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Programs are judged not only by whether they faithfully carry out the intended processing but also by whether they are understandable and easily changed. Programming systems for artificial intelligence applications use specialized languages, environments, and knowledge-based tools to reduce the complexity of the programming task. Language styles based on procedures, objects, logic, rules, and constraints reflect different models for organizing programs and facilitate program evolution and understandability. To make programming easier, multiple styles can be integrated as sublanguages in a programming environment. Programming environments provide tools that analyze programs and create informative displays of their structure. Programs can be modified by direct interaction with these displays. These tools and languages are helping computer scientists to regain a sense of control over systems that have become increasingly complex.  相似文献   

Multiprocessors built from today's microprocessors are economically attractive. Although we can use these multiprocessors for time-sharing applications, it would be preferable to use them as true parallel processors. One key to achieving efficient parallel processing is to match the communications capabilities of the multiprocessor to the communications needs of the problem. The other key is improved parallel programming systems. If these are achieved, then efficient parallel processing can be approached from both ends by providing more communications capability in the hardware and restructuring the problem to reduce the communications requirements.  相似文献   

目前我国外语教育效率极其低下,而总的教育资源又严重不足。要在总资源不足的情况下提高外语教育效率,就必须对外语教育投入效率进行研究。本文作如下阐述:调整外语教育投入结构,加大中小学阶段的投入;开放高等教育及高等教育以后阶段的外语教育,实行外语教育市场化,外语服务行业化。应实事求是地对待学习外语迫切性的问题,处理好外语教育与整体教育的关系。  相似文献   

赵起 《安徽农业科学》2007,35(1):302-303
经济体制改革使我国的市场经济得到了全面发展,随着经济的发展,竞争越来越激烈,贫富差距问题在我们国家越来越严重,如果这个问题解决不好,则有可能引起社会动荡.就怎样看待我国当前的贫富差距,以及国家应怎样制定合理的个人所得税税率进行探讨.  相似文献   

要有效破解“三农”问题,必须用科学发展观为指导,认真贯彻“统筹”原则,狠抓各项工作落实。要加快农业发展,解决“三农”基础问题;抓好农村发展和稳定两大重点,解决“三农”关键问题;提高农民素质和生活质量,解决“三农”根本问题。  相似文献   

JSP已经成为开发动态网站快速而有效的工具.随着网络技术的日益成熟,JSP技术在网络编程中也越来越重要.采用JSP作为开发工具,基于B/S模式构建了一个适合学校中层领导干部年终考核的系统.该系统能够实现在校教师的登录功能;对中层领导的测评功能;管理员具有查看全部领导测评结果的功能;根据领导姓名进行模糊查询测评结果的功能以及针对查询结果实现了分页显示的功能.  相似文献   

基于GIS的土壤资源信息系统研究与开发   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
地理信息系统是现代地理学的重要技术支撑,具有较强的数据获取、存取、处理等功能。本文简要地介绍了地理信息系统二次开发的3种方法,详细阐述了采用OLE技术实现沈阳市东陵区土壤资源信息系统的开发过程及其系统的主要功能。系统的编程语言采用Visual Basic 6.0和MapBasic,属性数据库的构建由Microsoft公司的Access工具完成。  相似文献   

计算机考试系统智能阅卷的算法   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
采用自动搜索匹配技术,自动处理错字、多字、漏字等问题,自动跳过非匹配部分,按照正酶匹配率进行评分,从而实现了对句子以字为单位按输入正确率进行智能阅卷、评分.在程序设计上机调试方面,实现了考试系统对实际编程语言环境的切换与控制,并能自动捕获其运行结果对其进行评分.这种表达式等价的判断方法,使得计算机能够对程序设计填空进行智能化阅卷.  相似文献   

单乃超 《安徽农业科学》2013,(31):12412-12413,12430
利用Shell、Fortran、Grads等高级语言构架并实现了WRF并行计算的自动化业务系统,该系统能够定时下载数据、定时运行,自动绘制数值预报产品,极大地提高了工作效率。  相似文献   

网络化河蟹养殖专家系统的设计   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
以Intranet为核心技术,以Visual InterDev,Dhtml,MSDN,IESDK,Java Script,VB Script,SQL Server 7.0,Active Server Pages动态服务器网页,以及Photoshop 5.0网络处理等软件为开发工具,以Windows NT4.0/Windows 98为服务器/客户应用软件平台,对河蟹的人工繁殖、蟹种培育、成蟹养殖、配饵投饲、蟹病防治等5个基本模块进行了系统集成,建立了一个网络化河蟹养殖专家系统。该系统属于管理及决策型专家系统,利用它可以对用户实现养殖预测、决策支持、信息咨询、技术推广等功能。  相似文献   

张瑾  曾磊  马晨欣 《长江大学学报》2004,1(4):40-41,i002
EDA技术以大规模可编程逻辑器件作为电子系统的设计载体,以硬件描述语言作为系统设计的主要表达手段,广泛应用于现代数字系统的设计与实现.结合交通灯控制系统的设计实例,讨论了基于高密度可编程逻辑器件HDPLD及其开发软件MAX PLUSⅡ的系统设计方法.  相似文献   

随着我国农业现代化建设的推进,农户对农业科技服务的需求,已经从传统的农业信息服务,逐渐转向以解决问题为目的,专业化、个性化的知识服务。基于农户的需求,针对我国当前农业科技服务存在的问题,提出了一个面向农户的问题解决型农业科技知识服务系统设计和构建方案。该系统以“知识仓库+网络服务平台”+“诊断和推送实体”为核心,通过资源整合和机制创新,加强系统各组成之间的信息流动和知识转化,将系统各组成有机地结合起来,为农户提供一个方便快捷的一站式问题解决窗口,并为我国农业科技知识服务提供了一个新的实现方案。  相似文献   

