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An 8-year-old Shih-tzu dog was presented with a 2-week history of cough and nasal discharge. Upon presentation, the dog had constant open-mouth breathing with stertor and blood-tinged mucopurulent nasal discharge. Oral examination revealed a missing right mandibular second premolar tooth and severe periodontal disease. Computed tomography showed a radiodense, retropharyngeal foreign body. The foreign body was removed using caudal rhinoscopy. The foreign body was the right mandibular second premolar covered by thick calculus.  相似文献   

Nasopharyngeal cryptococcosis   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Naturally occurring cryptococcosis in five cats, a dog and a koala is described. Involvement of the nasopharynx was documented in all patients, and nasopharyngeal mass lesions accounted for the major presenting complaints in four. Signs referable to nasopharyngeal disease included snoring, stertor, inspiratory dyspnoea and aerophagia. Diagnoses were made by caudal rhinoscopy using a retroverted flexible endoscope, vigorous orthograde flushing with saline, or at necropsy. Concurrent cryptococcal rhinitis was present in all cases, although involvement appeared limited to the caudal nasal cavity in most cases. Typical signs of nasal cavity disease, such as sneezing and nasal discharge, were often absent. Treatment of nasopharyngeal cryptococcosis should include physical dislodgement or debulking of lesion(s) to provide immediate alleviation of upper airway obstruction, followed by systemic antifungal therapy to eliminate residual infection from the nasal cavity. Infections caused by Cryptococcus neoformans var gattii accounted for a disproportionately large number of these cases.  相似文献   

Nasopharyngeal polyps are non-neoplastic, inflammatory growths that arise from the middle ear or the eustachian tube and extend into the pharynx. The exact etiology of nasopharyngeal polyps is unclear; proposed etiologies include a response to chronic upper respiratory tract infection, chronic otitis media, ascending infection from the nasopharynx, or a congenital origin. Clinical signs usually relate to obstruction of the nasopharynx, with Horner's syndrome and head tilt being consistent with otitis media and otitis interna, respectively. Diagnostic tools include digital or visual examination above the soft palate, flexible fiberoptic caudal rhinoscopy, radiography, computed tomography, and magnetic resonance imaging. Ventral bulla osteotomy combined with traction removal of the polyp is the recommended treatment, although traction only followed by prednisolone therapy can be considered in some cases, especially when there is no evidence of otitis media.  相似文献   

This series describes five dogs with nasal polyps diagnosed between 2000 and 2011. Clinical signs included reverse sneezing, nasal discharge, epistaxsis, and stertor when breathing. Computerised tomographic findings included soft tissue mass, turbinate destruction, extension through the bony nasal septum and partial lysis of bones surrounding the nasal cavity. Three dogs were treated by dorsal rhinotomy, one dog was treated by ventral rhinotomy, and in one dog the polyp tissue was removed during nasal flushing. Three dogs have no clinical signs of nasal disease. One dog had confirmed recurrence of nasal polyps and was successfully treated with megavoltage radiation. One dog had recurrent nasal disease eight months after dorsal rhinotomy. Nasal polyps are a possible cause of nasal disease in dogs with nasal discharge, epistaxsis and stertor, and a differential diagnosis for dogs with extensive soft tissue lesions of the nasal cavities on computerised tomography. Nasal polyps can be treated successfully by rhinotomy in some cases but may reoccur.  相似文献   

In this retrospective study of 41 cats with chronic nasal disease diagnoses included nasal neoplasia (n = 19), idiopathic chronic rhinosinusitis (ICRS) (n = 12), nasopharyngeal polyps (n = 3), foreign bodies (n = 2), nasopharyngeal stenosis (n = 1) and nasal aspergillosis (n = 1). In 3 cats diagnosis could not be established despite thorough work-up. Gender, indoor or outdoor housing, quality or quantity of nasal discharge, bacteriological findings of nasal flushes, radiology and CT findings did not differ significantly between cats with neoplasia and cats with ICRS. Cats with neoplasia were older (3 - 15, median 11 years) and showed clinical signs for a shorter period of time (1 - 8, median 2 months) than cats with ICRS (age 1 - 13, median 7.5 years; signs: 1 - 36, median 5 months). In all cats with neoplasia a mass was detected rhinoscopically, while this was only seen in 30 % of cats with ICRS. The exact diagnosis has to be established by examination of biopsy samples. A combination of physical examination, imaging studies and rhinoscopy with cytological and histopathological examination of samples enhances the likelihood for a correct diagnosis.  相似文献   

