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欧文氏杆菌引起梨果腐的一种新病害研究初报   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
李晓军  杨竹轩 《植物检疫》1999,13(4):203-205
近年来,在山东泰安发现梨果实软腐的新病害。从病部分离到一种细菌。根据个体形态,培养性状,生理化反应,致病性郑州 研究结果,确认致病菌为大黄颈腐欧文氏杆菌Erwiniarhapontici(Millard)Brukholder,非梨火疫菌E.amylovora。  相似文献   

海南菠萝病虫害发生情况调查初报   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
海南省菠萝主产区病虫害调查发现,为害海南菠萝生产的主要有菠萝凋萎病、叶斑病、心腐病和菠萝粉蚧。心腐病主要为害新植园菠萝幼苗,凋萎病和叶斑病主要为害生产园和结果老园的菠萝植株,菠萝粉蚧主要为害生产园的菠萝植株。不同品种菠萝病虫害发生程度存在差异。  相似文献   

广州栽培菠萝上发现果实褐腐病   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
唐友林 《植物保护》1996,22(2):52-53
广州栽培菠萝上发现果实褐腐病菠萝果实褐腐病,又称菠萝青霉果腐病、小果心腐病、革质袋病,病原为Penicilliumfuni-culosum。近年在法国马提尼克、秘鲁等地区发生危害较重,导致菠萝鲜果和加工果的重大损失。近年,笔者在广州栽培的卡因(Smo...  相似文献   

土壤酸碱度、空气湿度对菠萝心腐病发生的影响   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
采用盆栽与大田试验结合的方法,通过加湿器和石灰人工制造不同的空气湿度、土壤pH环境,研究了菠萝心腐病在不同空气湿度、土壤pH水平下的发生情况。结果表明,菠萝心腐病在空气相对湿度50%~100%范围内均可发病。其中,叶片接菌处无棉花保湿时RH 90%~100%条件下接菌5 d后病斑扩展至叶片边缘,6 d后发病率为100%;RH 70%~90%条件下接菌6 d后开始出现叶片软腐,发病率为93%;而RH 50%~70%条件下接菌后6 d病斑仍局限在叶片中部,发病率为63%。叶片接菌处有棉花保湿时,菠萝心腐病更加容易发病,但不同空气湿度下菠萝心腐病发病差异不明显。土壤酸碱度对菠萝心腐病发生的影响有差异。室内盆栽人工接菌后7、14d,碱性土壤(pH=8.46)菠萝心腐病发病率分别为68%、95%,而对照(土壤pH 5.93)发病率分别为25%和40%;大田自然条件下酸性土壤地块(土壤pH 5.64),在8~10月菠萝心腐病自然发病率为1.79%~2.84%,高于拌施石灰的地块(pH=7.78)自然发病率(0.57%~1.12%)。  相似文献   

菠萝黑腐病,又称软腐病、心腐病或果腐病,是采后菠萝果实的主要病害之一,由真菌Thielaviopsisparadoxa(deseyn·)V·Hohn引起。广州栽培的卡因菠萝,采后果实在常温下贮运易因黑腐病引起腐烂、变软、发黑和变质,严重时,贮藏14d后发病率高达50%~60%。栽培上打顶会在发育果实上留下伤口,为黑腐病菌入侵提供途径,是采后波萝黑腐病发生危害的重要原因。采后菠萝经SF蜡乳剂处理与12℃低温贮藏,可显著减少黑腐病,同时减少采后黑心病的发生;多菌灵、仲丁胺或苯来特等杀菌剂与赤毒素GA3混合浸果处理,亦能显著控制菠萝黑腐病。但赤毒素GA3150mg/L…  相似文献   

菠萝黑腐病又称凤梨基腐病,在我国主要菠萝产区广东、海南、广西和福建等省(区)都有发生,是果实成熟及贮藏过程中的重要病害。也可侵害幼苗,引起苗腐。1症状  本病主要发生于成熟的果实上。被害果面出现水渍状软斑,病斑逐渐扩大到整个果实,形成黑色大斑块。果肉变黑腐烂,并发出酸臭味。病菌可侵害幼苗,引起苗腐。开始,外叶枯黄,逐渐至内部叶片,用手拔时全部叶片与地下部分脱离,病菌还可从摘除顶芽伤口侵入,侵害嫩叶基部引起心腐。2病原  病害是由奇异长喙壳(Ceratocystisparadoxa)真菌侵染而引起的。子囊壳长颈外露,即肉…  相似文献   

德国鸢尾(Iris germanica L.)细菌性软腐病病原物初步鉴定   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
从德国鸢尾(Iris germanica L.)栽培品种软腐病感病植株上分离到2株病原细菌,经回接试验证明为鸢尾软腐病病原细菌;同时还对2株细菌进行了形态观察、致病性测定、染色反应、培养性状观察和生理生化反应等研究,并将该病原细菌初步鉴定为欧文氏菌菊欧软腐致病型(Erwinia chrysanthemi Burkhdder,Mc Fadden&;Di-mock)。  相似文献   

