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Juvenile hihi or stitchbirds (Notiomystis cincta) and saddlebacks (Philestumus carunculatus) are particularly prone to systemic protozoal infections when kept in high density populations. Granu-lomatous lesions in the intestine, liver and spleen are associated with proliferating intracellular schizonts. Affected birds become anorexic and lose weight or die suddenly without clinical signs. The protozoan in hihi appears most likely to be Atoxoplasma spp whereas that in saddlebacks is more like Plasmodium spp.  相似文献   

CASE HISTORY: Eight mohua, or yellowheads (Mohoua ochrocephala), were held in a large open aviary over the summer months of 2003–2004, following their capture for captivebreeding purposes. Two birds died of transportation trauma shortly after arrival, one became ill and died a month later, and another four died within a 2-week period in February 2004. The eighth bird also became ill at this time but survived for a year following treatment with chloroquine and doxycycline.

CLINICAL AND PATHOLOGICAL FINDINGS: The affected birds were depressed, lethargic and dyspnoeic. Necropsy of three birds showed a slightly pale and swollen liver and spleen. Impression smears of the liver of one bird revealed schizonts resembling Plasmodium spp. within the cytoplasm of many hepatocytes, which was confirmed histopathologically. Similar protozoal organisms were seen within splenic histiocytes and pulmonary endothelial cells of 5/6 birds. Electron microscopy identified these as protozoal schizonts containing merozoites of similar size and structure to those of Plasmodium spp.

DIAGNOSIS: The birds were infected with a protozoal haemoparasite resembling Plasmodium spp.; asexual stages within hepatocytes and endothelial cells of the lung and spleen were typical of this organism.

CONCLUSIONS AND CLINICAL RELEVANCE: The mohua captured from west Otago were highly susceptible to avian malaria as they came from an isolated population that was likely to be naïve and have had no previous contact with this organism. The birds were probably infected by bites from mosquitoes feeding off local populations of blackbirds subsequently found to be infected with Plasmodium spp.  相似文献   


Aims: To determine the presence of infection and co-infection of Plasmodium lineages in introduced birds at translocation sites for the North Island saddleback (Philesturnus rufusater), to investigate their role as Plasmodium spp. reservoirs.

Methods: Blood samples were collected from introduced bird species, with a special focus on blackbirds (Turdus merula) and song thrushes (Turdus philomelos), at six locations in the North Island of New Zealand that were the origin, or translocation sites, for North Island saddleback. Where available, blood smears were examined, and blood samples were tested using nested PCR with subsequent sequence analysis, for the presence of Plasmodium spp.

Results: Of the 55 samples tested using PCR analysis, 39 (71%) were positive for Plasmodium spp., and 28/40 (62%) blood smears were positive for Plasmodium spp. Overall, 31 blood samples were from blackbirds with 28/31 (90%) samples positive for Plasmodium spp. Six distinct avian Plasmodium lineages were identified, including three cosmopolitan lineages; Plasmodium vaughani SYAT05 was detected in 16 samples, Plasmodium matutinum Linn1 in 10 samples and Plasmodium elongatum GRW6 in eight samples. Mixed infections with more than one lineage were detected in 12 samples. Samples from two Australian magpies (Gymnorhina tibicen) were positive for Plasmodium. sp. lineage MYNA02, previously not identified in New Zealand.

Conclusions and clinical relevance: This is the first report from New Zealand in which specific Plasmodium spp. mixed infections have been found in introduced birds. Co-infections with several cosmopolitan Plasmodium lineages were identified, as well as the first report in New Zealand of an exotic avian Plasmodium sp. lineage, in Australian magpies. Whilst the role of introduced birds in maintaining and spreading pathogenic avian malaria in New Zealand is unclear, there is a potential infection risk to native birds, especially where distributions overlap.  相似文献   


CASE HISTORY: Nodular lesions were found on the skin of two immature brown kiwi (Apteryx mantelli) less than 6 months of age living freely on Ponui Island off the North Island of New Zealand. The lesions were observed during routine external examination undertaken as a part of the management of other research projects, one in 2006 and the other in 2011. Apart from the skin lesions, both birds showed no signs of illness and the lesions resolved spontaneously over a 2-month period.