A 16-yr-old, captive-born, female California sea lion (Zalophus californianus) was evaluated for intermittent lethargy, partial anorexia, and polydipsia of 2 wk duration. The animal was immobilized for physical examination. It was in thin body condition, with multifocal mucosal ulcerations over the caudal and ventral tongue. Blood was collected for hematology, serum chemistry, and leptospirosis serology. Serum chemistry revealed severe azotemia, mild hyperglycemia, and severe hyperphosphatemia. The animal went into cardiac arrest during recovery from anesthesia and died. On histopathology, abundant amorphous, finely fibrillar, eosinophilic material was deposited in the kidneys, and smaller amounts of the same material were found in the splenic and pancreatic vessels; these findings are consistent with systemic secondary amyloidosis. The animal also had chronic nephritis, which, coupled with renal amyloidosis, resulted in renal failure and death. Systemic amyloidosis should be considered as an additional differential diagnosis for renal failure in California sea lions.  相似文献   

The records of 53 cats with nasopharyngeal disease were examined. Of the cats with nasopharyngeal disease, 49% had lymphosarcoma and 28% had polyps. Clinical signs in these cats were compared to 24 cats with nasal disease alone. Cats with only nasal disease more commonly had historical nasal discharge and sneeze, whereas cats with nasopharyngeal disease more often had stertorous respiration, phonation change, and typically reported less nasal discharge or sneeze. It is important to include nasopharyngeal disease in the differential diagnosis for cats with nasal discharge, sneeze, stertor, or phonation change.  相似文献   

SUMMARY A 13-year-old Standardbred stallion presented with a unilateral mucopurulent nasal discharge and airway obstruction was found to have an extensive cryptococcal nasal granuloma. Treatment was not attempted. The stallion was destroyed 26 months later having completed 2 successful breeding seasons. The granuloma had gradually increased in size and almost completely occupied the left nasal cavity and paranasal sinuses. It was characterised histologically by fibrous and myxomatous tissue and masses of yeasts. A cryptococcal granuloma found within the wall of the jejunum could represent evidence of dissemination, and organisms were seen within alveoli, bronchioles and the intestinal lumen.  相似文献   

Four cats with fungal rhinitis   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
Fungal rhinitis is uncommon in the cat and cases of nasal aspergillosis-penicilliosis have been rarely reported. Signs of fungal rhinitis include epistaxis, sneezing, mucopurulent nasal discharge and exophthalmos. Brachycephalic feline breeds seem to be at increased risk for development of nasal aspergillosis-penicilliosis. Computed tomography (CT) imaging and rhinoscopy are useful in assessing the extent of the disease and in obtaining diagnostic samples. Fungal culture may lead to false negative or positive results and must be used in conjunction with other diagnostic tests. Serological testing was not useful in two cats tested. The cats in this study were treated with oral itraconazole therapy. When itraconazole therapy was discontinued prematurely, clinical signs recurred. Hepatotoxicosis is a possible sequel to itraconazole therapy.  相似文献   

Primary paranasal sinusitis complicated by inspissated exudate within the ventral conchal sinus was diagnosed in five horses. Clinical signs included a unilateral, foul-smelling, mucopurulent nasal exudate of 2 to 7 months' duration. Two of the horses had partial nasal obstruction from distortion of the ventral concha. Radiographs of the skull showed a mass of soft tissue density dorsal to the roots of the superior third and fourth or fourth and fifth cheek teeth. Treatment included bone flap maxillary sinusotomy with exposure of the ventral nasal concha and removal of inspissated exudate. Resolution of the sinusitis occurred in all five horses.  相似文献   

2007年华北地区H3N8亚型马流感病毒的分离与鉴定   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
2007年10月,华北地区某赛马场的马同时发生了以发烧、流水样鼻汁或脓性分泌物、咳嗽等临床症状为主的疾病,疑似马流行性感冒。采集患病赛马的鼻腔分泌物,发病期和发病后14d血清,经鸡胚接种法分离病毒,并用鸡红细胞血凝抑制试验(HI)、神经氨酸酶抑制试验(NI)、病毒回归试验、血清学检测和基因序列分析对分离的病毒进行了系统鉴定。结果表明分离的毒株(A/equine/Huabei/1/2007(H3N8)为马源H3N8亚型马流感病毒,基因型属于美洲分支。我们通过动物回归感染试验建立起分离毒株的实验感染模型。  相似文献   

This case report describes three brachycephalic dogs with intranasal epidermoid cysts that were causing additional upper airway obstruction. Although epidermoid cysts have been described in several locations in dogs, to the authors’ knowledge intranasal epidermoid cysts have not been previously reported. All dogs had mucopurulent to haemorrhagic nasal discharge. Magnetic resonance imaging of the head revealed the presence of unilateral or bilateral intranasal cystic lesions obstructing the nasal cavities partially or completely, with atrophy of the ipsilateral nasal turbinates. The cystic lesions were surgically excised in all dogs using a modified lateral alveolar mucosal approach to the affected nasal cavity. Aerobic, anaerobic and fungal culture of the cystic contents were negative and histology of the excised tissue was consistent with a benign intranasal epidermoid cyst in each dog. Upper airway obstruction was clinically improved in two dogs.  相似文献   