菠萝黑腐病与防治技术   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
龚标勋 《植物医生》2001,14(3):39-39
“农民要致富 :一种胡椒二种菠萝”。这是当地农民顺口溜。海南省为菠萝生产大省之一 ,但由于菠萝黑腐病对发展生产有一定影响。此病在广东等地菠萝产区也有发生。有的产区发病率高达30 %~40 % ,影响市场供应和加工生产 ,造成重大经济损失。该病还危害甘蔗、芒果、椰子等。1.症状。该病在菠萝的果实、茎、叶等不同的部位所表现的症状有所不同。(1)果腐 :未成熟果和成熟果均有受害 ,但多发生于成熟果。通常在田间症状不明显 ,但收获后堆放期间果实则迅速腐烂。病菌从果柄和顶芽切口处侵入感染 ,先沿果心呈“V”字形 ,纵向扩展 ,果…  相似文献   

为搞清杭州小麦上一新发生病害的病原,从病区获得6份小麦病株样本的症状,经初步的植物细菌学特性分析,鉴定为细菌病害。6个分离细菌经32项生理生化反应、茵落形态、致病性、Biolog、脂肪酸分析及与6个标准菌株比较,证实了这种小麦叶鞘褐腐病是由Pseudomonasfuscovaginae.,Miyajima,Tanii&Akita引起,与水稻细菌性叶鞘褐腐病为同一病原。  相似文献   

甘蔗梢腐病的发生为害与防治   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
卢昌 《广西植保》2002,15(3):20-20
甘蔗梢腐病是一种普遍发生的甘蔗病害。在我国的广西、广东、福建、台湾、云南。四川、江西等省区蔗区均有此病发生。我场蔗区也普遍发生 ,尤以屋边、路边和肥沃蔗田较常见 ,发病严重时 ,使甘蔗产量和质量都受到较大损失。1 病害症状  甘蔗梢腐病主要发生在甘蔗的梢部和幼嫩叶片 ,感病后引起腐烂 ,故名梢腐病。被害心叶呈梯形凹凸扭曲 ,并有纵裂 ,梢头部的叶片常缠在一起变形 ,有明显褐色皱纹。叶缘和叶尖有红或黑色的病斑 ,呈烧焦状态。生长点被害时 ,引起顶端腐烂及幼轴坏死 ,有时腐败发出恶臭 ,蔗茎停止生长 ,侧芽大量萌发 ,或者整株…  相似文献   


A new bacterial disease of tobacco, not previously reported was found in Karnataka. Studies on the disease initiated to identify the causal agent the factors which predispose the plants to epidemics, and control of the disease, revealed that it occurs in epiphytotic form following heavy rains after the crop has been topped, and is more severe in thicker leaves. The primary source of inoculum is the soil, and secondary spread takes place by rainwater splashing from infected to healthy plants. The disease is found predominantly in beedi tobacco and causes severe damage to the crop resulting in economic loss in yield. The causal organism is Erwinia chrysanthemi. In vitro evaluation of chemicals showed that streptomycin sulphate + chlorotetra‐cycline (Streptocycline), streptomycin sulphate (Ambystrin) and streptomycin sulphate + oxytetracycline (Paushamycin) were effective in control of the bacterial disease.  相似文献   

江西甘蔗花叶病田间调查   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
2007年9-10月对江西甘蔗花叶病(sugarcane mosaic disease)进行了多点田间调查,结果表明江西甘蔗普遍发生花叶病,其中红皮甘蔗花叶病重于青皮甘蔗,两者病丛率分别为59.8%和19.2%,赣北、赣中、赣南3大地区之间的甘蔗花叶病发生轻重无明显差异。  相似文献   

低纬高原甘蔗白叶病植原体传播方式测定分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
甘蔗白叶病(Sugarcane white leaf,SCWL)是由16SrXI组植原体引起的甘蔗重要病害[1],主要通过带病蔗种传播,还可在田间通过叶蝉自然传播[2,3].该病1954年首次在泰国发现[4],现已在印度、巴基斯坦、斯里兰卡、菲律宾、缅甸、越南等国普遍发生,给当地蔗糖业造成巨大经济损失[5,6].201...  相似文献   

Brown stripe disease is a severe foliar fungal disease of sugarcane worldwide and is widespread in all sugarcane planting areas in China. Brown stripe is a major disease that seriously affects the output and quality of the sugarcane industry in Yunnan Province, China's second-largest sugar base, while the pathogen of this disease remains not yet fully understood. To address this, we isolated and identified the fungi associated with 68 leaf samples showing typical symptoms of brown stripe from 22 sugarcane varieties in different areas of Yunnan Province. A total of 113 isolates were obtained, which were morphologically similar. Of these, 64 representative isolates were sequenced for the internal transcribed spacer region (ITS), GAPDH and EF-1α loci. All representative isolates grouped with the type strain of Bipolaris setariae in the phylogenetic trees inferred with individual and concatenated sequences of ITS, GAPDH and EF1-α. Pathogenicity test results showed that B. setariae strains were able to induce typical symptoms of brown stripe. The results obtained in this study clarify that only B. setariae is associated with sugarcane brown stripe in Yunnan, China. It is recorded here for the first time as a pathogen causing sugarcane brown stripe in Yunnan, and it is able to infect many major cultivars and new varieties, posing a new threat to the sugar industry in Yunnan Province. In addition, these results provide the scientific basis for the future breeding of disease-resistant varieties and effective prevention and control of sugarcane brown stripe disease.  相似文献   