PATHOLOGICAL FINDINGS: The first case showed several 3-mm diameter firm, brown nodules located on the skin below the hock of both legs. The second case had a single multinodular mass that measured 7×20 mm, on the base of the bill. A portion of the mass and scab samples were collected for diagnosis. Histological examination of the nodules revealed severe ballooning degeneration of keratinocytes and epithelial hyperplasia. Round eosinophilic structures resembling avipoxvirus (APV) intracytoplasmic inclusion bodies (Bollinger bodies) were observed in the layers of keratinocytes. In deeper layers of the epidermis, there was evidence of secondary bacterial growth and inflammation.

DIAGNOSIS: DNA was extracted from tissue samples and subjected to PCR analysis. Avipoxvirus 4b core protein gene was detected in both samples by PCR. Bootstrap analysis of APV 4b core protein gene revealed that APV isolates from two kiwi comprised two different subclades. One isolate displayed 100% sequence homology to subclade B1, and the other presented 100% sequence homology to subclade A3.

CLINICAL RELEVANCE: This study confirmed that kiwi are susceptible to APV infection and that at least two different strains of APV are present in the population examined. Since there is no information on the origin, virulence, or prevalence of APV in kiwi, a seroprevalence study would be useful to elucidate the degree of exposure and immune response to the disease. This would allow a more informed approach to risk management of the disease in wild and captive populations.  相似文献   


CASE HISTORY: A sub-adult female olive ridley sea turtle (Lepidochelys olivacea) was found floating off the coast of Gran Canaria, Canary Islands, Spain.

CLINICAL AND PATHOLOGICAL FINDINGS: The turtle was lethargic and weak, and died one day after it was found. Necropsy was performed and selected samples of lung and liver were routinely processed for histopathological and immunohistological studies. Grossly, round, ulcerative lesions were observed on the rear flippers. The liver, spleen, coelomic wall, gastric serosa, lungs and urinary bladder were covered by various amounts of fibrin and small granulomas. Histopathologically, a severe fibrinous and granulomatous polyserositis (liver, spleen, stomach, urinary bladder, coelomic wall), severe fibrinous pleuritis and severe multifocal granulomatous pneumonia were diagnosed. Numerous fungal hyphae were observed associated with the lesions. Specific monoclonal and heterologously absorbed polyclonal antibodies served as the primary reagents for identification of aspergillosis, candidiasis, fusariosis, geotricosis, dermatophytosis, scedosporiosis, and zygomycosis. All hyphae were identified as Trichophyton spp., because a strong and uniform reactivity was obtained only with an heterologously absorbed polyclonal antibody raised against somatic antigens of Trichophyton spp.

DIAGNOSIS: Systemic mycosis caused by Trichophyton spp.

CLINICAL RELEVANCE: There are no known previous reports of Trichophyton spp. causing skin disease or systemic mycotic infection in sea turtles. The usefulness of immunohistochemistry for identifying fungi in sea turtles is reinforced.  相似文献   

CASE HISTORY: Thirty adult Marlborough green geckos (Naultinus manukanus) were collected from Stephens Island and held over winter, prior to their translocation. Five adult geckos developed skin lesions after husbandry changes affected the humidity of their enclosures. Two geckos underwent ecdysis and recovered. One animal died and two others progressively worsened and were presented for treatment.

CLINICAL AND PATHOLOGICAL FINDINGS: The geckos were in poor body condition and had multiple black powdery lesions and solitary raised white nodules on their skin. Both geckos died despite topical and supportive treatment. Histopathology showed the skin nodules contained branching non-septate hyphae infiltrating necrotic epidermal tissue, and associated dermal inflammation. There was necrosis of several digits and mycotic osteomyelitis. Mucor ramosissimus was cultured from skin biopsies from each animal. Large numbers of motile protozoa, resembling Trichomonas, and another unidentifiable, were recovered from fresh faecal smears, and Nyctotherus sp protozoa were present in the lumen of the intestine of one animal post mortem.

