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走进建材城,各式各样的龙头让人眼花缭乱,款式有手按的、提拉的、旋转的、脚踏的、混水的、自动感应的很多种,适用地点还各不相同,价格也参差不齐,要想从中选购一款合适自己的产品还真不容易,所以请看以下选购龙头的小指南,希望能给你一些帮助。  相似文献   

白皙美丽的肌肤是所有女性梦寐已求的,只有保养好内层肌肤,表面的肌肤才能健康美丽。健康的内层肌肤对美化表面肌肤至关重要。随着冬季的来临,由于温度和湿度的变化,皮肤新陈代谢的速度减慢,使皮肤保留水份的能力降低,因此皮肤变得很干。而新陈代谢减慢,又会导致受伤的皮肤细  相似文献   

一、遗失的手套段小苏:初春的午后,我将满满两抽屉的手套整理出来,洗净,晾晒,那一排排粉红、浅蓝、鹅黄、草绿、雪白的手套吸引了对面楼里那个扎着好多辫子的小女孩,她趴在阳台上,用兴奋的语调问我:姐姐,你的那些漂亮手套为什么只有一只呢,它们的另一半呢?它们的另一半被我落在了夏宇的口袋里。以前,每次让他把手套还给我的时候,  相似文献   

总是在初秋的时候,就充满了对十月的憧憬;总是在金秋的季节,就充满了对十月的渴望。穿过季节的群山,我们以热烈的心跳去拥抱十月旭日的第一缕曙光。越过岁月的河流,我们的心境犹如十月天空第一片柔美耀眼的云裳。  相似文献   

总政歌舞团著名青年歌唱演员、国家一级演员蔡国庆获奖感言:这样的时刻在我心中是充满真情和温暖的,因为我始终坚信绿色的中国才是一个更加和谐美丽的中国。我愿意作军中的一棵小白杨,我希望用我的爱心和歌声守护祖国每一片绿色的森林和我们心中绿色的家园。  相似文献   

香水,这种神奇的化妆品,能带给女人自信和欣喜,它可以愉悦你的心情、平衡你的情绪、表达你的心意、体现你的气质、协调你与周围环境的关系。难怪有人说,一个真正懂得美的女人一定是一个选择和使用香水的高手。的确,香水是造就一个女人整体美的必备单品。本季,各大香水品牌又纷纷推出新品,给爱美的女人更多选择的机会。雅诗兰黛Sensuous系列  相似文献   

云平 《云南林业》2011,(1):21-21
绵延的绿海,茂密的树林,潺潺的溪水,是刚刚离开这个世界的杨善洲留下的最直观的宝贵财富。同时,他还留给我们更多的宝藏。这些宝藏中最重要的,是他为党和人民的事业奋斗终生的精神。从领导的位子上退下来后,  相似文献   

肥胖是一种常见的慢性疾病,它是由于生理化机能的改变而引起的体内脂肪沉积量过多,造成体重增加,导致机体发生一系列病理、生理变化的病症.肥胖症是一种全身性代谢疾病,除引起身体外形的改变外,过多的脂肪可带来物理性的负荷,还是各种疾病的"培养箱".肥胖人群平均寿命明显低于正常体重的人群,同时肥胖症还是心血管疾病、糖尿病、脂肪肝、肿瘤的温床,它是一种营养代谢性疾病.减肥首先必须从能量的摄入入手,减少热能的吸收.  相似文献   

在滇、桂、黔三省(区)结合部,有一片美丽而神秘的地方——罗平。去那里旅游不仅可以欣赏气势雄伟的瀑布群落、幽深险峻的峡谷、挺拔秀丽的峰丛、独特的地貌奇观、苍莽的林海、溢彩流金的油菜花海、蜿蜒曲折的河流、玲珑剔透的滩跌、碧绿如玉的湖泊构成的一道道靓丽的自然风景,还能看到丰富的文物古迹、感受古朴浓郁的布依风情、品尝许多美味佳肴,难怪明代大旅行家、地理学家徐霞客游览后写下罗平著名迤东的赞叹。  相似文献   

喜欢五月的味道,因为五月的阳光下流光溢彩着各色的神奇,空气中也都逸动着各色花蕊的甜香气息。喜欢五月的满眼新绿,因为生物都舒展开自身的躯体,展现出了生命的蓬勃生机,并把生命的活力化为最为眩目灿烂的美丽。五月里,无论是多么柔弱的生命,都会毫不掩饰自身的美质,都会涂抹装点着春光明丽的斑斓和尽情渲染着绿色的柔情欣喜。  相似文献   

通过对巨桉、尾叶桉生物学特性、省外栽培情况、思茅地区小面积引种情况、省外栽植地点和引种地的立地条件进行分析比较,选择气候因子进行相似优先比论证,得出思茅地区在一定范围内大面积引种巨桉、尾叶桉是可行的结论。  相似文献   

对2012和2013年种植在广东省河源市紫金县的2片樟树(Cinnamomum camphora)无性系林进行调查分析,结果表明,参试无性系保存率达93%以上,不同无性系间树高、地径、冠幅和干形4个性状均存在极显著差异,生长与形质性状的重复力较高,为0.8077-0.9354;树高、地径和冠幅3个生长性状之间极显著相关,但干形与生长指标的相关度随林龄增加呈降低的趋势。建议今后开展樟树无性系选择时应兼顾生长和形质两方面的性状。  相似文献   

广东红树林资源及其保护管理的对策   总被引:14,自引:1,他引:14  
分析了广东红树林资源的自然分布及保护管理现状,提出通过人工恢复营造红树林,建立红树林自然保护区网络的建议。  相似文献   

