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本次调研旨在调查当前国内哺乳犊牛强化饲喂的实际效果调研以大型牧场哺乳犊牛作为对象,分析强化饲喂犊牛60日龄断奶体重及体尺指标。结果显示:在较高的饲养管理水平下,强化饲喂可以显著提高犊牛断奶时的体重及体尺等指标且不影响犊牛健康,获得显著优于传统饲喂模式下的培育效果,为实现后备奶牛13月龄达到初配条件打下坚实基础  相似文献   

1饲养 牛群按泌乳牛、干奶牛、犊牛、后备母牛、青年母牛分群舍饲,并配置相应牛舍,以满足牛群正常周转需要.舍外设运动场,运动场内设遮阳棚、干草架.成年母牛泌乳期305天,干奶期60天,产前15天进产房,产后15天出产房.犊牛出生后立即母子隔离,5天内喂初乳,15天内喂母乳,15天后喂混合常乳,犊牛2月龄断奶,哺乳初期每栏1头,单栏饲养.哺乳后期和断奶犊牛小群栏养,后备母牛群养,青年牛、干奶牛、泌乳牛在舍内用颈枷固定牛位.  相似文献   

(一)发病情况7月下旬,刘老板的奶牛养殖场的20多头奶牛陆续出现以哺乳母牛气喘、犊牛腹泻为主要特征的疾病,症状表现有轻有重,犊牛反应相对严重。刚开始发现时有2头犊牛走路不稳,转圈,待晚间给牛补喂草料时,又发现3只病牛,1  相似文献   

(一)发病情况7月下旬,刘老板的奶牛养殖场的20多头奶牛陆续出现以哺乳母牛气喘、犊牛腹泻为主要特征的疾病,症状表现有轻有重,犊牛反应相对严重。刚开始发现时有2头犊牛走路不稳,转圈,待晚间给牛补喂草料时,又发现3只病牛,  相似文献   

奶牛生产实践证明奶牛60%~70%的死亡发生 于犊牛阶段,其中犊牛酸中毒占一定比例.犊牛酸中毒又称为瘤胃酸中毒,是富含碳水化合物的精料引起的一种乳酸中毒.本病在犊牛消化道疾病中是比较常见的,发病率为10%~15%左右,死亡率可达50%.哺乳犊牛食物中的营养物质是在真胃和肠内受消化液中酶的作用消化的,犊牛真胃液中含有很多凝乳酶是真胃内消化的特点.仅以牛奶为养料的犊牛,其瘤胃没有机能活动,因此嗳出的液体中无甲烷.  相似文献   

1 发病情况 2008年7月中旬,青岛市某饲养场的奶牛陆续发生以哺乳母牛气喘、犊牛腹泻为主要特征的疾病.一个月内3头哺乳母牛、8头犊牛相继死亡.此间畜主曾用青霉素、安乃近、磺胺嘧啶、阿莫西林、虫霸、氧氟沙星等药物治疗并采取隔离、消毒等措施,但收效甚微.随后找至青岛市动物疫病预防与控制中心,确诊为霉玉米中毒,经过更换玉米及对症治疗,大部分牛的病情得到有效控制.  相似文献   

新生犊牛大肠杆菌病的诊断与防治   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
犊牛大肠杆菌病,又称犊牛白痢,是由致病性大肠杆菌引起新生犊牛的一种急性传染病。临床上主要以急性腹泻、脱水、酸中毒和败血症为特征。本病呈地方流行性或散发性,多发于冬春舍饲时期,主要危害哺乳的新生犊牛,尤以10日龄以内的犊牛最易感染。死亡率极高。目前,本病已是造成奶牛养殖业重大经济损失的疾病之一。1发病情况2005年1~3月份,张北县张北镇某奶牛养殖小区发生了新生犊牛以体温升高、严重腹泻、突然死亡等症状的疾病,发病日龄多在出生后1~3d,多数来不及用药即发生死亡,也有的犊牛用过多种药物,但治疗无效,死亡率高达85%。经防检中…  相似文献   

近年来我区的荷斯坦奶牛和奶水牛的饲养量增加较快,总数已达3万多头,每年出生饲养的良种犊牛数量很大,对犊牛主要采用人工哺乳.据了解,采用人工哺乳的犊牛成活率比自然哺乳者低5%~10%,在一定程度上影响了奶牛的饲养效益,因而有必要采取综合技术措施提高人工哺乳犊牛的成活率.以下是笔者在多年的工作中总结出的几点体会.  相似文献   