王红林 《安徽农业科学》2013,(17):7710-7711,7718
设计主要用GIS组件MapX技术,运用VB可视化开发语言为工具,以ACCESS数据库为支持建立的基础地理信息系统。系统通过乌鲁木齐市公交线路查询系统应用实例,详细讨论数据库的设计、信息查询及数据访问等功能,实现了基础地理信息系统的基本功能,如图层的控制、空间数据和属性数据的双向查询及地图的放大、缩小、漫游等。系统实现结果表明,MapX作为一个具有强大地图功能的ActiveX控件,可以灵活、高效地实现地理信息系统的应用。  相似文献   

There is ample justification for concern about adequate food supplies for future generations of mankind, but this concern should be broadened to include the immediate problem of an adequate standard of living for the world's present population. The successful solution of the immediate problems would furnish the best background of experience for meeting those that will arise in the future. First steps include the acceptance by society of responsibilities for the extension of the benefits of education throughout the world and provision for the type of scientific, economic, social, political, and religious leadership necessary to assure food for all on a continuing basis. Striking improvements in the food supply can be readily made through the application of present knowledge, if the foregoing conditions are met. The rapid pace of modern science, both pure and applied, gives promise that future benefits may be much greater than those thus far experienced. Current advances do not signal the end of a technical road but rather that the great scientific developments still lie ahead. If we have the intelligence and wisdom to recognize human responsibilities and to make constructive use of our natural and human resources, we can look forward to a better world in the future and improved standards of living for all.  相似文献   

建立了较为合理的指标体系,运用层次分析法确定了各个企业家对于各个企业的权重以及各个企业对于经济社会的权重,利用所得到的权重建立了企业家人力资源最优配置的指派模型,并证明该模型可以转化为一个线性规划问题求解,最后给出算例说明整个方法的实施过程。  相似文献   

提出了一种新颖的能量控制策略的设计方法用于并联式混合动力车.首先用SQP算法求解最大系统效率问题以实现全局优化;然后用模糊控制系统来协调发动机和电池的工作点实现局部优化.模糊系统的模糊规则建立则是汲取了SQP优化结果,从而保证全局与局部的统一.计算机仿真结果表明,运用该能量控制策略的混合动力车能达到较好的燃料经济性.  相似文献   

[目的/意义]深度伪造技术政策是技术异化治理的重要手段,通过分析美国与欧盟深度伪造政策内容,从而思考中国如何运用政策手段来对深度伪造技术异化进行治理。[方法/过程]文章选择美国与欧盟发布的21份政策文献作为研究对象,利用Nvivo12软件进行政策编码。然后以基本政策工具作为X维度,以技术异化治理维度作为Y维度,综合X&Y维度进行内容分析。[结果/结论]研究发现,美国与欧盟的深度伪造技术政策以环境型政策为主且较为关注对技术、个体和组织的治理,除此之外,也关注技术伦理的宣传与教育。据此,得出中国政府应制定深度伪造技术异化治理方案、促进政府主导的深度伪造技术创新实践、实现技术伦理与政策工具的结合、积极参与国际深度伪造技术异化治理等启示,从而建立健全中国的技术异化治理政策体系。  相似文献   

本文详细分析了农业专家系统平台的软构件流程,提出了一种面向对象方法的自适应软件总线机制规范,该规范可为构件的集成和重用提供基础。建立一个公共的构件底层框架,用分层研究、逐层嵌入的方法与应用环境进行交互,能为农业技术人员提供一个人性化、易操作的农业专家系统开发平台。  相似文献   

给出了用可视化集成开发工具Delphi6开发界面友好、易于操作、检索功能强大的植物学电子词典的技术方案和实现技术。该词典系统以陕西秦岭地区植物为主要数据源,具有丰富的查询方式和词典、检索表等专业实用电子工具功能。其开发方案对于发展农林学科信息化具有一定的推广意义。  相似文献   

If energy conservation were a goal of a federal budget policy maker, such conservation could be achieved by reinvesting the highway trust fund in any of several other alternative federal programs (except criminal justice), especially in railroad and mass transit construction and national health insurance (see Table 1). Total employment would increase in each alternative program examined. For example, if construction monies were shifted from highways to railroads, the energy required for construction would be reduced by about 62 percent and employment would increase by 3.2 percent. By comparing the dollar, energy, and employment requirements of a highway transportation system with such requirements for a railroad transportation system, we obtained detailed information from which we concluded the following: 1) Passenger transport by railroad was much less dollar and energy demanding and required more labor than car transport in 1963. If the dollar savings had been respent in an average way by consumers, the net impact would have been to reduce the energy savings and further increase employment. A similar conclusion was reached in a study of bus substitution for automobiles in urban areas (20). If the marginal substitution effects would have held over the whole range of change, and the dollar savings had been spent on the construction of railways, then about 3.0 billion gallons of gasoline could have been saved annually and 1.2 million new jobs created. 2) Freight transport by railroad was less expensive, in terms of dollar, energy, and labor requirements, than was truck transportation in 1963. If, under a national shift to rail freight, the dollar savings had been absorbed as personal consumption expenditures, a net increase of labor and energy would have ensued. If the dollar savings had been absorbed as a tax and respent on railroad and mass transit construction, about 0.3 billion more gallons of gasoline (energy equivalent) would have been consumed annually and 1.2 million jobs created, under a complete shift to rail. Had there been a full shift from intercity car and truck transportation to transportation by railroad with dollar savings spent on railway construction, 2.7 billion gallons of gasoline (energy equivalent) could have been saved and 2.4 million new jobs could have been created in 1963.  相似文献   

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