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This study was conducted to reveal the morphological characteristics of the lung and air sacs in Coturnix coturnix japonica (Japanese quails). Ten quails were allocated into two groups. Tracheas of 5 quails with neoprene latex and 5 quails with methylmetacrylate were injected to fill the trachea and air sacs. Latex embalmed animals were stored in 10% formaldehyde solution for two months. Animals given methylmetacrylate were maserated in 30% potassium hydroxide at 40 degrees C for two days. Lungs were located in the dorsal part of the thorax and very close to the thoracic vertebrae and ribs. Shorter than the dorsal border, the ventral border lied between the 3rd and 6th ribs. Cervical, clavicular, cranial thoracic, caudal thoracic and abdominal sacs were identified. These sacs had connection with the 3rd, 4th and 5th lateroventral and 4th mediolateral bronchi. Saccus cervicalis was located on the left and right portions of the vertebrae cervicales et thoraricae with a pronounced communication ventromedially. However, the cervical sac aeration of only all cervical vertebrae was present in this study. Humerus was a non-aerated bone. Pneumatic foramen was absent and did not aerate the sternum. Cranial thoracic sac connected to the 1st, 2nd and 4th medioventral bronchi and gave no diverticulum for aeration. Cranial thoracic sac received air through the 4th medioventral and the 1st and 2nd lateroventral bronchi. Left and right abdominal air sacs paramedially produced diverticulum femorale, but this diverticulum did not enter the femur.  相似文献   

Air sacs are considered to be one of the controlling factors of bird behaviour and habits in addition to their roles in ventilation, regulating body temperature, swimming and flight. As a scavenger and an omnivorous flight bird, air sacs of the hooded crow were the focus of this study. Eight healthy, adult hooded crows were used to examine the morphological characteristics of the air sacs, which were examined grossly and with latex and cast preparations. In general, the morphological overview of the hooded crow air sacs is similar to other avian species. We observed nine air sacs; four paired sacs (cervical, cranial thoracic, caudal thoracic and abdominal air sacs) and one unpaired sac; the clavicular air sac. The cervical air sac communicated to the lung through the medioventral bronchus and had three diverticula; intermuscular, subscapular and subcutaneous. The clavicular air sac communicated with lung through the medioventral bronchus and had subscapular, axillary, humeral, subpectoral and sternal diverticula. The cranial and caudal thoracic air sacs were communicated with lung through the lateroventral bronchi and the both sacs did not have any diverticula. The abdominal air sacs were posterior to the caudal thoracic air sacs. The left abdominal sac was the largest air sac. The right and left abdominal sacs gave off branches to diverticula that pneumatized synsacrum. The abdominal air sacs gave off femoral diverticula behind the hip joint as well as perirenal diverticula.  相似文献   

The anatomical and functional communications of the synovial sacs of the equine stifle joint were evaluated in 50 stifle joints of 25 horses. Femoropatellar joint (FPJ) sacs were injected with 50 ml of gelatin-based dye and horses were then walked for 50 m. Horses were subsequently killed, the stifle joints dissected and the location of the dye recorded. Twenty-three horses (46 joints) had clinically normal stifle joints and in this group, anatomical communications of the stifle joints were bilaterally symmetrical in each horse. In 15 of these 23 horses (65 per cent), direct anatomical communication between the FPJ sac and the medial sac of the femorotibial joint (FTJ) was demonstrated. The FPJ sac communicated with both the medial and lateral sacs of the FTJ in four of these 23 horses (17.5 per cent). There were no anatomical communications between the FPJ sac and either sac of the FTJ in the remaining four horses (17.5 per cent). Functional communication, which was established by finding dye in the FTJ sacs were anatomical communication with the FPJ sac existed, was demonstrated in 14 of 19 horses (74 per cent). Two horses were affected with degenerative joint disease of one stifle joint. In both of these joints the FPJ sac communicated with both the medial and lateral FTJ sacs. This distribution was different from that of the contralateral joint. When performing intra-articular anaesthesia of equine stifle joints, each synovial sac needs to be injected separately to ensure that anaesthesia of the appropriate synovial sac is obtained.  相似文献   

