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环境胁迫因子对鱼类免疫功能的影响   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
环境胁迫因子对鱼类免疫功能的影响李彦江育林(中国科学院水生生物研究所,武汉430072)与人类和其他脊椎动物一样,鱼类也是通过其免疫系统识别和消除异物,行使防御、自身稳定和免疫监督三大功能的。鱼病的发生是鱼体、病原和环境三者相互作用的结果。由于鱼类是...  相似文献   

动物免疫,狭义上讲是动物抵御(传染性)疾病的能力;广义上讲是动物机体对自身和非自身的识别,并排除非自身的大分子物质,从而保持机体内、外环境平衡的生理性反应。具体包括三方面的功能:免疫防御、自身稳定和免疫监视。1幼犬免疫机理新生幼犬通过初乳获得被动免疫。幼犬在出生时免疫系统尚未完善,是后来逐步发展起来的。LewisL曾对6周龄幼犬试验性接种牛血清白蛋白,仅有2/6幼犬产生很弱的免疫应答,表明幼犬免疫系统  相似文献   

鱼类细胞因子研究进展   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
鱼类免疫系统中存在许多细胞因子,它们行使非特异性和特异性免疫防御,在维持机体内环境的稳定方面发挥重要作用。细胞因子的研究在医学和兽医学领域已取得巨大的发展,但鱼类的细胞因子研究相对滞后。目前在鱼类中已发现多种细胞因子,并且利用分子生物学技术,已经克隆到部分细胞因子的基因。本文对鱼类的细胞因子研究进行综述,以促进水产养殖业的高效生产。  相似文献   

免疫是机体识别自身物质和排除非自身物质的一种保护性生理反应.具有维持自身稳定,防止传染和免疫监视的作用。所以说免疫系统是生命的卫士.是机体的防御系统.它包括免疫器官、免疫细胞和免疫分子。机体免疫力的高低直接影响其抗病力和生产力。目前临床上应用的免疫调节剂多为一些化学药物,有些药物残留量大,既危害人类健康,又污染环境。因此,寻找安全可靠、无药物残留、用药浓度小、  相似文献   

养猪生产最新研究进展--猪免疫系统的营养调节   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
动物自身需要有效的防御系统才能避免各种病原微生物造成的侵袭。为抵御各种疾病 ,需要机体防御系统中各组成部分协同作用。完整的防御系统包括非特异性防御系统和抗原特异性免疫系统。非特异性防御系统包括吞噬细胞、补体、溶菌酶、上皮表面的纤毛以及皮肤和粘膜形成的天然屏障。吞噬细胞的类型主要有血液中的嗜中性细胞和组织中的巨噬细胞。当异物 ,如致病微生物进入机体后 ,首先遇到吞噬细胞 ,吞噬细胞与这些异物结合 ,将其吞饮消化并破坏。抗原特异性免疫系统是指体液免疫系统或细胞介导性免疫系统。体液免疫反应包括特异性抗体合成和分…  相似文献   

鸡日粮营养水平与免疫机能   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
营养,不仅是维持家禽健康生长和良好生产力的基础,而且对于维持家禽免疫系统的正常机能也具有重要的意义。本文就近年来有关日粮营养水平与鸡免疫功能的关系作一综述。1家禽的免疫系统和应答反应在长期的进化过程中,家禽形成了一套与体内外“敌人”作斗争的防御系统,包括非特异防御系统,有外部屏障(皮肤和黏膜),内部屏障(血脑屏障、血胎屏障),体内的正常菌群和特异性免疫应答(体液免疫、细胞免疫)。家禽具备完成此防御功能的免疫器官:中枢免疫器官(骨髓、法氏囊、胸腺),外周免疫器官(脾脏、盲肠扁桃体)。当感染性或非感…  相似文献   