甘蔗花叶病抗病性鉴定接种新技术研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
研究了甘蔗花叶病抗病性鉴定的一种新技术—甘蔗生长期切茎接种法。此法和传统苗期手指摩擦接种法相比,接种后发病率极显著地高于手指摩擦接种法,且发病均匀、结果稳定,可以有效地区分不同甘蔗品种(材料)之间对病害的抗感性。比较11个甘蔗品种材料生长期切茎接种法和田间自然感病法对SrMV-HH1的抗性鉴定,结果表明:两种方法发病率呈正相关,且相关程度极密切,相关系数达0.9997,鉴定所得的抗病性和抗病等级结果完全一致,说明切茎接种法鉴定结果能真实反映甘蔗品种材料的自然抗感性;此外该方法简便实用、可操作性强、接种工效高,因此可以对大批量材料进行鉴定和筛选。  相似文献   

甘蔗花叶病是中国蔗区危害最严重的病毒病,利用抗病品种是控制该病害最经济有效的方法。本研究以中国蔗区甘蔗花叶病的2种主要病原甘蔗线条花叶病毒分离物(SCSMV-JP1,Gen Bank登录号JF488064)和高粱花叶病毒分离物(Sr MV-HH,Gen Bank登录号DQ530434)为接种毒源,采用人工切茎接种和RT-PCR检测相结合方法,于2015年、2016年2次对中国近年选育的71个优良甘蔗新品种(系)进行了双抗SCSMV和Sr MV鉴定与评价。结果表明:71个优良甘蔗新品种(系)中,对SCSMV表现高抗到中抗的有24个,占33.8%,感病到高感的有47个,占66.2%;对Sr MV表现高抗到中抗的有27个,占38.03%,感病到高感的有44个,占61.97%。综合分析结果显示,福农30号、福农36号、闽糖01-77、桂糖02-467、柳城05-129、粤甘34号、粤甘40号、粤糖55号、粤糖96-86、粤糖00-318、赣蔗02-70、云蔗03-258、云蔗04-241、云蔗05-51、云蔗06-80等15个优良新品种(系)双抗SCSM V和Sr M V 2种病毒,占21.13%,其中粤甘34号、粤糖55号、云蔗03-258、云蔗05-51、云蔗06-80等5个优良新品种(系)对2种病毒均表现为高抗,占7.04%,。研究结果明确了71个甘蔗优良新品种(系)对甘蔗花叶病2种主要致病病原的抗性,筛选出双抗SCSMV和Sr MV的甘蔗优良新品种(系)15个,为生产用种选择和有效防控甘蔗花叶病提供了科学依据。  相似文献   

江西甘蔗花叶病病原的分子鉴定   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
 Sugarcane mosaic disease, caused by Sugarcane mosaic virus (SCMV), Sorghum mosaic virus (SrMV), Maize dwarf mosaic virus (MDMV) or Johnsongrass mosaic virus (JGMV) in Potyvirus, is one of the most important viral diseases of sugarcane. In the study, four primer pairs specific to SCMV, SrMV, MDMV and JGMV, respectively, were designed and used to detect 29 sugarcane leaf mosaic samples collected from 9 locations in Jiangxi province. The representative RT-PCR products were sequenced. The results showed that 22 samples were infected by SCMV, three by SrMV, and four were mix-infected by SCMV and SrMV. MDMV or JGMV were not identified in all samples. The result indicates that SCMV is the major pathogen of sugarcane mosaic disease in Jiangxi province, and SrMV is also a pathogen for the disease.  相似文献   

Red stripe caused by the bacterium Acidovorax avenae subsp. avenae (Aaa) is a disease of sugarcane that is distributed worldwide. In this study, 108 sugarcane leaf samples were collected in 2013–2016 from nine sugarcane‐growing regions in China. Aaa was detected by PCR with specific and novel primers from the 16S–23S rDNA internal transcribed spacer region in 81 of 84 (96%) leaves with red stripe symptoms and in 20 of 24 (83%) leaves without symptoms. Furthermore, Aaa was detected in all nine sampling locations representing six sugarcane‐producing provinces in China. The 101 amplified fragments were cloned and sequenced. The size of the nucleotide sequences varied from 436 to 454 bp and the sequence identity ranged from 89.2% to 100%, suggesting a significant genetic variation among Aaa strains from China. Five major restriction fragment length polymorphism (RFLP) profiles were obtained by in silico and polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis analyses of the PCR products digested with HindIII and EcoRI. The causal agent of sugarcane red stripe was also successfully isolated from a diseased plant and its pathogenicity confirmed by inoculation of healthy sugarcane plantlets and reproduction of disease symptoms. The data showed that Aaa is currently widespread in China, suggesting that control methods should be implemented to limit the impact of red stripe on sugarcane production.  相似文献   

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