奶牛不食症是消化机能和内分泌机能紊乱所致的多种疾病的总和.虽死亡率低,但对奶牛的乳汁质量、泌乳量及哺乳犊牛的生长发育影响很大,给养殖业带来经济损失.  相似文献   

犊牛、后备牛是高产奶牛的基础,后备牛阶段的生长发育对奶牛的整个一生都至关重要.对奶牛后备牛阶段的生理特点、营养物质需要、合理的配种和分娩年龄进行了论述.  相似文献   

为揭示宁夏地区荷斯坦牛后备牛在周岁前的健康问题和淘汰情况,收集了2013—2020年宁夏地区12 个规模化牧场的后备牛出生记录、健康问题记录和淘汰记录,统计了后备牛周岁前发生的主要健康问题,重点分析了后备牛腹泻和肺炎的发生情况随后备牛月龄和自然月份的关系;此外,还分析了后备牛周岁前的淘汰情况,以及淘汰风险与后备牛月龄和自然月份的关系。宁夏地区的荷斯坦牛中,腹泻和肺炎是后备牛在周岁前最易发生的健康问题,占所有健康问题的75%。后备牛腹泻集中发生在2月龄以内的犊牛中,肺炎病例在周岁前的各生命阶段中均有分布,总体上随着后备牛月龄的增加而减少。不同自然月份中,后备牛腹泻和肺炎的发生情况存在较大差异,腹泻在1~2月发生较多,肺炎在1~6月发病较多,冬季是宁夏地区规模化牧场健康管理的重点季节。周岁前的后备牛淘汰时,其平均淘汰日龄为160.21±110.00 天;随着后备牛月龄的增加,后备牛淘汰风险逐渐降低;不同自然月份中,8~12月淘汰的后备牛较多。结果揭示了宁夏地区荷斯坦牛后备牛周岁前的健康事件和淘汰发生情况,为该地区规模化牧场的后备牛管理提供了有用信息。  相似文献   

哺乳期犊牛是奶牛生命周期的开始,也是奶牛整个生命周期中最为脆弱的阶段,其健康状况可直接影响牧场的可持续发展和经营效率。在哺乳期,犊牛可面临多种疾病的挑战,但消化道疾病和呼吸道疾病是全球奶牛养殖业面临的共性问题。本文对哺乳期犊牛健康状况、初乳管理、犊牛腹泻和呼吸道疾病的管理进行了梳理,并对其防控提出了建议。初乳管理方面分析了影响初乳质量的因素、初乳储存与处理和饲喂管理;犊牛健康管理部分叙述了产圈管理、饲养环境和饲喂方式、营养及饲喂管理、疫苗免疫、通风、疾病早期诊断、应激管理和患犊管理。  相似文献   



Bovine respiratory disease (BRD) is 1 of the 2 most important causes of morbidity and mortality in dairy calves. Surprisingly, field data are scant concerning the prevalence of respiratory pathogens involved in BRD in preweaned dairy calves, especially in small herds.


To identify the main respiratory pathogens isolated from calves in Québec dairy herds with a high incidence of BRD, and to determine if there is an association between the presence of these pathogens and clinical signs of pneumonia, lung consolidation, or average daily gain.


Cross‐sectional study using a convenience sample of 95 preweaned dairy calves from 11 dairy herds.


At enrollment, calves were weighed, clinically examined, swabbed (nasal and nasopharyngeal), and lung ultrasonography was performed. One month later, all calves were reweighed.


Twenty‐two calves had clinical BRD and 49 had ultrasonographic evidence of lung consolidation. Pasteurella multocida, Mannheimia haemolytica, and Histophilus somni were isolated in 54, 17, and 12 calves, respectively. Mycoplasma bovis was identified by PCR testing or culture in 19 calves, and 78 calves were found to be positive for Mycoplasma spp. Bovine coronavirus was detected in 38 calves and bovine respiratory syncytial virus in 1. Only the presence of M. bovis was associated with higher odds of clinical signs, lung consolidation, and lower average daily gain.

