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We are pleased to be responsible guest editors for the two special issues of Chinese Birds(Vol.3,No.4,2012 and Vol.4,No.1,2013),entitled "Avian Brood Parasitism — a Growing Research Area in Behavioral Ecology".The goal of the two special issues is to publish accumulated knowledge and some of the recent developments in the fascinating research occurring in avian  相似文献   

中国东方白鹳种群现状及保护对策   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
东方白鹳(Ciconia boyciana)属大型水禽,由于栖息地丧失,种群数量急剧减少,己处于濒危状态,已列为国家一级重点保护鸟类;CITES列为附录Ⅰ;《世界濒危鸟类名录》中列为濒危种类.  相似文献   

红胸秋沙鸭(Mergus serrator Linnaeus)郑作新在《中国鸟类分布名录》第一版(1955)、第二版(1976)以及《中国鸟类系统检索》(1964)中均记载在长白山地区有分布,为非繁殖鸟,但未具体到省区。吉林省鸟类学者在几十年的鸟类考察和研究中均未在长白山地区和吉林省内发现,  相似文献   

肉鸡日粮中用优质蛋白玉米代替普通玉米的价值评估译者/李菊校者/雷蕾译自/Pakistan Journal of Nutrition,2009,8(2):112~115原文作者/Onimisi,P.A.,Omage,J.J.,Dafwang,I.I.andBawa,G.S.采用360只罗氏肉鸡饲喂试验日粮,以评估肉鸡日粮中用优质玉米(QPM)代替普通玉米(NM)的价值。完全随机分组,设6个处理  相似文献   

<正> 国际性草原管理学组织—草原管理学会(The Society for Range Mana-gement—SRM),其前身为美国草原管理学会(American Society of RangeManagement—ASRM),现任执行秘书D.A.Smith。学会出版物有:《草原针理杂志》(Journal of Range Mana:ement),双月刊  相似文献   

长耳鸮的越冬习性、食性及鸣声分析   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
长耳鸮(Asio otus)的越冬区分布在河北、河南、山东及南方数省(据《中国鸟类分布名录》郑作新,1976)。笔者于1985年1—2月间对在山东省德州地区越冬的长耳鸮进行了野外观察,结果报告如下。  相似文献   

金斑鸻(Pluvialis fulva)系鸻行目,鸻科小型水鸟,被列入《中国湿地行动计划》的主要水鸟名录之中,也是中国政府和澳大利亚政府协议规定的保护候鸟之一.据《中国鸟类志》记载,金斑鸻每年迁徒期间在我国大部分地区都有过境记录,但湖北省都无野外观察记录.  相似文献   

王浆中維生素的含量Koyama Y.& lizuka.H.《J.Jap.soc.Food Nutur.13(2)50—52(1960)(日文)摘要見《Bee world》42(3):83:108/61号(1961) 对新鮮王浆进行微生物測定得到如下結果(单位为p.p.m.即百万分之一):硫銨素5.1,核黄素12.3,維生素B_6族11.7,尼克酸45.5—52.3,泛酸160.0,叶酸0.35,生物素1.66,乙酰胆硷838.7。維生素B_(12)与肌醇亦有发現。 (卢起維譯) 蜜蜂的遮蔭 Owens C.D.《Amer.Bee J.》99(12):481—482(1959)(英文)摘要見《Bee world》42(6):158:199/61号(1961)  相似文献   

<正> 《The fodder grasses of Nor-thern India》一书由印度北部植物学部导师 J.F。Duthie 编著。久德浦科学出版社于1978年在印度出版发行。该书的目次如下:(1)前言;(2)绪论;(3)对禾本科植物结构技术术语的补充解释;(4)  相似文献   

<正>美洲红鹮(学名:Eudocimus ruber)具有世界最红的鸟类之称。它体态玲珑,行为乖巧,具有极高的观赏价值。美洲红在野外的寿命大约为15年,人工饲养下可达到20年。2012年被列入《世界自然保护联盟》(IUCN)濒危物种红色名录ver3.1——低危(LC)。美洲红属于极高神经质的鸟类,由于自然环境和人工饲养环境差异极大,因此驯养和繁殖难度较高,成功率极低。本文针对美洲红的种鸟繁殖管理技术进行了初步探讨:1美洲红鹮的生物学特性体长56~61cm,翼展  相似文献   