DIAGNOSIS: Mycotic dermatitis with digital gangrene and osteomyelitis due to Mucor ramosissimus, and enteric protozoal parasitism with Trichomonas sp and Nyctotherus sp.

CLINICAL RELEVANCE: The clinical course and pathological findings of mycotic dermatitis in two Marlborough green geckos involved in a wildlife translocation in New Zealand are reported, and also the first record of the Marlborough green gecko as a host for the enteric protozoa Trichomonas sp and Nyctotherus sp.  相似文献   

CASE HISTORY: From 26 days of age, an Antipodes Island parakeet (Cyanoramphus unicolor) was noted to have a severe beak deformity and reduced bodyweight gain compared to its nest mate. The bird was euthanised at 43 days of age.

CLINICAL AND PATHOLOGICAL FINDINGS: The beak abnormality consisted of distortion of the right nares and severe shortening resulting in deviation of the upper maxilla to the right and cranially. On sectioning the head, copious mucoid material was found in the infraorbital sinus and the bony sinus architecture was disrupted. Histopathological examination of the infraorbital sinuses revealed a large focus of chronic but active inflammation, bony lysis on the right side and pockets of a mixed population of bacteria.

DIAGNOSIS: Severe beak deformity, likely secondary to bacterial sinusitis.

CLINICAL RELEVANCE: The case illustrates the need to look for underlying aetiologies to beak malformation, particularly in young parrots.  相似文献   


CASE HISTORY: Ovariohysterectomy was performed on an adult Cavalier King Charles Spaniel. The skin that had been clipped for surgery was noticed to be erythematous 8 days later.

CLINICAL AND PATHOLOGICAL FINDINGS: Poorly defined patches containing multiple papules were visible bilaterally within the clipped skin. These became larger over the following 2 weeks, and samples were collected for histology. Seven days later, the lesions were multiple raised masses, up to 5 cm in diameter. Histology revealed numerous cup-shaped epidermal proliferations extending into the dermis. The presence of keratinocytes with increased quantities of blue-grey cytoplasm, and koilocytosis suggested papillomavirul infection; Canis familiaris papillomavirus (CfPV-2) DNA was amplified from two separate samples. Complete regression was observed 8 weeks after the lesions had been initially observed.

DIAGNOSIS: Multiple inverted papilloma confined to skin that had been clipped for surgery.

CLINICAL RELEVANCE: This is the first time that the development of canine cutaneous papillomas has been associated with surgery. The nature of the association between surgery and development of the papillomas is uncertain. However, it is possible that damage to superficial skin could promote the formation of papillomas. This is the first identification of CfPV-2 in New Zealand.  相似文献   

As part of a search for pathogens that might be useful agents for biological control of possums, the three largest offshore islands of New Zealand that still have possums were surveyed to determine the pathogens present in these isolated populations. Brushtail possums from Kawau Island (n = 158), Chatham Island (n = 214) and Stewart Island (n = 194) were examined for internal parasites.

Possums from Kawau Island were infected with Eimeria spp. (16.7%), Bertiella trichosuri (5.2%) and Parastrongyloides trichosuri (15.5%). No Paraustrostrongylus trichosuri or Trichostrongylus spp. were found. Possums from Chatham Island were infected with Eimeria spp. (10.9%). Bertiella trichosuri (3.6%), T. colubriformis (6.6%), T. retortaeformis (1%) and T. vitrinus (0.5%). No Parastrongyloides or Paraustrostrongylus spp. were found. Possums from Stewart Island were infected only with Eimeria spp. (4.6%).