Conclusions and Clinical Importance

Results suggested that nasopharyngeal carriage of M. bovis was detrimental to health and growth of dairy calves in small herds with a high incidence of BRD.  相似文献   

为了阐明引起石河子地区某规模化奶牛场犊牛呼吸道症状的主要细菌性病原体及其生物学特性,本研究采集2~6月龄犊牛鼻拭子与肛拭子各39份,通过细菌分离培养、形态学观察、生化分析、PCR扩增16S rRNA基因和溶血酵素(khe)基因、药敏试验和小鼠致病性试验等方法对分离菌株的生物学特性进行分析。结果显示,分离菌株中有3株在MIAC平板上形成紫红色带有沉淀环的菌落(鼻拭子1株,肛拭子2株),且镜检为革兰氏阴性短杆菌,疑为肺炎克雷伯菌。全自动微生物分析系统显示,分离株与肺炎克雷伯菌相似性均为96%;PCR扩增16S rRNA基因测序结果显示,分离株与GenBank数据库中肺炎克雷伯菌核苷酸相似性在96.5%~99.8%之间,肺炎克雷伯菌特异性基因khe阳性且相似性达99%以上;药敏结果显示,分离菌株对青霉素类、头孢菌素类、一代和二代氨基糖苷类、四环素类、一代大环内酯类、磺胺类、多烯类、林可酰胺类抗菌药呈现出不同程度的耐药;对三代氨基糖苷类、二代大环内酯类、氯霉素类、多肽类、喹诺酮类抗菌药敏感,且呈现不同程度的多重耐药性;致病性试验结果表明,分离菌株均可不同程度导致小鼠死亡且以鼻拭子分离株致病性较强。本研究成功分离鉴定石河子地区规模化奶牛场引起犊牛呼吸道症状的肺炎克雷伯菌3株,并阐明分离菌的部分生物学特性,为新疆地区牛源肺炎克雷伯菌病的检测、诊断及临床治疗提供技术支撑。  相似文献   

The epidemiology, therapy, and prevention of M. bovis infections are briefly reviewed. In a survey begun in 1982, M. bovis was found frequently in the respiratory tract [corrected] of veal calves and beef cattle with respiratory problems. In replacement calves infected with respiratory disease in dairy herds, however, the organism has only been detected since 1986. Respiratory tract specimens collected from calves with respiratory disease were submitted for examination for M. bovis from 1986 to 1991 and originated from 83 herds. Mycoplasma bovis was detected in specimens from 59 of the herds, 20% of which were dairy herds and 80% fattening herds. Arthritis caused by M. bovis was observed in 12 herds until July 1991. Since 1976 when the first mastitis outbreak caused by M. bovis was diagnosed, M. bovis has caused 14 more outbreaks. The number of diseased cattle varied from 1 tot 16 per farm, and clinical signs of mastitis varied from mild to severe. In all instances the infection has been eradicated from the herds. Because M. bovis can cause great losses in intensively reared cattle herds, it is advisable to separate purchased veal calves and beef cattle from dairy cattle to prevent further spread of M. bovis.  相似文献   

Olsson, S.-O., S. Viring, U. Emanuelson and S.-O. Jacobsson: Calf diseases and mortality in Swedish dairy herds. Acta vet. Scand. 1993,34, 263-269.– A survey of the mortality and morbidity affecting calves during the first 3 months of life was carried out. Results are reported from 131 herds with altogether 5,050 calvings. These herds kept individual calf cards for all calves born. The incidences of abortions and stillborn calves were 0.6% and 3.6%, respectively. During the period 0-90 days the mortality and morbidity were 2.6% and 11.0%, respectively. The frequencies of enteritis and pneumonia in calves were 7.2% and 0.8%. Mortality and morbidity were influenced by breed, season, age of the dam and time of first colostrum. The frequencies of abortions, stillborn calves, mortality and morbidity varied considerably between herds. Herd factors influencing mortality and morbidity during different periods of time were: herd size, yield, zero-grazing, whether the calf was allowed to feed by suckling, the design of the calf pens, and previous incidence of infectious enteritis in the herd. On average, both mortality and morbidity in calves were low, though in certain herds, temporarily high frequencies were registered.  相似文献   