Immunogenicity of an oil-emulsified Escherichia coli (serotype O1) pili vaccine was evaluated in chickens. Chickens were vaccinated with 116 micrograms or 29 micrograms of pili protein and challenged with the homologous E. coli via the posterior thoracic air sac. Unvaccinated chickens were challenged to serve as positive controls or left unchallenged to serve as negative controls. Vaccinated chickens were protected against challenge because they suffered low or no mortality; had mild gross lesions in air sacs, pericardial sacs, and livers, and the scored values were significantly (P less than or equal to 0.05) lower than those in the positive controls; and eliminated E. coli from tissues more efficiently than the positive controls.  相似文献   

Respiratory diseases are a leading cause of morbidity and mortality in captivity reared, endangered whooping cranes (Grus americana). Objectives of this retrospective, case series, cross‐sectional study were to describe computed tomography (CT) respiratory anatomy in a juvenile whooping crane without respiratory disease, compare CT characteristics with gross pathologic characteristics in a group of juvenile whooping cranes with respiratory aspergillosis, and test associations between the number of CT tracheal bends and bird sex and age. A total of 10 juvenile whooping cranes (one control, nine affected) were included. Seven affected cranes had CT characteristics of unilateral extrapulmonary bronchial occlusion or wall thickening, and seven cranes had luminal occlusion of the intrapulmonary primary or secondary bronchi. Air sac membrane thickening was observed in three cranes in the cranial and caudal thoracic air sacs, and air sac diverticulum opacification was observed in four cranes. Necropsy lesions consisted of severe, subacute to chronic, focally extensive granulomatous pathology of the trachea, primary bronchi, lungs, or air sacs. No false positive CT scan results were documented. Seven instances of false negative CT scan results occurred; six of these consisted of subtle, mild air sacculitis including membrane opacification or thickening, or the presence of small plaques found at necropsy. The number of CT tracheal bends was associated with bird age but not sex. Findings supported the use of CT as a diagnostic test for avian species with respiratory disease and tracheal coiling or elongated tracheae where endoscopic evaluation is impractical.  相似文献   

Respiratory neoplasms are rare in birds. This report describes carcinoma of the bronchial epithelium in a red-shouldered hawk (Buteo lineatus) that presented with weakness and lethargy lasting 4 days that progressed to seizures. Grossly, the caudal air sac and coelomic cavity contained approximately 15 ml of dark brown cloudy fluid that displaced the intestines cranially. Nodular plaques were present on the viscera and air sacs. Microscopic examination of tissues revealed a mass that expanded the bronchial lumen and was composed of papillary proliferations of rows of small cuboidal epithelial cells that were small and uniform in size with a low mitotic index. Metastases were present on the surfaces of caudal air sac, kidney, and multifocal peritoneal surfaces of the coelomic cavity. Clinical signs were most likely the result of West Nile virus infection, which was confirmed by immunohistochemistry of brain tissue.  相似文献   

Thirty female turkeys, inoculated into the caudal thoracic air sacs with Pasteurella multocida were examined from 0 to 6 hours post-inoculation (PI). The air sac reacted rapidly and intensely with exudation of heterophils. Circulating leukocyte and thrombocyte numbers remained normal except for an absolute lymphopenia by 6 hours PI. P. multocida was initially isolated from blood at 3 hours PI. Total cell counts increased markedly in air sac lavage fluids by 1.5 hours PI and continued to increase until 6 hours PI. Heterophils predominated in lavage fluids (greater than 94%), with macrophages comprising the remaining cells. Microscopically occasional heterophils were present within air sac blood vessels and perivascularly by 0.5 hour PI. They became more numerous by 1.5 and 3 hours PI when transepithelial migration into the air sac lumen was seen. By 6 hours PI, there was diffuse, severe swelling of air sac epithelium and mesothelium, and bacteria were located in air sac interstitium. Ultrastructurally, endothelial and air sac epithelial cells were swollen and vacuolated Interdigitating processes of air sac epithelial cells were separated. These results indicate that air sacs can be the portal of entry for P. multocida into the systemic circulation, probably via damaged air sac epithelium.  相似文献   