<正> 《兽医公报》(The Venterinary Bu-lletin)52卷1982年8—12期分为五部分连载了英联邦家畜卫生局 Michael R.Hails和 Trev or D.Crane 汇编的“1960—1979年动物植物性中毒世界文献资料目录”。这本目录是在 T.D.Crane 原编的1960—1972  相似文献   

<正>海鸥是一种中等体型的鸥,已被列入国家林业局2000年8月1日发布的《国家保护的有益的或者有重要经济、科学研究价值的陆生野生动物名录》,而且列入《世界自然保护联盟》(IUCN)2009年鸟类红色名录。而球虫病会导致水禽精神萎顿,羽毛粗乱,体形消瘦,出现血便,并能致死;蠕虫感染水禽  相似文献   

This experiment was conducted to investigate the effects of dietary Ampitheoe sp. powder on the growth and the contents of astaxanthin, triglyceride (TG), total cholesterol (TCHO) and fatty acids of Litopenaeus vannamei. A total of approximately 6 777 L. vannamei with an initial body weight of (1. 80 ± 0.72) g were randomly divided into 3 groups, and there were 3 replicates (753 shrimp per replicate) in each group. Those shrimp fed diets containing 0 (D0 group), 8. 25% (D8. 25 group) and 33% (D33. 00 group) Ampitheoe sp. powder, respectively. The feeding trial lasted for 40 days. The results showed as follows: 1) the final body weight, weight gain rate, specific growth rate, yield and survival rate in D33.00 group were significantly higher than those in D0 group (P <0.05), whereas the feed conversion ratio was significantly lower than that in D0 group (P <0.05) . However, there was no significant difference between D33.00 group and the D8. 25 group in those indexes (P >0.05) . 2) The astaxanthin content in carapace, hepatopancreas and muscle of L. vannamei in D8.25 and D33. 00 groups was significantly higher than that in D0 group (P < 0. 05); that in D33.00 group was significantly higher than that in D8. 25 group (P < 0. 05) . 3) TG content in haemolymph, hepatopancreas and muscle in D8. 25 and D33. 00 groups was significantly lower than that in D0 group (P < 0.05); the TCHO content in hepatopancreas in D8. 25 group was significantly higher than that in D0 and D33.00 groups (P <0.05); TCHO content in muscle in D33.00 group was significantly higher than that in D0 group (P <0.05) . 4) The contents of eicosapentaenoic acid (EPA) and arachidonic acid (AA) in hepatopancreas in D33.00 group were significantly higher than those in D0 group (P <0.05) . The EPA content in muscle in D33.00 group was significantly higher than that in D0 group (P < 0. 05) . In conclusion, adding Ampitheoe sp. powder into the diet can improve the growth performance, the contents of astaxanthin, EPA and AA in L. vannamei, and affect the accumulation of TG and TCHO, which can be used as a functional diet in aquaculture. Considering the cost, the supplementation level of 8. 25% Ampitheoe sp. powder is more appropriate. © 2023 Chinese Journal of Pediatric Surgery. All rights reserved.  相似文献   

中华人民共和国野生动物保护法宣传《野生动物保护法》是本刊的首要任务林业部野生动物法小组有关同志答本刊记者问依法保护野生动物拥护《野生动物保护法》作好野生动物的科学研究国家重点保护野生动物名录万类霜天竞自由—各地“爱鸟周”活动述评47(1)348(2)348(2)448(2)748(2)948(2)1148(2)26综述 发展中的佛坪自然保护区 绝灭了的东北野牛 鄂、湘、川间大熊猫的变迁 我国野生动物资源现状 《濒危野生动植物种国际贸易公约》及其主要规定介绍 鸟的卵壳结构、形成和功能 鸟类鸣嗽的异性吸引功能 北京市的野生动物资源 国外保护野生动物法…  相似文献   

草坪学是一门新兴的学科。它与草原学和牧草学有着极其密切的联系。它可以说是草地、牧草用于园林、环境保护和运动等目的后产生的新学科。为了促进我国草坪科学的发展和交流,1982年10月在陕西临潼召开的中国草原学会第二次学术讨论会上成立了草坪学组。本刊为了协助这一工作,今后将用一定篇幅介绍国外有关草坪学的文献,欢迎同志们译稿、写稿。为了帮助同志们翻译英文草坪学文献,编辑部特根据J.B.Beard、J.M.DiPaola、Don Johns、K.J.Karnok等著《Introduction to Turfgrass Science and Culture——Laboratory Exercises》(1979),A.J.Turgeon著《Turfgrass Management》(1980),J.B.Bread编《Proceedings of the Third International Turfgrass Research Conference》(1980)及美国农学会草坪草术语学委员会编辑的草坪草词汇,编译了英汉草坪学常用词汇及释意,现发表以供参考。  相似文献   