Because of their paucity of some parasites, the opportunity exists to use these offshore islands to study the introduction and spread of a parasite into a possum population, and what technology would be required to bring it to hyperendemicity.  相似文献   

The objective of this study was to identify the causative agent of cellulitis in turkeys. Eighteen flocks from nine producers were sampled at the local processing plant, and 37 birds with cellulitis on legs or caudal thoracic area were obtained. None of the 37 birds with cellulitis had lesions in other organs. On gross examination, lesions were categorized into two groups: cellulitis with unopened skin lesions (type a) and cellulitis with opened skin lesions (type b). Histopathologically, cellulitis with unopened skin lesions had dermal necrosis with underlying fibrin and inflammatory exudate but cellulitis with open skin lesions had chronic granulomatous/granulation tissue-type reaction associated with foreign material. A complete bacteriologic study was conducted on 25 of 37 birds. Bacteria were isolated from 12 of the 25 birds with cellulitis lesions. No aerobic, microaerophilic, or anaerobic bacteria were isolated from the remaining 13 birds with cellulitis lesions. Escherichia coli was isolated in low numbers in mixed cultures with Proteus mirabilis, Lactobacillus spp., Klebsiella spp., and Staphylococcus spp. in 9 of 12 lesions. The remaining few cases yielded P. mirabilis in pure culture or in mixed culture with Pseudomonas aeruginosa. Types a and b cellulitis lesions in turkeys could be associated with primary contact dermatitis and skin abrasions, respectively. Their occurrence is likely associated with different management practices.  相似文献   

As part of a study to assess whether endoparasites could assist in the biological control of brushtail possums in New Zealand, we investigated the composition and distribution of possum endoparasites in the South Island. Possums were collected near five of the original release areas in the South Island: Banks Peninsula, Hokitika, Nelson, Dunedin and Invercargill.

Among the nematodes, those most frequently encountered were Trichostrongylus spp., which were present in possums from all five study areas. Trichostrongylus species from possums in the Invercargill area comprised 4.5% T. colubriformis, 0.9% T. vitrinus and 11.3% T. retortaeformis. Paraustrostrongylus trichosuri and Parastrongyloides trichosuri were found only in the Invercargill area, where they infected 1.4% and 14% of possums respectively. The cestode Bertiella trichosuri was present in possums from all locations except Dunedin. The protozoan Eimeria spp. occurred in all areas.

These are the first records of Parastrongyloides trichosuri, Paraustrostrongylus trichosuri, T. vitrinus, T. retortaeformis and Eimeria spp. in South Island possums.

The prevalence of endoparasites and the intensity of infection was very low compared to the lower North Island of New Zealand. Endoparasites at the existing levels in the South Island probably have very little effect on possum populations.  相似文献   


1. The objective of this study was to evaluate the effect of ferric tyrosine on the reduction of Campylobacter spp. and zootechnical performance in broilers exposed to Campylobacter spp. using a natural challenge model to simulate commercial conditions. Additionally, the minimum inhibitory concentrations (MICs) of ferric tyrosine against common enteropathogens were evaluated.

2. At the start of the trial, 840 healthy male 1-d-old birds (Ross 308) were randomly allocated to 6 replicate pens of 35 birds each and fed diets containing different concentrations of ferric tyrosine (0, 0.02, 0.05 and 0.2 g/kg) in mash form for 42 d.

3. Broilers fed diets containing ferric tyrosine showed significantly higher body weight at d 42 and weight gain compared to the control group. However, birds fed ferric tyrosine ate significantly more than the control birds so significant improvements in feed conversion rate were not observed.

4. Microbiological analyses of caecal samples collected on d 42 of the study showed, per gram of sample, 2–3 log10 reduction in Campylobacter spp. and 1 log10 reduction in Escherichia coli in the groups fed diets containing ferric tyrosine compared to the control.

5. The MICs of ferric tyrosine was >400 mg/l for C. jejuni and >200 mg/l for E. coli and Salmonella enterica, indicating that ferric tyrosine did not exert antimicrobial activity.

6. The results showed that birds fed ferric tyrosine grew faster and consumed more feed compared to the control group, indicating potential benefits of faster time to reach slaughter weight with no significant reduction on feed efficiency. Moreover, ferric tyrosine significantly reduced caecal Campylobacter spp. and E. coli indicating potential as a non-antibiotic feed additive to lower the risk of infections transmitted through the food chain.  相似文献   

AIMS: To assess the efficacy of praziquantel (PZQ) administered to control helminths in captive-reared critically endangered black stilts (Himantopus novaezelandiae) before their release into the wild and determine the effect on their survival shortly after release.

