态、松结有机态、碳酸盐结合态、氧化锰结合态锌含量,但大部分转化为矿物态;种植小麦可以使土壤中的锌向有效态转化;施氮增加了小麦对锌的吸收,也增加了锌矿化的比例;主成分分析结果表明,交换态、松结有机态和碳酸盐结合态均能不同程度反映土壤锌的有效性,石灰性土壤中碳酸盐结合态和有机结合态锌含量占有较为可观的比例,因此增加这两种形态储备容量是调节和控制土壤锌营养状况的重要措施。  相似文献   

采用二因素五水平D—饱和优化设计,以两种水稻土进行水稻盆栽试验,对磷、锌肥料用量与水稻产量之间的关系进行研究,建立了水稻产量函数模型。结果表明,磷、锌肥料均能显著地影响水稻产量,其作用大小为锌肥>磷肥。当盘锦盐渍型水稻土施用P2O5 和ZnSO4 为0. 3000、0. 0031gkg-1土、抚顺潜育型水稻土施用P2O5 和ZnSO4 为0. 1317、0. 0108gkg-1土时,获得最高产量。  相似文献   


Zinc toxicity of peanuts (Arachis hypogaea L.), resulting from excessive amounts of Zn applied to previous crops, has been observed for many years in a limited number of peanut fields in Georgia. A tentative critical value of 12 mg/kg of Mehlich No.1 extractable soil Zn has been reported, but soil pH should be considered in establishing a more precise critical value since availability of soil Zn is affected greatly by soil acidity. A 3‐year study was conducted on a Tifton loamy sand (thermic, Plinthic Paleudults) to evaluate the relationship between soil pH and soil Zn on concentration of Zn in peanut leaves. Factorial treatments were 0, residual, medium, and high rates of Zn and soil pH levels near 5.5, 5.9, 6.2, and 6.8. Pod yields were not affected by treatments and Zn toxicity was not observed. Leaf Zn was affected more by soil pH than by soil Zn, but correlation coefficients were highest where both soil pH and soil Zn were included in the determination. A regression equation, based on soil pH and soil Zn, showed that an increase in soil Zn from 1.0 to 10.0 mg/kg increased leaf Zn 202 mg/kg at soil pH 4.6 and only 9 mg/kg at pH 6.6. Data from growers’ fields, in which samples were collected from eight healthy and toxic areas, indicated that a leaf Ca:Zn ratio of 50 or less was required for Zn toxicity of peanuts rather than high concentrations of leaf Zn per se.  相似文献   


Many soil extractants have been developed for determination of zinc (Zn) availability to plants. The optimum soil Zn extractant should be useful not only for prediction of plant Zn concentration but also for detection of applied Zn levels. The objectives of this study were: i) to compare soil Zn extradants for detecting applied Zn and for predicting peanut leaf Zn over a range of soil pH levels, and ii) to correlate other soil‐extractable Zn levels with Mehlich‐1. Soil and peanut leaf samples were taken from a field study testing pH levels as the main plots and Zn application rates in the sub‐plots. Extractable Zn was determined on soil samples using Mehlich‐1, Mehlich‐3, DTPA, MgNO3, and many dilute salt extradants of varied strength and pH. Correlation of extractable soil Zn to cumulative applied Zn levels revealed Mehlich‐1, Mehlich‐3, DTPA, and AlCl3 extradants to be among the best indicators of applied Zn. Leaf Zn concentration was best correlated with soil Zn extracted by dilute salts, such as KCl, CaCl2, NH4Cl, CaSO4, and MgCl2. Including soil pH as an independent variable in the regression to predict leaf Zn considerably improved R‐square values. The DTPA‐extractable soil Zn levels were very well correlated with Mehlich‐1‐extractable Zn. Mehlich‐3 extracted about 20% more soil Zn than Mehlich‐1, but Mehlich‐3 soil Zn was not as well correlated to Mehlich‐1 soil Zn as DTPA soil Zn. Lower pH solutions extracted more of the applied Zn, but more neutral solutions extracted Zn amounts which were better correlated with Zn uptake. On the other hand, Mehlich‐1, which had a lower pH, had better correlations with both applied Zn and leaf Zn than did Mehlich‐3. Shortening the DTPA extraction time to 30 minutes resulted in better correlations than the standard two hour extraction time. Chloride (Cl) was the best anion tested in relation to soil applied Zn recovery in combination with potassium (K), calcium (Ca), and aluminum (Al), and Cl optimized leaf Zn correlations for ammonium (NH4), K, Ca, and magnesium (Mg). The larger the valence of the cation, the better the correlation with applied Zn and the poorer the correlation with leaf Zn.  相似文献   