几种班克木属植物种子生物学特性及其育苗技术研究   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
3种班克木属树种的种子生物学特性测定结果表明,种子的种间特征差异较大,吸水能力均较强,全缘班克木、剑班克木和生日蜡烛班克木种子50 d的发芽率分别为71.2%、32.8%和33.5%.播种育苗试验结果显示,4个班克木属树种苗期生长出现根茎纤弱、怕水渍和生长缓慢的特性;而基质通过添加石灰和微量元素可显著促进索发针班克木小苗的生长,要培育壮苗必须控制育苗基质呈弱酸性至中性状态,同时苗床要干爽.  相似文献   

广东韶关市林地保护利用规划探讨   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
对韶关市林地资源保护利用现状进行分析,提出韶关市林地保护利用规划的指导思想和原则,以及林地的保护与利用规划.  相似文献   

事业有成是高校青年教师的基本要求,也是青年教师思想政治素质的集中体现。高校青年教师思想政治工作要适应其内在需求,其核心是要遵循知识分子的成长规律。新形势下,高校青年教师的思想政治工作必须超越以往的物质利益观或问题观,从有利于实现高校教师思想政治工作目标、调动青年教师积极性、实现青年教师价值、沟通融合思想、抓住热点问题入手,才能取得好的效果。引导青年教师事业有成是个体成才与高校思想政治工作相结合的最佳切入点,是高校青年教师思想政治工作最根本的动力。  相似文献   

Although much is known about drivers of productivity in Douglas-fir and red alder stands, less is known about how productivity may relate to stand transpiration and water use efficiency. We took advantage of a 15-year-old experiment involving Douglas-fir (Pseudotsuga menziesii) and red alder (Alnus rubra) in the western Cascade Range of western Oregon to test the following hypotheses: (a) more productive stands transpire more water, (b) the relationship between productivity and transpiration differs between species, and (c) the relationship between productivity and transpiration differs between sites varying in soil moisture and fertility. Furthermore, the experimental design included alder, a facultative nitrogen-fixing species, which could also affect fertility. Fixed area plots (20 × 20 m) were planted as monocultures of each species or in mixtures at a common density (1100 trees ha−1) in a randomized-block design. Transpiration of Douglas-fir and red alder was measured using heat dissipation sensors installed in eight trees per plot and scaled to the plot level based on sapwood basal area for each species. Although up to 53% of the variability in tree transpiration was explained by basal area, irrespective of species or site conditions, the two stands with the highest biomass and sapwood basal area did not transpire the most. Instead of more productive stands transpiring more water, the greatest variability in both productivity and transpiration was determined by site conditions and to a lesser degree, species composition. For example, 70% of the variation in tree biomass increment (TBI) was determined by leaf area index, which was much higher at the site with higher fertility and soil moisture (p < 0.05). Despite marked phenological and physiological differences, Douglas-fir and red alder performed similarly. Only 19% of annual water use of Douglas-fir occurred between October and March when alder was leafless. Also, there was no evidence of a fertilization effect of the nitrogen-fixing red alder on the Douglas-fir: the nitrogen concentration and N-isotopic ratio of Douglas-fir needles did not differ whether trees were grown in monoculture or in mixtures with red alder. We conclude that lower soil fertility and contrasting microclimate at one site relative to the other suppressed NPP while maintaining higher transpiration, thus reducing water use efficiency.  相似文献   

2008年冬,南岭林区遭遇特大雨雪冰冻灾害,使得该区森林生态系统遭受极大破坏。灾后及时采取了清理大量枯落物等恢复措施。研究结果表明,经过3年的恢复期后,该区林分及其生物多样均有所恢复。冰灾后形成的林窗区使得各种植物萌发,改善了林分结构,从而使森林生态系统得到修复和重建,也使生物多样性比冰灾前更为丰富。种群数和种群密度则比冰灾年增加57.13%和30.77%。因此,本研究表明,虽然冰冻灾害会对森林生态系统产生严重影响,只要恢复措施得当,灾后的生态系统或会更加优化。  相似文献   

This study analyzed the plasma lipid profile, glucose levels and fat deposits in male rats treated with aqueous extract of gross yerba mate, commercial yerba mate or water. Yerba mate treatment did not change body weight gain and lipid profile. The consumption of gross yerba mate significantly increased blood glucose (6.6 mmol/L) as compared to the water (4.8 mmol/L) and commercial group (5.2 mmol/L) and decreased epididymal and intra-abdominal deposits (10.1 mg/g and 23.7 mg/g of weight) as compared to the water (15.4 mg/g and 36.9 mg/g of weight) and commercial group (12.5 mg/g and 28 mg/g of weight). The results suggest that gross yerba mate reduces fat more efficiently but produces a greater increase in blood glucose when compared to commercial yerba mate and water groups.  相似文献   

The global ecosystem model SEIB-DGVM was adapted for an eastern Siberian larch forest through incorporation of empirical rules of allometry, allocation, and phenology developed for a larch stand at the Spasskaya-pad tower site, Yakutsk, Russia. After calibration, the model reconstructed post-fire successional patterns of forest structure and carbon cycling. It also reconstructed seasonal changes in carbon, water, and energy cycling in a mature larch forest. Sensitivity analysis showed that simulated functional properties of forest (LAI, NPP, carbon pools, and water runoff) are mainly determined by climatic environment, and population dynamic parameters (i.e., parameters for establishment and mortality) plays only minor role on them. Sensitivity analysis also showed that plant productivity and biomass were mainly limited by available water at Spasskaya-pad, where mean annual precipitation is only 257 mm. In the model, higher air temperature increases plant productivity via extension of growing season, and decreases plant productivity via causing drought and higher respiration. We found that the net effect is reduction of productivity, suggesting a possibility that global warming induces decrement of plant productivity in eastern Siberian larch forests.  相似文献   

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