A 7-month-old female spayed domestic shorthair cat was presented for investigation of stertor, open mouth breathing without apparent distress, and chronic bilateral nasal discharge that was unresponsive to antibiotics. Complete bilateral bony choanal atresia was diagnosed with computed tomography and nasopharyngoscopy. Choanal atresia is an uncommon congenital condition where the choana (nasal passage into the nasopharynx) is blocked by abnormal bone or soft tissue uni- or bilaterally. The cat's clinical signs improved dramatically immediately after trans-palatal surgical correction. Post-surgical complications included the development of nasopharyngeal scar tissue and subsequent stenosis, persistent right-sided nasal discharge, and permanent damage to the right eye (blindness and cataract formation). Nasopharyngeal stenosis was managed with repeated balloon dilatations and temporary stenting, and the owner reported an excellent quality of life at 8-month follow-up. Bilateral bony choanal atresia has not been previously reported in cats. Uni- or bilateral choanal atresia should be considered in young cats presenting with refractory stertor, chronic nasal discharge, and/or open mouth breathing.  相似文献   

A 7‐year‐old, 34‐kg, neutered male Labrador retriever was presented with a 1‐year history of intermittent sneezing with occasional left‐sided epistaxis. CT revealed a mass in the left nasal cavity. Histopathological analysis of rhinoscopy‐guided tissue biopsies was consistent with chronic necrotic and ulcerative rhinitis. Surgical debridement by ventral rhinotomy was subsequently performed and histopathological diagnosis was leiomyoma. Complete resolution of the nasal discharge and reduced sneezing frequency were observed after surgery. Fourteen months postoperatively, CT detected no regrowth of the mass.  相似文献   

Nephrolithiasis has rarely been reported in marine mammals. During 2004 and 2005, two cases of nephrolithiasis were diagnosed during routine necropsy examination, one in a northern elephant seal (Mirounga angustirostris) and one in a California sea lion (Zalophus californianus). Nephroliths were found throughout both kidneys during necropsy examination, varying in size from 1-10 mm in diameter in the northern elephant seal and from 1-15 mm in diameter in the California sea lion. Necropsy and histopathology revealed nephroliths in association with renal pelvic dilation and pyelonephritis in both animals. In addition, hydronephrosis was noted in the sea lion. Nephroliths were composed of uric acid and ammonium urate in the northern elephant seal and of ammonium urate in the California sea lion. The underlying disease leading to nephrolith formation was not determined; however, it is hypothesized that unknown metabolic derangements due to morphologic or physiologic differences may have played a role. This is the first report of urate nephrolithiasis in the California sea lion and northern elephant seal.  相似文献   

An immature Baird's tapir (Tapirus bairdii) with a history of seizure-like episodes developed signs of respiratory disease. The initial clinical diagnosis was pneumonia, and antibiotic therapy was started. The animal failed to improve after 14 days of therapy and developed unilateral, bloody nasal discharge. Endoscopic examination and radiography revealed a soft tissue mass in the nasopharynx depressing the soft palate. The tapir died 32 days after initial presentation. Histologic examination of the mass demonstrated a mesenchymal tumor composed of spindle cells with elongate nuclei forming densely packed fascicles. The neoplastic spindle cells showed prominent cross-striations. Immunohistochemistry revealed the cells to be positive for desmin and myoglobin, but negative for smooth muscle actin, confirming diagnosis of rhabdomyosarcoma. Embryonal rhabdomyosarcoma is the most common nasopharyngeal soft tissue tumor of humans, and it has been reported infrequently in dogs, horses, and pigs. Neoplasia should be a differential diagnosis in cases of unilateral nasal discharge and inspiratory stridor, even in young animals.  相似文献   

A 13-year-old female spayed Domestic Shorthair cat presented with a history of right-sided mucopurulent nasal discharge for 18 months. Computed tomography revealed a mass within the right nasal cavity and the right frontal sinus. The animal was euthanized, and a postmortem examination was performed. On macroscopic examination, the right nasal cavity and the right frontal sinus were partially occluded by a soft whitish mass. Microscopically, the mass was composed of well-differentiated plasma cells that were immunopositive for immunoglobulin G and lambda light chains. These findings were consistent with a mature-type sinonasal plasmacytoma. In addition, there was right-sided mucopurulent rhinitis and sinusitis caused by a Pasteurella infection, which probably developed secondary to the sinonasal plasmacytoma. To the authors' knowledge, this is the first report of a sinonasal plasmacytoma in a cat. The present communication shows that feline sinonasal plasmacytomas should be included in the differential diagnosis for tumors located in the upper respiratory tract of cats.  相似文献   

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