METHODS: Of 77 captive black stilts, 37 were treated with PZQ prior to release into the wild in South Canterbury, New Zealand, in August and September 2007. Faecal helminth egg counts (FEC) were measured before and after anthelmintic treatment, and before and after release to the wild using modified faecal flotation and sedimentation methods. In addition, total helminth counts were determined in 11 of the birds that died following release, as well as four captive and 11 other wild stilts.

RESULTS: The efficacy of PZQ against trematodes was 92% and against Capillaria spp. was 34%. No trematode or Capillaria spp. eggs were detected in treated birds 1 day after treatment, but FEC increased 3–5 days after treatment. There were no differences in the total helminth counts for trematodes, cestodes or Capillaria spp. in control or treated birds (p>0.2). Survival did not differ between treatment groups in the August or September releases (p>0.4). Of control and treated birds, 11/17 (65%) and 8/14 (57%) survived to 31 days, respectively, in the August release, and 16/20 (80%) and 10/15 (67%) survived to 84 days, respectively, in the September release.

CONCLUSION: Overall, the results suggest that PZQ treatment may be an unnecessary cost and the risks of producing anthelmintic resistance, injuring the birds during processing or producing an unnecessary stress response at the time of release could exceed any likely benefits.

CLINICAL RELEVANCE: It is recommended that pre-release anthelmintic treatment of black stilts should be used only if indicated by health screening. Any treatment should incorporate annual efficacy testing to monitor the emergence of anthelmintic resistance.  相似文献   


CASE HISTORY AND CLINICAL FINDINGS: Two White Dorper lambs from the North Island of New Zealand, 2 and 4 weeks of age, were presented with large skin flaps hanging from the flanks, separation of skin from the subcutis over mobile joints, and de-gloving injuries of the limbs and tail. The lambs were subject to euthanasia on humane grounds.

PATHOLOGICAL FINDINGS: Large skin tears with associated haemorrhage, periarticular S/C oedema and generalised skin fragility were observed in both lambs at post-mortem examination. Histology of the affected skin revealed diffuse hyalinisation of dermal collagen compared with control lambs, protein-filled peri-adnexal clefts and areas of deep dermal and S/C granulation tissue consistent with previous separation of skin from the subcutis. Analysis of hair follicles, collected from one of the lambs, using a commercially available genetic test in Australia was consistent with the lamb being homozygous for the mutation responsible for ovine dermatosparaxis.

DIAGNOSIS: Likely dermatosparaxis.

CLINICAL RELEVANCE: These findings strongly suggest that the mutation responsible for dermatosparaxis in White Dorper sheep is present in New Zealand. Dermatosparaxis should be considered when investigating skin fragility in lambs with White Dorper genetics. Confirmation of the disorder is possible through genetic analysis of hair follicles.  相似文献   


CASE HISTORY: A 2-year-old Hereford bull was lame for one week before becoming recumbent.

CLINICAL AND PATHOLOGICAL FINDINGS: The scrotum and ventral perineal region were cold and blackened caudally. The semimembranosus and semitendinosus muscles were firm on palpation. The bull was subject to euthanasia, and necropsy revealed that the skin and S/C tissues of the caudal half of the scrotum were grey and necrotic. The caudal and distal aspects of the semimembranosus and semitendinosus muscles were grey and necrotic to a depth of approximately 15 cm, and these changes appeared to track along fascial planes. The tissue had an offensive smell, and large amounts of flocculent, watery, brown fluid and some gas were present. Histology of affected muscle and S/C tissues revealed coagulative necrosis, with oedema and large numbers of bacteria that were predominantly Gram-positive rods. Adjacent blood vessels contained thrombi while the epidermis overlying the affected areas appeared diffusely necrotic, suggesting infarction. Culture of the fluid yielded a pure growth of Arcanobacterium spp., which was identified as Arcanobacterium haemolyticum, using an API Coryne biochemical test strip.