The movement and availability of Zn from six organic Zn sources in a Typic Xerorthent (calcareous) soil were compared by incubation, column assay, and in a greenhouse study with maize (Zea mays L.). Zinc soil behavior was studied by sequential, diethylenetriaminepentaacetate, and Mehlich-3 extractions. In the incubation experiment, the differences in Zn concentration observed in the water soluble plus exchangeable fraction strongly correlated with Zn uptake by plants in the greenhouse experiment. Zinc applied to the surface of soil columns scarcely moved into deeper layers except for Zn-ethylenediaminetetraacetate (EDTA) that showed the greatest distribution of labile Zn throughout the soil and the highest proportion of leaching of the applied Zn. In the upper part of the column, changes in the chemical forms of all treatments occurred and an increase in organically complexed and amorphous Fe oxide-bound fractions was detected. However, the water soluble plus exchangeable fraction was not detected. The same results were obtained at the end of the greenhouse experiment. Significant increases were found in plant dry matter yield and Zn concentration as compared with the control treatment without Zn addition. Increasing Zn rate in the soil increased dry matter yield in all cases but Zn concentration in the plant increased only with Zn-EDTA and Zn-ethylenediaminedi-o-hydroxyphenyl-acetate (EDDHA) fertilizers. Higher Zn concentration in plants (50.9 mg kg(-)(1)) occurred when 20 mg Zn kg(-)(1) was added to the soil as Zn-EDTA. The relative effectiveness of the different Zn carriers in increasing Zn uptake was in the order: Zn-EDTA > Zn-EDDHA > Zn-heptagluconate >/= Zn-phenolate approximately Zn-polyflavonoid approximately Zn-lignosulfonate.  相似文献   

用溶液培养的方法研究了玉米幼苗对短暂供锌的反应及缺锌后再供锌的恢复效果.结果表明:10~12小时的正常供锌后再缺锌培养,对玉米幼苗的危害比一直缺锌的还大;缺锌培养使玉米幼苗出现缺锌症状后再正常供锌,可使之恢复,低锌使玉米出现的缺锌症状比缺锌培养的更难以恢复,证明低锌比缺锌对玉米造成的危害更大,缺锌使玉米的有机酸分泌增加,低锌增加的更多.  相似文献   

不同白菜品种对锌的响应及锌利用效率研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
采用盆栽试验研究了白菜[Brassica campestris L.ssp.Chinensis(L.)Makino]4个品种对不同浓度锌(Zn 0、1、10 mg/kg)的响应.结果表明,白菜的生物量及体内锌含量随锌水平的增加而增加;但白菜品种对锌营养反应的敏感性不同.地上部锌含量、锌积累量和锌吸收效率均以日本华冠(J...  相似文献   

用溶液培养法研究不同Zn浓度对玉米缺Zn后恢复效果及胚乳在缺Zn中作用结果表明,不同基因型玉米缺Zn后恢复所需的适宜Zn浓度不同,敏感品种比非敏感品种要求更高的Zn浓度。缺Zn后恢复所需适宜Zn浓度高于正常培养所需适宜Zn浓度,低浓度Zn(0.1μmol/L)无恢复作用(生物量)。带上胚乳使敏感品种在缺Zn、低Zn下受抑程度(缺Zn与供Zn生物量差值)提高,而非敏感品种受抑程度反而减小。缺Zn与低Zn培养时体内P含量提高,胚乳可缓解这种影响。缺Zn后再供Zn可使体内Zn含量提高,而P含量降低,玉米对Zn产生奢侈吸收,使体内Zn含量超过正常供Zn水平,表明缺Zn后植物对Zn的要求提高。0.1μmol/L Zn恢复对“吉单120”玉米Zn含量无明显影响,但“辽单22”玉米Zn含量显著提高,这表明非敏感品种比敏感品种利用低Zn的能力更强。  相似文献   