免疫系统是在生物种系发生和进化过程中逐渐建立和完善起来的。无脊椎动物只有非特异性的吞噬细胞的吞噬作用和炎症的反应能力。低等脊椎动物只有淋巴细胞,但其分化程度和分工仍很差。软骨鱼类已有胸腺和淋巴细胞,以及细胞免疫应答。硬骨鱼类存在有免疫器官、免疫细胞和免疫分子,它与哺乳动物一样,可通过自身的免疫系统,来识别和消除异物,行使防御、自身稳定、免疫监督三大功能。1.鱼类的免疫器官:硬骨鱼类的免疫器官包括胸腺、肾、脾。1.1胸腺位于鳃盖骨背联合处的皮下,呈一对卵圆形的薄片组织,为鳃盖粘膜所覆盖。胸腺起源于胚…  相似文献   

鱼类抗病毒非特异性免疫机制研究进展   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
鱼类抗病毒非特异性免疫系统主要包括自然杀伤细胞、单核巨噬细胞系统及干扰素,蛋白因子白介素、趋化因子、肿瘤坏死因子及干扰素诱导产生的蛋白激酶PKR、Mx蛋白、主要组织相容性蛋白、一氧化氮合成酶在鱼类抗病毒免疫中发挥重要的作用。了解病毒与鱼体之间的相互作用机理,为鱼类病毒性疾病防控奠定基础。  相似文献   

由于鱼类病害发生颇为频繁.给水产业造成灾难性的危害,所以使得鱼病防治免疫防治日趋重要。本文介绍了鱼类免疫组织和器官、免疫细胞和体液免疫因子,并分别就这3类免疫系统的组成和免疫作用机制及其调节,影响因素以及在鱼病诊断与防治中的应用做了简述。  相似文献   

家禽营养对防御体系的影响   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
免疫系统是生物体对蛋白质异物的防御体系,肝脏微粒体细胞色素P-450依赖性药物代谢酶(MCP-450)是生物体对脂溶性异物的防御体系。日粮中各种营养成分的含量对免疫系统和MCP-450免疫体系都有不同程度的影响。  相似文献   

本试验对牦牛犊的母源抗体消长情况进行了分析,并对牦牛注射同种疫苗(不同免疫间隔和次数)后产生的免疫抗体进行了检测,旨在探寻牦牛口蹄疫最佳免疫程序。结果显示:牦牛犊母源抗体水平在15日龄后逐渐降低,至60日龄降到临界值附近;成年牦牛在首次免疫后2周进行加强免疫,口蹄疫抗体滴度明显更高。因此,建议牦牛犊在60日龄进行O型口蹄疫首免,2周后再加强免疫一次。  相似文献   

免疫系统是生物体对蛋白质异物的防御体系;肝脏微粒体细胞色素P-450依赖性药物代谢酶(MCP-450)是生物体对脂溶性异物的防御体系。日粮中各种营养成分的含量对免疫系统和MCP-450免疫体系都有不同程度的影响。  相似文献   

The aim of this study was to evaluate the immune responses to intranasal and intrapulmonary vaccinations with the attenuated Mycoplasma hyopneumoniae (Mhp) 168 strain in the local respiratory tract in pigs. Twenty-four pigs were randomly divided into 4 groups: an intranasal immunization group, an intrapulmonary immunization group, an intramuscular immunization group and a control group. The levels of local respiratory tract cellular and humoral immune responses were investigated. The levels of interleukin (IL)-6 in the early stage of immunization (P<0.01), local specific secretory IgA (sIgA) in nasal swab samples (P<0.01); and IgA- and IgG-secreting cells in the nasal mucosa and trachea were higher after intranasal vaccination (P<0.01) than in the control group. Interestingly, intrapulmonary immunization induced much stronger immune responses than intranasal immunization. Intrapulmonary immunization also significantly increased the secretion of IL-6 and local specific sIgA and the numbers of IgA- and IgG-secreting cells. The levels of IL-10 and interferon-γ in the nasal swab samples and the numbers of CD4+ and CD8+ T lymphocytes in the lung and hilar lymph nodes were significantly increased by intrapulmonary immunization compared with those in the control group (P<0.01). These data suggest that intrapulmonary immunization with attenuated Mhp is effective in evoking local cellular and humoral immune responses in the respiratory tract. Intrapulmonary immunization with Mhp may be a promising route for defense against Mhp in pigs.  相似文献   