The literature about the anal sacs of healthy dogs and the pathogenesis, diagnosis and therapy of anal sac impaction and sacculitis are reviewed. Knowledge about the physiological role of the anal sacs is still confusing. The colour and consistency of the anal sac contents are variable in healthy dogs and there are no pathognomonic signs of anal sac impaction or sacculitis. The wide variation in macroscopic detail of anal sac secretions may give rise to misinterpretation and thus overdiagnosis of sacculitis. Other diseases such as vaginitis, flea allergy, atopy, proctitis, parasites and perianal fistulae can lead to similar signs and must be eliminated from the differential diagnosis before the anal sacs are incited as the cause of the signs. Further research is necessary on the morphological, physical and biochemical aspects of the anal sacs and their secretions to define more precise criteria for the diagnosis of impaction and sacculitis. It is imperative that controlled therapeutic trials should be performed, and such studies are indispensable for the rational therapy of anal sac disease.  相似文献   

The aim of the present study was to characterize the bacterial microbiota of anal sacs in healthy dogs using NGS. Swabs were used to sample the rectum and secretions from each anal sac in 15 healthy dogs. DNA was extracted from swabs and the V4 hypervariable region of the 16S rRNA gene was amplified and sequenced with Illumina MiSeq. Overall, 14 different bacterial phyla were identified in the rectum and in both anal sacs, the 5 main ones being Firmicutes, Bacteroidetes, Proteobacteria, Actinobacteria, and Fusobacteria. The rectum had higher microbial diversity and richness than the left and right anal sacs. Community membership and structure significantly differed between the rectum and both anal sacs, but not between the right and the left anal sacs. This study showed that the diversity and richness of the bacterial microbiota of the anal sacs in dogs is greater than what has been reported in previous studies with culture-based methods. In conclusion, the bacterial microbiota of the anal sacs in dogs varies between individuals and differs from the rectal bacterial microbiota.  相似文献   

Meckel's diverticulum is a remnant of the vitellointestinal duct. It is through this duct that nutrients pass from the yolk sac into the midgut of the four-week-old embryo. In a review of 15,000 postmortem records at the University of Kentucky, Meckel's diverticulum was observed in five horses examined postmortem. In each case, the diverticulum was a factor in the animal's death. In light of these statistics, Meckel's diverticulum may not be as frequent a finding in the horse as has been previously considered.  相似文献   

OBJECTIVE: To quantify numbers of leucocytes, keratinocytes and microorganisms in, as well as the turgidity, colour and consistency of, anal sac exudates in clinically normal dogs. DESIGN: Selection criteria were formed based on the absence of clinical signs associated with anal sac disease, and the absence of factors potentially affecting colonic flora. Anal sacs were palpated for turgidity then expressed onto a swab, where colour and consistency were noted. A squash preparation made from any exudate was heat fixed and stained with modified Wright's stain. Eight representative 1000x oil immersion fields from each were examined for leucocytes, erythrocytes, keratinocytes, bacteria and yeast. Results were summarised, and cytological counts grouped into quartiles (minimal, few, moderate, numerous). Due to the multivariate nature of the study and limited subject numbers, further significant statistical analysis could not be performed. RESULTS: Seventeen dogs satisfied the selection criteria. The physical characteristics of the exudate and sac varied, though 31/34 sacs were empty or soft, 22/27 exudates were light or dark brown and 19/27 exudates were a thin liquid. Total leucocyte, keratinocyte and bacilli counts were extremely variable. Yeasts were present in 26/208 microscopic fields examined cytologically. Only 5/208 fields showed numerous cocci. A single instance of intracellular bacteria and a single erythrocyte were noted following examination of all fields. CONCLUSION: In this study, the characteristics of normal anal sacs and their exudate varied but greater than 70% showed similar features. Exudate cytology was highly variable, though yeasts were uncommon, and intracellular cocci and erythrocytes extremely rare.  相似文献   

An 11-month-old female ostrich (Struthio camelus) had become gradually emaciated over a 2-week period and subsequently died. Necropsy revealed white to green mold growth on the walls of caseous thickened air sac membranes and multiple white necrotic foci in the lungs and liver. Histologically, the multiple exudative, necrotic and granulomatous lesions were compatible with mycotic infection in the air sacs and lungs, and hyphae positively reacted with a monoclonal antibody (Mab-WF-AF-1) to Aspergillus fumigatus wall fractions. Multifocal hepatic necrosis was also found, and several spores were observed in the blood vessels. Fungal culture of these lesions yielded pure growth of A. fumigatus. This is an established case of fatal A. fumigatus infection in an ostrich reared in Japan.  相似文献   