2021年2月新版《国家重点保护野生动物名录》(以下简称新《名录》)发布,这是我国自2020年5月发布新版《国家畜禽遗传资源名录》之后的又一关乎动物保护与利用的法规性文件.为了深入了解新《名录》的宗旨和内容,从而依法从事动物保护与利用工作,文中重点介绍了新《名录》的内容,并与旧版《名录》进行详细比较,阐述了调整的依据及科学性,同时阐述了遵照新《名录》与发展经济动物生产的协调一致性等.  相似文献   

[Objective] This study was conducted to compare the genetic diversity and growth performance of two Litopenaeus vannamei populations at low temperature. [Method] One population(selected population, SP) was produced through inbreeding and 3 years of selection from seven popula-tions of L. vannamei introduced from the United States and Singapore. The other population(hybridized population, HP) was the F1 generation of the crosses between Population SP and some excellent populations introduced from South Korea and Singapore. The growth performance of the two populations at low temperature was compared, and the genetic diversity and genetic differentiation between the two populations were assessed using13 microsatellite loci. [Result] The shrimps of population HP had better growth performance than those of population SP. The average body weight(BW) for population HP, which was(13.18 ±3.65) g/ind., was significantly higher than that of population SP, which was(12.20 ±3.14) g/ind. The coefficient of variation in body weight for population SP was 25.74%, and that for population HP was 27.69%. The other growth indices of popula-tion HP were all higher than those of population SP. One-way analysis of variance(ANOVA) indicated that there were highly significant differences in both BW and width of third abdominal segment(WTAS) between HP and SP( P0.001). The specific growth rate(SGR) and absolute growth rate(AGR) for population HP were(5.09±0.61) %/d and(0.26±0.60) g/d, respectively, while the SGR and AGR for population SP were(4.94 ±0.57) %/d and(0.24±0.63) g/d., both significantly lower than those of population HP(P0.001). Genetic diversity analysis revealed that the number of alleles(Na) of population HP(Na=7.9) was slightly higher than that of population SP(Na=7.6). The average polymorphic information content(PIC) of HP and SP populations was similar 0.63 and 0.62, both indicating high level of genetic diversity. The average observed heterozygosity( Ho) of HP and SP was0.492 and 0.483, and the expected heterozygosity(He) was 0.675 and 0.663, respectively. Both Hoand Heof population HP were higher than those of population SP, suggesting that HP had higher genetic diversity than population SP. Moreover, the mean of Fs Tvalues at the 13 microsatellite loci between HP and SP was 0.155 6, suggesting there was a significant genetic differentiation between the two populations. [Conclusion] Our results provide a theoretical basis for the breeding of new L. vannamei strains that are resistant to low temperature.  相似文献   

This review focuses on the diversity of immunoglobulin (Ig) genes and Ig isotypes that are expressed in domestic animals. Four livestock species-cattle, sheep, pigs, and horses-express a full range of Ig heavy chains (IgHs), including μ, δ, γ, ε, and α. Two poultry species (chickens and ducks) express three IgH isotypes, μ, υ, and α, but not δ. The κ and λ light chains are both utilized in the four livestock species, but only the λ chain is expressed in poultry. V(D)J recombination, somatic hypermutation (SHM), and gene conversion (GC) are three distinct mechanisms by which immunoglobulin variable region diversity is generated. Different domestic animals may use distinct means to diversify rearranged variable regions of Ig genes.  相似文献   

OIE(世界动物卫生组织)发布的《OIE疫病感染及侵染名录》,每年更新一次,与2016年相比,2017年生效的《OIE疫病感染及侵染名录》中,疫病数少了两个,但实际总病种是一样的.在2016年生效的《OIE疫病感染及侵染名录》中,分别列入了布鲁氏菌病(流产布鲁氏菌)、布鲁氏菌病(马耳他布鲁氏菌)、布鲁氏菌病(猪布鲁氏菌),在2017年生效的《OIE疫病感染及侵染名录》中,将这三种病列成了一种,即流产布鲁氏菌、马耳他布鲁氏菌、猪布鲁氏菌感染.为了使动物疫病相关方能够及时了解全球疫病动态,有针对性的做好动物疫病防范工作.笔者翻译了2017年生效的名录,不足之处请批评指正.  相似文献   

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