The epidermis of the skin is both a sensitive immune organ and a practical target site for vaccine administration. However, administration of vaccines into the epidermis is difficult to achieve using conventional vaccine delivery methods employing a needle and syringe. A needle-free vaccine delivery system has been developed that efficiently delivers powdered or particulate DNA and protein vaccines into the epidermal tissue. The delivery system can be used to directly transfect antigen presenting cells (APCs) by formulating DNA or protein vaccines onto gold particles (particle-mediated immunization). Antigen can be directly presented to the immune system by the transfected APCs. Antigen can also be expressed and secreted by transfected keratinocytes and picked up by resident APCs through the exogenous antigen presentation pathway. Alternatively, protein antigens can be formulated into a powder and delivered into the extracellular environment where they are picked up by APCs (epidermal powder immunization). Using any of these formulations, epidermal immunization offers the advantage of efficiently delivering vaccines into the APC-rich epidermis. Recent studies demonstrate that epidermal vaccine delivery induces humoral, cellular, and protective immune responses against infectious diseases in both laboratory animals and man.  相似文献   

为满足规模化养猪场制定免疫及消毒计划的效率与时效性越来越高的需求,以山黑猪种猪场繁殖数据网络平台为基础,结合山黑猪种猪及商品猪的免疫及消毒计划,提出了猪免疫与消毒计划制定的数据管理规范,并以.Net 2005为开发语言,以SQL Server 2005为网络数据库,研制了山黑猪种猪场的智能化免疫与消毒动态提醒的分析与统计系统。系统运行结果表明,构建的分析系统实现了对不同性质猪、不同免疫种类的动态免疫提醒,以及针对不同猪舍为单位的消毒计划提醒,提高了免疫实施精细化方案制定的效率及综合统计能力,有助于人力的安排、药品的配给。此外,只要改变猪群具体的免疫计划与消毒计划,系统也可移植应用于其他猪场。研究进一步指出,免疫与消毒计划的及时、有针对性的调整,猪个体信息的动态与完整,是保证系统分析与制定免疫及消毒具体行动计划时效性的前提。  相似文献   

Immunological differences between layer- and broiler-type chickens   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
In commercial poultry husbandry, alternatives for the use of antibiotics and vaccines are under investigation, which preferably have to be applicable for both layer- and broiler-type chickens. There are indications that the defense mechanisms vary between layer- and broiler-type chickens. Therefore, the difference in immune response between layer- and broiler-type chickens of the same age was investigated, using TNP-KLH (trinitrophenyl-conjugated keyhole limpet hemocyanin) as antigen without adjuvant. First different routes of immunization (intravenously, intramuscular, subcutaneous and ocular) were examined to find out which immunization route gives the highest antibody titers. The intravenous immunization route resulted in higher TNP-specific antibody responses than the other immunization routes tested and therefore this immunization route was used in both following experiments. In order to investigate the optimal dose of antigen needed for immunization, a dose-response curve in broiler- and layer-type chickens was completed. The humoral immune response was measured in serum by a TNP-specific ELISA and the in vitro cellular immune response by an antigen-specific lymphocyte proliferation assay.The antibody response of layer- and broiler-type chickens appeared to differ, not only in optimal dose and response, but also in kinetics of the response itself. Broiler chickens generated higher IgM anti-TNP titers whereas layer-type chickens generated higher IgG anti-TNP titers. This specific antibody response in broiler-type chickens did not last as long as in layer-type chickens. The TNP-specific cellular immune response was detectable in layer-type chickens, but not in broilers. Both types generate a non-specific cellular immune response, although this response in broilers is lower than in layer-type chickens.From these results, we conclude that broilers primarily respond to TNP-KLH with a high IgM antibody response whereas layer-type chickens respond with a high IgG response. In addition, the cellular response of layer-type chickens is much higher than the response of broilers. The results suggest that broilers are specialized in the production of a strong short-term humoral response and layer-type chickens in a long-term humoral response in combination with a strong cellular response, which is in conformity with their life expectancy.  相似文献   