Ultrasonographic examinations were performed on clinically healthy growing and adult nonbreeding female ostriches. Multiple acoustic windows and the normal ultrasonographic appearance of the coelomic viscera were described. Good images of the heart and its major vessels, proventriculus, ventriculus, intestines, liver, and kidneys could be obtained. Additionally, an anechoic structure, believed to function as an urinary bladder, could be imaged in the cloacal region. The pancreas, spleen, thyroid glands, ovary, and adrenals could not be seen in this study. General limitations were the size of the ostriches, massive leg and dorsal muscles, large sternum, the extensive air sac system, compact convoluted intestines, and varying amounts of gastrointestinal gas. Ostriches do not posses a gall bladder, and thus it could not be used as a landmark or acoustic window. The extensive air sac system and feathers did not limit the use of ultrasonography as much as anticipated. Imaging of air sacs should, however, be considered to detect pathology such as air sacculitis, which may result in consolidation. Veterinary  相似文献   

Twenty-four 70-week-old and sixteen 27-week-old white leghorn hens were challenged with R strain Mycoplasma gallisepticum (MG) by injection into the caudal thoracic air sac and infraorbital sinus. Eggs were collected daily and cultured within 7 days or incubated for 18 days. Vitelline membranes of eggs were cultured directly; in 18-day-old embryos, cultures were taken from the yolk sac, air sacs, and oral cavity. Culture of vitelline membrane of eggs within 2 days was compared with culture of eggs stored 10 days post oviposition. The first MG-positive egg was laid 2 days postinfection (PI). Hens continued to lay positive eggs to the end of the experiments. There was no significant difference in MG recovery between eggs cultured within 2 days and those cultured 10 days post oviposition. MG was isolated at a significantly higher rate from eggs than from 18-day-old embryos. MG was isolated at a higher rate from the yolk sac of 18-day-old embryos than from the air sacs or oral cavity of the same embryos.  相似文献   

A study was conducted to determine the effect of water provision to chicks before placement on performance and the incidence of unabsorbed yolk sacs. To accomplish this, a device was used that was designed to deliver water to chicks in chick baskets during holding at the hatchery and transportation to the growout house. Commercial chicks were obtained from the hatchery and held for either 24 or 48 h with or without access to water before placement. Chicks were then distributed into floor pens with ad libitum access to feed and water. At 6 wk of age, broilers were processed, and intestines were evaluated for presence or absence of an unabsorbed yolk sac and intestinal breaking strength. Body weight at placement was 2 to 6 g greater for chicks given access to water; however, this difference was not observed at any other time during the growout. Water provision during holding had no affect on feed consumption, mortality, or the birds’ ability to completely absorb the yolk sac during the 6 wk growout. Incidence of unabsorbed yolk sacs in 6 wk old birds ranged from 15 to 28%. Moreover, presence or absence of an unabsorbed yolk sac had no effect on intestinal breaking strength. Data from the present study demonstrates that providing chicks with water before placement does not influence performance, intestinal breaking strength, or the incidence of unabsorbed yolk sacs.  相似文献   

1. One-day-old chicks of Pekin duck, turkey, layer fowl and broiler fowl were examined for bacteria in the yolk sac and yolk fluid. 2. Whole hatchling, yolk-free hatchling and yolk sac weights were recorded for all species along with crown-rump length and beak-tip to toe-tip length. 3. Bacteriology revealed positive results for the whole yolk sacs of 43 to 64% of the birds in the sample of ducklings, poults and layer chicks. Broiler chicks had a 6.6% incidence of bacteria isolated from the whole yolk sac. By contrast, there were very few positive results from swabs of yolk fluid for any of the bird types. 4. The presence of bacteria in the yolk sac of hatchlings suggests that there is colonisation, rather than infection, of the yolk sac membrane during the hatching period or the first few hours post-hatching. Isolation of bacteria from the yolk sacs of young chicks might no longer be considered as solely indicative of yolk sac infection but further research is required to confirm this result. 5. Contrary to what is being suggested in commercial practice relationships between linear dimensions and hatchling weight suggest that measurement of chick length is at best a very crude measure of chick quality.  相似文献   