Z1nc (Zn) deficiency of corn (Zea mays L.) has been detected in 20 or more states 1n the United States including Georgia. Since soil pH is a major factor in assessing the availability of soil Zn, this measurement has been included with acid extractable soil Zn in developing calibration Zn soil tests in North Carolina and Virginia. The objectives of this study were to develop a reliable soil test for Zn based on soil pH and Mehlich 1 soil Zn for corn gown on coarse‐textured soils and to compare our soil test values with those recently published from North Carolina where Mehlich 3 was the extractant. The study was conducted 1n 1979 to 1981 on a Tifton loamy sand (Plinthic Paleudult) site which had been used to study the influence of lime rates on micronutrient availability since 1970. Treatments consisted of four soil pH levels ranging from 5.3 to 6.6 and soil Zn levels ranging from 0.5 to 4.9 mg/kg. The Zn levels were established from the previous study where 5.6 kg Zn/ha had been applied annually for eight years (residual treatment) and by applying 3.36 or 6.72 kg Zn/ha during 1979, 1980 and 1981.

Soil Zn, corn shoot, and ear leaf Zn values were reflective of the amount of Zn applied except that the residual Zn treatment resulted in Zn concentrations > than the annual application of 3.36 kg Zn/ha. Zinc tended to accumulate in the soil and in corn leaf tissue more from the residual Zn than the recently applied Zn treatments, especially at the highest pH levels. Increasingly more soil Zn was required to increase corn shoot and ear leaf Zn one mg/kg as soil pH increased. In the initial year, each unit (kg/ha) of applied Zn increased corn shoot Zn approximately 4 units (mg/kg) at pH 5.3 and only 0.3 unit at pH 6.6. Zinc deficiency symptoms developed in corn shoots for the two highest soil pH levels in two of three years. Corn yields were increased by Zn only in 1980 and were increased by residual or applied Zn at pH levels of 6.2 and 6.6. Regression equations from these studies were utilized to develop predictive corn shoot and ear leaf Zn values over wide ranges in soil Zn and pH. Our field research data using Mehlich 1 extractant could possibly be used satisfactorily in North Carolina regression equations where Mehlich 3 was the extractant; however, certain limitations would need to be imposed in the North Carolina equations.  相似文献   


Maize (Zea mays L.) was greenhouse cultivated with doses of 5, 10, and 15 ppm of zinc (Zn) in order to test the effectiveness of laboratory‐prepared coated and uncoated Zn fertilizers with commercial Zn‐EDTA and Zn‐ligno‐sulphonate (LS). Large increases were achieved both in crop yield and in Zn uptake in all cases while a large part of the Zn applied remained in the soil in easily plant‐available forms. Positive significant correlations were obtained between available Zn and the first three sequentially extracted fractions (water soluble plus exchangeable, organically complexed and that associated to amorphous sesquioxides) and also between the variables, yield, Zn concentration, and plant Zn uptake. Zinc uptake by the maize plants can be fairly accurately predicted from its sequential fractioning in the soil using an equation obtained by multiple regression analysis. Consideration of the amounts of Zn remaining as available (DTPA extractable) in the soil and results of a plant analysis let us conclude that under the conditions of our tests, Zn‐EDTA is a better Zn source than Zn‐LS. In addition, coating of Zn‐EDTA products with rosin improves their performance.  相似文献   