为探讨一种适合四川某猪场的猪口蹄疫免疫程序,笔者根据猪场的实际情况对原有免疫程序进行了调整,然后采集调整前和调整后不同日龄的猪血清,用ELISA和IHA进行抗体检测。结果显示:调整前3日龄、25日龄、50日龄、90日龄和120日龄猪的ELISA抗体阳性率分别为50%、30%、40%、50%、55%,IHA抗体阳性率分别为70%、54.54%、66.67%、70%和85%;调整后ELISA抗体阳性率分别为90%、35%、45.45%、61.11%和50%,IHA抗体阳性率分别为82.98%、83.33%、92.86%、95%和95%。可见调整后的免疫效果明显优于调整前,调整后的免疫程序为:25日龄首免,50日龄二免,90日龄三免,以后每3个月免疫一次。  相似文献   

动物核酸疫苗的研究现状及发展前景   总被引:2,自引:2,他引:0  
王凯 《中国畜牧兽医》2010,37(8):186-188
核酸疫苗是近年来备受人们关注的一种新型疫苗。核酸疫苗以其特有的可诱导机体产生全面的免疫应答,对不同亚型的病原体具有交叉防御作用,以及安全、可靠、生产方便等优点被称之为“疫苗的第三次革命”。核酸疫苗由编码能引起保护性免疫反应的病原体抗原的基因片段和载体构建而成,包括DNA疫苗和RNA疫苗,目前研究较多的是DNA疫苗。DNA疫苗是指含有编码抗原基因的真核表达质粒DNA,经直接接种体内后,可被体细胞摄取,并转录、翻译、表达出相应的抗原,然后通过不同途径刺激机体产生针对此种抗原的应答。作者简单介绍了动物核酸疫苗的特点、免疫机制、免疫影响因素及在畜禽传染病中的应用,此外还分析了核酸疫苗的发展前景等问题,从而为核酸疫苗的发展提供了新思路和新途径。  相似文献   

Interactions between the neural and immune systems exist through humoral factors operating via the hypothalamic-pituitary-adrenal axis and cytokines acting over a relatively long distance. Anatomical evidence also suggests direct, hard-wired pathways of interaction and control through innervation of lymphoid organs and peripheral sites involved in host defense, including the thymus, spleen, lymph nodes, and skin. Recent evidence has demonstrated: 1) neural control of the bone marrow haemopoietic system, 2) interactions between peripheral nerve endings in the skin and epidermal Langerhans cells, and 3) peripheralization of leukocytes in the initial stages of stress. This leads us to propose that the nervous system is involved in host monitoring and coordination of host defense systems. If the brain is to have appropriate control of host defense mechanisms it must have: (a) afferent inputs monitoring host defense status, (b) efferent control pathways that modulate primary reactions to infection and damage, (c) efferent activation pathways to the myeloid defense system while the specific, lymphoid immune system is activated, and (d) inhibition of the proliferative lymphocytic response if the infection has been dealt with. We are investigating whether such a model, which allows for control and coordination of both the initial myeloid defense system and of the acquired immune response, is observed in mammals.  相似文献   

为了更好地预防和控制猪瘟,找出适合四川某猪场的猪瘟免疫程序,笔者根据实际情况对免疫程序进行了调整。然后用ELISA和IHA法对免疫程序调整前后的不同日龄猪血清进行了抗体检测,结果显示:调整前用ELISA法检测到3日龄、25日龄、50日龄、90日龄和120日龄猪只的猪瘟抗体阳性率分别为80%、54.54%、77.78%、80%和95%,用IHA法测得的阳性率分别为100%、63.64%、77.78%、90%和95%;调整后用ELISA法测得的猪瘟抗体阳性率分别为100%、80%、77.27%、77.78%和95%,用正向IHA法测得的抗体阳性率分别为97.73%、94.44%、96.15%、100%和100%。调整前用ELISA和IHA测得的平均阳性率为77.46%、85.28%,调整后则变为86.01%、97.66%,虽然均符合农业部颁布的猪群猪瘟抗体阳性率应不低于70%的标准,但免疫程序调整后的抗体阳性率明显高于调整前,可见调整后的免疫程序更适合于该猪场。  相似文献   

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