Phorbol myristate acetate (PMA), which induces acute pulmonary injury in mammals, induced acute airsacculitis in turkeys after intra-airsac inoculation of 0.1 mg/kg. Grossly, air sacs contained multifocal to diffuse hemorrhage and edema at postinoculation hours (PIH) 3 and 6. Microscopically, there was multifocal congestion and small thrombocyte aggregates within small blood vessels by PIH 0.5, with a few vessels containing small numbers of marginating heterophils. By PIH 1.5, thrombocyte aggregates were larger and more numerous, and moderate numbers of heterophils were located perivascularly. Erythrocytes and proteinaceous fluid were in air sac interstitium. By PIH 3 and 6, hemorrhage and exudation of proteinaceous fluid had increased, in some instances severely distending the air sac. Ultrastructurally, changes resulting from PMA-induced injury were thrombocyte aggregation and degeneration, air sac epithelial cell vacuolation with separation of interdigitating cell processes, and endothelial cell vacuolar degeneration with loss of vascular integrity. Air sac lavage fluids had mildly increased total cell counts by PIH 1.5, but values returned to baseline by the end of the experiment, indicating lack of cell exudation into the air sac lumen. Circulating leukocyte changes included transient lymphopenia at PIH 3 and marked heterophilia at PIH 6. These results indicate that thrombocytes and/or heterophils are central to the pathogenesis of injury induced in air sacs by PMA and that the air sac responds differently to PMA than to pathogenic bacteria.  相似文献   

Ninety commercial broiler chickens were divided into three equal groups; 30 were injected with brain-heart-infusion broth into the cranial thoracic air sacs (controls), 30 were similarly inoculated with a culture of Escherichia coli, and 30 were similarly inoculated with E. coli cell-free culture filtrate. Birds were examined from 0 to 6 hours post-inoculation. E. coli-inoculated and cell-free culture filtrate-inoculated chickens reacted similarly, with exudation of heterophils into the air sac. Microscopically, heterophils were present in low numbers perivascularly 0.5 hour after inoculation and became more numerous by 3 hours post-inoculation. By 6 hours post-inoculation, there was severe swelling of air sac epithelial cells and thickening of the air sac by proteinaceous fluid and heterophils. Ultrastructurally, air sac epithelial cells were swollen and vacuolated, and interdigitating processes were separated. Histologically and ultrastructurally, all features in control chickens were normal, with only rare heterophils in the air sac interstitium. In E. coli-inoculated and cell-free culture filtrate-inoculated chickens, cell counts (predominantly heterophils) in air sac lavage fluids increased markedly at 3 and 6 hours, with only slight increases in counts from lavages of controls. Heteropenia was observed in E. coli-inoculated chickens, whereas heterophilia was observed in cell-free filtrate chickens and controls. Ninety additional chickens were pretreated with cyclophosphamide, subdivided into three equal groups, and inoculated and examined similarly as above. Cyclophosphamide pretreatment reduced inflammatory changes in air sacs, lowered cell numbers in lavage fluids, and abolished hematologic changes; however, it did not prevent epithelial cell changes. These results indicate that cell-free culture filtrate of E. coli induces changes similar to those induced by cultures of E. coli.  相似文献   

仔猪小肠对二肽吸收特点的研究   总被引:15,自引:1,他引:14  
本试验采用体外外翻肠囊的方法研究了等摩尔浓度的L 甘氨酸 L赖氨酸组成的二肽(Gly-Lys)和游离甘氨酸和赖氨酸混合物(Gly+Lys)在仔猪小肠各段的吸收特点。将仔猪小肠划分为空肠前段、中段、后段和回肠段,分别在各段设置了两个不同的培养液处理组,分别是浓度为20mmol/L的Gly-Lys和Gly+Lys混合物培养液组。每个处理3个重复(回肠段无重复),每个重复为一个外翻肠囊,将每个外翻肠囊置10ml培养液中培养15分钟。旨在比较:体外培养15分钟后,同一浓度下的Gly-Lys和Gly+Lys在外翻肠囊各部位的吸收差别,从而确定Gly-Lys在仔猪各肠段的吸收特点。结果表明,同等摩尔浓度下,Gly-Lys组中的赖氨酸和甘氨酸在仔猪空肠中段肠组织的累积量显著大于Gly+Lys组;从肠囊在15分钟培养后总的氨基酸摄入量上看,Gly-Lys组的赖氨酸和甘氨酸在空肠中段高于Gly+Lys组,且二者在赖氨酸上的差异显著。这说明,二肽中甘氨酸和赖氨酸至少在空肠中段的运输系统有别于游离态的甘氨酸和赖氨酸,且对二肽的运输显得比对游离氨基酸的运载更有效。  相似文献   

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