A significant portion of chemical zinc (Zn) fertilizers applied to calcareous soils is not absorbed by the first crop and may, therefore, affect the growth and chemical composition of the subsequent crops. This is called the residual effect of Zn. Soil tests may be used to predict such effects. The present experiment was conducted to study the residual effects of zinc sulfate (ZnSO4) on the second crop of corn (Zea mays L.) grown on selected highly calcareous soils of Iran and to compare the suitability of three soil tests for prediction of the effects. Twenty highly calcareous soils of southern Iran (16–58% calcium carbonate equivalent; pH 7.9–8.5), previously treated with three levels of Zn (0, 10, and 20 mg Zn/kg as ZnSO4) and under one crop of corn, was used in greenhouse to grow a second crop of corn without additional Zn fertilizer but with uniform application of nitrogen (N), phosphorus (P), and iron (Fe). Soils were sampled before the second crop and extracted with three Zn extradants, DTPA, EDTA‐(NH4)2CO3, and EDTA. Dry weight of plant tops and Zn concentration and uptake after eight weeks under the greenhouse conditions were used as the plant responses to residual Zn. Statistical analyses including F‐test and multiple regression equations showed that the overall effect of previously‐applied Zn on dry matter was nonsignificant, but Zn concentration and uptake were significantly increased. The three soil tests predicted the Zn concentration and uptake equally well. Moreover, DTPA and EDTA soil tests could predict the dry matter of plants at the highest level of previuosly‐applied Zn (20 mg Zn/kg), especially when selected chemical properties of soil, namely, calcium carbonate equivalent or organic matter content, were considered in the regression equations.  相似文献   

在缺锌土壤中施用锌肥不仅可提高马铃薯产量,而且能显著提高马铃薯块茎锌含量,研究旨在揭示不同 熟性马铃薯叶面施用锌肥的不同施肥量、施肥时期及施肥种类在提高马铃薯产量和块茎锌含量方面的差异。以马 铃薯品种费乌瑞它、大西洋、定薯 4 号为供试材料,于 2020 年 4 月至 2021 年 10 月在大田条件下设置 3 组试验: 试验 1 为不同类型锌肥喷施试验,设不施锌肥为对照(G0)、喷施硫酸锌水溶液(G1)、喷施硫酸锌 + 尿素水溶 液(G2)和喷施安米达·糖醇锌水溶液(G3)4 个处理;试验 2 为不同锌肥喷施量试验,设喷施浓度为 0.00% (F0)、0.02%(F1)、0.03%(F2)、0.04%(F3)、0.05%(F4)和 0.06%(F5)6 个处理;试验 3 为不同时期喷 施锌肥试验,设全生育期不喷施锌肥为对照(L0)、苗期喷施(L1)、现蕾期喷施(L2)、块茎形成期喷施(L3) 和块茎膨大期喷施(L4)5 个处理。结果表明,叶面喷施适量硫酸锌,马铃薯产量、块茎锌含量和叶片 SPAD 值 均有所提高。早熟品种费乌瑞它与中熟品种大西洋,喷施锌肥浓度为 0.30% 时,块茎锌含量较未喷施分别显著增 加 37.25% 和 32.26%;晚熟品种定薯 4 号锌肥浓度为 0.50% 时块茎锌含显著增加 31.75%。不同品种马铃薯喷施关 键时期均在块茎形成期和膨大期,块茎锌含量较未喷施平均显著增加 46.26%。叶面喷施硫酸锌和尿素水溶液增产 增效显著,块茎锌含量显著增加 42.11%,产量显著增加 12.86%。综上所述,结合叶面施锌增加马铃薯产量和块 茎锌含量的田间应用效果分析,在早、中熟品种马铃薯上采用 0.30% 硫酸锌水溶液,晚熟品种上采用 0.50% 硫酸 锌水溶液,因地制宜采用叶面喷施硫酸锌水溶液配施 0.05% 尿素,在马铃薯块茎形成期和块茎膨大期两个关键时 期进行喷施,可协同实现最佳肥料利用效率、最大程度的稳产增产和提高马铃薯的锌营养含量。  相似文献   

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