DIAGNOSIS: Necrotising fasciitis and myositis due to Arcanobacterium haemolyticum.

CLINICAL RELEVANCE: Arcanobacterium haemolyticum has not previously been reported as a cause of necrotising fasciitis in any species. Necrotising fasciitis is probably an under-reported condition in cattle due to its clinical similarity to clostridial disease.  相似文献   

AIM: To examine the infective dose, incubation period and disease progression of an isolate of Salmonella enterica serotype Typhimurium definitive type 160 (DT160) originating from a naturally-infected house sparrow (Passer domesticus) during an outbreak of the disease in New Zealand.

METHODS: Thirty-six house sparrows captured from the wild and free of Salmonella spp were divided into six groups of six birds, housed individually, and inoculated orally with phosphate buffered saline (PBS) or 101, 102, 103, 105, 2 × 108 colony forming units (cfu) of the outbreak strain of S. Typhimurium DT160. The birds were observed for 10 days for clinical signs and/or mortality, and faecal samples were collected to determine excretion of S. Typhimurium. The birds were eutha- nised 11 days post-inoculation (p.i.) and a wide range of tissue samples were collected for histopathological examination, and culture and typing of Salmonella spp. Macro-restriction profiling by pulsed-field gel electrophoresis (PFGE) using XbaI was performed for the epidemiological typing of S. Typhimurium DT160 isolates.

RESULTS: Mortality in house sparrows inoculated with S. Typhimurium DT160 was dose-dependent, and 2/6 birds inoculated with 105 cfu and all six birds inoculated with 2 × 108 cfu died during the study. Infected sparrows displayed few clinical signs, apart from diarrhoea and/or polyuria, fluffed plumage, and sitting on the floor of the cage. Faecal excretion of DT160 occurred briefly in two birds inoculated with 102 cfu and four birds inoculated with 103 cfu, on most days in five birds inoculated with 105 cfu, and continuously in six birds inoculated with 2 × 108 cfu. DT160 was isolated from the livers of three birds which received 103 cfu, five birds dosed with 105 cfu, and all six birds given 2 × 108 cfu. Following necropsy, histopathological lesions similar to those seen in the natural disease were observed in the liver or spleen of three birds which received 103 cfu, and all birds dosed with ≥105 cfu.

CONCLUSION: The results indicate that an isolate of S. Typhimurium DT60 originating from house sparrows in New Zealand is pathogenic to these birds and that the response is dose- dependent. The persistence and excretion of the pathogen may last for at least 10 days. This confirms that sparrows infected with DT160 could be a source of infection to humans and other in-contact animals.  相似文献   


CASE HISTORY: A 10-year-old Friesian dairy cow presented with a history of weight loss, decreased milk production and fluid splashing on auscultation of the heart. Previous antibiotic therapy included oxytetracycline, marbofloxacin and penicillin.

CLINICAL AND PATHOLOGICAL FINDINGS: Following a failure to respond to treatment, prescribed by the referring veterinarian for respiratory infection and septic arthritis, the cow was referred to Massey University Veterinary Teaching Hospital with suspected pericarditis. Clinical examination identified a predominantly left sided holodiastolic heart murmur with tachycardia and cording of the jugular veins. Cardiac ultrasound showed an enlarged aortic valve with turbulent blood flow and regurgitation, consistent with bacterial endocarditis. Blood culture demonstrated Paenibacillus spp. Due to the severity of the clinical signs and poor prognosis, euthanasia was performed and a post-mortem examination carried out.

DIAGNOSIS: Traumatic reticuloperitonitis with abscessation of the reticulum and rumen wall, which progressed to a bacteraemia and presumptively caused endocarditis, endometritis, septic arthritis, and renal and myocardial infarcts due to emboli from the endocarditis lesions.

CLINICAL RELEVANCE: New Zealand dairy cattle are at risk of traumatic reticuloperitonitis and due to varying presentations diagnosis can be complicated. Subsequent bacteraemia is common and in this case the novel bacterial species Paenibacillus was implicated as a potential pathogen.  相似文献   

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