通过实施杂交奶水牛犊牛和后备牛早期培育,可有效缩短后备母牛饲养期,提早进行配种产犊,延长奶水牛使用年限,降低养殖成本,提高生产效益。本文介绍了犊牛早期断奶的优点、方法以及后备牛的培育目标和技术要点及关键技术措施等。  相似文献   

[目的]为了解凯里市A奶牛场牛呼吸道疫病的流行情况。[方法]本次采用酶联免疫吸附试验(ELISA)对142 份奶牛血清样品进行牛呼吸道合胞体病毒(BRSV)、牛病毒性腹泻(BVDV)、牛传染性鼻气管炎(IBRV)、牛支原体感染抗体检测。[结果]凯里市A奶牛场4 种呼吸道疾病病原普遍存在,BRSV阳性率为41.5%(59/142);BVDV阳性率为40.1%(57/142);IBRV阳性率为45.0%(64/142);支原体阳性率为33.8%(48/142)。犊牛4 种呼吸疾病单一感染率为15.1%~45.5%;BVDV感染最严重,为45.5%;成年牛单一感染率为33.8%~45.1%。此外,奶牛场存在IBRV、BRSV、BVDV、支原体多种病原体混合感染,二重感染率为18.3%~30.2%;BVDV+IBRV感染率最高,为30.2%;三重感染以BVDV+支原体+IBRV感染率最高,为19.7%;四重感染率为9.9%。[结论]凯里市A奶牛场存在4 种疫病,有不同程度的病原体感染,应加强对上述病原体的流行控制,提高奶牛场管理水平,减少奶牛场疫病发生和经济损失。  相似文献   

This investigation aimed to examine coccidia infection in diary cattle in Yuzhong,Gansu province.An investigation was carried out on the Holstein calves less than one year old in six large-scale dairy farms.A total of 234 fecal samples were examined,and oocysts were identified to the species level on the basis of morphological features after positive samples were mixed thoroughly with 2.5% potassium dichromate solution.The results showed that the prevalence rate of coccidia in Holstein calves reached 46.15%.The average prevalence rate of the calves under 3 months old was 52.43%,the 4 to 6 months old calves was 37.50% and the 7 to 12 months old calves was 43.37%.Seven species of Eimeria coccidians and one species Isospora sp.including Eimeria bovis,Eimeria auburnensis,Eimeria zuernii,Eimeria alabamensis,Eimeria subspherica,Eimeria ellipsoidalli,Eimeria canadensisi,were identified in the investigation,and Eimeria bovis,Eimeria auburnensis,Eimeria zuernii were the dominant species.In conclusion,the prevalence rate of coccidiosis in dairy cattles in Yuzhong,Gansu province was high.Therefore,appropriate strategies and measures should be taken to control coccidiosis prevalence in dairy cows in this region.  相似文献   

奶牛球虫病呈世界性分布,中国部分省市也有报道,但是甘肃省至今尚未有关于奶牛球虫病的相关调查。甘肃省榆中县是甘肃省奶牛主产区之一,为了解甘肃省榆中县奶牛球虫感染情况,对当地6个规模化奶牛养殖场1岁以内荷斯坦奶牛犊牛球虫感染情况进行了调查。试验采用显微镜下观察的方法检测了该地区的234份奶牛粪便样品,并对球虫阳性粪便进行重铬酸钾法孵化来鉴定球虫种类。结果发现,犊牛球虫总感染率达到46.15%,其中1~3月龄犊牛平均感染率为52.43%,4~6月龄犊牛平均感染率为37.50%,7~12月龄犊牛平均感染率为43.37%。经虫种鉴定,共发现7种艾美尔属球虫和1种等孢属球虫,7种艾美尔属球虫分别是牛艾美尔球虫(Eimeria bovis)、奥博艾美尔球虫(Eimeria auburnensis)、邱氏艾美尔球虫(Eimeria zuernii)、阿拉巴艾美尔球虫(Eimeria alabamensis)、亚球形艾美尔球虫(Eimeria subspherica)、椭圆艾美尔球虫(Eimeria ellipsoidalli)、加拿大艾美尔球虫(Eimeria canadensis),其中牛艾美尔球虫、奥博艾美尔球虫、邱氏艾美尔球虫为优势种。本次调查结果表明,甘肃省榆中县奶牛球虫感染情况严重,应引起相关部门重视。  相似文献   

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